MFN: 1527 1: SID/SCD 2: 200 3: INPE-200-RI/001 4: CEA 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Bittencourt, Jose Augusto 18: Determinacao da temperatura da exosfera e do perfil de temperatura acima de 90 KM por computador 20: 43 38: interno 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DAE 59: LUME 62: INPE 64: maio <1972> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 68: RI 76: AERONOMIA 83: Uma subrotina escrita em FORTRAN IV e desenvolvida, para a determinacao de temperaturas da exosfera, com os perfis de temperatura correspondentes, acima de 90 Km, baseada em modelos estaticos para termosfera e exosfera. Todas as variacoes relacionadas com parametros solares, geomagneticos, temporais, e geosgraficos, sao considerados por meio de equacoes empiricas. Os perfis de temperatura sao definidos analiticamente e iniciam com um valor constante a 90 Km, com um ponto de inflexao a 125 Km, e tendendo assintoticamente para a temperatura da exosfera. O resumo da teoria e a listagem da subrotina sao apresentados. Exemplos mostrando a obtencao dos dados necessarios e o uso de subrotina sao tambem incluidos 91: 7205 MFN: 2133 1: SID/SCD 2: 2001 3: INPE-2001-RPQ 4: CEA 5: PM 6: M 7: 000 16: Costa, Jose Marques da 16: Gonzalez-B, F. 16: ALBERNHE,F. 16: VEDRENNE,G. 16: Buivan, N. A. 16: BOCLET,D. 16: DUROUCHOUX,PH. 18: EXPERIMENT GELI 1 AND GELI 2 SEARCH OF EXTRATERRESTRIAL GAMMA-RAY LINES FROM SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE SOURCES WITH HIGH ENERGY RESOLUTION GAMA-RAY TELESCOPES 20: 000 58: DGE 59: GEOMA 63: <1981> 68: RPQ 91: 8102 MFN: 2134 1: SID/SCD 2: 2002 3: INPE-2002 4: CEA 5: T 6: m 16: Costa, Jose Marques da 18: OBSERVACAO DA RADIACAO GAMA DE BAIXA ENERGIA (0,05-3,0 MEV)COM TELESCOPIO GE(LI)NA LATITUDE GEOMAGNETICA LAMBDA = 12.S 50: Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: DGE 59: GES 64: <1980> 68: TDI 91: 8102 MFN: 2135 1: SID/SCD 2: 2003 3: INPE-2003 4: CEA 5: MP 6: m 7: 000 16: Kondapalli, Ramanuja Rao 16: Martin, Inacio Malmonge 16: Jrdim, Jeronimo Osvaldo Dias 16: Jayanthi, Udaya Bhaskaram 18: LOW ENERGY GAMMA-RAY ENHANCEMENT OBSERVED DURING A STRATOSPHERIC BALLOON FLIGHT 58: DAS 59: ASTRO 61: NR 64: <1982> 68: RPQ 76: ASTROFÖSICA 91: 8209 MFN: 2136 1: SID/SCD 2: 2004 3: INPE-2004 4: CEA 5: MP 6: m 16: Jardim, Jeronimo Osvaldo Dias 16: BENSON,J.L. 16: Jardim, Maria Virginia Alves 16: Martin, Inacio Malmonge 18: MEASUREMENTS OF THE 0,511 MEV GAMMA-RAY LINE FROM THE GALACTIC CENTER 58: DAS 59: ASTRO 64: <1982> 68: RPQ 76: ASTROFÖSICA 91: 8203 MFN: 2137 1: SID/SCD 2: 2007 3: INPE-2007-TDL/045 4: MET 5: T 6: m 7: [07]551.551.2 16: Nogueira, Maria Tereza de Lima Carvalho 18: Transporte turbulento na camada superficial da atmosfera em condicoes diabaticas 20: 128 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: SPG 59: MET 62: INPE 64: maio <1980> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: MICROMETEOROLOGIA 87: CAMADA LIMITE 87: PERFIS DE VENTO 87: ESCALA DE TURBULENCIA 83: Supoe-se que o coeficiente de difusividade turbulenta e dado por uma combinacao linear dos coeficientes de difusividade devido a conveccao forcada e livre. Esta suposicao contraria a da combinacao quadratica dos coeficiente de difusividade, a qual, de acordo com Sellers, conduz a equacao para o perfil do vento derivada por Ellison, Yamamoto, Panofsky e outros. Entao, uma nova equacao KEYPS modificada e sugerida por Yamamoto e Shimanuki. Essa equacao modificada e resolvida aproximadamente, obtendo-se para o cisalhamento do vento, expressoes racionais, as quais conduzem a resultados que se comparam bem aos obtidos atraves de observacoes. Nomogramas relacionando o parametro de estabilidade , altura adimensional e a funcao sao apresentados para um caso especifico 91: FDB-19930209 92: FDB-MD 101: D MFN: 3103 1: SID/SCD 2: 9157 3: INPE-9157-PRE/4830 4: ETES 5: S 6: as 10: Beauge, C 10: Roig, F 12: A semianalytical model for the motion of the Trojan asteroids: Proper elements and families 14: 391-415 30: Icarus 31: 153 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: ETE 64: Oct. <2001> 68: PRE 88: asteroids 88: dynamics 88: asteroids 88: Trojans 88: celestial mechanics 88: ECCENTRICITY ASYMMETRIC EXPANSION 88: DISTURBING FUNCTION 88: SECULAR RESONANCES 88: LAGRANGIAN POINTS 88: OUTER PLANETS 88: ORBITS 88: PERTURBATIONS 88: PARAMETERS 88: EVOLUTION 83: In this paper we develop a semianalytical model to describe the long-term motion of Trojan asteroids located in tadpole orbits around the L-4 and L-5 jovian Lagrangian points. The dynamical model is based on the spatial elliptic three-body problem, including the main secular variations of Jupiter's orbit and the direct perturbations of the remaining outer planets. Based on ideas introduced by A. H. Jupp (1969, Astron. J. 74, 35-43), we develop a canonical transformation which allows the transformation of the tadpole librating orbits into circulating orbits. The disturbing function is then explicitly expanded around each libration point by means of a Taylor-Fourier asymmetric expansion Making use of the property in which the different degrees of freedom in the Trojan problem are well separated with regard to their periods of oscillation, we are able to find approximate action-angle variables combining Hori's method with the theory of adiabatic invariants. This procedure is applied to estimate proper elements for the sample of 533 Trojans with well determined orbits at December 2000. The errors of our semianalytical estimates are about 2-3 times: larger than those previously obtained with numerical approaches by other authors. Finally, we use these results to search for asteroidal families among the Trojan swarms. We are able to identify and confirm the existence of most of the families previously detected by Milani (1993, Celest. Mech. Dynam. Astron. 57, 59-94). The families of Menelaus and Epeios, both around L-4, are the most robust candidates to be the by-product of catastrophic disruption of larger asteroids. On the other hand, no significant family is detected around L-5 MFN: 3131 1: SID/SCD 2: 9171 3: INPE-9171-PRE/4844 4: ETES 5: S 6: as 10: Sukhanov, Alexander Alexandrovich 10: DurÆo, Otavio Santos Cupertino 10: Lazzaro, D 12: Low-cost main-belt asteroid sample return 14: 736-744 30: Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 31: 38 32: 5 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 64: Sep.-Oct. <2001> 68: PRE 83: A main-belt asteroid sample return without l asteroid flyby, crossing the dust cloud produced by a projectile, and delivers the sample to the Earth. To lower the launch energy, the spacecraft uses a Venus and Earth gravity assist trajectory type maneuver. Five launch windows in the 2004-2010 period are considered, offering several mission options, with the respective results of the trajectory design. Most mission options offer other asteroid encounters in addition to the primary target. On completion of the primary sample return mission, the spacecraft can swing by the Furth to fly by additional asteroids or a comet. Secondary targets and possible mission extensions are considered for some of the mission options. Spacecraft navigation and the projectile targeting are also discussed, as well as estimates of the mass of the sample to be collected. The sample ejection considers two projectile types: passive, using only the impact energy, and active, carrying an explosive inside MFN: 3144 1: SID/SCD 2: 9161 3: INPE-9161-PRE/4834 4: ETES 5: S 6: as 10: Muraoka, Issamu 10: Ramos, Fernando Manuel 10: Vlassov, Valeri Vladimirovich 12: Analysis of the operational characteristics and limits of a loop heat pipe with porous element in the condenser 14: 2287-2297 30: International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 31: 44 32: 12 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 58: LAC 61: 64: June <2001> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: loop heat pipe 83: This paper analyzes the operational characteristics and limits of a loop heat pipe (LHP)with Rat porous elements in the condenser and evaporator. A mathematical model, based on the nodal method, was developed to simulate the thermal and hydrodynamic behavior of this: specific type of LHP. Previously, the model was verified and validated by experiential data [I. Muraoka. F.M. Ramos, V. Vlas of this device were investigated and its operational limits identified in terms of the heat load dissipated in the evaporator and the heat sink temperature at the condenser. Three distinct operational regimes were identified and characterized, taking into account the volume of vapor in the liquid core of the evaporator and the capillary pressure limit MFN: 3147 1: SID/SCD 2: 8867 3: INPE-8867-PRE/4577 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 10: Arora, B. R. 10: Rao, P.B.V.S. 10: Trivedi, Nalin Babulal 10: Padilha, Antonio Lopes 10: Vitorello, Öcaro 12: Appraisal of electromagnetic induction effects on magnetic pulsation studies 14: 171-178 30: Annales Geophysicae 31: 19 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: Feb. <2001> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 88: magnetometer aray 88: paleomagnetism 88: ionosphere 88: equatorial ionosphere 88: geomagnetism 88: magnetosphere ionosphere interaction 88: geomagnetic induction 82: 83: The quantification of wave polarization characteristics of ULF waves from the geomagnetic field variations is done under 'a priori' assumption that fields of internal induced currents are in-phase with the external inducing fields. Such approximation is invalidated in the regions marked by large lateral conductivity variations that perturb the flow pattern of induced currents. The amplitude and phase changes that these perturbations produce, in the resultant fields at the Earth's surface, make determination of polarization and phase of the oscillating external signals problematic. In this paper, with the help of a classical Pc5 magnetic pulsation event of 24 March 1991, recorded by dense network of magnetometers in the equatorial belt of Brazil, we document the nature and extent of the possible influence of anomalous induction effects in the wave polarization of ULF waves. The presence of anomalous induction effects at selected sites lead to an over estimation of the equatorial enhancement at pulsation period and also suggest changes in the azimuth of ULF waves as they propagate through the equatorial electrojet. Through numerical calculations, it is shown that anomalous horizontal fields, that result from induction in the lateral conductivity distribution in the study region, vary in magnitude and phase with the polarization of external source field. Essentially, the induction response is also a function of the period of external inducing source field. It is further shown that when anomalous induction fields corresponding to the magnitude and polarization of the 24 March 1991 pulsation event are eliminated from observed fields, corrected amplitude in the X and Y horizontal components allows for true characterisation of ULF wave parameters MFN: 3149 1: SID/SCD 2: 8869 3: INPE-8869-PRE/4579 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 10: Rigoti, A 10: Padilha, Antonio Lopes 10: Chamalaun, F.H. 10: Trivedi, Nalin Babulal 12: effects of the equatorial electrojet on aeromagnetic data acquisition 14: 553-558 30: Geophysics 31: 65 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: Mar./Apr. <2000> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: 7907 MFN: 3667 1: SID/SCD 2: 8208 3: INPE-8208-TDI/763 4: CEA 5: T 6: m 16: Santos, Pedrina Morais Terra dos 18: Estudo das derivas zonais das irregularidades de plasma ionosf‚rico na regiÆo brasileira 19: Study of ionospheric zonal plasma irregularity drifts over brazilian region 20: 117 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Maria Virg¡nia Alves, Jos‚ Humberto Andrade Sobral (orientador), Antonio Lopes Padilha, Jonas Rodrigues de Souza, Emanoel Paiva de Oliveira Costa 58: SPG 59: GES 62: INPE 64: maio <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: bolhas de plasma 87: ionosfera 87: regiäes equatoriais 87: aeroluminescˆncia 87: termosfera 87: fot“metros 88: plasma bubbles 88: earth ionosphere 88: equatorial regions 88: airglow 88: thermosphere 88: photometers 83: Esta disserta‡Æo apresenta um estudo detalhado do comportamento das velocidades de derivas zonais das bolhas ionosf‚ricas detectadas em Cachoeira Paulista (22o 48'S, 45o 00 O, dip 30o S)nos meses de outubro … mar‡o entre 1980-1994. Tal estudo baseia-se em 172 noites de ocorrˆncia das bolhas ionosf‚ricas sobre aquela regiÆo, registradas por observa‡äes fotom‚tricas de varreduras zonais da aeroluminescˆncia do OI 630 nm. As magnitudes das velocidades zonais obtidas para essas bolhas sÆo analisadas em fun‡Æo da atividade solar, da atividade geomagn‚tica e da sazonalidade. De um modo geral, constata-se que tais velocidades decrescem com a hora local e com a atividade geomagn‚tica (medida pelo ¡ndice Kp), ao passo que aumentam com o Fluxo Solar F10,7cm. An lises detalhadas em fun‡Æo da atividade geomagn‚tica demonstram que h  menor varia‡Æo das velocidades nas noites quietas; verifica-se tamb‚m que as noites quietas (perturbadas)apresentam maiores velocidades m‚dias durante a atividade solar m xima (m¡nima). Nas an lises mensais com rela‡Æo … atividade solar, observa-se que as velocidades tendem a decrescer com a hora local, de forma mais acentuada no per¡odo de atividade solar m¡nima; observa-se tamb‚m que as velocidades m‚dias sÆo mais elevadas durante o per¡odo de atividade solar m xima. Com rela‡Æo … sazonalidade nota-se que as bolhas ionosf‚ricas ocorrem de forma mais (menos)intensa durante os meses de janeiro (dezembro). Comparando-se os dados fotom‚tricos com ionogramas registrados em Cachoeira Paulista no per¡odo estudado, verifica-se que a ocorrˆncia das bolhas ionosf‚ricas est  intimamente relacionada com a ocorrˆncia do fen“meno Range Spread F. Atrav‚s da investiga‡Æo das bolhas ionosf‚ricas de longa dura‡Æo, observou-se que suas incidˆncias sÆo mais acentuadas durante o per¡odo de atividade solar m¡nima. ABSTRACT:A detailed study of the zonal drift velocities of the ionospheric bubbles is carried out using experimental airglow data registered at Cachoeira Paulista (22.50 S, 450 W, dip 300 S)during the period of October to March, between 1980-1994. This study is based upon 172 nights of zonal scanning photometer measurements of OI 630 nm airglow. The zonal velocity magnitudes of the ionospheric bubbles are investigated taking into account the seasonal, solar and geomagnetic effects. In general, it is verified that the zonal velocities of the bubbles decrease with local time and geomagnetic activity, and also that these velocities increase with solar flux F10,7 cm. A detailed analysis of these ionospheric bubble velocities, as a function of geomagnetic activity, shows that the velocity variations expressed as Vfinal - Vinicial are less during quiet nights than during disturbed nights; it is also noted that the mean velocities present the highest (lowest)values during quiet (disturbed)nights of solar maximum (minimum). Analysis of the monthly variations shows that the velocities tend to decrease faster with local time during solar minimum than during solar maximum. The ionospheric bubbles occur more (less)frequently during January (December). It is also observed that the highest mean velocities occur during solar maximum. Comparison between photometric and ionosonde data shows that the occurrence of ionospheric bubbles is closely related to that of the Range Spread F phenomenon. The cases of ionospheric bubbles of long duration are more frequently observed during solar minimum than solar maximum 91: 7601 102: MFN: 4283 1: SID/SCD 2: 2000 3: INPE-2000-TDL/042 4: ETES 5: T 6: m 16: Souza, Marcelo Lopes de Oliveira e 18: Estudo e desenvolvimento de um sistema de controle de atitude ativo em trˆs eixos para sat‚lites artificiais usando atuadores pneum ticos a g s frio e volantes a rea‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 50: Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: DMC 59: CMC 62: INPE 64: <1980> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: TDI 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: controle de atitude 87: controle ativo 87: trˆs eixos 87: atuadores pneum ticos 87: volantes a rea‡Æo 83: Este trabalho apresenta o estudo e o desenvolvimento de um sistema de controle de atitude ativo em trˆs eixos para sat‚lites artificiais, usando atuadores pneum ticos a g s frio e volantes a rea‡Æo. A missÆo e o SCA b sicos sÆo inicialmente selecionados e adotados (com simplifica‡äes). O problema a ser resolvido ‚ entÆo formulado, consistindo nas etapas de: 1)discussÆo; 2)projeto (escolha ou c lculo dos parƒmetros); 3)simula‡Æo e verifica‡Æo do desempenho do SCA. Sua solu‡Æo ‚ apresentada logo ap¢s e ‚ feita, respectivamente: 1)… luz de considera‡äes qualitativas existentes na literatura obtida; 2)em obediˆncia a crit‚rios estabelecidos, na sua maioria, neste trabalho; 3)atrav‚s da programa‡Æo digital do SCA e da compara‡Æo dos resultados obtidos com os requisitos desejados e com os resultados apresentados na literatura para problemas semelhantes MFN: 6060 1: SID/SCD 2: 8135 3: INPE-8135-RPQ/717 4: MET 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Marengo, Jos‚ Antonio 16: Cavalcanti, Iracema Fonseca de Albuquerque 16: Prakki, Satyamurty 16: Nobre, Carlos Afonso 16: Bonatti, Jos‚ Paulo 16: Trosnikov, Igor 16: Manzi, Antonio Ocimar 16: Sampaio, Gilvan 16: Camargo J£nior, H‚lio 16: Sanches, Marcos Barbosa 16: Cunningham, Chrstopher Alexander Castro 16: D'Almeida, Cassiano 16: Pezzi, Luciano Ponci 16: Calbete, Nuri Oyamburo 18: Ensemble simulation of interanual climate variability using the CPTEC/COLA astmopheric model 20: 77 40: En 41: En 42: 58: CPT 62: INPE 64: <2001> 66: Sao Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: RPQ 90: b 87: clima 87: variabilidade 87: modelos de clima 87: simulacao 87: temperatura da superficie do mar 87: modelos de circulacao geral atmosf‚rica 88: climate 88: variability 88: climate models 88: simulation 88: sea surface temperature 88: atmospheric general circulation models 83: A variabilidade clim tica interanual do MCG atmosf‚rico do CPTEC/COLA ‚ avaliada para diversas regiäes dos tr¢picos e extratr¢picos. A avalia‡Æo foi feita para o per¡odo 1982-91 com uma rodada de 9 membros do modelo for‡ado pelas anomalias de temperatura da superf¡cie (TSM)do mar observadas de todo o globo. 0 Brier Skill Score ‚ usado para avaliar a precipita‡Æo simulada pelo modelo para diversas regiäes da Am‚rica do Sul, µfrica e µsia durante o pico de suas esta‡äes chuvosas. A variabilidade clim tica interanual no Nordeste do Brasil, Amaz“nia, e sul da Argentina-Uruguai e em menor grau para a precipita‡Æo para o Sahel e leste da µfrica foram bem simuladas pelo modelo. O modelo exibe menor skill quando reproduz a variabilidade interanual da precipita‡Æo nas regiäes das mon‡äes do globo e sul da µfrica, indicando que a simula‡Æo das varia‡äes interanuais do clima nestas regiäes ainda sÆo problem ticas, possivelmente devido ao efeito de feedback da umidade do solo e da neve, que indicaria o importante papel da variabilidade clim tica interna nestas regiäes, al‚m da for‡ante externa SST na variabilidade clim tica. 0 modelo captura bem os conhecidos sinais das anomalias de precipita‡Æo e circula‡Æo do El Ni€o de 1982-83, indicando sua sensibilidade a uma forte for‡ante externa, enquanto que em anos normais, a variabilidade clim tica interna pode afetar a previsibilidade do clima em algumas regiäes, especialmente as  reas de mon‡äes do globo. ABSTRACT:The interannual climate variability of the CPTEC/COLA Atmospheric GCM is assessed for several regions of the tropics and extratropics. The evaluation is made for the period 1982-91 for an ensemble run of 9 realizations of the model forced by observed global sea surface temperature (SST)anomalies. The Brier Skill Score is used to assess the precipitation simulated by the model for several regions of South America, Africa and Asia during the peak of their rainy seasons. Interannual climate variability in Northeast Brazil, Amazonia, and southern Argentina-Uruguay and to a lesser degree for Sahel and Eastern Africa rainfall are well simulated by the model. The model exhibits lower skill in reproducing interannual rainfall variability in the monsoon regions of world and southern Africa, indicating that simulation on interannual variations of climate in those regions still remains problematic, possibly due to the effect of land-surface moisture and snow feedbacks that would indicate the important role of internal climate variability in those regions, besides the SST external forcing. The model captures the well known signatures of rainfall and circulation anomalies of El Ni€o 1982-83, indicating its sensitivity to strong external forcing, while in normal years, the internal climate variability can affect the predictability of climate in some regions, especially the monsoon areas of the world 110: 1 110: 1 112: DPI 112: UPG/SERE 120: I 120: V 113: 21-10-92 113: 02-09-92 MFN: 6062 1: SID/SCD 2: 8037 3: INPE-8037-PUD/098 4: ETES 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 18: Trajet¢rias espaciais dentro da dinƒmica de trˆs corpos 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DMC 62: INPE 64: <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: PUD 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: mecanica celeste 87: astrodinƒmica 87: problema restrito de trˆs corpos 87: trajet¢ria espacial 87: manobras orbitais 88: orbital maneuvers 88: celestial mechanics 88: astrodynamics 88: astrodynamics 88: specraft tejectories 83: O problema de N corpos na versÆo puntiforme (todos os N corpos sÆo supostos serem pontos de massa)foi primeiro formulado por Issac Newton. Ele pode ser formulado como: "Conhecidas as massas de N corpos que se movem governados pela gravita‡Æo m£tua e dadas suas respectivas posi‡äes e velocidades num determinado instante, calcular suas posi‡äes e velocidades num instante futuro."  um problema dif¡cil. Mesmo o problema de trˆs corpos (Marchal, 1990)‚ muito mais complexo que o problema de dois corpos. Lembre-se, por exemplo, que num sistema de N corpos existem m£ltiplas quase-colisäes que tornam o problema muito complexo 91: 9202 MFN: 6072 1: SSID/SCD 2: 8151 3: INPE-8151-PUD/100 4: ETES 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Fraiture, Luc 18: Notes on attitude dynamics 20: 48 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 62: INPE 64: <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: PUD 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: dinƒmica de atitude 87: sat‚lites artificiais 87: atitude (inclinacao) 87: sat‚lites artificiais 88: attitude (inclination) 88: artificial satellites 83: I left the Orbit and Attitude Division of the European Space Operations Centre (ESOC)in Darmstadt (Germany)in February 1997. After having dealt with spacecraft attitude for more than 30 years now, I will try to summarize essential knowledge, which I acquired on the job, about the ground controlled operation of reaction control systems and the background knowledge it implies. I remember, that in the early days I had, for instance, not the slightest clue about the meaning of specific impulse of a thrust. In fact, it took me more than ten years before I learned it: I was until then not involved in the details of manoeuvre preparation. Not only was the technical background missing, but also the foreign language (English)was a further hurdle to overcome. Today one has definitely less time to step into such an application area which may be equally unknown to him/her now as to me 30 years ago. This applies even to persons who have already dealt with other flight dynamics topics, e.g. orbit dynamics and estimation. I am sure that still today the newcomers to flight dynamics are faced with many unanswered questions, which they hide in a secret corner of their mind, after having looked into a few textbooks where they believed to find 'the' answers. Somebody who got the right courses in an aerospace education has certainly a quicker access to the problems of reaction control usage. Design of reaction control systems is not the responsibility of the control centre in which I have worked. In fact, an in depth knowledge of the embarked hardware is not required for the ground segment of a satellite mission, except for the commissioning phase and in case of hardware faults. Therefore, hardware aspects and automatic control are not discussed here. I hope that my efforts provide a little building block which may facilitate the access to the world of practical reaction control use, which is in need of a little bit of dynamics, a little bit of physics, some basic maths, a feel for the criticality of the manoeuvres one has to implement, knowing that they can jeopardize a mission. Fortunately, we had no catastrophic errors to deplore, but I know of a few wrong attitude manoeuvres in the past, even though we tried to be very careful. So, our care has to be systematic, avoiding the potential single point failures which an isolated person can always make and this even more in a situation of operational stress 91: 9203 MFN: 6078 1: SID/SCD 2: 8150 3: INPE-8150-RPQ/717 4: MET 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Cavalcanti, Iracema Fonseca de Albuquerque 16: Prakki, Satyamurty 16: Marengo, Jos‚ Antonio 16: Nobre, Carlos Afonso 16: trosnikov, Igor 16: Bonatti, Jos‚ Paulo 16: Manzi, Antonio Ocimar 16: Tarasova, Tatiana Alekandrovna 16: D'µlmeida, Cassiano 16: Sampaio, Gilvan 16: Castro, Christopher Cunninghan 16: Sanches, Marcos 16: Camargo, H‚lio 16: Pezzi, Luciano Ponzi 18: Climate characteristics in an ensemble simulation using the CPTEC/COLA atmospheric global circulation model 20: 71 40: En 41: En 42: 58: CPT 62: INPE 64: <2001> 66: Sao Jos‚ dos Campos 68: RPQ 90: b 76: ESTUDO DO CLIMA 87: modelo de circulacao global 87: climatologia 87: simulacao clim tica 91: 9205 MFN: 6188 1: SID/SCD 2: 8194 3: INPE-8194-NTC/314 4: ETES 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Dreitser, Cenrikh Aleksandrovich 18: Modern problems of heat transfer in channels 20: 195 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 59: CNPQ 62: INPE 64: <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: NTC 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: transferˆncia de calor por conveccao 87: trocadores de calor 87: realce 87: transmissÆo 87: troca de calor 87: aumento 88: convective heat transfer 88: enhancement 88: convection 88: heat exchanger 88: augmentation 88: heat exangers 83: This cycle of lectures is the short variant of the cycle of lectures which the author reads many years for students of Moscow Aviation Institute [ 1 ]. The study of the processes of flow and convective heat transfer in channels is very urgent for many fields of technology.Usually the process of combined heat transfer by means of convective and molecular heat moving is called convective heat transfer. Convective heat transfer is transfer process by means of moving of liquid or gas macroparticles from the region with one temperature to the region with another temperature. Convection is possible only at medium moving. Convective heat transfer connects with medium heat transfer. Molecular transfer ( heat conductivity ) is the process of heat transfer by means of microparticles moving in the medium with dissimilar temperature distribution. Heat convection is always accompanies by heat conductivity because at the process of liquid or gas moving inevitably the contact takes place between different particles having different temperatures. Usually for engineering calculations we define convective heat transfer between liquid or gas flow and solid surface 91: 8205 MFN: 6252 1: SID/SCD 2: 9098 3: INPE-9098-PRE/4773 4: MET 5: S 6: as 10: Marengo, Jos‚ Antonio 10: Liebmann, Brant 10: Kousky, Vernon E. 10: Filizola, Naziano P. 10: Wainer, Ilana C. 12: Onset and end of the rainy season in the Brazilian Amazon Basin 14: 833-852 30: Journal of Climate 31: 14 32: 5 40: En 41: En 42: 58: CPT 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 88: OUTGOING LONGWAVE RADIATION 88: AUSTRALIAN SUMMER MONSOON 88: SECTOR, INTERANNUAL VARIABILITY 88: ANNUAL CYCLE 88: SURFACE TEMPERATURE 88: CONVECTIVE ACTIVITY 88: SST ANOMALIES 88: CIRCULATION 88: RAINFALL 82: 83: Onset and end of the rainy season in the Amazon Basin are examined for the period 1979- 96. The onset and end dates are determined by averaging daily rainfall data from many stations, and then constructing 5- day averages (pentads). Onset (end)is defined as the pentad in which rainfall exceeds (falls below)a given threshold, provided that average rainfall was well below (above)the threshold for several pentads preceding onset (end), and well above (below)the threshold for several pentads after onset (end). For the criteria chosen, the climatological onset progresses toward the southeast, arriving in mid- October, and then toward the mouth of the Amazon, arriving near the end of the year. The end dates are earliest in the southeast and progress toward the north, but withdrawal is slower than onset. The onset dates, however, are quite sensitive to changes in the threshold. If the threshold is doubled, for example, the sense of onset is reversed, with onset occurring toward the northwest. Changes in threshold do not change the direction of the progression of the end of the rainy season. The central Amazon shows the largest variation in the date of onset. In several years, onset in the southeast occurs before that in the central Amazon, but onset near the mouth is always latest. There is an unexpectedly low relationship between the length of the rainy season and total accumulation. Likewise, there is little relationship between the onset (and end)date and the total accumulation. Composites of outgoing longwave radiation and the low- level wind field show that in the central Amazon, onset is associated with an anomalous anticyclone and enhanced trade winds in the Atlantic. Near the mouth of the Amazon, however, onset is associated with large- scale northerly anomalies, and the zonal component of the trade winds is reduced. There is an apparent association between sea surface temperature anomalies in the tropical Atlantic and Pacific and the pentads of onset and end of the rainy season in the northern and central Amazon, and near its mouth. The sense is that a warm Pacific and cold Atlantic result in a delayed onset and early withdrawal. Although the strong El Nino of 1982/ 83 and La Nina 1988/ 89 were examples of a delayed and early onset, respectively, the relationships it still holds these years are not considered 91: 8411 MFN: 6253 1: SID/SCD 2: 9099 3: INPE-9099-PRE/4774 4: MET 5: S 6: as 10: Liebmann, B. 10: Marengo, Jos‚ Antonio 12: Interannual variability of the rainy season and rainfall in the Brazilian Amazon basin 14: 4308-4318 30: Journal of Climate 31: 14 32: 22 40: En 41: En 42: 58: CPT 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDO DO TEMPO E DO CLIMA 88: South American 88: Brazilian Amazon basin 88: sector 88: surface climate 88: oscillation 88: precipitation 88: convection 83: The interannual variability of deep convection over the South American sector and regional hydrometeorological anomalies are studied using International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project (ISCCP)data for 1984-1988. Satellite-derived convection anomalies are compared with regional rainfall and river runoff anomalies. At the height of the austral summer, the deep convective clouds (DCC)and ISCCP depict the centres of intense convection over central Amazonia and the mouth of the River Amazon, as well as the enhanced convection over north-east Brazil, which is related to the Atlantic Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Positive/negative regional hydrometeorological anomalies are consistent with positive/negative anomalies in the deep convection over northern Amazonia, the mouth of the River Amazon and north north-east Brazil, whereas this is not always true over southern Amazonia and southern Brazil. Over north-east Brazil and the mouth of the River Amazon, abundant rainfall and large DCC are both in agreement with variations in the latitudinal position and intensity of the Atlantic ITCZ, which extends between 4 degrees N and 5 degrees S along the Atlantic coast, where the precipitation maximum is found. The related rainfall anomalies over Amazonia and north-east Brazil during years with anomalously warm or cool surface waters in the central equatorial Pacific (e.g. the El Nino event in 1987), are consistent with the convection anomalies as depicted by the ISCCP deep convective clouds. For the Amazon Basin and north-east Brazil, DCC based on 2.5 degrees x 2.5 degrees horizontal resolution explained about 50 per cent of the variance of rainfall at individual surface stations. A new finding is the enhanced convective activity located at the east side of the central Andes and over central Amazonia around 5 degrees S, with a region of reduced convection in between. These two subcentres are oriented west-east and are part of the summertime semi-permanent centre of convection over the Amazon Basin, and have not been identified previously from the analysis of outgoing longwave radiation (OLR)or highly reflective clouds. These subcentres of large DCC exhibit interannual variations in intensity and location, where the centre located near the east flank of the Andes shows a wider range of latitudinal variations than that located over central Amazonia. South of this area convection and rainfall decreases rapidly 91: 8411 MFN: 7018 1: SID/SCD 2: 5603 3: INPE-5603-PRE/1818 4: ETES 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Minimum fuel trajectories for the lunar polar orbiter (LPO) 14: 163-170 30: SAB Controle e Automa‡Æo 31: 12 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Astronautical Congress, 41 54: 06-13 Oct. <1990> 56: Dresden 57: Alemanha 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 83: In this paper the problem of sending a spacecraft from Low Earth Orbit (LEO)to the Moon with minimum fuel comsuption is considered. It is assumed that the "Two-Body model" approximation is valid in all phases of the mission and that the final orbit around the Moon is polar. The first part deals with impulsive maneuvers, and obtain a set of values for fuel expenditure and trip time for several trajectories. Two possible scenarios are considered: a single mission (only one spacecraft in orbit around the Moon)and a double mission (one main spacecraft and a sub-satellite around the Moon). A more detailed study, including a V in each phase and analysis of the effects of the errors involved in the final orbit around the Moon, for one of the trajectoires, is also presented. The second part considers the use of low-thrust trajectoires. The Euler-Lagrange equations are used to generate a set of differential equations that are numerically integrated to obtain the final orbit. The difficulty caused by a lack of initial values for all variables in the same point (Two point Boundary Value Problem)is treated by making interations in the initial values of the Lagrange multipliers, using the gradient projection method. The results showed that large savings in fuel consumption can be obtained by using low thrust trajectoires for the Earth-Moon part of the mission. A first analysis for the behavior of the orbit around the Moon, including predictions for the frequency and V for station-keeping maneuvers, is also included. 91: FDB-19950801 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7065 1: SID/SCD 2: 8056 3: INPE-8056-PRE/3872 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Space trajectories for a spacecraft travelling under the gravitational forces of two bodies 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on Non-Linear Problems in Aviation and Aerospace, 3 54: 10-12 May <2000> 56: Daytona Beach 57: USA 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: astrodinƒmica 87: trajet¢rias espaciais 87: mecƒnica celeste 87: manobras orbitais 88: astrodynamics 88: spacecraft trajectories 88: celestial mecanics 88: orbital maneuvers 88: two body problem 83: This paper shows a survey on space trajectories in the circular restricted three-body problem. In this situation, a spacecraft moves under the gravitational forces of two bodies, that are assumed to be in circular orbits. First of all, there is a search for orbits that can be used to transfer a spacecraft from one body back to the same body or to transfer a spacecraft from one body to the respective Lagrangian points L4 and L5. The method employed is to solve the Two-Point Boundary Value Problem. The close approach between the spacecraft and the celestial bodies involved is also studied in the three-dimensional space. Then, the gravitational capture is studied. It is a characteristic of some dynamical systems, like the three- or four- body system, where a hyperbolic orbit around a celestial body can be transformed in an elliptic orbit without the use of any propulsive system 91: FDB-19951205 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7166 1: SID/SCD 2: 5759 3: INPE-5759-PRE/1920 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Gherardi, D.F.M. 10: Bosence, D.W.J 12: Composition and community structure of coralline algal reefs from Atol das Rocas, South Atlantic, Brasil 14: 205-219 30: Coral Reefs 31: 1936 32: 3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: Jan. <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 83: Coralline-algal frameworks from Atol das Rocas reefs were sampled along windward and leeward transects. and multivariate statistical analysis was used to investigate the composition and community structure of the encrusting community. The following components of the reefs were identified in slabbed and polished reef blocks sampled along each transect: encrusting coralline algae dominated by Porolithon cf. pachydermum, vermetid gastropods, Homotrema rubrum, acervulinid foraminiferans, molluscs, corals, polychaete tubes, clionid sponge borings, polychaete/sipunculid borings, cemented sediments, and growth cavities. Q-mode cluster analysis correctly classified 78 83: of all windward samples and 69 83: of all leeward samples, and R-mode separated reef components adapted to high wave energy environments from those adapted to low wave energy. Separate classification and ordination of samples from each transect indicate that seriation breakdown occurs in the windward reef between 25 and 45 m from the reef front. In the leeward reef between 75 and 90 m from the leeward reef front, seriation breakdown was not found to be significant. These results confirm that seriation (zonation)is best developed in the windward reef, as has been ocumented in coral-dominated reefs 91: FDB-19960320 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7698 1: SID/SCD 2: 8048 3: INPE-8048-PRE/3864 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: A semi-analytical study of the gravitational capture 14: 299-308 18: Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium Space Dynamics 54: 26-30 June <2000> 56: Biarritz 57: FR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: astrodinƒmica 87: trajetorias espaciais 87: mecƒnica celeste 87: manobras orbitais 88: astrodynamics 88: orbital maneuvers 88: three body problem 88: celestial mechanics 88: spacecraft trajectories 83: The gravitational capture is a characteristic of some dynamical systems in celestial mechanics, like the restricted three-body problem that is considered in this paper. The basic idea is that a hyperbolic orbit with a small positive energy around a celestial body can be transformed in an elliptic orbit with a small negative energy without the use of any propulsive system. One of the most important applications of this property is the construction of trajectories to the Moon. In this paper, the physical reasons of this phenomenon is studied. Numerical simulations show the effects of the forces involved. Analytical equations for the forces involved in this problem are derived to know their rules. Some approximations are made and they are justified by the simulations 91: FDB-19970728 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 7925 1: SID/SCD 2: 6718 3: INPE-6718-PRE/2740 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Schulz, Walkiria 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 10: Kuga, Helio Koiti 12: Effect of visibility constraints in artificial satellites maneuver 18: Anais 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Tem tico de Dinƒmica, Controle e Aplica‡äes, (DINCON 2002) 54: <2002> 56: Bauru 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 76: Spacecraft Design, Testing and Performance 87: Mecƒnica espacial 87: manobra orbital 87: sat‚lites artificias 87: m‚todos num‚ricos 87: Satelites Sino-Brasileiro Recursos Terrestres (CBERS) 88: space mechanics 88: artificial satellites 88: numerical maneuver 88: ORBITAL MANEUVER 88: transfer orbits 88: elliptical orbits 88: spacecraft control 88: ground stations 88: fuel consumption 83: In this work, the effect of visibility constraints due to the use of only one ground station control of a spacecraft during a bi-impulsive transfer between two given non coplanar elliptical orbits is analyzed from the point of view of fuel consumption. This kind of constraints requires special orbital places to apply impulsive maneuvers, where the ground station is able to track the satellite. The increment of the fuel consumption imposed by this kind of constraint is evaluated by subdividing of the true anomalies intervals at the initial and final orbits. This research takes part on the orbital maneuvers program for the China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS)and should be extended for any kind of bi-impulsive orbital transfer 91: FDB-19980716 92: FDB-DCAGC MFN: 7930 1: SID/SCD 2: 6721 3: INPE-6721-PRE/2745 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Manobras de veiculos espaciais 14: 75-81 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Escola de Verao em Dinamica Orbital Planetologia, FEG-UNESP 54: 27 jan. - 01 fev. <1998><1999><2000><20001> 56: Guaratingueta 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <1998> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: MECANICA ESPACIAL 87: MANOBRA ORBITAL 87: VEICULOS ESPACIAIS 83: O objetivo deste trabalho e o de apresentar uma descricao dos modelos e metodos mais usados para o calculo de trajetorias espaciais otimas, do ponto de vista de menor consumo de combustivel, para uma transferencia de um veiculo espacial entre duas orbitas dadas. Sao descritas varias opcoes para a modelagem da dinamica e da acao dos atuadores. Metodos classicos (transferencia de Hohmann, bi-eliptica, etc)e modernos (envolvendo captura gravitacional e manobras assistidas por gravidade)sao abordados 91: FDB-19980722 92: FDB-DCAGC MFN: 8359 1: SID/SCD 2: 7034 3: INPE-7034-PRE/2978 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rocco, Evandro Marconi 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 10: Souza, Marcelo Lopes de Oliveira e 12: Bi-impulsive orbital transfers between coplanar orbits with time limit 14: 393-408 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed. 18: Advances in Space Dynamics 38: ISBN:901487-1-8 40: En 41: En 42: 53: AIAA - AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 54: 10-12 Aug. <1998> 56: Boston 57: USA 58: ETE 61: 62: INPE 64: <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: MANOBRA ORBITAL 87: TRANSFERENCIA DE ORBITA 87: MECANICA ESPACIAL 87: CONTROLE OPTIMAL 83: In this work, we consider the problem of two-impulse orbital transfers between coplanar elliptical orbits with minimum fuel consumption but with a time limit for this transfer. This time limit imposes a new characteristic to the problem that rules out the majority of transfer methods. Then, we used the equations presented by D. F. Lawden, extended them to other constraints and solved those equations to develop a software for orbital maneuvers. This software can be used in future missions developed by INPE. The original method developed by Lawden was presented without numerical results and considers only the case where the initial and final points of the maneuver are known. The software developed extends this method to the case where only one point is known and to the case where the two points are free. The four possible cases were tested with success 91: FDB-19990413 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8618 1: SID/SCD 2: 8311 3: INPE-8311-TDI/768 4: CEA 5: T 6: m 7: 523.03 16: Andrade, Luiz Alberto 18: C lculo do ru¡do de uma antena esf‚rica para ondas gravitacionais acoplada a transdutores param‚tricos 19: Calculation of the noise of a gravitational wave spherical antenna coupled to parametric transducers 20: 103 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Carlos Alexandre Wuensche de Souza; Odylio Denys de Aguiar (orientador); Walter Ferreira Velloso J£nior; Rubens de Melo Marinho J£nior; Luiz Carlos Sandoval G¢es 59: AST 62: INPE 64: mar. <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: ru¡do aleat¢rio 87: ru¡do branco 87: ru¡do eletr“nico 87: antenas de ondas gravitacionais 87: transdutores 87: amplificadores param‚tricos 88: random noise 88: white noise 88: gravitational wave antennas 88: transducers 88: parametric amplifiers 83: O prop¢sito deste trabalho ‚ modelar uma antena de ondas gravitacionais esf‚rica com transdutores param‚tricos de dois modos acoplados … sua superf¡cie sob condi‡äes ¢timas. SÆo apresentados modelos para diversas configura‡äes de detectores de ondas gravitacionais, e a partir deles ‚ constru¡do um modelo computacional para uma antena de ondas gravitacionais esf‚rica acoplada a seis transdutores param‚tricos de dois modos. A sensibilidade da antena ‚ estudada por simula‡Æo computacional. Algumas das caracter¡sticas da antena sÆo fixadas e as demais sÆo variadas buscando-se uma maximiza‡Æo da sensibilidade. ABSTRACT: The purpose of this work is to model a gravitational wave spherical antenna coupled to parametric transducers under optimum conditions. We present here models for various configurations of gravitational wave detectors, and from them we build a computational model for a gravitational waves spherical antenna coupled to six two-mode parametric transducers. The sensitivity of the spherical antenna is studied by computational simulation. Some basic characteristics of the antenna are fixed, while others are changed to maximize the sensitivity 102: 103: Pdfs/homepage.pdf MFN: 8619 65: 19880800 1: SCD/SID 2: 8201 3: INPE-8201-NTC/344 4: ETES 5: MP 6: m 16: Edom, Andreas 18: Procedimentos de limpeza e preenchimento para tubos de calor de condutƒncia vari vel com reservat¢rio de g s externo 20: 12 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: ETE 62: INPE 64: <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: NTC 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPCIAL 87: tubos de calor 87: variavel 87: resisˆncia 87: limpeza 88: heat pipes 88: variable 88: resistance (conductance) 83: Este relat¢rio descreve como deve ser limpa a superf¡cie interna de um tubo de calor, de condutƒncia vari vel feito de alum¡nio ou a‡o inox e como ele deve ser preenchido com o l¡quido de trabalho e o g s nÆo condens vel. As atividades consecutivas estÆo resumidas em um diagrama de blocos na figura 1 rio anexo. O equipamento necess rio para resolver as tarefas ‚ indicado na figura 2. O procedimento de limpeza, como aqui descrito, ‚ praticado h  muitos anos da mesma forma pelo Instituto de Energia Nuclear e Sistemas Energ‚ticos, IKE, da Universidade de Stuttgart. O m‚todo de preenchimento do tubo de calor dispensa um dispositivo fechado e sofisticado, como descrito em Dunn e Reay (1994), e mesmo assim possibilita conte£dos de g s e l¡quido precisos em caso de um l¡quido nÆo t¢xico 92: MLR 100: 03 MFN: 8713 1: SID/SCD 2: 7362 3: INPE-7362-PRE/3252 4: MET 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Salati, E. 10: Nobre, Carlos Afonso 10: Santos, A.A. dos 12: Amazonian deforestation: Regional and global issues 14: 463-481 30: Amazoniana Limnologia et Oecologia Regionalis Systemae Fluminis Amazonas 31: 16 32: 3-4 40: En 41: En 42: 58: CPT 61: 64: <2001>> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDO DO TEMPO E DO CLIMA 88: climate change 88: global change 88: carbon 88: deforestation 88: emission 88: Neotropics 88: biodiversity 82: 83: How does the deforestation of Amazonia affect global and regional climates? What arc the roles of these changes on Amazonian ecosystems? We have concluded that the relation between Regional Climate Changes (RCC)and Global Climate Change (GCC)is directly associated with anthropogenic activities and therefore sensitive to social, economical and political interventions. The RCCs are caused by actions within the realm of the Brazilian sociopolitical scenario, and prone to changes through the implementation of public policies regulating the sustained use of the renewable resources. The GCCs belong to an international arena, and are caused by the high emission rates of greenhouse gases by the developed countries. The effects of the RCCs could be abated if the developed countries would endeavor to reduce the present emission levels as documented in IPCC meetings and collaborate in the implementation of a regulation to curb the carbon emissions, in accordance to the Kyoto Protocol 91: FDB-20000125 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8827 1: SID/SCD 2: 7037 3: INPE-7037-NTC/337 4: ETES 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Meulen, Wencke van der 16: Hoofs, Raymond 18: Real time simulation of the suborbital platform 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 62: INPE 64: <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: NTC 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: HARDWARE NA MALHA 87: SIMULACAO 87: PLATAFORMA DE MICROGRAVIDADE 87: PSO 87: SISTEMA DE CONTROLE 87: OPERACAO EM TEMPO REAL 87: VEICULO ESPACIAL 87: MANOBRA DE ESTABILIZACAO 83: This report gives a description of the development and test of a microgravity platform (the PSO)control law from the de-spin of the vehicle's initial angular rates to close to zero using thrusters as actuators. The equations for the dynamics of PSO are determined and the capabilities of the thruster system are defined. To start developing the program and getting a more detailed insight into the system the dynamic analytical solutions were made. The theory of Liapunov showed us that by using proportional control the de-spin maneuver of PSO will always be stable. The control law for de-spinning the PSO had to be programmed and tested. Different profiles of control were possible so the optimal and most convenient solutions had to be picked. The program was adapted to run in Real Time and tested, first with the analytical solution and later with the deigned control law. Another program was developed to give information about how the thrusters had to be fired to ensure the required micro-g conditions would be reached. The program was first adapted to command the simulator in open loop. After an evaluation of errors the simulation software was used to close the control loop. Then the simulation software was used to command the simulator. Finally, the sensors measured the movement of the simulator and this data was used to close the loop MFN: 8831 1: SID/SCD 2: 7516 3: INPE-7516-TDI/729 4: CEA 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Yamashita, Cristina Sayuri 18: Efeito das tempestades magneticas intensas na ionosfera de baixa latitude 19: Effects of intense magnetic storms on the low latitude ionosphere 20: 75 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Epaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca:Hisao Takahashi; Jose Humberto Andrade Sobral (orientador); Mangalathayil Ali Abdu (orientador); Walter Demetrio Gonzalez-Alarcon; Gilvan Luis Borba 59: GES 62: INPE 64: ago. <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: GEOFISICA ESPACIAL 87: DISTIRBIO IONOSFERICOS 87: TEMPESTADES MAGNETICAS 87: DISTURBIOS IONOSFERICOS SUDITOS 87: DERIVA IONOSFERICA 87: ESPALHAMENTO 87: SONDAGEM IONOSFERICAS 87: IONOSSONDA 83: 0 objetivo desta dissertacao e estudar os efeitos da tempestade magnetica sobre a regiao 17 da ionosfera equatorial (Fortaleza)e de baixa latitude (Cachoeira Paulista), no Brasil. Esse tema de pesquisa e relativamente novo e bastante interessante para a comunidade cientifica internacional. Ele e, entretanto, complexo pois envolve o conhecimento teorico e experimental dos mecanismos de interacao do sistema ionosfera /termosfera/magnetosfera. Durante a ocorrencia das tempestades magneticas, as quais sao basicamente caracterizadas por uma grande excursao negativa de amplitude do indice Dst, a ionosfera sofre perturbacoes substanciais em nivel global. Os principais efeitos ionosfericos a serem aqui investigados sao os seguintes: 1)penetracao de campos eletricos zonais (direcao leste-oeste)desde a regiao auroral ate a regiao equatorial e de baixa latitude; 2)efeitos dos ventos termosfericos perturbados (Disturbance Dynamo). A metodologia a ser empregada para o estudo dos efeitos ionosfericos das tempestades magneticas consiste basicamente na comparacao dos parametros ionosfericos dos dias perturbados com os dos dias quietos. Para o comportamento quieto usamos o valor medio de 4 a 5 dias quietos escolhidos no intervalo de 30 dias centrado no dia do inicio da tempestade magnetica. Nossos resultados mostram intensas derivas de altura (h'F e hpF2)na regiao F e variacoes da frequencia critica (AS)que sao discutidos, No, a luz dos parametros magneticos como o indice auroral AE, componente do campo magnetico interplanetario Bz (obtido pelo satelite ISEE3)e o indice Dst. Abstract: The objective of this dissertation is to study the magnetic storm effects on the ionospheric F region over the equatorial region (Fortaleza)and the low-latitude region (Cachoeira Paulista), in Brazil. This research subject is relatively new and of interest to the international scientific community. It is a complex topic since it comprises an assortment of coupled variations of physical parameters of the ionosphere/ thermosphere/magnetosphere system. During the magnetic storms, which is defined as a large negative excursion in the magnitude of the Dst index, the ionosphere undergoes substantial perturbations in a global level. The main ionospheric effects focused here are: 1)zonal electric field penetration (east-west direction)stemming from the auroral region into the low and equatorial latitude regions; 2)effects of disturbed thermospheric winds (Disturbance Dynamo). The methodology adopted here to study magnetic storms effects in the ionosphere consists basically on the comparison of quiet and disturbed ionospheric parameters. For the quiet behavior we have used the average values of several quiet days taken in a time interval of ñ 15 days around the beginning of the magnetic storm. Our results show intense F region height (h'F and hpF2)drifts and critical frequency (foF2)variations that are here discussed in the light of the storm parameters such as the auroral index AE, the north-south component of the interplanetary magnetic field Bz (as obtained by the ISEE3 satellite)and the Dst index 91: FDB-20000526 92: FDB-MLR 102: MFN: 8834 1: SID/SCD 2: 7519 3: INPE-7519-NTC/339 4: EDU 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Sausen, Tania Maria 16: Avila, Joao 18: Primeira Escola do Espaco: modelo de educao para adolescentes 20: 41 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: CEP 62: INPE 64: <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: NTC 90: b 76: TRANSFERENCIA DE TECNOLOGIA 87: EDUCACAO 87: CIENCIA ESPACIAL 83: A primeira Escola do Espa‡o foi um projeto piloto criado pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, e realizado em conjunto com a Agencia Espacial Brasileira - AEB e o Centro Tecnico Aeroespacial - CTA, no periodo de 16 a 19 de novembro de 1999, nas dependencias do Instituto em Sao Jose dos Campos, Sao Paulo. Teve por objetivo difundir as atividades espaciais entre a comunidade de estudantes do ensino fundamental e medio, de forma a motiva-los a fazer melhor uso de seus beneficios, bem como se interessarem por profissoes voltadas para esta area. Participaram da Escola do Espa‡o 22 estudantes (10 meninas e 10 meninos)da 8 primeira serie do ensino fundamental e da 1 primeira e 2 segunda series do ensino medio, oriundos de escolas municipais, estaduais e privadas do municipio de Sao Jose dos Campos. Os alunos tiveram aulas teoricas e praticas sobre varias tematicas da area espacial, entre as como construir um satelite, como construir um veiculo lan‡ador de satelites, sensoriamento remoto, meteorologia, astronomia e astrofisica, o Programa Espacial Brasileiro e uma palestra ministrada pelo astronauta brasileiro. As aulas foram ministradas pelos proprios pesquisadores do INPE e CTA, nos auditorios e laboratorios destas duas instituicoes. 0 sucesso desta primeira experiencia motivou os organizadores a continuarem com este projeto nos proximos anos 91: FDB-20000526 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8835 1: SID/SCD 2: 7518 3: INPE-7518-PUD/094 4: ETES 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Sukhanov, Alexander Alexandrovich 18: Lectures on astrodynamics 20: 150 40: En 41: En 42: 62: INPE 64: <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: PUD 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: ASTRODINAMICA 87: MANOBRA DE ORBITAS 87: NAVEGACAO ESPACIAL 88: ORBITAL MANEUVERS 88: SPACE NAVEGATION 83: The lectures give a basic knowledge in different areas of Astrodynamics. The class notes contain an essence of the lectures and consist of twelve chapters. First chapter briefly describes necessary mathematics, which is used in the lectures. Chapters 2-5 can be applied both to the natural and artificial celestial bodies, chapters 6-12 consider mostly the spacecraft motion, navigation and maneuvering. Second chapter introduces two-body problem and considers its main properties; third chapter studies the Keplerian motion deeper for different orbit types. Equations for calculation of the flight time and different orbital parameters are obtained in the third chapter.Fourth chapter presents another approach to the flight time and orbital parameters calculation using a universal variable. This approach makes the equations unified for different orbit types. Fifth chapter introduces in the theory of perturbed motion and analyses influence of the main perturbations, both gravitational and non-gravitational ones, on the motion. The spacecraft impulsive maneuvers changing different orbital parameters are analyzed in the sixth chapter; one, two and three-impulse maneuvers are considered there. venth chapter gives an advanced solution of the Lambert problem (determination of the ransfer orbit between two positions in a given time). This solution is universal with respect to the orbit types and number of revolutions. Interplanetary transfers including the planet gravity assists are considered and the patched conics approach is described in the chapter 8. Ninth chapter introduces in the spacecraft navigation, i.e. orbit determination and orbital correction maneuvers. The autonomous navigation also is briefly considered in the chapter. An advanced method of the state transition matrix calculation basedon the matrix decomposition is described in tenth chapter. The matrix is widely used in different areas of the Astrodynamics. Eleventh chapter describes Pontryagin's maximum principle and its application to the optimization of the spacecraft maneuvering. The electric propulsion (low thrust)and some aspects of its optimization are considered in twelfth chapter 91: FDB-20000526 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8841 1: SID/SCD 2: 7531 3: INPE-7531-TDI/737 4: CEA 5: T 6: m 7: 550.837.2 16: Padua, Marcelo Banik de 18: Estudo experimental de distorcoes geradas por linhas ferreas eletrificadas em sondagens magnetoteluricas 19: Disturbances on magnetotelluric data due to electrified railway 20: 78 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Enio Bueno Pereira; Icaro Vitorello; Antonio Lopes Padilha; Lenio Soares Galvao, Sergio Fontes 58: SPG 59: GES 62: INPE 64: fev. <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: GEOFISICA ESPACIAL 87: PERFIL MAGNETOTELURICO 87: RUIDO ELETROMAGNETICO 87: FUNCOES DE TRANSFERENCIA 87: REDUCAO DE RUIDOS 87: PROPAGACAO DE RUIDO 88: MAGNETIC SURVEYS 88: ELECTROMAGNETIC NOISE 88: TRANSFER FUNCTIONS 88: NOISE REDUCTION 88: NOISE PROPAGATION 83: Foram realizadas sondagens magnetoteluricas (MT)em perfis ortogonais a Estrada de Ferro Campos do Jordao (EFCJ)na faixa de periodos de 20 a 6000 s. Os perfis situam-se nos estados de Sao Paulo e Minas Gerais, em duas regioes de condutividade contrastantes: a Bacia de Taubate, regiao sedimentar, e a Serra da Mantiqueira, regiao cristalina. A EFCJ opera com corrente eletrica DC produzindo um ruido eletromagnetico (EM)intenso, mas apenas no periodo diurno, sendo desativada a noite. Objetiva-se com este trabalho caracterizar o ruido EM produzido pela EFCJ e verificar seu efeito sobre os parametros MT. Com este intuito, os dados diurnos e noturnos foram analisados separadamente, enfatizando assim os efeitos da presenca ou ausˆncia do ruido. Para a estimacao do tensor de impedancia (Z), foram utilizadas diversas tecnicas disponiveis a comunidade cientifica e, dos resultados obtidos, foi calculada a resistividade aparente e fase. Fez-se a comparacao entre os metodos procurando estabelecer a melhor abordagem para a obtencao de parametros MT confiaveis. Verificou-se, como esperado, que a presenca do ruido torna as curvas de resistividade aparente e fase mais irregulares e com barras de erros maiores. No entanto, para os metodos que obtiveram resultados satisfat¢rios, nota-se que os valores obtidos entre os periodos com e sem ruidos sao praticamente os mesmos. Conclui-se que, para estes metodos e na faixa de frequencia trabalhada, os dados podem ser analisados como um todo, sem que com isto o periodo contaminado com o ruido venha a mascarar o resultado, e com a vantagem de obter-se um resultado estatistico melhor, por aumentar a serie temporal analisada. ABSTRACT: Magnetotelluric soundings (MT)were carried out on profiles orthogonal to the Campos do Jordao Railway (EFCJ)in the period range of 20 to 6000 s. The profiles were located at Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais States, on two adjacent regions with contrasting conductivity: the conductive sedimentary region of Taubate Basin and the resistive crystalline region of Serra da Mantiqueira. The EFCJ operates with DC current that produces an intense electromagnetic (EM)noise, but only during diurnal periods, being turned off at night. The objective of this study is to characterize the EM noise made by the EFCJ and to verify its effects on MT parameters. Thus, the diurnal and nocturnal data were analyzed separately, and then compared in order to observe the effects of the noise. Some techniques presently available to the scientific community were used to estimate the impedance tensor (Z)and then the apparent resistivity and phase were calculated. The comparison between methods was used to establish the best way to obtain trustworthy MT parameters. As expected, the noise produced more irregular plots of apparent resistivity and phase and greater error bars. Nevertheless, for the methods that produced reliable results, the values obtained on the periods with and without the noise are practically the same. Then, for these methods, and in the studied frequency band, all data could be used in the analyzes, because the contaminated periods did not produce screening effects, with the advantage of providing a better statistical results with the increase in the analyzed time series 91: FDB-20000904 92: FDB-MLR 102: MFN: 8842 1: SID/SCD 2: 7530 3: INPE-7530-TDI/736 4: ETES 5: T 6: m 7: 629.015.3 16: Felipe, Gislaine de 18: Manobras orbitais aplicadas aos problemas de dois e tres corpos 20: 170 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Rodolpho Vilhena de Moraes; Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Prado (orientador); Othon Cabo Winter; Maria Cecilia F. de P. S. Zanardi 58: SPG 59: CMC 62: INPE 64: fev. <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: MECANICA CELESTE 87: PROBLEMA DE DOIS CORPOS 87: PROBLEMA DE TRES CORPOS 87: TRANSFERENCIA ORBITAL 87: ORBITA DE SATELITES 87: TRAJETORIAS 87: ASTRODINAMICA 88: CELESTIAL MECHANICS 88: TWO BODY PROBLEM 88: TREE BODY PROBLEM 88: SPACECRAFTS ORBITS 88: TRAJECTORIES 88: ASTRODYNAMICS 83: Nas atividades espaciais, e de grande importancia o estudo das trajetorias que os veIculos espaciais devem seguir para completar uma missao. Com essa motivacao, o presente trabalho esta concentrado no estudo dessas trajetorias, dentro da dinamica dada por: a)o problema tradicional de dois corpos com orbitas keplerianas, onde e suposto que o veiculo espacial se move em torno de um corpo celeste modelado por um ponto de massa; b)o famoso problema restrito de tres corpos, onde o veiculo espacial e assumido como sendo um ponto de massa que se move devido as forcas gravitacionais de dois primarios que sao dois corpos celestes modelados como pontos de massa e em orbitas keplerianas ao redor de um centro de massa comum. Serao estudadas manobras realizadas com o uso de propulsores capazes de prover variacoes instantaneas de velocidade em um veiculo espacial e manobras que usam apenas forcas gravitacionais. Serao feitas comparacoes entre opcoes diferentes para as respectivas manobras. As manobras que requerem que dois veiculos espaciais se encontrem no espaco (Rendezvous)tambem sao considerados, assim como manobras que consideram constelacoes de satelites. ABSTRACT: In the space activities, it is of great importance the study of the trajectories that the space vehicles should follow to complete a mission. With that motivation, the present research is concentrated in the study of those trajectories, under the dynamics given by: a)The traditional Problem of Two Bodies with Keplerian orbits where the space vehicle is supposed to move around a heavenly body modeled by a point of mass; b)The wellknown Restricted Problem of Three Bodies Model, where the space vehicle is assumed as being a point of mass that moves due to the gravitational forces of two primaries, that are two heavenly bodies modeled as point of mass and that are in Keplerian orbits around a common center of mass. Maneuvers accomplished with the use of engines capable to supply instantaneous variations of velocity in a space vehicle and maneuver that use only gravitational forces will be studied. Comparisons among different options for the respective maneuvers will be made. The maneuvers that requires that two spacecrafts encounter in the space (Rendezvous)are also considered, as well as maneuvers considering constellations of satellites 91: FDB-20000904 92: FDB-MLR 102: MFN: 8844 1: SID/SCD 2: 7890 3: INPE-7890-TDI/739 4: COMP 5: T 6: m 7: 519.674:528.94 16: Robbi, Claudia 18: Sistema para visualizacao de informacoes cartograficas para planejamento urbano 19: A cartographic visualization system for urban planning 20: 369 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Doutor 58: Banca: Luiz Alberto Vieira Dias (orientador); Stephan Stephany; Gerald Jean Francis Banon; Monica Modesta Santos Decanini; Diana Reiko Tutiya Oya Sawyer 58: SPG 59: CAP 62: INPE 64: mar. <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: COMPUTACAO APLICADA 87: VISUALIZACAO 87: CARTOGRAFIA 87: MAPEAMENTO TEMATICO 87: PLANEJAMENTO URBANO 87: MAPEAMENTO ASSISTIDO POR COMPUTADOR 87: SISTEMAS DE INFORMACAO GEOGRAFICA 87: SIG 88: VISUAL AIDS CHARTS 88: FLEXIBLE SPCARTOGRAPHY VISUALIZATION 88: THEMATIC MAPPING 88: URBAN PLANNING 88: COMPUTER AIDED MAPPING 88: GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEM 83: A conceituacao teorica de um sistema para visualizacao de informacoes cartograficas, e a implementacao de um prototipo que permite, a geracao de mapas tematicos e a consulta interativa e animacao de mapas sao apresentados nesta tese. O sistema foi desenvolvido para fornecer aos urbanistas ferramentas para a elaboracao de Planos Diretores, de acordo com a metodologia para Planos Diretores adotada no Estado do Parana. Devido a grande quantidade de informacoes sobre o espaco urbano analisadas pelos urbanistas, os principais objetivos do sistema sao permitir 1)a producao de mapas tematicos num ambiente computacional; e 2)a analise das diferentes caracteristicas dos dados representados nos mapas, utilizando ferramentas para consulta interativa e animacao. Num sistema de visualizacao cartografica as analises espaciais sao realizadas sobre os mapas construidos pelos usuarios. Considerando que os usuarios do sistema nao sao necessariamente cartografos, e que a eficiencia das analises espaciais dependem da qualidade dos mapas tematicos utilizados, o sistema auxilia o usuario a construir os mapas de acordo com os principios de projeto cartografico. As etapas de trabalho desta tese seguiram os niveis de abstracao utilizados no desenvolvimento de sistemas de software. Assim, inicialmente foram definidos o dominio do problema e as responsabilidades do sistema, significando o estudo da metodologia para Planos Diretores. Com base nesse conhecimento foi desenvolvido o modelo conceitual do sistema, no qual estao definidos o modelo dos requisitos e o modelo de analise orientada a objetos. A ultima etapa foi a implementacao do prototipo a partir do software SPRING. ABSTRACT: The conception of a visualization system and the implementation of a prototype for mapping thematic information and creating interactive and animated maps are presented on this dissertation. The system was designed in order to provide urban planners with cartographic tools that aid in the development of Municipal Master Plans. This system was customized for the Municipal Master Plan design process in the state of Parana, Brazil. Due to the great amount of thematic information handled by urban planners, the major goals of this system are to allow them to produce thematic maps in a computer environment, and to permit them to analyze the different characteristics of the data represented on these maps using querying and animation tools. The spatial analyses developed with a visualization system are accomplished based on the maps built by the users. Because the users of a visualization system for urban planning are not necessarily cartographers and, consequently, may not know the fundamentals of map design, the system provides them with tools for making maps in accordance with the principles of cartographic design. The development of this system followed a software engineering approach, in which a series of models are built. Firstly, the problem domain and the system responsibilities were defined by studying Municipal Master Plan methodology adopted in the state of Parana. Based upon this, the requirements model and object-oriented analysis model were developed. The last task Was to implement the prototype in a GIS software, named SPRING, that has been developed in INPE, Brazil, using the Visual C++ software in a PC environment 91: FDB-20000904 92: FDB-MLR 102: MFN: 8846 1: SID/SCD 2: 7892 3: INPE-7892-TDI/741 4: MET 5: T 6: m 7: 551.573 16: Roque, Raimundo de Oliveira 18: Estimativas de evapotranspiracao espacial e evaporacao de lagos no Pontal do Paranapanema pelo modelo conceitual de relacao complementar de Morton 19: Areal evapotranspiration and lake evaporation estimates in the Pontal do Paranapanema region by the Morton's complementary relationships conceptual model 20: 84 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Antonio Ocimar Manzi; Clovis Angeli Sansigolo (orientador); Ralf Gielow; Gilberto Fernando Fisch; Luiz Roberto Trovati 58: SPG 59: MET 62: INPE 64: mar. <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: ESTUDO DO CLIMA E DO TEMPO 87: EVAPOTRANSPIRACAO 87: EVAPORACAO 87: ESTIMATIVAS 87: CLIMATOLOGIA 87: RELACAO COMPLEMENTAR DE MORTON 88: EVAPOTRANSPIRATION 88: EVAPORATION 88: ESTIMATES 88: CLIMATOLOGY 82: 83: O modelo conceitual de relacao complementar de Morton foi utilizado nas estimativas medias mensais de evapotranspiracao potencial e espacial e evaporacao de lagos na regiao do Pontal do Paranapanema. 0 desempenho do modelo foi verificado em comparacao as estimativas pelo metodo de Penman e medidas de Tanque Classe A em duas localidades: Presidente Prudente e Teodoro Sampaio, no periodo de 1976 a 1997. A medias mensais de evapotranspiracao espacial em Teodoro Sampaio variaram de 168 mm no verao a 52 mm no inverno e foram 83 83: das potenciais, e em Presidente Prudente, variaram de 134 mm no verao a 17 mm no inverno, e foram 41 83: das potenciais. As taxas de evapotranspiracao do ambiente umido, definidas por Morton, se aproximaram das estimadas pelo metodo de Penman. As medias mensais de evaporacao de lago variaram em Teodoro Sampaio de 181 mm no verao a 78 mm no inverno e de 176 mm no verao a 90 mm no inverno em Presidente Prudente. 0 metodo de Penman superestimou as taxas de evaporacao de lago obtidas pelo modelo de Morton em 8 83: no caso de Teodoro Sampaio e subestimou em 5 83: em. Presidente Prudente. Em Teodoro Sampaio, o modelo de Morton superestimou a evaporacao de lago em relacao as medidas de Tanque Classe A em 14 83: . 