URLib Local Collection Index
at sid.inpe.br/banon/2001/

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Last update: 2024, Oct 28, 10:43.
Total number of entries: 5629.

Design of back-scatter radar system at Thumba
Jain, C. L.; Janardhanan, K. V.; Muralikrishna, P.

A coherent vhf backscatter radar for inpe
Janardhanan, K. V.

A meteor radar facility for inpe
Janardhanan, K. V.

Radiação solar total dentro e fora de floresta tropical umida de terra firme (Tucurui, Para)
Januário, M.; Yelisetty, V.; Senna, R. C.

Introducao aos processos de interacao onda-particula e particula-particula
Jardim, J. O. D.

Linhas gama nucleares produzidas em supernovas e possibilidade de deteccao
Jardim, J. O. D.

On the origin of the elements - a brief review
Jardim, J. O. D.

Nuclear gamma ray lives from supernovae
Jardim, J. O. D.

Medidas de restos de detonações nucleares na atmosfera do Hemisfério sul com detectores Ge(Li)
Jardim, J. C. D.

Measurements of the 0.511 MeV gamma-ray line from the galactic center
Jardim, J. O. D.; Benson, J. L.; Jardim, M. V. A.; Martin, I. M.

Mare lunar geomagnetica diaria na regiao de vassouras (22.,24's,43.,391w)
Jardim, J. O. D.; Espirito Santo, C. M.; Trivedi, N. B.

Medidas da raia de aniquilacao eletron-positron em 511 kev emitida pelo centro galatico
Jardim, J. O. D.; Jardim, V. A.; Benson, J. L.; Martin, I. M.

Observações de fontes de raios gama extraterrestres com um telescópio de alta resolução angular
Jardim, J. O. D.; Kondapalli, R. R.; Aguiar, O. D.; Martin, I. M.

Medida da emissao continua em raios gama de baixa energia na direcao do centro galatico. 12p
Jardim, M. V. A.; Martin, I. M.; Jardim, J. O. D.

Deteccao da linha gama nuclear em 6,13 mev do 016 de origem atmosferica e cosmica
Jardim, J. O. D.; Villela Neto, T.

Luminosity coefficients of meteors
Jayanthi, U. B.

X and gamma ray background observations in Antartica
Jayanthi, U. B.

X and gamma ray background observations in Antarctic
Jayanthi, U. B.

Physical implementation of an antimask in URA based coded mask systems
Jayanthi, U. B.; Braga, J.

Final Report of The Subproject "Stratospheric Balloon Experiments" to Cirm
Jayanthi, U. B.; Braga, J.; Pritsopoulo, C. D.; Blanco, F. S.

Measurements of Atmospheric x and Gamma Rays-Balloon Experiments at Subantarctic Region
Jayanthi, U. B.; Correa, R. V.; Gonzalez-B., F.

Spectral observations of atmospheric gamma-ray background
Jayanthi, U. B.; Gonzalez-B., F.; Aguiar, O. D.; Benson, J. L.; Martin, I. M.; Kondapalli, R. R.

A neutron activation technique for the analysis of cryolite in core samples
Jayanthi, U. B.; Gonçalez, O. L.; Figueiredo, A. M. G.; Rigolon, L. S. Y.; Jayanthi, K. A.

Excess of positions over eletrons in the Eath's environment
Jayanthi, U. B.; Gusev, A. A.

Low-energy gamma rays from pulsar gx 1+4 balloon results
Jayanthi, U. B.; Jablonski, F. J.; Braga, J.

Gamma-rays above 184 kev from 4U1820-30 associated with 685 second period
Jayanthi, U. B.; Jablonski, F. J.; Steiner, J. E.

Observations of galactic center for annihilation line at 0.511 MeV
Jayanthi, U. B.; Martin, I. M.; Braga, J.; Neri, J. Â. C. F.; Jardim, M. V. A.; Kondapalli, R. R.

Cosmic diffuse gama rays balloom observations at equatorial latitude
Jayanthi, U. B.; Martin, I. M.; Kondapalli, R. R.; Jardim, J. O. D.

X-ray observations in the SAA-pulsations in electron precipitation accompanied by Pc4 events
Jayanthi, U. B.; Pereira, M. G.; Trivedi, N. B.; Lazutin, L.

