@Misc{Banon:1998:UnReDi, author = "Banon, Gerald J. F.", title = "Uniform repositories for a digital library -- URLib", howpublished = "deposited in the URLib collection", year = "1998", note = "An earlier version of this work has been presented at the VI Semin\'ario sobre Automa\c{c}\~ao em Bibliotecas e Centros de Documenta\c{c}\~ao, September 9--10, 1997, \'Agua de Lind\'oia, SP, Brazil.", keywords = "digital library, electronic library, electronic document, bibliografic reference, relative link, absolute link, robust link, library collection", abstract = "This document introduces to URLib and points you to its main features. It shows you how to do the most common tasks.", entrytype = "Misc", targetfile = "tag.html", size = "152 Kbytes", version = "original", repository = "dpi.inpe.br/banon/1997/" }