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Last update: 2024, Sep 24, 07:16.
Total number of entries: 5629.

Seminario realizado para Secretaria de Educacao do Estado do Para
espciais, I. P.

Characteristics of nocturnal ionospheric zonal plasma drift velocities determinationed from OI 630.0 nm and 777.4 nm all-sky imaging observations
Abade, J. R.; Pimenta, A. A.; Fagundes, P. R.; Sahai, Y.; Bittencourt, J. A.

Nonlinear generation of type III solar radio bursts by the hybrid modulational instability
Abalde, J. R.; Alves, M. V.; Chian, A. C. L.

Generation of circularly polarized raio waves within magnetic holes of the solar wind
Abalde, J. R.; Borotto, F. A.; Chian, A. C.-L.

Hidrodinamica e transferencia de calor de fluidos em tubos internamente aletados
Abdalla, V. R.

Interferência entre chamas de difusão de jatos paralelos, divergentes e convergentes
Abdalla, V. R.

On the possible relationship between substom electron drift and cosmic noise absorption on the morning side of the auroral zone
Abdu, M. A.

Ionospheric Research at INPE
Abdu, M. A.

The International Equatorial Electrojet Year
Abdu, M. A.

Satellite investigations of disturbed equatorial ionosphere-thermosphere system. Space in pursuit of new horizons. (Invited Review)
Abdu, M. A.

Equatorial ionosphere-thermosphere system (EITS): an overview of recent results
Abdu, M. A.

Equatorial spread F and ionosphere-thermosphere system: a review
Abdu, M. A.

Book review on low latitude ionospheric physics
Abdu, M. A.

Major phenomena of the equatorial ionosphere-thermosphere system under disturbed conditions
Abdu, M. A.

Coupling and energetics of the equatorial ionosphere-thermosphere system: advances during the STEP period
Abdu, M. A.

Outstanding problems in the equatorial ionosphere-thermosphere electrodynamics relevant to spread F
Abdu, M. A.

On the electron production in the upper D-Region at VLF sunrise and the ozone screening layer
Abdu, M. A.; Ananthakrishaman, S.

Cosmic ray ionization on the D region at surise: evidence from VLF phase measurements
Abdu, M. A.; Ananthakrishnan, S.; Ananthakrishnan, B.; Massambani, O.

Azimuthal Drift and Precipitation of Electrons into the South Atlantic Geomagnetic Anomaly during an SC Magnetic Storm
Abdu, M. A.; Ananthakrishnan, S.; Coutinho, E. F.

The role played by ozone the lower D-region electron density variations in winter
Abdu, M. A.; Andreji, P. D.

Equatorial spread F variability and for casting studies in Brazil
Abdu, M. A.; Batista, I. S.; Sobral, J. H. A.; Paula, E. R.; Muralokrishna, P.; Souza, J. R.

Aumentos na camada e esporadica associados com tempestades magneticas na anomalia magnetica brasileira
Abdu, M. A.; Batista, I. S.

Sporadic E-layer phenomena in the brazilian geomagnetic anomaly: evidence for a regular particle ionization source
Abdu, M. A.; Batista, I. S.

Nitric oxide height distribution in the lower ionosphere from rocket ion composition results over a southern temperate latitude station
Abdu, M. A.; Batista, I. S.

Determination of nitric oxide height distribution from rocket ion composition results at low latitudeS
Abdu, M. A.; Batista, I. S.

Space science education and training in Brazil
Abdu, M. A.; Batista, I. S.

Some characteristics of spread F at magnetic equatorial station Fortaleza
Abdu, M. A.; Batista, I. S.; Bittencourt, J. A.

Long term changes in the sporadic E-layer phenomena over Fortaleza, Brazil
Abdu, M. A.; Batista, I. S.; Muralikrishna, P.; Sobral, J. H. A.

Long term trends in sporadic E layers and electric fields over Fortaleza, Brazil
Abdu, M. A.; Batista, I. S.; Muralikrishna, P.; Sobral, J. H. A.

Aumento da precipitacao de particulas na regiao da anomalia magnetica brasileira, associado a tempestades magneticas atraves de medidas de fase em vlf. 17p
Abdu, M. A.; Batista, I. S.; Piazza, L. R.; Massambani, O.

Particle ionization in the lower ionosphere over the South Atlantic geomagnetic anomaly from rocket results during the total eclipse of Novembe, 1966
Abdu, M. A.; Batista, I. S.; Sobral, J. H. A.