0 modelo de Morton forneceu estimativas mais realistas e consistentes das taxas de evapotranspiracao potencial, espacial e evaporacao de lagos, quando comparadas com as obtidas a partir de seus efeitos nas observacoes climatologicas de rotina, usadas para calculo da evapotranspiracao (evaporacao)potencial. Abstract: Morton's complementary relationships conceptual model was used to estimate the monthly averages of areal and potential evapotranspiration and lake evaporation in the Pontal do Paranapanema region. The model performance was verified in comparison to Penman's estimates and Class A pan measurements at two places: Presidente Prudente and Teodoro Sampaio, in the period 1976 - 97. Areal evapotranspiration monthly averages, ranging from 168 mm in summer to 52 mm in winter, 83 83: of potentials, were obtained at Teodoro Sampaio and ranging from 134 mm in summer to 17 mm in winter, 41 83: of potentials, were obtained at Presidente Prudente . The wet environment evaporation rates defined by Morton were close to the ones estimated by Penman's method The monthly average lake evaporation rates varied from 181 mm in summer to 78 mm in winter at Teodoro Sampaio, and from 176 mm. in summer to 90 mm in winter at Presidente Prudente. Penman's method overestimated the lake evaporation rates calculated by Morton's method by 8 83: at Teodoro Sampaio and underestimated by 5 83: at Presidente Prudente. At Teodoro Sampaio, Morton's method overestimated the lake evaporation in relation to Class A pan measurements by 14 83: . Morton's model provided more realistic and consistent potential and areal evapotranspiration and lake evaporation rates, obtained from their effects on the rotine climatological observations, used to calculate potential evapotranspiration (evaporation) 91: FDB-20000904 92: FDB-MLR 102: MFN: 8851 1: SID/SCD 2: 7529 3: INPE-7529-NTC/341 4: ETES 5: MP 6: m 7: 16: Leao, Bruno Paes 16: Carvalho, Fabio Barros de 16: Braga, Rodrigo Pimenta Ferreira 16: Assis, Thiago Francisco Amaral Moreira de 18: Medida da distancia a trajetoria de um veiculo em movimento atraves do efeito doppler de ondas sonoras 20: 10 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: DMC 59: PSO 62: INPE 64: <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: NTC 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: TRAJETORIA 87: EFEITO DOPPLER 88: TRAJECTORY ANALYSIS 88: ACOUSTIC MEASUREMENT 88: DOPPLER EFFECT 83: Este trabalho teve como objetivo mostrar o lado experimental da pesquisa cientifica e serviu tambem como uma introducao dos autores a divulgacao cientifica. Apesar de nao ser um projeto com rigor absoluto, conseguiu-se um resultado condizente com as expectativas iniciais e o tempo disponivel (3 dias). Fizeram-se medidas da frequencia das ondas sonoras emitidas por um veiculo em movimento cuja velocidade foi estimada e, atraves da aplicacao de uma equacao obtida de Brown et al. (1957)ou Peterson (1957)e empregada nos principios do programa espacial, obteve-se a distƒncia minima de um ponto (o de observacao)a trajetoria desse veiculo em movimento 91: FDB-20000904 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8852 1: SID/SCD 2: 7681 3: INPE-7681-NTC/342 4: ETES 5: MP 6: m 16: Felipe, Gislaine de 18: Mapeamento de trajetorias espaciais em tres dimensoes com a dinamica do problema restrito de tres corpos 20: 68 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: SPG 59: CMC 62: INPE 64: <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: NTC 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: MECANICA CELESTE 87: PROBLEMA DE DOIS CORPOS 87: PROBLEMA DE TRES CORPOS 87: TRANSFERENCIA ORBITAL 87: ORBITA DA SATELITES 87: TRAJETORIA 87: ASTRODINAMICA 88: SPACECRAFT MANEUVERS 88: ORBITAL POSITION ESTIMATION 88: SIWINGBY TECHNIQUE 88: GRAVITATIONAL EFFECTS 83: No presente trabalho as manobras Swing-by sao descritas, estudadas e classificadas utilizando-se o modelo dado pelo Problema Restrito Circular de Tres-Corpos em tres dimensoes. Assume-se que o sistema e formado por dois corpos principais que estao em orbitas circulares em torno do seu centro de massa e um terceiro corpo de massa desprezivel que esta se movendo sob a atracao gravitacional dos dois primarios 91: FDB-20000904 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8924 1: SID/SCD 2: 7939 3: INPE-7939-TDI/744 4: COMP 5: T 6: m 7: 681.3.06 16: Costa, Samira Rachid da 18: Objetos distribuidos: conceitos e padroes 19: Distributed objets: concepts and patterns 20: 230 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Solon Venancio de Carvalho; Tatuo Nakanishi (orientador); Joao Bosco Schumann Cunha; Selma Shin Shimizu Melnikoff 58: SPG 59: CAP 62: INPE 64: abr. <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: COMPUTACAO APLICADA 87: PROCESSAMENTO DISTRIBUIDO 87: PROGRAMACAO ORIENTADA A OBJETO 87: SISTEMA CLIENTE SERVIDOR 87: PROGRAMACAO DE COMPUTADOR 87: OBJETO DISTRIBUIDOS 88: DISTRIBUTES PROCESSING 88: OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING 88: COMPUTER PROGRAMMING 88: CLIENT SEVER SYSTEMS 83: Ao se decidir distribuir um sistema deve-se considerar tanto o "overhead" que isto implica quanto o beneficio que pode ser alcancado. Tipicamente, apos iniciar-se o modelamento de um sistema, determina-se quais objetos precisam ser implementados como locais e quais como distribu¡dos. A modelagem apresenta um problema quanto a escolha da arquitetura de distribuicao. Estas arquiteturas suportam o desenvolvimento de aplicacoes executando num ambiente heterogeneo e distribu¡do, dispondo de servicos comuns as aplicacoes, tais como, comunicacao entre cliente e servidor, isolamento das aplicacoes em relacao as plataformas de hardware, sistemas operacionais, protocolos de rede e linguagens de implementacao. Cada uma delas apresentara vantagens e desvantagens, isto e, uma melhor adequacao para cada sistema em particular. Atraves de pesquisa bibliografica, verificou-se que as arquiteturas mais referenciadas sao: o "Common Object Request Broker Architecture" (CORBA)e o "Distributed Component Object Model" (DCOM). Assim um estudo das similaridades e diferencas entre ambos, levantadas atraves de seus modelos de objeto, protocolos de comunicacao, funcionalidades e abrangencia, passa a ser um ponto de partida para obter um panorama do estado da arte da tecnologia de distribuicao de objetos, assim como, para o desenvolvimento de aplicacoes distribuidas que se utilizem dessas arquiteturas de distribuicao. ABSTRACT: When deciding to distribute a system, it should be taken into account that the distribution implies "overhead". Yet, the benefit it provides should be explored. Typically, after starting the modeling of a system, is necessary to determine which objects must be implemented as locals or as distributed. The modeling presents a problem in relation to the choice of the distribution architecture. These architectures support the development of applications performing in a heterogeneous environment. They also provide common services to the applications such as communication between server and client; isolation of applications concerned to hardware plataforms; operational systems; net protocols; and implementation languages. Each architecture will present advantages and disadvantages. That is, a more suitable architecture for each particular system. Through bibliographic research, it was possible to observe that the most referred architectures are: "Common Object Request Broker Architecture" (CORBA)and "Distributed Component Object Model" (DCOM). Thus a disquisition showing the similarities and differences between then could be the first step to obtain an overview of the distributed object technology; and also assist the development of distributed application based on one of this distribution architectureses 91: FDB-20001006 92: FDB-MLR 102: 103: homepage.pdf MFN: 8925 1: SID/SCD 2: 7990 3: INPE-7990-TDI/745 4: ETES 5: T 6: m 7: 629.7.062.2 16: Oliveira. Adjame Alexandre Goncalves 18: Estudo estatistico dos processos envolvidos em uma plataforma de atitude solidaria 19: Statistical studies of the processes involved in a strapdown attitude platform 20: 190 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Waldemar de Castro Leite Filho (orientador); Paulo Giacomo Milani; Roberto Vieira da Fonseca Lopes; Valdemir Carrara; Luiz Carlos Sandoval Goes 58: SPG 59: CMC 62: INPE 64: jul. <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: NAVEGACAO INERCIAL 87: ANALISE ESTATISTICA 87: COMPENSACAO DE SENSORES 87: CALIBRACAO 87: ANALISE DE INTEGRACAO NUMERICA 87: ANALISE DE VARIANCIA 88: INERTIAL NAVIGATION 88: STATISTICAL ANALYSIS 88: INSTRUMENT COMPESATION 88: CALIBRATION 88: NUMERICAL INTEGRATION ANALYSIS 88: ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE 83: A determinacao da atitude de um veiculo por meio de um sistema inercial solidario e executada partindo-se das leituras fornecidas por girometros, solidarios ao corpo do veiculo, que sao devidamente processadas por um computador de bordo (Plataforma de Atitude Solidaria). Nesta dissertacao, estuda-se, sob um ponto de vista estatistico, os processos envolvidos no funcionamento de uma Plataforma de Atitude Solidaria, tendo em vista a obtencao da melhor saida que tal sistema pode fornecer. Para tanto, inicialmente foi executada uma analise estatistica do sinal dos girometros e foi desenvolvida uma metodologia para a determinacao de componentes periodicos de baixa potencia que existiam em tais sinais. Foi determinado o modelo de calibracao est tica de minima variancia dos girometros e, na sequencia, estudaram-se angulos de aEuler e quaternions como parametros descritivos da atitude de um sistema inercial solidario. Por fim, estudou-se a evolucao da variancia de um sinal aleatorio submetido a um processo de integracao numerica e aplicou-se tal estudo ao problema de navegacao inercial solidario. ABSTRACT: The attitude determination of a vehicle by means of a strapdown inertial system is performed by computation, in an on-board computer, of the gyrometers measures. In this work, we study, in a statistical point of view, the process that occur in a Strapdown Attitude Platform, searching for the best output that the system can provide. For this purpose, we performed a statistical analysis of the gyrometers output signals and developed a methodology to determine low power periodic components that exist in this signal. In a next step, we determined the minimum variance static calibration model and, additionally, studied Euler angles and quaternions as attitude parameters for a strapdown inertial system. Finally, we studied the variance evolution of a random signal when it is integrated by a numeric process and applied this study in the inertial strapdown navigation problem 91: FDB-20001011 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8928 1: SID/SCD 2: 8001 3: INPE-8001-RPQ/715 4: ETES 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Muraoka, Issamu 16: Varotto, Sebastiao Eduardo Corsatto 16: Vlassov, Valeri Vladimirovich 16: Milani, Paulo Giacomo 16: Candido, a Antonio 16: Candido, Pedro Antonio 18: Sistema de controle termico do bloco girometrico da plataforma suborbital 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DMC 59: PSO 62: INPE 64: <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: RPQ 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: PLATAFORMA SUBORBITAL 87: CONTROLE TERMICO 87: CAPACITOR TERMICO 87: BLOCO GIROMETRICO 88: SUBORBITAL PLATFORM 88: THERMAL STRIPS 88: TEMPERATURE CONTROL 88: ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL 88: TEST CHAMBERS 88: THERMAL VACUUM 88: TESTS 88: COOLING 88: HEATING 88: DISSIPATION 88: GYROSCOPES 88: MICROGRAVITY 83: Este trabalho apresenta a analise e o projeto do sistema de controle termico do bloco girometrico da PSO (Plataforma Sub-Orbital). Problemas termicos foram detectados em analises preliminares do bloco girometrico, devido a sua alta dissipacao termica (60 W). 0 uso do capacitor termico mostrou ser uma solucao mais adequada para evitar temperaturas acima dos limites especificados, em alguns componentes do equipamento. ABSTRACT: The analysis and project of thermal control of a sub-orbital platform for realization of micro-gravity scientific experiments are presented. Preliminary analysis detected problems of overheating of the gyroscope block due to its relatively high heat dissipation (60 W). Applied means of thermal stabilization were the following: application of thermal strips and conductive coupling, black painting and using of a thermal capacitor with phase change material (PCM). These means allowed to maintain temperatures of all components within the specified range. Thermal vacuum tests confirmed the performance of the thermal capacitor, filled with 781 g of n-eicosane C20H42, to stabilize the base plate temperature in the range from 36 to 42 C during 55 min under the heat dissipation of 60 W 91: FDB-20001210 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8930 1: SID/SCD 2: 8000 3: INPE-8000-PRE/3824 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rocco, Evandro Marconi 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 10: Souza, Marcelo Lopes de Oliveira e 12: Bi-impulse orbital transfer between noncoplanar orbits with minimum time for a prescribed fuel consumption 14: 631-640 20: 10 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Mecanica, 15 (COBEM); International Symposium Spacefligth Dynamics (Biarritz, France 26-30, 2000) 54: 22-26 June <2000> 56: Aguas de Lindoia 57: BR 58: DCM 61: 62: INPE 64: <2000> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: ASTRODINAMICA 87: TRANSFERENCIA DE ORBITA 87: MANOBRAS ORBITAIS 87: PROGRAMAS DE COMPUTADOR 87: CONSUMO DE COMBUSTIVEL 88: ASTRODYNAMICS 88: TRANSFER ORBIT 88: ORBITAL MANEUVERS 88: COMPUTER PROGRAMS (SOFTWERE) 88: FUEL C0NSUMPTION 83: In this work we consider the problem of two-impulse orbital transfers between non-coplanar elliptical orbits with minimum time for a prescribed fuel consumption. We used the equations presented by Eckel and Vinh, add some new equations to consider cases with different geometries, and solved those equations to consider cases e for orbital maneuvers. This software can be used in the next missions developed by INPE. The original method developed by Eckel and Vinh was presented without numerical results in that paper. Thus, the modifications considering cases with different geometries, the implementation and the solutions using this method are contributions of this work The software was tested in real applications with success 91: FDB-20001210 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8931 1: SID/SCD 2: 7999 3: INPE-7999-PRE/3823 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rocco, Evandro Marconi 10: Souza, Marcelo Lopes de Oliveira e 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Beratachini de Almeida 12: Station keeping of satellite constellations using optimum impulse maneuvers with time constraint 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics, 3; C¢loquio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 10 54: 31 July-4 Aug. <2000> 56: Campos do Jordao 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2000> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: ASTRODINAMICA 87: TRANSFERENCIA DE ORBITA 87: CONTROLE OTIMIZADO DE TEMPO 87: MANOBRAS ORBITAIS 87: MANUTENCAO DE ORBITAS 87: CONSTELACAO DE SATELITES 88: ASTRODYNAMICS 88: ORBITAL TRANSFER 88: OPIMAL CONSTRAINT 88: STATION KEEPING 88: SATELLITE CONSTELLATION 83: In this work we study the problem of orbital maintenance (transfers and corrections)of symmetricalconstellations of satellites with minimum fuel consumption using impulsive maneuvers with time constraint. This time constraint imposes a new characteristic to the problem, that rules out the majority of the transfer methods available in the literature. Therefore, the transfer methods must be adapte to this new constraint. In the case of satellite constellations we still have the problem of sitnultane optimizing the maneuvers Ir all satellites using scarce resources. As an example, we can mention the situation which the Satellite Control Center of INPE will face soon with the launch of the next Brazilian satellites. INPE has only one Satellite Control Centeq however, it will have to control several satellites simultaneously, an intermediate situation with the case of constellations. In this way na appropriate strategy should be adopted to control the satellites, seeking to fuel minimize the consumption and the time spent by the Control Center for each satellite. Thus, the goal of this work is to formulate and to study maneuver strategies that, in some way, even sub-optimal, makes possibible to obtain solutions with small fuel consumption considering all the satellites in the constellation 91: FDB-20001210 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8932 1: SID/SCD 2: 7998 3: INPE-7998-PRE/3822 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rocco, Evandro Marconi 10: Souza, Marcelo Lopes de Oliveira e 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Constallation station keeping using optimum impulsive maneuvers with time contraint 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Astronautical Congress, 51 (IAF) 54: 2-4 Oct. <2000> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2000> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: ASTRODINAMICA 87: MANUTENCAO DE ORBITAS 87: CONSTELACAO DE SATELITES 87: CONTROLE OTIMIZADO 88: ASTRODYNAMICS 88: STATIONKEEPING 88: SATELLITE CONSTALLATION 88: OPTIMAL CONTROL 83: In this work we study the problem of orbital station keeping maneuvers of symmetrical constellations of satellites with minimum fuel consumption using impulsive maneuvers with time constraint. This time constraint imposes a new characteristic to the problem, that rules out the majority of the transfer methods available in the literature. Therefore, the transfer methods must be adapted to this new constraint. In the case of satellite constellations we still have the problem of simultaneously optimizing the maneuvers for all satellites using scarce resources. As an example, we can mention the situation which the Satellite Control Center of INPE will face soon with the launch of the next Brazilian satellites. INPE has only one Satellite Control Center; however, it will have to control several satellites simultaneously, an intermediate situation with the case of constellations. In this way, an appropriate strategy should be adopted to control the satellites, seeking to minimize the fuel consumption and the time spent by the Control Center for each satellite. Thus, the goal of this work is to formulate and to study maneuver strategies that, in some way, even sub-optimal, makes possible to obtain solutions with small fuel consumption considering all the satellites in the constellation 91: FDB-20001210 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 8994 1: SID/SCD 2: 8176 3: INPE-8176-TDI/758 4: MET 5: T 6: m 16: Correia, Francis Wagner Silva 18: Estudo do balan‡o de radia‡Æo em  rea de policultivo na amaz“nia 19: Study of radiation balance over Amazonian policulture area 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Antonio Ocimar Manzi, Regina C‚lia dos Santos Alval , Ralf Gielow, Cl¢vis Angelis Sansigolo, Rom¡sio Geraldo Bouhid Andr‚ 62: INPE 64: <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 87: policultivo 87: radia‡Æo de onda longa 87: albedo 87: florestas 87: balan‡o de radia‡Æo 88: long wave radiation 88: forests 88: heat budget 83: Medidas das componentes do balan‡o radiativo e das vari veis micrometeorol¢gicas foram coletadas em experimento realizado durante a esta‡Æo seca de 1999 na regiÆo Amaz“nica para o estudo do balan‡o de radia‡Æo em  rea recultivada do Projeto SHIFT na Amaz“nia Central. Esta  rea originalmente era de floresta prim ria, tendo sido desmatada para planta‡Æo de seringueira e, mais tarde abandonada. A floresta secund ria decorrente foi entÆo queimada, para estabelecimento de sistemas de planta‡Æo experimentais. O balan‡o de radia‡Æo foi comparado com medidas obtidas em  rea de floresta adjacente (Reserva Florestal Ducke). Avaliou-se o desempenho de cinco diferentes formula‡äes para a estimativa da radia‡Æo de onda longa da atmosfera(Lî)na  rea recultivada. De modo geral, as formula‡äes resultaram em valores de Lî sobrestimados. Usando coeficientes locais, os melhores ajustes foram obtidos com as formula‡äes de Swinbank (fun‡Æo da temperatura), de Brunt e de Brutsaert (fun‡Æo da pressÆo de vapor e da temperatura), seguidas das formula‡äes de Satterlund e de Idso e Jackson. Outrossim, a discrimina‡Æo entre as cinco formula‡äes feitas a partir do algoritmo de Box e Hill indicaram que a melhor parametriza‡Æo ajustada foi a de Idso e Jackson, seguindo-se, respectivamente, as de Swinbank, de Satterlund, de Brutsaert e de Brunt. Ressalta-se que a melhor probabilidade para a parametriza‡Æo de Idso e Jackson deve-se possivelmente ao fato de ela sub- e sobre-estimar os valores medidos de modo mais regular. O albedo m‚dio da  rea recultivada foi praticamente da mesma ordem que o albedo da floresta prim ria, com valor m‚dio para o per¡odo igual a 0,14. Os valores m‚dios de radia‡Æo solar global no dossel do policultivo e na floresta sÆo bastante similares, cerca de 7 83: superior no policultivo. Cerca de 55 83: da radia‡Æo de ondas curtas que chegou no dossel do policultivo alcan‡ou sua superf¡cie, enquanto na floresta este percentual foi de 10 83: , aproximadamente cinco vezes menor. O saldo de radia‡Æo, estimado em fun‡Æo da radia‡Æo solar incidente medida, mostrou alta correla‡Æo, enquanto o albedo estimado em fun‡Æo do ƒngulo de eleva‡Æo do Sol, ajustado por polin“mios de segundo grau, devem ser usados com cautela, uma vez que os coeficientes de correla‡Æo foram relativamente baixos. Finalmente, ressalta-se que as diferen‡as observadas nos parƒmetros microclim ticos entre floresta e policultivo, resultam das varia‡äes no uso da terra e das diferentes coberturas de vegeta‡Æo da floresta tropical. ABSTRACT: Micrometeorological observations have been used to study the radiation balance over recultivation areas of the SHIFT Project in the Central Amazon, during the dry season. The site was first cleared of primary forest to make way for an experimental rubber plantation which was abandoned soon after. Later, the secondary forest which had evolved was cleared and burnt to establish the plantation systems. The radiation balance was compared with measurements obtained in a adjacent forest (Ducke Reserve). The performance of 5 methods for estimating the long-wave atmospheric radiation flux (Lî)were analyzed. However, the estimates from these formulations underestimate Lî values, when compared to the measurements. Using local coefficients, the estimate of Lî from the equation proposed by Swinbank (1963)showed better results, followed. In addition, the discrimination among the 5 models considered, using the Box and Hill algorithm, showed best adjust with the Idso and Jackson formulation, than the estimate obtained from the formulations proposed by Swinbank, Satterlund, Brutsaert and Brunt. Mean daily albedo of the recultivation area was 14 83: , agreeing well with other tropical forest measurements. The difference in the daily pattern of incoming solar radiation (Kî)between the sites was found to be 7 83: higher at the recultivation area. Approximately 55 83: of Kî reaches the surface, while this value was much less at forest (10 83: ). The net radiation measurements on the basis of Kî, showed excellent accuracy. In contrast, the albedo estimated in terms of the sun's elevation angle must be considered with caution. Therefore, the variability in micrometeorological variables results from changes in land use and vegetation cover in tropical forest areas 91: FDB-20010411 92: FDB-MLR 102: 103: Pdfs/homepage.pdf MFN: 8996 1: SID/SCD 2: 8003 3: INPE-8003-TDI/751 4: CEA 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Wrasse, Cristiano Max 18: Observa‡Æo da temperatura rotacional da hidroxila atrav‚s da aeroluminescˆncia na regiÆo da mesosfera terrestre 19: Airglow observations of the hydroxil's rotacional temperature at the terrestrial mesospheric region 21: 123 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Maria Virg¡nia Alves;Hisao Takahashi;Delano Gobbi;Inez Staciarini Batista;Ricardo Arlen Burit 59: GES 62: INPE 64: fev. <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: aeroluminescˆncia 87: mesosfera 87: temperatura 87: emissäes de hidroxila 87: probabilidade de transi‡ao 88: airglow 88: mesophere 88: temperature 88: probabilidade de transi‡Æo 88: hydroxyl emission 88: transition probabilities 83: O Laborat¢rio de Luminescˆncia Atmosf‚rica (LUME)do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)desenvolveu um fot“metro port til com filtro de interferˆncia inclin vel para medir a aeroluminescˆncia terrestre da hidroxila, banda OH(8,3). Um programa de computador foi desenvolvido para controlar o funcionamento do equipamento e realizar a aquisi‡Æo e redu‡Æo dos dados. Realizou-se o processo de calibra‡Æo espectral e de sensibilidade absoluta no laborat¢rio LUME/INPE para definir o filtro de interferˆncia utilizado e as linhas de emissäes da OH(8,3)medidas. Ap¢s estas etapas, realizaram-se as observa‡äes da aeroluminescˆncia atmosf‚rica no laborat¢rio LUME do Centro Espacial de Cachoeira Paulista - INPE, onde foram obtidas as intensidades m‚dias de emissÆo de 358 Rayleigh e a temperatura rotacional m‚dia de 210 Kelvin da banda OH(8,3). A partir dos resultados das observa‡äes feitas durante os meses de agosto a novembro de 1999, determinaram-se as temperaturas rotacionais da OH(8,3), comparando as temperaturas obtidas para v rios coeficientes de Einstein existentes na literatura. A temperatura da OH(8,3)determinada utilizando os coeficientes obtidos por Langhoff et al. (1986)mostrou a melhor concordƒncia com a temperatura da OH(6,2)obtida usando os coeficientes de Mies (1974).Abstract:The Atmospheric Airglow Laboratory (LUME)of National Institute for Space Research (INPE)developed a portable photometer with a tilting filter to measure the OH(8,3)band airglow. A computer program was developed to control the photometer operation and to accomplish the acquisition and reduction of the data. Photometer sensitivity and spectral calibrations were carried out in order to determine the OH(8,3)line intensities. After these steps, the airglow observations were carried out at the LUME airglow observatory at the Space Center of Cachoeira Paulista - INPE. With the results obtained during the months of August to November in 1999, the estimations of the rotational temperatures of OH(8,3)were carried out. An averaged OH(8,3)band intensity during the period was 358 Rayleigh, and the rotational temperature was 210 Kelvin. It is found that the OH(8,3)temperature obtained with the transition coefficient of Langhoff et al. (1986)has better agreement with the OH(6,2)temperature obtained using Mies' (1974)transition probability 91: FDB-20010412 92: FDB-MLR 102: 103: homepage.pdf MFN: 8998 1: SID/SCD 2: 8179 3: INPE-8179-TDI/759 4: CEA 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Santana, Daniela Cristina 18: Estudos da evolu‡Æo temporal/espacial das derivas das deple‡äes do plasma ionosf‚rico por imagens digitais da aeroluminescˆncia OI 630 NM noturna 19: Study on temporal and spatial evolution of ionospheric plasma depletions zonal drift by nightglow OI 630 NM digital images 20: 131 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca:Hisao Takahashi 58: Jos‚ Humberto Andrade Sobral 58: Polinaya Muralikrishna 58: Walter Demetrio Gonzales-Alarcon 58: Emanoel Paiva de Oliveira Costa 59: GES 62: INPE 64: fev. <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: ionosfera 87: luminescˆncia atmosf‚rica 87: densidade eletronica da ionosfera 87: imageador 87: bolhas de plasma 87: densidade eletr“nica 87: t‚cnicas de imageamento 88: ionosphere 88: airglow OI 630 NM 88: ionospheric electron density 88: plasma bubles 88: imaging technique 83: O objetivo deste estudo ‚ calcular as velocidades de derivas zonais, e os gradientes, das bolhas ionosf‚ricas que ocorreram em Cachoeira Paulista (22,5o S, 45o O, dip 30o S)para o per¡odo de outubro de 1998 a outubro de 1999. Para isto, utilizou-se a t‚cnica ¢tica da aeroluminescˆncia OI 630 nm. O OI 630 nm ‚ uma luz vermelha proveniente do oxigˆnio at“mico da termosfera a uma altura de 250 km cuja a intensidade ‚ diretamente proporcional … densidade eletr“nica (concentra‡Æo de el‚trons). Como as bolhas ionosf‚ricas sÆo regiäes em que a densidade eletr“nica diminui acentuadamente, a intensidade da aeroluminescˆncia OI 630 nm tamb‚m diminui nestas regiäes. Desta maneira, observando a intensidade da aeroluminescˆncia OI 630 nm ‚ poss¡vel verificar a ocorrˆncia das bolhas ionosf‚ricas. A intensidade da aeroluminescˆncia OI 630 nm pode ser obtida em imagens monocrom ticas digitais. Um aplicativo computacional, na linguagem computacional IDL 5.0, foi desenvolvido para processar as imagens digitais. Os resultados deste estudo sÆo os primeiros resultados para um banco de dados £nico com a maior quantidade de imagens digitais da aeroluminescˆncia OI 630 nm obtidas para a regiÆo brasileira, por um instrumento denominado imageador CCD all-sky operando em Cachoeira Paulista desde outubro de 1998. As velocidades de derivas zonais das bolhas ionosf‚ricas estÆo relacionadas com a a‡Æo de um campo el‚trico ionosf‚rico vertical apontando para a Terra cuja a gera‡Æo est  relacionada com o sistema de d¡namo da regiÆo F. As conclusäes gerais deste estudo foram as seguintes: 1)Todas as velocidades de derivas zonais foram na dire‡Æo de oeste para leste, 2)As velocidades de derivas zonais tendem claramente a ser mais altas antes da meia-noite do que depois da meia-noite, 3)As velocidades de derivas zonais tendem a diminuir com o passar da hora local, 4)Os gradientes das velocidades de derivas zonais projetados no plano equatorial claramente tendem a diminuir com a altura, ou seja, decresceram de valor no sentido de norte para sul, 5)As bolhas ionosf‚ricas foram detectadas at‚ … altura m xima de 1275 km no plano equatorial magn‚tico. Estas conclusäes, assim como outras conclusäes mais espec¡ficas, sÆo aqui discutidas. ABSTRACT: This study focuses on the measurements and analysis of the zonal drifts and gradients of the large-scale ionospheric plasma depletions, or bubbles, over the Brazilian region, through digital images of the nocturnal airglow, as observed from INPE's low latitude station Cachoeira Paulista (22.5o S, 45o W, dip 30o S)during the period of October 1998 to October 1999. A software was fully developed in this study in order to process the nocturnal airglow digital images of the OI 630 nm nocturnal airglow, or nightglow. The OI 630 nm nightglow, is a faint red light that stems from the F-region atomic oxygen, and its intensity is directly proportional to the ambient electron concentration of the ionosphere. Since the ionospheric bubbles are regions of sharply depleted electron concentration, the OI 630 nm nightglow decreases too in these regions. So, through the observation of the OI 630 nm emission intensity, it is possible to detect the ionospheric bubbles. In fact, such events can be readily seen in the OI 630 nm signatures. The OI 630 nm nightglow could be obtained in the form of digital images. The results of this study are the first extensive set of OI 630 nm data obtained by a digital all-sky imager at Cachoeira Paulista. The zonal drifts of the ionospheric bubbles are directly related with vertical (downwards), electric fields whose generation is related to the region F dynamo system. The zonal drifts and gradients of the bubbles are analyzed in detail in this study. The general conclusions of this study are: 1)All the zonal drifts observed were in west to east direction 2)The zonal drifts present a clear tendency to be higher before midnight than after midnight, 3)The zonal drifts tend to decrease with the local time, 4)The height gradient of the zonal drifts, as obtained from a projection from the emission layer around Cachoeira Paulista into the equatorial plane, shows a clear tendency to decrease with height, 5)The ionospheric bubbles were detected up to a maximum altitude of 1275 km in the magnetic equatorial plane. These conclusions, as well as other specific conclusions, are discussed here 91: FDB-20010412 92: FDB-MLR 102: 103: Pdfs/homepage.pdf MFN: 9001 1: SID/SCD 2: 8162 3: INPE-8162-TDI/756 4: COMP 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Doescher, Andr‚a Marques LeÆo 18: Um controlador da dinƒmica da aritm‚trica de m£ltiplas colunas usando redes neurais artificiais 19: A controller of multicolumns arithmetic using artificial neural networks 20: 168 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Sandra Aparecida Sandri (orientadora); Jos‚ Dem¡sio Simäes da Silva; Camilo Rodrigues Neto; Glauco Augusto de Paula Caurin 62: INPE 64: jun. <2000> 66: Sao Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: COMPUTACAO APLICADA 87: redes neurais artificiais 87: teoria de aut“mato 87: aritm‚tica 87: cognicao 87: comportamento humano 88: cognition 88: neural nets 88: arithmetic 88: automata theory 88: human behavior 83: O paradigma de redes neurais artificiais, em espec¡fico de redes neurais supervisionadas, tem se mostrado adequado para modelar o processamento aritm‚tico, embora esta nÆo seja uma tarefa trivial. A modelagem da aritm‚tica de m£ltiplas colunas, por envolver processamento seqencial, torna-se uma tarefa ainda mais complexa, sendo necess rio que a arquitetura da rede neural artificial utilizada seja capaz de processar seqˆncias e que possa agir como um controlador dos procedimentos seqenciais envolvidos neste processamento cognitivo. Para tal ‚ preciso que a rede saiba onde est  na seqˆncia de procedimentos a cada momento - esta ‚ a capacidade apresentada por um aut“mato finito. Na literatura h  relatos de poucos trabalhos que modelam a aritm‚tica de m£ltiplas colunas. Entre estes, destaca-se o trabalho de Richard Dallaway que, utilizando uma rede neural recorrente, modela o comportamento mental e visual do homem ao resolver um problema aritm‚tico de m£ltiplas colunas. O trabalho de Dallaway ‚ o £nico encontrado, nessa linha de trabalho, que nÆo se preocupa em modelar o n£mero, mas em modelar os mecanismos que fazem com que n¢s realizemos as opera‡äes aritm‚ticas. Entretanto, o desempenho da rede ‚ baixo, devido ao pequeno n£mero de problemas generalizados e outros problemas apresentados. Nesta disserta‡Æo, analisaremos minuciosamente seu trabalho a fim de resolvermos os problemas apresentados, melhorando o potencial da rede, para que esse modelo possa ser utilizado com mais eficiˆncia em pesquisas de processos cognitivos. ABSTRACT: The artificial neural networks paradigm, and specially supervised ones, has been shown to be adequate to model arithmetic processing, eventhough this cannot be considered a simple task. The modeling of multiple columns arithmetic is particularly complex, since it deals with sequential processing, requiring a neural net architecture capable of processing sequences, and acting as a controller of the sequential procedures involved in this cognitive process. To do so, it is necessary for the net to know where it is in the sequential processing, at each moment; a capacity presented by a finite automaton. In the literature, there is a small number of works addressing the modeling of multiple columns arithmetic. Among them, the work of Richard Dallaway stands out, modeling the human mental and visual behavior to solve multiple columns arithmetic, using a recursive neural network. Dallaway's work is the only one to be found in this field, which does not try to model numbers, but to model the mechanisms that makes it possible to us to carry out arithmetic operations. However, the performance of the neural net is poor, due to the number of problems generalized by the net and to the problem presented to it. In this work, we analyse Dallaway's work in detail, in order to solve the problems presented by that approach, improving the net potentiality, making it possible for this model to be used more efficiently in several cognitive processes research lines 91: FDB-20010412 92: FDB-MLR 102: 103: Pdfs/homepage.pdf MFN: 9005 1: SOD/SCD 2: 8052 3: INPE-8052-PRE/3868 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Chiaradia, Ana Paula Marins 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Investigation of the signal GPS ionospheric correction 14: 214-218 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed. 18: Advances in Space Dynamics 38: ISBN:85-901487-1-8 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Col¢quio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 9 54: 16-20 nov. <1998> 56: µguas de Lind¢ia 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: astrodinƒmica 87: trajet¢rias espaciais 87: mecƒnica celeste 87: manobras orbitais 87: sistema de posicionamento global 88: astrodynamics 88: spececraft trajectories 88: celestial mechanics 88: orbital maneuvers 88: global position systems position 88: GPS 83: The purpose of this work is to investigate a proper model to correct the ionospheric effect using single frequency GPS measurements, which it will be used in the artificial satellite orbit determination taking in account that satellite will be above 1000 km of earth's surface. When the GPS signals are transmitted from GPS satellite to receiver, they propagate through the ionosphere causing errors on the measurements which are the highest one on signal propagation. To achieve the highest possible positioning accuracies form GPS, the ionospheric errors shall be neutralized using some kind of model and/or measurement, and they have to be considered within the adjustment process. Using dual frequency GPS receivers, the ionospheric errors can be almost totally accounted for taking advantage of the ionosphere's dispersive nature. However, this work deals with real-time determination of an artificial satellite orbit with single frequency GPS receiver. So, some model of single frequency ionospheric correction must be used. Such investigation will define to which extent the ionospheric error can affect the final accuracy of the real-time determination when using the GPS constellation 91: FDB-20010416 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9007 1: SOD/SCD 2: 8061 3: INPE-8061-PRE/3877 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Costa, Ione Vicente 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Orbital evolution of a satellite perturbed third-body 14: 176-194 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ED. 18: Advances in Space Dynamics 38: ISBN:85-901487-1-8 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Col¢quio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 9 54: 16-20 nov. <1998> 56: µgua de Lind¢ia 57: BR 58: DMC 62: INPE 63: 64: <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: astrodinƒmica 87: trajet¢rias espaciais 87: mecƒnica celeste 87: manobras de orbitas 88: astrodynamics 88: space mechanics 88: spacecraft trajectories 88: orbital maneuvers 83: This paper has the goal of developing a semi-analytical study of the perturbation caused in a spacecraft by a third body involved in the dynamics. One of the important applications of the present research is to calculate the effect of Lunar and Solar perturbations on high-altitude Earth satellites. There is a special interest to see under which conditions a near-circular orbit remains near-circular. The so called "critical angle of the third-body perturbation," that is a value for the inclination such that any near-circular orbit with inclination below this value remains near-circular, is discussed in detail 91: FDB-20010416 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9009 1: SI/SCD 2: 8058 3: INPE-8058-PRE/3874 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Orbital maneuvers for the China-Brazil satellite using continuous thrust 14: 126-135 16: Azevedo, JoÆo Luiz Filgueiras; Mello, Olympio Achilles de Faria, ed. 18: Brazilian progress in aerospace engineering 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Mecƒnica, 15 (COBEM) 56: µgua de Lind¢ia 57: BR 58: DMC 64: <2001> 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: astrodinƒmica 87: trajet¢rias espaciais 87: mecƒnica celeste 87: manobras orbitais 88: astrodynamics 88: spacecraft trajectories 88: celestial mechanics 88: orbital maneuvers 83: The objective of this paper is to study the orbital maneuvers that will have to be performed by the CBERS (China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite)satellite. The CBERS is a remote sensing satellite that is under development by China and Brazil. This satellite is planned to stay in a polar frozen orbit and orbital maneuvers will have to be performed to achieve and keep its orbital elements in a specified range. This paper will be devoted to study the maneuvers required by this satellite. After a search in the literature and analysis of the results available, one selects a scheme of solution to the problem, where a hybrid approach is used and the determination of the initial values of the Lagrange multipliers (to solve the equations given by the first order necessary conditions for a local minimum)is transformed in a direct search problem. The numerical solution of the problem in each iteration is reduced to one of nonlinear programming, which is then solved with the gradient projection method. The spacecraft is supposed to be in Keplerian motion controlled by the thrusts, that are assumed to be of fixed magnitude (either low or high)and operating in an on-off mode. Results of simulations are presented for several case studies 91: FDB-20010416 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9010 1: SID/SCD 2: 8044 3: INPE-8044-PRE/3860 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Felipe, Gislaine de 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Optimal maneuvers in three-dimensional swing by trajectories 14: 84-98 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed. 18: Advances in Space Dynamics 38: ISBN:85-901487-1-8 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Col¢quio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 9 54: 16-20 nov. <1998> 56: µgua de Lind¢ia 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: astrodinƒmica 87: trajetorias espaciais 87: mecanica celeste 87: manobras de orbitas 88: astrodynamics 88: spacecraft trajectories 88: celestial mechanics 88: orbital maneuvers 83: The swing-by maneuver uses a close approach with a celestial body to modify the velocity, energy and angular momentum of a spacecraft. The literature has several papers studying this problem, usually using a patched-conic approximation. In the present paper the swing-by maneuvers are studied and classified under the model given by the three-dimensional restricted three-body problem. To show the results, the orbits of the spacecraft are classified in four groups: elliptic direct, elliptic retrograde, hyperbolic direct and hyperbolic retrograde. Then, the modification in the orbit of the spacecraft due to the close approach is shown in plots that specify from which group of orbits the spacecraft is coming and to which group it is going. The results generated here are used to solve optimal problems, such as finding trajectories that satisfy some given constraints (such as achieving an escape or a capture)with some parameters being extremized (position, velocity, etc ...). Three optimal problems are solved in this paper to show this application 91: FDB-20010416 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9012 1: SID/SCD 2: 8040 3: INPE-8040-PRE/3856 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Schulz, Walkiria 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 10: Moraes, Rodolpho Vilhena de 12: Orbital changes using atmospheric maneuvers 14: 368-378 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed. 18: Orbital changes using atmospheric maneuvers 38: ISBN:901487-1-8 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Col¢quio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 9 54: 16-20 nov. <1998> 56: µgua de Lind¢ia 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: ASTRODIN¶MICA 87: TRAJETàRIAS ESPACIAIS 87: MEC¶NICA CELESTE 87: MANOBRAS ORBITAIS 88: ASTRODYNAMICS 88: SPCECRAFT TRAJECTORIES 88: CELESTIAL MECHANICS 88: ORBITAL MANEUVERS 83: The study of atmospheric maneuvers for satellites is an important aspect of the exploration of planets surfaces and atmospheres. To take more advantage of the gains due to atmospheric maneuvers, we need to develop an optimal control law to maneuver the satellite. This control law should minimize the fuel consumption required by the velocity variation due to engines on board the satellite. With this in mind, the aim of the present work is to establish what is the performance gain that can be achieved using aerodynamic forces combined with propulsive ones, with the objective of changing a satellite orbital plane around the Earth. Results of several simulations are presented 91: FDB-20010416 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9013 1: SID/SCD 2: 8038 3: INPE-8038-PRE/3954 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 10: Broucke, Roger A 12: A study of the effects of Jupiter in space trajectories 14: 63-82 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed. 18: Advances in Space Dynamics 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Col¢quio brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 9 54: 16-20 nov. <1998> 56: µgua de Lind¢ia 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: ATRODIN¶MICA 87: TRAJETàRIAS ESPACIAIS 87: MEC¶NICA CELESTE 87: MANOBRAS ORBITAIS 87: TCNICA "SWINGBY" 88: ASTRODYNAMICS 88: SPACECRAFT TRAJECTORIES 88: CELESTIAL MECHANICS 88: ORBITAL MANEUVERS 88: SWINGBY TECHNIQUE 83: In the present paper we study and classify the Swing-by maneuvers that use the planet Jupiter as the body for the close approach. The goal is to simulate a large variety of initial conditions for those orbits and classify them according to the effects caused by the close approach with Jupiter in the orbit of the spacecraft. The well-known planar restricted circular three-body problem is used as the mathematical model. The equations are regularized (using LemaŒtre's regularization), so it is possible to avoid the numerical problems that come from the close approach with Jupiter. After that, the velocity increment required to start or to stop the spacecraft at the Earth and the flight path angle at the meeting point are calculated. A section is also written to compare the results obtained with the dynamics given by the restricted problem and the "patched-conics" approximation 91: FDB-20010416 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9014 1: SID/SCD 2: 8042 3: INPE-8042-PRE/3858 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Nogueira, Erica C. 10: Winter, Othon Cabo 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: A study of close encounters between Mars and Astroids from the 3:1 resonance 14: 137-148 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed. 18: Advances in Space Dynamics 38: ISBN:85-901487-1-8 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Col¢quio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 9 54: 16-20 nov. <1998> 56: µguas de Lind¢ia 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: ASTRODIN¶MICA 87: TRAJETàRIAS ESPACIAIS 87: MEC¶NICA CELESTE 87: MANOBRAS ORBITAIS 87: RESSON¶NCIA 88: ASTRODYNAMICS 88: SPACECRAFT TRAJECTORIES 88: CELESTIAL MECHANICS 88: ORBITAL MANEUVERS 88: RESONANCE 83: In the main asteroid belt, the Kirkwood gap associated to the 3:1 mean motion resonance with Jupiter has been largely studied during the lasts decades. The studies suggest that objects in such resonance would suffer very large variations in their eccentricities becoming inner planet crossers, and finally, being removed by close encounters with such planets. Following the ideas of celestial mechanics of gravity assist we present a simple analytical analysis of the variation of some orbital elements of fictitious asteroids in 3:1 resonance with Jupiter after having a close encounter with planet Mars. The results indicate that Mars is not much effective in removing these asteroids 91: FDB-20010416 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9015 1: SID/SCD 2: 8041 3: INPE-8041-PRE/3857 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Jesus, Antonio Delson Cancei‡Æo 10: Souza, Marcelo Lopes Oliveira e 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Study of the effects of thrust vector erroRs on nonimpulsive orbital transfers 14: 424-436 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed. 18: Advances in space Dynamics 38: ISBN:901487-1-8 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Col¢quio brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 9 54: 16-20 nov. <1998> 56: µgua de Lind¢ia 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: astrodinƒmica 87: trajet¢rias espaciais 87: mecƒnica celeste 87: manobras orbitais transferˆncia de orbitas 88: astrodynamics 88: spacecraft trajectories 88: celestial mechanics 88: orbital maneuvers 88: transfer orbits (orbital transfer) 83: In this paper we present the first part of a Monte-Carlo analysis of nonimpulsive orbital transfers under thrust errors. This was done as part of an extensive study conducted in three phases. The first phase was the numerical implementation and numerical tests of a nonimpulsive trajectory optimization method. The second phase was an extensive Monte-Carlo analysis on nonimpulsive orbital transfers under thrust errors. The third phase was a first algebraic explanation for some of the numerical relations found in the second phase. This paper emphasizes the first (uniform)part of the second phase. Its main results suggest and partially characterizes the progressive deformation of the trajectory distribution along the propulsive arc, turning 3sigma ellipsoids into banana shaped volumes curved to the center of atraction (we call them "bananoids")due to the loss of optimality of the actual (with errors)trajectories with respect to the nominal (no errors)trajectory. Such deformations can not be anticipated by covariance analysis on linearized models with zero mean errors which propagate ellipsoids into ellipsoids always centered in the nominal (no errors)trajectory. The results also characterize how close or how far are Monte-Carlo analysis and covariance analysis for those examples 91: FDB-20010416 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9016 1: SID/SCD 2: 8054 3: INPE-8054-PRE/3870 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Lifetime of spacecrafts around natural satellites in the solar system 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos Control and their Applications in Engineering Sciences (ICONNE) 54: 31 July - 4 Aug. <2000> 56: Campos do JordÆo 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: astrodinƒmica 87: trajet¢rias espaciais 87: mecƒnica celeste 87: manobras orbitais 88: astrodynamics 88: spaeraft trajectories 88: celestial mechanics 88: orbital maneuvers 88: three body problems 83: This paper has the goal of developing an analytical and a numerical study of the perturbation caused in a spacecraft by a third body involved in the dynamics. There are several important applications of the present research, such as to calculate the effect of Lunar and Solar perturbations on high-altitude Earth satellites. In the present research the goal is to study the evolution of orbits around some important natural satellites of the Solar System, such as the Moon, the Galilean satellites of Jupiter Titan, Titania, Triton and Charon. The assumptions of our model are similar to the ones made in the restricted three-body problem: a)There are only three bodies involved in the system: one body with mass m0 fixed in the origin of the reference system; a massless spacecraft in a generic orbit around this body and a third body in a circular orbit around this same central body in the plane x-y; b)The motion of the spacecraft is supposed to be a three-dimensional Keplerian orbit with its orbital elements disturbed by the third body. The motion of the spacecraft is studied under the double-averaged analytical model with the disturbing function expanded in Legendre polynomials up to the fourth-order. The fact that modern computers can easily integrate numerical trajectories using complex models for the dynamics does not invalidate the use of models based in analytic approximations. There are many reasons for that. The most important one is that a double-averaged model, like the one shown here, can eliminate short-period periodic perturbations that appear in the trajectories. Analytical models can also give some general results, like the fact semi-major axis remain constant, that are not possible to obtain from numerical results only. It was also noted that the truncated equations of motion can be numerically integrated much faster than the full equations of the restricted three-body problem. The double-averaged model makes the average over the short period of the spacecraft and the long period of the distant third-body. Then, the equations derived here are used to estimate the lifetime of elliptical orbits around those natural satellites 91: FDB-20010416 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9017 1: SID/SCD 2: 8053 3: INPE-8053-PRE/3869 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Pado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini e Almeida 12: The elliptic-bi-parabolic planar transfer for artificial satellites 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics Chaos, Control and their Application in Engineering Scinces (ICONNE) 54: 31 July - 4 Aug. <2000> 56: Campos do JordÆo 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: astrodinƒmica 87: trajet¢rias espaciais 87: mecƒnica celeste 87: manobras orbitais 88: astrodynamics 88: spaeraft trajectories 88: celestial mechanics 88: orbital maneuvers 83: The "elliptic-bi-parabolic transfer" orbit for artificial satellites is an extension of the bi-parabolic transfer that uses a Swing-By with a natural satellite of the main body to reduce the amount of fuel required by the maneuver. The objective is to find the minimum cost trajectory, in terms of fuel consumed, to transfer a spacecraft from a parking orbit around a planet to an orbit around a natural satellite of this planet (in a first version of this maneuver)or to a higher orbit around the planet (in a second version of this maneuver). The steps involved in this maneuver are: the application of an impulse to make the spacecraft to escape from the parking orbit around the planet using an elliptic transfer that crosses the orbit of the natural satellite; a Swing-By with the natural satellite with the periapsis distance controlled to make the spacecraft to reach a first parabolic transfer orbit; a zero cost impulse applied at infinity to change the orbit to a second parabolic transfer orbit that makes the spacecraft to return close to the natural satellite or around the planet (depending on the version considered)at an altitude equal to the radius of the final orbit desired; a third impulse to circularize the final orbit. The derivation of analytic equations that calculate the fuel saved in this maneuver when compared to the standard Hohmann transfer is made for both versions and it is used to generate numerical examples. Graphics are built to show in more details the potential savings given by this technique. After that, the idea of using a natural satellite in the maneuver is applied to the problem of making a spacecraft to escape from the main planet to the interplanetary space with maximum velocity at infinity. Numerical examples to leave Earth in a trip to all the planets of the Solar System and the to interstellar space are shown and the savings are quantified 91: FDB-20010416 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9018 1: SID/SCD 2: 8070 3: INPE-8070-PRE/3886 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Jesus, Ant“nio Delson Cancei‡Æo 10: Souza, Marcelo Lopes Oliveira e 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Mante-Carlos analysis of nonimpulsive orbital transfer under thrust erros, 2 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics Chaos, Control and their Applications in Engineering Scinces (ICONNE) 54: 31 July - 4 Aug. <2000> 56: Campos do JordÆo 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: astrodinƒmica 87: trajet¢rias espaciais 87: mecƒnica celeste 87: manobras orbitais 88: astrodynamics 88: spaceraft trajectories 88: celestial mechanics 88: orbital maneuvers 83: In this paper we studied statistically orbital maneuvers with finite propulsion under thrust errors. We studied two transfer maneuvers: a)a high orbit low thrust coplanar transfer; and b)a middle orbit high thrust noncoplanar transfer (the 1st transfer of the satellite EUTELSAT II-F2). These transfers were done with magnitude and direction ("pitch" and "yaw")errors in the thrust applied to the satellite. This errors were modeled as random-bias or white noise stochastic processes, with zero mean and unit variance gaussian probability density functions. We studied many cause-effect relations. Among them, the general results suggest that the thrust magnitude errors do not cause appreciable mean final deviations, but that the standard deviation of each thrust direction error holds a nonlinear (almost parabolic)relation with the mean deviation in the final semi-major axis and with the final eccentricity. They suggest and partially characterizes the progressive deformation of the trajectory distribution along the propulsive arc, turning 3sigma ellipsoids into banana shaped volumes curved to the center of atraction (we call them "bananoids")due to the loss of optimality of the actual (with errors)trajectories with respect to the nominal (no errors)trajectory. A similar deformation but due to initial condition gaussian errors was shown by Junkins. As his plots also suggest, such deformations can not be anticipated by covariance analysis on linearized models with zero mean errors which propagate ellipsoids into ellipsoids always centered in the nominal (no errors)trajectory. Our results also characterize how close or how far are Monte-Carlo analysis and covariance analysis for those examples 91: FDB-20010416 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9022 1: SID/SCD 2: 8066 3: INPE-8066-PRE/3882 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: An analytical description of the close approach maneuvers in three dimensions 38: (IAF-00-A-5.05) 53: International Astronautical Congress, 51 (IAF) 54: 2-6 Oct. <2000> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: astrodinƒmica 87: trajet¢rias espaciais 87: mecƒnica celeste 87: manobras orbitais 87: transferˆncia de orbitas 88: astrodynamics 88: spacecraft trajectories 88: celestial mechanics 88: orbital maneuvers 88: transfer orbits (orbital transfer) 83: In the present paper a description of the close approach maneuver is made in the three-dimensional space. Analytical equations based in the patched conics approximation are derived to calculate the variation in velocity, angular momentum, energy and inclination of the spacecraft that performs this maneuver. From the general equations derived it is possible to obtain expressions for particular cases, like the planar and the polar maneuver. Several properties are derived and demonstrated, like: for the planar maneuver the variation in inclination can have only three possible values: 180§, 0§, and -180§; the variation in inclination is symmetric with respect to the out of plane angle; a passage by the poles changes only the y-component of' the angular momentum, keeping the energy and the inclination of the trajectory unchanged. Simulations are shown for the Sun-Jupiter and Earth-moon systems. Practical applications of the equations derived in maneuvers with specified initial orbit are made 91: FDB-20010416 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9024 1: SID/SCD 2: 8049 3: INPE-8049-PRE/3865 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Chiaradia, Ana Paula Marins 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: The use of the single frequency GPS measurements to determine in real time artificial satellite orbits 38: IAF-99-A.7.03 53: International Astronautical Congress, 50 (IAF) 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: astrodinƒmica 87: trajet¢rias espaciais 87: mecƒnica celeste 87: manobras orbitais 87: transferˆncia de orbitas 88: astrodynamics 88: spacecraft trajectories 88: celestial mechanics 88: orbital maneuvers 88: transfer orbits (orbital transfer) 83: A simple model to determine the orbit of an artificial satellite in real time, using single frequency GPS measurements, is considered. The artificial satellite is above 1000 km of the Earth's surface. The estimation method, in this work, is the extended Kalman filter which is used to estimate in real time the spacecraft's orbit aboard. As the goal of this work is to have relatively standard accuracy (around tens of meters)along with minimum computational cost, the Cowell's method is used to propagate the state vector. The modeled forces are due to the geopotential taking into account the spherical harmonic coefficients up to 50th order and degree of JGM-2 model. To propagate the state covariance matrix, it is considered a more simplified model than the one used in the dynamical model. For computing the state transition matrix, the effect of J2 is considered. In the measurement model, the single frequency GPS pseudorange is used considering the effects of the ionospheric delay, clock offsets of the GPS and user satellites, and relativistic effects. A dual frequency ionosphere model is still used to remove them. Several comparisons are made to assess the effects that should taken into account, as well as to have a trade-off to weigh amongst accuracy, computer load, fastness, and real time constraints. To validate this model, real data are used from Topex/Poseidon satellite which has a dual frequency GPS receiver aboard, and the results are compared with the Topex/Poseidon Precision Orbit Ephemeris (POE)generated by NASA/JPL 91: FDB-20010416 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9026 1: SID/SCD 2: 8046 3: INPE-8046-PRE/3862 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Felipe, Gislene de 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Parametric optimization for close-aproach trajectories 53: International Astronautical Congress, 51 (IAF) 54: 2-6 Oct. <2000> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: astrodinƒmica 87: trajet¢rias espaciais 87: mecƒnica celeste 87: manobras orbitais 87: transferˆncia de orbitas 88: astrodynamics 88: spacecraft trajectories 88: celestial mechanics 88: orbital maneuvers 88: transfer orbits (orbital transfer) 88: swing-bay maneuve 83: The swing-by maneuver is a technique used to reduce the fuel consumption of space missions. It uses a close approach with a celestial body to modify the velocity, energy and angular momentum of a spacecraft. The literature has several papers studying this problem, usually using a patched-conic approximation. In the present paper the swing-by maneuvers are studied and classified under the model given by the restricted three-body problem. To show the results, the orbits of the spacecraft are classified in four groups: elliptic direct, elliptic retrograde, hyperbolic direct and hyperbolic retrograde. Then, the modification in the orbit of the spacecraft due to the close approach is shown in plots that specify from which group of orbits the spacecraft is coming and to which group it is going. The results generated here are used to solve optimal problems, such as finding trajectories that satisfy some given constraints (such as achieving an escape or a capture)with some parameters being extremized (position, velocity, etc ... ) 91: FDB-20010416 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9027 1: SID/SCD 2: 8045 3: INPE-8045-PRE/3861 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Souza, Marcelo Lopes Oliveira e 10: Nunes, Danton 12: Forecasting space debris distribution: a mesure theory approach 14: 12-27 16: Winter, Othon Cabo 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed 18: Advances in space dynamics 3: applications in astronautics 38: ISBN 85-17-00006-4 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Astronautical Congress, 51 (IAF) 54: 2-6 Oct. <2000> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: PRE 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: space debris 88: covariance 83: The goal of this paper is to show how traditional covariance matrix propagation is not always fit for the purpose of forecasting either the distribution of space debris or (which turns out to be equivalent)the probability of finding a body drifting on a gravitational field with incomplete knowledge of its initial conditions. The main limitation of covariance matrix propagation comes front the fact that the debris density function is poorly described by the mo first moments alone, even if the initial density function is spherical. Given enough time, the chaotic nature of the motion under gravity stretches and bends the initial debris distribution into distorted and growing shapes (called by us "bananoids")that the two lowest moments can no longer model it. To illustrate this fact we analyze a very simple model composed of an almost massless body under the action of a central gravitational force to show that, even under such favourable conditions (no atmospheric effects, no non-gravitational forces, no random forces), covariance propagation fails miserably. To overcome the limitations of the traditional approach we turn to the differential equations of the motion and its topological and measure properties. The partial differential equation that describes the time history of the debris distribution is of the same mathematical nature of the Lagrangian or material derivative of the fluid mechanics. If we add random forces the motion becomes a diffusion process. Its distribution is thus governed by the well known Kolmogorov-Fokker-Planck partial differential equation. Covariance matrix propagation is indeed an approximate solution to the KFP equation. We propose that more elaborate approximations be used, cither including higher moments or moving to a new ser of base functions 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 9028 1: SID/SCD 2: 8145 3: INPE-8145-PRE/3955 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: An, Chen Ying 10: Rappl, Paulo Henrique de Oliveira 10: Closs, Huberto 10: Abramof, Eduardo 10: Motisuke, Paulo 10: Boschetti, C‚sar 10: Ueta, Ant“nio Yukio 10: Bandeira, Iraja Newton 12: Proposal for lead-tin telluride crytal growth by VMS method in microgravity at ISS 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Astronautical Congress, 51 (IAF) 54: 2-6 Oct. <2000> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: LAS 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: FISICA DE MATERIAIS 87: crescimento de cristais 87: microgravidade 87: Estacao Espacial Internacional 87: semicondutores 88: crystal growth 88: microgravity 88: semiconductors (materials) 83: Large homogeneous ternary alloy single crystals are a must for high performance optoelectronic devices such as diode lasers and infrared detector arrays. One practical choice for infrared detectors and semiconductor lasers in the wavelength range of 5 to 12 mm is the narrow band-gap semiconductor Pb1-xSnxTe. Under certain conditions, Bridgman growth in low gravity can result in crystals with more homogeneous axial concentration. This is due to the shift from convective growth on Earth to diffusion controlled steady-state (DCSS)growth in space. Two ways to achieve DCSS growth on Earth is by reducing the growth aspect ratio (liquid height / ampoule diameter)or using the vapor-melt-solid (VMS)growth. In this method a thin stoichiometric liquid layer is formed at the interface between the solid and the vapor. Such liquid layer, ahead of the crystallization front, has a thickness of the order of millimeters instead of the centimeters typical of Bridgman growth, reducing the Rayleigh and Grashof number below critical values for vertical or horizontal growth respectively. While it is possible to find a method to eliminate buoyancy driven convection on Earth, very little can be done about surface-tension convection (Marangoni flow), which can give rise to axial and radial solute distribution. To grow a crystal by VMS in microgravity conditions will be an excellent way to evaluate the mechanism that give rise to radial and axial solute segregation on melt grown crystals 91: FDB-20010416 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9299 1: SID/SCD 2: 8211 3: INPE-8211-PUD/102 4: ETES 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Sukhanov, Alexander Alexandrovich 18: Lectures on astrodynamics (updated) 21: 151 38: Publica‡Æo Interna 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 62: INPE 64: <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: PUD 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: astrodinƒmica 87: equacoes de movimento 87: manobras de orbitais 87: transferˆncia de orbita interplanet ria 87: perturbacoes 87: instabilidade gravitacional 88: astrodynamics 88: equations of mation 88: orbital maneuvers 88: interplanetary transfer orbit 88: perturbation 88: gravitational instability 83: The lectures give a basic knowledge in different areas of Astrodynamics. These class notes contain an essence of the lectures and consist of thirteen chapters. First chapter briefly describes necessary mathematics, which is used in the lectures. Second chapter introduces the two-body problem (Keplerian motion)and considers its main properties; third chapter studies the Keplerian motion deeper for different orbit types. Equations for the calculation of different orbital parameters and the flight time are obtained in the third chapter. Fourth chapter presents another approach to the orbital-parameters and flight time calculation using a universal variable. This approach makes the equations unified for different orbit types. Fifth chapter introduces in the theory of the perturbed motion and analyzes influence of the main perturbations, both gravitational and non-gravitational ones, on the motion. The spacecraft impulsive maneuvers changing different orbital parameters are analyzed in the sixth chapter; one, two, and three-impulse maneuvers are considered there. Seventh chapter gives an advanced solution of the Lambert problem: determination of the transfer orbit between two given positions in a given time. This solution is universal, i.e. unified with respect to the orbit types and number of complete revolutions. Interplanetary transfers including the gravity assist maneuvers are considered in eighth chapter. This consideration is based on the patched-conic approach which is described in the chapter. Ninth chapter introduces in the space navigation, i.e. orbit determination and orbital correction maneuvers. The least square method is described in the chapter. Autonomous navigation is also briefly considered in chapter 9. Tenth chapter describes an advanced method of the state transition matrix calculation. The method is based on the matrix decomposition which allows to unify the matrix calculation with respect to the different orbit types. The state transition matrix is widely used in different areas of the Astrodynamics. Eleventh chapter considers an optimization of the orbital maneuvers. The Pontryagin's maximum principle and its applications to the optimization of the spacecraft maneuvering are described in the chapter. The electric propulsion (low thrust)and some aspects of its optimization are considered in twelfth chapter. Thirteenth chapter considers a special case of the low-thrust transfer, namely a spiral transfer due to a transversal thrust. Simple formulae for the calculation of the transfer parameters are obtained in the chapter. Note that chapters 2-5 can be applied both to the natural and artificial celestial bodies, chapters 6-13 consider mostly the spacecraft motion, navigation, and maneuvering MFN: 9302 1: SID/SCD 2: 8180 3: INPE-8180-TDI/760 4: COMP 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Felgueiras, Carlos Alberto 18: Modelagem ambiental com tratamento de incertezas em sistemas de informacao geogr fica: o paradigma geoestat¡stico por indicacao 19: Environmental modeling with uncertainty treatment in geographical information systems: the indicator geostatistical paradigm 20: 212 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Doutor 58: Banca: Gilberto Cƒmara Neto, Antonio Miguel Vieira Monteiro (orientador), Suzana Druck Fucks (orientador), Corina da Costa Freitas, Eduardo Delgado Assad, Paulo C‚zar Pinto Carvalho 59: CAP 62: INPE 64: ago. <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: GEOPROCESSAMENTO 87: sistemas de informacao geogr fica 87: SIG 87: geostat¡stica 87: krigeagem 87: simula‡Æo estoc stica 87: modelagem de incerteza 87: qualidade de dados 88: geographic information systems 88: geostatistic 88: kriging 88: stochastic simulation 88: uncertainty modeling 88: data quality 83: Os produtos de modelagens envolvendo propriedades e processos do meio f¡sico natural, gerados no ambiente computacional de Sistemas de Informa‡Æo Geogr fica (SIG)como mapas de aptidÆo agr¡cola, mapas de vulnerabilidade … erosÆo, zoneamento ecol¢gico-econ“mico, para citar alguns, deveriam fornecer informa‡Æo quantitativa sobre a qualidade dos produtos disponibilizados, uma vez que sÆo destinados a apoiar processos de tomada de decisÆo. A tecnologia atual dos SIG nÆo incorpora, em seus procedimentos, a no‡Æo de qualidade aos diferentes cen rios que ‚ capaz de produzir atrav‚s da integra‡Æo e opera‡Æo sobre dados espaciais de diversas naturezas. Assim, em rela‡Æo ao uso sistem tico de ambientes de SIG, no atual est gio da tecnologia, para as mais diversas modelagens em apoio a processos decis¢rios, o que efetivamente tem acontecido chega a ser temer rio. Na imensa maioria dos casos, nenhuma informa‡Æo quantitativa sobre a qualidade dos produtos gerados ‚ agregada ao produto final, e o que era para ser um cen rio, uma poss¡vel resposta a uma determinada modelagem para os dados envolvidos no processamento, passa a ser a expressÆo da verdade.  neste contexto que se insere este trabalho. Uma proposta de sistematiza‡Æo, baseada no paradigma da modelagem geoestat¡stica por indica‡Æo, para uso em modelagem computacional desenvolvida em ambiente de SIG. As t‚cnicas e m‚todos, apontados pela sistematiza‡Æo aqui proposta, sÆo explorados na teoria e na pr tica, atrav‚s de sua implementa‡Æo, e sÆo demonstradas em estudos de caso. Este trabalho dedica especial aten‡Æo … formula‡Æo de t‚cnicas de estimativa e m‚tricas de incerteza que possam abordar, de forma unificada, dados geogr ficos de natureza tem tica (categ¢rica)e num‚rica (cont¡nua), apresentando resultados promissores. Discute-se e testa-se a hip¢tese do uso de dados indiretos, quando h  pouca disponibilidade de amostras, como forma de se procurar melhorar a acur cia das inferˆncias utilizadas. A integra‡Æo destes procedimentos aos ambientes de SIG, em seu atual est gio de desenvolvimento tecnol¢gico, ‚ discutida e os requisitos b sicos para esta integra‡Æo sÆo apresentados. Com este trabalho espera-se estar contribuindo na dire‡Æo de orientar arquitetos e desenvolvedores de SIG para incorporar as ferramentas de modelagem espacial necess rias … manipula‡Æo de dados geogr ficos, com suas medidas de incertezas associadas, e … propaga‡Æo das incertezas para os produtos de modelagem ambiental, que ir  qualificar o produto resultante do uso da tecnologia. ABSTRACT:The use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)to model environmental phenomena limits decision-making processes because the products of GIS modeling, such as agriculture suitability and vulnerability to erosion maps or economic-ecological zoning, do not encompass quantitative information on data quality. Current GIS technology does not associate the notion of data quality to the various scenarios resulting from integrating and combining different spatial data. This situation requires attention and jeopardizes decision-making processes based on GIS. In most cases there is no information on data quality aggregated to the final products. As a consequence, what should be a scenario of possible answers to a certain modeling turns out to be the expression of truth. The present research is concerned with issues that come from this context. This thesis is a proposal towards a systematic computational modeling in GIS based on the paradigm of indicator geostatistic modeling. The proposed techniques and methods are implemented and demonstrated through case studies. This work is especially concerned with the formulation of estimation techniques and uncertainty metrics that can treat both thematic (categorical)and numerical (continuous)geographic data. It also discusses and tests the hypothesis of using soft data to improve the estimate accuracy when only a few samples are available. The integration of these procedures in a GIS environment, as well as the basic requirements for such integration, is discussed and presented. This research contributes to guide GIS designers and developers to incorporate spatial modeling tools required for an appropriate handling of geographic data, taking their uncertainties into consideration when the data set is directly involved in environmental modeling 102: 103: Pdfs/homepage.pdf MFN: 9303 1: SID/SCD 2: 8209 3: INPE-8209-TDI/764 4: COMP 5: T 6: m 7: 621.376.5 16: Mura, Jos‚ Claudio 18: Geocodifica‡Æo autom tica de imagens de radar de abertura sint‚tica interferom‚trico: sistema Geo-InSAR 19: Automatic geocoding of the inteferometric SAR images: Geo-InSAR systems 21: 159 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Doutor 58: Banca: Antonio Miguel Vieira Monteiro (orientador); JoÆo Roberto Moreira (orientador); Luciano Vieira Dutra; Leila Maria Garcia Fonseca; David Fernandes; Alejandro C‚sar Frery Orgambide 59: CAP 62: INPE 64: ago.