%0 Book Section %@nexthigherunit 8JMKD3MGPCW/446AF4B %@holdercode {isadg {BR SPINPE} ibi 8JMKD3MGPCW/3DT298S} %3 2000_chiaradia2.pdf %X The purpose of this work is to investigate a proper model to correct the ionospheric effect using single frequency GPS measurements, which it will be used in the artificial satellite orbit determination taking in account that satellite will be above 1000 km of earth's surface. When the GPS signals are transmitted from GPS satellite to receiver, they propagate through the ionosphere causing errors on the measurements which are the highest one on signal propagation. To achieve the highest possible positioning accuracies form GPS, the ionospheric errors shall be neutralized using some kind of model and/or measurement, and they have to be considered within the adjustment process. Using dual frequency GPS receivers, the ionospheric errors can be almost totally accounted for taking advantage of the ionosphere's dispersive nature. However, this work deals with real-time determination of an artificial satellite orbit with single frequency GPS receiver. So, some model of single frequency ionospheric correction must be used. Such investigation will define to which extent the ionospheric error can affect the final accuracy of the real-time determination when using the GPS constellation. %@secondarydate 20010416 %E Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida., %T Investigation of the signal GPS ionospheric correction %S Advances in Space Dynamics %@format ISBN:85-901487-1-8 %@secondarytype PRE LN %K ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL, astrodinâmica, trajetórias espaciais, mecânica celeste, manobras orbitais, sistema de posicionamento global, astrodynamics, spececraft trajectories, celestial mechanics, orbital maneuvers, global position systems position, GPS. %B Colóquio Brasileiro de Dinâmica Orbital, 9 Advances in Space Dynamics %@usergroup administrator %@group DMC-INPE-MCT-BR %C São José dos Campos %@secondarykey INPE-8052-PRE/3868 %F 8985 %2 sid.inpe.br/iris@1905/2005/ %I INPE %P 214-218 %4 sid.inpe.br/iris@1905/2005/ %D 2000 %@documentstage not transferred %A Chiaradia, Ana Paula Marins, %A Kuga, Hélio Koiti, %A Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, %@area ETES