Balloon borne gamma ray telescope for observations of SN 1987A
Jayanthi, U. B.; Villela Neto, T.; Neri, J. A. C. F.; Wuensche, C. A.; Figueiredo, N.; Fernandes, J. O.; Correa, R. V.; Santos, E. R.; Silva, E. R.; Alves, A. M. R.

The formation of an additional layer in the equatorial topside ionosphere
Jenkins, B.; Bailey, G. J.; Abdu, M. A.; Batista, I. S.; Balan, N.

Monte-carlo analysis of nonimpulsive orbital transfer under thrust errors, 3
Jesus, A. D. C.; Prado, A. F. B. A.; Souza, M. L. O.

Monte-Carlo Analysis of Nonimpulsive Orbital Transfers Under Thrust Errors, 1 -
Jesus, A. D. C.; Souza, M. L. O.; Prado, A. F. B. A.

Mante-Carlos analysis of nonimpulsive orbital transfer under thrust erros, 2
Jesus, A. D. C.; Souza, M. L. O.; Prado, A. F. B. A.

Study of the effects of thrust vector erroRs on nonimpulsive orbital transfers
Jesus, A. D. C.; Souza, M. L. O.; Prado, A. F. B. A.

Study of the effects of thrust vector erroRs on nonimpulsive orbital transfers
Jesus, A. D. C.; Souza, M. L. O.; Prado, A. F. B. A.

A comparison of direct and hybrid solutions to the problem of orbital maneuvers of an artificial satellite
Jesus, A. D. C.; Souza, M. L. O.; Prado, A. F. B. A.

Monte-Carlos analysis of nonimpulsive orbital transfer under thrust errors, 2
Jesus, A. D. C.; Souza, M. L. O.; Prado, A. F. B. A.

Statistical analysis of nonimpulsive orbital transfers under thrust errors, 1
Jesus, A. D. C.; Souza, M. L. O.; Prado, A. F. B. A.

A survey on the problem of orbital maneuvers for an artificial satellite
Jesus, A. D. C.; Souza, M. L. O.; Prado, A. F. B. A.

Métodos de redução e processamento de dados de foguetes de sondagem
Jino, M.; Kyukawa, M.

O perfil de temperatura na região da mesopausa em São José dos Campos (23 graus S, 46 graus O) obtido com radar de laser
Jorge, M. P. P. M.

O Perfil de temperatura na região da mesopausa em São José dos Campos obtidos com radar de laser
Jorge, M. P. P. M.; Clemesha, B. R.; Batista, P. P.; Simonich, D. M.

O perfil de temperatura na região da mesopausa em São José dos Campos (23ø S, 46ø O) obtido com radar de laser
Jorge, M. P. M.; Clemesha, B. R.; Batista, P. P.; Simonich, D. M.

O Perfil de temperatura na região da mesopausa em São José dos Campos obtidos com radar de laser
Jorge, M. P. P. M.; Clemesha, B. R.; Batista, P. P.; Simonich, D. M.

Relacoes entre temperatura da agua do mar e divergencia ao nivel do mar no atlantico tropical e precipitacao nas regioes Amazonica e Nordeste do Brasil
Kagano, M. T.

O El Nino de 1982-83 e a precipitacao sobre a America do Sul
Kagano, M. T.; Moura, A. D.

Um estudo numerico dos modos verticais de um modelo de equacoes primitivas
Kagano, M. T.; Silva Dias, P. L.; Pereira, C. S.

Ultraviolet lines from emission line giants
Kalvala, R. R.

Diameters of a type stars based on ultraviolet observations
Kalvala, R. R.; Espirito Santo, C. M.

"Current understanding of magnetic storms: Storm-substorm relationships," by Y. Kamide et al. Reply
Kamide, Y.; Baumjohann, W.; Daglis, I. A.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, W. D.; Grande, M.; Joselyn, J. A.; McPherron, R. L.; Phillips, J. L.; Reeves, E. G. D.; Rostoker, G.; A. S., S.; Singer, H. J.; Tsurutani, B. T.; Vasyliunas, V. M.

Two-step development of geomagnetic storms
Kamide, Y.; Yokoyama, N.; Gonzalez-Alarcon, W. D.; Tsurutani, B.; Daglis, I.; Brekke, A.; S, M.

True height calculation from ionograms
Kane, R. P.

Irregularities in the global distribution of total electron content
Kane, R. P.