<2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: PROCESSAMENTO DIGITAL DE IMAGENS 87: interferometria 87: imagens de radar 87: radar de abertura sint‚tica 87: SAR 87: geocodifica‡Æo 87: retifica‡Æo geom‚trica 88: interferometry 88: synthetic aperture radar (SAR) 88: geometric rectification (imagery) 88: radar imagery 83: O processo de gera‡Æo de produtos cartogr ficos, a partir de imagens de Radar de Abertura Sint‚tica Aerotransportado, "Synthetic Aperture Radar" (SAR), utilizando a t‚cnica de Interferometria SAR (InSAR), pode ser dividido em duas partes. A primeira parte trata do Processamento SAR Interferom‚trico, onde ‚ gerada a imagem SAR e o interferograma. A segunda parte trata da Geocodifica‡Æo InSAR, onde ‚ gerada a orto-imagem SAR e o Modelo Num‚rico de Terreno (MNT). A primeira parte ‚ realizada no modo autom tico, e a segunda parte no modo semi-autom tico, pois a etapa de calibra‡Æo de fase ainda requer certos cuidados do operador. A calibra‡Æo de fase est  relacionada … estimativa do "offset" de fase associado a cada interferograma. Este "offset" pode ser determinado atrav‚s do uso de pontos de controle, refletores de canto, que ‚ um meio caro e nem sempre dispon¡vel, ou atrav‚s de m‚todos j  existentes mas pouco eficientes computacionalmente. Esta tese apresenta a concep‡Æo, equacionamento, implementa‡Æo e teste de um novo m‚todo para calibra‡Æo de fase, que viabiliza a automatiza‡Æo do processo de Geocodifica‡Æo InSAR. O novo m‚todo utiliza dois interferogramas, adquiridos em dire‡äes opostas de v“o, com uma regiÆo de sobreposi‡Æo entre eles. O m‚todo baseia-se na constru‡Æo de fun‡äes que relacionam "offset" de fase com altitude, em um conjunto de pontos na regiÆo de sobreposi‡Æo entre os dois interferogramas. Para cada ponto, relaciona-se a fun‡Æo de "offset" do primeiro, com a fun‡Æo de "offset" do segundo, atrav‚s de um processo de interpola‡Æo. Este conjunto de novas fun‡äes apresentam um ponto de cruzamento, de onde ‚ poss¡vel estimar os valores dos "offset" de fase dos dois interferogramas. Resultados baseados em dados reais de mapeamento, utilizados no Projeto de Transposi‡Æo de µguas do Rio SÆo Francisco, sÆo apresentados, mostrando a viabilidade do processo autom tico de Geocodifica‡Æo InSAR. O novo m‚todo de calibra‡Æo de fase, mostrou-se robusto e cerca de 20 vezes mais r pido que o m‚todo equivalente conhecido, e o processo de Geocodifica‡Æo InSAR cerca de 3 vezes mais r pido, quando se utilizou o novo m‚todo. O uso deste novo m‚todo mostra que ‚ poss¡vel reduzir o n£mero de pontos de controle, reduzir o tempo de processamento, e por conseqˆncia, reduzir os custos de um projeto de produ‡Æo cartogr fica baseado em radargrametria. ABSTRACT The generation of high resolution topographic map from airborne InSAR data, involves two processing parts, the Interferometric SAR processing and the InSAR Geocoding. The first part can be done in the automatic mode, because the algorithms involved are efficient and well known. In the second part, the phase calibration is the critical processing step, and the algorithm that has been used to do that is not efficient. The aim of this thesis, is an efficient method to estimate the phase offset, in order to calibrate the interferometric phase, to make the automatic InSAR Geocoding feasible. The proposed method for phase calibration, uses a pair of overlapped interferograms acquired in opposite flight direction. Functions between phase offset and heights for both interferogram are built, in a set of points in the overlapped area. For each point, the offset function of the first interferogram can be interpolated with the corresponding offset function of the second interferogram. This operation can be done for a set of points. The intersection of these interpolated functions, or crossing points, gives the estimated phase offset for both interferograms. The performance of this method has been tested with airborne InSAR data, acquired during the SÆo Francisco mission in Brazil, and comparison of the results using corner reflectors are presented. The proposed method for phase calibration is 20 times faster then the equivalent one, and presents the same results in terms of accuracy. Extensive experimental results are provided, in order to confirm the feasibility of the automatic InSAR Geocoding procedure, using the proposed method for phase calibration. The Digital Elevation Models generated from interferometric phase, calibrated by using control points and also by using the new method, are compared. The automatic InSAR Geocoding process is 3 times faster when the new method for phase calibration is used, instead of the equivalent one. The use of the proposed method for phase calibration, shows that it is possible to decrease the number of the corner reflector in a mapping process, decreasing the cost of this process 102: 103: pdf/homepage.pdf MFN: 9304 1: SID/SCD 2: 8207 3: INPE-8207-TDI/762 4: ETES 5: T 6: m 7: 629.7.062.2 16: Funada, Alberto Seiti 18: Identifica‡Æo e compensa‡Æo dinƒmica de um simulador de movimento rotativo 19: Identification and compensation of a rotational motion simulator 20: 136 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: EN 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Luiz Carlos Gadelha de Souza, Waldemar de Castro Leite Filho (orientador),Valdemir Carrara, M rio Cesar Ricci, Luiz Carlos Sandoval G¢es 59: CMC 62: INPE 64: nov. <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: SIMULADOR DE MOVIMENTO 87: IDENTIFICA€ÇO DE SISTEMAS 87: COMPENSADORES 87: CONTROLE DE ATITUDE 87: SIMULA€ÇO DE CONTROLE 88: MOTION SIMULATORS 88: SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION 88: COMPENSATORS 88: ATTITUDE CONTROL 88: CONTROL SIMULATION 83: O uso de Simulador de Movimento Rotativo ‚ imprescind¡vel em simula‡äes de malha de controle de atitude, de forma a se conseguir um ambiente de valida‡Æo para pol¡ticas de controle a serem desenvolvidas em ve¡culos espaciais. Por‚m, a inclusÆo deste dispositivo provoca altera‡äes dinƒmicas nesta malha e criam diferen‡as significativas se comparada … malha de controle a ser simulada.Devido a todas essas caracter¡sticas, deve-se verificar a necessidade de compensa‡Æo para atenuar a influˆncia dinƒmica desse dispositivo. Para s¡ntese de tal compensa‡Æo deve-se, inicialmente, elaborar um procedimento de identifica‡Æo de tal dispositivo, estudar m‚todos aplic veis de compensa‡Æo e avaliar os resultados obtidos. ABSTRACT: In order to simulate an attitude control loop of a spacecraft it is necessary to incorporate elements to its simulation loop that is similar to those in the actual loop. Some of these elements, like rotational sensors, need mechanical input, provided by a Rotational Simulator. This device adds its dynamical characteristics to the loop, changing the behaviour of the simulation process. In order to verify its influence, it is necessary to perform an identification procedure on it and, if necessary, elaborate a compensation scheme to attenuate the effect 102: MFN: 9306 1: SID/SCD 2: 8206 3: INPE-8206-TDI/761 4: COMP 5: T 6: m 7: 519.863 16: Corrˆa, Ricardo Varela 18: Otimiza‡Æo de desempenho utilizando contadores de hardware 19: Performance optimization using hardware counters 21: 193 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Airam J“natas Preto, Celso Luiz Mendes (orientador), Stephan Stephany, JoÆo Ricardo de Freitas Oliveira, Alderico de Paula 58: SPG 59: CAP 62: INPE 64: jun. <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: COMPUTA€ÇO APLICADA 87: programa‡Æo paralela 87: desempenho 87: contadores 87: otimiza‡Æo 88: parallel programming 88: performance 88: counters 88: optimization 88: hardware 83: A disponibilidade de microcomputadores cada vez mais potentes, com capacidade computacional e  rea de armazenamento pr¢ximos da capacidade de esta‡äes de trabalho car¡ssimas, tem colocado a comunidade cient¡fica diante de uma nova ferramenta para o desenvolvimento de aplica‡äes cient¡ficas. A utiliza‡Æo dessas novas plataformas no meio cient¡fico criou a necessidade para um sistema operacional que fosse est vel e confi vel, abrindo o caminho para que o Linux assumisse a tarefa de gerenciar essas m quinas. Este aumento da capacidade somado a um ambiente est vel, traz a necessidade de se melhorar o desempenho de algumas aplica‡äes cient¡ficas, uma vez que o aumento das dimensäes dos dados a analisar vem crescendo continuamente. Assim, com o aumento da complexidade dos problemas cient¡ficos e principalmente com a necessidade de tratamento de grandes quantidades de dados, tem colocado a otimiza‡Æo de desempenho como fator importante no desenvolvimento de uma aplica‡Æo. Especificamente nos processadores fabricados pela Intel, existem recursos internos que podem facilmente auxiliar no estudo do desempenho de um programa. A captura de dados internos que monitorem a atividade do c¢digo executando internamente ao processador e em tempo real, pode fornecer informa‡äes que mostrem onde estÆo os pontos problem ticos. O acesso a eventos internos aos processadores pode ser realizado atrav‚s dos denominados contadores de hardware, que trazem informa‡äes precisas sobre o estado do processador. A forma de utiliza‡Æo desses contadores, principalmente como acion -los a partir de uma aplica‡Æo de alto n¡vel e estando trabalhando no ambiente Linux, exige alguns conhecimentos que estÆo discutidos com detalhes neste trabalho. A captura dos dados de desempenho permite assim conhecer como um trecho de programa interage com o processador e atrav‚s de t‚cnicas cl ssicas de otimiza‡Æo, pode-se reduzir consideravelmente os pontos de intera‡Æo adversa com o processador. Uma interface foi desenvolvida para permitir ao programador a captura desses dados. A metodologia aqui descrita foi aplicada inicialmente a simula‡äes de pequenos trechos de c¢digo e a uma aplica‡Æo seqencial. Posteriormente, foi aplicada a um exemplo de c lculo de desvio padrÆo onde contagens de diversos eventos foram realizadas. A otimiza‡Æo de um programa seqencial real partindo da reestrutura‡Æo do c¢digo original em Fortran 77 foi executada com o c¢digo em nota‡Æo Fortran 90, instrumentado e monitorado em diversos eventos. A paraleliza‡Æo desse c¢digo e execu‡Æo em paralelo, mostra a eficiˆncia do m‚todo, disponibilizando aos programadores uma seqˆncia de etapas para an lise de uma aplica‡Æo cient¡fica, visando a otimiza‡Æo de desempenho. A monitora‡Æo de programas paralelos permite assim que o desempenho de uma aplica‡Æo paralela seja analisada e atrav‚s da inspe‡Æo e monitora‡Æo de seu c¢digo, mostrar como torn -lo mais eficiente. Os dados obtidos mostram que o m‚todo pode ser utilizado em aplica‡äes seqenciais ou paralelas fornecendo informa‡äes claras do funcionamento de trechos de programa, permitindo ao programador identificar os pontos de intera‡Æo adversa com a arquitetura. ABSTRACT: The availability of more powerful microcomputers with the computacional and storage capacities similar to expensive workstations, is leading the scientific community upfront to a new tool for the development of scientific applications. The use of these new plataforms created the need of an operational system that was stable and reliable, thus allowing Linux to lead the way to control these machines. Both high computer capacity and stable environment are items needed to boost the search for performance increase. Also, added to this scenario, there is an increasing complexity in scientific problems size of scientific data. With all this information in mind, performance increase is the next thing to do. Specifically Intel processors have built-in resources that can be used to analyze performance. The capture of the processor internal status in real time can provide information to solve software bottlenecks. Access to processor's internal resources to monitor events during execution of a code can be done using hardware counters, a set of registers that can monitor internal events occurring in the processor. Capture of performance data provides the necessary information on how an application interacts with the processor and, through the use of optimization procedures, it is possible to reduce the adverse interaction with the processor. An interface including a set of tools to capture performance data is available to the software programmer. The methods described here were applied to a series of simulations of adverse memory access and also to a real application. After its validation, a real scientific application written in Fortran 77 code was implemented and instrumented to monitor memory reference events in the processor internal cache. This application was totally restructured using Fortran 90 notations and again monitored for the same events. The reduction of execution time shows the efficiency of the Fortran 90 version. The reduction of adverse interaction with the cache memory is measured and discussed. This same application is again modified with the insertion of parallel directives in order to distribute the input data using the parallel data programming paradigm. The same events were monitored locally in each processor, showing the feasibility of performance data capture in parallel applications 102: 103: Pdfs/homepage.pdf MFN: 9307 1: SID/SCD 2: 8202 3: INPE-8202-RPQ/719 4: ETES 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Edom, Andreas 18: Experimental and theorical investigation of periodic pressure and temperature fluctuation during the operation of a gas-loaded variable conductance heat pipe 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 62: INPE 64: <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: RPQ 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: tubos de calor 87: variavel 87: resistˆncia 87: variacoes peri¢dicas 88: heat piper 88: variable 88: resistance (conductance) 88: periodic variations 83: Foram descobertos, estudados e classificados novos fen“menos com respeito a oscila‡äes peri¢dicas de temperatura de evaporador, pressÆo de opera‡Æo e posi‡Æo da frente entre vapor e g s em tubos de calor de condutƒncia vari vel sob condi‡äes externas permanentes. Dois tubos de calor de alum¡nio de diferente geometria, com ranhuras internas axiais e controlados por g s nÆo condens vel, foram testados usando acetona ou etanol como l¡quido de trabalho e arg“nio como g s nÆo condens vel. Um reservat¢rio de g s externo e sem revestimento interno foi conectado ao fim do condensador do tubo de calor atrav‚s de um fino tubo de conexÆo. Variando os parƒmetros, como o n¡vel de carga t‚rmica e o conte£do de g s, diferentes tipos de oscila‡äes foram detectados e analisados. Permanentes e casuais oscila‡äes sincronizadas revelam um per¡odo na faixa de 2 min a 6 min e uma amplitude at‚ 2.8 §C. Uma correla‡Æo entre amplitude e per¡odo dessas flutua‡äes foi confirmado tamb‚m. PressÆo, temperatura de evaporador e a posi‡Æo da frente mostraram uma resposta sincr“nica com uma leve defasagem no tempo. Um modelo matem tico simplificado foi desenvolvido e indicou que o motivo direto dessas oscila‡äes sincronizadas ‚ uma varia‡Æo peri¢dica do menisco nas ranhuras do evaporador. No entanto a razÆo prim ria para este acontecimento ainda nÆo foi descoberta. Oscila‡äes independentes durante a opera‡Æo perto da secagem do l¡quido nas ranhuras mostrou alta amplitude (at‚ 3.5 §C)e freqˆncia (per¡odos entre 20 e 50 s).Neste contexto uma segunda oscila‡Æo de freqˆncia baixa foi observada em alguns testes com per¡odo e amplitude sobre-impostos de cerca de 12 min e 3 §C respetivamente. Al‚m disso, resultados adicionais foram conseguidos com respeito ao excedente de temperatura durante a partida de opera‡Æo, ao amortecimento das oscila‡äes, assimetria devido … gravidade durante a secagem e anomalias de longo prazo devido … difusÆo. Esses novos dados sÆo importantes para o desenvolvimento do tubo de calor controlado por g s como um elemento de controle t‚rmico para aplica‡äes espaciais. O trabalho de pesquisa foi conduzido pelo Dr. Andreas Edom no INPE/ETE/DMC sob supervisÆo e assistˆncia do Dr. Valeri Vlassov durante o per¡odo de fevereiro de 2000 a mar‡o de 200 1, e foi patrocinado por uma bolsa de p¢s-doutorado da FAPESP sob o contrato No. 99/07580-3. O objetivo deste trabalho foi atender …s diretivas do programa de pesquisa e desenvolvimento CONTER promovido pela Coordena‡Æo Geral de Engenharia e Tecnologia Espacial (ETE)do INPE. ABSTRACT: New phenomena related to periodic oscillations of evaporator temperature, operating pressure and vapor/gas front position in variable conductance heat pipes under permanent external conditions were discovered, studied and classified. Two gas-loaded axially grooved aluminum heat pipes with different geometry were tested using acetone or ethanol as working fluid and argon as noncondensable gas. A non-wicked external gas reservoir was connected to the condenser end of the heat pipe through a small diameter feed tube. By the variation of parameters, such as the heat load level and the gas inventory, different types of oscillations have been detected and analyzed. Permanent and casual synchronous oscillations reveal a period in the range from 2 min to 6 min and an amplitude up to 2.8 §C. A correlation between amplitude and period of such fluctuations has also been confirmed. Pressure, evaporator temperature and front positions displayed a synchronous response with a slight shift in time. A simplified mathematical model was developed and indicated that the direct reason of these synchronous oscillations is a periodical variation of the meniscus in the evaporator grooves. The primary reason of this occurrence, however, is not discovered yet. Detached oscillations during operation close to dry-out showed a high amplitude (up to 3.5 '§C)and frequency (periods from 20 to 50 sec). In this context a second low-frequent oscillation has been observed in some tests with Superimposed period and amplitude of about 12 min and 3 §C respectively. Moreover additional results have been achieved concerning the temperature overshoot during start-up, oscillation damping, gravity-related asymmetry during dry-out and long-term diffusion-related anomalies. The novel data are important for the development of the gas-loaded heat pipe as a thermal control element for space applications. The research work wits conducted by Dr. Andreas Edom at DMC/INPE under supervision and assistance of Dr. Valeri Vlassov during the period from February 2000 until March 2001, and was Supported by a post-doctoral fellowship granted by the SÆo Paulo State research foundation FAPESP under contract No. 99/07580-3. The objective of this work was to meet the guidelines of the research and development program CONTER promoted by the General Coordination of Engineering and Space Technology (ETE)of INPE MFN: 9308 1: SID/SCD 2: 8307 3: INPE-8307-TDI/766 4: ETES 5: T 6: m 7: 629.7.062.2 16: Carvalho, Gustavo Baldo 18: Levantamento de t‚cnicas de identifica‡Æo de estrelas e desenvolvimento de um ambiente de simula‡Æo e testes para an lise de seus desempenhos em aplica‡äes espaciais 19: A survey on star identification techniques and development of a simulation and test environment to analyzed their performance on space applications 21: 290 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Roberto Vieira da Fonseca Lopes (orientador); Valcir Orlando; Marcelo Lopes de Oliveira e Souza; H‚lio Koiti Kuga; Maria Cec¡lia Fran‡a de P. S. Zanardi 59: CMC 62: INPE 64: set.<2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: sensor de estrelas 87: identifica‡Æo de estrelas 87: programas de computador 87: espa‡onave 87: simula‡Æo 87: controle de atitude 88: star 88: sensors 88: identification 88: computer programs 88: spacecraft 88: simulation 88: attitude control 83: Este trabalho analisa e classifica diversas t‚cnicas existentes de identifica‡Æo de estrelas observadas por sensores estelares em espa‡o naves estabilizadas triaxialmente, com o objetivo de facilitar a escolha do algoritmo mais adequado a uma determinada aplica‡Æo. A an lise das t‚cnicas de identifica‡Æo de estrelas se baseia em simula‡äes de vistas por um sensor estelar, utilizando-se um cat logo como fonte de informa‡Æo. As possibilidades para as identifica‡äes de estrelas sÆo: identifica‡Æo correta, identifica‡Æo err“nea, identifica‡Æo amb¡gua e nÆo identifica‡Æo. Algumas das principais tarefas das t‚cnicas sÆo maximizar a probabilidade de identifica‡Æo correta e minimizar a probabilidade de identifica‡Æo err“nea. O tempo de processamento e a mem¢ria requerida sÆo tamb‚m aspectos relevantes. Algumas t‚cnicas de identifica‡Æo de estrelas analisadas pressupäem disponibilidade de informa‡Æo de atitude a priori, enquanto outras nÆo. Algumas procuram otimizar o processo de busca da solu‡Æo por meio de uma t‚cnica adequada de varredura do cat logo de estrelas enquanto outras fazem a varredura de cat logos de pares de estrelas ou ainda de cat logos de padräes de estrelas. A solu‡Æo em algumas t‚cnicas ‚ obtida por sucessivas verifica‡äes l¢gicas, enquanto que em outras pela maximiza‡Æo de um ¡ndice de desempenho. Um ambiente de simula‡Æo e testes denominado Star Identification Algorithm Test Software (S.I.A.T.S.)foi desenvolvido para facilitar a compara‡Æo entre algoritmos que implementam t‚cnicas de identifica‡Æo de estrelas. Assim, diversos algoritmos sÆo implementados e comparados em termos de taxa de sucesso, erros da atitude determinada e tempo de processamento. Ap¢s a identifica‡Æo das estrelas, a atitude ‚ estimada pelo m‚todo de m¡nimos quadrados que utiliza dois ou mais versores conhecidos em dois referenciais diferentes. A representa‡Æo de atitude ‚ feita atrav‚s de ƒngulos de Euler e as coordenadas das estrelas em um referencial inercial sÆo obtidas de cat logos estelares tais como o SKY Catalogue 2000.0 (Sky Publishing Corporation, 1991). Dessa forma, pretende-se somar esfor‡os a projetos em andamento no Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)tais como o projeto de um sensor estelar, o sat‚lite franco-brasileiro e o projeto do balÆo de "M scara Codificada" (MASCO). Abstract: This work analyzes and classifies star identification methods and techniques for star sensor observations on a three-axis stabilized spacecraft. The main aim is to ease the choice of the best algorithm for a specific space application. The analysis of the star identification techniques is based on digital simulation for the star sensor. There are four possibilities for a star identification: correct identification, misidentification, ambiguous identification and no identification. Some of the main tasks of the algorithms are to maximize the probability of a correct identification and to minimize the probability of a misidentification. The execution time and the required memory are also relevant performance parameters. Some of the analyzed star identification techniques require a priori attitude information availability, while others do not. Some seek the search process optimization for the solution by means of the stars' catalog tracking technique while others use stars' pairs catalogs or stars' patterns catalogs. The solution in some techniques is obtained by successive logical verifications, while others maximize a performance index. A simulation and test environment called Star Identification Algorithm Test Software (S.I.A.T.S)was developed to ease the comparison among algorithms that implement stars identification techniques. The results are compared in terms of success rate, attitude estimation errors and execution time. After identification of the stars, the attitude is estimated by the least-squares method, Which uses two or more vectors in both reference frame and body frame. The attitude is represented through Euler angles and the star coordinates in an inertial frame are obtained from a star catalog named SKY Catalogue 2000.0 (Sky Publishing Corporation, 1991). Thus, the results are intended to be a positive contribution to National Space Research Institute (INPE)projects such as the star tracker project, the French-Brazilian micro-satellite and the "Codified Mask" (MASCO)balloon project 102: 103: Pdfs/homepage.pdf MFN: 9309 1: SID/SCD 2: 8309 3: INPE-8309-PUD/103 4: ETES 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 18: Introdu‡Æo …s perturba‡äes orbitais e suas aplica‡äes 20: 69 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DMC 62: INPE 64: <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: PUD 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: astrodinƒmica 87: perturbacao 87: mecƒnica orbital 88: astrodynamics 88: orbital mechanics 88: perturbation 83: Em problemas de Mecƒnica Celeste ou de Astrodinƒmica, ‚ comum ser necess rio o uso de um modelo matem tico um pouco mais completo do que o problema de dois corpos puntiformes (trˆs ou mais corpos, dois corpos nÆo puntiformes, etc. ... ) para descrever o movimento de um ponto de massa. Quando isso ocorre, o problema de determinar velocidade e posi‡Æo de um corpo em um dado instante de tempo a partir de um estado inicial conhecido passa a nÆo ter, em geral, uma solu‡Æo anal¡tica fechada.  para estudar essas situa‡äes que aparecem os chamados m‚todos de perturba‡Æo. Eles estudam o movimento de corpos celestes sujeitos a modelos relativamente complexos como sendo resultado de um potencial U0, derivado do modelo de dois corpos puntiformes, e um potencial perturbador R (note que R ‚ uma grandeza escalar e nÆo deve ser confundido com a grandeza vetorial R utilizado posteriormente nesse trabalho), em geral pelo menos uma ordem de grandeza menor do que U0. Assim sendo, o potencial pode ser expresso como U = U0 + R 91: FDB-20010626 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9310 1: SID/SCD 2: 8069 3: INPE-8069-PRE/3885 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Felipe, Gislaine de 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Study of the inclination change in three-dimensional swing-by trajectories 14: 60 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 22 54: 28 May - 4 June <2000> 56: Morioka 57: JP 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: astrodinƒmica 87: trajet¢rias espaciais 87: mecƒnica celeste 87: manobra orbital 87: t‚cnica "swingby" 88: astrodynamics 88: spacecraft trajectories 88: celestial mechanics 88: orbital maneuvers 88: swingby technique 83: In the present paper the swing-by maneuvers are studied under the model given by the three dimensional circular restricted three-body problem. This maneuver can be identified by five independent parameters: Vp, the magnitude of the velocity of the spacecraft at periapsis; y, the angle between the velocity vector at periapsis and the intersection between the horizontal plane that passes by the periapsis and the plane perpendicular to the periapsis that holds Vp; rp, the distance between the spacecraft and the celestial body during the closest approach; a the angle between the projection of the periapsis line in the x-y plane and the line that connects the two primaries; , the angle between the periapsis line and the x-y plane. A numerical algorithm to study this problem was build and used to generate several results 91: FDB-20010626 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9312 1: SID/SCD 2: 9254 3: INPE-9254-TDI/816 4: COMP 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Pereira, Patricia Maria 18: Servi‡o de persistˆncia para ambientes distribu¡dos explorando os recursos do reposit¢rio de interfaces 20: 104 38: Em processo de publica‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Solon Venƒncio de Carvalho; Tatuo Nakanishi (orientador); Maur¡cio Gol‡alves Vieira Ferreira (orientador); Nilson Sant'Anna; Selma Shin Shimizu Melnikoff 58: SPG 59: CAP 62: INPE 64: fev. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 88: 83: Esta disserta‡Æo de mestrado apresenta uma nova abordagem para a persistˆncia de objetos em ambientes distribu¡dos. Idealizou-se neste trabalho um servi‡o de persistˆncia para a arquitetura SICSD. A arquitetura SICSD mostra-se como uma arquitetura flex¡vel e dinƒmica para ambientes distribu¡dos que se aplica ao software de controle de sat‚lites utilizado pelo INPE (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais). A id‚ia da arquitetura SICSD consiste em organizar tal software em objetos que possam migrar dinamicamente de uma m quina para outra conforme as solicita‡äes dos controladores e do estado da rede de computadores utilizada para o controle de sat‚lites. A comunica‡Æo neste ambiente distribu¡do faz-se atrav‚s de um middleware que implementa a especifica‡Æo Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA). A arquitetura SICSD disponibiliza funcionalidades comuns a qualquer aplicativo destinado ao controle de sat‚lites (processamento de telemetria, envio de telecomando, etc). Disponibiliza tamb‚m uma variedade de servi‡os que viabilizam o funcionamento satisfat¢rio do ambiente distribu¡do. O Servi‡o de Persistˆncia Proposto (SPP)para a arquitetura SICSD foi idealizado com o objetivo de reduzir o esfor‡o de programa‡Æo dos desenvolvedores de software. A utiliza‡Æo do SPP evita que o desenvolvedor necessite escrever c¢digo para a persistˆncia de seus objetos. O SPP propäe uma inova‡Æo que se caracteriza pela utiliza‡Æo do reposit¢rio de Interfaces. O Reposit¢rio de Interfaces ‚ um recurso encontrado em implementa‡äes da especifica‡Æo CORBA. Cont‚m informa‡äes sobre as interfaces dos objetos distribu¡dos por um sistema baseado em CORBA, como ‚ o caso da arquitetura SICSD. Fazendo uso dos recursos do Reposit¢rio de Interfaces, o SPP conhece em tempo de execu‡Æo os atributos que caracterizam o estado de um objeto, podendo acessar dinamicamente seus m‚todos. Assim ‚ poss¡vel recuperar o estado do objeto da mem¢ria e armazen -lo no banco de dados. O ganho ao explorar o Reposit¢rio de Interfaces reside no fato de que altera‡äes nos atributos de um objeto sÆo imediatamente refletidas em sua interface e conseqentemente dispon¡veis para o SPP. Al‚m disso, o uso do Reposit¢rio de Interfaces torna o SPP extens¡vel a adi‡Æo de novos objetos sem a necessidade de uma recompila‡Æo de c¢digo. Abstract - This dissertation presents a new approach to the persistence of objects in distributed environments. Service persistence for a SICSD architecture was the focus of this research. SICSD architecture has shown itself to be both flexible and dynamic in the distributed environments of the satellite control software used at the Brazilian National Space Research Institute (INPE). The idea behind the SICSD architecture is to organize the software in objects so that they can migrate from one machine to another according to controller demands and according to the state of the computer network used to control the satellites. Communication within this distributed environment takes place through middleware that implements the CORBA (Common Object Request Broker)specification. The SICSD architecture makes common functions available to any application designed o control the satellites (telemetry processing, sending telecommands, etc.)It also provides for a variety of services necessary for the proper functioning of the distributed environment. The Proposed Persistence Service (PPS)for a SICSD architecture was designed to reduce the programing workload of software designers. With PPS, the designer does not have to write a code for the persistence of the objects. The designer only has to delegate the execution of the persistence process to PPS in the code lines. PPS innovates through the use of the Interface Repository. The Interface Repository is a resource found in the implementation of the CORBA specification. The repository contains information about the interfaces of the distributed objects in a CORBA-based system such as that found in the SICSD architecture. Using Interface Repository resources, PPS knows which attributes characterize the state of an object during execution, having the capacity to access its methods dynamically. This makes it possible to recover the state of the object from the memory and save it in the database. The advantage of exploring the Interface Repository derives from the fact that changes in object attributes are immediately reflected in its interface and, thus, available to the PPS. Moreover, the Interface Repository makes the PPS open to the addition of new objects without having to recompile the code 91: FDB-20020625 92: FDB-MLR 102: 103: homepage.pdf MFN: 9343 1: SID/SCD 2: 8362 3: INPE-8361-PRE/4142 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Nobre, Carlos Afonso 12: Amaz“nia: fonte ou sumidouro de carbono 14: 197-224 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 52: Brasil. Minist‚rio do Meio Ambiente 53: Causas e dinƒmica do desenvolvimento na Amazonia 58: CPT 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 87: concentracao de di¢xido de carbono 87: floreta tropical 87: ciclo do carbono 87: mudanca clim tica 88: carbon dioxide concentration 88: rain forest 88: carbon cycle 88: climate change 82: 83: A Amaz“nia ‚ fonte ou sumidouro de di¢xido de carbono para a atmosfera global? Esta importante questÆo cient¡fica ainda permanece em aberto. Por muitas d‚cadas, imaginou-se que a emissÆo devida aos desmatamentos e queimadas de crescentes  reas da floresta tropical inevit vel mente significaria que a regiÆo deveria ser fonte de CO2 para a atmosfera. Entretanto, uma s‚rie de estudos recentes sobre ;o balan‡o de carbono da floresta nÆo perturbada tem mostrado que estas florestas tropicais da Am‚rica do Sul podem estar acumulando carbono por fotoss¡ntese mais do que perdendo por respira‡Æo das plantas e decomposi‡Æo da mat‚ria orgƒnica, isto ‚, poderiam estar retirando ("seqestrando")carbono da atmosfera 91: FDB-20010815 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9351 1: SID/SCD 2: 8373 3: INPE-8373-PRE/4153 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Tello, Camilo 10: Villela Neto, Thyrso 10: Smoot, G.F. 10: Bersanelli, M. 10: Fiqueiredo, Nilton 10: De Amici, G. 10: Wuensche, Carlos Alexandre 10: Torres, S. 10: Bensadoun, M 12: Spillover and diffraction sidelobe contamination in a a double-shielded experiment for mapping galactic synchrotron emission 14: 495-508 30: Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series 31: 145 32: 3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: Sept. <2000> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: radia‡Æo sincroton 87: radia‡Æo gal tica 87: padräes de radia‡Æo de antena 87: variavel catacl¡stica 87: metodologia 88: synchroton radiation 88: sidelobes 88: galactic radiation 88: antenna radiation patterns 88: cataclysmic variable 88: methodology 83: We have analyzed observations from a radioastronomical experiment to survey the sky at decimetric wavelengths along with feed pattern measurements in order to account for the level of ground contamination entering the sidelobes. A major asset of the experiment is the use of a wire mesh fence around the rim-halo shielded antenna with the purpose of levelling out and reducing this source of stray radiation for zenith-centered 1-rpm circular scans. We investigate the shielding performance of the experiment by means of a geometric diffraction model in order to predict the level of the spillover and diffraction sidelobes in the direction of the ground. Using 408 MHz and 1465 MHz feed measurements, the model shows how a weakly-diffracting and unshielded antenna configuration becomes strongly-diffracting and double-shielded as far-field diffraction effects give way to near-field ones. Due to the asymmetric response of the feeds, the orientation of their radiation fields with respect to the secondary must be known a priori before comparing model predictions with observational data. By adjusting the attenuation coefficient of the wire mesh the model is able to reproduce the amount of differential ground pick-up observed during test measurements at 1465 MHz 91: FDB-20010821 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9373 1: SID/SID 2: 8397 3: INPE-8397-PRE/4172 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kane, Rajaram Purushottam 12: Enso relationships with Indian rainfull in different months 14: 783-792 30: International Journal of Climatology 31: 20 32: 7 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: June <2000> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 88: SUMMER MONSOON RAINFALL 88: SEA-SURFACE TEMPERATURE 88: 40-50 DAY OSCILLATION 88: MADDEN-JULIAN OSCILLATIONS 88: EL NINO 88: SOUTHERN OSCILLATION 88: EXTREMES 88: VARIABILITY 88: PARTS 88: ENSO 82: 83: The rainfall anomalies in All India (AI)and its six subdivisions, North west (NW), North central (NC), west peninsular (WP), North east (NE), east peninsular (EP), and south peninsular (SP), were examined during years of different categories representing ENSO effects, in the period of 1901-1990. Unambiguous ENSOW-U had the best association with droughts in NW, NC, WP, in the monsoon months June, July, August and September, but with large month-to-month variability in some events, indicating the effects of Madden-Julian Oscillations (MJO). In subdivisions NE, EP, SP, effects were mixed, with droughts in monsoon months preceded and/or followed by, or interspersed with, excess rainfall in some months. In La Ni€as (C events), effects were generally opposing those of ENSOW-U 91: FDB-20010823 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9396 1: SID/SCD 2: 8391 3: INPE-8391-TDI/771 4: ETES 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Sousa, Cristina Tobler de 18: Geolocaliza‡Æo de transmissores com sat‚lites usando desvio doppler em tempo-quase-real 19: Geolocation of transmitters through satellites using doppler shift in near-real-time 20: 185 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 58: Banca: Roberto Vieira da Fonseca Lopes; H‚lio Koiti Kuga (orientador); Alberto Waingort Setzer (orientador); Valcir Orlando; Ademir Eugˆnio de Santana; Luiz Danilo Damasceno Ferreira 59: CMC 62: INPE 64: dez. <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: efeito doppler 87: transmissores 87: posi‡Æo (localiza‡Æo) 87: m‚todo dos m¡nimos quadrados 87: sat‚lites artificiais 88: doppler effect 88: transmitters 88: position (location) 88: least squares method 88: artificial satellites 83: Neste trabalho desenvolve-se um procedimento computacional para determinar a localiza‡Æo geogr fica de transmissores e Plataformas de Coleta de Dados (PCDs), em tempo-quase- real. As freqˆncias transmitidas em modo "UHF" e seus hor rios de recep‡Æo sÆo registrados em sat‚lites que os retransmitem, em tempo-real, para esta‡äes de recep‡Æo fixas ou port teis. Estes dados podem ser processados imediatamente em micro computadores comuns conectados aos receptores para gerar a posi‡Æo dos transmissores. Sua localiza‡Æo geogr fica e seu monitoramento atendem necessidades v rias, como busca e resgate de pessoas em locais remotos, monitoramento de b¢ias oceanogr ficas, do deslocamento de animais, aeronaves, pessoas, equipamentos, tanto para pesquisas cient¡ficas como sistemas de seguran‡a. 0 princ¡pio b sico da localiza‡Æo neste trabalho utiliza medidas de desvio Doppler dos sinais, efem‚rides dos sat‚lites, e estima‡Æo por lotes baseada em t‚cnicas estat¡sticas de m¡nimos quadrados. Resultados com dados simulados sob condi‡äes ideais, degradadas, e com erros inseridos, mostram, atrav‚s de an lise de erros, que o localizador geogr fico funciona apropriadamente. No melhor caso (condi‡äes ideais)obtiveram-se erros m‚dios de 10-5 km, e no pior caso (erro de 100 Hz no Doppler e 100 km nas efem‚rides)obtiveram-se erros de at‚ 100 km na localiza‡Æo. Testou-se o localizador com o Sat‚lite de Coleta de Dados (SCD-2), com o Sat‚lite Sino Brasileiro de Recursos Terrestres (CBERS-1), com os da s‚rie "National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration" (NOAA 11, 12, 14), e com um banco de dados reais, sob diversas condi‡äes de geometria, ru¡dos, escassez de medidas, e erros de efem‚rides; os resultados mostram-se satisfat¢rios, com precisÆo variando de 0,5 a 6,5 km. Conclui-se que o trabalho desenvolvido apresenta caracter¡sticas de precisÆo e robustez adequadas nesta primeira iniciativa, e a tecnologia para localizar geograficamente transmissores desenvolvida pela primeira vez no pa¡s, ‚ oportuna no contexto nacional e reduz a dependˆncia tecnol¢gica. Para melhorar a precisÆo de localiza‡Æo no caso de dados reais recomenda-se modifica‡äes nos rel¢gios e osciladores dos sat‚lites, e na esta‡Æo receptora. In this work a computational procedure is developed to determine the geographical location of transmitters and Data Collection Platforms (DCPs), in near-real-time. The transmitted "UHF" frequencies and their reception time are registered by satellites that relay them, in real-time, for fixed or portable reception stations. These data can be processed immediately in standard personal computers connected to the receivers to generate the position of the transmitters. Their geographical location and tracking answer several needs, as search and rescue of people in remote areas, tracking of ocean buoys, movement of animals, ships, people, equipment, either for scientific or security purposes. The basic principle of location in this work uses measurements of Doppler shifts of transmissions, satellites ephemeris, and batch estimates based on least squares statistics techniques. Results with simulated data under ideal conditions, degraded, and with purposely errors, showed, through error analysis, that the geographical location procedure operates adequately. In the best case (ideal conditions)the mean error obtained was 10-5 km, and in the worst case (error of 100 Hz in Doppler and 100 km in the ephemeris)the obtained error in the location was up to 100 km. The locator program was tested with the Data Collection Satellite (SCD-2), with the China Brazil Satellite Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS-1), with the "National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration" series (NOAA 11, 12, 14), and with a real database, under several geometry conditions, noises, shortage of measurements, and ephemeris errors; results were satisfactory, with on accuracy range of 0,5 to 6,5 km. It is concluded that the present work shows acceptable precision and robustness as a first initiative in the country. To develop technology to locate transmitters and reduces its technological dependence. To improve the location precision in the case of real data, modifications are recommended in the clocks and oscillators of the satellites, and in the receiving station 91: FDB-20010925 92: FBD-MLR MFN: 9397 1: SID/SCD 2: 8380 3: INPE-8380-TDI/770 4: CEA 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Naccarato, Kleber Pinheiro 18: Estudo de relƒmpagos no Brasil com base na an lise de desempenho do sistema de localizacao de tempestades 19: A study of the lightning characteristics in Brazil based on an analysis of the performance of the lightning location system 20: 165 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Doutor 58: Banca: Iara Regina de Almeida Prado Pinto (orientador); Osmar Pinto J£nior; Polinaya Muralikrisna; Eurico Rodrigues de Paula 58: JoÆo Alberto Pratini de Moraes 59: GES 62: INPE 64: MAIO <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: relƒmpagos 87: tempestades 87: medidas eletromagn‚ticas 87: radiacao eletromagn‚tica 87: sensores 87: aquisicao de dados 88: lightning 88: thunderstorms 88: electromagnetic radiation 88: electromagnetic measurement 88: sensors 88: data acquisition 83: Os efeitos delet‚rios diretos e indiretos dos relƒmpagos sobre os seres humanos tˆm motivado in£meros e constantes estudos no Brasil e no mundo sobre suas caracter¡sticas e sua rela‡Æo com fatores geogr ficos, sazonais, topogr ficos e demogr ficos, visando assim minimizar seu impacto sobre um mundo em pleno avan‡o tecnol¢gico. Os sistemas de localiza‡Æo de tempestades (SLT)sugiram entÆo como um poderoso aliado a essas pesquisas. Compostos por uma rede de sensores que captam as radia‡äes EM emitidas pelos relƒmpagos e enviam essas informa‡äes a uma central de processamento, esses sistemas podem determinar com precisÆo a localiza‡Æo do evento e seus principais parƒmetros f¡sicos, abrangendo grandes extensäes territoriais. Desta forma, o SLT possibilita desenvolver estados das caracter¡sticas dos relƒmpagos para regiäes e per¡odos de interesse. 0 objetivo deste trabalho foi, primeiramente, avaliar o desempenho do SLT instalado na regiÆo sudeste do Brasil para estabelecer suas limita‡äes como instrumento de medida e a influˆncia de sua, configura‡Æo e de sua rede de detec‡Æo nos dados gerados. A partir da¡ com base nesses resultados, obteve-se os principais aspectos dos relƒmpagos em fun‡Æo das condi‡äes geogr ficas e sazonais usando dados do verÆo e inverno de 1999 e 2000. Como principais resultados, obteve-se que o percentual de relƒmpagos positivos registrados na regiÆo sudeste do Brasil foi significativamente maior no inverno (m‚dia de 23 83: ) que no verÆo (m‚dia de 5,7 83: ). Al‚m disso, os relƒmpagos negativos mostraram-se menos intensos que os relƒmpagos positivos. Por outro lado, os relƒmpagos negativos apresentaram uma intensidade de corrente de pico maior no verÆo (m‚dia de 36,9 kA)que no inverno (m‚dia de 29,9 kA), enquanto que um comportamento contr rio p“de ser observado para os positivos (com m‚dias de 50,5 kA no inverno e 46,9 kA no verÆo). Por fim, os relƒmpagos negativos apresentaram uma maior multiplicidade (m‚dia de 1,7)em rela‡Æo aos positivos (m‚dia de 1,05), nÆo havendo varia‡äes sazonais significativas. Desenvolveu-se tamb‚m um estudo preliminar sobre a ocorrˆncia de relƒmpagos em regiäes densamente povoadas no verÆo dos anos de 2000 e 2001. Os resultados revelaram ind¡cios de uma maior concentra‡Æo de relƒmpagos sobre grandes centros urbanos, como a Grande SÆo Paulo, Grande Campinas e Vale do Para¡ba. Acredita-se que estas altera‡äes estejam associadas a eventuais altera‡äes clim ticas locais provocadas pelo crescimento populacional e industrial, respons veis pela emissÆo de poluentes na atmosfera, urbaniza‡Æo e devasta‡Æo da vegeta‡Æo. ABSTRACT: The harmful lightning effects on the mankind have motivated several investigations on lightning characteristics in the world and, particularly, in Brazil. Many studies on the geographic, seasonal, topographic and demographic features of lightning have been done using lightning location systems (LLS). The LLS, which is located in the southeastern region of Brazil, is a complex measurement system composed by a network of sensors that detects the electromagnetic radiation of the discharges over a wide continental area and sends these informations to a central processing unit the location of the lightning strike point and the main physical parameters are then precisely calculated. These data play a significant role on the development of the lightning research in specific areas and periods. On the other hand, the LLS presents limitations that should be studied in order to assure more realistic results. The objective of this work is to develop a preliminary analysis of the LLS Performance and the influence of its configuration on the lightning data. A study of the lightning seasonal and geographic characteristics during summer and winter seasons of 1999 and 2000 are then performed based on this analysis. The main conclusions reveal that the percentage of positive flashes is significantly greater in winter (about 23 83: ) than in summer (about 5.7 83: ). The peak currents of negative lightning are less intense than the peak currents of positive flashes. Negative flashes tend to be more intense in summer with a mean peak current of 36.9 kA. The correspondent winter value is 29.9 kA. Positive lightning present an inverse behavior with a mean value of 46.9 kA in summer and 50.5 kA in winter. It was observed that single lightning (both positive and negative)were less intense than the first return stroke of multiple lightning. the negative lightning have a greater number of return strokes with a mean value of 1.74 while in positive lightning the mean multiplicity is 1.05. The multiplicity does not present a significant seasonal variation for both polarities. Also, a preliminary study of lightning occurrence over highly populated areas was developed during the summer seasons of 2000 and 2001. The results reveal that lightning tend to concentrate over large urban areas, as the metropolitan regions of SÆo Paulo, Campinas and Vale do Para¡ba. It is supposed that population growth and urbanization are responsible for this specific behavior due to the atmospheric pollution and deforestation which cause local meteorological changes 91: FDB-20010925 92: FBD-MLR 102: 103: homepage.pdf MFN: 9398 1: SID/SCD 2: 8306 3: INPE-8306-TDI/765 4: COMP 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Sant'Anna, Nilson 18: Um ambiente integrado para o apoio ao desenvolvimento e gestao de projetos de software para sistemas de controle de sat‚lite 19: An integrated environment to the development and management for satellite control software systems 20: 225 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Doutor 58: Banca:Tatuo Nakanishi (orientador); Joao Bosco Schumann Cunha (orientador); Solon Venƒncio de Carvalho; Selma Shin Shimizu Melnikoff; Mauro de Mesquita Spinola 59: CAP 62: INPE 64: set. <2000> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: COMPUTACAO APLICADA 87: ambient de engenharia de software 87: gestao de projetos 87: trabalho cooperativo 87: controle de qualidade 87: modelo de maturidad e computacao 87: CMM 88: software and engeneering environment 88: projects management 88: cooperative quality control 88: capability maturity model 88: programming environmental 88: project manangement 88: quality control 83: Dez anos se passaram desde que o INPE Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais foi bem sucedido na ado‡Æo de t‚cnicas de engenharia de software (Cunha e Nakanishil993)quando na constru‡Æo do primeiro sistema de software para controle de sat‚lites, o SICS - SCD1. Entre outras t‚cnicas, a garantia da qualidade, o controle das modifica‡äes /configura‡Æo e a estrutura‡Æo das equipes em ambientes controlados eram sempre mencionados pela comunidade cient¡fica, como elementos fundamentais para uma boa gerˆncia. A Engenharia de software se expandiu muito desde entÆo, com novas abordagens como o "Capability Maturity Model" (SEI/CMM)e o "Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination" (ISO/SPICE). Al‚m destas abordagens, normas foram publicadas e aceitas pela comunidade de desenvolvimento de software como a ISO/IEC 12207 e a ISO 9000-3. Atualmente as organiza‡äes modernas respons veis pela constru‡Æo de software confi vel e de missÆo cr¡tica estÆo preocupadas, cada vez mais, em tornar seus processos mais eficientes. Apenas a ado‡Æo de normas e das abordagens apresentadas acima, nÆo garante a eficiˆncia ideal para os processos. Este trabalho discute como o trabalho cooperativo e distribu¡do (Web/lnternet), a gestÆo integrada do conhecimento e dos eventos ocorridos nos projetos, a participa‡Æo ativa de agentes aut“nomos computacionais poderÆo tornar estes processos mais eficientes. Baseado em uma abordagem evolutiva de processos suportados, ‚ proposto um ambiente a ser constru¡do aos passos, suportando novos processos, de acordo com os objetivos organizacionais. Al‚m dos elementos que compäem a arquitetura conceitual, um prot¢tipo de uma parte do ambiente est  em desenvolvimento no Laborat¢rio de Computa‡Æo e Matem tica Aplicada (INPE/LAC)para melhorar o suporte existente ao desenvolvimento de projetos futuros de sistemas de software para controle de sat‚lites. Ten years were passed since National Institute for Space Research (INPE)has well succeeded adopting software engineering techniques in the construction of the first satellite control software systems, the SICS - SCD1. Among other techniques, quality assurance, version control and organized teams in controlled environments were always mentioned in technical literature, as fundamental elements for a good software management. Software Engineering has expanded, since then, with proposal of new models such as Capability Maturity Model (SEI-CMM)and Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination (ISO-SPICE). In addition to these models, the standards ISO/IEC 12207 and ISO 9000-3 were published and widely accepted by the software development community. Nowadays, modern organizations, responsible for the construction of reliable and mission critical software are corcerned about improving the efficiency of their development process. The simple adoption of the standards and models presented above does not guarantee this efficiency. This work presents a cooperative and integrated environment using Web/Internet and other concepts such as the integrated administration of the knowledge and the participation of active autonomous agents, that significantly improve the processes involved. Based on an evolutionary approach, an "Environment" is proposed to be built in steps, in agreement with the organizational objectives. Besides the elements that compose the conceptual architecture, a prototype of this environment is shown. This prototype is under development at Laboratory for Computing and Applied Mathematics (INPE/LAC)to improve the development of satellite control software systems 91: FDB-20010925 92: FBD-MLR 102: MFN: 9399 1: SID/SCD 2: 8308 3: INPE-8308-TDI/767 4: MET 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Espinoza, Elizabeth Silvestre 18: Assimilacao de informacao de radiƒncias em modelos de previsao n£merica do tempo utilizando um sistema de an lise objetiva estat¡stico em espaco-f¡sico 19: Assimilation of radiances information in numerical weather prediction model using a physical space statistical analysis system 20: 127 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca:Juan Carlos Ceballos; Jos‚ Paulo Bonatti (orientador); Luiz Augusto Toledo Machado; Pedro Leite da Silva Dias; Marlene Elias Ferreira 59: MET 62: INPE 64: out. <2000> 66: Sao Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 87: assimilacao 87: radiƒncia 87: pevisao num‚rica do tempo 87: transferˆncia radiativa 87: temperatura de brilho 87: sat‚lites artificiais 87: sondagem atmosf‚rica 87: sat‚lite TIROS 88: assilation 88: radiance 88: numerical weather forecasting 88: radiative transfer 88: brightness temperature 88: artificial satellites 88: atmospheric sownding 88: TIROS satellite 83: A utiliza‡Æo de informa‡Æo de radiƒncias pode ser realizada de duas maneiras dentro do processo de assimila‡Æo: uma que envolve a assimila‡Æo direta de radiƒncias ou processar a informa‡Æo de radiƒncias para obter parƒmetros geof¡sicos, tais como temperatura e umidade que sÆo assimiladas posteriormente. 0 segundo processo ‚ uma inversÆo do modelo de transferˆncia radiativa que ‚ mal-condicionado, ‚ que esta relacionada com a primeira estimativa. Neste trabalho sÆo usadas as t‚cnicas variacionais de assimila‡Æo: unidimensional (1D-Var)e tridimensional (3D-Var), para comparar os dois processos de assimila‡Æo que envolve informa‡Æo de radiƒncias para o Hemisf‚rio Sul, numa regiÆo compreendida entre 10 degree N a 35 degree S e 35 degree W a 80 degree W. Estas t‚cnicas foram implementadas e comparadas em um sistema de assimila‡Æo unidimensional e tridimensional, usando dados simulados para os sensores do TOVS 15 (HIRS e MSU)que sÆo sensores que nos dÆo o perfil vertical em forma de radiƒncias, relacionadas com as vari veis de geopotencial e razÆo de mistura. Os resultados obtidos mostram que a assimila‡Æo direta de radiƒncias tanto para o caso 1D-Var como para o caso 3D-Var tˆm valores do Erro da An lise expressa como desvio-padrÆo ligeiramente menores que os obtidos para a assimila‡Æo de dados recuperados; do ponto de vista computacional o custo para assimila‡Æo direta de radiƒncias foi menor que para assimila‡Æo de dados recuperados. The use of radiances in data assimilations systems can be of two forms: direct assimiliation, or they may be pre-processed to retrieve geophysical parameters, like temperature or humidity for subsequent assimilation. The second process involved the invertion of a radiative transfer equation that is ill-posed, and therefore requires the use of prior information. In this work the variational techniques 1D-Var and 3D-Var are used in order to compare the two process of data assimilation (directly or retrievals)in the South Hemisphere, in the area delimited by 10 degree N to 35 degree S and 35 degree W to 80 degree W. These techniques are implemented and compared in a one-dimensional and three-dimensional assimilation system using simulated data from the TOVS 15 (HISR and MSU)infrared-temperature profiling instruments in relation with the parameters of geopotential and mixing ratio. The analysis error patterns indicated for both 1D-Var and 3D-Var radiance analysis have similar erros than the retrievals case. The computacional cust for the radiance assimilation is also less that the retrieval option 91: FDB-20010925 92: FBD-MLR 102: 103: homepage.pdf MFN: 9401 1: SID/SCD 2: 8398 3: INPE-8398-PRP/224 4: FISMAT 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Bandeira, Iraj  Newton, coord 18: Proposta ao an£ncio de oportunidade para v“o suborbital com o foguete de sondagem VS-30: forno multiusu rio para solidifica‡Æo (FORMU-S) 20: 24 38: Projeto submetido … Agˆncia Espacial Brasileira (AEB)para realizacao de experiˆncia em ambiente de microgravidade utilizando o foguete de sondagem VS-30, fabricado pelo Instituto de Aeron utica e Espaco (IAE/CTA) 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 59: LAS 62: INPE 64: <2001> 66: Sao Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: PRP 90: b 76: FÖSICA DE MATERIAIS 87: microgravidade 87: fornos 87: foguetes 87: semicondutores (materiais) 87: solidificacao 87: cristais 88: microgravity 88: ovens 88: solidification 88: rackets 88: crystals 88: semiconductors (materials) 83: Proposta: Constru‡Æo e qualifica‡Æo em v“o suborbital, juntamente com a realiza‡Æo de um experimento cientifico piloto, de um forno de solidifica‡Æo para ligas, metais e semicondutores com ponto de fusÆo de at‚ 1000 degree C 91: FDB-20010925 92: FBD-MLR MFN: 9402 1: SID/SCD 2: 8412 3: INPE-8412-PRP/225 4: ETES 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Vlassov, Valeri Vladimirovich 16: Muraoka, Issamu 16: Cƒndido, Pedro Ant“nio 18: Development, experimental and theorical investigations of thermal capacitors with phase change materials 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 62: INPE 64: <2001> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 67: BR 68: PRP 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: capacitores 87: analises termais 87: materiais de mudan‡a de fases 88: capacitors 88: thermal analysis 88: phase change materials (PCM) 83: Este relat¢rio apresenta os resultados de desenvolvimento os dois dispositivos de controle t‚rmico com material de mudan‡a de fase - capacitores t‚rmicos. Os dispositivos foram fabricados e testados no INPE no DMC/ETE sobre orienta‡Æo de Dr. Valeri Vlassov durante a bolsa de pesquisador-visitante da FAPESP em 1994-1995 (supervisor Dr Fernando M. Ramos)e depois durante o programa CONTER da DivisÆo at‚ ano 2000, com assistˆncia t‚cnica e colabora‡Æo do Pedro Cƒndido e Dr. Issamu Muraoka. O relat¢rio apresenta os resultados principais de estudos experimentais, teor‚ticos e alguns aspectos tecnol¢gicos. Este relat¢rio revela o desenvolvimento, estudo experimental e te¢rico de dispositivos com material de mudan‡a de fase (PCM)- capacitores t‚rmicos. Foram desenvolvidos dois prot¢tipos. Estes capacitores foram estudados de v rios pontos de vista, inclu¡do desenho, tecnologia, investiga‡äes experimentais e te¢ricas de comportamento t‚rmico. O objetivo principal deste estudo era prover uma an lise compreensiva de capacitores desenvolvidos para avalia‡Æo de suas poss¡veis aplica‡äes em sistemas de controle t‚rmicos de sat‚lites pequenos.Foram propostas o desenho e tecnologia, adotados …s instala‡äes existentes no INPE, qual foram implementadas. Primeiro prot¢tipo (PCM1)tem uma caixa retangular maquinado de um monobloco de Al 6061 e enchedor de tipo de placa. Segundo prot¢tipo (PCM2)tem uma caixa redonda com estrutura de honeycomb inserido. Os materiais de mudan‡a de fase eram parafinas de hidrocarboneto. O estudo experimental incluiu v rios testes transit¢rios de liquida‡Æo sob orienta‡äes diferentes relativo a gravidade e com aquecimento de placas b sicas atrav‚s de aquecedores adesivos flex¡veis. As evolu‡äes de temperatura estavam medidas em v rios pontos de estrutura de pacote. Foram executados testes c¡clicos de aquecimento resfriamento em cƒmara de v cuo para PCM1. A compara‡Æo cruzada dos resultados de testes permitiu estimar a influˆncia de resistˆncia t‚rmica entre placas de base, resistˆncia t‚rmica interna para os superf¡cies de inser‡Æo e inevit veis cavidades (ullages)em volume de parafina. Modelos matem ticos desenvolvidos para os capacitores de PCM apontaram por melhor entendimento de resultados experimentais e foram amplamente usados para avalia‡Æo de desempenhos e poss¡veis aplica‡äes de PCM em controle t‚rmico de sat‚lites sob condi‡äes c¡clicos. Modelos tˆm forma compacta e n£mero reduzido de n¢s e estÆo baseados em m‚todo de abordagem de entalpia. Tais caracter¡sticas permitem incluir estes modelos em TMM de sat‚lite para an lise t‚rmica geral. Finalmente, v rias concep‡äes e configura‡äes aplica‡äes de capacitores t‚rmicos de PCM em controle t‚rmico de sat‚lite foi proposto. Este trabalho foi conduzido no Instituto de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), DivisÆo de Mecƒnicas Espaciais e Controle (DMC), sob Coordena‡Æo Geral de Engenharia e Tecnologia Espacial (ETE), durante 1994-2001 dentro do programa de pesquisa e desenvolvimento CONTER/ETE. 0 trabalho foi executado pelo Dr. Valeri Vlassov com colabora‡Æo frut¡fera e ajuda t‚cnica de Dr. Issamu Muraoka e Pedro Cƒndido (DMC/ETE/INPE). Primeiro parte deste trabalho (1994-1995)era realizado com o apoio financeiro da organiza‡Æo de FAPESP (proc. 93/4430-4)sob supervisÆo de Dr. Fernando M. o Ramos (INPE/LAC)com ajuda de Dr. Issamu Muraoka e Dra Rosƒngela M.G. Leite (DMC/INPE). Finalmente, a bolsa de CNPq (proc. 300034/96-2)deu o apoio para continua‡Æo das atividades de pesquisa e desenvolvimento de capacitores t‚rmicos de PCM. ABSTRACT: This report reveals the development, experimental and theoretical study on phase change material (PCM)devices - thermal capacitors. Two prototypes finally have been developed. These capacitors were studied from variety of standpoints, included design, technology, experimental and theoretical investigations of capacitors performances. The main objective of this study was to provide a comprehensive analysis of developed PCM capacitors for evaluation of its possible applications in thermal control systems of small satellites. The design and technology, adopted to INPE existing facilities, were proposed and implemented. First prototype (PCM1)has a rectangular assembled container machined from a mono-block of Al 6061 alloy and filler of fins type. Second prototype (PCM2)has a round container with inserted honeycomb filler. The phase change materials were hydrocarbon paraffins. The experimental study included several transient melting tests under-different device orientations with respect to gravity and with heating of base plates by attached skin heaters. The temperature evolutions were measured in several points of package structure. Cycling heating-cooling tests were performed in vacuum chamber for PCM1. The cross-comparison of the test results have allowed to estimate the influence of net thermal resistance between base plates, internal thermal resistance to filler and inevitable void (ullage)in the paraffin bulk. Developed mathematical models of PCM capacitors aimed for better understanding of experiment results and have been used expansively for evaluation of performances and possible issues of PCM application in satellite thermal control under cycling conditions. Models have compact form and reduced number of nodes and are based on enthalpy approach. These features allow these models to be included into TMM of entire satellite for general thermal analysis. Finally, several conceptions and configurations of PCM thermal capacitors application in satellite thermal control were proposed. This work have been conducted at Institute of Space Researches (INPE), Division of Space Mechanics and Control (DMC), under General Coordination of Engineering and Space Technology (ETE)during 1994-2001 within the research and development program CONTER/ETE. The work was carried out by Dr. Valeri Vlassov with fruitful collaboration and technical assistance of Dr. Issamu Muraoka and Pedro Candido (DMC/ETE/INPE). First part of this work (1994-1995)was accomplished with the financial support of the FAPESP organization (proc. 93/4430-4)under supervision of Dr. Fernando M. Ramos (INPE/LAC)with assistance of Dr. Issamu Muraoka and Dra Rosangela M.G. Leite (DMC/INPE). Finally, the scholarship 300034/96-2 of CNPq government organization gave also the financial support for continuations of activities for PCM capacitors research and development 91: FDB-20010925 92: FBD-MLR MFN: 9417 1: SID/SCD 2: 8440 3: INPE-8440-PRE/4208 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali 10: Sobral, Jos‚ Humberto Andrade 10: Batista, Inez Staciarini 12: Equatorial spread F statistics in the American longitudes: some problems relevant to ESF description in IRI scheme 14: 113-124 30: Advances in Space Research 31: 25 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 88: bolhas de plasma 88: cintila‡äes 88: ionosferas 88: difusÆo F 88: equador magn‚tico 88: distribui‡Æo estat¡sitica 88: ionogramas 88: plasma bubbles 88: scintillations 88: ionospheres 88: spread F 88: magnetic equator 88: statistical distribution 88: ionograms 82: 83: Ground based ionograms (followed by radio wave scintillation and satellite in situ measurements)provide the most abundant data base for generating equatorial spread F (ESF)irregularity occurrence statistics. For practical purposes it is necessary that the statistics of the spread F occurrence distribution (from ionograms)be based, separately, on the range spreading and frequency spreading components of the spread F. The well known features of spread F include its day-to-day, seasonal and solar cycle variations. There seems to exist general consensus on the geomagnetic declination-, longitude- and solar- control of seasonal occurrence of spread F, whereas solar flux seems to produce superimposed effects, including the solar activity cycle in its occurrence features. The day-to-day variability is certainly the least understood of all the known spread F variabilities. Empirical description of the spread F occurrence statistics in the IRI (International Reference Ionosphere)prediction scheme requires detailed examination of the available statistics not only over the magnetic equator but necessarily also over low latitudes extending to equatorial anomaly location. We have produced, and are continuing to improve upon, such statistics based on spread F data covering the solar activity minimum and maximum years for the two Brazilian stations, Fortaleza and Cachoeira Paulista. In this paper we present a comparative study of these results with the published statistics available by other technique and for other longitude sectors, and discuss the findings in terms of their implications for formulating an empirical description of the ESF for possible incorporation into the IRI model 91: FDB-20011105 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9418 1: SID/SCD 2: 8441 3: INPE-8441-PRE/4209 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Souza, Jonas Rodrigues de 10: Bailey, G. J. 10: Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali 10: Batista, Inez Staciarini 12: Ionospheric modelling at low latitudes over Brazil during summer solar minimum 14: 133-138 30: Advances in Space Research 31: 25 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 87: regiÆo F 87: regiäes tropicais 87: modelos 87: ionosf‚ricos 87: verÆo 88: F region 88: tropical regions 88: ionospheric 88: summer 82: 83: The F-region critical frequency and peak height (foF2 and hmF2, respectively), measured simultaneously at Fortaleza (4 degrees S, 38 degrees W, mag. lat. = 3 degrees S)and Cachoeira Paulista (22 degrees S, 45 degrees W, mag, lat. = 15 degrees S)in Brazil, are compared with values calculated by the Sheffield University Plasmasphere Ionosphere Model to determine the equatorial ExB vertical plasma drift and thermospheric meridional wind of the low-latitude ionosphere. The calculation procedure also allows us to estimate an additional ionization source, that is required to account for the observed diurnal variation of foF2 over Cachoeira Paulista. While the determination of the vertical drift is based on criteria for matching the calculated and observed F-region peak heights over the magnetic equator, the meridional winds over the Brazilian low-latitude region and over its conjugate locations are calculated by comparisons based on the observed and modelled values of hmF2 and foF2. The results presented in this paper are for summer at solar minimum 91: FDB-20011105 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9419 1: SID/SCD 2: 8442 3: INPE-8442-PRE/4210 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Balan, N. 10: Otsuka, Y. 10: Fukao, S. 10: Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali 10: Bailey, G. J. 12: Annual variations of the ionosphere: a review based on MU radar observations 14: 153-162 30: Advances in Space Research 31: 25 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 87: regiÆo F 87: ciclos solares 87: modelos 87: ionosfera terrestre 87: observa‡äes de radar 87: varia‡äes anuais 88: annual variations 88: earth ionosphere 88: radar observation 88: F region 88: solar cycles 88: models 83: A review of the annual variations of the ionosphere, which focuses on the physical mechanisms causing the well-known seasonal anomaly and equinoctial asymmetry, is presented. In this review, the electron density (Nc), electron and ion temperatures (Te and Ti)and field-parallel and field-perpendicular plasma velocities (V-parallel to and V-perpendicular to), measured by the MU radar in the 180-600 km altitude range during 1986-1994, are analysed to study the altitude dependence of the seasonal anomaly and equinoctial asymmetry. The meridional component of the thermospheric neutral wind velocity (U-theta)derived from V-parallel to and neutral densities obtained from MSIS-86 are used to investigate the relative importance of the chemical and dynamical processes causing the anomaly and asymmetry. The review concludes that, although the anomaly and asymmetry involve chemical and dynamical processes, the dynamical processes (mainly through the neutral wind)predominate in the asymmetry while the chemical processes predominate in the anomaly 91: FDB-20011105 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9420 1: SID/SCD 2: 8443 3: INPE-8443-PRE/4211 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Trivedi, Nalin Babulal 10: Russell, C.T. 10: Barbosa, M.J.F. 10: Dutra, Severino Luiz GuimarÆes 10: Teixeira, Nelson Rodrigues 10: Means, JD. 10: Neri, Jos‚ Angelo da Costa Ferreira 12: Geomagnetic field investigation on the polar microsatellite SACI-I 14: 1315-1323 30: Advances in Space Research 31: 25 32: 7-8 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 58: DGE 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: GEOFISICA ESPACIAL 87: eletrojatos equatorial 87: geomagnetismo 87: investiga‡Æo 87: ¢rbitas polares 87: correntes de campo alinhado 88: equatorial electrojet 88: geomagnetism 88: investigation 88: polar orbits 88: field aligned currents 88: magnetic storms 83: The first Brazilian Scientific Microsatellite, SACI-1, is scheduled to be launched in July 1999 in a near circular polar orbit at an inclination of 98.5 degrees and an altitude of 750 km. It will carry a three-component fluxgate magnetometer constructed by IGPP/UCLA for measuring three components of the Earth's Magnetic Field in space at a rate of 10 samples per second. The scientific objective is to study field-aligned currents in the auroral oval and the electrojet of the equatorial ionosphere. Together with the geomagnetic data from other polar orbiting spacecraft e.g. POLAR, FAST, OERSTED, it will be possible to obtain a truly global picture of a field-aligned current system. The experimental details and the plans of this project are presented here 91: FDB-20011105 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9421 1: SID/SCD 2: 8444 3: INPE-8444-PRE/4212 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha 10: Sawant, Hanumant Shankar 10: Melendez, J.L. 10: Benz, A.O. 10: Kane, S.R. 12: Investigations of the accelaration region of energetic electrons asociated with decimetry type III and X-ray bursts 14: 1813-1816 30: Advances in Space Research 31: 25 32: 9 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: GEOSTROFÖSICA 87: explosäes radio 87: flares solares 87: acelera‡Æo 87: cromosfera 87: radio x duro 87: fotosfera 87: accelaration 87: chromosphere 87: hard x ray 87: photosphere 83: Preliminary results of the association between type III decimetric bursts, mainly having center frequency above 1000 MHz and recorded by Phoenix radio spectrometer, and seven hard X-ray flares observed by the Yohkoh/HXT from September, 1992 to October, 1993 are reported here. (a)For an assumed improved density model of the solar chromosphere, an average electron beam velocity (similar to 0.16 c)and hence an average electron energy (similar to 7 keV)was inferred from the average frequency drift rate (similar to 1350 MHz/s)of 160 isolated type III bursts. Assuming the electrons lose energy primarily by collisions, the height of injection of the energetic electrons was estimated (1.2 x 10(9)- 4.5 x 10(9)cm). (b)In two flares at the onset of the bursts, the correlation between X-rays and radio was better at lower frequencies (less than or equal to 500 MHz). However, during the time evolution of those flares, the correlation improved for higher and higher frequencies (greater than or equal to 800 MHz), suggesting that the acceleration region was displaced towards the photosphere. The estimated velocity of the acceleration region is similar to 3 x 10(3)- 8 x 10(3)km/s. (c)In two flares, the enhancement of the radio decimetric emission above 500 MHz started earlier (similar to 10 s)than the X-ray emissions, suggesting in case of these two flares that the acceleration region is located near to where the decimetric emission is generated 91: FDB-20011105 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9423 1: SID/SCD 2: 8446 3: INPE-8446-PRE/4214 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto 10: Sawant, Hanumant Shankar 10: Cecatto, Jos‚ Roberto 10: Neto, C.R. 10: Lopes, V.C.A. 10: Subramanian, K.R. 10: Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha 10: Saito, J.H. 10: Moron, C.E. 10: Mucheroni, M.L. 10: Furuya, N. 10: Mascarenhas, Nelson Delfino D'Avila 12: Phenomenological dynamics of coronal loops using a neural network approach 14: 1917-1921 30: Advances in Space Research 31: 25 32: 9 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: la‡os coronais 87: redes neurais 87: imagens de raio 87: atmosfera solar 87: simula‡Æo computacional 88: coronal loops 88: neural nets 88: x ray imagery 88: solar atmosphere 88: computer simulation 83: The objective of this study is to simulate the X-ray 2D-coronal dynamics using an artificial neural network multilayer backpropagation algorithm with inputs of Energy Fragmentation Patterns obtained from Yohkoh images in soft and hard X-rays. Details of a single loop structure have been investigated for initial analysis. The images are spatio-temporal series showing the loop-top in Soft X-ray (SXR)and foot points in Hard X-ray (HXR). Using a square electron density gradient model, we have characterized the spatio-temporal loop dynamics concerning its twister-relaxation regime. The performance of this trained network model has been tested with classical image statistics applied to the Yohkoh data. In this paper we show preliminary results indicating that this technique can be useful for coronal dynamics analysis 91: FDB-20011105 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9424 1: SID/SCD 2: 8447 3: inpe-8447-pre/4215 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Takahashi, Hisao 10: Neri, Jos‚ Angelo da Costa Ferreira 10: Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali 10: Muralikrishna, Polinaya 10: Jayanthi, Udahya Bhaskaram 10: Trivedi, Nalin Babulal 10: Sobral, Jos‚ Humberto Andrade 10: Okano, S. 10: Shepherd, G. 10: Sargoytchev, S. 10: Oyama, K.I. 10: Russell, C.T. 10: 12: Global scale Earth's upper atmosphere monitoring by SACI-1 micro-satellite 14: 929-937 30: Advances in Space Research 31: 26 32: 6 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: ¢rbitas de baixa altitude 87: alta atmosfera 87: atmosfera terrestre 87: Programa Espacial Brasileiro 88: equatorial electrojet 80: upper atmosphere 80: earth atmosphere 80: low earth orbits 80: Brazilian Space Program 83: The first Brazilian scientific micro-satellite, SACI-1, is scheduled to be launched in the 2nd semester of 1999. It will be placed in a sun-synchronous polar orbit at a height of 750 km. Four scientific payloads, airglow photometer, high energy particle telescopes, plasma probes and high sensitive magnetometer, are on board to monitor the Earth's upper atmosphere environment. The main scientific goal is focused on upper atmospheric dynamics, ionospheric plasma irregularities, anomalous cosmic ray and field-aligned electric current system in the magnetosphere. International collaboration will be necessary, and this will be a key point in order to maximize the utilization of the data 91: FDB-20011105 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9425 1: SID/SCD 2: 8448 3: INPE-8448-PRE/4216 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Villela Neto, Thyrso 10: Braga, JoÆo 10: Mej¡a Cabeza, Jorge 10: D'amico, Fl vio 10: Alves, A. 10: Silva, E. 10: Santos, Elisete Rinke dos 10: Fernandes, J. 10: Correa, Ricardo Varela 12: Prefligh tests of the MASCO telescope 14: 1411-1414 30: Advances in Space Research 31: 26 32: 9 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: images 87: telesc¢pios de raio gama 87: rela‡Æo sinal ru¡so 88: gamma ray telescopes 88: signal to noise ratios 88: images 83: We present some of the preflight tests carried out with the MASCO balloon-borne imaging gamma ray experiment in order to test the detector system and associated electronics employed by the telescope. The detector system is composed by a 41 cm-diameter, 5 cm-thick NaT(Tl)crystal surrounded by plastic scintillators on the top and on the sides, for shielding. A similar NaI(Tl)is used at the bottom with the same purpose. The imaging device capability is provided by an extended 19x19 MURA-based coded mask placed 305 cm away from the detector plane which is mounted in such a way that it becomes an antimask with a 90 degree rotation. The tests determined the position sensitive detector diameter to be approximately 24 cm and showed that it is possible to do imaging in a fully coded circular (14.2 degree-diameter)field of view with a positioning power of 4.5 arcminutes for a 5 sigma source. The measured energy resolution was about 10 83: at 662 keV and the spatial resolution was approximately 10 mm at 100 keV. We have made a series of laboratory images using a 320 mCi Cs-137 radioactive source to test the effectiveness of the mask-antimask subtraction technique and obtained a 60 83: improvement in signal-to-noise ratio of the images. Temperature tests of the on board electronics were carried out and the results of the peak detector circuits tests are presented 91: FDB-20011105 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9426 1: SID/SCD 2: 8451 3: inpe-8451-PRE/4218 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Buriti, Ricardo A. 10: Nakamura, T. 10: Tsuda, T. 10: Fukao, S. 10: Tsutsumi, M. 10: Takahashi, Hisao 10: Batista, Paulo Prado 12: Mesopause temperature observed by airglow OH spectra and meteor echoes at shigaraki (34.9 degrees N, 136.1 degrees E)Japan 14: 1005-1008 30: Advances in Space Research 31: 26 32: 6 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 87: aeroluminescˆncia 87: mesopausa 87: espectra 87: espectrofot“metros 87: temperatura 87: medi‡äes 88: airglow 88: mesopause 88: spectra 88: spectophotometers 88: temperature 88: measurement 83: Simultaneous measurements of the airglow OH(6,2)band spectra by a sky scanning spectrophotometer and meteor echoes by the MU radar were carried out at Shigaraki (35 degrees N, 136 degrees E), Japan, during July 24-30, 1995. The spectrophotometer observed the P-1(2)and P-1(4)line intensities and derived rotational temperature, T-OH, in 8 cardinal points in the sky with a time sequence of 6 minutes. The MU radar was operated in a meteor radar mode, observing wind velocities and ambipolar diffusion coefficient. From the diffusion coefficient the relative temperature fluctuations, T-MU, were derived in a height range of 75 - 100 km, with a time resolution of 1/2 hour. We found that there is, in general, good agreement in the nocturnal variation between the T-OH and T-MU, indicating effectiveness of the parameter T-MU to monitor temperature variation in the mesopause region 91: FDB-20011105 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9427 1: SID/SCD 2: 8452 3: INPE-8452-PRE/4219 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Batista, Paulo Prado 10: Takahashi, Hisao 10: Gobbi, Delano 10: Medeiros, Amauri Fragoso de 12: First airglow all sky images at 23 degree (0)S 14: 925-928 30: Advances in Space Research 31: 26 32: 6 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 87: aeroluminescˆncia 87: fotografia todo c‚u 87: ionosf‚ricas 87: bolhas de plasma 87: imagens 88: airglow 88: all sky photography 88: ionospherics 88: plasma bubbles 88: images 88: OH 83: An all sky imaging system using a cooled CCD camera with 4 interference filters mounted has been constructed and was installed at Cachoeira Paulista airglow observatory (22.7(0)S, 45.0(0)W)in February 1996. The airglow OI 557.7 nm, 630.0 nm, hydroxyl Meinel bands in the near infrared region (<930 nm)and background continuum at 578 nm emission were measured successfully. Wavelike structures in the OH emission were observed. Occasionally airglow depletions in the ionospheric plasma bubbles were also observed for both the OI 630.0 nm and OI 557.7 nm 91: FDB-20011105 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9428 1: SID/SCD 2: 8449 3: INPE-8449-PRE/4217 4: ETES 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Villela Neto, Thyrso 10: Fonseca, R.A. 10: Souza, P. de 10: Alves, A. 10: Mej¡a Cabeza, Jorge 10: Correa, Ricardo Varela 10: Braga, JoÆo 12: Development of an attitude control system for a ballon-borne gamma ray telescope 14: 1415-1418 30: Advances in Space Research 31: 26 32: 9 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: sistemas de controle de atitude 87: telesc¢pio de raios gama 87: arquitetura (computadores) 87: programa de computador 88: attitude control 88: gamma ray telescopes 88: architeture (computers) 88: computer programs 83: We describe the attitude control system employed by the MASCO balloon-borne gamma ray telescope and present the first laboratory tests of this system. The MASCO experiment is a low energy gamma ray imaging telescope that employs a MURA coded mask. Its angular resolution is 14' over a 13 degrees field of view, which requires a pointing accuracy of some arcminutes in order to allow the accomplishment of the scientific goals. The attitude control system was designed to provide pointing and stabilization of a 1400 kg, 7 m-high, 2 m-wide, 2 m-deep gondola that encompasses the telescope detector system and its associated electronics. The sensors used are an electronic magnetic compass, an encoder, a two-axis solar sensor, a sun-tracker, two accelerometers, a gyroscope and three CCD stellar sensors. A GPS system is also employed. The actuators are a reaction wheel for azimuth control, an azimuth motor located in the balloon-gondola decoupling mechanism for desaturation of the reaction wheel, and a telescope elevation motor with a harmonic drive reduction. The software architecture and the operation modes are also presented 91: FDB-20011105 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9429 1: SID/SCD 2: 8450 3: INPE-8450-PRE/4217 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Mej¡a Cabeza, Jorge 10: Villela Neto, Thyrso 10: Braga, JoÆo 12: The CCD stellar sensor of the MASCO telescope pointing system 14: 1407-1410 30: Advances in Space Research 31: 26 32: 9 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: telesc¢pio de raios gama 87: rastreadores da estrela CCD 87: cƒmara CCD 87: sistemas de controle de pontua‡Æo 87: reconhecimento (autom tico)de padräes 88: gamma ray telescopy 88: CCD star tracker 88: CCD cameras 88: pointing controle systems 88: pattern recognition 83: We describe the development of a CCD stellar sensor capable of determining the pointing coordinates with an error smaller than 0.5'. This instrument is part of the attitude control system of the balloon-borne gamma-ray MASCO (acronym in Portuguese for coded mask - MAScara COdificada)telescope. It acquires an image of the sky, recognizes the most brilliant stars in the image, creates with them a "constellation", and searches for this pattern in an on board star catalogue of the observed region. The searching algorithm is based on the analysis of the geometrical configuration of the "constellation" and