Ion production rates due to particle precipitation in the lower ionosphere, over the South Atlantic anomaly, from rocket ion composition results during a total solar eclipse
Abdu, M. A.; Batista, I. S.; Sobral, J. H. A.

Variacao da ocorrencia da camada F espalhada com o ciclo solar em Fortaleza e Cachoeira Paulista
Abdu, M. A.; Batista, I. S.; Sobral, J. H. A.

A new aspect of magnetic declination control of equatorial spread F and F region dynamo
Abdu, M. A.; Batista, I. S.; Sobral, J. H. A.

An overview of IRI-observational data comparison in American (Brazilian) sector low latitude ionosphere
Abdu, M. A.; Batista, I. S.; Souza, J. R.

Permanent changes in sporadic E layers over Fortaleza, Brazil
Abdu, M. A.; Batista, I. S.; Macdougall, J.; Sobral, J. H. A.; Muralikrishna, P.

Observacoes de bolhas de plasma e de sua deriva zonal usando polarimetros
Abdu, M. A.; Batista, I. S.; Paula, E. R.; Sobral, J. H. A.; Kantor, I. J.

Equatorial ionospheric plasma bubble irregularity occurrence and zonal velocities under quiet and disturbed conditions, from polarimeter observations
Abdu, M. A.; Batista, I. S.; Sobral, J. H. A.; Paula, E. R.; Kantor, I. J.

Equatorial ionospheric electric fields during magnetospheric disturbances: local time/longitude dependences from recent EITS campaigns
Abdu, M. A.; Batista, I. S.; Walker, G. O.; Sobral, J. H. A.; Trivedi, N. B.; Paula, E. R.

Magnetic declination control of the equatorial F region dynamo electric field development and spread F
Abdu, M. A.; Bittencourt, J. A.; Batista, I. S.

Diferenças longitudinais nas características da camada F dispersa, na longitude do continente americano, e suas implicações no mecanismo dínamo da região F
Abdu, M. A.; Bittencourt, J. A.; Batista, I. S.

Longitudinal differences in the spread F characteristics
Abdu, M. A.; Bittencourt, J. A.; Batista, I. S.

Nightime enhacements in the tec, and magnetic storm response, of the tropical f-region over brazil - 09p
Abdu, M. A.; Bittencourt, J. A.; Paula, E. R.

Abdu, M. A.; Cole, K. D.; Sastri, J. H.

Deduction of electron temperature from F-region component of absorption of cosmic radio noise
Abdu, M. A.; Degaonkar, S. S.

Attenuation of galatic noise at 25 Mhz and 21.3 Mhz in the ionosphere over Ahmedabad during 1957-1964
Abdu, M. A.; Degaonkar, S. S.; Ramanathan, K. R.

Equatorial electrojet irregularities investigations using a 50 MHz back-scatter radar and a digisonde at São Luís: some initial results
Abdu, M. A.; Denardini, C. M.; Sobral, J. H. A.; Batista, I. S.; Muralikrishna, P.; Paula, E. R.

Equatorial ionosphere sunset electrodynamics in the American sector from SUNDIAL December 1988 Campaign results
Abdu, M. A.; Fejer, B. G.; Batista, I. S.; Sobral, J. H. A.; Szuszczewicz, E. P.

Presunrise spread F at Fortaleza
Abdu, M. A.; Jayachandran, P.; Cecile, J.; Batista, I. S.; MacDougall, J. W.

Equatorial Fregion zonal plasma irregularity drifts under magnetospheric disturbances
Abdu, M. A.; Jayachandran, P. T.; MacDougall, J.; Cecile, J. F.; Sobral, J. H. A.

East-west propagating disturbances in tec observed over low latitude from satellite beacon monitoring by faraday rotation polarimeters
Abdu, M. A.; Kantor, I. J.; Batista, I. S.; Paula, E. R.

East-west plasma bubble irregularity motion determined from spaced VHF polarimeters: Implications on velocity shear in the zonal F region bulk plasma motion
Abdu, M. A.; Kantor, I. J.; Batista, I. S.; Paula, E. R.

Ionospheric F-region response to geomagnetic storms, over brazilian low latitude
Abdu, M. A.; Kantor, I. J.; Paula, E. R.; Giese, A. C.

Satellite beacon diagnostic of equatorial ionospheric irregularities produced by ionospheric modification experiments in Brazil (BIME)
Abdu, M. A.; Klobuchar, J. A.; Sobral, J. H. A.; Batista, I. S.