Equatorial counterelectrojet-two distinct categories
Kane, R. P.

Scale size of the cosmic ray modulating region
Kane, R. P.

Storm effects of ionospheric total electron content (tec)at low latitudes
Kane, R. P.

Comparison of changes in the ionospheric total electron content at mid-latitude locations fen hundred kilometers apart
Kane, R. P.

Complexities of the storm-time characteristics of ionospheric total electron conten
Kane, R. P.

Logitudinal and latitudinal anormalities in the daily variation of fof2 in the south-american region
Kane, R. P.

Particle precipitation in the ionospheric F2 region at locations in the vicinity of the South-Atlantic magnetic anomaly
Kane, R. P.

Periodicities in the rainfall patterns of different regions in India
Kane, R. P.

Comparison of f0f2 characteristics at nearby equatorial locations in the south american region
Kane, R. P.

Differential behaviour of the equatorial ionosphere on the eastern and western coasts of the South-American continent
Kane, R. P.

Longitudinal extent of the characteristics of the equatorial electrojet - 07p
Kane, R. P.

Comparison of ssc magnitudes at magsat altitudes (325-550km)and at ground locations
Kane, R. P.

Merits and demerits of the maximum entropy spectral anlysis (mesa)method
Kane, R. P.

An appraisal of the duration of the recent drought in northeast Brazil
Kane, R. P.

Latitudinal variations of os
Kane, R. P.

Power spectrum analysis of geomagnetic indices
Kane, R. P.

Longitudinal difference in the Sq profiles in the South American region
Kane, R. P.

Periodicities in the all india rainfall series and in the drought and flood area indices
Kane, R. P.

Prediction of annual rainfall at Fortaleza, CE, Brazil in recent years
Kane, R. P.

Prediction of the maximum annual mean sunspot number in the coming solar maximum epoch
Kane, R. P.

Prediction possibilities of arosa total ozone
Kane, R. P.

Comparison of predictions of maximum sunspot number rz(max)using aa(min)only and using aa(min)and rz(min)together
Kane, R. P.

Forecasting geomagnetic activity
Kane, R. P.

Long-Term Variation of Total Ozone
Kane, R. P.

Spectral characteristics of the series of annual rainfall in england and wales
Kane, R. P.

Periodicties in the time-series of geomagnetic inclination during the last 9000 years, recorded in sediment cores from lake kasumigaura, Japan
Kane, R. P.

Maximum sunspot number RZ(MAX)in the coming solar cycle N.22: a revided estimate
Kane, R. P.

Relationship between the southern oscillation/ El Nino and rainfall in some tropical and midlatitude regions
Kane, R. P.

Altitude dependence of H changes at magsat altitudes (325-550 km)
Kane, R. P.

Periodicities and ENSO relationship of rainfall in different regions of India
Kane, R. P.

Variability of the Sq focus position in the South American Continent
Kane, R. P.

Extension of Antarctic ozone hole to lower latitudes in the South-American region
Kane, R. P.

Long term variation of solar UVB(290-330nm) observed the Earth's surface
Kane, R. P.

Did predictions of the maximum sunspot number for solar cycle number 22 come true?
Kane, R. P.

El Nino and La Nina events and rainfall in NE and South Brasil
Kane, R. P.

Long-term variation of stratospheric temperature at the North Pole
Kane, R. P.

Relationship between QBOs of stratospheric winds, Enso variability and other atmospheric parameters
Kane, R. P.

Solar Cycle Variation of FOF2
Kane, R. P.

Sunspots, solar radio noise, solar EUV and ionospheric FOF2
Kane, R. P.

Total ozone trends in the Southern Hemisphere - an update
Kane, R. P.

Interannual variability of some trace elements and surface aerosol
Kane, R. P.

Non-uniform dissipation of the Antarctic ozone hole
Kane, R. P.

Relationship of the Antarctic ozone hole with India and other regions in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres as determined from dobson data
Kane, R. P.

Effect of Antarctic ozone holes of 1988, 1989, and 1990 on lower latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere
Kane, R. P.

Effect of Antartic ozone holes of 1988, 1989, and 1990 on lower latitudes of the southern hemisphere
Kane, R. P.

Quasi-biennial oscillation in ionospheric parameters measured at Juliusruh (55 degrees N,13 degrees E)
Kane, R. P.

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