considers the distances and angles among the stars and their relative brightness. This instrument consists in an inexpensive CCD camera coupled to a telephoto lens and a frame grabber which digitizes the images at 512x400 pixels resolution in a field of view of about 6 degrees x5 degrees. The implementation of interpolation algorithms allowed an accuracy in the determination of the pointing coordinates of 1/10 of a pixel, i.e., a few arcseconds. The tests carried out with this sensor showed the following results: 100 83: of correct matching of the point patterns in more than 1500 sky images, error dispersion in the determination of the pointing coordinates smaller than 30 " and dispersion smaller than 4 " in the determination of the star image's positions 91: FDB-20011105 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9430 1: SID/SCD 2: 8457 3: INPE-8457-PRE/4222 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kil, H. 10: Kintner, P.M. 10: Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de 10: Kantor, Ivan Jelinik 12: Global Positioning System measurements of the ionospheric zonal apparent velocity at Cachoeira Paulista in Brazil 14: 5317-5327 30: Journal of Geophysical Research 31: 105 32: A3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: mar. <2000> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 87: sistema de posicionamento global 87: medi‡äes 87: deriva ionosf‚rica 87: velocidade 87: cintila‡Æo 88: global positioning systems (GPS) 88: measurements 88: ionospheric drift 88: velocity 88: scintillation 83: Ionospheric irregularities and their zonal apparent drift were studied using Global Positioning System (GPS)measurements at Cachoeira Paulista (22.41 degrees S, 45.00 degrees W, -26 degrees dip angle)in Brazil during November 6-19, 1998. Radio scintillations at the GPS L1 frequency (1.575 GHz)were monitored using four GPS receivers spaced geomagnetically east-west and north-south. Total electron content (TEC)was measured through the ionospheric advance of the GPS L1 and L2 (1.227 GHz)phases. Strong amplitude scintillations coincided with TEC fluctuations associated with spread F bubbles elongated along the magnetic field. Movement of the Fresnel-scale (400 m)ionospheric irregularity layers caused the scintillation to drift, and their zonal apparent drift velocities were measured using a crosscorrelation technique. Our measurements show that the apparent eastward velocity varies from 200 m/s to 150 m/s at 2000 LT, and then it decreases to 100-50 m/s at midnight. On a magnetically disturbed day, reversal of the zonal apparent drift was observed just after midnight, and the apparent westward velocities observed at early in the morning showed large variations with location in the sky. From the receivers spaced in the geomagnetic north-south direction we measured near-zero time shifts, from which we conclude that the correlation length of severd-hundred-meter-scale irregularities is much larger than 70-m separation between the north and south receivers 91: FDB-20011105 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9431 1: SID/SCD 2: 8439 3: INPE-8439-PRE/4207 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kane, Rajaram Purushottam 10: Salgado, Claudio Angel Rigoberto Casiccia 12: Twisting I turning and pulsating of the Antarctic ozone hole, as revealed by TOMS data 14: 397-412 30: Mausam 31: 52 32: 2 58: DGE 61: 64: Apr. <2001> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 88: Antartic ozone hole 88: TOMS data 88: Pulsations of ozone 88: vertical structure 83: Using data from TOMS/Nimbus 7 and Meteor 3, the evolution of Antarctic ozone holes during the southern springs of 1992, 1993, 1994 was studied. At the South Pole, the evolution was mostly smooth, a steady decrease up to about September end and a steady recovery up to about December end. At latitudes near 65 degree S, the ozone levels (220 DU)at different latitudes and longitudes showed fluctuations compatible with passing of a noncircular (oval)vortex boundary (two ends of a major axis of an ellipse), with a rotation period of 15 days (full rotation period 30 days)in 1992 and 17 days (full rotation period 34 days)in 1994, different from the 2-3 weeks reported by earlier workers. However, the rotation was not with uniform speeds. During a full rotation, the speeds varied sometimes from almost zero (stalling)for a few days to 20 degree per day during other intervals. Outside the oval boundary, often there were depletions with spacings of a few (5-8)days, extending to lower latitudes up to 30 degree S, indicating corrugations in the oval boundary, probably due to the effects of synoptic disturbances on total ozone through tropopause pressure changes and/or ozone mini- holes caused by anticyclonic tropospheric forcing under the southern polar vortex. The shape of the ozone hole changed from elliptic to almost circular and vice versa within a few days and the area also changed by 15-20 83: . Thus, the ozone bole was twisting, turning and pulsating, probably due to a varying strength of the wave number 2 component of the wind system prevailing there MFN: 9432 1: SID/SCD 2: 8458 3: INPE-8458-PRE/4223 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Saba, Marcelo Magalhaes Fares 10: Pinto Junior, Osmar 10: Pinto, Iara Regina Cardoso de Almeida 10: Mendes Jr. Odim 12: Stratospheric balloon measurements of electric fields associated with thunderstorms and lightning in Brazil 14: 18091-18097 30: Journal of Geophysical Research 31: 105 32: D14 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: ionosfera 87: radia‡Æo 87: temporal 87: medi‡Æo 87: nuvens bigorna 87: condutividade 88: conductivity 88: storm 88: ionosphere 88: radiation 88: measurements 88: anvil clouds 83: Measurements of electric fields associated with thunderstorms and lightning were obtained during two balloon flights carrying double-probe electric field detectors launched from Cachoeira Paulista (22 degrees 44'S, 44 degrees 56'W), Brazil, on January 26, 1994, and March 23, 1995. From data obtained in 1994, a linear relationship between the quasi-de vertical electric field peak amplitude and the decay time constant of lightning signatures was found for negative flashes. The results are compared to similar data for intracloud flashes. Based on electric field data obtained in 1995 and on the present knowledge about the differences between positive cloud-to-ground and intracloud flashes, two methods to distinguish them at balloon altitudes are presented: The first is based on an estimate of the destroyed charge in the event; the second is based on the peak amplitude ratio between the vertical quasi-de and the VLF electric field. The behavior of the vertical quasi-de electric field before and after large cloud-to-ground lightning flashes is discussed and attributed to the existence of a shielding layer around the thunderstorm. This shielding layer is associated with a threefold or greater decrease in the conductivity inside the cloud. An abrupt variation observed in the quasi-dc electric field possibly associated with the occurrence of positive flashes was observed and attributed to the formation of a transient shielding layer just above the thunderstorm, which could be produced by the near-breakdown field inside the cloud 91: FDB-20011107 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9433 1: SID/SCD 2: 8459 3: INPE-8459-PRE/4224 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kane, Rajaram Purushottam 12: Trends, spectral characteristics, and rainfall relationships of low-latitude sea surface temperatures at different longitudes 14: 2071-2089 30: Journal of Geophysical Research 31: 105 32: D2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: GDE 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: temperatura da superf¡cie do mar 87: temp (condi‡äes do tempo) 87: varia‡äes anuais 87: florestas tropicais 88: sea surface temperature 88: weather (weather conditions) 88: annual variations 88: rainforest 83: The sea surface temperature (SST)data for low latitudes in the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans for 1950-1996 (47 years)showed different seasonal variation patterns at different longitudes. When the seasonal patterns were subtracted from the monthly values, the deseasoned residuals showed considerable anomalies (interannual variability). In the Pacific the main features were the El Nino events. In the Atlantic, North and South Atlantic SST showed dissimilar anomalies, and these did not have any fixed lag or lead relationships with the Pacific events. The same was true for the low-latitude Indian Ocean SST. The correlation of Pacific SST with Atlantic or Indian Oceans' SST was less than similar to 0.65, yielding a common variance (square of the correlation)of less than similar to 40 83: . Thus, whereas SST anomalies might have some common origin, the manifestation of SST anomalies at different longitudes was erratic, with no preference for any longitude to start with, nor any definite sequence of occurrence in the Pacific relative to the Atlantic or Indian Oceans. A spectral analysis showed that all regions had quasi-biennial, quasi-triennial, and higher periodicities, but the exact values of these periodicities differed significantly at different longitudes. All parameters had long-term trends. These were mostly nonuniform, almost negligible in the first half (1950-1973)and mostly upward in the second half (1973-1996), indicating warming in recent decades, which is also reflected in decreases in snow cover area in the Northern Hemisphere. Rainfalls in various regions are considerably influenced by local SST regimes. For northeast Brazil, Atlantic SST influence is overpowering and often operates independently of the Pacific SST (El Ninos). Hence the emphasis given in mass media (press, radio, and television)to the role of El Nino events only in influencing the rainfalls may turn out to be misleading, as seems to have happened for the 1997 El Nino. This El Nino started in early 1997 but did not have any significant influence on rainfall in northeast Brazil and India. It continued strongly in 1998, causing a severe drought in northeast Brazil but no drought in India 91: FDB-20011107 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9434 1: SID/SCD 2: 8460 3: INPE-8460-pre/4225 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Sahai, Yogeshwar 10: Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich 10: Leme, Neusa Maria Paes 10: Salgado, Claudio Angel Rigoberto Casiccia 12: Total ozone trends in the tropics 14: 19823-19823 30: Journal of Geophysical Research 31: 105 32: D15 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: Aug. <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: oz“nio 87: estratosfera 87: modelos 87: deple‡Æo 87: esta‡äes 87: qualidade 87: Pinatubo 88: pzone 88: stratosphere 88: models 88: ozone depletion 88: stations 88: quality 82: 83: Measurements with Dobson spectrophotometers are used to study ozone trends at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7 degrees S, 45.0 degrees W)and Natal (5.8 degrees S, 35.2 degrees W)in Brazil. The time series are from 1974 to 1997 for Cachoeira Paulista and from 1978 to 1997 at Natal. Using a model that accounts for the quasi-biennial oscillation, seasonal variation, and solar cycle, a trend in total ozone of-2.0+ -1.2 83: per decade was found at Cachoeira Paulista for the period 1974 to 1997. At Natal the trend was -0.8+ -0.8 83: per decade over the period 1978 to 1997. The annual values of column ozone reported at Cachoeira Paulista are lower in the 1990's than in the previous two decades: total ozone amounts are 12.5 Dobson units (DU), or 4.6 83: , lower in the 1990s than those observed during the 1970s. From a monthly analysis it is shown that these ozone decreases have occurred in all months of the year. There was no statistically significant change between the 1980s and 1990s at Natal 91: FDB-20011107 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9435 1: SID/SCD 2: 8461 3: INPE-8461-PRE/4226 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Balan, N. 10: Batista, Inez Staciarini 10: Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali 10: Watanable, S. 10: Bailey, G. J. 10: Mac Dougall, J. 10: Sobral, Jos‚ Humberto Andrade 12: Variability of an additional layer in the equatorial ionosphere over Fortaleza 14: 10603-10613 30: Journal of Geophysical Research 31: 105 32: A5 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: may <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AERONOMIA 83: The day-to-day variations (or the weather)of an additional layer, called the F-3 layer, that has been predicted to exist at altitudes above the F-2 peak in the equatorial ionosphere are studied through ionosonde observations and theoretical modeling. The ionograms recorded in 1995 at the equatorial station Fortaleza (4 degrees S, 38 degrees W; dip angle 9 degrees S)in Brazil show the occurrence of the F3 layer during daytime from 0800 to 1630 LT, with the duration of occurrence ranging from 15 min to 6 hours. Although the layer occurs most frequently (75 83: of the days)in local summer as previously predicted, there are consecutive and individual magnetically quiet and disturbed days when the layer does not occur. There are also days when the layer reoccurs. The model results, obtained using the Sheffield University plasmasphere-ionosphere model, show that the day-to-day variations of the F-3 layer arise from the corresponding variations of the vertical plasma velocity. The layer occurs when the time-cumulative vertical velocity displaces the daytime F-2 peak to high altitudes, to form the F-3 layer, while the normal F-2 layer develops at low altitudes. Sudden displacements result in more distinct F-3 layers than gradual displacements. Model results also show that the plasma temperature within the F-3 layer decreases as the plasma density increases, and, like the plasma density, the plasma temperature also undergoes large day-to-day variations 91: FDB-20011107 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9436 1: SID/SCD 2: 8462 3: INPE- 8462-PRE/4227 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Souza, Jonas Rodrigues de 10: Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali 10: Batista, Inez Staciarini 10: Bailey, G. J. 12: Determination of vertical plasma drift and meridional wind using the Sheffield University Plasmasphere Ionosphere Model and ionospheric data at equatorial and low latitudes in Brazil: summer solar minimum and maximum conditions 14: 12813-12821 30: Journal of Geophysical Research 31: 105 32: A6 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: June <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AERONOMIA 87: campos el‚tricos 87: regiÆo F 87: regiäes tropicais 88: electric fields 88: F region 88: plasma drift 88: tropical regions 83: The F region critical frequency f(0)F(2)and peak height h(m)F(2), measured simultaneously at the equatorial location Fortaleza (4 degrees S, 38 degrees W, magnetic latitude = 3.5 degrees S)and at the low-latitude location Cachoeira Paulista (22 degrees S, 45 degrees W, magnetic latitude = 15 degrees S), are compared with their values calculated by the Sheffield University Plasmasphere-Ionosphere Model(SUPIM)to determine the vertical (ExB)drift velocity at the equator and the magnetic meridional wind velocity over the two locations. The calculated and observed values of f(0)F(2)are then matched at both Fortaleza and Cachoeira Paulista to obtain the magnetic meridional winds over their respective conjugate locations. To account for the observed f(0)F(2)diurnal variation pattern over Cachoeira Paulista, it was found necessary to include a small source of ionization, attributable to energetic particle precipitation in the South Atlantic anomaly region. The vertical drift velocity and magnetic meridional wind velocity derived for summer months during both solar minimum and solar maximum are compared with their values given by other published models. While the diurnal variation of the modeled vertical drift velocity shows general agreement with the values based on Jicamarca radar measurements (the exception being during the sunset-midnight period at solar maximum and between 2000-2300 LT at solar minimum), the magnetic meridional wind shows significant differences with respect to the Horizontal Wind Model 1990 (HWM90)[Hedin et al., 1991]during both solar minimum and solar maximum at Fortaleza and at locations conjugate to Fortaleza and Cachoeira Paulista 91: FDB-20011107 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9460 1: SID/SCD 2: 8473 3: INPE-8473-PRE/4238 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Pimenta, A. A. 10: Fagundes, Paulo Roberto 10: Bittencourt, Jos‚ Augusto 10: Sahai, Yogeshwar 10: Gobbi, Delano 10: Medeiros, Amauri Fragoso de 10: Taylor, Michael J. 10: Takahashi, Hisao 12: Ionospheric plasma bubble zonal drift: A methodology using OI 630 nm all-sky imaging systems 14: 1219-1224 30: Advances in Sapce research 31: 27 32: 6-7 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 58: DGE 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AERONOMIA 87: fotografia todo c‚u 87: t‚cnicas de imageamento 87: metodologia 87: ionosf‚ricos 87: bolhas de plasma 87: deriva de plasma 88: all sky photography 88: imaging techniques 88: methodology 88: ionospherics 88: plasma bubbles 88: plasma drift 83: With the recent advances in all-sky imaging technology for nightglow emission studies, the F-region OI 630 nm emission has become an important tool for ionospheric/thermospheric coupling studies. At equatorial and low latitude regions, the all-sky imaging observations of the OI 630 nm emission show quasi north-south aligned intensity depletion bands, which are the optical signatures of large scale F-region plasma irregularities. By observing the motion of the intensity depleted bands it is possible to infer the ionospheric plasma zonal velocity of the depletion. The north-south aligned structures seen in the field of view of the all-sky imaging system corotate with the ionospheric plasma, so that by calculating the spatial displacements occurring during successive OI 630 nm emission images we can infer the ionospheric plasma drift velocity. However, the plasma bubbles have their own internal space-time dynamics leading to changes in their shape and dimensions and this may induce some errors in the calculated drift velocities. In this paper we take into account the space-time changes in the plasma bubbles in order to calculate the ionospheric plasma zonal drift velocities using the Of 630 nm nightglow emission 91: FDB-20011107 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9466 1: SID/SCD 2: 8495 3: INPE-8495-PRE/4249 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Takahashi, Hisao 10: Taylor, Michael J. 10: Sobral, Jos‚ Humberto Andrade 10: Medeiros, Amauri Fragoso de 10: Gobbi, Delano 10: Santana, Daniela Cristina 12: Fine structure of the ionospheric plasma bubbles observed by the OI 6300 and 5577 airglow images 14: 1189-1194 30: Advances in Space Research 31: 27 32: 6-7 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AERONOMIA 87: ionof‚ricos 87: bolhas de plasma 87: aeroluminescˆncia 87: imagens 87: estrutura fina 88: ionospherics 88: plasma bubbles 88: airglow 88: images 88: fine structure 83: Simultaneous measurements of the ionospheric airglow OI 630.0 nm and OI 557.7 nm emissions have been carried out by means of an all-sky CCD imager system at Cachoeira Paulista, since October 1998. During a developed phase of plasma depletion (bubble)in the equatorial anomaly region, both emissions show intensity depletions along the mgnetic North-South direction, and also bifurcation of the bubbles. It is frequently observed that the OI 557.7 image shows more fine structure of the bubble than the OI 630.0. The amplitude of the intensity depletion was also larger for OI557.7 than 0I630.0. This might be due to the difference in life time between the O(1D)and O(1 S)states, which are responsible for the OI 630.0 and OI 557.7 emissions, respectively. The O(1D)might be affected by thermal relaxation and diffusion processes before the radiative transition 91: FDB-20011107 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9472 1: SID/SCD 2: 8432 3: INPE-8432-TDI/774 4: COMP 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Ribeiro Filho, Geraldo 18: Melhoramentos no algoritmo gen‚tico construtivo e novas aplica‡äes em problemas de agrupamento 19: Constructive genetic algorithm improvements and new clustering problems applications 20: 129 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Doutor 58: Banca: Solon Venƒncio de Carvalho; Luiz Ant“nio Nogueira Lorena (orientador); Sandra Aparecida Sandri; Hor cio Hideki Yanasse; Pedro Paulo Balbi de Oliveira;Cintia RigÆo Scrich 58: SPG 59: CAP 62: INPE 64: dez. <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: COMPUTA€ÇO APLICADA 87: algoritmos gen‚ticos 87: otimiza‡Æo 87: teoria dos grafos 87: manufatura 87: tabela de hor rios 88: genetic algorithms 88: optimization 88: graph theory 83: Os Algoritmos Evolutivos sÆo tema de estudo h  d‚cadas e se baseiam na evolu‡Æo atrav‚s de gera‡äes de popula‡äes cujos indiv¡duos sÆo estruturas que representam poss¡veis solu‡äes de um problema. Os chamados Algoritmos Gen‚ticos estÆo nesse grupo de algoritmos e sua efic cia na aplica‡Æo a problemas de otimiza‡Æo combinat¢ria est  registrada em muitos trabalhos cient¡ficos. Recentemente tem sido objeto de estudo o Algoritmo Gen‚tico Construtivo (AGC), que trabalha com uma popula‡Æo de tamanho vari vel ao longo das gera‡äes, nÆo somente formada por estruturas, mas tamb‚m por partes de estruturas. Este trabalho contribui com esse estudo apresentando uma adapta‡Æo do AGC para trabalhar com uma popula‡Æo formada apenas por partes de estruturas, criando estruturas nÆo somente atrav‚s da combina‡Æo dessas partes, mas tamb‚m com complementa‡Æo das partes selecionadas, e ainda utilizando um processo de busca local como muta‡Æo aplicada …s estruturas. O processo mant‚m salva apenas a melhor estrutura eventualmente formada com a combina‡Æo ou complementa‡Æo das partes na popula‡Æo. O estudo foi feito com a aplica‡Æo do AGC a trˆs problemas de otimiza‡Æo muito estudados: Colora‡Æo de Grafos, Projeto de C‚lulas de Manufatura e Forma‡Æo de Hor rios Escolares. O problema de Colora‡Æo de Grafos tem muitas aplica‡äes pr ticas, essencialmente na forma‡Æo de grupos de objetos sem incompatibilidades entre si. O problema de Projeto de C‚lulas de Manufatura est  presente em ambientes de produ‡Æo de pe‡as utilizando m quinas, tratando de agrupar essas m quinas de modo a criar c‚lulas de produ‡Æo em que pe‡as sÆo completamente produzidas dentro da c‚lula, evitando o transporte de produtos semi-acabados. O problema de Forma‡Æo de Hor rios Escolares (Timetabling)tem importƒncia evidente em institui‡äes de ensino e sua automa‡Æo se justifica por uma constante e c¡clica demanda. Todos os problemas estudados foram considerados como problemas de forma‡Æo de agrupamentos. O c¢digo do AGC foi escrito especificamente para cada problema a partir de uma estrutura b sica e foi executado em microcomputadores e esta‡äes de trabalho, produzindo bons resultados para instƒncias tomadas da literatura, criadas para testes ou mesmo instƒncias reais. Abstract:Evolutionary Algorithms has been a research subject for decades and are based on evolving populations of possible solutions for a problem along generations. Genetic Algorithms belong to this group and many scientific works have registered their efficiency applied to combinatorial optimization problems. Recently, the Constructive Genetic Algorithm (CGA)has been studied. This algorithm works with a variable size population over the generations, the population is formed not only by complete problem solutions but also problem solutions parts. This work contributes to the study of such algorithm by introducing a CGA adaptation that works with populations composed only by solution parts, creating complete solution not only by parts combination by also by parts complementation, and finally using a local search method as a mutation process over the complete solutions. This process keeps the best solution eventually found. The study was made using three very known optimization problems: Graph Coloring, Manufacturing Cell Design and School Timetabling. The Graph Coloring problem has many practical applications. It can be applied every time a set formed by objects with some incompatibility among its elements has to be partitioned into subsets with no incompatibilities inside. The Manufacturing Cell Design problem importance resides in planning environments to produce parts using machines, forming machine cells to completely produce parts, reducing the movement of non-completely produced parts. The School Timetabling problem has obvious importance for education institutions and its cyclic demand justify automation by using algorithms. All problems considered were seen as clustering problems. The AGC code was specifically written for each problem using a common base and was executed in microcomputers and workstations, producing good results for test instances taken from the literature, instances specially created for tests, and instances taken from the real word 91: FDB-20000108 92: FDB-MLR 102: 103: homepage.pdf MFN: 9475 1: SID/SCD 2: 8476 3: INPE-8476-TDI/776 4: ETES 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Schulz, Walk¡ria 18: Estudo de transferˆncias orbitais incluindo manobras aeroassistidas 19: Study of orbital transfers with aeroassisted maneuvers 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Doutor 58: Banca: Hans Ulrich Pichowski; Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Prado (orientador); Rodolpho Vilhena de Moraes (orientador); Ulisses Thadeu Vieira Guedes; Sandro da Silva Fernandes; Paulo Moraes Jr.; Leonardo d'Oliv‚ Ferreira 58: SPG 59: CMC 62: INPE 64: fev. <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: sat‚lites artificiais 87: arrasto aerodinƒmico 87: sustenta‡Æo aerodinƒmica 87: inclina‡Æo 87: transferˆncia de orbita 87: estabilidade aerodinƒmica 87: ve¡culos orbitais manobr veis 88: artificial satellites 88: aerodynamic maneuvers 88: thrust maneuvers 88: orbital transfer 88: orbital maneuvering vehicles 88: aerodynamics drag 88: aerodynamic stability 88: inclination 83: Este trabalho apresenta uma an lise de missäes espaciais atrav‚s do desenvolvimento de um programa computacional para o c lculo de manobras aerodinƒmicas e das manobras propulsivas necess rias para sua implementa‡Æo. Al‚m do desenvolvimento num‚rico, um estudo anal¡tico contempla a realiza‡Æo da fase aeroassistida deste tipo de manobra. Nessa an lise, estÆo inclu¡dos um estudo dos limites t‚rmicos associados com a passagem de um ve¡culo pela atmosfera e outro sobre a an lise dos erros associados. Diversas simula‡äes de manobras aerodinƒmicas sÆo realizadas e comparadas com mudan‡as orbitais desenvolvidas fora da atmosfera. Conclui-se que se trata de um problema extremamente dependente das condi‡äes iniciais e que cada missÆo merece uma an lise individual cuidadosa. Al‚m disso, os resultados oriundos da formula‡Æo anal¡tica mostram-se em comum acordo com os resultados num‚ricos nas camadas mais altas da atmosfera terrestre. ABSTRACT: This work presents an analysis of space missions through the development of a software package for the calculation of aerodynamic maneuvers and of the required thrust maneuvers for their implementation. Besides the numerical development, an analytical study contemplates the accomplishment of the acroassisted phase of this maneuver type. This analysis includes a study of the thermal limits associated with a vehicle passage through the atmosphere as well as an analysis of the associated errors. Several simulations of aerodynamic maneuvers are carried out and compared with orbital changes accomplished outside of the atmosphere. Among the conclusions, it is shown that the problem is extremely sensitive to the initial conditions and each mission deserves a careful individual analysis. Finally, the results obtained from the analytical formulation are shown to be in agreement with the numerical results for the upper layers of the terrestrial atmosphere 91: FDB-20010108 92: FDB-MLR 102: MFN: 9477 1: SID/SCD 2: 8498 3: INPE-8498-TDI/781 4: MET 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Piva, Everson Dal 18: Estudo de caso sobre o papel dos fluxos de calor latente e sens¡vel em superf¡cie em processos de ciclogˆnege de costa leste ocorrido na costa da Am‚rica do Sul 19: A case study of the role of surface latent and sensible heat fluxes in South America east coast cyclogenesis 20: 162 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca:Chou Sin Chan; Marley Cavalcante de lima Moscati (orientadora); Prakki Satyamurty; Jos‚ Paulo Bonatti; Jacyra Ramos Soares 58: SPG 59: MET 62: INPE 64: fev. <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: ESTUDO DO TEMPO 87: fluxo de calor 87: ciclogˆnese 87: correnteS costeiras 87: color latente 87: modelos atmosf‚ricos 87: temperatura da superf¡cie do mar 88: heat flux 88: cyclogenesis 88: coastal currentes 88: latent heat 88: atmospherical models 88: sea surface temperature 88: TSM 82: 83: Foram realizadas simula‡äes com o objetivo de estudar o impacto dos Fluxos de Calor Total (FCT)de Calor Latente (FCL)e de Calor Sens¡vel (FCS)em superf¡cie sobre o desenvolvimento de uma ciclogˆnese explosiva observada na costa leste da Am‚rica do Sul ocorrida no per¡odo de 28 a 30 de maio de 1999. Tamb‚m verificou-se o papel da Corrente do Brasil neste evento. Utilizou-se o modelo de  rea limitada da Japan Meteorological Agency (MAL-JAPA), o qual foi adaptado para a regiÆo da Am‚rica Sul. Os dados utilizados foram as rean lises do National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP - ex - National Meteorological Center - NMC), com resolu‡Æo horizontal de 2,5§ x 2,5§ e 17 n¡veis na vertical, e dados de TSM obtidos do NMC. Os resultados das simula‡äes mostram que a ausˆncia dos fluxos de calor em superf¡cie e diminuiu a intensifica‡Æo do ciclone e tiveram o maior impacto na fase de r pido desenvolvimento do ciclone. Os FCL contribu¡ram mais para os FCT do que os FCS. As principais diferen‡as obtidas nas simula‡äes com e sem fluxos de calor em superf¡cie foram que, nestas £ltimas, seus impactos foram aumentar a estabilidade est tica e diminuir a disponibilidade de umidade, gerando assim, menor Libera‡Æo de Calor Latente (LCL). Inicialmente estas diferen‡as foram pequenas e localizadas em pequenas regiäes mas, no decorrer das simula‡äes, estas aumentaram em magnitude e em  rea. Com base nestes resultados, pode-se concluir que os fluxos de calor em superf¡cie sÆo mais importantes no per¡odo anterior … fase de r pido aprofundamento do ciclone, agindo no sentido de instabilizar e umedecer a atmosfera sobre o oceano pr¢ximo ao continente, facilitando o desenvolvimento de um sistema que se desloca do continente para o oceano. Os resultados da simula‡Æo realizada com a TSM climatol¢gica sugere que os meandros associado …s Correntes do Brasil e das Malvinas causaram pouco impacto no desenvolvimento dos ciclones estudados.Abstract:A cyclogenesis case observed over South America coast is simulated with the aim of verifying the impact of the surface latent (FCL), sensible (FCS)and total (FCT)heat fluxes. The Brazil current role is also explored. The limited-area model of Japan Meteorological Agency (MAL-JAPA)adapted to South America region is used in this work. The data used to initial and boundary conditions are the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis. This case is an explosive cyclogenesis event developed during May 28-30, 1999. The results of the simulations show that the surface heat fluxes had large contribution to the development of the extratropical cyclone. The FCL had more contribution to the FCT than the FCS. Simulations without surface heat flux show that the static stability is larger and the availability of humidity is less than in the simulation with FCT. In the beginning the differences were small and localized over small regions, but during the evolution of the simulations the differences grew in their magnitude and extension. Based in these results, it is possible conclude that the surface heat fluxes are more important in the early development phase of the cyclone and they also contribute for the atmosphere to become unstable and humid over the ocean adjoining the continent. These conditions are favorable to the development of a system moving over this region. The results of the simulation with the climatological sea surface temperature suggest that the meanders associated with the Brazil and Malvinas currents do not have much impact in the studied cyclone development 91: FDB-20010108 92: FDB-MLR 102: MFN: 9480 1: SID/SCD 2: 8431 3: INPE-8431-TAE/53 4: SATE 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Cardoso, Sandra L£cia Almeida 18: Gerenciamento da tecnologia da avalia‡Æo de aduca‡Æo e desenvolvimento humano: da teoria … pr tica em empresas do Vale do Para¡ba 21: 199 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: UNISAL. Centro Universit rio Salesiano de SÆo Paulo 51: Mestre 62: INPE 64: <2001> 66: Lorena 67: BR 68: TAE 90: b 76: TRANSFERÒNCIA DE TECNOLOGIA 87: avalia‡Æo de treinamento 87: avalia‡Æo 88: treining evaluation 83: A globaliza‡Æo dos neg¢cios exige organiza‡äes cada vez mais competitivas e a  rea de Treinamento e Desenvolvimento Humano ‚ uma das mais poderosas ferramentas de transforma‡Æo no mundo organizacional, sendo uma de suas, principais metas a prepara‡Æo dos colaboradores para a nova realidade. Torna-se importante avaliar os efeitos do treinamento/educa‡Æo nas organiza‡äes, quanta … eficiˆncia e efic cia dos resultados destes investimentos. Este estudo teve a, finalidade de conhecer a situa‡Æo atual da Avalia‡Æo de Treinamento, como tamb‚m a poss¡vel melhoria em 20 (vinte)das empresas do Vale do Para¡ba. Foran definidos dois focos: primeiro, quanto … abordagem te¢rica, investigar e apresentar uma s¡ntese conceitual. sobre Educa‡Æo, Treinamento e Desenvolvimento. Segundo foco, realizar uma investiga‡Æo das pr ticas avaliativas utilizadas, atrav‚s de uma entrevista padronizada com os respons veis pela  rea de Treinamento o Desenvolvimento Humano, com uma abordagem cient¡fica seguindo o Modelo … Avalia‡Æo de Treinamento proposto por Kirkpatrick e Hamblin. Este estudo foi motivado pela observa‡Æo da necessidade de aperfei‡oar a avalia‡Æo de treinamento em rela‡Æo ao seu conhecimento e aprimoramento. Aqui sÆo apresentados os resultados e an lise dos dados coletados nas empresas que realizam o.procedimentos avaliativos, com o seguinte enfoque: Etapas da Avalia‡Æo de Treinamento realizadas, instrumentos de medi‡Æo, frequˆncia, e a metodologia. utilizada. Quanto …s empresas que nÆo realizam os procedimentos avaliativos causas da nÆo utiliza‡Æo destes, bem como o conhecimento do n¡vel de efetividade dos cursos oferecidos. Investigou-se, tamb‚m, a melhoria desejada no processo avaliativo. As an lises serviram de base para a constata‡Æo de que h  uma carˆncia, de profissionais quanto aos aspectos te¢rico-pr ticos para a defini‡Æo do processo de Avalia‡Æo de Treinamento, principalmente quanto … Avalia‡Æo dos Resultados. ABSTRACT: Global economy requires organizations to become more competitive Trainnig and Development (TD)Departments are powerful tools to organizational transformation whose primary objective is to prepare employees for this new era. It is important to evaluate the effects of education/training on the organizations, specially regarding efficiency effectiveness results from investments. The objective of this work has been to collect information about the current situation and feasible improvements of Training Evaluation on 20 business/TD organizations of Paraiba's Valley. Two focuses have been taken into account: first, to present some theoretical conceptual aspects related to Education, Training and Development. Second, to investigate TD evaluation practices adopted by those organizations, using a specific interview procedure developed taking into account Evaluation Models proposed by some authors like Kirkpatrick and Hamblin. This work has been motivated by the observation that there is a need to improve the training evaluation techniques currently adopted by the majority of Training Departments. This work presents the analyses and results obtained from data collected from those organizations that perform TD evaluation: what are the mm phases related to TD evaluation: what are the specific measuring procedures: what are the frequency and methodology used. With respect to those organizations that do not perform any evaluation of TD activities, the objective has been to identify the reasons for not doing so, as well as the Level of effectiveness of the training activities that are offered. Information has also been collected regarding the desired improvements on the TD evaluation procedures. The remits show that there is a need to better prepare people to perform TD evaluation, both on theoretical and practical aspects, mainly on the results obtained after the end of the training activities 91: FDB-20010108 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9482 1: SID/SCD 2: 8480 3: INPE-8480-TDI/778 4: ETES 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Silva, Jaime Augusto da 18: Controle preditivo utilizando redes neurais artificiais aplicado a ve¡culos aeroespaciais 19: Neural predictive control applied to aerospace vehicles 20: 239 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Doutor 58: Banca: Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Prado; Atair Rios Neto (orientador); Roberto Vieira da Fonseca Lopes; Valdemir Carrara; Cairo L£cio Nascimento Jr.;Paulo Moraes Jr.; Fermando Madeira 58: SPG 59: CMC 62: INPE 64: abr. <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: controle preditivo 87: filtros de Kalman 87: redes neurais 87: sistemas nÆo lineares 87: pilotagem 87: predi‡äes 88: predictions 88: Kalman Filters 88: neural network 88: nonlinear systems 88: pilot support systems 83: Um esquema de controle, empregando uma metodologia generalizada, destinado … solu‡Æo de problemas de controle ¢timo, treinamento de redes neurais e controle preditivo ‚ desenvolvido, implementado e testado, em aplica‡äes da  rea aeroespacial de grande relevƒncia e atualidade. Nesta metodologia, um m‚todo de programa‡Æo nÆo linear, do tipo Proje‡Æo Estoc stica do Gradiente, ‚ utilizado para resolver aproxima‡äes discretizadas de problemas de controle ¢timo. Problemas de treinamento de redes neurais e controle preditivo sÆo tamb‚m assim resolvidos atrav‚s da otimiza‡Æo de funcionais quadr ticos utilizados na obten‡Æo dos ajustes dos pesos das redes neurais ou defini‡Æo das a‡äes de controle. Para os trˆs casos considerados, uma itera‡Æo t¡pica pode ser vista e tratada como um problema de estima‡Æo linear ¢tima de parƒmetros. Mostra-se que os trˆs algoritmos sÆo o resultado da aplica‡Æo do m‚todo de Newton … otimiza‡Æo de funcionais espec¡ficos, fornecendo solu‡äes que convergem localmente. Dois sistemas nÆo lineares, um representado por uma equa‡Æo recursiva e o outro por um sistema de duas equa‡äes diferenciais ordin rias, sÆo utilizados para ilustrar a aplica‡Æo dos algoritmos de treinamento de redes neurais e controle preditivo. A seguir, o esquema proposto ‚ aplicado ao controle de atitude em trˆs eixos de um sat‚lite com volante de in‚rcia e mancal duplo. Resultados de simula‡äes para a condi‡Æo de pequenos erros iniciais e controle de atitude sÆo entÆo apresentados. Para avaliar os trˆs algoritmos em conjunto, um esquema de pilotagem de um ve¡culo espacial lan‡ador de sat‚lites, com trˆs graus de liberdade, ‚ considerado. Resultados de simula‡äes e testes do esquema de pilotagem, na presen‡a de perturba‡äes nÆo modeladas pelas redes neurais, sÆo entÆo apresentados e analisados. Abstract:A generalised methodology used to solve optimal control problems, neural network training and design of a neural network based predictive control algorithm is presented and tested in aerospace control problems. A non-linear programming technique, namely, a stochastic gradient projection method is used to obtain an algorithm to solve optimal control problems. For neural network training and predictive control problems, it is shown that optimisation of a quadratic performance functional, used to determine the neural network weight adjustments or the discrete control actions, can be viewed and treated, in a typical iteration, as a stochastic optimal linear parameter estimation problem. The three algorithms are shown to be the result of application of Newton's method to appropriate optimisation functionals that provide solutions that converge locally. Two non-linear systems, one represented by a recursive equation and the other, by a set of two non-linear differential equations are used to illustrate the application of the neural network training and the predictive control algorithms. Then, the proposed scheme is applied to a three-axes satellite attitude control with a double-gimballed momentum wheel. Results of simulations and tests for the situation of fine pointing torques and errors in the initial satellite attitude are presented. In order to evaluate the three algorithms, a guidance scheme is proposed for a three-degrees of freedom, non-linear, flight trajectory control of a satellite launch vehicle. Results of simulations and tests for the situation of guidance in the presence of perturbations not modelled by the neural networks are then presented and analysed 91: FDB-20010108 92: FDB-MLR 102: 103: homepage.pdf MFN: 9483 1: SID/SCD 2: 8531 3: INPE-8531-TDI/783 4: CEA 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Lehodey, Brigitte Tom‚ 18: Estudo de subestruturas em aglomerados de Gal xias 20: 141 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Cl udia Vilega Rodrigues; Hugo Vicente Capelato (orientador); Francisco Jos‚ Jablonski; Andr‚ de Castro Milone; GastÆo Bierrenbach Lima Neto 58: SPG 59: AST 62: INPE 64: mar. <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: galaxias 87: aglomerados de gal xias 87: raios X 87: mat‚ria escura 87: emissÆo 87: an lise wavelets 88: galaxies 88: galactic clusters 88: x ray 88: dark matter 88: emisson 88: Wavelet analysis 83: Esta disserta‡Æo apresenta dois m‚todos de detec‡Æo de subestruturas em aglomerados de gal xias e os resultados da sua aplica‡Æo a um conjunto de 4 destes sistemas. Nos cap¡tulos 2 e 3, relembramos as principais propriedades dos aglomerados de gal xias e qual o interesse em estud -los. Tamb‚m damos a defini‡Æo de subestruturas e ressaltamos a sua importƒncia do ponto de vista da Cosmologia. Os cap¡tulos 4 e 5 sÆo consagrados … descri‡Æo detalhada destes m‚todos, sendo o primeiro, o Kernel adaptativo aplicado … distribui‡Æo espacial e cinem tica das gal xias e o segundo, o Modelo de VisÆo Multi-escalas, aplicado … an lise da emissÆo em raios-X difusa dos aglomerados e, por conseqˆncia, … distribui‡Æo do g s intraglomerado. No final destes dois cap¡tulos, tamb‚m sÆo apresentados os resultados da aplica‡Æo destes m‚todos a nossa amostra de aglomerados. No cap¡tulo 6, ‚ feita uma an lise comparativa dos resultados obtidos com cada m‚todo. No £ltimo cap¡tulo, apresentamos as conclusäes mais importantes deste trabalho, apontando, tentativamente, alguns desenvolvimentos poss¡veis. Dois apˆndices finalizam o nosso trabalho, os quais detalham questäes levantadas na nossa an lise que nÆo estÆo diretamente ligadas ao problema da detec‡Æo de subestruturas. ABSTRACT:This dissertation presents two methods for the detection of substructures in clusters of galaxies and the results of their application to a group of 4 clusters. In chapters 2 and 3, we remember the main properties of clusters of galaxies and give the definition of substructures. We also try to show why the study of substructures in clusters of galaxies is so important for Cosmology. Chapters 4 and 5 describe these two methods, the first one, the adaptative Kernel, is applied to the study of the spatial and kinematical distribution of the cluster galaxies. The second one, the MVM (Multiscale Vision Model), is applied to analyse the cluster diffuse X-ray emission, that is to say, the intracluster gas distribution. At the end of these two chapters, we also present the results of the application of these methods to our sample of clusters. In chapter 6, we draw the conclusions from the comparison of the results we obtain with each method. In the last chapter, we present the main conclusions of this work trying to point out possible developments. We close with two appendices in which we detail some questions raised in this work not directly linked to the problem of substructures detection 91: FDB-20000108 92: FDB-MLR 102: MFN: 9525 1: SID/SCD 2: 8500 3: INPE-8500-PRE/4252 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kay, L.E. 10: Magalhaes, A.M. 10: Elizalde, Fl vio 10: Rodrigues, C 12: Spectropolarimetry of the luminous narrow-line Seyfert galaxies IRAS 20181-2244 and IRAS 13224-3809 14: 219-225 30: The Astrophysical Journal 31: 518 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 61: 64: Aug. <2000> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: galaxias Seyfert 87: gal xias ativas 87: polariza‡Æo 87: Sat‚lite Astron“mico Infravermelho 88: active galaxies 88: Seyfert galaxies 88: polarization 88: Infrared Astronomy Satellite (IRAS) 83: We observed the narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies IRAS 20181-2244 and IRAS 13224-3809 with a new spectropolarimeter on the Ritchey-Chretien spectrograph at the CTIO 4 m telescope. Previously it had been suggested that IRAS 20181-2244 was a type 2 QSO and thus might contain an obscured broad-line region that could be detected by the presence of broad Balmer lines in the polarized flux. We found the object to be polarized at about 2 83: and constant with wavelength (unlike most narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies), but with no evidence of broad Balmer lines in polarized flux. The spectropolarimetry indicates that the scattering material is inside the broad-line region. IRAS 13224-3809, notable for its high variability in X-ray and UV wavelengths, has a low polarization consistent with a Galactic interstellar origin MFN: 9527 1: SID/SCD 2: 8502 3: INPE-8502-PRE/4254 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Ribeiro, Andr‚ Luis Batista 10: Wuensche, Carlos Alexandre 10: Letelier, P.S 12: Small deviations from Gaussianity and the galaxy cluster abundance evolution 14: 1-4 30: The Astrophysical Journal 31: 539 32: 1 Part 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: Aug. <2000> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: cosmologia 87: aglomerados 87: galaxias 87: universo 87: grandes estruturas espaciais 88: cosmology 88: large space structures 88: universe 88: galaxies 88: clusters 83: In this paper, we raise the hypothesis that the density fluctuation field, which originates the growth of large-scale structures, is a combination of two or more distributions, instead of assuming that the observed distribution of matter stems from a single Gaussian field produced in the very early universe, as is widely accepted. By applying the statistical analysis of finite-mixture distributions to a specific combination of Gaussian plus non-Gaussian random fields, we studied the case in which just a small departure from Gaussianity is allowed. Our results suggest that even a very small level of non-Gaussianity may introduce significant changes in the cluster abundance evolution rate MFN: 9528 1: SID/SCD 2: 8508 3: INPE-8508-PRE/4259 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Rodrigues, Cl udia Vilega 10: Magalhaes, A.M 12: Blobs in Wolf-Rayet winds: Random photometric and polarimetric variability 14: 412-421 30: The Astrophysical Journal 31: 540 32: 1 Part 1 40: En 41: En 42: 61: 64: Sep. <2000> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: envelopes estelares 87: estrelas Wolf-Rayet 87: estrelas prematuras 87: polariza‡Æo 87: transferˆncia radiativa 88: stellar envelopes 88: Wol-Rayet star 88: polarization 88: early stars 88: radiative transfer 83: Some isolated Wolf-Rayet stars present random variability in their optical flux and polarization. We make the assumption that such variability is caused by the presence of regions of enhanced density-i.e., blobs-in their envelopes. In order to find the physical characteristics of such regions, we have modeled the stellar emission using a Monte Carlo code to treat the radiative transfer in an inhomogeneous electron scattering envelope. We are able to treat multiple scattering in the regions of enhanced density as well as in the envelope itself. The finite sizes of the source and structures in the wind are also taken into account. Most of the results presented here are based on a parameter study of models with a single blob. The effects caused by multiple blobs in the envelope are considered to a more limited extent. Our simulations indicate that the density enhancements must have a large geometric cross section in order to produce the observed photopolarimetric variability. The sizes must be of the order of 1 stellar radius, and the blobs must be located near the base of the envelope. These sizes are the same inferred from the widths of the subpeaks in optical emission lines of Wolf-Rayet stars. Other early-type stars show random polarimetric fluctuations with characteristics similar to those observed in Wolf-Rayet stars, which may also be interpreted in terms of a clumpy wind. Although the origin of such structures is still unclear, the same mechanism may be working in different types of hot star envelopes to produce such inhomogeneities MFN: 9530 1: SID/SCD 2: 8504 3: INPE-8504-PRE/4255 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Marquez, I 10: Lima Neto, G. B. L. 10: Capelato, Hugo Vicente 10: Durret, F. 10: Gerbal, D 12: Gravo-thermal properties and formation of elliptical galaxies 14: 873-886 30: Astronomy and Astrophysics 31: 353 32: 3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: Jan. <2000> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: gravita‡Æo 87: metodologia 87: gal xias 87: aglomerados 87: simula‡Æo 87: forma‡Æo de gal xias 87: coma 88: gravitation 88: methodology 88: galaxies 88: clusters 88: simulation 88: galaxy formation 88: coma 83: We have analyzed a sample of galaxies belonging to three clusters: Coma, Abell 85, and Abell 496 (real galaxies)and a sample of simulated elliptical galaxies formed in a hierarchical merging scheme (virtual galaxies). We use the Sersic law to describe their light profile. The specific entropy (Boltzmann-Gibbs definition)is then calculated supposing that the galaxies behave as spherical, isotropic, one-component systems. We find that, to a good approximation (similar to 10 83: ), both real and virtual galaxies have an almost unique specific entropy. Within this approximation the galaxies are distributed in a thin plane in the space defined by the three Sersic law parameters, which we call the Entropic Plane. A further analysis shows that both real and virtual galaxies are in fact located on a thin line, therefore indicating the existence of another - and yet unknown - physical property, besides the uniqueness of the specific entropy. A more careful examination of the virtual galaxies sample indicates a very small increase of their specific entropy with merging generation. In a hierarchical scenario, this implies a correlation between the specific entropy and the total mass, which is indeed seen in our data. The scatter and tilt of the Entropic Line, defined by Lima Neto et al. (1999a), are reduced when this correlation is taken into account. Although one cannot distinguish between various generations for real galaxies, the distribution of their specific entropy is similar to that in the virtual sample, suggesting that hierarchical merging processes could be an important mechanism in the building of elliptical galaxies MFN: 9531 1: SID/SCD 2: 8505 3: INPE-8505-PRE/4256 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Proust, D 10: Cuevas, H. 10: Capelato, Hugo Vicente 10: Sodre Jr., L. 10: Lehodey, BT 10: Le Fevre, O 10: Mazure, A 12: Dynamics of the X-ray clusters Abell 222, Abell 223 and Abell 520 14: 443-453 30: Astronomy and Astrophysics 31: 355 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: Mar. <2000> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: gal xias 87: agrupamentos 87: cosmologia 87: observa‡Æo 87: desvio para o vermelho 87: distƒncia 88: galaxies 88: cosmology 88: observation 88: red shift 88: distance 83: We present the results of a dynamical analysis of three rich, X-ray luminous galaxy clusters, Abell 222, Abell 223 and Abell 520, that are at intermediate redshifts. Our study is based on radial velocities for 71 cluster members, respectively 30 for A 222, 20 for A 223 and 21 for A 520, measured from spectra obtained at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, the European Southern Observatory, and the Pic du Midi Observatory, and supplemented with radial velocities from the literature. A 222 galaxies have slightly higher velocities than those of A 223, with hi-weighted mean velocity of V-bi = 64242 +/- 194 km s(-1)for A 222, and of V-bi = 63197 +/- 266 km s(-1)for A 223. The velocity dispersions of the two clusters are about the same: sigma(bi)= 1013 +/- 150 km s(-1)and sigma(bi)= 1058 +/- 160 km s(-1)for A 222 and A 223, respectively. For A 520 we obtain V-bi = 60127 +/- 284 km s(-1)with sigma(bi)= 1250 +/- 189 km s(-1). We also give mass and mass-luminosities ratio estimates for each cluster separately. We argue that these clusters are presently undergoing strong dynamical evolution and that A 222 and A 223 will probably merge in the future. We have applied a Principal Component Analysis to a sample of 51 CFHT spectra to produce a spectral classification for these galaxies. This classification has allowed us to show that the morphological and kinematical segregations were already established in these intermediate redshift clusters MFN: 9532 1: SID/SCD 2: 8951 3: INPE-8951-PRE/4646 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Vilas Boas, Jos‚ Williams dos Santos 10: Abraham, Zulema 12: NH3(1,1)survey toward southern hemisphere HII regions. I 14: 1115-1121 30: Astronomy and Astrophysics 31: 355 32: 3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: Mar. <2000> 68: PRE 76: RADIASTRONOMIA 87: abundƒncias 87: nuvens de mol‚culas 87: linhas 87: galaxias 87: am“nia 88: abundance 88: clouds 88: molecules clouds 88: lines 88: galaxies 88: ammonia 83: The (J,K)=(1,1)metastable ammonia line was searched for in the direction of more than one hundred southern HII regions located between 270 degrees and 15 degrees in galactic longitude, resulting in new detections toward 21 of them. Ammonia detection rate was about 30 83: towards all directions except in the longitude interval 270 degrees-290 degrees where no ammonia lines were found in the 15 selected HII regions. A high detection rate (greater than or equal to 0.6)was observed toward positions where IRAS point sources with color indices of ultra-compact HII regions were in the beam of the telescope. An anticorrelation between the number of detected NH3 sources and the distance to the Galactic Center was found, compatible with the observed gradient in N abundance. From the Value of this gradient and the detection rate of ammonia lines toward HII regions, it is inferred that the number of ammonia sources must be proportional to the inverse of the column density of the molecular cloud MFN: 9533 1: SID/SCD 2: 8506 3: INPE-8506-PRE/4257 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Meliani, M.T. 10: Araujo, Jos‚ Carlos Neves de 10: Aguiar, Odylio Denys de 12: Cataclysmic variables as sources of gravitational waves 14: 417-424 30: Astronomy and Astrophysics 31: 358 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: June <2000> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: ondas gravitacionais 87: estrelas 87: nova 87: variav‚is catacl¡smicas 88: gravitational waves 88: stars 88: novae 88: cataclysmic variables 83: General relativity predicts that binary systems of stars produce gravitational waves of significant intensity. Here we are particularly interested in the cataclysmic variable binaries (CVs). These systems emit low frequency gravitational waves, f < 10(-3)Hz. We present here a catalog of CVs and argue that part of them are capable of being detected by the LaserInterferometer Space Antenna (LISA) MFN: 9534 1: SID/SCD 2: 8507 3: INPE-8507-PRE/4258 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Caproni, A 10: Abraham, Zulema 10: Vilas Boas, Jos‚ Williams dos Santos 12: Study of the ammonia emission in the NGC 6334 region 14: 685-694 30: Astronomy and Astrophysics 31: 361 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: CRAAE 58: DAS 61: 64: Sep. <2000> 76: RADIASTRONOMIA 87: estrelas 87: forma‡Æo 87: regiäes HII 87: moleculas 87: abundƒncias 87: nuvens 88: star 88: formation 88: HII regions 88: molecules 88: abundances 88: clouds 83: The region centered in the NGC 6334 I(N)radio continuum source was surveyed in an extension of 6' in right ascension and 12' in declination, in the NH3(J,K)= (1,1)transition, using the Itapetinga radio telescope. The spectra show non-LTE behavior, and gradients of velocity and line-width were detected along the region. A detailed analysis of the spectra showed that the surveyed region is composed of at least three overlapped sources related to regions that are in different stages of star formation: NGC 6334 I, associated with an already known molecular bipolar outflow, NGC 6334I(N)w, the brightest ammonia source, coincidental with the continuum source NGC 6334 I(N), and NGC 6334 I(N)e, weaker, more extended and probably less evolved than the others. The physical parameters of the last two sources were calculated in non-LTE conditions, assuming that their spectra are the superposition of the narrow line spectra produced by small dense clumps. The H-2 density, NH3 column density, kinetic temperature, diameter and mass of the clumps were found to be very similar in the two regions, but the density of clumps is lower in the probably less evolved source NGC 6334I(N)e. Differences between the physical parameters derived assuming LTE and non-LTE conditions are also discussed in this work MFN: 9557 1: SID/SCD 2: 5801 3: INPE-8501-PRE/4253 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Vilas Boas, Jos‚ Williams dos Santos 10: Myers, PC 10: Fuller, GA 12: Dense cores of dark clouds. XII. (CO)-C-13 and CO)-O-18 in Lupus, Corona Australis, Vela, and Scorpius 14: 1038-1050 30: Astrophysical Journal 31: 532 32: 2 Part 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: Apr. <2000> 68: PRE 76: RADIASTRONOMIA 87: nuvens 87: mol‚culas 87: forma‡Æo de estrelas 87: ondas submilim‚tricas 87: n£cleos 88: clouds 88: molecules 88: satr formation 88: submillimeter waves 88: cores 83: More than 110 dense condensations of the dark clouds in Lupus, Corona Australis, Norma, Vela, and Scorpius were observed in the (CO)-C-13 and (CO)-O-18 (J = 1-0)transitions. The condensations of dark clouds with high star formation activity like the Ophiuchus, Taurus, and Cepheus have average (CO)-O-18 and H-2 column densities of 1.8 x 10(15)and 1.1 x 10(22)cm(-2). If We take the average size of the condensations to be 0.2 pc, a condensation must have average H-2 volumetric densities greater than or equal to 2 x 10(4)cm(-3)in order to ea good candidate to form stars. The four Lupus filaments have similar radial velocities and velocity dispersions, suggesting that they originated from the same parental cloud. Among these filaments, Lupus 1 is unique in having recent star formation activity, despite the high number of T Tauri stars observed toward the others. Lupus 1 also shows a complex velocity gradient along its main axis. The distribution of radial velocities of the condensations observed toward Scorpius are in good agreement with the hypothesis that they are in a region with expansion velocity smaller than or equal to 18 km s(-1). The Corona Australis cloud has velocity gradients ranging from -0.5 km s(-1)pc(-1)at one extreme to 0.1 km s(-1)pc(-1)at the other. MFN: 9558 1: SID/SCD 2: 8550 3: INPE-8550-PRE/4294 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Tegmark, M. 10: Oliveira-Costa, A de 10: Staren, J.W. 10: Meinhold, P.R. 10: Lubin, P.M. 10: Childers, J.D. 10: Figueiredo, N. 10: Gaier, T. 10: Lim, M.A. 10: Seiffert, M.D. 10: Villela Neto, Thyrso 10: Wuensche, Carlos Alexandre 12: Cosmic microwave background maps from the HACME experiment 14: 535-341 30: Astrophysical Journal 31: 541 32: 2 Part 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: Oct. <2000> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: cosmologia 87: observa‡Æo 87: microondas 87: radia‡Æo c¢smica de fundo 87: baläes 88: cosmology 88: observation 88: balloons 88: microwaves 83: We present cosmic microwave background (CMB)maps from the Santa Barbara HACME balloon experiment (Staren et al.), covering about 1150 square degrees split between two regions in the northern sky, near the stars gamma Ursae Minoris and alpha Leonis, respectively. The FWHM of the beam is similar to 0.degrees 77 in three frequency bands centered on 39, 41, and 43 GHz. The results demonstrate that the thoroughly interconnected scan strategy employed allows efficient removal of 1/f-noise and slightly variable scan-synchronous offsets. The maps display no striping, and the noise correlations are found to be virtually isotropic, decaying on an angular scale similar to 1 degrees. The noise performance of the experiment resulted in an upper limit on CMB anisotropy. However, our results demonstrate that atmospheric contamination and other systematics resulting from the circular scanning strategy can be accurately controlled and bode well for the planned follow-up experiments BEAST and ACE, since they show that even with the overly cautious assumption that 1/f-noise and offsets will be as dominant as for HACME, the problems they pose can be readily overcome with the mapmaking algorithm discussed. Our prewhitened notch-filter algorithm for destriping and offset removal is proving useful also for other balloon- and ground-based experiments whose scan strategies involve substantial interleaving, e.g., Boomerang MFN: 9568 1: SID/SCD 2: 8587 3: INPE-8587-PRE 4: MET 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Nobre, Carlos Afonso 12: Mudan‡as clim ticas globais: poss¡veis impactos nos ecossistemas do Pa¡s 14: 239-258 30: Parcerias Estrat‚gicas 32: 12 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: CEP 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDO DO CLIMA 87: mudan‡as clim ticas 87: desflorestamento 87: efeito estufa 87: aquecimento global 87: monitoramento ambiental 88: climate change 88: deforestation 88: greenhouse effect 88: global warning 88: environment monitoring 83: Modelos computacionais de simula‡Æo das mudan‡as clim ticas sugerem que o clima do planeta Terra poder  alterar-se significativamente neste s‚culo se as emissäes dos gases do efeito estufa continuarem a crescer. No caso do Brasil, se as emissäes continuarem a crescer, os v rios cen rios de mudan‡as clim ticas indicam aquecimento de at‚ 4 a 6 oC em partes do pa¡s, principalmente na Amaz“nia, ao final do s‚culo. H  ainda muita incerteza com rela‡Æo …s poss¡veis mudan‡as na precipita‡Æo pluviom‚trica e quanto … modifica‡äes na freqˆncia de extremos clim ticos (por exemplo, secas, inunda‡äes, geadas, tempestades severas, vendavais, granizo etc). Desmatamentos na Amaz“nia tamb‚m podem causar mudan‡as clim ticas regionais, com aumento de temperatura e redu‡Æo de precipita‡Æo. Se altera‡äes clim ticas globais agirem sinergisticamente, com altera‡äes clim ticas regionais advindas de desmatamentos, a floresta tropical estar  mais vulner vel … perda de biodiversidade e a incˆndios florestais. De qualquer maneira, parece certo que o pa¡s estar  sujeito a impactos clim ticos adversos. Grande parte da popula‡Æo do pa¡s, em fun‡Æo da baixa renda e do baixo n¡vel educacional, est  mais vulner vel …s mudan‡as clim ticas, e tˆm menores possibilidades de adapta‡Æo. Abstract Climate change computational models indicate that the climate of Earth may change significantly throughout this Century, if emissions of grenhouse gases continue to grow. For Brazil, the various scenarios of climate change show a warming of 4 to 6 C, mostly in Amazonia, towards the end of the Century, in the case of unabated emissions. Scenarios of rainfall change and odifications on the frequency of extreme weather and climate phenomena (e.g., droughts, floods, frost, severe storms, intense winds, hail, etc.)are laden with uncertainty. Amazonia deforestation can change the regional climate as well. Large scale deforestation are likely to cause temperature increase and rainfall decrease regionally. If global warming and regional climate change due to deforestation, the tropical forest can become more vulnerable to losses of biodiversity and to forest fires. At any rate, it seems all but certain that Brazil will be subject to adverse climate change. A large proportion of Brazil's population is poor and uneducated, which makes them specially vulnerable to climate change. It cannot be forgotten that these people will experience greater difficulties to adapt to this situation. MFN: 9582 1: SID/SCD 2: 8601 3: INPE-8601-PUD/108 4: MET 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Gomes, Sonia Maria 16: Domingues, Margarete Oliveira 16: Kaibara, Magda Kimico 18: Navegando de Fourier a Wavelets: diapositivos de minicurso 20: 22 38: [APLICON 2001] 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LMO 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: PUD 76: ESTUDOS DO SINAL GEOFISICO 87: processamento de sinais 87: an lise de Fourier 87: filtros 87: signal processsing 87: wavelet analysis 88: signal processsing 88: wavelet analysis 88: filters 88: Fourier analysis MFN: 9583 1: SID/SCD 2: 8600 3: INPE-8600-NTC/347 4: MET 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Domingues, Margarete Oliveira 18: An lise Wavelet na simula‡Æo num‚rica de equa‡äes diferenciais parciais com adaptabilidade espacial 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: LMO 59: FAPESP 94/02016-9 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: NTC 90: b 76: ESTUDOS DO SINAL GEOFÖSICO 87: Wavelets (Matem tica) 87: equa‡äes diferenciais parciais 87: solu‡äes n£m‚ricas 87: an lise num‚rica 88: Wavelet analysis 88: partial differential equations 88: numerical analysis 88: solutions 83: Avalia‡Æo te¢rica e computacional de esquemas de aproxima‡Æo em Amr Biortogonal. Contribui‡Æo na  rea de aplica‡äes dos conceitos e t‚cnicas de Amr … an lise num‚rica de EDP MFN: 9584 1: SID/SCD 2: 8580 3: INPE-8580-TDI/786 4: COMP 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Travassos, Paulo Roberto Nascimento 18: Um estudo de simula‡Æo do sistema brasileiro de coleta de dados baseado em sat‚lites 19: A simulation study of the brazilian satellite based data system 20: 121 40: En 41: En/Pt 42: 58: Banca: Tatuo Nakaniski; germano de Souza Kienbaum (orientador); Lamartine Nogueira F. GuimarÆes; Celso Hirata; Eduardo Saliby 58: SPG 59: CAP 62: INPE 64: ago. <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: COMPUTA€ÇO APLICADA 87: programa‡Æo orientada a objetos 87: simula‡Æo de sistemas 87: engenharia de software 87: engenharia de sistemas 87: interfaces gr ficas 88: object oriented programming 88: systems simulation 88: sotware engineering 88: systems engineering 88: graphical user interface 83: O Sistema Brasileiro de Coleta de Dados utilizado nas aplica‡äes ambientais baseada em sat‚lites ‚ composto por plataformas de coleta de dados, pelos sat‚lites retransmissores, pelas esta‡äes terrenas receptoras, e pelo Centro de MissÆo. Este trabalho realiza um estudo de simula‡Æo sobre este sistema, cobrindo principalmente as fases do ciclo de vida do modelo relacionadas com a defini‡Æo de objetivos, a especifica‡Æo de requisitos e a implementa‡Æo de um prot¢tipo b sico de um simulador. O sistema ‚ modelado na forma de uma rede de comunica‡Æo de dados que possui enlaces baseados em sat‚lites, com o objetivo de se estudar o tr fego de mensagens entre seus n¢s, utilizando-se o simulador para a an lise de sua configura‡Æo, de sua opera‡Æo e de seu desempenho. O trabalho abrange aspectos te¢ricos, relativos … modelagem utilizando-se uma metodologia baseada em orienta‡Æo a objetos, bem como aspectos pr ticos, relativos ao desenvolvimento do simulador e … utiliza‡Æo da linguagem de simula‡Æo MODSIM III na sua implementa‡Æo. ABSTRACT: The Brazilian Satellite Based Data Collecting System comprises a network of data collecting platforms distributed over the country, various satellites, the receiving ground stations, and the Mission Control Center. This work carries out a comprehensive simulation study of this system, covering mainly the phases of objectives definition, requirements specification and implementation of a basic prototype of a simulator. The system is modeled as a data communication network with satellites based links, with the main objective of studying the traffic of messages between its nodes, based on the use of the simulator for system's configuration, operation and performance analysis. The work comprises theoretical aspects, related with its modeling based on an object-oriented approach, as well as practical ones, related with the development and the use of the simulator, implemented using the simulation language MODSIM III 102: 103: homepage.pdf MFN: 9605 1: SID/SCD 2: 8632 3: INPE-8632-PRE/4366 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Padilha, Antonio Lopes 10: Vitorello, Icaro 12: Magnetotelluric and geomagnetic depth soundings around the Torres Syncline hinge, Southeast Parana Basin, Brazil 14: 3655-3658 30: Geophysical Research Letters 31: 27 32: 22 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: Nov. <2000> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: distor‡Æo 87: pesquisas magn‚ticas 88: distortion 88: magnetic survey 82: 83: A MT/GDS survey has been carried out around the NW plunging Torres Syncline in the southeastern border of the Parana Basin, in Brazil. Induction arrows show a N N-trending conductive anomaly nearly coincident with the hinge of the syncline and ocean effects Varying as a function of the distance from the coast. 