Vertical ionization drift velocities and range type spread f in the evening equatorial ionosphere
Abdu, M. A.; Medeiros, R. T.; Bittencourt, J. A.; Batista, I. S.

Equatorial spread F instability conditions as determined from ionograms
Abdu, M. A.; Medeiros, R. T.; Sobral, J. H. A.

Spread F plasma bubble vertical rise velocities determined from spaced ionosonde observations
Abdu, M. A.; Mediros, R. T.; Sobral, J. H. A.; Bittencourt, J. A.

On the rocket-induced wave disturbances in the daytime,equatorial ionosphere
Abdu, M. A.; Muralikrishna, P.; Batista, I. S.; Chaves, A. H. P.

Rocket observation of equatorial plasma bubbles over Natal, Brazil, using a high-frequency capacitance probe
Abdu, M. A.; Muralikrishna, P.; Batista, I. S.; Sobral, J. H. A.

Sensor capacitivo em alta frequencia com o foguete Sonda III para medir in loco os parametros de plasma ionosferico
Abdu, M. A.; Muralikrishna, P.; Domingos, S.

Rocket-borne measurements of equatorial ionospheric electron densities and their comparison with IRI-10 predictions
Abdu, M. A.; Muralikrishna, P.; Paula, E. R.; Kantor, I. J.

Studies of tropical ionospheric f-region plasma motions using spaced VHF polarimeters
Abdu, M. A.; Nakamura, Y.; Sobral, J. H. A.; Batista, I. S.; Paula, E. R.; Kantor, I. J.

Dependence of equatorial F-region plasma bubble rise velocity and dynamo electric field on solar cycle
Abdu, M. A.; Nelson, O. R.; Batista, I. S.; Sobral, J. H. A.

Night time ionization by charged particle precipitation in Brazilian geomagnetic anomaly
Abdu, M. A.; Rai, D. B.

Gravity waves in low latitude F region
Abdu, M. A.; Rai, D. B.

Processes in the quiet and disturbed equatorial-low latitude ionosphere: SUNDIAL campaign 1984
Abdu, M. A.; Reddy, B. M.; Walker, G. O.; Hanbaba, R.; Sobral, J. H. A.; Feijer, B. G.; Woodman, R. F.; Schunk, R. W.; Szuszcewicz, E. P.

DP2 electric field fluctuation in the dusk-time dip equatorial ionosphere
Abdu, M. A.; Sastri, J. H.; Luhr, H.; Tachihara, H.; Trivedi, N. B.; Andrade, S. J. H.; Kitamura, T.

Equatorial distribance dynamo electric field longitudinal structure and spreas F: a case study from GUARA/EITS campaigns
Abdu, M. A.; Sastri, J. H.; MacDougall, J.; Batista, I. S.; Sobral, J. H. A.

Vapour cloud induced plasma bubble irregularity growth and dynamics in the equatorial ionosphere
Abdu, M. A.; Sobral, J. H. A.; Haerendel, G.; Valenzuela, A.; Buchau; Reinisch, J.; W., B.; Johnson, A. L.

Equatorial spread-F occurence statistics in the American longitudes: diurnal, seasonal and solar cycle variation
Abdu, M. A.; Sobral, J. H. A.; Batista, I. S.; Rios, V. H.; Medina, C.

Ionospheric effects observed during the bime campaign over fernando de noronha and fortaleza
Abdu, M. A.; Sobral, J. H. A.; Kantor, I. J.; Ramirez, R.; Alves, P. R. G.

The brazilian efforts on the investigation of ionospheric irregularity effects on sir-b image processing in the information extraction
Abdu, M. A.; Sobral, J. H. A.

Comment on "Modeling the Ion Chemistry of the D Region: A Case Study Based Upon the 1966 Total Solar Eclipse" by Sears et al
Abdu, M. A.; Sobral, J. H. A.; Batista, I. S.

Equatorial spread F statistics in the American longitudes: some problems relevant to ESF description in IRI scheme
Abdu, M. A.; Sobral, J. H. A.; Batista, I. S.

On the low latitude scanning photometer signatures of the equatorial ionosphere plasma bubbles
Abdu, M. A.; Sobral, J. H. A.; Nakamura, Y.

On the low latitude scanning photometer signatures of equatorial ionospphere plasma bubbles
Abdu, M. A.; Sobral, J. H. A.; Nakamura, Y.

