Linking to a document ld 2
2. The link is pointing to a repository (not necessarily in the same local collection of the document that contains the link).
For example, a link in a file doc/myfile is pointing to the repository anywhere over the net.
In this case, the link should be written:
If you want to skip the cover (see page ad 4) at the link activation time, to should use goto-/ instead of goto/ in the above expression
This second implementation makes use of a special CGI script called goto that automatically recognizes the target file. If the repository/document has more than one version distributed over the net, then the latest version is displayed.
If myfile were in doc/dir/myfile, the link would be written:
> There is only one version of a document in one local collection.
If you need to see all the current versions of a document you can click the word sites in the cover (see page ad 4), then you will get for each version the list of the local collections (URLib web sites) that contain it.
For example, at the time we were writing this page, clicking sites in the cover of this document resulted in the following message:
Each document version (in brown) is followed by the URLib web site(s) (in blue) that contain(s) it. By clicking the site you get the document in the corresponding version.