2-D inversions of MT data along two profiles parallel to the coast and across this anomaly have distinguished electrical anomalies in the upper crust. The most prominent of these anomalies is an electrical conduit dipping to the NW from a depth of 500 m at the coast to 1000 m at a distance of about 100 km further inland. The conductor, located in the crystalline basement, can be possibly ascribed to residual metasomatic fluids concentrated along the hinge of the downfolded Torres Syncline, as a fossil record of the Early Cretaceous volcanic events that affected the Parana Basin and underlying lithosphere 91: FDB-20010301 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9606 1: SOD/SCD 2: 8633 3: INPE-8633-PRE/4367 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Zamlutti, Carlos Jos‚ 12: On the influence of the stress tensor and heat flow vector in collisional multispecies fluids 14: 213-222 30: Planetary and Space Science 31: 49 32: 2 38: En 40: En 41: 58: DAE 61: 64: Feb. <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AERONOMIA 87: tensores estressados 87: transmissÆo de calor 87: fluidos 87: colisÆo de part¡culas 87: intera‡Æo de part¡culas 87: euq‡Æo de Navier Stokes 87: segunda lei de Newton 88: stress tensors 88: heat transmission 88: fluids 88: particle collision 88: particle interactions 88: Navier Stokes equation 88: Newton second low 83: The effective influence of the stress tensor and heat flow vector in collisional multispecies fluids is quite a controversial matter. Suggested by phenomenological laws these parameters are usually evaluated with the simple Newton and Fourier relations. The kinetic theory attributed them to the motion and interactions of particles. The validity of the Navier-Stokes set of equations with Newton's-law of stresses and Fourier's law of heat how has been contested in many cases based on simple traditional models of the collision frequency. Thanks to many recent advances on the evaluation of the Boltzmann collision term, now one can make a more reliable analysis as to proper account for the effect of these parameters. To accomplish this task in this work, the essential aspects of the matter are revised with improved accuracy. It is shown, in particular, that the theory can present now reasonable grounds to properly set appropriate boundaries on the validity of the currently used expressions for modelling stresses and heat flow. The theoretical results presented here are applicable to a wide range of gas and plasma conditions covering the needs from rarefied to dense fluids and also low- (subsonic)and high-speed (supersonic)flows. Thus, they can be used for problems of physics of fluids, geophysics, solar and interplanetary physics. MFN: 9612 1: SID/SCD 2: 8639 3: INPE-8639-PRE/4373 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Sahai, Yogeshwar 10: Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich 10: Leme, Neusa Maria Paes 10: Salgado, Claudio Angel Rigoberto Casiccia 12: Observations of UV-B radiation during biomass burning at Cuiab , Brazil 14: 1979-1982 30: Advances Space Research 31: 26 32: 12 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: buraco de ozonio 87: biomassa 87: aerosois 87: radia‡Æo ultravioleta 87: observa‡Æo 88: ozone depletion 88: biomass 88: ultaviolet radiation 88: observation 88: ultraviolet radiation B band 88: Aerosol effects on ultraviolet radiation 83: During the last few years, a network (6 stations)of Brewer spectrophotometers has been established in different ecosystems in South America by the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE). A Brewer spectrophotometer permits simultaneous observations of total ozone and UV-B radiation and is operational on a routine basis at Cuiaba (16 degreesS, 56 degrees W), Brazil, since 1991. Surface ozone is also measured at Cuiaba using UV ozone monitor since 1987. In this paper we present and discuss the simultaneous observations from these two instruments obtained in 1995. This study permits comparison of the observations during the biomass burning period (dry season)with the wet season. Although surface ozone levels were considerably higher during the biomass burning season, no effect on the total ozone column could be observed. The UV-B radiation, however, was significantly reduced due to absorption by biomass burning aerosols 91: FDB-20000304 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9613 1: SID/SCD 2: 8640 3: INPE-8640-PRE/4374 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Echer, Ezequiel 10: Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich 10: Sahai, Yogeshwar 10: Leme, Neusa Maria Paes 12: A study of the solar cycle signal on total ozone over low-latitude brazilian observation stations 14: 1983-1986 30: Advances Space Research 31: 27 32: 12 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: efeitos da atividade solar 87: espectrometro de mapeamento de ozonio total 87: solar activity effects 87: total ozone mapping spectrometer 87: tropical regions (low latitudes)regiäes tropicais (baixa latitude) 83: Observations of total ozone at low latitudes in Brazil have been made using Dobson spectrophotometers since 1974 for Cachoeira Paulista (23.1 degrees S, 45 degrees W)and since 1978 for Natal (5.8 degreesS, 35.2 degrees W), Annual averages, 12 months and 36 months running averages have been analyzed. Spectral analyses of the data revealed that the most important periods found (confidence level > 90 83: ) were: for Natal, 2.5 years (93.1 83: , quasi-biennial oscillation-QBO)and 10 years (98.2 83: , possibly the solar cycle signal), for Cachoeira Paulista, 2.4 years (96.8 83: , QBO)and 8 years (99.6 83: ). The difference in total ozone between maximum and minimum solar cycles were estimated, using yearly averages of total ozone, For solar cycle 21, 1.16 83: and 1.26 83: for Natal and Cachoeira Paulista were found; for solar cycle 22, a larger difference of 3.8 83: for Natal and 4.1 83: for Cachoeira Paulista were found. The corresponding variation in UV-B at 300 nm, using Beer's law, is 8-10 83: for C. Paulista and 4-5 83: for Natal, with maxima occurring during the minimum of the solar cycle 91: FDB-20000304 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9614 1: SID/SCD 2: 8641 3: INPE-8641-PRE/4375 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Buriti, Ricardo A. 10: Takahashi, Hisao 10: Gobbi, Delano 12: Temporal variation of the volume emission rates between OI5577 and O2(0,1) 14: 1159-1164 30: Advances Space Research 31: 27 32: 6-7 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 87: luminescˆncia 87: noturna 88: nightglow 83: The intensities of the upper mesospheric airglow emissions, OI 557.7 nm and O-2(b)atmospheric (0,1)band at 864.5 nm, have been measured since October 1998 using a ground-based multichannel airglow photometer located near the equator at Sao Joao do Cariri (7S, 35W). The intensity ratio between the two emissions, OI5577/O(2)b(0,1), was obtained as a function of time. The annual average of the ratio R in 1998 was 0.41 +/- 0.14, and showed considerable day to day variations, ranging from 0.2 to 0.6. Nocturnal variations of the ratio also demonstrate a large amplitude of oscillation, varying between 0.3 to 0.6. These results were compared with a model calculation 91: FDB-20000304 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9615 1: SID/SCD 2: 8642 3: INPE-8642-PRE/4376 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Clemesha, Barclay Robert 10: Batista, Paulo Prado 10: Simonich, Dale Martin 12: Simultaneous measuments of meteor winds and sporadic sodium layers in the 80-110 km region 14: 1679-1684 30: Advances Space Research 31: 27 32: 10 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 87: atmosfera superior 87: mares 87: radar ¢ptico 88: upper atmosphere 88: tides 88: optical radar (lidar) 83: We have made simultaneous 24-hour measurements of meteor winds and atmospheric sodium in the 80-110 km height range. The winds were measured by a meteor radar installed at Cachoeira Paulista (23 degrees S, 45 degrees W), and the sodium density was measured by lidar at Sao Jose dos Campos (23 degrees S, 46 degrees W). The distance between the two sites is 102 km. During the southern winter of 1999 a total of 320 hours of simultaneous measurements were obtained. Within this measurement period a large number of sporadic sodium (Ns)layers were observed. As we have previously reported, on many occasions Ns layers occur near the peaks of descending structures in the sodium layer. The simultaneous measurements reported here enable us to show that the descending structures involved are closely related to similar structures in the meridional wind profile. A clear tidal structure is visible in the sodium layer, with a vertical wavelength which corresponds to that seen in the meteor winds 91: FDB-20000304 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9617 1: SID/SCD 2: 8643 3: INPE-8643-PRE/4377 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Medeiros, Amauri Fragoso de 10: Taylor, Michael J. 10: Takahashi, Hisao 10: Batista, Paulo Prado 10: Gobbi, Delano 12: An anusual airglow wave event observed at Cachoeira Paulista 23 degree S 14: 1749-1754 30: Advances in Space Research 31: 27 32: 10 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 87: ondas de gravidade 87: aeroluminescencia 88: gravity waves 88: airglow 83: An all-sky CCD airglow imager has been used to obtain a wealth of data on the MLT airglow emissions from Cachoeira Paulista, Brazil (22.7 degrees S, 45.0 degrees W). Measurements of the NIR OH, OI(557.7 nm), O2(0,1)and the thermospheric OI(630.0 nm)emissions have been made since October 1998. In addition, simultaneous measurements of the airglow zenith intensities and rotational temperatures, and vertical wind structure between 80 and 100 km were made using a co-located multi-channel photometer and a meteor radar. On the night of July 13, 1999, the CCD images showed active wave events exhibiting a variety of short period wave structures. The activity started with ripple patterns over the whole sky, lasting for almost one hour. Later the patterns changed to extensive band-like structures that lasted for several hours. After local midnight a bore-like wave-front passed overhead propagating towards the North. When the front was in the zenith the image data showed an increase in both the OI (5577 nm)and O2 (0,1)emissions, whilst a decrease in the OH intensity was observed, which is opposite to that observed by Taylor et al., (1995a). The co-located photometer revealed an exceptionally large intensity (>40 83: ) and temperature (similar to 12 83: ) perturbation throughout the night that appears to be associated with a large-scale gravity wave perturbation with significant vertical phase shift between the different emissions MFN: 9618 1: SUD/SCD 2: 8644 3: INPE-8644-PRE/4378 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: D'Amico, Fl vio 10: Heindl, W.A. 10: Rothschild, R.E. 10: Peterson, L.E. 10: Gruber, D.E. 10: Pelling, M. 10: Tomsick, J.A. 12: HEXTE studies of SCO X-1 spectra: detections of hard X-ray tails beyond 200 Kev 14: 389-394 30: Advances in Space research 31: 28 32: 2-3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: espectro raio X 87: estrela de neutron 87: binarias raio X 87: buracos negros 88: X ray spectra 88: neutron stars 88: X ray binaries 88: black holes 83: Using the HEXTE experiment on-board the RXTE satellite, we performed a search for hard X-ray tails in Sco X-1 spectra. We found strong evidence for the presence of such a non-thermal component on several occasions. Using the PCAIRXTE we were able to track the position of the source along the Z diagram, and we observed that the presence of the hard X-ray tail is not confined to a particular region. However, we found a correlation between the power law index of the non-thermal component and the position of the source in the Z diagram, suggesting that the hard X-ray spectrum (i.e., E > 50 keV)becomes flatter as the mass accretion rate increases. We were also able to study the temporal variation of the appearance/absence of the hard X-ray component. With our derived luminosities, we were also able to test the idea that X-ray luminosities can be used to distinguish between X-ray binary systems containing neutron stars and black holes MFN: 9619 1: SUD/SCD 2: 8645 3: INPE-8645-PRE/4379 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Borotto Ch vez, F‚lix Aldo 10: Chian, Abrahan Chian Long 10: Alarcon, Walter Dem‚trio Gonzalez 10: Alarcon, Alicia Luisa Clua de Gonzalez 10: Tsurutani, Bruce T. 12: Chaotic dynamics of large-amplitude Alfv‚n-wave trains in the solar wind 14: 771-774 30: Advances in Space research 31: 28 32: 5 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: ondas magnetohidrodinƒmicas 87: equa‡Æo de Schoefinger 87: intermitˆncia 87: vento solar 88: magnetohydrodynamic waves 88: Schoedinger equation 88: intermitency 88: solar wind 83: The chaotic dynamics of a driven-dissipative Alfv‚n system is studied by analyzing the stationary solutions of the derivative nonlinear Schr”dinger equation. We demonstrate that there are two types of Alfv‚n intermittency. In the Pomeau-Manneville intermittency, the time series of magnetic field fluctuations switches intermittently between nearly periodic and chaotic states; whereas, in the crisis-induced intermittency, the time series of magnetic field fluctuations switches intermittently between weakly and strongly chaotic states. These nonlinear dynamic phenomena can improve our understanding of Alfv‚nic chaos and turbulence observed in the solar wind MFN: 9632 1: SID/SCD 2: 8673 3: INPE-8673-PRE/4409 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Sahai, Yogeshwar 10: Fagundes, Paulo Roberto 10: Bittencourt, Jos‚ Augusto 12: Transequatorial F-region ionospheric plasma bubbles: solar cycle effects 14: 1377-1383 30: Journal of Atmospheric and solar Terrestrial Physics 31: 62 32: 15 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 58: DGE 61: 64: Oct. <2000> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 87: ciclos solar 87: efeitos da atividade solar 87: regiÆo F 87: bolhas de plasma 88: solar cycles 88: solar activity effects 88: F region 88: plasma bubbles 83: During the recent past, wide-angle optical imaging observations of F-region nightglow emissions (e.g. OI 630 nm)have provided excellent results related to the occurrence, evolution and dynamics of large-scale range spread-F irregularities, as they are characterized by large-scale ionospheric plasma depletions, generally known as transequatorial plasma bubbles, which result in quasi north-south aligned intensity depleted bands. The intensity depletions seen in the airglow images are the optical signature, at the height range of the emitting layer of transequatorial magnetic field-aligned plasma bubbles. An all-sky imaging system, observing the OI 630 nm emission, was operational at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7 degree S, 45.0 degree W; similar to 16 degreesS dip latitude), Brazil, during the period March 1987 to October 1991. It was put back in operation again in September 1994 and observations are continuing. These observations have provided an extensive data-base of OI 630 nm images which permitted us to address several aspects related to the formation and development of large-scale spread-F plasma irregularities during both high- and low solar activity periods. An analysis of about 11,000 images from these investigations are presented and discussed in this paper. The seasonal occurrence characteristics are fairly similar for both low and high solar activities. However, the occurrences of intensity depleted bands are much less during low solar activity (33 percent ) as compared with high solar activity (55 percent ). Also, some of the intensity depleted bands in the images (which show the optical signatures at the height of the emitting layer around 250-300 km)indicating that plasma bubbles attaining very high altitudes (>1500 km)at the magnetic equator (by mapping the depletion bands along geomagnetic field lines to the equatorial plane (e.g., Mendillo and Tyler, J. Geophys. Res. 88 (1983)5778), are much less during low solar activity (34 percent of the images with intensity depleted bands)as compared with high solar activity (66 percent of the images with intensity depleted bands). The average nocturnal variations of intensity depleted regions show different characteristics during the high and low solar activity periods 91: FDB-20000307 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9633 1: SID/SCD 2: 8674 3: INPE-8674-PRE/4410 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Alarcon, Alicia Luisa Clua de Gonzalez 10: Silbergleit, Virginia M. 10: Alarcon, Walter Dem‚trio Gonzalez 10: Tsurutani, Bruce T 12: Annual variation of geomagnetic activity 14: 367-374 30: Journal of Atmospheric and solar Terrestrial Physics 31: 63 32: 4 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: Mar. <2001> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: geomagnetismo 87: varia‡“es anuais 87: indices 88: geomagnetism 88: annual variations 88: indexes (ratios) 83: The annual variation of geomagnetic activity is studied through the geomagnetic indices aa, Dst and AE, according to different levels of intensity for each of the indices. For thresholds that correspond from moderate to fairly intense storms (i.e., peak aa greater than or equal to 90), the distribution follows the well-known pattern of a seasonal variation, with maxima around the equinoxes and minima near the solstices. Deviations from this behavior are observed when the distribution refers to levels associated with the occurrence of more intense storms. In particular, the annual distribution of days with a geomagnetic index a greater than about 90, shows the occurrence of a peak in July. The contribution of very intense storms (aa greater than or equal to 210)to the July peak, seems to be evenly distributed along the 12 solar cycles covered by this index. Furthermore, the indices Dst and AE, although restricted to a much shorter interval of time (they have been recorded only since 1957), seem as well to show the existence of a peak of occurrence for July. The study done for the indices Dst and AE gives some indication for the existence of another peak in November, also for thresholds associated with intense storms. However, due to the lack of longer records for these indices, the real existence of this peak in the geomagnetic activity is questionable. A statistical analysis of the distribution of events according to the levels of intensity of the aa and Dst is also presented. From this analysis it is seen that the number of occurrences of storms above a given level of intensity of those geomagnetic indices, can be approximated by an exponential law. Furthermore, an estimation of the occurrence of storms during a solar cycle as a function of the peak aa (or aa*)has been also done 91: FDB-20010307 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9634 1: SID/SCD 2: 8675 3: INPE-8675-4411 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Alarcon, Walter Dem‚trio Gonzalez 10: Alarcon, Alicia Luisa Clua de Gonzalez 10: Sobral, Jos‚ Humberto Andrade 10: Dal, Lago Alisson 10: Vieira, L.E.A. 12: Solar and interplanetary causes of very intense geomagnetic storms 14: 403-412 30: Journal of Atmospheric and solar Terrestrial Physics 31: 63 32: 5 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: Mar. <2001> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: tempestades magn‚ticas 87: disturbios 87: vento solar 88: magnetic storms 88: disturbances 88: solar wind 83: The dominant interplanetary phenomena causing intense magnetic storms are the interplanetary manifestations of fast coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Two interplanetary structures are important for the development of such class of storms, involving an intense and long duration Bs component of the IMF: the sheath region just behind the forward shock, and the CME ejecta itself. Frequently, these structures lead to the development of intense storms with two-step growth in their main phases. These structures also lead sometimes to the development of very intense storms, especially when an additional interplanetary shock is found in the sheath plasma of the primary Structure accompanying another stream. The second stream can also compress the primary cloud, intensifying the Bs field, and bringing with it an additional Bs structure. Thus, at times very intense storms are associated with three or more Bs structures. We also discuss evidence that magnetic clouds with very intense core magnetic fields tend to have large velocities, thus implying large amplitude interplanetary electric fields that can drive very intense storms 91: FDB-20010307 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9635 1: SID/SCD 2: 8676 3: INPE-8676-PRE/4412 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Dal, Lago Alisson 10: Alarcon, Walter Dem‚trio Gonzalez 10: Alarcon, Alicia Luisa Clua de Gonzalez 10: Vieira, L.E.A 12: Compression of magnetic clouds in interplanetary space and increase in their geoeffectiveness 14: 451-455 30: Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics 31: 63 32: 5 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: Mar. <2001> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 83: Using a set of 54 magnetic clouds observed in the period from 1965 to 1997, we found that the magnetic cloud field and velocity strength relationship proposed by Gonzalez et al. (Geophysical Research Letters 25 (7)(1998)963-966)is generally followed. However, for a few events, the field strength is fairly higher than that predicted by the work of Gonzalez et al. We examined some of these events and found that compression of these magnetic clouds might have occurred, due to the follow-up presence of a igher speed stream, which led to a stronger magnetic field strength at the back region of the cloud. This intensification of the magnetic field strength is closely related to the occurrence of intense geomagnetic storms when the field has a north-south polarity. Such interplanetary compression of magnetic clouds should be considered in space weather forecasting models 91: FDB-20010307 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9636 1: SID/SCD 2: 8677 3: INPE-8677-PRE/4413 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Tsurutani, Bruce T. 10: Zhou, X. Y. 10: Arballo, John.K. 10: Alarcon, Walter Dem‚trio Gonzalez 10: Lkhina, G.S. 10: Vasyliunas, V. 10: Pickett, J.S. 10: Araki, T. 10: Yang, H. 10: Rostoker, G. 10: Hughes, T.J. 10: Lepping, R.P. 10: Berdichevsky, D. 12: Auroral zone dayside precipitation during magentic storm initial phases 14: 513-522 30: Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics 31: 63 32: 5 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: Mar. <2001> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: zonas aurorais 87: tempestades magn‚ticas 87: magnetosferas 88: auroral zones 88: magnetic storms 88: magnetospheres 83: Significant charged-particle precipitation occurs in the dayside auroral zone during and after interplanetary shock impingements on the Earth's magnetosphere. The precipitation intensities and spatial and temporal evolution are discussed. Although the post-shock energy flux (1020 erg cm-2 s-1)is lower than that of substorms, the total energy deposition rate may be considerably greater (similar to an order of magnitude)than nightside energy rates due to the greater area of the dayside portion of the auroral oval (defined as extending from 03 MLT through noon to 21 MLT). This dayside precipitation represents direct solar wind energy input into the magnetosphere, ionosphere system. The exact mechanisms for particle energization and precipitation into the ionosphere are not known at this time. Different mechanisms are probably occurring during different portions of the storm initial phase. Immediately after shock compression of the magnetosphere possible precipitation-related mechanisms are: (1)betatron compression of preexisting outer zone magnetospheric particles. The anisotropic plasma is unstable to loss-cone instabilities, leading to plasma wave growth, resonant particle pitch-angle scattering and electron and proton losses into the upper ionosphere. (2)The compression of the magnetosphere can also lead to enhanced field-aligned currents and the formation of dayside double-layers. Finally (3)in the latter stages of the storm initial phase. there is efidence for a long-lasting viscous-like interaction occurring on the Ranks of the magnetopause. Ground-based observations identifying the types of dayside auroral forms would be extremely useful in identifying the specific solar wind energy transfer mechanisms MFN: 9638 1: SID/SCD 2: 8678 3: INPE-8678-PRE/4414 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali 12: Outstanding problems in the equatorial ionosphere-thermosphere electrodynamics relevant to spread F 14: 869-884 30: Journal of Atmospheric and solar Terrestrial Physics 31: 63 32: 9 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: Jun. <2001> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 87: propa‡Æo F 87: estabilidade magnetohidrodinƒmica 87: eletrodinamicas 87: ionosfericas 88: spread F 88: magnetohydrodynamic stability 88: electrodynamics 88: ionospherics 88: radar observations 88: region dynamo 88: vertical wind 88: anomalias magn‚ticas 82: 83: Dynamic coupling of the atmospheric regions involving upward energy transport coupled with the locally active thermal tidal modes establish the wind system of the thermosphere whose interaction with the magnetized conducting ionospheric layers produces the dynamo electric fields and currents that control the quiet time electrodynamic processes of the equatorial ionosphere-thermosphere system. The plasma fountain responsible for the ionization anomaly, the vertical and zonal plasma drifts of the post-sunset hours leading to plasma bubble/spread F irregularity generation, and the Hall electric field that drives the electrojet current system are among the most notable manifestations of the these processes. The electrodynamic processes to be discussed in this paper will concern mainly the equatorial spread F (ESF)irregularity generation and their variabilities. The key factors that control the ESF generation by generalized Rayleigh-Taylor instability process, such as the the prereversal enhancement electric field (vertical drift)that is controlled by post-sunset zonal wind and longitudinal conductivity gradients, meridional/transequatorial winds, flux tube integrated conducitvities, and the seed perturbations are discussed in some detail, focussing attention on the aspects of their seasonal, logitudinal and day-to-day variabilities. The role of the evening F layer vertical drift in the instability process leading to ESF has been the most extensively investigated experimentally so far. Recent theoretical and computational results have advanced greatly our understanding of the importance of the key factors in the development process of spread F. However, observational identification of the relative importance of some of the key control factors in a given spread F event or in its day-to-day variablity is still lacking, the main examples being that of the seed perturbation, meridional/transequatorial winds and integrated conductivities. However, some progress on understanding the seasonal pattern has been achieved. Enhanced conductivity below F region and in E layer in the longitude sector of the South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly seems to influence the equatorial spread F electrodynamics 91: FDB-20010307 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9640 1: SID/SCD 2: 8679 3: INPE-8679-PRE/4415 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Sobral, Jos‚ Humberto Andrade 10: Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali 10: Yamashita, S. 10: Alarcon, Walter Dem‚trio Gonzalez 10: Alarcon, Alicia Luisa Clua de Gonzalez 10: Batista, Inez Staciarini 10: Zamlutti, Carlos Jos‚ 10: Tsurutani, Bruce T. 12: Responses of the low-latitude ionosphere to very intense geomagnetic storms 14: 965-974 30: Journal of Atmospheric and solar Terrestrial Physics 31: 63 32: 9 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 58: DGE 61: 64: June <2001> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 87: temperatura magn‚ticas 87: ionosferas 87: regiäes tropicais 88: magnetic storms 88: ionospheric drift 88: tropical regions 88: ionospheres 83: In this work, we investigate the ionospheric responses to exceptionally high-intensity and long-duration magnetic storms over Brazil. Disturbed ionospheric F-region vertical drifts and peak electron density changes observed at the equatorial station Fortaleza - Fz (3 degrees 55'S; 38 degrees 25'W; dip - 3.5 degrees)and the low-latitude station Cachoeira Paulista - CP (22 degrees 41'S; 45 degrees 00'W; dip 24 degreesS), for three magnetospheric storm events that occurred in December 1980, April 1981 and September 1982, are analyzed. These storms had minimum Dst indexes -240, -311 and -289 nT, respectively. The interplanetary magnetic field (Bz)data from the ISEE-3 satellite, the auroral activity index AE, and the ring current index Dst are used as indicators of the magnetospheric conditions. The ionospheric response features are analyzed using the F-layer critical parameters h'F, hpF2 and foF2, from ionograms obtained at Fz and CP. The Bz and the AE index variations were much higher than those in many previous studies. Therefore, many of the observations reported here either have not been observed or are not readily explained by current models for predicting the penetration/dynamo disturbance electric fields. The altitude of the nocturnal ionospheric F-layer at low latitudes may undergo significant variations during storm-time, caused by magnitude variations on the local zonal component of the F-region electric field intensity. During the period studied here, clear association of the F-layer rise (vertical velocity and altitude)and spread-F occurrence is observed. It is shown that the storm-time layer rise has a dominant role on the equatorial spread-F. An attempt is made to identify the origin of electric fields responsible for the disturbed F-layer alterations. The main conclusions of this study are that (a)some effects on the F-layer height and peak electron concentrations are consistent with model predictions. Some others are in discrepancy or have not been either predicted by model studies or experimentally detected, (b)the F-layer rise over Fz played a major role in the generation of spread-F, (c)the maximum disturbance electric field intensity observed was about 1.09 mV m s-1, (d)in some cases, foF2 increases (decreases)over CP were seen to be related to increases (decreases), in the fountain effect mechanism, (e)storm-time-induced h'F post-sunset height rise inhibitions over Fz may extend for at least 4 days, as observed, (f)daytime foF2 depressions of amplitude up to -9 MHz are observed over Fz, (g)in particular, a rather unexpected disturbance rise in h'F over Fortaleza, on September 8 at 08 LT, does not seem directly associated with either disturbance winds or penetration electric fields with origin at high latitude, where the convection remained low during the preceding 10h 91: FDB-20010307 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9671 1: SID/SCD 2: 8534 3: INPE-8534-TDI/785 4: COMP 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Almeida, Rui Nelson Taborda 18: Paraleliza‡Æo de um classificador contextual de imagens 19: Parallel implementation of contextual classifer for remote sensing images 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Airam J“natas Preto; Celso Luiz Mendes (orientador); Ant“nio Miguel Vieira Monteiro; JoÆo Argemiro de Carvalho Paiva; Cl udio Roland Sonnenburg 58: SPG 59: CAP 62: INPE 64: Jun. <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: TDI 76: COMPUTA€ÇO APLICADA 87: classifica‡Æo de imagens 87: processamento de imagens 87: processamento paralelo 87: programa‡Æo paralela 87: desempenho de sistemas computacionais 88: image classification 88: image processing 88: parallel processing (computers) 88: parallel programming 88: computer systems performace 83: Apresentamos, inicialmente, conceitos b sicos sobre processamento digital de imagens, com ˆnfase em classifica‡Æo de imagens obtidas a partir de sensores multiespectrais. Escolhemos dois algoritmos de classifica‡Æo, M xima Verossimilhan‡a (MAXVER)e Iterated Conditional Modes (ICM), para exemplificar a aplica‡Æo das metodologias propostas. Antes de apresentar estas metodologias, avaliamos a situa‡Æo dos algoritmos mencionados em suas atuais implementa‡äes no Sistema para Processamento de Informa‡äes Georeferenciadas (SPRING). Descrevemos os aspectos relacionados a sistemas de processamento paralelo e o padrÆo de comunica‡Æo por troca de mensagens, Message Passing Interface (MPI). Adaptamos os programas atuais (seqenciais)para serem executados independentemente do sistema SPRING. O objetivo desta adapta‡Æo foi otimizar os testes e a avalia‡Æo dos resultados. A partir dos c¢digos-fonte destes programas, desenvolvemos versäes capazes de classificar imagens utilizando processamento paralelo, baseadas em troca de mensagens com MPI. O enfoque, durante este desenvolvimento, foi o de aumentar o desempenho durante a classifica‡Æo das imagens com um c¢digo facilmente port vel de um sistema paralelo para outro. Realizamos testes com os novos programas em equipamentos paralelos com arquiteturas diferentes entre si. Para estes testes, utilizamos tanto imagens com baixo como com grande volume de informa‡äes. Calculamos os tempos de processamento considerando aspectos tais como: algoritmo utilizado, comunica‡Æo, I/O, volume de informa‡äes, etc. Os programas paralelos foram avaliados quanto ao seu desempenho e eficiˆncia. Comparamos as imagens geradas pelos programas paralelos com aquelas geradas pelos programas originais (seqenciais), a fim de garantir a qualidade dos resultados. Pudemos comprovar que os processos de classifica‡Æo de imagens podem ser otimizados, reduzindo o tempo de processamento consideravelmente. Al‚m disso, os programas desenvolvidos podem ser utilizados em equipamentos paralelos com arquiteturas diferentes, sem que para isto sejam necess rias altera‡äes nos c¢digos-fonte dos programas. Finalmente, conclu¡mos que a utiliza‡Æo das metodologias apresentadas pode ser de grande benef¡cio no desenvolvimento de sistemas de processamento de imagens obtidas por sensores orbitais. ABSTRACT: This work presents basic concepts about digital image processing, with emphasis on classification of images from multi-spectral sensors. We have chosen two classification algorithms (MAXVER and ICM), to exemplify the application of the proposed methodologies. Before showing these methodologies, we evaluated the situation of present algorithms, in the SPRING system. We described the aspects related to parallel systems and the standard of communication by Message Passing Interface (MPI). We adjusted the current programs (sequential)to be executed outside of the SPRING system. The objective was to optimize the tests and the evaluation of the results. From the code of these programs, we developed able versions to classify images using parallel processing, based on message passing interface with MPI. During the development of the programs, the objective was to increase the classification performance, using a portable code across parallel systems. The new programs were tested in parallel systems with different architectures. We used both images with low and with high volume of information. We calculated the times of processing in regard to aspects such as: selected algorithm, communication, I/O, information volume, etc. The parallel programs were evaluated in their aspects of performance and efficiency. To assess the quality of the results, we compared the resulting images of the parallel case with the resulting images of the sequential case. We confirmed that the classification can be optimized, with reduction of processing time. Furthermore, the developed programs can be used in parallel systems with different architectures, without changes in their original code. Thus, we concluded that the methodologies used in this work are very important to the development of systems for image processing. 102: MFN: 9672 1: SID/SCD 2: 8533 3: INPE-8533-TDI/784 4: CEA 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Dantas, Christine C¢rdula 18: Investiga‡äes sobre as rela‡äes de escala dos sistemas estelares auto-gravitantes 19: Investigations on the scaling relations of self-gravitating stellar systems 20: 194 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Doutor 58: Banca:Hugo Vicente Capelato (orientador); Jos‚ Carlos Neves de Araujo; Francisco Jos‚ Jablonski; Reinaldo Ramos de Carvalho; GastÆo Cesar Bierrenbach Lima Neto 59: ST 62: INPE 64: maio <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: TDI 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: gal xias el¡pticas 87: estrutura gal tica 87: forma‡Æo das gal xias 87: rela‡äes de escala 87: simula‡Æo 88: elliptical galaxies 88: galactic structure 88: galatic evolution 88: scaling 88: relationships 88: simulation 83: Objetivamos neste trabalho reunir algumas investiga‡äes de ordem num‚rica e anal¡tica sobre a origem das rela‡äes de escala dos sistemas estelares auto-gravitantes. Estas rela‡äes dependem de um n£mero bastante pequeno de parƒmetros f¡sicos independentes, que reduzem e confinam os v¡nculos observacionais a um plano neste espa‡o de parƒmetros, chamado de "Meta-Plano Fundamental" (MPF)(Burstein et al. 1997)dos sistemas estelares auto-gravitantes, e em particular, de "Plano Fundamental" (PF)(Djorgovski e Davis 1987), no caso exclusivo das gal xias el¡pticas. Do ponto de vista num‚rico, analisamos os parƒmetros caracter¡sticos dos objetos resultantes da relaxa‡Æo gravitacional nÆo-dissipativa de modelos representando protogal xias, baseando-nos na hip¢tese de que as estruturas do Universo se formaram a partir de aglomera‡äes hier rquicas. Para tal, analisamos colapsos de nuvens primordiais de estrelas e fusäes de modelos de protogal xias com uma e duas componentes. Esta investiga‡Æo visa dar continuidade … pesquisa iniciada por Capelato, de Carvalho e Carlberg (1995)(daqui em diante, CdCC95), onde demonstrou-se que um esquema hier rquico de encontros nÆo-dissipativos de modelos gal cticos de uma componente seria capaz de reproduzir as correla‡äes do PF. Nesta tese, procuramos ampliar e compreender em maior profundidade os resultados de CdCC95. Do ponto de vista anal¡tico, procuramos isolar o efeito do halo escuro sobre as condi‡äes de equil¡brio da componente luminosa (ou bari“nica). Investigamos se as propriedades f¡sicas, observadas em proje‡Æo, de sistemas auto-gravitantes envoltos por um halo escuro poderiam ser unicamente descritas por uma formula‡Æo do teorema do virial que explicitamente toma em considera‡Æo o termo do potencial gravitacional que representa a intera‡Æo do halo escuro com a componente bari“nica. Comparamos as previsäes resultantes desta "hip¢tese do virial a duas componentes" (2VT)com as rela‡äes de escala dos sistemas estelares auto-gravitantes em geral, encontrando um bom acordo, ao menos em primeira aproxima‡Æo, com o MPF. Abstract: We aim in this work to collect several numerical and analitical investigations concerning the origin of the scaling relations of the self-gravitating stellar systems. These relations depend on a very small number of independent physical parameters that reduce and confine the observational constraints to a plane in this parameter space, called the "Fundamental Meta-Plane" (MPF)(Burstein et al. 1997)of the self-gravitating stellar systems, and the "Fundamental Plane" (PF)(Djorgovski e Davis 1987), in the case of elliptical galaxies. We analysed the characteristic parameters of objects resulting from the non-dissipative gravitational relaxation of models representing protogalaxies, based on the hypothesis that the structures in the Universe were formed from hierarchical clusterings. We analysed collapses of primordial stellar clouds and mergers of protogalactic models with one and two components. This investigation aimed to give continuity to the research carried out by Capelato, de Carvalho e Carlberg (1995), where it was demonstrated that a dissipationless one-component merger scheme of galactic models was able to reproduce the PF. In this thesis, we tried to understand more deeply the results of CdCC95. We isolated the effect of the dark halo on the conditions of the luminous component. We investigated whether the physical properties of self-gravitating systems envolved by a dark halo could be solely described by a formulation of the virial theorem that explicitally takes into consideration the gravitational potential term that represents the inter-action of the dark halo with the luminous component. We compared the predictions resulting from this "two-component virial hypothesis" with the scaling relations of the self-gravitating stellar systems in general, and found a good agreement with the MPF 102: MFN: 9673 1: SID/SCD 2: 8660 3: INPE-8660-PRE/4396 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Pereira, Enio Bueno 10: Martins, F.R. 10: Abreu, S.L. 10: Couto, P. 10: Stuhlmann, R. 10: Colle, S. 12: Effects of burning of biomass on satellite estimations of solar irradiation in Brazil 14: 91-107 30: Solar Energy 31: 68 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: Jan. <2000> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: combustÆo 87: biomassa 87: incˆncios florestais 87: radia‡Æo solar 87: efeitos atmosf‚ricos 87: aeross¢is 88: combustion 88: biomass 88: forest fires 88: solar radiation 88: atmospheric effects 88: aerosols 83: Atmospheric combustion products from forest fires in the Brazilian Amazon and `Cerrado' regions during the dry season (JulyîOctober)induce systematic deviations on the routine satellite techniques for the assessment of solar energy resource information. This study, based on clear-sky days, has shown model overestimations of the incoming solar radiation as high as 44 83: . On the average, clear-sky model overestimation was four times larger than that found for clear-sky days in regions outside the biomass-burning season. A positive correlation between the combustion products of black carbon, total aerosols, CO, N2O, CH4, and the number of fire spots counted by the AVHRR sensor from the NOAA series satellites suggests a possible mechanism for the parameterization of these effects on the radiation transfer methods MFN: 9693 1: SID/SCD 2: 8751 3: INPE-8751-PRE/4484 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Rigozo, Nivaor Rodolfo 10: Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger 12: Registros da atividade solar nos an‚is de crescimento de  rvores em SÆo Francisco de Paula - RS (Brasil) 30: Revista Brasileira de Geof¡sica 31: 18 32: 1 40: Pt 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: mar. <2000> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: dendrocronologia 87: atividade solar 87: an lise de imagem 87: an lise espectral 88: dendrochronology 88: solar activity 88: image analysis 88: spectrum analysis 83: O aspecto mais conhecido da variabilidade solar ‚ o ciclo de 11 anos, observado no n£mero de manchas solares. No entanto, este ciclo tem sido observado em outros registros, como os das atividades nucleares dos cosmonucl¡deos 14C e 10Be em testemunhos de gelo das calotas polares. Cronologias dos ¡ndices das espessuras dos an‚is de crescimento das  rvores, recentemente, come‡aram a ser usadas como poss¡veis registros das varia‡äes do ciclo solar no passado. Em diferentes locais no mundo foi observado uma influˆncia do ciclo solar de 11 anos nos an‚is de arescimento de  rvores. Entretanto em outros locais nÆo foi poss¡vel encontrar vest¡gios dessa influˆncia solar nas  rvores. Isto nos levou a fazer um estudo das poss¡veis influˆncias da atividade solar nos an‚is de crescimento de  rvores da Am‚rica do Sul. A determina‡Æo das espessuras de an‚is ‚ feita atrav‚s de uma metodologia ¢tica e computacional. Este trabalho mostra os resultados obtidos para um destes locais, que ‚ SÆo Francisco de Paula, Brasil. Uma cronologia m‚dia de 65 anos foi determinada para as espessuras dos an‚is de crescimento de  rvores, neste lugar. Para a procura das periodicidades, relacionadas com os fen“menos de origem solar, foi usado o m‚todo de an lise da regressÆo iterativa. N¢s encontramos periodicidades de 20,7, 12,8 e 5,6 anos relacionadas aos ciclos solares de 22 anos (Ciclo de Hale), 11 anos (ciclo de Schwabe)e o segundo harm“nico do ciclo de 11 anos. Tamb‚m foi encontrado um per¡odo de 8,6 anos, o qual ‚ devido ao desbaste feito na floresta 91: FDB-20020326 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9694 1: SID/SCD 2: 8843 3: INPE-8843-PRE/4485 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich 10: Echer, Ezequiel 10: Leme, Neusa Maria Paes 10: Silva, A.A 12: A varia‡Æo sazonal da radia‡Æo ultravioleta solar biologicamente ativa 30: Revista Brasileira de Geof¡sica 31: 18 32: 1 40: Pt 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: Mar.<2000> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: radia‡Æo solar 87: radia‡Æo ultravioleta 87: Eritema 87: UV-BBiomˆtro 88: solar radiation 88: ultraviolet radiationErythema 88: Biometer 83: S‚ries temporais de radia‡Æo UV-B, biologicamente ativa, obtidas em v rios locais no Brasil, em Punta Arenas no Chile e em La Paz na Bol¡via sÆo apresentadas. O quadro atual de mudan‡a atmosf‚rica, principalmente a tendˆncia global de redu‡Æo no oz“nio total, fez surgir na comunidade cient¡fica preocupa‡äes quanto a um poss¡vel aumento na intensidade da radia‡Æo ultravioleta (UV)solar na superf¡cie terrestre. Nesse contexto, o Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais-INPE opera uma rede de medidores do tipo Bi“metro, radi“metros especialmente projetados para medir a radia‡Æo UV causadora de efeitos danosos … sa£de humana, a radia‡Æo UV-B Eritema, desde o in¡cio dos anos 1990. Analisam-se neste trabalho as s‚ries temporais de m xima dose di ria de radia‡Æo UV-B Eritema obtidas com o Bi“metro, estudando-se a varia‡Æo sazonal e calculando-se o Öndice UV. Os maiores valores do Öndice UV sÆo encontrados nas regiäes de La Paz, Campo Grande e Natal. A radia‡Æo UV-B apresentou uma forte dependˆncia da latitude geogr fica e da altitude, conforme esperado. Os Öndices UV atingiram valores pr¢ximos a 15 em La Paz, e acima de 12 em Natal e Campo Grande no per¡odo de verÆo. Tamb‚m ‚ apresentado o resultado de um experimento para medir a radia‡Æo UV-B difusa realizado em Cachoeira Paulista em 24 e 25 de novembro de 1998. A radia‡Æo difusa representa pelo menos 45 83: da radia‡Æo global para o UV-B Eritema 91: FDB-20020326 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9701 1: SID/SCD 2: 8710 3: INPE-8710-PRE/4440 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: MagalhÆes, Nadja SimÆo 10: Aguiar, Odylio Denys de 10: Frajuca, Carlos 10: Marinho Jr., Rubens de Melo 12: Cosmic-ray noise and gravitational wave antennas at the quantum limit 14: 175-179 30: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research 31: 457 32: 1-2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: Jan. <2001> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: raios c¢smicos 87: ruido 87: ondas gravitacionais 87: detectores 88: gravitational waves 88: cosmic rays 88: noise 88: detectors 83: When present-day bar antennas reach the standard quantum limit, cosmic rays are expected to become a significant source of noise. In this work. we estimate the influences of single hadrons and muons on such detectors and compare them to those expected for a hypothetical CuAl detector, since next generation resonant-mass detectors are being considered to have antennas made with this material. (C)2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V 92: FDB-20012803 100: FDB-MLR MFN: 9703 1: SID/SCD 2: 8712 3: INPE-8712-PRE/4442 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Guedes, Jos‚ Ricardo Abalde 10: Borotto Ch vez, F‚lix Aldo 10: Chian, Abrahan Chian Long 12: Generation of circularly polarized raio waves within magnetic holes of the solar wind 14: 237-242 30: Physica A 31: 283 32: 1-2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: Aug. <2000> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: sinais eletromagn‚ticos de radiofrequˆncia 87: vento solar 87: ondas 88: solar wind 88: langmuir turbulence 88: whistlers 88: waves 83: The possibility of nonlinear interaction between Langmuir waves and ion-acoustic waves in the solar wind has received considerable interest in the last years. However, little attention has been paid to the possibility of nonlinear coupling between Langmuir waves and whistler waves in the interplanetary medium. Close temporal correlation between high-frequency Langmuir waves and low-frequency electromagnetic whistler waves has been observed recently within magnetic holes of the solar wind. In order to account for these observations within magnetic holes of the solar wind, we develop a nonlinear three-wave theory describing the parametric interaction of Langmuir waves, electromagnetic whistler waves with either right- or left-hand circularly polarized electromagnetic waves. We suggest that the nonlinear coupling of Langmuir waves and whistler waves may lead to the formation of modulated Langmuir wave packets as well as the generation of circularly polarized radio waves at the plasma frequency in the solar wind. (C)2000 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved 92: FDB-20002803 100: FDB-MLR MFN: 9720 1: SID/SCD 2: 8730 3: INPE-8730-PRE/4463 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kane, Rajaram Purushottam 12: Relationship between El Ni€o timings and rainfall extremes in NE Brazil, SÆo Paulo city and south Brazil 14: 45-57 30: Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 31: 15 32: 1 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: El Nin€o 87: chuvas 88: rainfall 82: 83: El Ni€os are believed to be associated with droughts in NE Brazil and excess rains in south Brazil. However, some El Ni€os do not show such a relationship. Since El Ni€os can commence in any month during the year. El Ni€os starting after the main rainy season or terminating before the main rainy season may not be effective. In this communication, the timings of El Nifios vis a vis rainfall are examined. For NE Brazil near Fortaleza, the main rainy season is MAM (March, April, May). It was noticed, that during 1940-1992, there were I I El Ni€o events that had commencements in Jan.-Feb.Mar., suitable for resulting in droughts in MAM; but only 4 resulted in droughts. Thus, the El Nifio relationship (expected droughts)in the main rainy season of NE Brazil was very poor. In contrast, the pre.-rainy season months DJF seeined to show significant rain deficits, in 9 out of the 11 events. The reason for this needs further study. In Sao Paulo City, the El Ni€o effects were erratic. Normal as well excess or deficit rainfalls occurred, though a slight bias for excess rains during local spring (ASON months)was indicated. In south Brazil, only El Ni€os active during the latter half of the calendar year were effective in causing excess rains. Overall, the El Ni€o-rainfall relationship was poor, and effects due to other factors (Atlantic sea surface temperatures, cold fronts from the Antarctic, etc.)are probably more important, as is already reported in the literature 92: FDB20020415 100: FDB-MLR MFN: 9722 1: SID/SCD 2: 8718 3: INPE-8718-PRE/4449 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Gusev, A.A. 10: Jayanthi, Udahya Bhaskaram 10: Martin, Inacio Malmonge 10: Pugacheva, G. I. 10: Spjeldvik, W.N 12: On positiron radiation the Earth's magnetosphere 14: 590-593 30: Brazilian Journal Physics 31: 30 32: 3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: radia‡Æo nuclear 87: magnetosfera terrestre 88: nuclear radiation 88: spallation 88: earth magnetosphere 83: The ratio of positron/electron fluxes originated in nuclear spallation reactions in the Earth's magnetosphere is considered. It is supposed that positrons as well as electrons are produced in the decay of charged pions ()born in nuclear collisions of trapped relativistic inner zone protons with the residual atmosphere. These positrons and electrons are captured in the magnetosphere and create positron and electron radiation belts of nuclear origin. The positron/electron trapped magnetospheric fluxes formed with this mechanism are simulated and the resulting computed e+/e- flux ratio 4 appears in agreement with the recent observations. This ratio is significantly different from the ratio obtained from the primary cosmic ray source through the same mechanism 92: FDB20020415 100: FDB-MLR MFN: 9724 1: SID/SCD 2: 8763 3: INPE-8763-PRE/4486 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Guedes, Jos‚ Ricardo Abalde 10: Borotto Ch vez, F‚lix Aldo 10: Chian, Abrahan Chian Long 12: Borotto Ch vez, F‚lix Aldo 12: Plasma emission mechanism for radio spikes from solar flares 14: 741-746 30: Advances in Spce Reseach 31: 28 32: 5 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: explosÆo r dio 87: ondas magnetohidrodinƒmicas 87: banda estreita 87: freqˆncia ciclotron 88: solar flares 88: spikes 88: radio bursts 88: magnetohydrodynamic waves 88: narrowband 88: cyclotron frequency 83: Narrowband spiky radio bursts, at decimetric and decametric wavelengths, with high degree of circular polarization are observed in solar flares. We discuss a new plasma emission mechanism for solar radio spikes. It is shown that narrowband radio bursts of right- and left-hand circular polarizations can be produced via nonlinear conversion of Langmuir waves into high-frequency electromagnetic electron cyclotron waves near the plasma frequency by coupling to low-frequency electromagnetic cyclotron waves such as Alfv‚n-ion cyclotron or magnetosonic-whistler waves 91: FDB-20010419 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9725 1: SID/SCD 2: 8696 3: INPE-8696-PRE/4432 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Pugacheva, G.I. 10: Gusev, A.A. 10: Jayanthi, Udahya Bhaskaram 10: Martin, Inacio Malmonge 10: Spjeldvik, W.N 12: FEM code simulation of the magnetospheric proton fluxes 14: 1759-1762 30: Advances in Sapce Reseach 31: 28 32: 12 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: m‚todo de elemento finito 87: simula‡Æo 87: magnetosfera terrestre 87: protons 87: fluxos 88: finite element method 88: simulation earth magnetosphere 88: protons 88: fluxes 83: We report a study of the numeric solution to the diffusive transport equation for energetic protons magnetically trapped in the Earth's equatorial magnetosphere. The analysis takes into account the pertinent physical processes in this region, including deceleration of protons by Coulomb collisional interactions with free and bound lectrons, the charge exchange process, cosmic ray albedo neutron decay source, and electric and magnetic radial diffusion. These results were obtained using the Finite Element Method with magnetic moment and geomagnetic L-shell as free variables. Steady state boundary conditions were imposed at L=1 as zero distribution function and at L=7 with proton distribution function extracted from ATS 6 satellite observations. The FEM-code yields unidirectional proton flux in the energy range of 0.1î1000 MeV at the equatorial top of the geomagnetic lines, and the results are found to be in satisfactorily agreement with the empirical NASA AP-8 model proton flux within the energy range of 0.5î100 MeV. Below 500 keV, the empirical AP-8 model proton fluxes are several orders of magnitude greater than those computed with the FEM-code at L<3. This discrepancy is difficult to explain by uncertainties of boundary spectrum parameters or transport coefficients 91: FDB-20010419 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9726 1: SID/SCD 2: 8765 3: INPE-8765-PRE/4488 4: COMP 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto 10: Vats, H.O. 10: Ramos, Fernando Manuel 10: Zanandrea, Ademilson 10: Rodrigues Neto, Camilo 10: Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha 10: Bolzan, Mauricio Jose Alves 10: Rempel, Erico Luiz 10: Brito, R.C. 10: Vijaykumar, Nandamudi Lankalapalli 10: Sawant, Hanumant Shankar 12: Characterization of local self-similarity and criticality in the solar active regions 14: 463-468 30: Advances in Space Reseach 31: 29 32: 3 38: Sp Iss 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAC 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: atividade solar 87: regiäes 87: explosäes radio solares 87: an lise de ondas pequenas 87: distribui‡Æo de frequˆncia 88: solar activity 88: regions 88: solar radio bursts 88: wavelet analysis 88: frequency distribution 83: From solar radio burst data we computed wavelet transforms and frequency distribution for investigation of self-similar temporal variability and power-laws, as the fundamental conditions for characterization of dynamical criticality (self or forced)in the solar active regions. The main result indicates that, as for the global activity, the local coronal magnetic field, in millisecond time scales, can be in a critical state where the dynamics of solar active regions works as avalanches of many small intermittent particle acceleration events 91: FDB-20020419 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9727 1: SID/SCD 2: 8766 3: INPE-8766-PRE/4489 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Oyama, K.I. 10: Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali 10: Piel, A. 10: Thiemann, H 12: What is Happening near Sq focus? 14: 1263-1266 30: Advances in Space Reseach 31: 26 32: 8 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 87: zonas de temperatura an“malas 87: energia de eletrons 87: instrumentos embarcados em foguetes 87: regiÆo E 88: anomalous temperature zones 88: eletron energy 88: rocket borne instrumnets 88: E region 83: Rocket measurements of electron temperatures (Te)in the E region over Kagoshima Space Center, Japan, carried out in a series of experiments conducted from 1970 to 1988 are analysed in this paper. All the 13 flights whose results are presented here took place around 11 AM, close to the Sq current intensity maximum. Anomalously high electron temperatures associated with large increases of high energy tail electron population were observed whenever the estimated Sq current vortex was very close to the launch site. Such anomalous temperatures were observed only in local winter months. A mechanism for the anomalous heating is proposed based on the solsticial asymmetry of the Sq electric potentials and the resulting field-aligned current that could flow from winter to summer hemisphere 91: FDB-20010419 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9728 1: SID/SCD 2: 8469 3: INPE-8469-PRE/4234 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Pugacheva, G.I. 10: Gusev, A.A. 10: Jayanthi, Udahya Bhaskaram 10: Martin, Inacio Malmonge 10: Spjeldvik, W.N 12: Antiparticles and light element isotope ions in the earth's magnetosphere 14: 625-631 30: Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 31: 64 32: 5-6 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: Mar.-Apr. <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: antiparticulas 87: positrons 87: magnetosfera terrestre 87: rea‡äes nucleares 87: raios c¢smicos 88: antiparticles 88: positrons 88: earth magnetosphere 88: nuclear rays 83: The ratio of positron/electron fluxes originating in nuclear reactions in the Earth's Magnetosphere is considered. It is supposed that positrons as well as electrons are mainly produced in the decay of charged pions pi(+/-)-->mu(+/-)-->e(+/-)born in nuclear collisions of trapped relativistic inner zone protons and of cosmic rays with the residual atmosphere. These positrons and electrons are captured in the magnetosphere and create a positron and electron radiation belt of nuclear origin. The positron/electron trapped magnetospheric fluxes formed with this mechanism from radiation belt proton source are simulated and the resulting computed e(+)/e(-)flux ratio approximate to 4 appears to be in agreement with the recent observations made by the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS)(The AMS collaboration, 1999). A > 200 MeV positron flux with an intensity about 4 times higher than the electron flux of the same energy was registered in the equatorial region at the attitude of 400 kill. This ratio is significantly different from the computed ratio approximate to1 obtained from the primary cosmic ray source through the same mechanism. As our modeling of nuclear spallation reaction shows, in the same reaction nuclei of isotopes of hydrogen and helium are also produced, which are the source of light element isotope radiation belts of D, T, He-3 and He-4 with a significant excess of He-3 over He-4 fluxes. The AMS instrument, as we have known, also looked at the distribution of helium nuclei and only He-3 was observed, which is one more evidence in favor of the above hypothesis 91: FDB-20020419 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9729 1: SID/SCD 2: 8767 3: INPE-8767-PRE/4490 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez 10: Tsurutani, Bruce T. 10: Lepping, R.P. 10: Schwenn, R 12: Interplanetary phenomena associated with very intense geomagnetic storms 14: 173-181 30: Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics 31: 64 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: Jan. <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: atividade solar 87: campos magn‚ticos interplanet rios 87: tempestades magn‚ticas 88: solar activity 88: interplanetary magnetic field 88: magnetic storms 83: The dominant interplanetary phenomena that are frequently associated with intense magnetic storms are the interplanetary manifestations of fast coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Two such interplanetary structures, involving an intense and long duration Bs component of the IMF are: the sheath region behind a fast forward interplanetary shock, and the CME ejecta itself. Frequently, these structures lead to the development of intense storms with two-step growth in their main phases. These structures, when combined, lead sometimes to the development of very intense storms, especially when an additional interplanetary shock is found in the sheath plasma of the primary structure accompanying another stream. The second stream can also compress the primary cloud, intensifying the Bs field, and bringing with it an additional Bs structure. Thus, at times very intense storms are associated with three or more Bs structures. Another aspect that can contribute to the development of very intense storms refers to the recent finding that magnetic clouds with very intense core magnetic fields tend to have large velocities, thus implying large amplitude interplanetary electric fields that can drive very intense magnetospheric energization 91: FDB-20020419 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9730 1: SID/SCD 2: 8768 3: INPE-8768-PRE/4491 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Takahashi, Hisao 10: Buriti, Ricardo A. 10: Gobbi, Delano 10: Batista, Paulo Prado 12: Equatorial planetary wave signatures observed in mesospheric airglow emissions 14: 1263-1272 30: Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics 31: 64 32: 8-11 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: May <2002> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 87: aeroluminiscencia 87: regiäes equatoriais 87: ondas planet rias 88: airglow 88: equatorial waves 88: planetary waves 83: The upper mesospheric airglow emissions, OI 557.7 nm, NaD 589.3 nm, OH (6,2)and O2 atmospheric (0,1)band have been measured using a ground-based multichannel airglow photometer in the equatorial region, SÆo JoÆo do Cariri (7øS, 37øW), Brazil. Good weather condition made it possible to study nocturnal and day to day variation of the emission rates continuously for more than 12 days per month from January to December 1998. It is found that there are distinct 2- and 3.5-day period oscillations in the emission rates, those are most probably due to Rossby-gravity wave and Kelvin wave, respectively. The amplitudes of oscillation of the Kelvin wave are large in June and July, being 40 83: for OI5577, 23 83: for O2b (0,1)and 26 83: for OH(6,2) 91: FDB-20020419 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9731 1: SID/SCD 2: 8770 3: INPE-8770-PRE/4493 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Araujo, Jos‚ Carlos Neves de 10: Miranda, Oswaldo Duarte 10: Aguiar, Odylio Denys de 12: Stochastic background of gravitational waves 14: 4015-1-4015-6 30: Physical Review D 31: 61 32: 12 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: emissÆo 87: fontes 87: processos estoc sticos 87: ondas gravitacionais 87: explosäes 88: gravitational waves 88: bursts 88: sources 88: emission 88: stochastic processes 83: A continuous stochastic background of gravitational waves (GWs)for burst sources is produced if the mean time interval between the occurrence of bursts is smaller than the average time duration of a single burst at the emission, i.e., the so-called duty cycle must be greater than one. To evaluate the background of GWs produced by an ensemble of sources, during their formation, for example, one needs to know the average energy flux emitted during the formation of a single object and the formation rate of such objects as well. In many cases the energy flux emitted during an event of production of GWs is not known in detail; only characteristic values for the dimensionless amplitude and frequencies are known. Here we present a shortcut to calculate stochastic backgrounds of GWs produced from cosmological sources. For this approach it is not necessary to know in detail the energy flux emitted at each frequency. Knowing the characteristic values for the "lumped" dimensionless amplitude and frequency we show that it is possible to calculate the stochastic background of GWs produced by an ensemble of sources 91: FDB-20010419 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9732 1: SID/SCD 2: 8771 3: INPE-8771-PRE/4494 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Marinho Jr., Rubens de Melo 10: MagalhÆes, Nadja SimÆo 10: Aguiar, Odylio Denys de 10: Frajuca, Carlos 12: Excitation of the modes of a spherical antenna for gravitational waves by high energy particles 14: 6517-1-6517-7 30: Physical Review D 31: 64 32: 6 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: Sept.<2001> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: antenas esf‚ricas 87: ondas gravitacionais 87: part¡culas 87: antenas de onda gravitaciona 88: spherical antennas 88: gravitacional waves 88: particles 88: gravitational wave antennas 83: In this paper we determine how the energy generated by the interaction between a high energy particle and a spherical gravitational wave antenna is distributed over the antenna's eigenmodes. We observe that the important mode for gravitational wave detection, the first quadrupole, is much more weakly excited than other modes of interest by this kind of noise 91: FDB-20020419 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9733 1: SID/SCD 2: 8772 3: INPE-8772-PRE/4495 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Veissid, Nelson 10: Pereira, Enio Bueno 12: Assessment of the Planetary Albedo by using data from the Solar Cell Experiment of the Brazilian SCD2 satellite 30: Revista Brasileira de Geof¡sica 31: 18 32: 1 40: Pt 40: Pt 40: En 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: LAS 58: DGE 61: 64: Mar. <2000> 68: PRE 76: FISICA DE MATERIAIS 87: c‚lulas solares 87: albedo 87: radia‡Æo planet ria 88: solar cells 88: planetary radiation 88: clouds 83: This work describes a new self-calibrated method for the assessment of the Earth's planetary albedo with a synthetic ground resolution of 2.5ø latitude x 2.5ø longitude by using the telemeterized data from the Solar Cell Experiment (SCE)of the second INPE's data collection satellite (SCD2), launched on October, 1998. A semi-empirical examination of this new method's result is reported, and the calculated planetary albedo for the years 1998 and 1999 is presented and discussed. This experiment may establish a cost-effective innovation for the Brazilian space program as regards to the study of the climate system by cloud cover monitoring MFN: 9736 1: SID/SCD 2: 8769 3: INPE-8769-PRE/4492 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich 10: Silva, A.A. 10: Costa, C.A. 10: Leme, Neusa Maria Paes 10: Pavao, H.G. 10: Zaratti, F 12: UV-B optical thickness observations of the atmosphere 14: 2963-2973 30: Journal of Geophysical Research 31: 106 32: D3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: Feb. <2001> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: radia‡Æo ultravioleta 87: espessura ¢tica 87: observa‡Æo 87: atmosf‚ra 87: medi‡äes 88: ultraviolet radiation 88: optical thickness 88: observation 88: atmosphere 88: measurement 83: The optical thickness of the atmosphere, tau, was deduced from measurements of narrowband direct solar W-B radiation. A measurement campaign was organized to obtain the radiation at three different sites, during the month of August 1999, using the same methods and instruments, in order to deduce the atmospheric optical thickness in the spectral UV-B range (280320 nm). The three observation sites were chosen to cover a wide range of measurement conditions; located near the tropical Atlantic Ocean (Natal, 5.8 degreesS, 35.2 degreesW), on the Andes mountains (La Paz, 16.5 degreesS, 68.1 degreesW), and in the biomass burning area of central Brazil (Campo Grande, 19.2 degreesS, 54.3 degreesW). The UV-B measurements were made with a Brewer spectrophotometer at each site. Since the instrument measures atmospheric ozone and SO2 simultaneously, it is possible, from the total atmospheric optical thickness tau to deduce the aerosol optical thickness tau (aerosol). The results have been combined in different ways to compare with satellite data, showing good performance. Time variations as short as about 10 min can be seen. On clear days the time variations are relatively small, as expected. On the other hand, for the biomass burning site, for conditions of mixed air masses (the instrument is not looking directly at plumes)one can see very large variations in tau in relatively short time intervals, for example, for one case, from 3.5 to 7.0 in about 30 min. Absolute values for tau at Natal and La Paz were near 2.0 and at Campo Grande, between 2.5 and 3.0, but with occasional highs of about 4.5. For tau (aerosol)Natal and La Paz had values between 0.0 and 0.4, whereas Campo Grande had most values near 0.4, with occasional highs near 1.0, 1.2, and 2.2 MFN: 9738 1: SID/SCD 2: 9774 3: INPE-9774-PRE/4497 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Pimenta, A.A. 10: Fagundes, Paulo Roberto 10: Bittencourt, Jos‚ Augusto 10: Sahai, Yogeshwar 12: Relevant aspects of equatorial plasma bubbles under different solar activity conditions 14: 1213-1218 30: Advances in Space Research 31: 27 32: 6-7 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 58: DGE 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 87: bolhas de plasma 87: atividade solar 87: regiäes tropicais 88: plasma bubbles 88: solar activity 88: tropical regions 83: Observations of the OI 630 nm nightglow emission using a wide-angle imaging system have been carried out at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7 degrees S, 45 degrees W, 15.8 degrees S dip latitude), Brazil during the period 1987 to 1999. The OI 630 mn images obtained during this period show frequently the optical signature of the plasma bubbles (quasi north-south aligned depleted intensity regions). During the period studied a strong seasonal variation was noticed in the plasma bubble formations. Also, it was observed that, during high solar activity, the plasma bubble bifurcation occurrences were Higher than during low solar activity. Important features from this set of observations are presented and discussed in this paper MFN: 9741 1: SID/SCD 2: 8753 3: INPE-8753-TDI/796 4: COMP 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Katsurayama, Daniel Massaru 18: Estudo sobre o efeito da utiliza‡Æo de padräes tabuleiros na produtividade do equipamento de cortes 19: A study about the effect of the utilization of checkerboard patterns on the productivity of the cutting machine 20: 121 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca:Luiz Ant“nio Nogueira Lorena; Hor cio Hideki Yanasse (orientador); Nei Yoshihiro Soma; Cintia RigÆo Scrich; Reinaldo Morabito Neto 58: SPG 59: CAP 62: INPE 64: abr. <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: TDI 90: b 76: COMPUTA€ÇO APLICADA 87: pesquisa operacional 87: promagra‡Æo linear 87: m‚todo simplex 87: modelo matem tico 87: custo de opera‡Æo 87: custo de produ‡Æo 88: operations research 88: linear programming 88: simplex method 88: mathematical models 88: operating costs 88: production costs 83: Padräes tabuleiro, tamb‚m conhecidos como padräes 1-grupo, pertencem a uma classe especial de padräes 2-est gios guilhotinados que nÆo necessitam de recortes. Eles podem ser produzidos girando-se a serra de 90 graus, ap¢s os cortes do primeiro est gio. As faixas obtidas no primeiro est gio sÆo cortadas todas juntas no segundo est gio. Tais padräes demandam menos tempo de m quina e sÆo de particular interesse em ambientes de grande demanda. Um aumento eventual de perda de material ‚ compensado pelo ganho em produtividade da m quina. Uma formula‡Æo nÆo linear para o problema de gera‡Æo de padräes tabuleiros foi apresentada anteriormente na literatura. Tamb‚m heur¡sticas para obten‡Æo de tais padräes foram sugeridas. Apresenta-se aqui um m‚todo exato para se encontrar padräes tabuleiros que ‚ baseado em um algoritmo enumerativo para obten‡Æo das K-melhores solu‡äes para o problema da mochila unidimensional. O uso deste algoritmo permite considerar restri‡äes adicionais ao problema b sico da mochila sem grande esfor‡o computacional, uma faceta de particular interesse em ambientes de corte onde geralmente, os padräes de corte precisam obedecer a restri‡äes adicionais como n£mero limitado de itens que a m quina de corte pode manipular, restri‡Æo de manipula‡äes de materiais, etc. Neste trabalho serÆo discutidos aspectos computacionais para a implementa‡Æo deste algoritmo e a viabilidade de sua aplica‡Æo pr tica. Tamb‚m foi desenvolvida uma fun‡Æo custo que pode ser utilizada no modelo de Gilmore e Gomory (1963, 1965), e que leva em considera‡Æo o custo associado … perda de material e ao tempo de corte da chapa. Morabito e Arenales (2000)sugeriram a utiliza‡Æo de uma fun‡Æo simples com a adi‡Æo de um custo fixo no caso de padräes nÆo tabuleiros. Testes computacionais foram realizados para comparar os resultados obtidos utilizando-se a fun‡Æo de custo fixo de Morabito e Arenales e a nova fun‡Æo proposta. Abstract: Checkerboard patterns, also known as 1-group patterns, belong to a special class of 2-stage guillotine patterns that do not need recuts. They can be produced turning the saw in 90 degrees, after the first stage cuts. The strips obtained in the first stage are all cut together in the second stage. Such patterns demand less machine time, and are of particular interest in high demand settings. An eventual increase in loss of material is compensated by the higher productivity of the machine. A nonlinear formulation of the checkerboard pattern generation problem was presented previously in the literature. Also, heuristics for determining such patterns were suggested. We present here an exact method to determine such patterns, based on an enumerative algorithm for determining the K-best solutions of the unidimensional knapsack problem. The use of this algorithm allow us to consider additional constraints, to the basic knapsack problem, without much effort. This feature is of particular interest in cutting environments where, generally, the patterns must obey additional constraints, such as, limited number of different itens that a cutting machine may handle, material handling constraints, etc. In this work, we focus on some computational aspects of the implementation of this algorithm and the feasibility of its practical use. We also developed a cost function which can be used in the model of Gilmore and Gomory (1963, 1965), that takes into account the cost associated with the waste of material and the board cutting time. Morabito and Arenales (2000)suggested the use of a simple function with the addition of a fixed cost in the case of non-checkerboard patterns. Computational tests were performed to compare the results obtained using Morabito and Arenales fixed cost function and the new proposed function 91: FDB-20010423 92: FDB-MLR 102: 103: homepage.pdf MFN: 9743 1: SID/SCD 2: 8602 3: INPE-8602-TDI/787 4: COMP 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Ferreira, Maur¡cio Gon‡alves Vieira 18: Uma arquitetura flex¡vel e dinƒmica para objetos distribu¡dos aplicada ao software de controle de sat‚lites 19: A dynamic and flexible architecture for distributed objects applied to satellites control software 20: 244 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Doutor 58: Banca: Solon Venƒncio de Carvalho; Tatuo Nakanishi (orientador); JoÆo Bosco Schumann Cunha (orientador); Carlos Ho Shih Ning; Selma Shin Shimizu Melnikoff; Edmundo Roberto Mauro Madeira 59: CAP 62: INPE 64: mar. <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: TDI 90: b 76: COMPUTA€ÇO APLICADA 87: objetos distribu¡dos 87: flexibilidade 87: distribui‡Æo de carga 87: programa‡Æo dinƒmica 87: mobilidade 88: flexibility 88: boad distribution 88: dynamic programming 88: mobility 83: O Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), desde sua cria‡Æo, tem concentrado esfor‡os no desenvolvimento tecnol¢gico-espacial. Na d‚cada de 80 foi criado o primeiro projeto que previa o lan‡amento de quatro sat‚lites brasileiros dentro da MissÆo Espacial Completa Brasileira (MECB). Parte dessa meta j  foi alcan‡ada com o lan‡amento dos sat‚lites SCD1 (Sistema de Coleta de Dados 1), em 1993, e SCD2 (Sistema de Coleta de Dados 2)em 1998. A complexidade inerente … qualquer missÆo espacial, aliada … evolu‡Æo tecnol¢gica empregada em cada novo sat‚lite constru¡do, propicia o desenvolvimento de aplicativos cada vez mais complexos, empregados no controle da missÆo. O avan‡o da eletr“nica tem aprimorado o desenvolvimento de sat‚lites, e o surgimento de novas tecnologias de desenvolvimento de software tem contribu¡do para a cria‡Æo de aplicativos cada vez mais robustos e flex¡veis. A tecnologia de distribui‡Æo pode ser um exemplo desta evolu‡Æo tecnol¢gica e pode contribuir de forma significativa na maneira de se projetar, desenvolver e manter sistemas de informa‡äes corporativas. Enfim, as mudan‡as tecnol¢gicas surgidas no desenvolvimento de software podem ser agregadas aos novos aplicativos desenvolvidos para controle de sat‚lites, portanto, sem nenhum dem‚rito, o desenvolvimento de software, tem cada vez mais, assumido o papel de coadjuvante para a alavancagem da tecnologia espacial. Os aplicativos de solo e bordo utilizados no controle e monitora‡Æo de um sat‚lite deverÆo ser flex¡veis e robustos para se adaptar … evolu‡Æo tecnol¢gica desta  rea. Seguindo os rumos destas inova‡äes tecnol¢gicas, tanto na  rea espacial quanto na  rea de desenvolvimento de softwares, o presente trabalho de pesquisa propäe "Uma arquitetura flex¡vel e dinƒmica para objetos distribu¡dos aplicada ao Software de Controle de Sat‚lites." Abstract: The National Institute for Space Research (INPE)since its establishment has concentrated its efforts on the spacial technological development. The first project that would foresee the launching of four brazilian satellites under the Brasilian Total Spacial Mission, was created in the eighties. Part of that goal has already been achieved from the launching of the following satellites: Data Collecting System 1 (DCS 1), in 1993 and Data Collecting System 2 (DCS 2)in 1998. The complexity inherent in any spacial mission together with the technological development used in each new satellite manufacturing, favors the development of more and more complex applications used to control the mission. The electronics progress has improved satellites development as well as the new technologies of software development have contributed to create applications mode and more robust and flexible. The distribution technology may be a sample of this technological development and may contribute significantly towards projecting, developing and maintaining corporate information systems. Thus, the technological changes that have appeared in software development can be joined to the new applications developed to control satellites, so, the software development has more and more cooperated to the spacial technology improvement, the board and ground applications used to control and monitor a satellite must be flexible and robust to adapt themselves to this area technological development. According to the direction of these technological innovations, both in the spacial area and the software development one, this research job proposes "A flexible and dynamic architecture to distributed objects applied to satellites control software 91: FDB-20010423 92: FDB-MLR 102: 103: homepage.pdf MFN: 9744 1: SID/SCD 2: 8603 3: INPE-8603-TDI/788 4: CEA 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Bologna, Mauricio de Souza 18: Investiga‡Æo magnetotel£rica da litosfera na prov¡ncia Ögnea do Alto Parana¡ba 19: Magnetotelluric investigation of the lithosphere in the Alto Parana¡ba Ögneous Province 20: 225 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Doutor 58: Banca:Antonio Lopes Padilha (orientador); Öcaro Vitorello (orientador); Severino Luiz GuimarÆes Dutra; Waldir Renato Paradella; Luiz Augusto Bizzi; Naomi Ussami; S‚rgio Luiz Fontes 59: GES 62: INPE 64: jul. <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: TDI 90: b 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: estudos magn‚ticos 87: geomagnetismo 87: condutividade 87: litosfera 87: cr tons 88: magnetic surveys 88: geomagnetism 88: conductivity 88: lithosphere 88: cratons 83: Sondagens magnetotel£ricas (MT)sÆo apresentadas para a regiÆo da Prov¡ncia Ögnea do Alto Parana¡ba (APIP), uma importante prov¡ncia diamant¡fera Cret cea no oeste de Minas Gerais. Al‚m de sondagens convencionais de banda larga, apropriadas para investiga‡äes em escala crustal, sistemas MT de longo per¡odo foram utilizados para investiga‡äes do manto litosf‚rico. Este estudo objetiva avaliar o potencial da t‚cnica MT em estudos tect“nicos nas condi‡äes do territ¢rio brasileiro, particularmente numa  rea bem caracterizada por estudos petrol¢gicos e geoqu¡micos mas praticamente desconhecida em seus aspectos geof¡sicos. O uso conjunto de dados de banda larga e de longo per¡odo resultou uma ampla faixa espectral, de cent‚simos de segundos a cerca de 14000 s, a qual permitiu conseguir importantes informa‡äes da crosta e do manto litosf‚rico. A an lise de dados indicou uma regiÆo bastante complexa, compreendida de v rias anomalias de resistividade, efeitos indutivos 3D e distor‡äes galvƒnicas em dados na faixa de banda larga devido a estruturas rasas, anisotropia na crosta m‚dia, varia‡äes azimutais das anisotropias, varia-‡äes da dire‡Æo geoel‚trica ao longo do perfil e com a profundidade, e distor-‡äes galvƒnicas em dados de longo per¡odo em decorrˆncia da anisotropia crustal. Com a aplica‡Æo de algoritmos esses problemas foram minimizados anteriormente … inversÆo de dados e, em conseqˆncia, a precisÆo dos resultados foi melhorada. A inversÆo dos dados de per¡odos curtos (at‚ 53 s), de um perfil NNE com extensÆo de 100 km na metade sudoeste da APIP, identifica uma zona condutora uniforme de condutƒncia de 25 S e limitada entre 3 e 5 quil“metros de profundidade. O mecanismo de condu‡Æo nesse caso poderia ser proveniente de flu¡dos salinos, filmes de grafita interconectados ou uma combina‡Æo de ambos. Por causa de sua profundidade, essa anomalia foi interpretada como sendo uma zona fraturada possivelmente associada … base das dobras e empurräes brasilianos que recobrem o embasamento cristalino e ofuscam os limites em superf¡cie da por‡Æo sudoeste do Cr ton do SÆo Francisco. Em torno de 10-15 km uma camada com condutƒncia de 200 S apre-senta uma anisotropia que poderia estar relacionada … macro estruturas (en-xames crustais de diques)ou … micro propriedades (fases condutoras ao longo de dire‡äes preferenciais). O comportamento complexo da anisotropia requer maiores estudos. A inversÆo dos dados de per¡odos acima de 53 s incluiu s¡tios de sondagem ao longo de toda regiÆo da APIP, compondo um perfil NE de ex-tensÆo aproximada de 180 km. Os resultados mostram que o manto sob a APIP ‚ heterogˆneo, sendo mais condutivo sob as bordas das bacias do Paran  e Alto Sanfranciscana. Estas varia‡äes nas propriedades el‚tricas sÆo compat¡veis com a evolu‡Æo tect“nica da APIP, desenvolvida entre duas sub-bacias (Uberaba e Abaet‚), com soerguimento na parte central e subsidˆncia nas sub-bacias. A concordƒncia com dados petroqu¡micos sugerindo que as rochas m fica e ultram ficas foram originadas em profundidades distintas do manto heterogˆneo, sustenta a hip¢tese de que as varia‡äes de condutividade representem assinaturas do evento termal Cret ceo. Abstract: Magnetotelluric (MT)soundings are presented for the region of Alto Parana¡ba Igneous Province (APIP), an important Cretaceous diamondiferous province in western Minas Gerais State. In addition to conventional wideband soundings, suitable for crustal scale investigations, long period MT systems were used to investigate the mantle lithosphere. This study is focused on the potential of the MT technique to provide tectonic insights in an area with petrological and geochemical information, but is poorly known in a geophysical sense. By using wideband and long period data together we have worked in a dynamical range from about 0,001 s until 14000 s, which allowed us to get important information from the crust and the lithospheric mantle. Data analyses have indicated the presence of distinct electrical anomalies, affected by 3D induction effects and galvanic distortions due to shallow structures, anisotropy at intermediate crustal depths, azimuthal variations of the anisotropy, variations of the electrical strike along distance and with depth, and galvanic distortions on long period data due crustal anisotropy. Therefore, preinversion algorithms were applied to minimize such problems and consequently increase the accuracy of the results. The inversion of the short period data (up to 53 s)over a 100 km profile from southwestern half of the studied area has identified a uniform conducting zone with conductance of 25 S between 3 and 5 km. The source of the conduction mechanism could be saline fluids, interconnected graphite films, or a combina-tion of both. Because of its depth this feature has been interpreted as a possible fractured zone associated with the sole of thrust and fold faults of the Brasilia Belt, which is overthrusted onto crystalline terranes of southwestern border of SÆo Francisco Craton. At about 10-15 km depth a conducting layer with conductance of 200 S over the same southwestern portion presents an anisotropy that could be related to macro structures crustal swam of dikes or deep fractured zones (micro properties). The complex behavior of the anisotropy requires further studies. The inversion of long period data has included sites across the entire APIP, in a 180 km long NE profile. The results