Equatorial plasma bubble zonal velocity height gradient from spaced VHF polarimeter and scanning 630 Nm measurementsE
Abdu, M. A.; Sobral, J. H. A.; Nakamura, Y.; Zamlutti, C. J.

Solar cycle related range type spread-F occurrence characteristics over equatorial and low latitude stations in Brazil
Abdu, M. A.; Sobral, J. H. A.; Nelson, O. R.; Batista, I. S.

Magnetospheric disturbance effects on the Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA): an overview
Abdu, M. A.; Sobral, J. H. A.; Paula, E. R.; Batista, I. S.

Equatorial spread F statistics and empirical representation for IRI: a regional model for the brazilian longitude sector
Abdu, M. A.; Souza, J. R.; Batista, I. S.; Sobral, J. H. A.

Zonal/meridional wind and disturbance dynamo electric field control of the low-latitude ionosphere based on the SUNDIAL/ATLAS 1 Campaign
Abdu, M. A.; Sobral, J. H. A.; Richards, P.; Gonzalez, M. M.; Huang, Y. N.; Reddy, B. M.; Cheng, K.; Szuszczewicz, E. P.; Batista, I. S.; 26729-26740

Radio wave tracing of growth and motion of irregularities initiated by the coloured bubble experiments
Abdu, M. A.; Valenzuela, A.; Buchau, J.

Studies of radio wave - absorption features at a subauroral latitude
Abdu, M. A.; Vogan, E. L.

Measurements of ionospheric absorption using radio reflections from meteors
Abdu, M. A.; Vogan, E. L.; Forsyth, P. A.

Global scale equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) response to magnetospheric disturbances based on the May-June 1987 SUNDIAL-coordinated observations
Abdu, M. A.; Walker, G. O.; Reddy, B. M.; Paula, E. R.; Sobral, J. H. A.; Fejer, B. G.; Szuszczewicz, E. P.

Electric field versus neutral wind control of the equatorial anomaly under quiet and disturbed condition: a global perspective from SUNDIAL 86
Abdu, M. A.; Walker, G. O.; Reddy, B. M.; Sobral, J. H. A.; Fejer, B. G.; Kikuchi, T.; Trivedi, N. B.; Szuszczewicz, E. P.

Short term variability of radiosources
Abraham, Z.; kaufmann, P.; Botti, L. C. L.

The giant outburst of the 8 km s-1 water maser feature in orion
Abraham, Z.; Cohen, N. L.; Opher, R.; Rafaelli, J. C.; Zisk, S. H.

Tecnicas de imageamento e sensoriamento remoto de objetos astrofisicos em micro-ondas milimetricas
Abraham, Z.; Costa, J. E. R.; Kaufmann, P.

Evidence for quiescent periods in short term variable radiosources
Abraham, Z.; Kaufmann, P.; Botti, L. C. L.

22- and 44-GHz continuum observations of extragalactic radio sources
Abraham, Z.; Medeiros, J. R.; Kaufmann, P.

Radioastronomical observations of comets iras-araki-alcock (1983d)and sugano-saigusa-fujikawa (1983e)- 17p
Abraham, Z.; Scalise Jr., E.

The time behaviour of the 8 km/s water maser source in orion - 16p
Abraham, Z.; Vilas Boas, J. W. S.; Ciampo, L. F. D.

The october 1983 recurrence of the outburst of the orion water source and its past history
Abraham, Z.; Vilas Boas, J. W. S.; Del Ciampo, L. F.; Cancoro, A. C. O.

Estudo dinamico do efeito beta sobre o escoamento de baixos niveis ao longo da Costa Oeste da America do Sul, submetida a contraste de temperatura a superficie
Abreu, M. L.; Bannon, P. R.

Direções preferenciais de fluxo - um metodo geometrico para analise preliminar de desejo
Abreu, A. M. C.; Fernandes, E.; Farias, F. F.

Electron content measurements at a low latitude station
Abreu Neto, A. L.

Efeitos do El Nino 1991/1992 na variacao das medias climatologicas de inverno no campo de temperatura na regiao Sudeste do Brasil
Abreu, M. L.; Rocha, A. M. G. C.; Brito, J. I. B.

Ante-projeto de túnel aerodinâmico de baixa densidade
Abrão, R. B.

Projeto de filtro de partículas e de filtro de umidade para linha de hidrazina
Abrão, R. B.

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