show a heterogeneous mantle, more conductive beneath the borders of both Paran  and Alto Sanfran-ciscana basins and resistive in the central part of the profile, over the Bras¡lia Belt. Such variations on the electrical properties of the mantle are compatible with the tectonic evolution of the APIP, developed between two sub-basins (Uberaba and Abaet‚)with uplift at the central part and subsidence at the sub-basins. The agreement with petrochemical data suggesting the mafic and ultramafic intrusions originated at distinct depths from heterogeneous mantle sources, supports the implications of the conductive variations to mechanical and rheological characteristics 91: FDB-2001423 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9747 1: SID/SCD 2: 8755 3: INPE-8755-TDI/798 4: ETES 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Chiaradia, Ana Paula Marins 18: Determina‡Æo e manobras aut“nomas de ¢rbitas de sat‚lites artificiais em tempo real usando medidas GPS de uma frequˆncia 19: Autonomous artificial satellite orbit determination and maneuver in real-time using single frequency GPS measurements 20: 202 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Doutor 58: Banca: Roberto Fonseca Vieira Lopes; H‚lio Koiti Kuga (orientador); Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Prado; Atair Rios Neto; Luiz Danilo Damasceno Ferreira; Ernesto Vieira Neto 58: SPG 59: CMC 62: INPE 64: nov. <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: TDI 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: filtro de Kalman 87: manobras orbitais 87: sistema de posicionamento global 87: GPS 87: medidas GPS 87: Mecƒnica orbital 87: estima‡Æo de posi‡Æo orbital 87: navega‡Æo aut“noma 87: sat‚lites artificiais 87: medidas 88: Kalman filters 88: orbital maneuvers 88: global positioning system 88: orbital mechanics 88: orbital position estimation 88: autonomous navigation 88: artificial satellite 88: real tims operation 88: measures 83: Um algoritmo simplificado e compacto com baixo custo computacional fornecendo precisÆo em torno de dezenas de metros para determina‡Æo de ¢rbita de sat‚lites artificiais em tempo real e a bordo, usando o Sistema de Posicionamento Global (GPS), ‚ desenvolvido neste trabalho. O vetor de estado, composto da posi‡Æo, velocidade, tendˆncia, deriva e taxa de deriva do rel¢gio do receptor GPS, ‚ estimado pelo filtro de Kalman estendido. O integrador num‚rico Runge-Kutta de passo fixo de quarta ordem ‚ utilizado para integrar o vetor de estado. As equa‡äes de movimento consideram somente perturba‡äes devidas ao geopotencial. A matriz de covariƒncia dos erros do estado ‚ propagada atrav‚s da matriz de transi‡Æo calculada de maneira otimizada. As medidas GPS de £nica freqˆncia sÆo utilizadas como medidas de observa‡Æo. Estas sÆo corrigidas com rela‡Æo ao atraso dos rel¢gios dos sat‚lites GPS e do receptor. O efeito ionosf‚rico ‚ considerado nas medidas atrav‚s do modelo de dupla freqˆncia, somente para avalia‡Æo do impacto na precisÆo. Dados reais do sat‚lite Topex/Poseidon sÆo utilizados para validar este algoritmo. Os resultados obtidos sÆo comparados com os arquivos de efem‚rides precisas POE deste sat‚lite produzidas pelo JPL/NASA. Os erros em posi‡Æo e em velocidade obtidos sÆo de 15 a 20 m e de 0,014 a 0,018 m/s, respectivamente, com ou sem Disponibilidade Seletiva (SA). Um m‚todo para determina‡Æo de manobras orbitais bi-impulsivas e coplanares ‚ testado e implementado com sucesso com o objetivo de tornar o sat‚lite aut“nomo com rela‡Æo ao c lculo de manobras orbitais. As diversas simula‡äes efetuadas mostram que este m‚todo converge para a solu‡Æo ¢tima em um tempo curto o suficiente para viabilizar aplica‡äes em tempo real e com c lculos efetuados a bordo do sat‚lite. Os resultados obtidos mostram desempenho consistente para o problema proposto. Abstract: A simplified and compact algorithm with low computational cost providing an accuracy around tens of meters for artificial satellite orbit determination in real-time and onboard, using the Global Positioning System (GPS), is developed in this work. The state vector, composed of the position, velocity, bias, drift, and drift rate of the GPS receiver clock, is estimated by the extended Kalman filter. The fourth order Runge-Kutta numerical integrator is used to integrate the state vector. In the equations of motion are considered only the perturbations due to the geopotential. The state error covariance matrix is propagated through the transition matrix, which is calculated in an optimized way. The single frequency GPS measurements are used as observation ones. These are corrected regarding GPS satellite and receiver clock offsets. The ionospheric effect is evaluated on these measurements by the dual frequency model to measure the impact in the accuracy. To validate this algorithm, the real data of the Topex/Poseidon satellite are used. The results are compared against the precise ephemerides orbit POE files of this satellite released by JPL/NASA. The position and velocity errors obtained vary from 15 to 20 m and from 0.014 to 0.018 m/s, respectively, with and without Selective Availability (SA). In addition, a method for bi-impulsive coplanar orbital maneuver determination is tested and implemented successfully, with the goal of increasing the satellite autonomy regarding the calculation of orbital maneuver. The developed simulations show that this method converges to the optimal solution in a short time interval, enough to be implemented in real-time applications with onboard computations. The obtained results show a consistent performance for the proposal problem 91: FDB-20000423 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9749 1: SID/SCD 2: 8700 3: INPE-8700-TDI/793 4: ETES 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Curvo, Marcelo 18: Modelagem aerodinƒmica e controle estoc stico adaptativo de aeronaves de alto desempenho por redes neurais artificiais e estima‡Æo de parƒmetros 19: Aerodynamic modeling and stochastic adaptive control of high perfomance aircraft using artificial neural network and parameter identification 20: 173 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Doutor 58: Banca: Marcelo Lopes de Oliveira e Souza; Atair Rios Neto (orientador); Valdemir Carrara; H‚lio Koiti Kuga; Luiz Carlos Sandoval G¢es; JoÆo Carlos Ceschini Hoff 59: CMC 62: INPE 64: nov. <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: TDI 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: modelagem aerodinƒmica 87: controle adaptativo 87: identifica‡Æo de parƒmetros 87: redes neurais 87: filtro de Kalman 88: adaptive control 88: parameter identification 88: Kalman filters 88: neural nets 83: Nesta disserta‡Æo desenvolveu-se um procedimento para ser aplicado na solu‡Æo de problemas de modelagem e controle estoc stico adaptativo para aeronaves de alto desempenho. Neste procedimento, uma rede neural artificial (RNA)do tipo "Functional Link Network" (FLN)e um algoritmo de estima‡Æo de parƒmetros do tipo "Stochastic Filter Error Method" sÆo combinados e aplicados na solu‡Æo do problema. O m‚todo utiliza a capacidade de representa‡Æo da RNA para obter um modelo aerodinƒmico nÆo linear da aeronave, a partir de dados observados. No processo de modelagem as vari veis de estado e de controle da aeronave sÆo utilizadas como entradas da rede, que ‚ treinada, atrav‚s de um estimador linear quadr tico na forma recursiva de Kalman, para fornecer o modelo aerodinƒmico da aeronave. As sa¡das da rede (coeficientes aerodinƒmicos), por sua vez, sÆo usadas em um processo de adapta‡Æo dos parƒmetros (ganhos)do sistema de controle da aeronave. A estrutura da rede, n£mero de neur“nios da camada intermedi ria e a sua conectividade, ‚ obtida atrav‚s de uma heur¡stica, que utiliza um algoritmo chamado "Optimal Brain Surgeon" (OBS)para eliminar os parƒmetros menos significativos da rede, e assim obter uma estrutura que tenha boa capacidade de modelagem e de generaliza‡Æo. O m‚todo proposto, para a solu‡Æo do problema de identifica‡Æo dos parƒmetros do sistema de controle (adapta‡Æo dos ganhos do controlador), utiliza uma t‚cnica onde o problema de filtragem das vari veis de estado ‚ desacoplado do problema estima‡Æo de parƒmetros. Assim, o problema de adapta‡Æo do controle se transforma em dois problemas paralelos: um de filtragem de estado e outro identifica‡Æo de parƒmetros, com dimensäes reduzidas (cada um)e menos suscet¡veis … dificuldades num‚ricas. Essa t‚cnica permite dispensar a filtragem das vari veis de estado, quando os valores medidos forem precisos o suficiente. A combina‡Æo de redes neurais e estima‡Æo de parƒmetros, na solu‡Æo do problema de controle, resulta em simplifica‡Æo e aumento de robustez no processo. A simplifica‡Æo se d  atrav‚s do uso de uma RNA, no lugar de um banco de dados em forma de tabelas e de algoritmos de busca e interpola‡Æo. A robustez ‚ resultado da utiliza‡Æo de uma RNA em esquema "online", como fonte de informa‡Æo precisa a respeito dos coeficientes aerodinƒmicos que sÆo utilizados no processo de identifica‡Æo dos parƒmetros do controlador. O uso da RNA "online" confere as caracter¡sticas de adapta‡Æo a essa t‚cnica. A adapta‡Æo dos parƒmetros ‚ efetuada de forma cont¡nua, eliminando-se a necessidade de esquemas complicados do tipo escalonamento de ganhos ("gain scheduling"). Resultados obtidos a partir de simula‡äes, segundo condi‡äes representativas de manobras de uma aeronave de alto desempenho, confirmam a efetividade e a boa precisÆo do m‚todo desenvolvido. Abstract: In this dissertation a method, where a Functional Link Network (FLN)and a parameter estimator based on a Stochastic Filter Error Method are combined and applied to the solution of modeling and stochastic adaptive control problem for a high performance aircraft, has been developed. The proposed method uses the network representation capabilities to model the aerodynamic characteristics of the aircraft, from observed data. In the aerodynamic modeling process the state and control variables of the aircraft are used as inputs to the network, which is trained using a linear quadratic estimator in the recursive Kalman form, to provide a nonlinear aerodynamic model. The network output (aerodynamic coefficients)are then used in a control parameter adaptation process for the aircraft. The network structure, number of neurons in the hidden layer and their connectivity, is determined through an heuristic which uses the Optimal Brain Surgeon (OBS)algorithm to eliminate the least significant parameters in order to arrive at a structure with good modeling capabilities, and good generalization ability. For the control identification problem, the proposed method uses a stochastic approach to obtain the control parameters estimates from the state variables filtering errors. Here, the state variable filtering and parameter estimation are treated as separated problems. This approach results into two problems of smaller dimensions (each one), and less susceptible to numerical difficulties. Also, by using this separation scheme, it is possible to avoid filtering some or all of the state variables, as long as they are provided with sufficient precision. The combination of an artificial neural network (ANN)and parameter estimation results in simplification and increased robustness to the proposed control problem. The simplification is attained through the use of an ANN in the place of a data bank, search routine, and an interpolation routine needed to obtain the aerodynamic coefficients from the data bank. The robustness is achieved through the use of an online ANN as a source of precise information about the aerodynamic data, to be used in the control parameter estimation problem. The online training of the ANN gives the adaptation characteristics to the presented method. The control is carried out in a continuous form, eliminating the need to adopt complicated gain scheduling schemes. The simulation results, obtained for most representative maneuver conditions of a high performance aircraft corroborate the good performance of the method 91: FDB-20010423 92: FDB-MLR 102: 103: homepage.pdf MFN: 9750 1: SID/SCD 2: 8754 3: INPE-8754-TDI/797 4: CEA 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Silva, Abel Ant“nio da 18: A espessura ¢ptica de aeross¢is na banda do UV-B 19: The aerosol optical thickness in the UV-B band 20: 129 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Doutor 58: Banca: Enio Bueno Pereira; Volker Walter J. Heinrich Kirchhoff (orientador); Polinaya Muralikrishna; Paulo Prado Batista; Maria Auxiliadora Silva de Oliveira; Cl udio Luiz Messias 59: GES 62: INPE 64: jun. <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: TDI 90: b 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: radia‡Æo ultravioleta 87: espessura ¢ptica 87: queimadas 87: aeross¢is 87: lei de Beer 88: ultraviolet radiation 88: optical thickness 88: aerosols 88: combustion 88: Beer law 83: A radia‡Æo solar ultravioleta de 280 a 320 nm (UV-B)que atinge a atmosfera terrestre sofre a influˆncia de v rios fatores atmosf‚ricos at‚ chegar … superf¡cie. O oz“nio e os aeross¢is presentes na atmosfera constituem dois importantes fatores na redu‡Æo da intensidade do UV-B. Assim, em trˆs locais diferentes da Am‚rica do Sul - Natal e Campo Grande no Brasil e La Paz na Bol¡via - realizou-se uma campanha cujo principal objetivo foi a medi‡Æo da espessura ¢ptica de aeross¢is na faixa do UV-B utilizando as medidas de radia‡Æo solar direta (ds)do espectrofot“metro Brewer. Foi desenvolvido tamb‚m um algoritmo para previsÆo com at‚ 24 horas de antecedˆncia do ¡ndice de radia‡Æo UV-B (Öndice UV-B)no territ¢rio brasileiro. Esse algoritmo, denominado de Uvdiag, leva em conta a quantidade de oz“nio, o ƒngulo solar de zˆnite (ASZ), a altitude, a latitude, a longitude e a cobertura de nuvens local. Abstract: Solar ultraviolet radiation from 280 to 320 nm (UV-B)strikes at Earth atmosphere and is affected by several processes until it reaches the surface. Ozone and aerosols in the atmosphere are important local factors interacting with UV-B. At three sites in South America - Natal and Campo Grande in Brazil, and La Paz in Bolivia - a field campaign was conducted in August 1999. The main goal of the campaign was to measure the aerosol optical thickness at UV-B range using direct sun (ds)measurements of the Brewer spectrophotometer. A 24 hour advanced noon UV-B forecasting algorithm called Uvdiag was developed which takes into account ozone column, solar zenith angle (SZA), height, latitude, longitude and cloud cover in Brazil 91: FDB-20010423 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9751 1: SID/SCD 2: 8757 3: INPE-8757-PRP/229 4: MET 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Thomas J£nior, Jos‚ Celso 16: S , Leonardo Deane de Abreu 16: Domingues, Margarete Oliveira 16: Arlino, Paulo Rog‚rio de Aquino 16: Manzi, Ant“nio Ocimar 18: Medidas meteorol¢gicas aerotransportadas no aviÆo de pesquisa do INPE 19: Equiping INPE reseach aicraft with meteorological instruments 20: 41 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: LMO 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: PRP 90: b 76: MICROMETEOROLOGIA 87: equipamento aerotransportado 87: instrumentos meteorol¢gica 88: siborne equipment 88: micrometeorology 88: meteorological instruments 83: Este relat¢rio tem como objetivo descrever as modifi‡äes estruturais necessarias para possibilitar a implementacÆo de instrumenta‡Æo meteorol¢ogica no aviÆo de pesquisas do INPE. Apresenta-se uma breve descri‡Æo dos instrumentos meteorol¢gicos b sicos a serem instalados no aviÆo. Para viabilizar fisicamente o projeto de implanta‡Æo da instrumenta‡Æo sÆo apresentadas informa‡äes detalhadas sobre os instrumentos e sobre as altera‡äes na fuselagem e no interior do aviÆo. Isto permitir  especificar as modifica‡äes a serem realizadas na aeronave do INPE em conjunto com empresas aeron uticas. Abstract: This report describes the modifications needed to convert the INPE research aircraft into an airborne measurements platform. A summary description of the current systems is presented: aircraft modifications; instruments (to measure wind velocity, temperature, humidity, water content, and radiation)and data processing are specified. From these informations, it will be possible to define a basic aeronautical design project. This project will be used by EMBRAER staff to install the meteorological instrumentation in the Bandeirante aircraft 92: FDB-20020424 100: FDB_MLR MFN: 9753 1: SID/SCD 2: 8756 3: INPE-8756-PRP/228 4: FISPLASMA 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Barbosa, Luis Filipe de Faria Pereira Wiltgen 16: Ludwig, Gerson Otto 18: Redes neurais no modelamento e controle de Tokamaks: aplica‡Æo ao ETE (experimento Tokamak esf‚rico) 38: Quarto relat¢rio 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: LAP 59: FAPESP/Processo 98/06050-8 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: PRP 90: b 76: FÖSICA DE PLASMA 87: Tokamak 87: redes neurais 87: levita‡Æo 88: Tokamak devices 88: neural nets 88: levitation 83: Este projeto de pesquisa compreende o projeto e a utiliza‡Æo de Redes Neurais Artificiais (RNA)na reconstru‡Æo magn‚tica do equil¡brio do plasma de tokamaks, obtidos atrav‚s de sondas magn‚ticas inseridas no interior da cƒmara de v cuo, que fornecerÆo informa‡äes sobre a posi‡Æo da coluna de plasma para o sistema de controle do campo magn‚tico vertical. O sistema de controle do campo magn‚tico vertical dever  comandar os amplificadores de alta potˆncia que deverÆo atuar sobre as bobinas magn‚ticas de controle de equil¡brio e conforma‡Æo com o intuito de reposicionar a coluna de plasma do Experimento Tokamak Esf‚rico (ETE), em opera‡Æo desde novembro de 2000, no Laborat¢rio Associado de Plasma (LAP)do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)em SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos, SÆo Paulo.Para testar os conceitos envolvidos no projeto de RNA no controle da posi‡Æo do plasma em tokamaks, foi projetado e constru¡do um sistema de Levita‡Æo Magn‚tica (MagLev). Este sistema permite simular o comportamento nÆo-linear controlado por um controlador neural 92: FDB-20020424 100: FDB_MLR MFN: 9754 1: SID/SCD 2: 8701 3: INPE-8701-PRP/227 4: FISPLASMA 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Barreto, Patr¡cia Regina Pereira 18: Desenvolvimento de mecanismo cin‚tico para o crescimento de nitreto de boro 20: 81 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: LAP 59: TECPLA 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: PRP 90: b 76: FISICA DE PLASMA 87: nitreto de borro 87: cin‚tica 87: mecanismo 87: rea‡äes cin‚ticas 88: boron nitrides 88: reaction kinetics 88: kinetics 88: mechanism 83: Este projeto de pesquisa compreende o desenvolvimento de um mecanismo cin‚tico para explicar o crescimento de filmes de nitreto de boro. Um mecanismo simplificado, composto por 26 esp‚cies qu¡micas e 67 rea‡äes elementares, foi desenvolvido e aplicado para simular o crescimento de filmes de nitreto de boro hexagonal crescido num reator CVD e por tocha de plasma; com isto foi poss¡vel identificar os precursores de crescimento. Este mecanismo precisa ser estendido para incluir rea‡äes importantes nos sub-sistemas B/F/H, B/N/F, B/N/H, e N/F/H. 0 novo mecanismo ser  composto por 35 esp‚cies e 1012 rea‡äes, em que 895 rea‡äes precisam ter as taxas de rea‡Æo determinadas pela teoria dos estados de transi‡Æo, pois suas taxas de rea‡Æo ainda nÆo foram determinados nem experimental nem teoricamente. Neste intuito ser  utilizado o programa GAUSSIAN98 para determinar a geometria e as freqˆncias dos estados de transi‡Æo. Os resultados obtidos serÆo utilizados como dados de entrada para o programa POLYRATE que ser  utilizado para determinar as taxas de rea‡Æo 92: FDB-20020424 100: FDB-MLR MFN: 9755 1: SID/SCD 2: 8777 3: INPE-8777-PRE/4500 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Santana, Daniela Cristina 10: Sobral, Jos‚ Humberto Andrade 10: Takahashi, Hisao 10: Taylor, Michael J. 12: Optical studies of the ionospheric irregularities over the Brazilian region by nocturnal images of the OI 630 nm emission 14: 1207-1212 30: Advances in Space Research 31: 27 32: 6-7 40: En 41: EnPt 42: 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 76: AERONOMIA 87: bolhas de plasma 87: ionosf‚ricas 87: irregularidades 87: aeroluminescˆncia 87: imagnes 88: plasma bubbles 88: ionospherics 88: irregularities 88: airglow 88: images 82: 83: This study is an extension of previous statistical studies (Sobral et al., 1990,1991,1999)of both the local time and latitude variations of the zonal drift velocities of ionospheric plasma depletions, over the Brazilian low latitude station Cachoeira Paulista - CP (22.54 degreesS, 45.00 degreesW). The past studies were based on OI 630 nm scanning photometer data and the present one is based on digital OI 630 nm airglow images obtained by an all-sky imager system. These data were gathered between October 1998 and October 1999, at CP. The present results show that, in general, the velocities clearly tended to decrease with local time. Such a decrease should be associated with decreasing intensity of the vertical component of the ambient electric field which, in turn can be accounted for by recombination. All zonal drifts obtained for the 18 nights were eastwards. During equinox, the velocities clearly tended to decrease with local time at lower rates as compared with spring and summer. The highest and lowest zonal drift velocities, from all three seasons considered here, were observed to be in the summer similar to 180 ms(-1)at 21:45 LT, and in the spring similar to 25 ms(-1)at 03:15 LT, respectively. Ionospheric plasma bubbles were detected out to the maximum extra-tropical geographical latitude of similar to 28 degreesS, which was the highest latitude position analyzed in this study 92: FDB-20010424 100: FDB_MLR MFN: 9756 1: SID/SCD 2: 8776 3: INPE-8776-PRE/4499 4: ETES 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Santos, Alvaro Fabricio 11: DIR 12: Brazil and the registration convention 14: 35-39 30: Revista Brasileira de Direito Aerospacial 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DIR 61: 64: dez. <2001> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: tratados do espa‡o exterior 87: rela‡äes internacionais 88: outer space treaty 88: international relations 88: Copuos 83: During the 40", Session of the Legal Subcommittee of COPUOS, which was held in Vienna, Austria, from April 02 to 12, 2001, the Head of the Brazilian Delegation informed the adience that the Brazilian Government had recommended the adherence of Brazil to the Convention on Registration of Objects Launched into Outer Space (hereinafTer referred to as REG)to the National Congress. REG was adopted by the UN General Assembly on November 12, 1974 (Resolution 3235), opened for signatures on January 14, 1975, and has been in force since September 15, 1976. Current, the REG is no longer open for Signature, Only for adherence. Brazil's adherence to the REG is the result of Brazilian space development, which has been closely overseen by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB), as well as the Brazilian Society of Aerospace Law (SBDA). Adherence is also the result of changes in world affairs MFN: 9761 1: SID/SCD 2: 8779 3: INPE-8779-PRE/4500 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Zhou, X. Y. 10: Tsurutani, Bruce T. 10: Alarcon, Walter Dem‚trio Gonzalez 12: The solar wind depletion (SWD)event of 26 April 1999: triggering of an auroral "pseudobreakup" event 14: 4025-4028 30: Geophysical Research Letters 31: 27 32: 24 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: Dec. <2000> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: vento solar 87: deple‡Æo 87: auroras 87: cauda geomagn‚tica 87: magnetosfera terrestre 88: solar wind 88: depletion 88: auroras 88: geomagnetic tail 88: earth magnetosphere 83: The interplanetary solar wind depletior (SWD)event of 26 April 1999 and its magnetospheric consequences are examined. The SWD event is characterized by a solar wind density decrease from to 3.0 to 0.7 cm- 3 leading to a solar wind ram pressure decrease from to 2.0 to 0.2 nPa. This SWD onset is followed by a dipolarization of nightside magnetospheric fields. At approximately the same time, an auroral pseudo breakup occurred in the near-midnight auroral zone. A model is presented to explain the pseudobreakup as energy release by the tail magnetic field reconfiguration. The release of magnetic tension energy is estimated to have been similar to 3.3. x 10(19)ergs, while the auroral energy was approximateley 30 83: of this value, similar to 1.1. x 10(19)ergs. This result may imply that the magnetic field collapse led to direct particle acceleration through parallel electric fields MFN: 9762 1: SID/SCD 2: 8780 3: INPE-8780-PRE/4501 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Melgarejo, R 10: Magalhaes, A. M. 10: Carciofi, AC 10: Rodrigues, Cl udia Vilega 12: S 111 and the polarization of the B[e]supergiants in the Magellanic Clouds 14: 581-588 30: Astronomy and Astrophysics 31: 377 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: Oct. <2001> 68: PRE 76: ATROFÖSICA 87: evelopes estelares 87: nuvens de Magellanic 87: estrelas 87: espalhamento 87: polariza‡Æo 87: galaxias 88: stellar envelopes 88: Magellanic clouds 88: stars 88: scattering 88: polarization 88: galaxies 83: We have obtained linear polarization measurements of the Large Magellanic Cloud B[e]supergiant S 111 using optical imaging polarimetry. The intrinsic polarization found is consistent with the presence of an axisymmetric circumstellar envelope. We have additionally estimated the electron density for S 111 using data from the literature and revisited the correlation between polarization and envelope parameters of the B[e]supergiant stars using more recent IR calibration color data. The data suggest that the polarization can be indeed explained by electron scattering. We have used Monte Carlo codes to model the continuum polarization of the Magellanic B[e]supergiants. The results indicate that the electron density distribution in their envelopes is closer to a homogeneous distribution rather than an r-2 dependence. At the same time, the data are best fitted by a spherical distribution with density contrast than a cylindrical distribution. The data and the model results support the idea of the presence of an equatorial disk and of the two-component wind model for the envelopes of the B[e]supergiants. Spectropolarimetry would help further our knowledge of these envelopes MFN: 9763 1: SID/SCD 2: 8781 3: INPE-8781-PRE/4502 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Sawant, Hanumant Shankar 10: Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha 10: Cecatto, Jos‚ Roberto 10: Vats, H.O. 10: Neri, Jos‚ Angelo da Costa Ferreira 10: Portezani, V. A. 10: Martinon, A.R.F. 10: Karlicky, M 10: Jiricka, K 10: Meszarosova, H 12: Decimetric dot-like structures 14: 349-354 30: Advances in Space Research 31: 29 32: 3 38: Sp. Iss 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: an lises estat¡sticas 87: estruturas finas 87: erup‡äes solares 87: emissÆo de radia‡Æo solar 88: statistical analysis 88: fine structure 88: solar flares 88: solar radio emission 83: Various types of fine structures have been observed by the Brazilian Solar Spectroscope (BSS)in the frequency range of (1000 - 2000)MHz, since its regular operation from 1998. Here, we report for the first time statistical analysis of the 165 isolated dot-like emissions and their chains observed, from September 1999 to September 2000, in the decimetric band. Dots are observed in groups spread over the frequency - time plane. Rarely their chains are observed. Chains of dots cover the frequency range of similar to 150 MHz and hardly cover the entire frequency range of observations. Isolated dot-like emission has been observed to the limit of the BSS resolutions (3 MHz, 50 ms). In 50 83: of the cases the observed instantaneous bandwidth and flux values are 5 MHz and similar to 20 sfu, respectively. Also, in 90 83: of the cases total duration is of about 50 ms, equal to the limit of BSS time resolution. The groups of the dots have been found to be associated with the rising part of the impulsive flares and a radio-continuum. A model of dot-like emissions based on the anisotropic beam instability is suggested 91: FDB-20020415 MFN: 9764 1: SID/SCD 2: 8782 3: INPE-8782-PRE/4503 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich 10: Echer, Ezequiel 12: Erythema UV-B exposure near the Antarctic Peninsula and comparison with an equatorial site 14: 102-107 30: Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B-Biology 31: 60 32: 2-3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: July <2001> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: radia‡Æo ultravioleta 87: aumento 88: ultraviolet radiation 88: augmentation 82: 83: Observations of UV-B radiation in the area of the Antarctic Peninsula are described, with the objective to obtain an evaluation of the UV-B enhancements observed during ozone hole episodes, and compare these with equatorial values. The enhancements observed during Southern Hemisphere spring are described in terms of a specific case of enhancement, at the Antarctic peninsula, which has shown a maximum UV-B index of 8.7, in October 1998. The average enhancement between the autumn-unperturbed and spring-perturbed periods results in an UV-B index of 5.4. but with large fluctuations in which much larger indices are produced. These values are compared to indices normally observed in the equatorial region. For measurements obtained with the same kind of instrument at Natal (5.8 degreesS, 35.2 degreesW), the UV-B index varies between 7 and 14, which means that enhanced UV-B indices in the Antarctic Peninsula may become of the same order of magnitude of the lower limit equatorial values MFN: 9767 1: SID/SCD 2: 8785 3: INPE-8785-PRE/4506 4: MET 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Ferreira, Nelson Jesus 10: Lacava, C.I.V. 10: Sobral, Z.R. 12: A climatological study of convective cloudbands in northeastern Brazil Part I: preliminary analysis 14: 105-113 30: Australian Meteorological Magazine 31: 50 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DSR 61: 64: Jun. <2001> 68: PRE 88: rainfall 88: anomalies 88: vortices 83: This work analyses the role of convective cloudbands (CCBs), associated with low-level convergence zones on the northeast region of Brazil (NE). A preliminary analysis of synoptic situations based on six years of meteorological satellite images and observed rainfall data for the region is presented. The results show two main patterns of CCBs. The first one classified as type A has a NW-SE orientation. It is associated with convergence zones due to cyclonic vortices or fronts, both rain-producing systems that reach mainly the southern, central and western regions of the NE. The second pattern (type S)results from interactions between frontal systems and upper-level cyclonic vortices over the Atlantic Ocean, to the east of the NE, as well as with the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ). These frontal systems or convergence zones move northeastward and remain semistationary over the southeast coast of Brazil. The north-south orientation of these CCBs seems to be responsible for above average rainfall over the western and central parts of the NE. The type A cases are observed more frequently in October and November, while the type S cases are common in January, February and March. December is considered to be a transition month MFN: 9820 1: SCD/SID 2: 8864 3: INPE-8864-PRE/4574 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Araujo, Jos‚ Carlos Neves de 10: Miranda, Oswaldo Duarte 10: Aguiar, Odylio Denys de 12: Gravitational wave background from Population III black hole formation 14: 651-659 30: Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 31: 330 32: 3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: Mar. <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: cosmologia 87: buracos negros (astronomia) 87: gravita‡Æo 87: f¡sica 88: cosmology 88: black holes (astronomy) 88: gravitation 88: physics 83: We study the generation of a stochastic gravitational Wave (GW)background produced from a population of core-collapse supernovae, which form black holes in scenarios of structure formation. We obtain, for example, that the formation of a population (Population III)of black holes. in cold dark matter scenarios. could generate a stochastic GW background with a maximum amplitude of h(BG)similar or equal to 10(-24)and corresponding closure energy density of Omega(GW)similar to 10(-7). in the frequency band nu(obs)similar or equal to 30-470 Hz (assuming a maximum efficiency of generation of GWs, namely, S-GWmax = 7 x 10(-4)) for stars forming at redshifts z similar or equal to 30-10. We show that it will be possible in the future to detect this isotropic GW background by correlating the signals of a pair of 'advanced' LIGO observatories (LIGO III)at a signal-to-noise ratio of similar or equal to40. We discuss what astrophysical information could be obtained from a positive (or even a negative)detection of such a GW background generated in scenarios such as those studied here. One of them is the possibility of obtaining the initial and final redshifts of the emission period from the observed spectrum of GWs 91: FDB-20020912 MFN: 9822 1: SID/SCD 2: 8873 3: INPE-8873-PRE/4583 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Alarcon, Walter Dem‚trio Gonzalez 10: Alarcon, Alicia Luisa Clua de Gonzalez 10: Sobral, Jos‚ Humberto Andrade 10: Dal, Lago Alisson 10: Vieira, L.E.A. 12: Solar and interplanetary causes of very intense geomagnetic storms 14: 403-412 30: Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics 31: 63 32: 5 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: Mar. <2001> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: tempestades magn‚ticas 87: vento solar 87: pertuba‡äes 87: eje‡Æo de massa coronal 87: campos magn‚ticos interplanet rios 88: magnetic storms 88: solar wind 88: disturbances 88: coronal mass ejection 88: interplanetary magnetic field 83: The dominant interplanetary phenomena causing intense magnetic storms are the interplanetary manifestations of fast coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Two interplanetary structures are important for the development of such class of storms, involving an intense and long duration Bs component of the IMF: the sheath region just behind the forward shock, and the CME ejecta itself. Frequently, these structures lead to the development of intense storms with two-step growth in their main phases. These structures also lead sometimes to the development of very intense storms, especially when an additional interplanetary shock is found in the sheath plasma of the primary structure accompanying another stream. The second stream can also compress the primary cloud, intensifying the Bs field, and bringing with it an additional Bs structure. Thus, at times very intense storms are associated with three or more B-s structures. We also discuss evidence that magnetic clouds with very intense core magnetic fields tend to have large velocities, thus implying large amplitude interplanetary electric fields that can drive very intense storms MFN: 9823 1: SID/SCD 2: 8874 3: INPE-8874-PRE/4584 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Vieira, L.E.A. 10: Alarcon, Walter Dem‚trio Gonzalez 10: Alarcon, Alicia Luisa Clua de Gonzalez 10: Dal, Lago Alisson 12: A study of magnetic storms development in two or more steps and its association with the polarity of magnetic clouds 14: 457-461 30: Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics 31: 63 32: 5 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: Mar. <2001> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: tempestades magn‚ticas 87: nuvens magn‚ticas 87: correntes intrnas do anel 87: polaridade 88: magnetic storms 88: magnetic clouds 88: ring currents 88: polarity 83: The study of the response of the magnetosphere, measured by the Dst index, to different interplanetary magnetic field configurations observed in magnetic clouds has led us to conclude that about 20 of intense magnetic storms have the growth of their main phases in three or more steps. We also have found that the magnetic clouds with south-to-north magnetic field rotation tend to lead to moderate or intense magnetic storms with a two-step main phase development due to the closer southward magnetic fields in the sheath and in the cloud. On the other hand, magnetic clouds with a north-to-south magnetic field rotation mostly seem to lead to magnetic storms with one-step main phase development, due to the larger separation between the southward magnetic fields in the sheath and in the cloud. Furthermore, the magnetic clouds with a substantial tilt to the ecliptic plane appear to lead to intense magnetic storms when they have a prolonged southward axial field MFN: 9824 1: 5SID/SCD 2: 8875 3: INPE-8875-PRE/4585 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Chian, Abrahan Chian Long 10: Rempel, Erico Luiz 10: Macau, Elbert Einstein Neher 10: Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto 10: Christiansen, F 12: High-dimensional interior crisis in the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation 14: art n.035205 30: Physical Review E 31: 65 32: 3 Part 2A 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: Mar. <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 88: TRAPPED-ION MODE 88: SPATIOTEMPORAL CHAOS 88: INDUCED INTERMITTENCY 88: NONLINEAR SATURATION 88: FAUCET EXPERIMENT 88: STRANGE SETS 88: LIMIT-CYCLE 88: ATTRACTORS 88: INSTABILITY 88: TRANSITION 83: An investigation of interior crisis of high dimensions in an extended spatiotemporal system exemplified by the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation is reported. It is shown that unstable periodic orbits and their associated invariant manifolds in the Poincare' hyperplane can effectively characterize the global bifurcation dynamics of high-dimensional systems 91: FDB-20020412 MFN: 9827 1: SID/SCD 2: 8881 3: INPE-8881-PRE/4590 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kane, Rajaram Purushottam 12: Some implications using the group sunspot number reconstruction 14: 383-401 30: Solar Physics 31: 205 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: Feb. <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 88: SOLAR-ACTIVITY RECONSTRUCTION 88: MAUNDER MINIMUM 88: CLIMATE CHANGE 88: IRRADIANCE VARIATIONS 88: TEMPERATURE RECORD 88: SPECTRAL ANALYSIS 88: CYCLE 88: MAXIMUM 88: SERIES 88: VARIABILITY 83: The Wolf or Zurich sunspot number Rz, (values available from 1700 onwards)is considered the primary descriptor of solar activity for the past 100 years or more. Recently, another, more accurate time series, called the Group sunspot number, R-G, has become available. Comparison of the indices suggests that Rz may be grossly overestimated in the early sunspot records. In this paper, some results based previously on Rz are reexamined using R-G. Conclusions based on data from about 1850 to the present remain the same. For the 18th century, however, small differences are seen. For estimates of solar irradiance in the Maunder Minimum (1645-1715), because both Rz and R-G were near zero then and are almost comparable today, irradiance estimates remain about the same, whether Rz or R-G is used to calculate them. However, the evolutions of Rz and R-G from their near zero value in the Maunder Minimum to their present similar value, are different, with Rz increasing more rapidly than R-G from 1700 to 1790. While the temperature of the Earth has increased almost monotonically for the past few centuries, the relationship of both Rz and R-G with the temperature trend is not especially great 91: fdb-20020412 MFN: 9828 1: SID/SCD 2: 8878 3: INPE-8878-PRE/4587 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Oltmans, S.J. 10: Johnson, B.J. 10: Harris, J.M. 10: Vomel, H. 10: Thompson, A.M. 10: Koshy, K. 10: Simon, P. 10: Bendura, R.J. 10: Logan, J.A. 10: Hasebe, F. 10: Shiotani, M. 10: Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich 10: Maata, M. 10: Sami, G. 10: Samad, A. 10: Tabuadravu, J. 10: Enriquez, H. 10: Agama, M. 10: Cornejo, J. 10: Paredes, F. 12: Ozone in the Pacific tropical troposphere from ozonesonde observations 14: 32503-32525 30: Journal Geophysical Reserach 31: 106 32: D23 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: Dec. <2001> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: oz“nio 87: troposfera 87: observa‡Æo 88: ozone 88: trophosfere 88: observation 82: 83: Ozone vertical profile measurements obtained from ozonesondes flown at Fiji, Samoa, Tahiti, and the Galapagos are used to characterize ozone in the troposphere over the tropical Pacific. There is a significant seasonal variation at each of these sites. At sites in both the eastern and western Pacific, ozone mixing ratios are greatest at almost all levels in the troposphere during the September-November season and smallest during March-May. The vertical profile has a relative maximum at all of the sites in the midtroposphere throughout the year (the largest amounts are usually found near the tropopause). This maximum is particularly pronounced during the September-November season. On average, throughout the troposphere, the Galapagos has larger ozone amounts than the western Pacific sites. A trajectory climatology is used to identify the major flow regimes that are associated with the characteristic ozone behavior at various altitudes and seasons. The enhanced ozone seen in the midtroposphere during September-November is associated with flow from the continents. In the western Pacific this flow is usually from southern Africa (although 10-day trajectories do not always reach the continent)but also may come from Australia and Indonesia. In the Galapagos the ozone peak in the midtroposphere is seen in flow from the South American continent and particularly from northern Brazil. High ozone concentrations within potential source regions and flow characteristics associated with the ozone mixing ratio peaks seen in both the western and eastern Pacific suggest that these enhanced ozone mixing ratios result from biomass burning. In the upper troposphere, low ozone amounts are seen with flow that originates in the convective western Pacific MFN: 9829 1: SID/SCD 2: 8883 3: INPE-8883-PRE/4592 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kane, Rajaram Purushottam 12: Did predictions of the maximum sunspot number for solar cycle 23 come true? 14: 395-406 30: Solar Physics 31: 202 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 88: 3-CYCLE QUASI-PERIODICITY 88: PLANETARY INDEX AP 88: SIZE 88: SOLAR CYCLE-23 88: FORECAST 83: For solar cycle 23, the maximum sunspot number was predicted by several workers, and the range was very wide, similar to 80-210. Cycle 23 started in 1996 and seems to have peaked in 2000, with a smoothed sunspot number maximum of similar to 122. From about 20 predictions, 8 were within 122 +/- 20. There is an indication that a long-term scillation of similar to 80-100 years may be operative and might have peaked near cycle 20 (1970), and sunspot maxima in cycles in the near future may be smaller and smaller for the next 50 years or so and rebound thereafter in the next 50 years or so MFN: 9830 1: SID/SCD 2: 8882 3: INPE-8882-PRE/4591 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kane, Rajaram Purushottam 12: Examination of the three-cycle quasiperiodicity of geomatic indices in relation to prection of size of cycle 23 14: 25125-25131 30: Journal Geophysical Research 31: 106 32: A11 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: Nov. <2001> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 88: 3-CYCLE QUASI PERIODICITY 88: PLANETARY INDEX AP 88: SUNSPOT NUMBER 88: SPECTRAL ANALYSIS 88: MAXIMUM 88: SERIES 83: From the study of the Ap and aa geomagnetic indices for 1932 onward, Ahluwalia [1998]reported a three-cycle quasiperiodicity, with lower Ap(min)and aa(min)values in cycles 17, 20, 23. An examination of aa indices for periods extending back to 1868 (and further back to 1844, using the Helsinki equivalent aa index data set)did not show the three-cycle pattern, though a possible periodicity of similar to 25-30 years may exist. The more overwhelming variation was an uptrend that had a minimum near cycle 14 (similar to 1900)and may have peaked recently. The longseries of sunspot number maxima (cycles 0-22, 1750 onward, but not reliable before cycle 8)showed two long-term swings, one of similar to 90 years and another of similar to 100 years, the latter peaking in recent cycles and indicating a probable downtrend in the coming 100 years. The sunspot number maxima series had an excellent correlation with aa(min)series back to 1868 (and even after including the estimated values back to 1844), which is being used for prediction of the size of the present cycle 23. Various predictions for cycle 23, which started in 1996 and seems to have peaked recently at a smoothed sunspot number of similar to 121, are discussed MFN: 9831 1: SID/SCD 2: 8884 3: INPE-8884-PRE/4593 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kane, Rajaram Purushottam 10: Vats, H.O. 10: Sawant, Hanumant Shankar 12: Short-term periodicities in the time series of solar radio emissions at different solar altitudes 14: 181-190 30: Solar Physics 31: 201 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: June <2001> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 88: ENTROPY SPECTRAL ANALYSIS 88: ARTIFICIAL SAMPLES 88: TOTAL IRRADIANCE 88: MAXIMUM 88: ROTATION 88: PREDICTION 88: FLUX 88: EUV 88: UV 83: A spectral analysis of the time series of daily values of 12 parameters, namely, ten solar radio emissions in the range 275-1755 MHz, 2800 MHz solar radio flux, and sunspot numbers for six continuous intervals of 132 values each during June 1997-July 1999 showed considerable differences from one interval to the next, indicating a onstationary nature. A similar to 27-day periodicity was noticed in Interval 2 (similar to 26.8 days), 3 (similar to 27.0 days), 5 (similar to 25.5 days), 6 (similar to 27.0 days). Other periodicities were near 11.4, 12.3, 13.3, 14.5, 15.5, 16.5, 35, 40, 50-70 days. Periodicities were very similar in a large vertical span of the coronal region corresponding to 670-1755 MHz. Above this region, the homogeneity disappeared. Below this region, there were complications and distortions due to localized solar surface phenomena MFN: 9832 1: SID/SCD 2: 8885 3: INPE-8885-PRE/4594 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kane, Rajaram Purushottam 12: El Nino/La Nina relationship with rainfall at Huancayo, in the Peruvian AndesSID/SCD 14: 63-72 30: International Journal Climatology 31: 20 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: Jan. <2000> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 88: SEA SURFACE TEMPERATURE 88: SOUTHERN OSCILLATION 88: EQUATORIAL PACIFIC 88: REGIONS 88: El NINO 88: ENSO 82: 83: The major rainy season at Huancayo (central Peruvian Andes)is in the months DJFM (December-March). For years when El Ninos were active during these months, two types of effects were noticed. Either there were rainfall deficits in the DJF months, or there were excess rains in DJ, followed and preceded by deficit rains for a month or two. when El Ninos were active in other months, the non-rainy season rainfall at Huancayo was sometimes far above average. During years of La Nina (Anti-El Ninos), there were often excess rains, in both the rainy and the non-rainy seasons. In coastal Peru, heavy rainfall is considered as one of the criteria for identifying an El Nino. If true, the rainfall patterns at Huancayo are different from those of coastal Peru. In the recent El Nino of 1997, southern Peru had droughts while eastern and northern Peru, Ecuador had floods. The ENSO relationships in different parts of Peru are probably different and need detailed investigation MFN: 9833 1: SID/SCD 2: 8886 3: INPE-8886-PRE/4595 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Saka, O 10: Kitamura, T 10: Tachihara, H 10: Shinohara, M 10: Trivedi, Nalin Babulal 10: Sato, N 10: Ruohoniemi, J. M. 10: Greenwald, R. A. 12: A substorm onset signature at the auroral zone as observed with SuperDARN and equatorial magnetometers 14: 29037-29050 30: Journal Geophysical Reseaech 31: 106 32: A12 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: Dec. <2001> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: zonas aurorais 87: assinaturas 87: propaga‡Æo 87: part¡culas energ‚ticas 88: auroral zones 88: signatures 88: ionospherics 88: convection 88: energetic particles 83: Ionospheric convection enhancement with high westward velocities exceeding 1500 In s(-1)was observed in association with the particle injection event by SuperDARN in the dusk sector of the auroral zone. Such a convection enhancement could be attributable to the enhanced sunward plasma flows in the dusk sector of the magnetosphere. At the dip equator a ground Pi2 onset was found to occur in association with these convection transients. The onset of the Pi2 lagged behind the convection enhancement by 4-11 min. It is argued that the convection transient could be the earliest indicator of the substorm onset among energetic particle injection, low-latitude Pi2 onset, and, perhaps, the auroral breakup MFN: 9835 1: SID/SCD 2: 8888 3: INPE-8888-PRE/4597 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Rigozo, Nivaor Rodolfo 10: Echer, Ezequiel 10: Vieira, L.E.A 10: Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger 12: Reconstruction of Wolf sunspot numbers on the basis of spectral characteristics and estimates of associated radio flux and solar wind parameters for the last millennium 14: 179-191 30: Solar Physics 31: 203 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 88: MAUNDER MINIMUM 88: CLIMATE CHANGE 88: TIME-SERIES 88: IRRADIANCE 88: CYCLE 88: VARIABILITY 88: MAXIMUM 88: PERIODICITIES 88: VELOCITY 88: RECORD 83: A reconstruction of sunspot numbers for the last 1000 years was obtained using a sum of sine waves derived from spectral analysis of the time series of sunspot number R-z for the period 1700-1999. The time series was decomposed in frequency levels using the wavelet transform, and an iterative regression model (ARIST)was used to identify the amplitude and phase of the main periodicities. The 1000-year reconstructed sunspot number reproduces well the great maximums and minimums in solar activity, identified in cosmonuclides variation records, and, specifically, the epochs of the Oort, Wolf, Sporer, Maunder, and Dalton Minimums as well the Medieval and Modern Maximums. The average sunspot number activity in each anomalous period was used in linear equations to obtain estimates of the solar radio flux F-10.7, solar wind velocity, and the southward component of the interplanetary magnetic field MFN: 9836 1: SID/SCD 2: 8889 3: INPE-8889-PRE/4598 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Clemesha, Barclay Robert 10: Medeiros, Amauri Fragoso de 10: Gobbi, Delano 10: Takahashi, Hisao 10: Batista, Paulo Prado 10: Taylor, Michael J. 12: Multiple wavelength optical observations of a long-lived meteor trail. 14: 2779-2782 30: Geophysical Research Letters 31: 28 32: 14 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: July <2001> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 87: caudas de meteoro 87: comprimento de ondas 87: observa‡äes 88: wavelengths 88: meteor trails 88: observations 83: A long-lived meteor trail has been observed at wavelengths of 572.5 nm, 557.7 nm, 630.0 nm, 865.5 nm and in the near infrared band from 715 to 930 nm. The trail was detected at all these wavelengths, with the possible exception of 865.5 nm, where its identification was marginal. It was seen longest (17 minutes)through the wide band NIR 715 930 nm filter. The fact that the trail was only marginally visible in the 865.5 nm (0-1)band of molecular oxygen, and was strongest in the wide-band NIR image, raises serious doubts about an earlier suggestion that the infrared light from longlived meteor trails corresponds to emissions from molecular oxygen excited by the Chapman mechanism MFN: 9837 1: SID/SCD 2: 8882 3: INPE-8882-PRE/4591 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kane, Rajaram Purushottam 12: Examination of the three-cycle quasiperiodicity of geomatic indices in relation to prection of size of cycle 23 14: 25125-25131 30: Journal Geophysical Research 31: 106 32: A11 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: Nov. <2001> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 83: From the study of the Ap and aa geomagnetic indices for 1932 onward, Ahluwalia [1998]reported a three-cycle quasiperiodicity, with lower Ap(min)and aa(min)values in cycles 17, 20, 23. An examination of aa indices for periods extending back to 1868 (and further back to 1844, using the Helsinki equivalent aa index data set)did not show the three-cycle pattern, though a possible periodicity of similar to 25-30 years may exist. The more overwhelming variation was an uptrend that had a minimum near cycle 14 (similar to 1900)and may have peaked recently. The longseries of sunspot number maxima (cycles 0-22, 1750 onward, but not reliable before cycle 8)showed two long-term swings, one of similar to 90 years and another of similar to 100 years, the latter peaking in recent cycles and indicating a probable downtrend in the coming 100 years. The sunspot number maxima series had an excellent correlation with aa(min)series back to 1868 (and even after including the estimated values back to 1844), which is being used for prediction of the size of the present cycle 23. Various predictions for cycle 23, which started in 1996 and seems to have peaked recently at a smoothed sunspot number of similar to 121, are discussed MFN: 9838 1: SID/SCD 2: 9708 3: INPE-8890-PRE/4599 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Sawant, Hanumant Shankar 10: Subramanian, K.R. 10: Faria, C. 10: Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha 10: Sobral, Jos‚ Humberto Andrade 10: Cecatto, Jos‚ Roberto 10: Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto 10: Vats, H.O. 10: Neri, Jos‚ Angelo da Costa Ferreira. 10: Alonso, Eduardo Mena Barreto 10: Mesquita, F.P.V. 10: Portezani, V.A. 10: Martinon, A.R.F. 12: Brazilian Solar Spectroscope (BSS) 14: 167-176 30: Solar Physics 31: 200 32: 1-2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: May <2001> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 88: broad-band spectrometer 88: microwave radio-bursts 83: Digital, decimetric (200-2500 MHz)Brazilian Solar Spectroscope (BSS)with high time (10-1000 ms)and frequency (1-10 MHz)resolution is in regular operation since April, 1998, at National Space Research Institute (INPE)at Sao Jose dos Campos, Brazil. BSS operates in conjunction with a 9-m diameter polar mounted antenna. It allows to select suitable observing frequency range, frequency and time resolutions and data can be digitized up to 100 channels. BSS has capabilities of quasi-real time display of the ongoing dynamic spectra of the solar activity that enables the observer to modify observational parameters so as to suit a specific type of activity such as spikes and improve the quality of data acquisition and storage. Minimum detectable flux density of the spectroscope, for different combinations of the observational parameters, is similar to3 s.f.u. Observations are carried out routinely from 11 UT to 19 UT. Necessary software for data acquisition and reductions has been developed in IDL 5.3 environment. Data are available in FITS and ASCII formats. Absolute timing accuracy of the station is less than 3 ms. Here, we present examples of the bursts which have been recorded by BSS and available display facilities MFN: 9839 1: SID/SCD 2: 8891 3: INPE-8891-PRE/4600 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Guedes, Jos‚ Ricardo Abalde 10: Fagundes, Paulo Roberto 10: Bittencourt, Jos‚ Augusto 10: Sahai, Yogeshwar 12: Observations of equatorial F region plasma bubbles using simultaneous OI 777.4 nm and OI 630.0 nm imaging: New results 14: 30331-30336 30: Journal of Geophysical Research 31: 106 32: A12 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: Dec. <2001> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 87: propaga‡Æo F 87: propaga‡Æo transequatorial 87: deple‡Æo 87: bolhas de plasma 87: emissÆo 87: imagens 88: spread F 88: transequatorial propagation 88: plasma bubbles 88: depletion 88: emission 88: images 83: Simultaneous observations of the OI 630.0 nm and OI 777.4 nm nightglow emissions using all-sky imaging systems and ionospheric radio sounding using a Canadian Advanced Digital Ionosonde (CADI)digisonde have been recently carried out at Sao Jose dos Campos (23.21degreesS, 45.86degreesW), Brazil. The all-sky imaging systems use novel CCD devices, with high quantum efficiency and which provide an exceptional capacity for quantitative measurement of faint- and low-contrast emissions. On October 23-24, 2000 (high solar activity), the presence of large-scale F region plasma irregularities (plasma bubbles)was observed using both techniques (i.e., optical and radio). The high-resolution images, recorded using the OI 777.4 nm nightglow emission, show a new striated or ray-like pattern, which has not been detected before. These OI 777.4 nm optical observations show for the first time, in great detail, the field-aligned ionospheric plasma bubble structures, in contrast with the OI 630.0 nm images, which show a diffuse image of the bubbles. The optical signatures of the OI 777.4 nm emission are more closely related to the actual ionospheric bubble structure, owing to its prompt emission and dependence only on the electron density, with no F layer height dependence. On the other hand, the OI 630.0 rim emission comes from the bottomside of the F layer with a strong F layer height dependence and shows blurred images due to its 110-s lifetime. An additional advantage of using the OI 777.4 nm emission for ionospheric irregularity studies is that the plasma bubbles can be observed earlier on the OI 777.4 nm images than on the OI 630.0 nm images (by similar to 15 min) MFN: 9840 1: SID/SCD 2: 8892 3: INPE-8892-PRE/4601 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Fagundes, Paulo Roberto 10: Sahai, Yogeshwar 10: Bittencourt, Jos‚ Augusto 12: Thermospheric zonal temperature gradients observed at low latitudes 14: 1133-1139 30: Annales Geophysicae 31: 19 32: 9 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: Set. <2001> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 87: composi‡Æo atmosf‚ricas 87: aeroluminescˆncia 87: auroras 87: estruturas 87: termosfera 87: ionosferas 87: atmosfera equatorial 88: atmospheric composition 88: airglow 88: auroras 88: strutures 88: thermosphere 88: ionospheres 88: equatorial atmosphere 83: Fabry-Perot interferometer (FPI)measurements of thermospheric temperatures from the Doppler widths of the Of 630 nm nightglow emission line have been carried out at Cachoeira Paulista (23 degrees S, 45 degrees W, 16 degrees S dip latitude), Brazil. The east-west components of the thermospheric temperatures obtained on 73 nights during the period from 1988 to 1992, primarily under quiet geomagnetic conditions, were analyzed and are presented in this paper. It was observed that on 67 83: of these nights, the temperatures in both the east and west sectors presented similar values and nocturnal variations. However, during 33 83: of the nights, the observed temperatures in the west sector were usually higher than those observed in the east sector, with zonal temperature gradients in the range of 100 K to 600 K, over about an 800 km horizontal distance. Also, in some cases, the observed temperatures in the east and west sectors show different nocturnal variations. One of the possible sources considered for the observed zonal temperature gradients is the influence of gravity wave dissipation effects due to waves that propagate from lower altitudes to thermospheric heights. The observed zonal temperature gradients could also be produced by orographic gravity waves originated away, over the Andes Cordillera in the Pacific Sector, or by dissipation of orographic gravity waves generated over the Mantiqueira Mountains in the Atlantic sector by tropospheric disturbances (fronts and/or subtropical jet streams). MFN: 9841 1: SID/SCD 2: 8893 3: INPE-8893-PRE/4602 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Mej¡a Cabeza, Jorge 10: Villela Neto, Thyrso 10: Goldoni, P 10: Lebrun, F 10: Bouchet, L 10: Jourdain, E 10: Roques, J. P. 10: Mandrou, P 10: Kuznetsov, S 10: Khavenson, N 10: Dyachkov, A 10: Chulkov, I 10: Novikov, B 10: Shuhanov, K 10: Tserenin, I 10: Sheikhet, A 12: Sigma observations of the bursting pulsar GRO J1744-28 14: 387-391 30: Astrophysical Journal 31: 566 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: Feb. <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: galaxias 87: centros 87: pulsares 87: explosäes 87: raios x 88: galaxies 88: centers 88: pulsars 88: bursts 88: x rays 83: We present the results of the GRANAT/SIGMA hard X-/soft gamma-ray long-term monitoring of the Galactic center (GC)region concerning the source GRO J1744-28, discovered on 1995 December 2 by CGRO/BATSE. SIGMA observed the region containing the source in 14 opportunities between1990 and 1997. In two of these observing sessions, corresponding to 1996 March and 1997 March, GRO J1744-28 was detected with a confidence level greater than 5 p in the 35-75 keV energy band without detection in the 75-150 keV energy band. For the other sessions, upper limits of the flux are indicated. The particular imaging capabilities of the SIGMA telescope allow us to identify, specifically, the source position in the very crowded GC region, giving us a mean flux of (73.1 +/- 5.5)x 10(-11)and (44.7 +/- 6.4)x 10(-11)ergs cm(-2)s(-1)in the 35-75 keV energy band, for the 1996 March and 1997 March observing sessions, respectively. Combining the 1997 March SIGMA and BATSE observations, we found evidence pointing to the type II nature of the source bursts for this period. For the same observing campaigns, spectra were obtained in the 35 to 150 keV energy band. The best fit corresponds to an optically thin thermal Bremsstrahlung with F-50keV = 3.6(+/-0.6)x 10(-4)photons cm(-2)s(-1)keV(-1)and kT(Bremss)= 28 +/- 7 keV for the first campaign, and F-50keV = 2.3(+/-0.7)x 10(-4)photons cm(-2)s(-1)keV(-1)and kT(Bremss)= 18(-7)(+12)keV for the second. This kind of soft spectrum is typical of binary sources containing a neutron star as the compact object, in contrast to the harder spectra typical of systems containing a black hole candidate 91: FDB-20020912 MFN: 9842 1: SID/SCD 2: 8882 3: INPE-8882-PRE/4591 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kane, Rajaram Purushottam 12: Examination of the three-cycle quasiperiodicity of geomatic indices in relation to prection of size of cycle 23 14: 25125-25131 30: Journal Geophysical Research 31: 106 32: A11 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: Nov. <2001> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 83: From the study of the Ap and aa geomagnetic indices for 1932 onward, Ahluwalia [1998]reported a three-cycle quasiperiodicity, with lower Ap(min)and aa(min)values in cycles 17, 20, 23. An examination of aa indices for periods extending back to 1868 (and further back to 1844, using the Helsinki equivalent aa index data set)did not show the three-cycle pattern, though a possible periodicity of similar to 25-30 years may exist. The more overwhelming variation was an uptrend that had a minimum near cycle 14 (similar to 1900)and may have peaked recently. The longseries of sunspot number maxima (cycles 0-22, 1750 onward, but not reliable before cycle 8)showed two long-term swings, one of similar to 90 years and another of similar to 100 years, the latter peaking in recent cycles and indicating a probable downtrend in the coming 100 years. The sunspot number maxima series had an excellent correlation with aa(min)series back to 1868 (and even after including the estimated values back to 1844), which is being used for prediction of the size of the present cycle 23. Various predictions for cycle 23, which started in 1996 and seems to have peaked recently at a smoothed sunspot number of similar to 121, are discussed MFN: 9843 1: SID/SCD 2: 8894 3: INPE-8894-PRE/4603 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Zhang, YS 10: Gupta, S 10: Sahai, Yogeshwar 10: Rapp RA 12: Modeling of the solubility of alumina in the NaF-AIF(3)system at 1300 K 14: 315-319 30: Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B - Process Mettalurgy and Materials Processing Science 31: 33 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: Apr. <2002> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 87: fundi‡äes 87: termodinƒmicas 87: fluoretos 88: melts 88: thermodynamics 88: fluorides 83: The experimentally well-known alumina solubility in the range of acidic to neutral cryolite-base melts has been modeled thermodynamically in terms of several oxyfluoride solutes. For an acidic melt, cryolite ratio r = 1.5, the dominant solute is monoxygen Na2Al2O2F6. In a less acidic regime, dioxygen Na2Al2O2F4 is dominant, whereas for neutral compositions (r = 3), Na4Al2O2F6 starts to gain importance. The fit of the model to the experimental solubility data is virtually perfect. The values of the equilibrium constants for the formation of the individual solutes are reported. The formation and conversion of these oxyfluoride complexes serve as an effective buffer opposing change in the melt basicity 91: FDB-20020912 MFN: 9844 1: SID/SCD 2: 8895 3: INPE-8895-PRE/4604 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Shiokawa, K. 10: Otsuka, Y. 10: Ejiri, M.K. 10: Sahai, Yogeshwar 10: Kadota, T. 10: Ihara, C. 10: Ogawa, T. 10: Igarashi, K. 10: Miyazaki, S. 10: Saito, A 12: Imaging observations of the equatorward limit of midlatitude traveling ionospheric disturbances 14: 57-62 30: Earth Planets and Space 31: 54 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 87: disturbios ionosf‚ricos 87: regiäes temperadas 87: aeroluminescˆncia 88: ionospheric disturbances 88: temperate regions 88: airglow 83: This paper reports the first attempt to observe the equatorward limit of medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (TIDs)in the middle latitudes. The TIDs usually propagate southwestward in the northern hemisphere. An all-sky cooled-CCD imager measured 630-nm airglow at a southern island of Japan, Okinawa (26.9degreesN, 128.3degreesE, geomagnetic latitude (MLAT)= 17.0degrees), during the FRONT-2 campaign of August 4-15, 1999. The TIDs were detected at the mainland of Japan (similar to21degrees-36degrees MLAT)by the total electron content (TEC)observations of more than 1000 GPS receivers. In the August 4 event, the TIDs moving southwestward was seen only in the northern sky of Okinawa as a depletion band in the 630-nm airglow images. In the August 6 event, the TIDs were not seen in the 630-nm images at Okinawa, although weak TID activity was observed by the GPS network at the mainland of Japan. The TEC data also showed weakening of the TID activity below 18degrees MLAT. Based on these observations, we suggest that there is a possible limit of medium-scale TID propagation around similar to18degrees MLAT 91: FDB-20020912 MFN: 9847 1: SID/SCD 2: 8913 3: INPE-8913-PRE/4621 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Cieslinski, Deonisio 10: Steiner, Joao Evangelista 10: Jablonski, Francisco Jos‚ 10: Hickel, G.R 12: V529 coronae austrinae: An RV Tauri variable of type RVb 14: 642-647 30: Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 31: 112 32: 771 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: May <2000> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: estrelas variaveis irregulares 87: an lise de s‚ries irregulares 88: irregular variables stars 88: time series analysis 83: We present an analysis of the photometric data on V529 CrA. The data include published photographic data as well as our own UBY(RI)(C)measurements. Two dominant modulations with periods of 23.571 and 761.5 days are present in the light curve. The double of the 23.571 day period (47.142 days)shows the alternating deep/shallow minima behavior of the RV Tauri class of variables, while the presence of a longer modulation indicates a classification in the photometric subclass RVb. Medium-resolution optical spectroscopy is also presented MFN: 9848 1: SID/SCD 2: 8912 3: INPE-8912-PRE/4620 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Pereira, M.G. 10: Braga, JoÆo 10: Jablonski, Francisco Jos‚ 12: The orbital period of the accreting pulsar GX 1+4 (vol 526, pg 105, 1999) 14: l69-l69 30: Astrophysical Journal 31: 533 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: Apr. <2000> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA MFN: 9849 1: SID/SCD 2: 8908 3: INPE-8908-PRE/4616 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Vats, H. O. 10: Sharma, S 10: Oza, R 10: Iyer, K. N. 10: Chandra, H 10: Sawant, Hanumant Shankar 10: Deshpande, M. R. 12: Interplanetary and terrestrial observations of an Earth-directed coronal mass ejection 14: 1769-1773 30: RADIO SCIENCE 31: 36 32: 6 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: Nov./Dec. <2001> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: perturba‡äes 87: densidade 87: eje‡Æo de massa coronal 88: solar 88: disturbances 88: density 88: coronal mass ejection (CME> 83: In this article we report interplanetary scintillation observations at 103 and 327 MHz of an Earth-directed coronal mass ejection (CME)which occurred near the center of the solar disk at 0435 UT on May 12, 1997. The disturbance was found to have plasma density similar to 4 times more than that of the ambient plasma at a distance of similar to 0.5 AU from the Sun. The most peculiar aspect of this CME is that it appears that the disturbance moved slightly slower than the ambient medium. Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)and interplanetary scintillation (IPS)estimates of solar wind are quite different; it appears that the difference could be due to the projection effect of the SOHO image. Though the disturbance was not very severe, its impact on Earth's environment produced a geomagnetic storm. This event was associated with a two-ribbon flare. The ionospheric effects of soft X rays from this solar flare were observed by a digital ionosonde at Ahmedabad in the form of excess ionization (similar to1200 el cm(-3)) in the D region of the ionosphere MFN: 9850 1: SID/SCD 2: 8909 3: INPE-8909-PRE/4617 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Vats, H.O. 10: Sawant, Hanumant Shankar 10: Oza, R. 10: Iyer, K.N. 10: Jadhav, R. 12: Interplanetary scintillation observations for the solar wind disappearance event of May 1999 14: 25121-25124 30: JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS 31: 106 32: A11 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: Nov. <2001> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: magnetosfera 87: dependencia 87: velocidade 87: vento solar 87: cintila‡Æo 87: observa‡Æo 88: magnetosphere 88: dependence 88: latitude 88: velocity 88: solar wind 88: scintillation 88: observation 83: In this article we present ground-based interplanetary scintillation (IPS)measurements at 103 and 327 MHz for the period of the solar wind disappearance event of May 1999 as seen by various space probes. The solar wind velocity measurements at 327 MHz showed a variable solar wind velocity during this period at a distance of similar to0.5 AU from the Sun. The average solar wind velocity from three radio sources varied in the range of 200-300 km s(-1). The scintillation index measurements at 103 MHz indicate that plasma density was very low in the interplanetary medium closer to the Earth and that the density was normal away from it during May 11-13. The scintillation index was enhanced significantly on May 14 after the disappearance event. The comparison with the in situ observations shows that the effect is dramatic in IPS observations. IPS and in situ measurements show that a large, tenuous, and slow plasma cloud engulfed our planet around this time, which could be because of a corotating low-density narrow stream. From the source (Sun)point of view, this was mostly a normal plasma flow in most of the interplanetary medium MFN: 9851 1: SID/SCD 2: 8910 3: INPE-8910-PRE/4618 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Karlicky, M. 10: Barta, M. 10: Jiricka, K. 10: Meszarosova, H. 10: Sawant, Hanumant Shankar 10: Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha 10: Cecatto, Jos‚ Roberto 12: Radio bursts with rapid frequency variations - Lace bursts 14: 638-642 30: Astronomy and Astrophysics 31: 375 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: Aug.<2001 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: sol 87: atividade solar 87: radia‡Æo 87: explosäes solares 87: erup‡äes 88: sun 88: salar activity 88: flares 88: radiation 88: radio bursts 83: The Ondrejov radiospectrograph operating in the 0.8-2.0 GHz frequency range recorded in recent years (1998-2000), three (August 10, 1998; August 17, 1999; June 27, 2000)unique bursts with rapid frequency variations (lace bursts)lasting for several minutes. On August 17, 1999, the same burst was recorded simultaneously by the Brazilian Solar Spectroscope in the 1.0-2.5 GHz frequency range. The frequency variations of these bursts in four time intervals were analyzed by the Fourier method and power-law spectra with power-law indices close to -2 were found. The Fourier spectra show the presence of frequency variations in the 0.01-3.0 Hz interval which indicate fast changes of plasma parameters in the radio source. Due to the similarities in the line features of these bursts with zebra pattern lines, a model similar to that of the zebra pattern was suggested. The model radio spectra, computed using this model with a turbulent state of the solar flare atmosphere, are similar to those observed by the radiospectrographs MFN: 9852 1: SID/SCD 2: 8911 3: INPE-9811-PRE/4619 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Vats, H. O. 10: Cecatto, Jos‚ Roberto 10: Mehta, M 10: Sawant, Hanumant Shankar 10: Neri, Jos‚ Angelo da Costa Ferreira 12: Discovery of variation in solar coronal rotation with altitude 14: L87-L89 30: ASTROPHYSICAL JOURNAL 31: 548 32: 1 58: DAS 61: 64: Feb. <2001> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: sol 87: coroa solar 87: rota‡Æo solar 87: radia‡Æo 87: emissÆo radio 88: sun 88: solar corona 88: solar ratation 88: radiation 88: radio emission 83: Here we report the first measure in radio emission of differential rotation as a function of height in the solar corona. This is derived from the disk-integrated simultaneous daily measurements of solar flux at 11 radio frequencies in the range of 275-2800 MHz. Based on the model calculations, these radio emissions originate from the solar corona in the estimated average height range of similar to (6-15)x 10(4)km above the photosphere. The investigations indicate that the sidereal rotation period at the highest frequency (2800 MHz), which originates from the lower corona around 6 x 10(4)km, is similar to 24.1 days. The sidereal rotation period decreases with height to similar to 23.7 days at the lower frequency (405 MHz), which originates at similar to 13 x 10(4)km. It is difficult to identify clearly the rotational modulation at 275 MHz, perhaps because these missions are significantly affected by the turbulence in the intervening medium. Since these investigations are based on disk-integrated solar flux at radio frequencies, it is difficult to say whether these systematic variations in sidereal rotation period are partly due to the latitudinal differential rotation of the solar corona. It will be interesting to investigate this possibility in the future MFN: 9853 1: SID/SCD 2: 9801 3: INPE-9801-PRE/4610 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Dantas, Christiane Cordula 10: Capelato, Hugo Vicente 10: Carvalho, R. R. de 10: Ribeiro, Andr‚ Luis Batista 12: Dissipationless collapse of spherical protogalaxies and the fundamental plane 14: 772-779 30: Astronomy and Astrophysics 31: 384 32: 3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: Mar. <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: gal xias el¡pticas 87: metodologia 87: sistemas estrelares 87: teorema virial 87: propriedades f¡sicas 87: estabilidade 88: elliptical galaxies 88: methodology 88: stellar systems 88: virial theorem 88: physical properties 88: stability 83: Following on from the numerical work of Capelato et al. (1995, 1997), where dissipationless merger simulations were shown to reproduce the "Fundamental Plane" (FP)of elliptical galaxies, we investigate whether the end products of pure, spherically symmetric, one-component dissipationless collapses could also reproduce the FP. Past numerical work on collisionless collapses have addressed important issues on the dynamical/structural characteristics of collapsed equilibrium systems. However, the study of collisionless collapse in the context of the nature of the FP has not been satisfactorily addressed yet. Our aim in this paper is to focus our attention on the resulting collapse of simple one-component spherical models with a range of different initial virial coefficients. We find that the characteristic correlations of the models are compatible with virialized, centrally homologous systems. Our results strengthen the idea that merging may be a fundamental ingredient in forming non-homologous objects 91: FDB-20020912 MFN: 9854 1: SID/SCD 2: 9802 3: INPE-9802-PRE/4611 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Mazure, A. 10: Capelato, Hugo Vicente 12: Exact solutions for the spatial de Vaucouleurs and Sersic laws and related quantities 14: 384-389 30: Astronomy and Astrophysics 31: 383 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: Feb. <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: gal xias 87: agrupamentos 87: campos gravitacionais 88: elliptical galaxies 88: galaxies 88: clusters 88: gravitational fields 83: Using the Mathematica package, we find exact analytical expressions for the so-called de-projected de Vaucouleurs and Sersic laws as well as for related spatial (3D)quantities - such the mass, gravitational potential, the total energy and the central velocity dispersion - generally involved in astronomical calculations expressed in terms of the Meijer G functions 91: FDB-20020912 MFN: 9855 1: SID/SCD 2: 8903 3: INPE-9803-PRE/4612 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Marquez, I. 10: Lima Neto, G.B.L. 10: Capelato, Hugo Vicente 10: Durret, F. 10: Lanzoni, B. 10: Gerbal, D. 12: Energy, entropy and mass scaling relations for elliptical galaxies. Towards a physical understanding of their photometric properties 14: 767-780 30: Astronomy and Astrophysics 31: 379 32: 3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: Dec. <2001> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: gal xias 87: agrupamentos de gal ticos 87: gal xias el¡pticas 87: gravita‡Æo 87: equipamento de medir distƒncia 88: galaxies 88: galatic clusters 88: elliptical galaxies 88: gravitation 88: distance measuring equipament 83: In the present paper, we show that elliptical galaxies (Es)obey a scaling relation between potential energy and mass. Since they are relaxed systems in a post violent-relaxation stage, they are quasi-equilibrium gravitational systems and therefore they also have a quasi-constant specific entropy. Assuming that light traces mass, these two laws imply that in the space defined by the three Sersic law parameters (intensity Sigma (0), scale a and shape v), elliptical galaxies are distributed on two intersecting 2-manifolds: the Entropic Surface and the Energy-Mass Surface. Using a sample of 132 galaxies belonging to three nearby clusters, we have verified that ellipticals indeed follow these laws. This also implies that they are distributed along the intersection line (the Energy-Entropy line), thus they constitute a one-parameter family. These two physical laws (separately or combined), allow to find the theoretical origin of several observed photometrical relations, such as the correlation between absolute magnitude and effective surface brightness, and the fact that ellipticals are located on a surface in the [log Reff, -2:5 log Sigma (0); log v]space. The fact that elliptical galaxies are a one-parameter family has important implications for cosmology and galaxy formation and evolution models. Moreover, the Energy-Entropy line could be used as a distance indicator MFN: 9856 1: SID/SCD 2: 8904 3: INPE-9804-PRE/4613 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Marquez, I 10: Neto, G. B. L. 10: Capelato, Hugo Vicente 10: Durret, F 10: Gerbal, D 10: Lanzoni, B 12: Two physical laws for elliptical galaxies: Photometrical consequences 14: 481- 30: ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE 31: 277 32: Suppl.1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA MFN: 9857 1: SID/SCD 2: 8904 3: INPE-9804-PRE/4613 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Sodre Jr., L. 10: Proust, D. 10: Capelato, Hugo Vicente 10: Lima Neto, G.B.L. 10: Cuevas, H. 10: Quintana, H. 10: Fouque, P. 12: The cluster of galaxies Abell 970 14: 428-441 30: Astronomy and Astrophysics 31: 377 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: Oct. <2001> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: gal xias 87: agrupamentos gal ticos 87: distƒncia 87: raio x 87: desvio para o vermelho 88: galaxies 88: galatic clusters 88: distance 88: x rays 83: We present a dynamical analysis of the galaxy cluster Abell 970 based on a new set of radial velocities measured at ESO, Pic du Midi and Haute-Provence observatories. Our analysis indicates that this cluster has a substructure and is out of dynamical equilibrium. This conclusion is also supported by differences in the positions of the peaks of the surface density distribution and X-ray emission, as well as by the evidence of a large-scale velocity gradient in the cluster. We also found a discrepancy between the masses inferred with the virial theorem and those inferred with the X-ray mission, which is expected if the galaxies and the gas inside the cluster are not in hydrostatic equilibrium. Abell 970 has a modest cooling flow, as is expected if it is out of equilibrium. We propose that cooling flows may have an intermittent behaviour, with phases of massive cooling flows being followed by phases without significant cooling flows after the accretion of a galaxy group massive enough to disrupt the dynamical equilibrium in the centre of the clusters. A massive cooling flow will be established again, after a new equilibrium is achieved MFN: 9858 1: SID/SCD 2: 8906 3: INPE-9806-PRE/4615 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Gerbal, D 10: Capelato, Hugo Vicente 10: Durret, F 10: Lima Neto, G. B. L. 10: Marquez, I 12: Some new observed properties of elliptical galaxies 14: 861-868 30: ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE 31: 276 32: 2-4 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: propriedades 87: gal ticas el¡pticas 87: entropia 88: profiles 88: perfis 88: elliptical galaxies 88: entropy 83: We suggest that elliptical galaxies, as stellar systems in a stage of quasi-equilibrium, may have a specific entropy. We use the Sersic law to describe the light profile. The specific entropy (the Boltzmann-Gibbs definition)is then calculated assuming that the galaxy behaves as a spherical, isotropic, one-component system. We predict a relation between the three parameters of the Sersic law linked to the specific entropy, defining a surface in the parameter space, an `entropic plane'. We have analysed a sample of simulated merging elliptical galaxies (virtual)and a sample of galaxies belonging to the Coma Cluster (real). Both virtual and real galaxies are: 1)located in their own entropic plane' and 2)in this plane, they are located on a straight line, indicating constant entropy: another physical property. A careful examination of the value of the specific entropy indicates a very small increase in the specific entropy with the generation after merging (virtual sample). Although one cannot distinguish between various generations for real galaxies, the distribution of specific entropy in this sample is very similar to that in the virtual sample MFN: 9859 1: SID/SCD 2: 8907 3: INPE-9807-PRE/4616 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Dantas, Christiane Cordula 10: Ribeiro, Andr‚ Luis Batista 10: Capelato, Hugo Vicente 10: Carvalho, R. R. de 12: The two-component virial theorem and the physical properties of stellar systems 14: L5-L8 30: Astrophysical Journal 31: 528 32: 1 Part 2 40: En 41: en 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: Jan. <2000> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: cosmologia 87: teorias 87: mat‚ria escura 87: gal xias el¡pticas 87: dinƒmicas 87: gal xia 87: cin‚tica 88: cosmology 88: theories 88: dark matter 88: galaxies 88: elliptical galaxies 88: dynamics 88: galaxy 88: kinematics 83: Motivated by present indirect evidence that galaxies are surrounded by dark matter halos, we investigate whether their physical properties can be described by a formulation of the virial theorem that explicitly takes into account the gravitational potential term representing the interaction of the dark halo with the baryonic or luminous component. Our analysis shows that the application of such a "two-component virial theorem" not only accounts for the scaling relations displayed by, in particular, elliptical galaxies, but also for the observed properties of all virialized stellar systems, ranging from globular clusters to galaxy clusters MFN: 9861 1: SID/SCD 2: 8900 3: INPE-9800-PRE/4609 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Sawant, Hanumant Shankar 10: Subramanian, K.R. 10: Ldke, Everton 10: Sobral, Jos‚ Humberto Andrade 10: Swarup, G. 10: Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha 10: Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto 10: Ginzalez-Alarcan, Walter Demetrio 10: Cecatto, Jos‚ Roberto 12: Brazilian Decimetric Array 14: 1809-1812 30: Advances Space Research 31: 25 32: 3 58: DAS 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: espectroheliogr ficos 87: emissÆo de radio 87: flaares solares 87: tempestades magn‚ticas 87: explosäes radio 87: antenas parab¢licas 87: predi‡Æo 88: spectroheligraps 88: radio emission 88: solar flares 88: magnetic storms 88: radio bursts 88: parabolic antennas 88: predictions 83: A radio heliograph operating in the frequency range of 1200-1700 MHz is planned by INPE, Brazil, for investigations of time evolution of active regions, which will lead to better understanding of the physics of the flares energy release and particle acceleration, in order to suggest better criteria for the prediction of solar flares, Coronal Mass Ejections (CME), and solar terrestrial relations, such as geomagnetic storms and radio blackouts. In the first phase, the Brazilian Decimetric Array (BDA)will be a T shaped array 256 m by 144 m, consisting of 26 parabolic dish antennas of 4 m diameter. This array will produce full disk images of the sun with a spatial resolution of 3 by 5 are minutes at 1420 MHz with a time resolution of 100 ms and sensitivity of similar to 10 Jy. In the second phase, in addition to the compact T array there will be 6 more 7 m diameter antennas on an East-West baseline of 2560 m to obtain higher spatial resolution and better sensitivity. Thus, finally this radioheliograph will have wide field of view and couple of arcsec spatial resolution and high time resolution (100 ms) MFN: 9863 1: SID/SCD 2: 8856 3: INPE-8856-TDI/804 4: COMP 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Souza, Arley Ferreira de 18: Esqueletos 8-isotr¢picos 20: 93 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: > 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Leila Maria Garcia Fonseca; Gerald Jean Francis Banon (orientador); JoÆo Ricardo de Freitas Oliveira; Luciano da Fontoura Costa 58: SPG 59: CAP 62: INPE 64: fev. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: COMPUTA€ÇO APLICADA 87: esqueleto 87: algoritmos 87: processamento digital de imagens 87: dilata‡Æo 87: erosÆo 87: mathematics 87: morphology 87: dilation 87: skeleton 88: algorithms 88: isotropy 88: mathematical morphology 88: image processing 88: stretching 88: erosion 83: Neste trabalho, dois novos algoritmos de esqueletiza‡Æo sÆo apresentados. Um ‚ seqencial e o outro paralelo, ambos constituindo o mesmo processo de esqueletiza‡Æo que possui todas as propriedades desej veis, inclusive a 8-isotropia. A isotropia ‚ baseada em algumas propriedades originais dos subconjuntos abertos que sÆo resultados de uma expansÆo por dilata‡Æo. Os algoritmos sugeridos consistem em t‚cnicas eficientes e de f cil implementa‡Æo. ABSTRACT: In this work, two new skeletonization algorithms are presented. One is sequential and the other is parallel, both consisting of the same skeletonization process which has all required properties, including the 8-isotropy. The isotropy is based on some original properties of open sets which are the result of an expansion by dilation. The suggested algorithms consist of efficient and easy implementation techniques 91: FDB-20020603 92: FDB-MLR 102: 103: homepage.pdf MFN: 9864 1: SID/SCD 2: 8761 3: INPE-8761-TDI/801 4: COMP 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Silva, Alexandre Magno Gonzaga da 18: Sistema de simula‡Æo acelerado para an lise de fluxo de tr fego a‚reo 19: Accelerated simulation system for air trafic flow analysis 21: 250 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Solon Venƒncio de Carvalho; Tatuo Nakaniski (orientador); JoÆo Bosco Schumann Cunha (orientador); Germano de Souza Kienbaun; Marco Antonio Fumagalli 58: PG 59: CAP 62: INPE 64: abr. <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: COMPUTA€ÇO APLICADA 87: simula‡Æo computadorizada 87: simula‡Æo de v“o 87: sistema de simula‡Æo por computador 87: simuladores 87: sistemas de simula‡Æo 88: computerized simulation 88: flight simulation 88: computer systems simulation 88: simulators 88: systems simulation 83: Esta disserta‡Æo tem por objetivo descrever um sistema de software denominado Sistema de Simula‡Æo Acelerado para An lise de Fluxo de Tr fego A‚reo, desenvolvido com o prop¢sito de prover informa‡äes sobre a demanda futura de tr fego no espa‡o a‚reo e nos aer¢dromos nacionais aos gerentes do Gerenciamento de Fluxo de Tr fego A‚reo (ATFM), de modo a permitir aos mesmos identificar, por antecipa‡Æo, a ocorrˆncia de extrapola‡Æo da capacidade dos respectivos setores de controle de tr fego a‚reo, num determinado per¡odo, em um determinado dia. Este trabalho cont‚m a descri‡Æo da atividade de Gerenciamento de Fluxo de Tr fego A‚reo (ATFM)no contexto mais amplo que ‚ o Gerenciamento de Tr fego A‚reo (ATM), para situar o problema que foi resolvido pelo Sistema de Simula‡Æo Acelerado para An lise de Fluxo de Tr fego A‚reo desenvolvido neste trabalho. Espera-se que este trabalho possa contribuir para dotar os gerentes ATFM brasileiros de uma ferramenta efetiva de suporte … decisÆo no processo de an lise, avalia‡Æo e solu‡Æo dos problemas relacionados ao bin“mio Capacidade vs. Demanda de Tr fego A‚reo, no contexto do futuro Sistema de Gerenciamento de Fluxo de Tr fego A‚reo do Brasil. ABSTRACT: This dissertation has for objective to describe a software system entitled "Accelerated Simulation System for Air Traffic Flow Analysis". Such system was developed with the purpose of providing information about air traffic future demand in the national airspace and airports for the Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM)managers, in order to make possible them to identify, by anticipation, the occurrence of capacity overflowing in the respective air traffic control sectors, in a given period, in a given day. This work contains the description of Air Traffic Flow Management (ATFM)activity, in the context ampler that it is the Air Traffic Management (ATM), to point out the problem that was decided by the Accelerated Simulation System for Air Traffic Flow Analysis developed in this work. It is hoped this work can contribute to provide the Brazilian ATFM managers with an effective decision support tool in the process of analysis, evaluation and solution of the problems related to the Air Traffic Capacity versus Demand, in the context of the future Brazilian Air Traffic Flow Management System 91: FDB-20010603 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9865 1: SID/SCD 2: 8752 3: INPE-8752-TDI/795 4: COMP 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Arai, Nanci Naomi 18: Simula‡Æo num‚rica bidimensional de crescimento de ligas bin rias utilizando processamento paralelo 19: Bidimensional numerical simulation of growth of binary alloys using parallel processing 20: 116 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Airam J“natas Preto 58: Stephan Stephany (orientador) 58: Maur¡cio Fabbri (orientador) 58: Antonio Carlos Hernandes 58: PG 59: CAP 62: INPE 64: fev. <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: COMPUTA€ÇO APLICADA 87: solidifica‡Æo direcional 87: m‚todo de Bridgman 87: ligas bin rias 87: modelos matem ticos 87: testes de desempenho 87: processamento paralelo 88: directional solidification 88: Bridgman method 88: binary alloys 88: mathematical models 88: performance tests 88: parallel processing 83: A solidifica‡Æo direcionada de ligas semicondutoras ‚ uma das t‚cnicas mais utilizadas para a obten‡Æo de substratos cristalinos de alta qualidade, constituindo um prot¢tipo de estudo de fen“menos de transporte macrosc¢picos envolvendo o acoplamento das equa‡äes de conserva‡Æo de massa, momento e energia. As propriedades cristalinas do material obtido dependem fundamentalmente da morfologia e estabilidade da interface s¢lido-l¡quido durante o crescimento. O m‚todo num‚rico proposto resolve essas equa‡äes de transporte atrav‚s da discretiza‡Æo por volumes de controle com acompanhamento da interface, e permite operar com propriedades do material e condi‡äes de contorno vari veis, incorporando detalhes do diagrama de fases da liga. Foram realizadas simula‡äes bidimensionais de crescimento de ligas bin rias utilizando malha fixa, as quais demandam processamento de alto desempenho, devido …s altas resolu‡äes temporal e espacial envolvidas. Isso levou a utilizar uma m quina multiprocessada e um multicomputador composto por 2 microcomputadores ligados em rede executando programas compilados em High Performance Fortran (HPF). ABSTRACT: The directional solidification of semiconductor alloys is an usual technique for the attainment of a high quality crystalline substratum. This technique is a prototype for the study of macrocospic transport phenomena and involves the coupling of the conservation equations for mass, moment and energy. The crystalline properties of the alloy depend basically on the morphology and stability of the solid-liquid interface during growth. The proposed numerical method solves these transport equations by discretization in control volumes with tracking of the interface. It allows for materials with variable properties and boundary conditions, and to include details of the alloy phase diagram. Two-dimensional, fixed-mesh simulations of binary alloy growth have been carried out. Due to the high spatial and temporal resolutions, these simulations were run on a multiprocessed machine and on a multicomputer composed by a cluster of two microcomputers. The programs were compiled in High Performance Fortran (HPF) 91: FDB-20010603 92: FDB-MLR 102: 103: homepage.pdf MFN: 9866 1: SID/SCD 2: 8762 3: INPE-8762-TDI/802 4: ETES 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Sousa, Jos‚ Antonio Figueiredo de 18: Otimiza‡Æo do peso de uma grande estrutura espacial em ¢rbita baixa da terra com restri‡Æo na frequˆncia fundamental de vibra‡Æo 19: Structural optimization of a large space structure in earth low orbit with natural frequency constraint 20: 148 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Prado; Ijar Milagre da Fonseca (orientador); M rio C‚sar Ricci; Antonio Geloneze Neto 58: PG 59: CMC 62: INPE 64: out. <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: otimiza‡Æo 87: auto valores 87: auto vetores 87: frequˆncias naturais 87: frequˆncia ressonantes 87: frequˆncias vibracionais (estruturais) 88: optimization 88: eigenvectors 88: eigenvalues 88: resonant frequencies 88: vibrational frequencies 83: O crescente desenvolvimento das pesquisas espaciais, em particular a constru‡Æo da Esta‡Æo Espacial Internacional, que pode ser descrita como uma grande estrutura e que devido a sua aplica‡Æo espacial deve ter um peso/massa estrutural reduzido, ‚ o grande motivador deste trabalho. Este assunto pertence ao contexto da otimiza‡Æo estrutural. O trabalho apresenta um modelamento matem tico obtido pelo uso do m‚todo de elementos finitos e pelo uso da abordagem Lagrangiana considerando as caracter¡sticas de corpo r¡gido e a respectiva flexibilidade da estrutura, que ‚ otimizada visando a obten‡Æo do peso/massa estrutural m¡nimo, respeitando a restri‡Æo de v¡nculo na sua freqˆncia fundamental de vibra‡Æo e a restri‡Æo lateral de  rea da se‡Æo transversal. O m‚todo utilizado para a otimiza‡Æo ‚ o denominado M‚todo Seqencial, que consiste em transformar um problema de otimiza‡Æo com restri‡äes/v¡nculos em uma s‚rie de problemas de otimiza‡Æo sem restri‡äes/v¡nculos, sendo que ‚ atribu¡da uma penalidade para evitar a viola‡Æo da restri‡Æo.  obtida uma estrutura otimizada cuja se‡Æo transversal ‚ vari vel, uma se‡Æo ‚ obtida para cada elemento considerado, por‚m a simetria da estrutura ‚ respeitada. A metodologia adotada para o modelamento matem tico da estrutura, bem como o procedimento de otimiza‡Æo, permite que os conceitos apresentados possam ser utilizados para aplica‡äes baseadas em Terra; em particular para aplica‡äes em sistemas mecatr“nicos, onde grandes velocidades e grande precisÆo de posicionamento sÆo necess rios. Os resultados obtidos mostram uma efetiva redu‡Æo no peso/massa estrutural e a metodologia pode, tamb‚m, ser estendida para um processo de otimiza‡Æo integrada entre estrutura e controle. ABSTRACT: The great space research development, specially in the International Space Station (ISS)project, that can be seen as a Large Space Structure (LSS)that ought to have the minimum weight design, is the main motivation for this present research. This subject belong to the structural optimization context. In this research the mathematical model was obtained by the application of the Finite Element Method with the Lagrangian approach and keeping in both the rigid and the flexibility structural properties. The model was optimized, to get the minimum weight with natural frequency and side bound constraints on the design variables (it means, the cross-sectional area).The optimization method used is called Sequential Method. This method compute a constrained optimization problem as a set of sequential unconstrained optimization problems, and provide some penalty to limit constraint violation. The optimized structure obtained, has variable cross-sectional areas, by each elements, but the structural symmetry is maintained. Mathematical modeling methodology, as well as the optimization procedure, can be used for Earth based structures; in particularly for mechatronic applications where high velocities and accuracy of position are required. Reduction of structural weight was obtained and this methodology can be also extended to an Integrated Structural/Control Optimization process 91: FDB-20010603 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9869 1: SID/SCD 2: 8758 3: INPE-8758-TDI/799 4: CEA 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Guedes, Dailton Gilberto 18: An lise de curvas de corrente de relƒmpagos em Torres 19: Analysis of currents waveforms of lightning in Towers 20: 123 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Maria Virg¡nia Alves; Osmar Pinto Jr.; (orientador); Marcelo MagalhÆes Fares Saba(orientador); Nelson Veissid; Silv‚rio Visacro Filho 58: PG 59: GES 62: INPE 64: fev. <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: relƒmpagos 87: torres 87: corrente el‚trica 87: formas de ondas 87: an lises 88: lightning 88: towers 88: elctric current 88: waveforms 88: analysis 83: Esta disserta‡Æo faz uma an lise morfol¢gica e estat¡stica das curvas de corrente de descarga de retorno de todos os tipos de relƒmpagos, positivos ou negativos envolvendo as torres instaladas na Su¡‡a, µfrica do Sul, JapÆo e Brasil. Em parte os dados utilizados neste relat¢rio foram obtidos atrav‚s de compila‡Æo na literatura especializada e em seguida digitalizados, porem os dados mais importantes sÆo originais da esta‡Æo do Cachimbo da CEMIG em Minas Gerais. Nossos resultados nos levaram a identificar e nomear um novo tipo de relƒmpago positivo muito discutido por ser portador das mais altas correntes de descarga. Tamb‚m nossos resultados confirmaram algumas tendˆncias quanto ao comportamento dos relƒmpagos em baixas latitudes, como amplitude m xima das descargas de retorno e subseqentes, multiplicidade e tempos caracter¡sticos. ABSTRACT: This dissertation makes a morphological and statistical analyses of return stroke current waveforms of positive and negative, downward and upward lightning from some of most important towers located in the Switzerland, Japan, South Africa and Brazil. In part, the data utilized in this report were compiled from relevant literature. On the other hand, the most important data are originally acquired from the "Morro do Cachimbo Station" located in Minas Gerais - Brazil a lightning research station built for CEMIG at 1985. Our results indicate a new type of positive lightning with different properties, including its normally higher intensity. Our results also allowed confirming some tendencies with respect to the behavior of lightning in low latitudes, as larger amplitude of the return strokes, larger multiplicity and characteristic times. 91: FDB-20010603 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9881 1: SID/SCD 2: 8939 3: INPE-8939-PRE/4641 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Batista, Inez Staciarini 10: Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali 10: MacDougall, J. 10: Souza, Jonas Rodrigues de 12: Long term trends in the frequency of occurrence of the F3 layer over Fortaleza, Brazil 14: 1409-1412 30: Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics 31: 64 32: 12-14 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: Aug.-Sep. <2002> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 87: ionosfericas 87: atividade solar 87: regiÆo F 87: camadas 88: ionospherics 88: solar ativity 88: F region 88: layers 88: magnetic equator 83: Recent studies using model calculation and ionospheric observations have revealed the existence of an additional layer in the topside equatorial ionosphere, the F3 layer. The observations using bottomside ionograms from locations close to the magnetic equator in Brazilian region have shown that the occurrence of the layer is very high from December to February (local summer)and from June to August (local winter). In fact, for the year 1995 the occurrence of the F3 layer is >75 percent during the months of January, February and December, and it is >65 percent for the period of June, July and August (Geofisica Int. 39 (2000)57). In this work, we use 25 years of data for the months of January and August to investigate how the layer occurrence varies with the magnetic dip angle and solar activity 91: FDB-20020912 MFN: 9882 1: SID/SCD 2: 8940 3: INPE-8940-PRE/4642 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Batista, Paulo Prado 10: Clemesha, Barclay Robert 10: Simonich, Dale Martin 10: Taylorb, Michael J. 10: Takahashi, Hisao 10: Gobbi, Delano 10: Batista, Inez Staciarini 10: Buriti, Ricardo A. 10: Medeiros, Amauri Fragoso de 12: Simultaneous lidar observation of a sporadic sodium layer, a "wall" event in the OH and OI5577 airglow images and the meteor 14: 1327-1335 30: Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics 31: 64 32: 12-14 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: Aug.-Sep. <2002> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 87: aeroluminescˆncia 87: imagens 87: radar ¢ptico 87: aeroluminescˆncia naturna 88: airglow 88: images 88: optical radar (Lidar) 88: nughtglow 83: Rare and sporadic events, caused by unusual conditions in the MLT region may occur such as the sporadic metal layers, observed by lidars, and the more recently detected sharp front in the nightglow emissions imaged with CCD all sky cameras. Few events of this latter kind have been reported in the literature and no simultaneous occurrence of both. In this work, we report the observation of a sporadic sodium layer measured by lidar in SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos, Brazil (22.5øS, 46øW)on the night of July 13-14, 1999 which was followed by a rare "wall" event observed at Cachoeira Paulista (CP)(23øS, 45øW)in the OH NIR and OI5577 by a CCD imager, and zenith tilting filter photometers. The wind field was also observed by a SkiYmet meteor radar system also operated at CP. At around 23:45 the sodium layer had an abrupt change in its shape. At the same time unusual situation also had occurred in the airglow data taken in CP both with the imager and with the zenith photometer. A sequence of all sky images for the OI557.7 nm and OH NIR showed very clear lines dividing the sky into bright and dark areas, with the first propagating from the NE to SW at 70 m/s and the second propagating to NNE. Zenith photometer also showed a rapid decrease of the OH(6,2)intensity at around 23:45 and a very large increase in the rotational temperature of O2(0,1)(at 94 km)from 23:00 to 24:00 (40 K). The meridional and zonal wind structure measured by the meteorradar in CP showed that from 21:00 to 01:00 a wind shear was present both in the meridional and zonal winds with the phase propagating from 97 to 80 km during this time which were very well correlated with the vertical displacement of the sporadic peak. Large-amplitude gravity wave was also detected. The temperature enhancement above 90 km could be responsible for the sodium density increase and also for the set up of the conditions for the airglow events 91: FDB-20020912 MFN: 9883 1: SID/SCD 2: 8941 3: INPE-8941-PRE/4643 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Clemesha, Barclay Robert 10: Batista, Paulo Prado 10: Simonich, Dale Martin 12: Tide-induced oscillations in the atmospheric sodium layer 14: 1321-1325 30: Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics 31: 64 32: 12-14 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: Aug.-Sep. <2002> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 87: radar ¢ptico 87: f¡sica da atmosfera 87: correntes atmosf‚ricas 87: medi‡äes 88: atmospheric tides 88: optical radar 88: atmospheric physics 88: measurements 83: Lidar observations 24 h of the vertical distribution of sodium in the upper atmosphere have been made at various locations. Early measurements at SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos (23øW,46øW)showed strong diurnal and semidiurnal components in the sodium profile, and Batista et al. (J. Geophys. Res. 90 (1985)3881)interpreted these variations as being the result of tidal modulation of the sodium distribution. In a more recent analysis of measurements made at Urbana, Illinois (40øN,88øW)States and Gardner (J. Geophys. Res. 104 (1999)11783)concluded that the variations observed by them were not related to tides, but were the result of solar zenith angle driven changes in photo- and ion chemistry. In this paper, we present simultaneous measurements of meteor winds and sodium density in the 80î110 km region. It is shown that the observed vertical oscillations in the sodium isopleths are closely correlated with the meridional winds, confirming our earlier conclusion that the sodium density oscillations are driven by the solar diurnal and semidiurnal tides 91: FDB-20020912 MFN: 9884 1: SID/SCD 2: 8942 3: INPE-8942-PRE/4644 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali 10: Denardini, C.M. 10: Sobral, Jos‚ Humberto Andrade 10: Batista, Inez Staciarini 10: Muralikrishna, Polinaya 10: Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de 12: Equatorial electrojet irregularities investigations using a 50 MHz back-scatter radar and a digisonde at SÆo Lu¡s: some initial results 14: 1425-1434 30: Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics 31: 64 32: 12-14 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: Aug.-Sep. <2002> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 87: eletrojato 87: equatorial 87: irregularidades 87: investiga‡Æo 87: regiÆo E 87: regiÆo F 87: eletrodinƒmicas 88: equatorial electrojet 88: irregularities 88: investigation 88: E region 88: F region 88: electrodynamics 83: A new 50 MHz coherent back-scatter radar has recently become operational at the Equatorial Space Observatory of INPE at SÆo Lu¡s (2.33øS, 44.2øW, dip: -0.5ø), in Brazil, located close to the center of the equatorial electrojet. Preliminary results from a 12-day campaign in December 1999 involving this radar and a nearby digisonde are presented in this paper. The rangeîtimeîintensity (RTI)maps of electrojet irregularities show short-period (5 min or larger)fluctuations and significant day-to-day variability. A notable characteristic is the midday descent in the altitude of the RTI pattern observed on some days when the dominant Doppler spectra are of type-2. This feature is similar to the diurnal variation of the base height of the q-type sporadic-E-layer (h'Es-q)simultaneously observed by the digisonde. Quasi-periodic fluctuations in the RTI and type-1 and type-2 spectral intensities seem to indicate electric field modulation from winds associated with typical gravity wave periods. Large surges in the westward irregularity drift velocity, presenting a higher velocity tail to the Doppler spectral distribution, is observed at sunset concurrent with the evening F-layer vertical uplift as observed by the digisonde. Some implications of these results on the E- and F-region electrodynamics are discussed 91: FDB-20020912 MFN: 9903 1: SID/SCD 2: 8877 3: INPE-8877-TDI/807 4: CEA 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Costa, Cesar Augusto 18: Modelagem matem tica do comportamento mecƒnico do detector de ondas gravitacionais "Mario Schenberg" 19: A mathematical model for the mechanical behavior of Mario Schenberg gravitational wave detector 20: 129 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 51: Mestre 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 58: Banca: Cl udia Vilega Rodrigues; Odylio Denys de Aguiar (orientador); Nadja SimÆo MagalhÆes; Jos‚ Carlos Neves de Araujo; Carlos Alexandre Wuensche de Souza; Rubens de Melo Marinho 58: SPG 59: AST 62: INPE 64: fev. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: TDI 90: b 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: ondas de gravidade 87: detec‡Æo 87: excita‡Æo por ondas 87: relatividade 88: gravity waves 88: detection 88: astrophysics 88: wave excitation 88: relativity 83: O objetivo principal deste trabalho ‚ modelar matematicamente o comportamento mecƒnico do detector de ondas gravitacionais Mario Schenberg. SÆo estudados os parƒmetros f¡sicos que afetam este comportamento. O modelo prevˆ as frequˆncias de ressonƒncia do sistema, quando sÆo acoplados ressonadores mecƒnicos unidimensionais de dois modos, obedecendo a configura‡Æo sugerida por Johnson e Merkowitz. Prevˆ, tamb‚m, como o sistema se comporta frente a um trem de onda gravitacional senoidal. Uma estimativa da contribui‡Æo das fontes de ru¡dos ao movimento do sistema ‚ apresentada, bem como, a equa‡Æo apropriada para seu c lculo. O trabalho apresenta, tamb‚m, uma revisÆo dos aspectos que envolvem a radia‡Æo gravitacional, sua gera‡Æo por fontes astrof¡sicas e sua detec‡Æo. Abstract: The main goal of this work is to mathematically model the mechanical behavior of the Mario Schenberg detector. The physical parameters that affect this behavior are studies. The model gives the ressonance frequencies of the systm when two-model mechanical resonators are coupled, following the arrangement suggested by Johnson and Merkowitz. It is also calculated how the system behaves under a gravitational sinewave quadrupolar force. An estimate of the noise sources contribution to the system movement is presented, as well as the equation for its calculation. This work also gives a short review on gravitacional radiation, its generation by astrophysical sources and its detection 91: FDB-20020629 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9904 1: SID/SCD 2: 8859 3: INPE-8859-TDI/806 4: ETES 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Pina, Samanta Rafaela de Omena 18: Processamento de comp¢sitos C-SiCxOy via pir¢lise polim‚rica para aplica‡äes termo estruturais 19: Processing of SICxOy composites by polymeric pyrolysis to thermo-structural applications 20: 203 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 51: Mestre 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 58: Banca:Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Prado; Luiz Cl udio Pardini (Orientador); Inez Val‚ria Pagoto Yoshida; Jos‚ C‚lio Dias 58: SPG 59: CMC 62: INPE 64: jul.. <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: TDI 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: comp¢sitos de matriz cerƒmica 87: fibras de carbono 87: propriedades mecƒnicas 87: propriedades el sticas 87: medida de vibra‡Æo 87: pir¢lise 88: ceramic matrix composites 88: pyrolysis 88: carbon fibrs 88: mechanical properties 88: elastic properties 88: vibration measurement 83: Comp¢sitos sÆo materiais de engenharia heterogˆneos, constitu¡dos de um ou mais tipos de refor‡o, com orienta‡Æo definida ou nÆo dispersos em uma matriz que tanto pode ser cerƒmica, met lica ou polim‚rica. A combina‡Æo adequada destes materiais permite que as propriedades intr¡nsecas de cada um dos componentes contribuam na forma‡Æo de um novo material cujo conjunto de caracter¡sticas sÆo ajustados e superiores a cada um dos componentes individuais. Os comp¢sitos podem ser divididos em: a)de aplica‡äes baixas temperaturas (< 300 §C), constitu¡dos pelos comp¢sitos polim‚ricos e, b)de aplica‡äes a altas temperaturas (>1000 §C), constitu¡dos pelos comp¢sitos com matrizes cerƒmica e met lica. Os comp¢sitos formados a partir de matriz cerƒmica podem ser processados essencialmente por dois m‚todos: 1)fase l¡quida, como por exemplo pir¢lise polim‚rica; 2)fase gasosa, como por exemplo infiltra‡Æo qu¡mica em fase gasosa (CVI). O presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal obter um comp¢sito a partir de fibras de carbono e uma matriz cerƒmica … base de carbeto de sil¡cio (SiC), utilizando precursores polim‚ricos como materiais de partida. Essa rota tem se mostrado promissora devido … facilidade de processamento. Os materiais obtidos foram caracterizados por microscopia e ensaios dinƒmico-mecƒnicos que se mostraram de extrema utilidade na caracteriza‡Æo do material durante as etapas de processamento. Foi obtido um comp¢sito C/SiC com massa espec¡fica de 1, 70 g/cm3, resistˆncia … flexÆo de 57 MPa e m¢dulo em flexÆo de 24 GPa. Medidas de propriedades dinƒmico-mecƒnicas tamb‚m foram realizadas em comp¢sitos carbono refor‡ado com fibras de carbono (CRFC)e os resultados obtidos mostraram correla‡Æo com o tipo de fibra de carbono utilizada na manufatura dos mesmos, com a fra‡Æo volum‚trica de fibras e com a temperatura de tratamento t‚rmico final. Abstract: Composites are heterogeneous materials made by one or more types of reinforcements, disposed or not in a definied direction, which is dispersed in a ceramic, metallic or polymeric matrix. The combination of these materials permits that the intrinsic properties from each one of the components contribute in the formation of a new material having characteristics adjusted and superior to each one of the individual components. The composites can be divided in: a)low application temperatures (< 300 §C), e. g. polymeric composites and, b)high application temperaturs (>1000 §C), mainly composites having ceramic and mettalic matrices. The composites made by using ceramic matrices can be processed essentially by two methods: 1)Liquid phase, as example polymer pyrolyse; 2)Gaseous phase, as example chemical vapour infiltration (CVI). The present work has a main objective the obtaintion of a composite starting from carbon fibres and a silicon carbide-based ceramic matrix (SiC)using a polymer precursors as a starting material. This processing route seems to be promising due to easy processing. The mateials obtained in this work were characterized by microscopy and dynamic-mechanical testing, which have been proved of usefulness to the characterization of the material during the processing steps. A C/SiC composite having bulk density of 1,70 g/cm3, flexural strength of 57 MPa, and flexural modulus of 24 GPa was obtained. Dynamic mechanical properties were also measured in carbon fibre reinforced carbon composites and the results showed correlation with the type of carbon fibre in their manufacture, with the fibre volume fraction and with the final heat temperature treatment 91: FDB-20000729 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9905 1: SID/SCD 2: 8914 3: INPE-8914-TDI/808 4: CEA 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Leonardi, Rodrigo 18: Produ‡Æo de mapas de anisotropia da radia‡Æo c¢smica de fundo em microondas utilizando um algoritmo gen‚rico 19: production of cosmic microwavebackground radiation anisotropy maps using a genetic algorithm 20: 130 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 51: Mestre 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 58: Banca: Francisco Jos‚ Jablonski; Newton de Figueiredo Filho (orientador); Carlos Alexandre Wuensche de Souza (orientador); Laerte Sodr‚ J£nior; M rcia Geimba Maia 58: SPG 59: AST 62: INPE 64: mar. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: TDI 90: b 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: radia‡Æo c¢smica 87: algoritmos gen‚ticos 87: anisotropia 87: cosmologia 87: an lise num‚rica 88: cosmic rays 88: genetic algorithms 88: anisotropy 88: cosmology 88: numerical analysis 88: astrophysics 83: Algoritmos gen‚ticos sÆo mecanismos de procura e otimiza‡Æo inspirados nos princ¡pios da sele‡Æo natural. Suas principais caracter¡sticas sÆo: codifica‡Æo de vari veis, teste simultƒneo de solu‡äes e utiliza‡Æo de operadores de procura aleat¢ria. O prop¢sito deste trabalho foi estudar a viabilidade do uso de algoritmos gen‚ticos na produ‡Æo de mapas de anisotropia da Radia‡Æo C¢smica de Fundo em Microondas (RCFM). O trabalho foi desenvolvido sob dois aspectos: 1)uma abordagem te¢rica, relativa ao entendimento de t‚cnicas tradicionais utilizadas na elabora‡Æo de mapas de anisotropia da RCFM; 2)uma abordagem t‚cnica espec¡fica ao desenvolvimento de um algoritmo gen‚tico para produ‡Æo dos referidos mapas. Esse algoritmo foi utilizado na an lise de simula‡äes de s‚ries temporais de dados de anisotropia da RCFM. As simula‡äes sÆo realizadas a partir de M medidas diferenciais da temperatura T, da radia‡Æo de fundo, proveniente de N regiäes do c‚u. Este trabalho apresenta mapas produzidos por esse algoritmo gen‚tico e avalia‡äes de seu desempenho durante o processo de produ‡Æo de mapas da RCFM. O coeficiente de correla‡Æo entre os dados de entrada e sa¡da foi utilizado na compara‡Æo do desempenho de uma t‚cnica tradicional, para elabora‡Æo de mapas de anisotropia da RCFM, com o desempenho da t‚cnica implementada neste trabalho. Abstract: Genetic algorithms are optimization and search techniques that incorporate the biological notion of evolution by means of natural selection. The main characteristics of these algorithms are variable encoding, intrinsic data parallel processing and random search operators. The aim of this work is to study the feasibility of applying genetic algorithms to the production of Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR)anisotropy maps. This work was developed in two complementary aspects: theoretical understanding of methods traditionally employed to produce CMBR maps and technical implementation of a genetic algorithm structure to generate these maps. A specific genetic algorithm was developed and applied to several CMBR time-ordered simulated data sets. The time-ordered data is a set of M temperature differences from N distinct regions in the sky. This work presents the maps generated by the genetic algorithm, as well as estimates of its performance to produce CMBR maps. The coefficient of correlation between input and output data was used to compare both the genetic algorithm and a traditional method for CMBR map making technique 91: FDB-20020629 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9907 1: SID/SCD 2: 8310 3: INPE-8310-TAE/52 4: FISMAT 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Vilela, Waldeir Amaral 18: Aplica‡Æo de um feixe de l¡tio otimizado de 2 - 5 ke V no diagn¢stico de plasma de baixa temperatura 20: 142 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 51: Mestre 52: Universidade Estadual Paulista " J£lio de Mesquita Filho" 58: LAP 62: UNESP 64: <2001> 66: Guaratinguet  68: TDI 90: b 76: FÖSICA DE PLASMA 87: diagn¢stico de plasma 87: feixe de l¡tio 87: medida de densidade de plasma 87: espectroscopia por emissÆo de feixe 88: plasma diagnostics 88: lithium 88: beams 88: density measurement 88: plasma density 88: spectroscopy 88: emission 83: A espectroscopia por emissÆo com base em um feixe de l¡tio neutralizado, monoenerg‚tico, tem-se destacado atualmente como uma t‚cnica de diagn¢stico de plasma de alta importƒncia e versatilidade em rela‡Æo a outros m‚todos tradicionais como sondas de Langmuir, pois nÆo interfere diretamente no plasma como a t‚cnica das sondas, que al‚m de causar perturba‡äes no plasma, pode injetar impurezas ao mesmo. Este m‚todo nÆo invasivo de sondagem de plasma, consiste em injetar um feixe de part¡culas neutras de l¡tio (Liø)e medir a emissÆo da linha 6708, decorrente do bombardeamento dos  tomos Liø do feixe pelos el‚trons do plasma e pelos  tomos no g s alvo que ‚ usado para a pr¢pria calibra‡Æo do feixe. Nesta disserta‡Æo de mestrado apresentamos a caracteriza‡Æo e otimiza‡Æo de um feixe de l¡tio (I“nico e neutralizado)de 2 a 5 keV, e os resultados de sua aplica‡Æo no diagn¢stico de um plasma de baixa temperatura. Apresentamos medidas da densidade deste plasma usado no estudo de implanta‡Æo i“nica tridimensional que ‚ gerado por descarga glow cont¡nuo. A principal dificuldade de aplica‡Æo da t‚cnica de feixe de part¡culas neutras de l¡tio neste tipo de experimento ‚ a rela‡Æo sinal/ru¡do quando se detecta a linha de emissÆo do feixe no plasma devido … sua baixa densidade. Por isso a otimiza‡Æo do feixe aplicado foi fundamental para se obter uma medida confiavel do sinal de emissÆo do feixe no plasma. A eficiˆncia da neutraliza‡Æo do feixe, o prolongamento do tempo de vida da fonte de l¡tio ou da carga do neutralizador, a densidade maximizada de corrente do feixe no ponto de medida, ou ainda a otimiza‡Æo do sistema ¢ptico puderam viabilizar a aplica‡Æo do diagn¢stico aqui apresentado ABSTRACT The beam emission spectroscopy based on a monoenergetic neutral lithium beam, has been considered recently as a highly important and versatile plasma diagnostics compared to other traditional methods as Langmuir probes, since it does not interfere with the plasma itself, as material probes which can cause perturbations and inject impurities to the plasma under measurement. This non-invasive method of plasma probing consists of injecting a beam of neutral lithium particles (Liø)and measure the 6708ø line emission, resulting from the excitation of Liø beam atoms by collisions with electrons from the plasma and with target gas atoms, the last one used for beam calibration. In this master degree dissertation, we present the characterization and optimization of the lithium beam (ionic and neutralized)of 2 to 5 keV, and results of its application to a low temperature plasma. We present the measurement of the density of this glow DC discharge plasma used for tridimensional ion implantation. The main difficulty for applying his technique of neutral lithium beam in such experiment is the low signal/noise ratio for detecting the beam emission due to the low density of the plasma. Therefore, the use of totally optimized beam was fundamental, to reach a truthful measurement of beam emission in the plasma. The high efficiency of the beam neutralization, the increase of the lithium source of neutralizer source lifetimes, the maximization of the beam current density at the measurement point, as well as the optimization of the optical system, made it possible the viabilization of the diagnostics by neutral lithium beam presented here. 91: FDB-20010729 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9908 1: SID/SCD 2: 8937 3: INPE-8937-PRP/230 4: FISPLASMA 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Ueda, M rio 18: Report of scientific visit to NIFS 20: 10 38: Relat¢rio da visita t‚cnico-cient¡fica ao National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS), Tokio, JapÆo 40: En 41: En 41: En 42: 58: LAP 59: FUSÇO 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: PRP 90: b 76: FÖSICA DE PLASMA 87: feixes neutros 87: diagn¢sticos do plasma 87: edge plasma diagnostic 88: neutral beams 88: toroidal plasmas 88: plasma diagnostics 83: Participation in the development of the Fast Neutral Lithium Beam (FNLB)probe and its application for the measurements of density and its fluctuation profiles in the edge and divertor regions of CHS plasma confinement device CHS (Compact Helical System)is a toroidal device of heliotron/torsatron type used for the study of plasmas for nuclear fusion research. It is a medium size device which is been used as a support machine for LHD (Large Helical Device), the largest helical device in the world and the main plasma machine under operation at NIFS, presently. One of the objectives of the present experiment of FNLB in CHS is the accomplishment of plasma diagnostics in the stochastic layers as well as of the separatrix region, in a two dimensional way. Therefore, the neutral beam source is provided with a system with sweeping angle capability, in order to cover adequately those regions of the plasma edge. The experimental set-up is shown in Fig. 1. A beam comprising of neutral lithium atoms with energies of 10- 15 kV and with equivalent currents of about 5O- 150 æ A is injected into the CHS plasma. The beam emission due to the bombardment of electrons from the plasma is then collected through the lens and the image of the emitting beam is analyzed with spatial resolution by using a fiber optic array, band pass filter (8 channels)and a optical spectrometer (1 channel), The photon emission profile along the beam is then obtained from which the plasma electron density profile is calculated. Also from the same photon emission data it is possible to obtain the local density fluctuation if the intensity of the beam is sufficiently high 91: FDB-20020629 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9910 1: SID/SCD 2: 8943 3: INPE-8943-PRP/231 4: FISPLASMA 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Andrade, Maria C‚lia Ramos de 16: Ferreira, J£lio GuimarÆes 16: Ludwig, Gerson Otto 18: Self-consistent calculation of electron temperature profile required to produce a given plasma current density profile in Tokamaks-part 1 20: 12 40: En 41: En 41: En 42: 58: LAP 59: FUSÇO 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: PRP 90: b 76: FÖSICA DE PLASMA 87: fusÆo 87: plasmas (f¡sica) 87: equil¡brio consistente 87: dispositivo tokomaque 87: metodologia 87: densidade da corrente 87: energia de el‚trons 87: condutividade neocl ssica 88: tokomak devices 88: plasmas (physics) 88: fusion 88: electron energy 88: methodology 88: current density 83: Este projeto de pesquisa compreende a formula‡Æo de um m‚todo para determina‡Æo do perfil de temperatura em tokamaks, compat¡vel com dados perfis de densidade de corrente e pressÆo do plasma. O perfil de temperatura ‚ obtido a partir de um c lculo auto-consistente de equil¡brio, onde a corrente de plasma ‚ constitu¡da das correntes “hmica, diamagn‚tica, Pfirsch-Schlter e corrente de bootstrap. Este m‚todo fornece uma ferramenta para estimar como aquecer o plasma, de acordo com poss¡veis perfis de pressÆo, para a obten‡Æo de um dado perfil de densidade de corrente. Os resultados aqui apresentados se referem ao Experimento Tokamak Esf‚rico, localizado do Laborat¢rio Associado de Plasma (LAP)do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)em SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos, SÆo Paulo 91: FDB-20020629 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9912 1: SID/SCD 2: 8485 3: INPE-8485-MAN/20 4: COMB 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Soares Neto, Tur¡bio Gomes 16: Jofre, Jorge Benedito Freire 18: An lise de ferro em hidrazina segundo a norma Mil-P-26536E 19: Iron analysis in hydrazine in agreement with the Mil-P-26536E norm 20: 25 38: 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: LCP 62: INPE 64: <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: MAN 90: b 76: COMBUSTÇO 87: cat lise 87: forma‡Æo de catalisadores 87: hidrazina 87: forma‡Æo de catalisadores 87: hidrazina 87: an lise 87: ferro 88: hydrazines 88: analyzing 88: iron 83: Este documento tem como principal objetivo estabelecer um procedimento padrÆo para an lise de ferro no propelente hidrazina (N2H4)utilizado nos propulsores a mono e bipropelentes desenvolvidos e/ou testados no Laborat¢rio Associado de CombustÆo e PropulsÆo (LCP/CES/INPE), a fim de se verificar sua conformidade com as especifica‡äes expressas na Norma MIL - P - 26536E editada em 27/09/97.ABSTRACT:The main objective of this document is to establish a standard procedure for iron concentration analysis in hydrazine propellant used in the monopropellant and bipropellant thrusters developed and/or tested in the Combustion and Propulsion Associated Laboratory (LCP/CES/INPE), in order to verify its accordance with the specifications of the MIL-P-26536E norm that was published in September 1997 91: FDB-20010729 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9913 1: SID/SCD 2: 8486 3: INPE-8486-MAN/21 4: COMB 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Soares Neto, Tur¡bio Gomes 16: Jofre, Jorge Benedito Freire 18: An lise de cloreto em hidrazina segundo a norma Mil-P-26536E 19: Cloride concentration analysis in hidrazine in agreement with the Mil-P-26536E norm 20: 23 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: LCP 62: INPE 64: <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: MAN 90: b 76: COMBUSTÇO 87: cat lise 87: forma‡Æo de catalisadores 87: hidrazina 87: forma‡Æo de catalisadores 87: hidrazina 87: an lise 87: cloreto 88: hydrazines 88: analyzing 88: chlorides 83: Este documento tem como principal objetivo estabelecer um procedimento padrÆo para an lise de cloreto no propelente hidrazina (N2H4)utilizada nos propulsores a mono e bipropelentes desenvolvidos e/ou testados no Laborat¢rio Associado de CombustÆo e PropulsÆo (LCP/CES/INPE), a fim de se verificar sua conformidade com as especifica‡äes expressas na Norma MIL - P - 26536E editada em 27/09/97. ABSTRACT: The main objective of this document is to establish a standard procedure for chloride concentration analysis in hydrazine propellant used in the monopropellant and bipropellant thrusters developed and/or tested in the Combustion and Propulsion Associated Laboratory (LCP/CES/INPE), in order to verify its accordance with the specifications of the MIL-P-26536E norm that was published in September 1997 91: FDB-20010629 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9914 1: SID/SCD 2: 8487 3: INPE-8487-MAN/22 4: COMB 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Soares Neto, Tur¡bio Gomes 16: Jofre, Jorge Benedito Freire 18: An lise da carga de particulados em hidrazina segundo a norma Mil-P26536E 19: Particulate charge analysis in hidrazine in a agreement with the Mil-P-26536E norm 20: 17 38: 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: LCP 62: INPE 64: <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: MAN 90: b 76: COMBUSTÇO 87: cat lise 87: forma‡Æo de catalisadores 87: hidrazina 87: an lise 87: particulados 87: propelentes 88: hydrazines 88: analyzing 88: propellants 88: particulates 83: Este documento tem como principal objetivo estabelecer um procedimento padrÆo para an lise da carga de particulados no propelente hidrazina (N2H4)utilizado nos propulsores a mono e bipropelentes desenvolvidos e/ou testados no Laborat¢rio Associado de CombustÆo e PropulsÆo (LCP/INPE), a fim de se verificar sua conformidade com as especifica‡äes expressas na Norma MIL - P - 26536E editada em 27/09/97. ABSTRACT:The main objective of this document is to establish a standard procedure for particulate charge analysis in hydrazine propellant used in the monopropellant and bipropellant thrusters developed and/or tested in the Combustion and Propulsion Associated Laboratory (LCP/CES/INPE), in order to verify its accordance with the specifications of the MIL-P-26536E norm that was published in September, 1997 91: FDB-20010729 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9918 1: SID/SCD 2: 8610 3: INPE-8610-PUD/109 4: MET 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Oliveira, Eni Alvim 18: Curso em Programa‡Æo em linguagem Fortran 77 20: 202 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: LMO 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: PUD 90: b 80: computer programming 80: FORTRAN 80: programa‡Æo em compuitador 83: Esta publica‡Æo cont‚ma reprodu‡Æo dos 228 diapositivos, gerados por meio do programa Microsoft PowerPoint, que constitu¡ram os dois cursos promovidos pelo INPE/CPTEC "Programa‡Æo em Linguagem Fortran 77, no ano de 2001. A linguagem FORTRAN surgiu na d‚cada de 1950 e continua sendo a mais utilizada no meio cient¡fico; ela permanece atual, haja visto os esfor‡os continuamente dispendidos na sua padroniza‡Æo e no acr‚scimo de novas funcionalidades. Ap¢s trˆs padroniza‡äes ANSI e uma padroniza‡Æo ANSI/ISO, o padrÆo FORTRAN 2000 encontra-se em constru‡Æo, demonstrando que a linguagem permanece em evolu‡Æo. Justifica-se o investimento no ensino e no aprendizado da linguagem FORTRAN 77 pelo seu uso intensivo no INPE, tanto nas atividades de pesquisa quanto nas de p¢s-gradua‡Æo 91: FDB-20020729 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9919 1: SID/SCD 2: 8926 3: INPE-8926-PUD/59 4: FISPLASMA 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Ludwig, Gerson Otto 16: Alves, Maria Virg¡nia 18: Questäes da prova escrita para concurso de pesquisador 20: 23 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: LAP 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: PUD 90: b 88: aerospace sciences 88: physics 88: ionospheric physics 88: geomagnetism 88: magnetospheres 88: atmospheric electricity 88: chemistry 88: upper atmosphere 88: lower atmosphere 88: middle atmosphere 83: SÆo listados os temas e as questäes que constitu¡ram a prova escrita de concurso p£blico para provimento de cargos vagos de Pesquisador, da Carreira de Pesquisa em Ciˆncia e Tecnologia, e lota‡Æo no Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE. As solu‡äes das questäes sÆo fornecidas no final do trabalho 91: FDB-20020729 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9920 1: SID/SCD 2: 8944 3: INPE-8944-MAN/24 4: COMB 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Soares Neto, Tur¡bio Gomes 16: Jofre, Jorge Benedito Freire 18: An lise da carga de particulados em tetr¢xido de nitrogˆnio segundo a norma Mil-P-26539C 19: Particulate charge analysis in nitrogen tetroxide in agreement with the Mil-P-26539C norm 20: 16 38: publica‡Æo interna 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: LCP 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: MAN 90: b 76: COMBUSTÇO 87: tetr¢xido de nitrogˆnio 87: an lise 87: particulados 87: propelentes 88: nitrogen tetroxide 88: analyzing 88: particulates 88: propellants 83: Este documento tem como principal objetivo estabelecer um procedimento padrÆo para an lise da carga de particulados no propelente tetr¢xido de nitrogˆnio (N204)utilizado nos propulsores bipropelentes desenvolvidos e/ou testados no Laborat¢rio Associado de CombustÆo e PropulsÆo (LCP/CES/INPE), a fim de se verificar sua conformidade com as espec¡fica‡äes expressas na Norma MIL - P - 26539C editada em 30/03/1970. ABSTRACT: The main objective of this document is to establish a standard procedure for particulate charge analysis in nitrogen tetroxide propellant used in the bipropellant thrusters developed and/or tested in the Combustion and Propulsion Associated Laboratory (LCP/CES/INPE), in order to verify its accordance with the specifications of the MIL-P-26539C Norm that was published in march 1970 91: FDB-20020629 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9921 1: SID/SCD 2: 8945 3: INPE-8945-MAN/25 4: COMB 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Soares Neto, Tur¡bio Gomes 16: Jofre, Jorge Benedito Freire 18: An lise de pureza e teor de  gua e am“nia em hidrazina segundo norma Mil-P-26536E 19: Purity and percentagem of water and ammonia analysis in hydrazine in agreement with the Mil-P-26536E norm 20: 33 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: LCP 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: MAN 90: b 76: COMBUSTAO 87: cat lise 87: forma‡Æo de catalisadores 87: hidrazina 87: an lise 87: pureza 87: am“nia 88: hydrazines 88: analysing 88: water 88: purity 88: ammonia 83: Este documento tem como principal objetivo estabelecer um procedimento padrÆo para an lise de pureza e teor de  gua e am“nia no propelente hidrazina (N2H4)utilizado nos propulsores a mono e bipropelentes desenvolvidos e/ou testados no Laborat¢rio Associado de CombustÆo e PropulsÆo (LCP/CES/INPE), a fim de se verificar sua conformidade com as especifica‡äes expressas na Norma MIL - P - 26536E editada em 27/09/97. Abstract:The main objective of this document is to establish a standard procedure for purity and percentage of water and ammonia analysis in hydrazine propellant used in the monopropellant and bipropellant thrusters developed and/or tested in the Combustion and Propulsion Associated Laboratory (LCP/CES/INPE), in order to verify its accordance with the specifications of the MIL-P-26536E Norm that was published in September 1977 91: FDB-20020629 92: FDB-MLR 101: hidrazina MFN: 9922 1: SID/SCD 2: 8947 3: INPE-8947-MAN/27 4: COMB 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Soares Neto, Tur¡bio Gomes 16: Jofre, Jorge Benedito Freire 18: An lise da carga de perticulados em monometilhidrazina segundo a norma Mil-P-27404B 19: Particulate charge analysis in monomethylhydrazine in agreement with the Mil-P-27404B norm 20: 18 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: LCP 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: MAN 90: b 76: COMBUSTÇO 87: monometilhidrazina 87: an lise 87: carga de particulado 88: methylhydrazine 88: analyzing 88: particulates 83: Este documento tem como principal objetivo estabelecer um procedimento padrÆo para an lise da carga de particulados no propelente monometilhidrazina (MMH)utilizado nos propulsores bipropelentes desenvolvidos e/ou testados no Laborat¢rio Associado de CombustÆo e PropulsÆo (LCP/INPE), a fim de se verificar sua conformidade com as especifica‡äes expressas na Norma MIL - P - 27404B editada em 22/05/1979. ABSTRACT: The main objective of this document is to establish a standard procedure for particulate charge analysis in monomethylhydrazine propellant used in the bipropellant thrusters developed and/or tested in the Combustion and Propulsion Associated Laboratory (LCP/CES/INPE), in order to verify its accordance with the specifications of the MIL-P-27404B Norm that was published in may 1979 91: FDB-20020629 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9923 1: SID/SCD 2: 8946 3: INPE-8946-MAN/26 4: COMB 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Soares Neto, Tur¡bio Gomes 16: Jofre, Jorge Benedito Freire 18: An lise de pureza e teor de  gua em monometilhidrazina segundo a norma Mil-P-27404B 19: Purity and percentage of water analysis in monomethylhydrazine in agreement with the Mil-P-27404B norm 20: 32 38: Publica‡Æo Interna 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: LCP 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: MAN 90: b 76: COMBUSTÇO 87: monometilhidrazina 87: an lise 87: pureza 87: teor de  gua 88: methylhydrazine 88: analyzing 88: water 88: purity 88: liquid rocket propellants 83: Este documento tem como principal objetivo estabelecer um procedimento padrÆo para an lise de pureza e teor de  gua no propelente monometilhidrazina. (MMH)utilizado nos propulsores bipropelentes desenvolvidos e/ou testados no Laborat¢rio Associado de CombustÆo e PropulsÆo (LCP/INPE), a fim de se verificar sua conformidade com as especifica‡äes expressas na Norma MIL - P - 27404B editada em 22/05/1979. Abstract:The main objective of this document is to establish a standard procedure for purity and percentage of water analysis in monomethy1hydrazine propellant used in the bipropellant thrusters developed and/or tested in the Combustion and Propulsion Associated Laboratory (LCP/CES/INPE), in order to verify its accordance with the specifications of the MIL - P - 27404B Norm that was published in may 1979. 91: FDB-20020729 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9924 1: SID/SCD 2: 8948 3: INPE-8948-MAN/28 4: COMB 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Soares Neto, Tur¡bio Gomes 16: Jofre, Jorge Benedito Freire 18: An lise de outros compostos carbon ceos vol teis em hidrazina segundo a norma Mil-P-26536E 19: Others volative carbonaceous compounds analysis in hydrazine in agreement with the Mil-P-26536E norm 20: 33 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: LCP 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: MAN 90: b 76: COMBUSTÇO 87: cat lise 87: forma‡Æo de catalisadores 87: hidrazina 87: an lise 87: monopropelentes 87: carbon ceos vol teis 88: hydrazines 88: analyzing 88: carbonaceous materials 88: monopropellants 83: Este documento tem como principal objetivo estabelecer um procedimento padrÆo para an lise de outros compostos carbon ceos vol teis no propelente hidrazina (N2H4)utilizado nos propulsores a mono e bipropelentes desenvolvidos e/ou testados no Laborat¢rio Associado de CombustÆo e PropulsÆo (LCP/CES/INPE), a fim de se verificar sua conformidade com as especifica‡äes expressas na Norma MIL - P - 26536E editada em 27/09/97. ABSTRACT: The main objective of this document is to establish a standard procedure for others volatile carbonaceuous compounds analysis in hydrazine propellant used in the monopropellant and bipropellant thrusters developed and/or tested in the Combustion and Propulsion Associated Laboratory (LCP/CES/INPE), in order to verify its accordance with the specifications of the MIL-P-26536E Norm that was published in September 1997 91: FDB-20020629 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9925 1: SID/SCD 2: 8980 3: INPE-8980-TDI/811 4: COMP 5: T 6: m 16: Fazenda, µlvaro Luiz 18: Modelagem bidimensional de escoamentos viscosos incompress¡veis com malhas nÆo estruturadas utilizando a abordagem baseada no circuncentro 19: Bidimentional modeling for incompressible viscous flow with unstructured grid circumcenter based approach 21: 157 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Doutor 58: Banca: Haroldo Fraga de Campos Velho; Jer“nimo dos Santos Travelho (orientador); Leonardo Goldstein J£nior; JoÆo Andrade de Carvalho J£nior; Ant“nio Marmo de Oliveira 58: SPG 59: CAP 62: INPE 64: fev. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: COMPUTACAO APLICADA 87: malhas nÆo estruturadas 87: m‚todo de volumes finitos 87: dinƒmica de fluidos computacional 87: escoamento incompress¡vel 87: escoamento laminar 87: escoamento bidimensional 88: unstructured grids 88: finite volume method 88: computational fluid dynamics 88: incompressible flow 88: two dimensional flow 83: Uma poss¡vel abordagem para modelagem de problemas bidimensionais envolvendo convec‡Æo e difusÆo em esquemas centrados na c‚lula para malhas nÆo-estruturadas consiste no uso do circuncentro. Neste caso, utiliza-se o m‚todo de volumes finitos com um arranjo de vari veis co-localizado (no c¡rculo escrito que passa pelos v‚rtices de uma c‚lula triangular). Os testes computacionais foram realizados em problemas cl ssicos de escoamento incompress¡vel em duas dimensäes como o escoamento em desenvolvimento entre placas planas (Poiseuille Flow), escoamento em uma cavidade (Lid-Driven Cavity)e o escoamento em um degrau com expansÆo s£bita (Backward-facing step). Tamb‚m foram obtidos resultados para convec‡Æo natural utilizando a aproxima‡Æo de Boussinesq. O m‚todo mostrou-se simples e flex¡vel, sendo que seus resultados apresentam boa concordƒncia com estimativas anal¡ticas, experimentais e num‚ricas dispon¡veis, dependendo do teste envolvido .ABSTRACT: A possible approach for modeling two-dimensional convection-diffusion problems in a Cell-Centered scheme with unstructured triangular grid is the use of the Circumcenter, that is the center of the circumference that pass through the vertices of the triangular volume. This point is used to calculate all variables involved in the numerical simulation, and a Finite Volume Method was use to discretize the equations of an Incompressible Viscous Flow. This work analyzes classical problems of bidimentional flow like the inlet region of a Poiseuille flow, lid-driven cavity, backward-facing step and free convection with Boussinesq approximation. The application of the method has showed to be a simple and flexible scheme, and the results fits the analytical, experimental or numeric data presents in the literature 91: FDB-20010625 92: FDB-MLR 102: 103: homepage.pdf MFN: 9926 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Shiguemori, Elcio Hideiti 18: Redes neurais e novos m‚todos de regulariza‡Æo em problemas inversos de condu‡Æo de color 20: 93 38: Em processo de publica‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Fernando Manuel Ramos; Haraldo Fraga de Campos Velho (orientador); Jos‚ Demisio Simäes da Silva (orientador); Lamartine Nogueira F. GuimarÆes; Ant“nio de P dua Braga 58: SPG 59: CAP 62: INPE 64: fev. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: TDI 76: COMPUTA€ÇO APLICADA 88: 91: FDB-20010625 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9929 1: SID/SCD 2: 9126 3: INPE-9126-TDI/815 4: CEA 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Tokumoto, Aparecido Seigim 18: Ventos na regiÆo de 80-100 Km de altura sobre Cachoeira Paulista (22, graus W)medidos por radar mete¢rico 19: 132 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Delano Gobbi; Paulo Prado Batista (orientador); Barclay Robert Clemesha; Neuza Paes Leme; Amauri Fragoso de Medeiros 58: SPG 59: GES 62: INPE 64: fev. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: mar‚s atmosf‚ricas 87: trilhas mete¢ricas 87: radar 87: velocidade radial 87: circula‡Æo atmosf‚ricas 87: medidas de vento 88: atmospheric tides 88: trails 88: radar 88: radial velocity 88: atmospheric circulation 88: wind measurement 83: A dinƒmica da regiÆo entre 80 e 100 km de altura sobre Cachoeira Paulista (22,7o N; 45o W)‚ investigada usando os dados dos primeiros dois anos de medidas de ventos coletados pelo radar mete¢rico SKiYMET instalado nesta localidade desde mar‡o de 1999. Este sistema utiliza a t‚cnica interferom‚trica para observar os meteoros em todo o c‚u e atrav‚s de algoritmos adequados pode determinar os valores de vento na mesosfera e baixa termosfera. Os ventos apresentados neste trabalho foram medidos entre mar‡o de 1999 e fevereiro de 2001 e foram separados em ventos m‚dios e mar‚s atmosf‚ricas. Os ventos m‚dios foram comparados com o modelo HWM-93 e as mar‚s atmosf‚ricas com o modelo GSWM00. Os resultados indicam uma mistura de caracter¡sticas das regiäes de latitudes equatoriais e m‚dias. Os ventos m‚dios zonais mostram variabilidade semianual entre 80 e 90 km de altura, t¡pica de regiäes equatoriais e variabilidade anual entre 90 e 100 km, t¡pica de regiäes de m‚dia latitude. Tamb‚m, as mar‚s atmosf‚ricas apresentam caracter¡sticas comuns …s regiäes de latitudes equatoriais e m‚dias, com o predom¡nio do modo (1,1)na mar‚ diurna, t¡pico de regiäes equatoriais, mas com uma forte influˆncia de modos mais altos e nÆo propagantes, pr¢prios de regiäes de m‚dias latitudes, acima de 90 km, principalmente nos meses de novembro e dezembro. A mar‚ semidiurna tem pequena amplitude, abaixo de 90 km, mas torna-se importante acima desta. ABSTRACT: The dynamics between 80 and 100 km range height over Cachoeira Paulista (22,7o N; 45o W)has been investigated using the first two-year winds measurements collected by the meteor radar SKiYMET installed at this place since March, 1999. This system uses the interferometric technique for seeing meteors over the whole sky and through appropriate algorithms it can determine the wind values in the mesosphere and lower termosphere. The winds presented in this work were measured between March, 1999 and February , 2001 and were separated into mean and tidal components. Mean winds were compared with the HWM-93 model and the atmospheric tides were compared with the GSWM00 model. The results indicate a mixture of characteristics of equatorial and middle latitude region. The zonal mean winds show variability semianual between 80 and 90 km range height, typical of equatorial regions and annual variability between 90 and 100 km, typical of middle latitude. The atmospheric tides also present common characteristics of equatorial and middle latitude regions, with the dominance of the (1,1)mode in the diurnal tide, typical of equatorial latitudes, but with a strong influence of higher and non propagating modes, typical of middle latitudes , specially above 90 km, mainly during November and December. The semidiurnal tide has low amplitude below 90 km, but it becomes important above 90 km 91: FDB-20020619 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9931 1: SID/SCD 2: 9546 3: INPE-9546-TDI/827 4: CEA 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Pimenta, Alexandre µlvares 18: Estudos da deriva zonal e dinƒmica das bolhas de plasma na regiÆo tropical 19: Zonal drifts and dynamical study of the plasma bubbles over the tropical region 20: 194 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Doutor 58: Banca: Hisao Takahashi; Paulo Roberto Fagundes (orientador); Jos‚ Augusto Bittencourt (orientador); Inez Staciarini Batista; Francisco Jos‚ Jablonski; Ricardo A Buriti da Costa; Victor H. R¡os 58: SPG 59: GES 62: INPE 64: fev. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: bolhas de plasma 87: regiÆo F 87: deriva ionosf‚rica 87: luminescˆncia 87: alta atmosfera 88: plasma bubbles 88: F region 88: ionospheric drift 88: luminescence 88: upper atmosphere 83: Neste trabalho sÆo analisados seis anos de dados da emissÆo de oxigˆnio at“mico (linha OI 630 nm)obtidos com um imageador "all-sky", instalado em Cachoeira Paulista, durante os per¡odos de janeiro de 1989 a dezembro de 1991 e janeiro de 1995 a dezembro 1997, com a finalidade de estudar o comportamento dinƒmico noturno e sazonal, e a ocorrˆncia de bifurca‡äes das bolhas de plasma durante per¡odos de atividade solar alta e baixa. Atrav‚s de outros dois imageadores, sendo um instalado na regiÆo equatorial (SÆo JoÆo do Cariri)e outro em baixas latitudes (Cachoeira Paulista), durante o per¡odo de outubro de 1998 a maio de 2000, foi realizado o estudo do comportamento noturno, sazonal e latitudinal da deriva zonal das bolhas de plasma na regiÆo tropical. O estudo estat¡stico mostrou que a frequˆncia de ocorrˆncia das bolhas de plasma ‚ muito baixa entre os meses de maio a agosto e bastante elevada durante os meses de outubro a mar‡o, tanto em baixa quanto em alta atividade solar. Por‚m, a frequˆncia de ocorrˆncia ‚ relativamente maior durante o per¡odo de atividade solar alta. J  o estudo estat¡stico relativo … bifurca‡Æo das bolhas de plasma mostrou que o processo de bifurca‡Æo das bolhas ‚ maior durante o per¡odo de atividade solar alta. Foi observado que, quando a razÆo, RD, entre a densidade ambiente de plasma e a densidade dentro da bolha ‚ pequena (menor do que aproximadamente 4), a tendˆncia das bifurca‡äes ocorrerem ‚ bastante elevada, enquanto que para razäes grandes (acima de aproximadamente 5), a tendˆncia ‚ pequena. O estudo da velocidade zonal das bolhas na regiÆo tropical mostraram que a deriva zonal das bolhas de plasma durante a noite ‚ para leste, sendo alta no in¡cio da noite (20:00 h  s 22:00 h)e, ap¢s a meia noite, a velocidade diminui lentamente. Uma outra caracter¡stica observada na velocidade zonal das bolhas ‚ uma acentuada varia‡Æo latitudinal, entre 20:00 e 23:00 horas, sendo que este comportamento esta relacionado com o comportamento latitudinal do vento zonal termosf‚rico. Foi observado tamb‚m que, durante tempestade geomagn‚tica intensa, as bolhas de plasma deslocam-se para oeste. Este comportamento pode ser interpretado como sendo devido aos efeitos de penetra‡Æo de campos el‚tricos de altas latitudes, associados a um aumento na atividade magn‚tica.ABSTRACT: All-sky airglow OI 630 nm images obtained at Cachoeira Paulista in the period from January 1989 to December 1991 and January 1995 to December 1997 are analysed to study the nocturnal and seasonal dynamic behavior, as well as bifurcation variations of plasma bubbles during high and low solar activity. Also, all-sky images from SÆo JoÆo do Cariri and Cachoeira Paulista are analysed from October 1998 to May 2000 in order to investigate the nocturnal, seasonal and latitudinal behavior of the ionospheric plasma zonal drift velocities in the tropical region. The statistics shows that the occurrence frequency of plasma bubbles is very low during the period May-August and maximizes during October-March for both low and high solar activity periods. However, the occurrence frequency is larger during high solar activity. It is noticed that the occurrence of bifurcation in bubbles is also larger during high solar activity. It is observed that, when the ratio of the electron densities outside and inside the depletion is less than 4, the bifurcation tendency is high, when it is greater than 4, the bifurcation tendency is small. The ionospheric plasma zonal drift velocities in the tropical region, for the period analysed, show a high eastward velocity during 20:00-22:00 local time and, after midnight, the velocities decrease. Another characteristic observed is a significant latitudinal variation in the ionospheric plasma zonal drift velocities in the tropical region between 20:00-22:00 local time, which may be related to the ionospheric equatorial anomaly and the zonal neutral wind. Also, it is noticed that, during intense geomagnetic storms, the plasma bubbles move westward. This behavior may be due to the effects of magnetospheric electric fields penetrating to tropical latitudes, during enhanced magnetic activity 91: FDB-20020619 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9934 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Trigolo, Adriana 18: Estudo do desempenho do sistema de controle de atitude de um sat‚lite r¡gido flexivel 20: 187 38: Em processo de publica‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Wilson Cust¢dio Canesin; Luiz Carlos Gadelha de Souza (orientador); M rio C‚sar Ricci; Andr‚ Fenili 58: SPG 59: CMC 62: INPE 64: fev. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20020819 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9936 1: SID/SCD 4: MET 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Yoshida, Marcos C‚zar 18: Estudo de c‚lulas convectivas em Rond“nia durante o Experimento WETAMC-LBA/TRMM 20: 81 38: Em processo de publica‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Cl¢vis Angeli Sansigolo; Nelson Jesus Ferreira (orientador); Jos‚ Antonio Marengo Orsini 58: SPG 59: MET 62: INPE 64: mar. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 91: FDB-20020619 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9937 1: SID/SCD 4: MET 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Castro, Christopher Alexander Cunningham 18: Intera‡äes tropicos-extratr¢picos na escala de tempo intrasazonal durante o verÆo astral e seus efeitos na Am‚rica do Sul 19: 128 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Luiz Agusto Toledo Machado; Iracema Fonseca de Albuquerque Cavalcanti (orientadora); Alberto Waingort Setzer; Carlos Afonso Nobre; Pedro Leite da Silva Dias 58: SPG 59: MET 62: INPE 64: abr. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 91: FDB-20020619 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9940 1: SID/SCD 4: MET 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Sanches, Marcos Barbosa 18: An lise sin¢tica da zona de convergˆncia do Atlƒntico Sul (ZCAS)utilizando-se a t‚cnica de composi‡Æo 20: 95 38: Em processo de publica‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Manoel Alonso Gan; Nelson Jesus Ferreira (orientador); Maria Assun‡Æo Faus da Silva Dias (orientadora); Vdlamudi Brahmananda Rao; Pedro Leite da Silva Dias 58: SPG 59: MET 62: INPE 64: mar. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 91: FDB-20020619 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9942 1: SID/SCD 4: MET 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Silva, Maria Elisa Siqueira 18: Impacto do desmatamento da Amaz“nia no clima regional: um estudo com um modelo estat¡stico-dinƒmico acoplado atmosfera-biofera, incluindo a hidrologia de solo 20: 236 38: Em processo de publica‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Doutor 58: Banca: Jos‚ Paulo Bonatti; Vadlamudi Brahamananda Rao (orientador); Sergio Henrique Franchito (orientador); Humberto Ribeiro da Rocha; Valdo da Silva Marques 58: SPG 59: MET 62: INPE 64: fev. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 91: FDB-20020619 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9949 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Medeiros, Felipe Leonardo Lobo 18: Algoritmo gen‚tico h¡brido como um m‚todo de busca de estados estacion rios de sistemas dinƒmicos 20: 155 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Jos‚ Demisio Simäes da Silva; Lamartine Nogueira Frutuoso GuimarÆes (orientador); Luiz Ant“nio Nogueira Lorena; Maria Carolina Monard 58: SPG 59: CAP 62: INPE 64: maio <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 91: FDB-20020619 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9950 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Hickel, Gabriel Rodrigues 18: Propriedades f¡sicas de gl¢bulos coment rios 20: 256 38: Em processo de publica‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Doutor 58: Banca: Francisco Jos‚ Jablonski; Jos‚ Willian dos Santos Vilas Boas (orientador); C udia Vilega Rodrigues; Eugenio Scalise Jr.; Zulema Abraham; Jacques R. Lepine 58: SPG 59: AST 62: INPE 64: abr. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: ASTROFÖSICA 91: FDB-20020619 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9953 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Fran‡a, S‚rgio 18: Evolu‡Æo da qualidade de software: um caminho vi vel 20: 258 38: Em processo de publica‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Nilson Sant' Anna; Tatuo Nakanishi (orientador); JoÆo Bosco Schumann Cunha; Mauro de Mesquita Spinola; Selma Shin Shimizu Melnikoff 58: SPG 59: CAP 62: INPE 64: mar.<2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 91: FDB-20020619 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9957 1: SID/SCD 4: MET 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Moraes, Elisabete Caria 18: Parametriza‡Æo dos processos radiativos em modelo clim tico simples 21: 319 38: Em processo de publica‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Doutor 58: Banca: Leonardo Deane de Abreu S ; Vdlamudi Brahmananda Rao (orientador); Sergio Henrique Franchito (orientador); Rom¡sio Geraldo Bouhid Andr‚; Tatiana Aleksandrovna Tarasova 58: SPG 58: DSR 59: MET 62: INPE 64: fev. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 91: FDB-20020619 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9958 1: SID/SCD 4: MET 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Reuter, Elizabeth Diane de Jesus 18: Estudo das camadas limites planet rias marinhas e continental na regiÆo do Centro de Lan‡amento de Alcƒntara 20: 151 38: Em processo de publica‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Maria Paulete Pereira Martins Jorge; Gilberto Fernando Fisch (orientador); Cl udio Solano Pereira; Antonio Fernando Garcez Faria 58: SPG 59: MET 62: INPE 64: abr. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 91: FDB-20020619 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9960 1: SID/SCD 2: 9283 3: INPE-9283-TDI/818 4: CEA 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Mej¡a Cabeza, Jorge 18: Astrof¡sica de altas energias: desenvolvimento do telesc¢pio MASCO e observa‡äes de GRO J1744-28 com o telesc¢pio SIGMA 20: 173 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Doutor 58: Banca: JoÆo Braga; Thyrso Vilela Neto (orientador); Francisco Jos‚ Jablonski; Udaya Jayanthi; Eduardo Janot Pacheco; Jorge Horvath 58: SPG 59: AST 62: INPE 64: mar. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 87: telesc¢pios 87: raios-X 87: raios gama 87: t‚cnicas de imageanebto 87: centros 87: gal xias 87: erup‡äes 87: pulsares 87: GRO J1744-28 88: X-ray telescopes 88: gamma-ray telescopes 88: imaging techniques 88: galaxy center 88: bursting pulsar CRO J1744-28coded mask technique 83: Neste trabalho sÆo apresentados resultados correspondentes ao desenvolvimento do telesc¢pio MASCO e … an lise de imagens em altas energias da regiÆo do Centro Gal ctico obtidas com o telesc¢pio SIGMA. O MASCO utiliza uma m scara codificada rotat¢ria MURA 19x19 e foi desenvolvido para obter imagens de alta resolu‡Æo de fontes c¢smicas entre 50 keV e 1,3 MeV, a bordo de balÆo estratosf‚rico. Descreve-se a implementa‡Æo dos sistemas mecƒnico e de controle de atitude, desenvolvidos para satisfazer as condi‡äes de v“o e garantir a determina‡Æo das coordenadas de apontamento do telesc¢pio com uma precisÆo inferior 15'. Apresentam-se os resultados da caracteriza‡Æo do sistema imageador: resolu‡Æo espacial de 1,8 cm em 60 keV e de 1,95 cm em 511 keV; resolu‡Æo espectral de 25,8 83: em 60 keV e 9,8 83: em 511 keV; resolu‡Æo temporal de 25 ms;  rea efetiva de 154,4 cm2 em 75 keV e de 170,2 cm2 em 500 keV; sensibilidade (3s; 6 horas de observa‡Æo)de 1,3x10-5 f¢ em 75 keV. Foi desenvolvido o software de reconstru‡Æo de imagens para o MASCO, que considera os efeitos de deriva do telesc¢pio durante os v“os e do giro aparente do c‚u provocado pelo uso de uma montagem altazimutal. Imagens feitas em laborat¢rio com as t‚cnicas de m scara, m scara-antim scara e m scara rotat¢ria sÆo apresentadas, junto com simula‡äes dos efeitos de deriva do telesc¢pio e do giro aparente do c‚u, assim como as corre‡äes aplicadas.  mostrado que o giro aparente do c‚u pode ser usado como uma alternativa para reconhecer a verdadeira posi‡Æo da fonte no campo de visada do telesc¢pio, dentre as imagens m£ltiplas geradas pelo processo de reconstru‡Æo, inerente a telesc¢pios que utilizam m scaras codificadas URA em que o padrÆo b sico ‚ estendido. Dados do Centro Gal ctico obtidos com o SIGMA foram analisados para comparar os algoritmos de redu‡Æo e an lise de dados de ambos instrumentos. Estudou-se o comportamento da fonte GRO J1744-28 durante parte dos outbursts de 1996 e 1997. Em 1996, a fonte apresentou um fluxo de 85ñ6,4 mcrab (35-75 keV). Em 1997, o fluxo na mesma faixa de energia foi de 52ñ7,4 mcrab. Nos dois casos, o espectro da fonte foi bem ajustado por um modelo de Bremsstrahlung t‚rmico opticamente fino com temperaturas kTBremms de 28ñ7 keV e de keV, e fluxos de (3,6ñ0,6)x10-4 e de (2,3ñ0,7)x10-4 f¢ em 50 keV, respectivamente. Em nenhuma das duas observa‡äes a fonte foi detectada em energias acima de 75 keV. Combinando os resultados das observa‡äes de 1997 do SIGMA e do BATSE, encontrou-se evidˆncia de que os bursts de GRO J1744-28 neste per¡odo foram produzidos por instabilidade no fluxo do material acretado. Para as outras sessäes de observa‡Æo da regiÆo do Centro Gal ctico em que GRO J1744-28 nÆo foi detectado foram estimados limites superiores da sua intensidade. O uso da t‚cnica de m scara codificada permitiu identificar inequivocamente GRO J1744-28 dentro do campo denso do Centro Gal ctico, evitando a contamina‡Æo por outras fontes na determina‡Æo de suas caracter¡sticas. Especificamente, durante o segundo outburst foi poss¡vel isolar o sinal de GRO J1744-28 da contribui‡Æo das fontes 1E1740.7-2942 e GRS 1737-31, presentes no campo de visada, obtendo-se evidˆncia de que esta £ltima fonte pode ter contaminado as medidas feitas com o BATSE para o mesmo per¡odo e induzido a resultados err“neos reportados anteriormente na literatura. ABSTRACT:In this work, the results corresponding to the development of the MASCO telescope and to the analysis of high-energy images of the Galactic Center region obtained with the SIGMA telescope are presented. The MASCO telescope employs a rotating MURA-based coded mask and it was designed to obtain high-resolution images of cosmic sources in the 50 keV to 1.3 MeV energy band on board stratospheric balloons. The assembling process of the gondola and of the attitude control systems is described. These systems were designed to ensure the determination of the telescope's pointing coordinates with a precision better than 15' during the flights. The main characteristics of the imaging system are presented: spatial resolution of 1.8 cm at 60 keV and 1.95 cm at 511 keV; spectral resolution of 25.8 83: at 60 keV and 9.8 83: at 511 keV; temporal resolution of 25 ms; effective area of 154.4 cm2 at 75 keV and 170.2 cm2 at 500 keV; sensitivity (3s; 6h of observation time)of 1.3x10-5 at 75 keV. The MASCO image reconstruction software was developed, which takes into account the effects of the telescope's drift during the flights and of the apparent sky movement caused by the use of an alt-azimuthal mounting. Laboratory images of a radioactive source obtained with mask, mask-antimask and rotating mask techniques are presented, as well as simulations of the effects of the telescope's drift and apparent sky movement, with the corresponding applied corrections. It is shown that the apparent sky movement can be used as an alternative to determine the real cosmic source image out of the spurious images present in the reconstruction process inherent to telescopes that employ non-rotating extended URA masks. Galactic Center data from the SIGMA telescope were analized in order to compare the reduction and data analysis processes of both instruments. The behaviour of the source GRO J1744-28 was studied during part of its 1996 and 1997 outbursts. In 1996, the source's flux in the 35 to 75 keV energy band was 85ñ6.4 mcrab. In 1997, the source's flux in the same energy band was 52ñ7.4 mcrab. In both cases, the source's spectra were well fitted by a optically-thin thermal Bremsstrahlung with temperatures kTBremms of 28ñ7 keV and keV, and fluxes of (3.6ñ0.6)x10-4 and (2.3ñ0.7)x10-4 at 50 keV, respectively. The source was not detected at energies above 75 keV. Combining the SIGMA and BATSE data for the 1997 outbursts, it was found evidence showing that the bursts in this period were produced by instability in the accretion process. For the remaining sessions, upper limits for the source flux intensities were determined. With the coded mask technique, it was possible to identify, in an unambiguous way, GRO J1744-28 in the very crowded region of the Galactic Center, avoiding the contamination by other sources in the determination of its characteristics. Specifically, during the second outburst it was possible to isolate the signal from the sources GRO J1744-28, 1E1740.7-2942 and GRS 1737-31, obtaining evidence that this last source could have contaminated the BATSE measurements in the same period, leading to erroneous results previously reported in the literature. 91: FDB-20020619 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9961 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Andrade, Maria Concei‡Æo de 18: Estimativa de padräes espa‡o temporais utilizando redes neurais artificiais do tipo perceptron de m£ltiplos comandos com aplica‡äes em f¡sica solar 20: 154 38: Em processo de publica‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Jos‚ Demisio Simäes da Silva; Reinaldo Roberto Rosa (orientador); Atair Rios Neto (orientador); Hanumant Skankar Sawant; Francisco Carlos Rocha Fernandes; Laerte Sodr‚ Junior 58: SPG 59: CAP 62: INPE 64: jun.<2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 91: FDB-20020619 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9962 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Silva, Agenor Pina da Silva 18: Medidas de anisotropias da radia‡Æo c¢smica de fundo em microondas em m‚dias escalas angulares nas frequˆncias de 30 GHz E 41 GHz 20: 145 38: Em processo de publica‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Doutor 58: c 58: SPG 59: AST 62: INPE 64: abr.<2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: ASTROFÖSICA 91: FDB-20020619 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9963 1: SID/SCD 2: 8986 3: INPE-8986-PRE/4664 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Rigozo, Nivaor Rodolfo 10: Nordemann, Daniel Jean Roger 10: Echer, Ezequiel 10: Zanandrea, Ademilson 10: Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez 12: Solar variability effects studied by tree-ring data wavelet analysis 14: 1985-1988 30: Advances in Space Research 31: 29 32: 12 38: Sp Iss 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: varia‡äes peri¢dicas 87: mudan‡a clim tica 87: processamento de dados 88: periodic variations 88: climate change 88: data processing 83: The global change approach to study the Sun-Earth system gives a growing amount of evidences that climate dynamics is affected by a large number of factors. The solar variability is very likely to be among them. Natural records, such as tree ring data, can be investigated to study the past global and regional climate, which was influenced by the solar radiative output variations, associated to solar activity. Wavelet transform analysis was applied to sunspot number and tree ring width time series from 1837 to 1996 at Conc¢rdia, Brazil. The amplitude and cross-amplitude spectral representation in the time-frequency domain allowed us to detect the occurrence of predominant periodicities and the relationship between the sunspot number and the tree ring time series. The Morlet complex wavelet analysis was used to study the most important variability factors on time scales ranging from from 2 to 100 years, and their stability in time, which is shown in both time series studied. We also applied the cross-wavelet spectral analysis to evaluate time delay among different tree ring time series, and between tree ring and sunspot number time series 91: FDB-20020409 92: FDB-msms MFN: 9964 1: SID/SCD 2: 8992 3: INPE-8992-PRE/4670 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Frajuca, Carlos 10: Ribeiro, Kilder Leite 10: Andrade, Luiz A. de 10: Velloso J£nior, Walter Ferreira 10: Aguiar, Odylio Denys de 10: MagalhÆes, Nadja SimÆo 12: Transducers for the Brazilian gravitational wave detector "Mario Schenberg" 14: 1961-1965 30: Classical and Quantum Gravity 31: 19 32: 7 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 59: GRAVITON 61: 64: Abr. <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: radiation 87: gravitational waves 87: detectors 88: radia‡Æo 88: ondas gravitacionais 88: detectores 83: 'Mario Schenberg' is a spherical resonant-mass gravitational wave (GW)detector that will be part of a GW detection array of three detectors. The other two will be built in Italy and the Netherlands. Their resonant frequencies will be around 3.2 kHz with a bandwidth of about 200 Hz. This range of frequencies is new in a field where the typical frequencies lie below I kHz, making the transducer development much more complex. In this paper, the design of the mechanical part of the transducer will be shown, as well as the attachment method to the sphere and the expected sensitivity 91: FDB-20020406 92: FDB-msms MFN: 9965 1: SID/SCD 2: 8991 3: INPE-8991-PRE/4669 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Aguiar, Odylio Denys de 10: Andrade, Luiz A. de 10: Camargo, L. 10: Costa, C.A. 10: Araujo, Jos‚ Carlos Neves de 10: Neto, E.C.D. 10: Souza, S.T. de 10: Fauth, A.C. 10: Frajuca, Carlos 10: Frossati, Giorgio 10: Furtado, V.G.S. 10: Furtado, S‚rgio Ricardo 10: MagalhÆes, Nadja SimÆo 10: Marinho Jr., Rubens de Melo 10: Matos, E.S. 10: Meliani, M.T. 10: Melo, Jos‚ Luiz 10: Miranda, Oswaldo Duarte 10: Oliveira Jr., Nei Fernandes 10: Ribeiro, Kilder Leite 10: Salles, Karla B.M. 10: Stellati, C. 10: Velloso J£nior, Walter Ferreira 12: The status of the Brazilian spherical detector 14: 1949-1953 30: Classical and Quantum Gravity 31: 19 32: 7 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 59: GRAVITON 61: 64: Abr. <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: antenas de ondas gravitacioanis 87: detectores 88: gravitational wave antennas 88: detectors 83: The first phase of the Brazilian Graviton Project is the construction and operation of the gravitational wave detector Mario Schenberg at the Physics Institute of the University of Sao Paulo. This gravitational wave spherical antenna is planned to feature a sensitivity better than h= 10(-21)Hz(-1/2)at the 3.0-3.4 kHz bandwidth, and to work not only as a detector, but also as a testbed for the development of new technologies. Here we present the status of this detector 91: FDB-20020406 92: FDB-msms MFN: 9966 1: SID/SCD 2: 9324 3: INPE-9324-PRE/4988 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Araujo, Jos‚ Carlos Neves de 10: Miranda, Oswaldo Duarte 10: Aguiar, Odylio Denys de 12: Background of gravitacional waves from pre-galactic black hole formation 14: 1335-1342 30: Classical and Quantum Gravity 31: 19 32: 7 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 59: GRAVITON 61: 64: Abr. <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: ondas gravitacioanis 87: buracos negros (astronomia) 88: gravitational waves 88: black holes (astronomy) 83: We study the generation of a gravitational wave (GW)background produced from a population of core-collapse supernovae, which form black holes in scenarios of structure formation of the Universe. We obtain, for example, that a pre-galactic population of black holes, formed at redshifts z similar or equal to 30-10, could generate a stochastic GW background with a maximum amplitude of h(BG)similar or equal to 10(-24)in the frequency band nu(obs)similar or equal to 30-470 Hz (considering a maximum efficiency of generation of GWs, namely, epsilon(GW)= 7 x 10(-4)). In particular, we discuss what astrophysical information could be obtained from a positive, or even a negative, detection of such a GW background produced in scenarios such as those studied here. One of them is the possibility of obtaining the initial and final redshifts of the emission period from the observed spectrum of GWs 91: FDB-20020406 92: FDB-msms MFN: 9967 1: SID/SCD 2: 8993 3: INPE-8993-PRE/4671 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Furtado, S‚rgio Ricardo 10: Aguiar, Odylio Denys de 12: Fast cooling techniques for gravitacional wave antennas 14: 1973-1978 30: Classical and Quantum Gravity 31: 19 32: 7 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 59: GRAVITON 61: 64: Abr. <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: congelamento 87: metodologia 87: antenas de ondas gravitacional 88: cooling 88: methodology 88: gravitational wave antennas 83: The resonant-mass technique for the detection of gravitational waves may involve, in the near future, the cooling of very large masses (about 100 tons)from room temperature (300 K)to extreme cryogenic temperatures (20 mK). To cool these detectors to cryogenic temperatures an exchange gas (helium)is used, and the heat is removed from the antenna to the cold reservoir by thermal conduction and natural convection. With the current technique, cooling times of about I month can be obtained for cylindrical bar antennas of 2.5 tons. Should this same technique be used to cool a 100 ton spherical antenna the cooling time would be about 10 months, making the operation of these antennas impracticable. In this paper, we study the above-mentioned cooling technique and others, such as thermal switching and forced convection from room temperature to liquid nitrogen temperature (77 K)using an aluminium truncated icosahedron of 19 kg weight and 25 cm diameter 91: FDB-20020406 92: FDB-msms MFN: 9968 1: SID/SCD 2: 8994 3: INPE-8994-PRE/4672 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Melo, Jos‚ Luiz 10: Velloso J£nior, Walter Ferreira 10: Aguiar, Odylio Denys de 12: Vibration isolation support design for the SCHENBERG detector 14: 1985-1989 30: Classical and Quantum Gravity 31: 19 32: 7 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 59: GRAVITON 61: 64: Abr. <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: ondas gravitacioanais 87: detectores 88: gravitational waves 88: detectors 83: We designed a mechanical isolation system for a spherical resonant gravitational wave detector we are building in Brazil. We have used the finite element method to perform the dynamical analysis. The system is a multiple stage passive pendulum formed by cylinders joined by C springs and rods. Our results showed that the designed system could allow a 280 dB attenuation factor in the bandwidth, from 3.1 to 3.2 kHz, where the SCHENBERG detector will be sensitive 91: FDB-20020406 92: FDB-msms MFN: 9969 1: SID/SCD 2: 8995 3: INPE-8995-PRE/4673 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Marinho, R.M. 10: MagalhÆes, Nadja SimÆo 10: Aguiar, Odylio Denys de 10: Frajuca, Carlos 12: Response of spherical gravitational wave antenna modes to high-energy cosmic ray particles 30: Classical and Quantum Gravity 31: 19 32: 7 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 59: GRAVITON 61: 64: Abr. <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: raios c¢smicos 87: antenas esf‚ricas 87: antenas de onda gravitacional 88: cosmic rays 88: spherical antennas 88: gravitational wave antennas 83: High-energy cosmic ray particles are expected to be a significant source of noise in resonant mass gravitational wave detectors close to the quantum limit. The spherical, fourth generation antennas have been designed to attain such a limit. In this work we will show how the energy of a cosmic ray particle interacting with such an antenna is distributed over its eigenmodes. We will then make some comments on the relevant consequences of such a distribution for gravitational wave detection 91: FDB-20020406 92: FDB-msms MFN: 9970 1: SID/SCD 2: 8996 3: INPE-8996-PRE/4674 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Ribeiro, Kilder Leite 10: Ivanov, E.N. 10: Blair, D.G.Tobar, M.E. 10: Tobar, M.E. 10: Aguiar, Odylio Denys de 10: Frajuca, Carlos 12: A proposal for improving the noise floor of the gravitational wave antenna Niobe 14: 1967-1972 30: Classical and Quantum Gravity 31: 19 32: 7 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 59: GRAVITON 61: 64: Abr. <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: detectores 87: antenas de onda gravitacional 87: barulho baixo 87: osciladores de meicroondas 88: detectors 88: gravitational wave antennas 88: low noise 88: microwave oscillators 83: The gravity wave detector at the University of Western Australia is based on a bending flap of 0.45 kg tuned near the fundamental resonant frequency of a 1.5 tonne resonant bar of 7 10 Hz. The displacement of the bending flap is monitored with a 9.5 GHz superconducting re-entrant cavity transducer. The performance of the transducer is related to the development of a low-noise microwave pump oscillator to drive the transducer. In this study we describe how to improve the quality of the existing microwave pump oscillator using a second servo frequency control system 91: FDB-20020406 92: FDB-msms MFN: 9971 1: SID/SCD 2: 8987 3: INPE-8987-PRE/4665 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kane, Rajaram Purushottam 12: Evolutions of various solar indices around sunspot maximum and sunspot minimum years 14: 741-755 30: Annales Geophysicae 31: 20 32: 6 38: Sp Iss 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: June <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA 87: f¡sica sola 87: coroa solar 87: regiÆo de transi‡Æo solar 87: campos magn‚ticos 87: fotosfera 87: cromosfera 88: solar physics 88: solar corona 88: solar transition region 88: magnetic fields 88: photosphere 88: chromosphere 83: The smoothed monthly sunspot numbers showed that in many solar cycles, (a)during years around sunspot maxima, there was only one prominent maximum, but in some cycles there was a broad plateau. If the beginning and end of these are termed as first and second maxima (separated by several months), the first maximum was generally the higher one, and the valley in between was very shallow. Solar indices at or near the photosphere generally showed similar structures with maxima matching with sunspot maxima within a month or two. Indices originating in the chromosphere and above showed two peaks in roughly the same months as sunspots (with some exceptions, notably the Coronal green line, and the Total Solar Irradiance). Yet often, the second maximum was larger than the first maximum, and the valley between the two maxima was deeper, as compared to sunspot maxima, and (b)during years around sunspot minima, the smoothed sunspot minimum could be sharp and distinct, lasting for a month or two, or could spread over several months. Among the indices originating at or near the photosphere, the Ca K line intensity showed good matching with sunspots, but the Ca Plage area, the Sunspot Group Area, and the solar magnetic fields seemed to show minima earlier than the sunspots, indicating that these activities died out first. These also showed recoveries from the minima later than sunspots. Most of the other indices originating in the chromosphere and corona attained minima coincident with sunspot minima, but in some cases, minima earlier than sunspots were seen, while in some other cases minima occurred after the sunspot minima. Thus, the energy dissipation in the upper part of the solar atmosphere sometimes lagged or led the evolution of sunspots near sunspot minimum. In a few cases, after the minimum, the indices recovered faster than the sunspots. In general, the chromospheric indices seemed to evolve similar to sunspots, but the evolution of coronal indices was not always similar to sunspots, and may differ considerably between themselves 91: FDB-20020409 92: FDB-msms MFN: 9972 1: SID/SCD 2: 8988 3: INPE-8988-PRE/4666 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Costa, Joaquim Eduardo Rezende 10: Silva, A.V.R. 10: Ludi, A. 10: Magun, A. 12: Beam profile determination by tomography of solar scans 14: 1153-1160 30: Astronomy and Astrophysics 31: 387 32: 3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: CRAAE 61: 64: July <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTRONOMIA 87: instrumentos 87: telesc¢pios 87: sol 87: radiation 88: instruments 88: telescopes 88: sun 88: radio 88: radiation 83: Beam patterns of radio telescopes with moderate (arcmin)angular resolution in the millimeter and sub-millimeter range are difficult to measure as only weak sources are available in that spectral range. This limitation can be overcome with the deconvolution of radial scans over the knife edge of the solar limb which provides beam profiles down to secondary lobe levels Numerous applications, such as quick adjustments and eckups of telescope optics, efficiency estimates and the reconstruction of partially unresolved structures such as active regions,become possible. We investigate here the inverse problem of the beam profile reconstruction from the beam convolution with the solar limb. With simple derivatives of solar radial scans we obtained line integrals of the beam profile under different scanning angles. Reconstruction methods used in tomography of filtered reverse projection allowed us then to obtain beam profiles down to the level of secondary lobes. Tests of the algorithm were carried out with simulated data and solar scans that are verified by planet observations and terrestrial beam pattern measurements 91: FDB-20020909 92: FDB-msms MFN: 9973 1: SID/SCD 2: 8989 3: INPE-8989-PRE/4667 4: FISMAT 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Alves, Maria Virginia 10: Chian, Abrahan Chian Long 10: Moraes, Marcio Augusto E. 10: Abalde, Jos‚ Ricardo Guedes 10: Rizzato, F.B. 12: A Theory of the fundamental plasma emission of type-III solar radio bursts 14: 351-357 30: Astronomy and Astrophysics 31: 390 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAP 58: DGE 61: 64: July <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTRONOMIA 87: estabilidade 87: plasma (f¡sica) 87: radia‡Æo 87: ondas 87: vento solar 88: stability 88: plasma (physics) 88: radio 88: radiation 88: waves 88: solar wind 83: Results from plasma wave experiments in spacecraft give support to nonlinear interactions involving Langmuir waves, electromagnetic waves and ion-acoustic waves in association with type III solar radio bursts. In this paper we present a theory of the fundamental plasma emission of type-III solar radio bursts. Starting from the generalized Zakharov equations, considering the pump wave as a pair of oppositely propagating Langmuir waves with different amplitudes, and the excitation of electromagnetic and induced Langmuir waves, we obtain a general dispersion relation for the coupled waves. We numerically solve the general dispersion relation using the pump wave amplitude and plasma parameters as observed in the interplanetary medium. We compare our results with previous models. We find that the stability properties depend on the pump wave numbers and on the ratio of wave amplitude between the forward and backward pump wave. The inclusion of a second pump wave allows the simultaneous generation of up and down converted electromagnetic waves. The presence of a second pump with different amplitude from the first one brings a region of convectiv e instability not present when amplitudes are the same 91: FDB-20020409 92: FDB-msms MFN: 9974 1: SID/SCD 2: 8890 3: INPE-8890-PRE/4668 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Ricker, G. 10: Hurley K. 10: Lamb D. 10: Woolsey S. 10: Atteia, J. L. 10: Kawai N. 10: Vanderspek R. 10: Crew G. 10: Doty J. 10: Villasenor, J. 10: Prigozhin G. 10: Monnelly G. 10: Butler, N. 10: Matsuoka M. 10: Shirasaki Y. 10: Tamagawa, T. 10: Torii K. 10: Sakamoto, T. 10: Yoshida,A. 10: Fenimore E. 10: Galassi, M. 10: Tavenner, T. 10: Donaghy T. 10: Graziani C. 10: Boer M. 10: Dezalay J.P. 10: Niel M. 10: Olive, J.F. 10: Vedrenne G. 10: Cline T. 10: Jernigan J.G. 10: Levine A. 10: Martel F. 10: Morgan E. 10: Braga, JoÆo 10: Manchanda R. 10: Pizzichini G. 10: Takagishi K. 10: Yamauchi, M. 12: GRB 010921: Localization and observations by the High Energy Transient Explorer satellite 14: L127-L130 30: Astrophysical Journal 31: 571 32: 2 Parte 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: June <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: raios gama 87: explosäes 88: gamma rays 88: bursts 83: On 2001 September 21 at 05:15:50.56 UT, the French Gamma Telescope (FREGATE)on the High Energy Transient Explorer (HETE)detected a bright gamma-ray burst (GRB). The burst was also seen by the X-detector on the Wide-field X-ray Monitor (WXM)instrument and was therefore well localized in the X-direction; however, the burst was outside the fully coded field of view of the WXM Y-detector, and therefore information on the Y-direction of the burst was limited. Cross-correlation of the HETE and Ulysses time histories yielded an Interplanetary Network (IPN)annulus that crosses the HETE error strip at an similar to45degrees angle. The intersection of the HETE error strip and the IPN annulus produces a diamond-shaped error region for the location of the burst having an area of 310 arcmin(2). Based on the FREGATE and WXM light curves, the duration of the burst is characterized by t(90)= 34.2 s in the WXM 4-25 keV energy range, and 23.8 and 21.8 s in the FREGATE 6-40 and 32-400 keV energy ranges, respectively. The fluence of the burst in these same energy ranges is 4.8 x 10(-6), 5.5 x 10(-6), and 11.4 x 10(-6)ergs cm(-2), respectively. Subsequent optical and radio observations by ground-based observers have identified the afterglow of GRB 010921 and determined an apparent redshift of z = 0.450 91: FDB-20020409 92: FDB-msms MFN: 9975 1: SID/SCD 2: 8997 3: INPE-8997-PRE/4675 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Padilha, Antonio Lopes 10: Vitorello, Öcaro 10: Brito, Paula M rcia A. de 12: Magnetotelluric soundings across the Taubate Basin, Southeast Brazil 14: 617-627 30: Earth Planets and Space 31: 54 32: 5 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: levantamento magn‚tico 87: sondagem 87: bacia de rios 88: magnetic surveys 88: sounding 88: river basins 82: 83: Thirteen magnetotelluric (MT)soundings were carried out in Neoproterozoic crystalline terrains and Tertiary sediments of the Taubate basin, southeastern Brazil. The soundings were deployed in a cross-strike profile bisecting the basin along one of its thickest sub-basins and extending over mountain plateaus to the southeast and the northwest. Occurrences of numerous alkaline plugs and aligned tectonic grabens in the region are records of intense Mesozoic-Cenozoic tectonic activity. MT analysis techniques were used to evaluate data quality, infer strike direction, and correct for near-surface distortion. As the studied area is located only some tens of kilometers away from the Atlantic Ocean and in one of the most densely populated regions of the country, the data are severely distorted by industrial interference and the coast effect. Because of such effects. the data are modelled using a 2D inversion scheme within periods shorter than 0.1 s for the Taubate Basin sites and shorter than 1-10 s for the off-basin sites, the latter depending on the distance of the site from the coast. The main result observed in the modelling is the identification of a conducting zone below 10 km depths beneath the region. There is poor resolution in the data of structures below this conductor, which is also not imaged beneath the basin. Studies carried out in different tectonic regions of the world have also reported conductive layers at about the same depth but in the studied area it is impossible to reach any conclusion about the total conductance of the layer with the available MT data 91: FDB-20020409 92: FDB-msms MFN: 9976 1: SID/SCD 2: 8998 3: INPE-8998-PRE/4676 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Padua, Marcelo Banik 10: Padilha, Antonio Lopes 10: Vitorello, Öcaro 12: Disturbances on manetotelluric data due to DC electrified railway: A case study from southeastern Brazil 14: 591-596 30: Earth Planets and Space 31: 54 32: 5 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: levantamento magn‚ticos 87: sondagem 87: dist£rbios 87: barulho eletromagn‚tico 88: magnetic surveys 88: disturbances 88: electromagnetic noise 88: sounding 83: Magnetotelluric (MT)soundings were carried out in the period range of 20 to 6000 s along profiles roughly orthogonal to the Campos do Jordao Railway (CJRW), in the Brazilian southeastern region. The profiles were located over two adjacent regions with contrasting conductivity, the conductive sedimentary region of the Taubate Basin and the resistive crystalline region of the Serra da Mantiqueira, The railway operates with DC current that produces an intense electromagnetic noise but only during diurnal periods, being turned off at night. The objective of this study is to characterize the CJRW noise in order to verify its effect on MT parameters. It was inferred that the entire length of the Taubate Basin is probably affected by the noise, whereas in the crystalline terrains the noise reaches distances in the range of 76 to 126 km. The electric channels show a strong dependence on geology which is suggestive of the potential application of the CJRW as a controlled source in geophysical studies. The data were processed with modern techniques presently available to the scientific community. Under the conditions of the present study, it was observed that the robust Single Station technique is as efficient as the robust Remote Reference to remove the kind of noise generated by the CJRW, an intense perturbation that affects only some well-defined portions of the time series, Finally, the analyses reaffirm the necessity of a careful choice of the station to be used as reference in the Remote Reference technique 91: FDB-20020409 92: FDB-msms MFN: 9977 1: SID/SCD 2: 9001 3: INPE-9001-PRE/4679 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Fedrizzi, Mariangel 10: Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de 10: Kantor, Ivan Jelinek 10: Langley, Richard 10: Santos, Marcelo 10: Komjathy, Attila 12: Mapping the low-latitude ionosphere with GPS 14: 41-47 30: GPS World 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 58: PAN 61: 64: fev<2002> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 88: ionosphere 88: GPS 83: Despite significant recent progress in studies of the behavior of the ionosphere, there are still many questions to be investigated in order to achieve a better understanding of the energy coupling processes between the Sun and the Earth. Various observing techniques, such as transionospheric radio signals, ionosonde measurements and incoherent scattering radars, have been used to study ionospheric behavior during both magnetically quiet and disturbed periods. However, previous ionospheric studies were based mainly on measurements obtained either from a single station or a local network of instruments. On a global scale, isolated orbiting satellites carrying ionospheric sensors also were not able to monitor ionospheric behavior due to the lack of instaneous worldwide coverage 91: FDB-20020409 92: FDB-msms MFN: 9978 1: SID/SCD 2: 9003 3: INPE-9003-PRE/4681 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kane, Rajaram Purushottam 12: Precipitation anomalies in southern South America associated with a finer classification of El Nino and La Nina events 14: 357-373 30: International Journal of Climatology 31: 22 32: 3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: mar<2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: oscila‡äes sulistas 87: precipita‡Æo 87: anomalias 88: El Nino (EN) 88: Southern oscillation (SO) 88: precipitation 88: anomalies 83: The relationship between rainfall in sub-regions of Uruguay and South Brazil and a finer classification of El Ninos (ENs), was studied. ENSOWs were defined as years when an EN existed on the Peruvian coast, the southern oscillation index (SOI = Tahiti minus Darwin pressure)was negative (SO), and Pacific sea-surface temperature SST)anomalies were positive (W). Further, unambiguous ENSOWs were defined as years when SO and W occurred in the middle of the calendar year, and ambiguous ENSOWs were defined as years when SO and W occurred in the earlier or later part of the calendar year (not in the middle). In contrast with India and some other regions where unambiguous ENSOWs were associated predominantly with droughts, in the case of southern South America the association was with excess rains. Among the ambiguous ENSOWs, some were associated with floods in southern South America, but some had normal or mixed rainfalls (floods in some sub-regions, droughts in others)and a few even had droughts. C events (La Ninas, i.e. no EN, SOI positive, and SST negative)were associated mostly with droughts, but occasionally with floods in southern South America. Many non-events were associated with floods or droughts, indicating that factors other than EN/La Nina could also be importa 91: FDB-20020412 92: FDB-msms MFN: 9983 1: SID/SCD 2: 9036 3: INPE-9036-PRE/4713 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Fonseca, Solange Tamara da Fonseca 10: Nono, Maria do carmo de Andrade 10: Castro, Pedro Jos‚ de 12: Cerƒmica de nanotitanato de b rio para aplica‡Æo como resoadores diel‚tricos em microondas 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 53: Semin rio de Inicia‡Æo Cinet¡fica do INPE (SICINPE) 54: 10-11 jul. <2002> 58: LAS 58: LAP 61: 62: INPE 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 9989 1: SID/SCD 2: 9010 3: INPE-9010-PRE/4688 4: COMP 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Moraes, Ronei Marcos 10: Banon, Gerald Jean Francis 10: Sandri, Sandra Aparecida 12: Fuzzy expert systems architeture for image classification using mathematical morphology operators 14: 7-21 30: Information Sciences 31: 142 32: 1-4 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAC 58: DPI 61: 64: May <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: MORFOLOGIA MATEMATICA 87: sistemas nebulosos 88: fuzzy systems 88: mathematical morphology 82: 83: We propose a fuzzy expert systems architecture for image classification, whose rules areimplemented through translation invariant mathematical morphology operators. The use of the architecture is illustrated by an expert system that classifies an area of the Tapajos National Forest, in Brazil 91: FDB-20020511 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10016 1: SID/SCD 2: 9000 3: INPE-9000-PRE/4678 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Takahashi, Hisao 10: Nakamura, T. 10: Tsuda, T. 10: Buriti, Ricardo A. 10: Gobbi, Delano 12: First measurement of atmospheric density and pressure by meteor diffusion coefficient and airglow OH temperature in the mesopause region 30: Geophysical Research Letters 31: 29 32: 8 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 87: composi‡Æo atmosf‚rica 87: estruturas 87: densidade 87: temperatura 87: m‚dia atmosfera 87: aurora 87: aeroluminescˆncia 88: atmospheric composition 88: structures 88: airglow 88: aurora 88: pressure 88: density 83: (1)Atmospheric density and pressure in the mesopause region, around 87 km, are inferred using meteor trail ambipolar diffusion coefficient D, and simultaneously observed airglow OH rotational temperature, TOH. This is the first time to determine the atmospheric density, temperature and pressure by this method. From the 17 nights of data, we found thet the number density at around 87 km of altitude varied from 0.9 to 1.2 X 10 (14)cm-3, and the pressure varied from 0.27 to 0.35 Pascal. The density variation is opposite to the temperature. The OH (6,2)band emission rates showed negative correlation with the density, contrast to positive relation with the temperature. In order to explain temporal variation of the OH emission rate, therefore, it is necessary to assume change of atomic oxygen mixing ratio in the emission heights 91: FDB-20020517 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10017 1: SID/SCD 2: 8999 3: INPE-8999-PRE/4677 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Clemesha, Barclay Robert 10: Batista, Paulo Prado 10: Simonich, Dale Martin 12: Comment on " In search of greenhouse signals in the equatorial middle atmosphere" by Gufran Beig and S. Fadnavis 14: art. n. 1810 30: Geophysical Research Letters 31: 29 32: 16 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: Aug. <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020917 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10018 1: SID/SCD 2: 9004 3: INPE-9004/4682 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Alarcon, Alicia Luisa Clua de Gonzalez 10: Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez 10: Tsurutani Bruce T. 10: Silbergleit, V.M. 12: Letter to the editor - Author's response 14: 871-871 30: Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 31: 64 32: 7 40: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: May <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020417 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10027 1: SID/SCD 2: 9008 3: INPE-9008-PRE/4686 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Mendes Jr. Odim 10: Domingues, Margarete Oliveira 12: Introdu‡Æo … etrodinƒmica atmosf‚rica 14: 3-19 30: Revista Brasileira de Ensino de F¡sica 31: 24 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: mar. <2002> 87: eletrodinƒmica 88: eletrodynamics 83: A eletrodinƒmica atmosf‚rica governa os processos f¡sicos na Terra, afetando a vida, instala‡äes e servi‡os tecnol¢gicos. Com o objetivo de auxiliar os professores, pesquisadores e estudantes a lidarem com esta  rea e suas conseqˆncias, o ambiente eletrodinƒmico ‚ apresentado neste tutorial Abstract The atmospheric Eletrodynamics rules important processes in the Earth, affecting the life, instalations and technological services. In order to help teacheers, researches and students to deal with this area and their consuquences, the electrodynamical environment is presented in this tutorial. 91: FDB-20020917 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10040 1: SID/SCD 2: 9005 3: INPE-9005-PRE/4683 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kil, H. 10: Kintner, P.M. 10: Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de 10: Kantor, Ivan Jelinek 12: Latitudinal variations of scintillation activity and zonal plasma drifts in South America 14: art. no. 1006 30: Radio Science 31: 37 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: Jan/Fev<2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA 88: F-REGION 88: NEUTRAL WINDS 88: EQUATORIAL 88: IRREGULARITIES 88: EVOLUTION 88: VELOCITY 88: SYSTEM 83: Latitudinal variations of scintillation activity and zonal plasma drifts were investigated simultaneously at three locations in Brazil during 23 November to 26 December 1999 using Global Positioning System measurements. The scintillation morphology at 1.575 GHz showed large latitudinal differences in scintillation activity. At the magnetic equator the occurrence probability was very low without showing strong scintillation (S-4 > 0.5)during the solar maximum period, whereas strong scintillation was observed during most of the days at the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA). The scintillation activity was mostly limited to 1900-2400 LT at the magnetic equator and to 2000-0200 LT at the EIA. The scintillation onset time delay of about an hour at the EIA compared to that at the magnetic equator illustrates the development of ionospheric irregularities at the magnetic equator and then their expansion to higher latitude by drifting upward. The zonal velocities of the ionospheric irregularities were inferred using the cross-correlation technique, and the eastward velocity of all observations decreased with local time. However, the zonal velocity magnitude also decreased in proceeding from the magnetic equator to the EIA, which indicates negative vertical shear of the eastward plasma drift velocity at nighttime in the equatorial ionosphere 91: FDB-20020919 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10042 1: SID/SCD 2: 9071 3: INPE-9071-PRE/4747 4: MET 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Franchito, Sergio Henrique 10: Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao 10: Fernandez, JPR 10: Chapa, Srinivasa Rao 12: Transport of potential vorticity and Eliassen-Palm fluxes for two contrasting years: 1995-1996 (La Nina)and 1997-1998 (El Nino) 14: 717-727 30: Annales Geophysicae 31: 20 32: 5 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LMO 61: 64: May <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: METEOROLOGIA 87: anomalias 87: oscila‡Æo sul 87: impactos 87: circulation 88: southern oscilation 88: anomalies 88: impacts 88: circulation 88: climate 88: la Nina 88: El Nino 83: Potential vorticity transport (PV)-Eliassen and Palm (EP)cross sections are studied for two contrasting years: 1995-1996 (La Nina)and 1997-1998 (El Nino). The results show that the largest differences in PV transport-EP fluxes between El Nino and La Nina events occur in winter in both hemispheres, but the changes are higher in the Northern Hemisphere. PV transport-EP fluxes are stronger in both July 1997 and January 1998 than in July 1995 and January 1996, respectively, indicating stronger baroclinic activity in the El Nino year compared to the La Nina year. The changes in PV transport seem to be due mainly to the changes in eddy heat fluxes. Due to the increase in the wind shear the Eady growth rate is stronger in the 1997-1998 El Nino compared to 1995-1996 La Nina. Consequently, the zonal winds are stronger in the El Nino event, although the location of the jet streams is almost the same in both the contrasting years. However, in the Southern Hemisphere, there are two regions of maxima Eady growth rate in July 1997 and a double jet is observed while a single jet is seen in July 1995 associated with only one maximum of Eady growth rate. In the case of summer, there is little difference in PV transport-EP fluxes between the two contrasting years in the hemispheres, although they are slightly higher in the El Nino event than in the La Nina event 91: FDB-20020612 MFN: 10044 1: SID/SCD 2: 9087 3: INPE-9087-PRE/4763 4: MET 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Matsuyama, H. 10: Marengo, Jos‚ Antonio 10: Obregon Parraga, Guillermo Osvaldo 10: Nobre, Carlos Afonso 12: Spatial and temporal variabilities of rainfall in tropical South America as derived from Climate Prediction Center merged analysis of precipitation 14: 175-195 30: International Journal of Climatology 31: 22 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: CPT 61: 64: Feb. <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 88: SEA 88: SURFACE TEMPERATURE 88: INTERANNUAL VARIABILITY 88: GAUGE OBSERVATIONS 88: LEPAGE TEST 88: RIVER 88: DEFORESTATION 88: TRENDS, OCEAN 82: 83: We investigated the spatial and temporal variabilities of Climate Prediction Center merged analysis of precipitation (CMAP)in tropical South America from 1979 to 1998. First, we validated CMAP using other hydro meteorological data. In comparison with the high-density precipitation data of the Global Historical Climatology Network (GHCN)Ver.2, CMAP reproduces the spatial pattern well, although it underestimates (overestimates)heavy (light)precipitation. CMAP also reproduces the interannual variability well, compared with the discharge data of the River Amazon. Next, we applied the rotated empirical orthogonal function (REOF)to CMAP after subtracting the annual cycle. Simultaneous and lag correlations were calculated aniong the scores of REOFs 1 to 4, the southern oscillation index, and the dipole index of the Atlantic. REOF 1 (15 percent)represents the north-south pattern that exhibits the maximum precipitation in the summer hemisphere. REOF 2 (12 percent)indicates the gradual decrease of precipitation in the northern part of tropical South America, reflecting the effect of the Atlantic. REOF 3 (11)exhibits an east-west pattern related to El Nino. In REOF 4 (7), the centre of the factor loading is located in Colombia, and the score jumps abruptly around 1985-86.The Lepage test detected the abrupt increase of CMAP in 1985-86 around Colombia. Since such a jump is not found in GHCN Ver. 2, the discontinuous changes of CMAP and REOF 4 around 1985-86 are artificial and peculiar to CMAP. In this region, CMAP should be applied with caution when evaluating recent trends and the interannual variability. The importance of the abrupt increase of precipitation around Colombia is also addressed 91: FDB-20020612 MFN: 10045 1: SID/SCD 2: 9088 3: INPE-9088-PRE/4764 4: MET 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Harari, J. 10: Giarolla, E. 12: On the use of the Galerkin method for 3D numerical modelling of the general circulation: The South Atlantic experiment 14: 881-893 30: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 31: 38 32: 9 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LMO 61: 64: Mar. <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: METEOROLOGIA 88: ocean general circulation model, 88: Galerkin method 88: spectral method 88: confluence 83: A linear three-dimensional hydrodynamical numerical model, with the application of the Galerkin Method for the vertical dependence, is here presented. The spherical coordinate system is used, in order to allow large-scale simulations. The equations and mathematical development of the model are shown in detail, together with the boundary and initial conditions, and the sequence of equations' solution. The model is applied to the South Atlantic Ocean, for estimating typical seasonal circulations, and the results are summarized in maps of currents at surface and 1000m depth, and in transport values of the Brazil Current between 30degreesS and 40degreesS 91: FDB-20020612 MFN: 10046 1: SID/SCD 2: 9004 3: INPE-9004-PRE/4682 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Silva, Heitor Evangelista da 10: Pereira, Enio Bueno 12: Radon Flux at King George Island, Antartic Peninsula 14: 283-304 30: Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 31: 61 32: 3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 88: RN-222, SOIL 88: TRANSPORT 88: DIFFUSION 88: AIR 82: < 83: Fluxes of Rn-222 from the ice-free terrain to the atmosphere were measured directly, for the first time, at the Brazilian Antartic Station Ferraz during the summer field campaign of 1998/99. Average value for the flux was 7.7 +/- 4.8x10(-2)atoms cm(-2)s(-1)and it ranged between 0.21x10(-2)atoms cm(-2)s(-1)and 28x10(-2)atoms cm(-2)s(-1). The average flux of Rn-220 was estimated to be 23 atoms cm(-2)s(-1), using a combination of two techniques: nuclear track detection and alpha spectrometry of radon daughters. It was found that the production of radon by uranium (41.54 +/- 7.17 Bq kg(-1)) and thorium (57.97 +/- 12.14 Bq kg(-1)) equivalent soil contents, and a diffusion coefficient derived from experimental data for the local terrain could account for this average flux. Nevertheless, the large surges of Rn-222 in the atmosphere frequently observed for that area could not be-explained by this flux only 91: FDB-20020423 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10047 1: SID/SCD 2: 9006 3: INPE-9006-PRE4684 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Silva, Heitor Evangelista da 10: Pereira, Enio Bueno 10: Fernandes, H.M. 10: Sampaio, M. 12: Radon dynamics and reduction in an underground mine in Brazil. Implications for workers' exposure 14: 235-238 30: Radiation Protection Dosimetry 31: 98 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 50: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 88: Rn-222 88: adon measuring 83: This work was aimed at studying the behaviour of Rn-222 in an experimental underground copper mine in Brazil with a single entrance, The Rn-222 concentrations. measured by using a dynamic radon measuring technique, varied between 30.5 Bq.m(-3), during ventilated conditions applied to the mine galleries. and 19.4 x 10(3)Bq.m(-3)for non-ventilated conditions and when operational mining activities were conducted inside. High radon concentration surges were observed after blasting and drilling activities. In the cases of inadequate ventilation, it was estimated that workers could be subjected to exposures as high as 10 muSv.h(-1), only due to Rn-222 and its short-lived progeny. The results show the importance of real-time measurements to evaluate radon dynamics during mining operations 91: FDB-20020923 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10048 1: SID/SCD 2: 9007 3: INPE-9007-PRE/4685 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kane, Rajaram Purushottam 12: Correlation of solar indices with solar EUV fluxes 14: 17-40 30: Solar Physics 31: 207 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: May <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 88: PIONEER-VENUS-ORBITER, ULTRAVIOLET IRRADIANCE VARIATIONS, LYMAN ALPHA 88: CHROMOSPHERIC STRUCTURES 88: ATMOSPHERE EXPLORER 88: LANGMUIR PROBE 88: FLARE INDEX 88: VARIABILITY 88: MODEL 88: SOLAR CYCLE-22 83: The paper presents a more extensive comparison of Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV)irradiances during AE-E (1977-1980), Pioneer Venus (1979-1992)and SEM/SOHO (1996 onwards)with other solar indices than has been discussed previously. For long-term changes (solar cycle), all indices had similar trends and inter-correlations were high, so that any one could serve as a proxy for the other. For intermediate time-scales (monthly means), only Lalpha, F10 (2800 MHz)and Mg II had reasonably high correlations with EUV. The 2695 MHz radio emission also had a high correlation. For daily values, data for many indices are intermittant and these cannot serve as proxies. Again, only Lalpha, F10 (and 2695 MHz), Mg II stand out as possible proxies for EUV, particularly during intervals of strong 27-day sequences 91: FDB-20020423 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10049 1: SID/SCD 2: 9122 3: INPE-9122-PRE/4796 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kane, Rajaram Purushottam 12: Periodicities in the time series of solar coronal radio emissions and chromospheric UV emission lines 14: 351-359 30: Solar Physics 31: 205 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 61: 64: fev.<2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 88: solar coronal radio 88: emissions 88: spectral analysis 83: A spectral analysis of the time series of daily values of ten solar coronal radio emissions in the range 275-1755 MHz, the 2800 MHz radio flux, several UV emission lines in the chromosphere and in the transition region, and sunspot number, for six successive intervals of 132 days each, during June 1997-July 1999 (26 months)showed that the spectral characteristics were not the same for all intervals. Details are presented for Interval 1, where there was no 27-day oscillation, and Interval 2, where there was a strong 27-day oscillation. In every interval, periodicities were remarkably similar in most of these indices, indicating that the solar atmosphere (chromosphere and corona)rotated as one block, up to a height of similar to 150 000 km. Above this height, the periodicities became obscure. Near the solar surface, sunspots showed extra or different periodicities, some of which vanished at low altitudes. For the 27-day feature as also for the long-term rise during 1996-1998, the maximum percentage changes were for radio emissions near 1350-1620 MHz 91: FDB-20020423 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10053 1: SID/SCD 2: 9120 3: INPE-9120-PRE/4794 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Lichstein, Gilbert S. 10: Forbes, Jeffrey M. 10: Coll Angelats, M. 10: Takahashi, Hisao 10: Gobbi, Delano 10: Buriti, Ricardo A. 12: Quasi-3-day Kelvin wave and the OI(5577 A), OH(6,2)Meinel, and O2(0,1)emissions 30: Geophysical Research Letters 31: 29 32: 4 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: fev.<2002> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 88: Atmosphere 88: photodissociation 88: thermosphere 88: parameters 88: nightglow 88: airglow, oxygen, model 88: bands 88: OH 83: Ground-based zenith photometric observations at Sao Joao do Cariri (7degreesS, 37degreesW), Brazil, reveal the existence of similar to 25-40 percent quasi-3-day oscillations in OI( 5577Angstrom), O-2(0,1), and OH (6,2)emissions and upper mesospheric temperatures (similar to6K)during June and July, 1998. A previous numerical model study [Forbes, 2000]has reported on the global characteristics of a 3-day Kelvin wave with zonal wavenumber s = 1, and consistency with satellite and radar observations. Herein we present the results of a one-dimensional dynamical-chemical simulation that demonstrates that the photometric observations are consistent with a Kelvin wave interpretation. Thus, a connection is made for the first time between convective processes in the tropical troposphere, and upper atmospheric airglow emissions. Ground-based zenith photometric observations at Sao Joao do Cariri (7degreesS, 37degreesW), Brazil, reveal the existence of similar to25-40 percent quasi-3-day oscillations in OI( 5577Angstrom), O-2(0,1), and OH (6,2)emissions and upper mesospheric temperatures (similar to6K)during June and July, 1998. A previous numerical model study [Forbes, 2000]has reported on the global characteristics of a 3-day Kelvin wave with zonal wavenumber s = 1, and consistency with satellite and radar observations. Herein we present the results of a one-dimensional dynamical-chemical simulation that demonstrates that the photometric observations are consistent with a Kelvin wave interpretation. Thus, a connection is made for the first time between convective processes in the tropical troposphere, and upper atmospheric airglow emissions 91: FDB-20020924 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10054 1: SID/SCD 2: 9121 3: INPE-9121-PRE/4795 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kozyra, J.U. 10: Liemohn, M.W. 10: Clauer C.R. 10: Ridley, A.J. 10: Thomsen, M.F. 10: Borovsky, J.E. 10: Roeder, J.L. 10: Jordanova, V.K. 10: Alarcon, Walter Demetrio Gonzalez 12: Multistep Dst development and ring current composition changes during the 4-6 June 1991 magnetic storm 14: art. n.1224 30: Journal of Geophysical Research 31: 107 32: A8 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: Aug. <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 88: PITCH ANGLE DISTRIBUTIONS 88: SOLAR WIND CONTROL 88: GEOMAGNETIC STORMS 88: GEOSYNCHRONOUS ORBIT 88: INNER MAGNETOSPHERE 88: KINETIC-MODEL 88: PLASMA SHEET 88: CURRENT IONS 88: PHASE 83: The 4-6 June 1991 magnetic storm, which occurred during solar maximum conditions, is analyzed to investigate two observed features of magnetic storms that are not completely understood: (1)the mass-dependent decay of the ring current during the early recovery phase and (2)the role of preconditioning in multistep ring current development. A kinetic ring current drift-loss model, driven by dynamic fluxes at the nightside outer boundary, was used to simulate this storm interval. A strong partial ring current developed and persisted throughout the main and early recovery phases. The majority of ions in the partial ring current make one pass through the inner magnetosphere on open drift paths before encountering the dayside magnetopause. The ring current exhibited a three-phase decay in this storm. A short interval of charge-exchange loss constituted the first phase of the decay followed by a classical two-phase decay characterized by an abrupt transition between two very different decay timescales. The short interval dominated by charge-exchange loss occurred because an abrupt northward turning of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF)trapped ring current ions on closed trajectories, and turned-off sources and "flow-out'' losses. If this had been the end of the solar wind disturbance, decay timescales would have gradually lengthened as charge exchange preferentially removed the short-lived species; a distinctive two-phase decay would not have resulted. However, the IMF turned weakly southward, drift paths became open, and a standard two-phase decay ensued as the IMF rotated slowly northward again. As has been shown before, a two-phase decay is produced as open drift paths are converted to closed in a weakening convection electric field, driving a transition from the fast flow-out losses associated with the partial ring current to the slower charge-exchange losses associated with the trapped ring current. The open drift path geometry during the main phase and during phase 1 of the two-phase decay has important consequences for the evolution of ring current composition and for preconditioning issues. In this particular storm, ring current composition changes measured by the Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite (CRRES)during the main and recovery phase of the storm resulted largely from composition ch open drift paths as the magnetic activity declined. Possible preconditioning elements were investigated during the multistep development of this storm, which was driven by the sequential arrival of three southward IMF B-z intervals of increasing peak strength. In each case, previous intensifications ( preexisting ring currents)were swept out of the magnetosphere by the enhanced convection associated with the latest intensification and did not act as a significant preconditioning element. However, plasma sheet characteristics varied significantly between subsequent intensifications, altering the response of the magnetosphere to the sequential solar wind drivers. A denser plasma sheet (ring current source population)appeared during the second intensification, compensating for the weaker IMF B-z at this time and producing a minimum pressure-corrected Dst* value comparable to the third intensification (driven by stronger IMF B-z but a lower density plasma sheet source). The controlling influence of the plasma sheet dynamics on the ring current dynamics and its role in altering the inner magnetospheric response to solar wind drivers during magnetic storms adds a sense of urgency to understanding what processes produce time-dependent responses in the plasma sheet density, composition, and temperature 91: FDB-20020424 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10055 1: SID/SCD 2: 9123 3: INPE-9123-PRE/4797 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Tositti, L. 10: Pereira, Enio Bueno 10: Sandrini, S. 10: Capra, D. 10: Tubertini, O. 10: Bettoli, M.G. 12: Assesment of summer trends of tropospheric radon isotopes in a coastal antarctic station (Terra Nova Bay) 14: 259-274 30: International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 31: 82 32: 5 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFISICA ESPACIAL 88: fluxes 88: atmospheric tracers 82: 83: This work reports the first results of atmospheric radon measurements performed at the Italian Antarctic station located at Terra Nova Bay (74.69degreesS; 164.12degreesE)during summer campaigns of 1995-96, 1996-97 and 1997-98. Mean 222 Rn concentrations was 0.51 +/- 0.43 Bq m(-3)(median = 0.37 Bq m(-3)), and ranged from 0.01 to 2.74 Bq m(-3). On the average, these values were considered high, in comparison to results reported for other sites in Antarctica at equivalent latitudes. This could be explained by two causes: radon data for Terra Nova Bay were only for the summer period, when the ice-free area is at its maximum and thus the radon emission to the atmosphere; and by the larger ice-free area at Terra Nova Bay compared, for example, to measurements taken at another Antarctic site by the same technique (Ferraz station - 62degrees05'S; 058degrees23.5'W). The mean Rn-222 to Rn-220 activity ratio was 4.4 +/- 4.2, ranging between 0.1 and 45.3. The highest ratios indicated that some of observed surges of concentration of Rn-222 could be attributed to not local sources. Lower radon concentrations were observed during katabatic wind events. The diurnal radon variation followed the general trend observed for continental areas located at lower latitudes 91: FDB-20020924 MFN: 10056 1: SID/SCD 2: 9124 3: INPE-9124-PRE/4798 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Boscher, D. 10: Bourdarie, S. 10: Gusev, A.A. 10: Jayanthi, Udahya Bhaskaram 10: Martin, Inacio Malmonge 10: Pugacheva, G.I. 10: Spjeldvik, W.N. 12: Space weather impact on magnetosphere: New helium radiation belt storm time formation 14: 624-631 30: Revista Brasileira de F¡sica / Brazilian Journal of Physics 31: 32 32: 2B 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: jun.<2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 88: IONIZED HELIUM 88: DYNAMICS 83: The consequences of the March 1991 storm oil the Earth's radiation environment are now well known through many in-situ magnetospheric observations. Measurement from the CRRES spacecraft show the sudden formation of a new Helium ion structure deep within the magnetosphere. In that event, two additional new radiation belts were reated, one containing large fluxes of 10 MeV electrons, and the other forming a structure containing 30 MeV protons. These sudden space weather phenomena appear to be due the conjunction of the two occurrences: (1)a solar energetic particle (SEP)event ariving in the vicinity of the Earth, and (2)a very intense magnetic storm within the Earth's magnetosphere. Attempts to reproduce the appearance of storm time helium belt by computational modeling are made using a three-dimensional charged particle code (Salammbo code)incorporating Helium ion charge exchange and post-event classical diffusion theory. We have extended the capabilities of the code to Helium ions, and we show that these physical phenomena can also lead to a build-up of a new Helium belt in the 30 MeV range. Detailed modeling predictions of the location of this belt and computed flux levels will be presented and discussed in the context of space weather phenomena in the Earth's magnetosphere 83: 83: 83: 91: FDB-20020924 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10057 1: SID/SCD 2: 9125 3: INPE-9125-PRE/4789 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kaufmann, Pierre 10: Raulin J.P. 10: Melo, A.M. 10: Correia, Emilia 10: Costa, Joaquim Eduardo Rezende 10: Castro, C. G. G. 10: Silva, A.V.R. 10: Yoshimori, M. 10: Hudson, H.S. 10: Gan, W.Q. 10: Gary, D.E. 10: Gallagher, P.T. 10: Levato, H. 10: Marun, A. 10: Rovira, M. 12: Solar submillimeter and gamma-ray burst emission 14: 1059-1065 30: Astrophysical Journal 31: 574 32: 2 Part 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: CRAAE 61: 64: Aug. <2002> 68: PRE 76: RADIOASTRONOMIA 87: raios gama 87: explorasäes 87: sol 87: radia‡Æo 88: gamma rays 88: bursts 88: sun 88: flares 88: radiation 83: Solar are emission was measured at 212 GHz in the submillimeter range by the Submillimeter Solar Telescope in the 1.2-18 GHz microwave range by the Owens Valley Solar Array and in the gamma-ray energy range (continuum)by experiments on board the Yohkoh ( > 1. 2 MeV)and Shenzhou 2 ( > 0.2 MeV)satellites. At the burst onset, the submillimeter and microwave time profiles were well correlated with gamma rays to the limit of the temporal resolution (less than or equal to10 s). At 212 GHz, fast pulses (< 1 s), defined as time structures in excess of the bulk emission, were identified as the flux increased. Their spatial positions were scattered by tens of arcseconds with respect to the main burst emission position. Correlation of submillimeter emission with gamma-ray fast time structures shorter than 500 ms is suggested at the gamma-ray maximum. The time variation of the rate of occurrence of the submillimeter rapid pulses was remarkably well correlated with gamma-ray intensities in the energy range ( > 1. 2 MeV), attaining nearly 50 pulses per minute at the maximum. These results suggest that gamma rays might be the response to multiple rapid pulses at 212 GHz and might be produced at different sites within the flaring region 91: FDB-20020926 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10058 1: SID/SCD 2: 9127 3: INPE-9127-PRE/4800 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Trotter, G. 10: Raulin, J.P. 10: Kaufmann, Pierre 10: Siarkowski, M. 10: Klein, K.L. 10: Gary, D.E. 12: First detection of the impulsive and extended phases of a solar radio burst above 200 GHz 14: 694-702 30: Astronomy and Astrophysics 31: 381 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: CRAAE 61: 64: Jan. <2002> 68: PRE 76: RADIOASTRONOMIA 87: sol 87: atividade 87: flares 87: emissÆo de part¡culas 87: raio x duro 88: sun 88: activity 88: flares 88: particle emission 88: radioradiation 88: hard x ray 83: We present a detailed analysis of radio observations obtained at 212 and 405 GHz during the 2000 March 22 Halpha 2N flare that occured in AR8910 at similar to1834 UT. These data are compared with microwave, soft X-ray and hard X-ray measurements of this flare, While the flare emission is not clearly detected at 405 GHz, the time profile of the 212 GHz emission exhibits an impulsive burst, associated in time with the 1-18 GHz impulsive microwave burst and a long-lasting thermal burst which finishes at about the same time as the soft X-ray emission but reaches its maximum later. The 212 GHz impulsive emission and the lack of detection at 405 GHz are consistent with synchrotron radiation from a population of ultrarelativistic electrons in an average magnetic field of 400 600 G. This radiating population of electrons has a hard energy spectrum (power law index approximate to 2.7). The expected >1 MeV gamma-ray continuum emission from the radio emitting electrons is comparable to that detected for mid-size electron-dominated events and the hard X-ray flux they would produce at 100 keV is consistently lower than the upper limit inferred from the observations. It is shown that the 212 GHz thermal source has to be different from that radiating the soft X-ray and microwave thermal emission. The present observations 4 solar burst provide the first evidence of the extension of the gyrosynchrotron spectrum of an impulsive radio burst in the synchrotron domain above 200 GHz 91: FDB-20020926 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10059 1: SID/SCD 2: 9128 3: INPE-9128-PRE/4801 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Makhmutov, V.S. 10: Kaufmann, Pierre 10: Costa, Joaquim Eduardo Rezende 10: Lagrotta, P.R. 10: Magun, A. 10: Arzner, K. 10: Bazilevskaya, G.A. 10: Shea, A.A. 12: Great solar bursts of October 19, 22 and 23, 1989 14: 2101-2104 30: Advances in Space Research 31: 29 32: 12 40: En 41: En 42: 58: CRAAE 61: 64: <2002> 76: RADIOASTRONOMIA 87: raios c¢smicos 87: eventos 88: cosmic rays 88: events 88: flares 88: solar 83: Itapetinga measurements at 48 GHz with the multibeam technique are used to determine the relative position of solar burst centroid of emission with high spatial accuracy and time resolution. For the Great Bursts of October 19,22, 1989, with a large production of relativistic particles, and October 23, it is suggested that, at 48 GHz, the bursts might have originated in more then one source in space and time. Additionally the October 19 and 22 Ground Level Events exhibited very unusual intensity-time profiles including double component structures for the onset phase. The Bern observatory spectral radio emission data show a strong spectral flattening typical for large source inhomogeneties. The interpretation for this is that large solar flares are a superposition of a few strong bursts (separated both in space and time)in the same flaring region 91: FDB-20020926 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10060 1: SID/SCD 2: 9131 3: INPE-9131 -PRE/4804 4: ETES 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Fonseca, Ijar Milagre 10: Bainum, Peter M. 10: Louren‡Æo, Paulo Tadeu Melo 12: Structural and control optimization of a space structure subjected to the gravity-gradient torque 14: 673-681 30: Acta Astronautica 31: 51 32: 10 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 64: Nov. <2002> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: torque 88: design analysis 88: space structure 88: design 83: This paper focuses on the integrated structural/control optimization of a large space structure with a robot arm and tip payloads subjected to the gravity-gradient torque. Constraints from the structure and control disciplines are imposed on the integrated optimization process with the aim of obtaining the structure's minimum weight and the optimum control performance. The result demonstrates the feasibility to solve the problem by taking into account combined constraints from the separate disciplines, structures and control. Further, the resulting minimum structural weight represents a aving of about 20 with respect to the weight of the initial given structure while the control design accomplishes the objectives of suppressing and controlling the structural vibration and attitude without violation of the control damping factor imposed on the problem 91: FDB-20020912 MFN: 10061 1: SID/SCD 2: 9132 3: INPE-9132 -PRE/4805 4: ETES 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Prasad, Polamraju Rajendra 10: Kuga, Helio Koiti 12: An evaluation of Jacchia and MSIS 90 atmospheric models with CBERS data 14: 579-588 30: Acta Astronautica 31: 48 32: 5-12 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Astronautics Congress, 51 58: DMC 61: 64: Mar.-June <2002> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: CBERS 87: China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite 87: atmospheric models 87: perturbation 87: control of ground track 83: "CBERS" (China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite)was put into orbit on 14(th)of October 1999. The atmospheric drag is the major nongravitational perturbation effecting the control of ground track. As accuracy requirements increase, greater reliance is placed on the empirical techniques. During the initial operational phase of CBERS, the solar activity is almost at its peak. This phenomenon has provided an opportunity to carry out an evaluation of the atmospheric density models. The study puts emphasis on two commonly used atmospheric density models viz. Jacchia and Mass Spectrometer Incoherent Scatter (MSIS). The analysis is based on the decay histories of CBERS to choose the accurate density model. Density models used for orbit propagation are usually derived empirically from actual flight data. Brief synopsis of some of the models is presented along with some of the density tables and orbit solutions of CBERS. Typical plots of density are presented. The study indicated that the drag estimation is relatively precise using MSIS based models. Among them MSIS-90 density model is observed to be a better compromise in terms of accuracy, flexibility and computational aspects. The analysis would be useful in mitigating the impact, of solar activity on orbit prediction and maintenance MFN: 10063 1: SID/SCD 2: 9133 3: INPE-9133 -PRE/4806 4: ETES 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Sukhanov, Alexander Alexandrovich 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini Almeida 12: Constant Tangential Low-Thrust Trajectories near an Oblate Planet 14: 723-731 30: Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 31: 24 32: 4 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 64: July <2001> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: TRANSFERS 83: The problem of changing spacecraft energy in minimum time near an oblate planet by means of tangential low thrust is considered. The mass flow rate and the exhaust velocity are assumed constant. Simple approximate formulas allowing calculation of the spacecraft three-dimensional spiral trajectory are obtained. Simple first-approximation formulas and more accurate second-approximation formulas are given. All of the formulas are valid both for ascent and descent of the spacecraft orbit. The accuracy of the formulas is estimated; it is shown that they provide high accuracy when the thrust acceleration is much smaller than the gravitational acceleration. MFN: 10071 1: SID/SCD 2: 9147 3: INPE-9147-PRE/4820 4: ETES 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Lacava, JCD 10: Proano de la Torre, A.V. 10: Cividanes, Lucio Baptista Trannin 12: A dynamic model for printed apertures in anisotropic stripline structures 14: 22-26 30: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 31: 50 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DEA 61: 64: Jan. <2002> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: general anisotropy 88: input impedance 88: method of moments 88: printed aperture 88: spectral domain 88: stripline structures 83: This paper presents a full-wave analysis method for printed apertures in anisotropic stripline structures. Both electric and magnetic anisotropy of the most general form are assumed. Working in the Fourier domain, closed-form expressions for the transformed electromagnetic fields are derived. Special attention is dedicated to the particular case of dielectrics with uniaxial anisotropy. In this case, spectral Green's functions in compact and closed form are obtained. Effects of the anisotropic ratio on the input impedance of a printed slot are presented 91: FDB-20020612 MFN: 10072 1: SID/SCD 2: 9143 3: INPE-9143 -PRE/4816 4: ETES 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Vlassov, Valeri Vladimirovich 10: Dreitser, G.A 12: Experimental investigation of natural convective heat transfer from a round plate of comlex configuration 14: 2511-2521 30: Iternational Journal of Heat and Mass transfer 31: 44 32: 13 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 64: July <2001> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: VERTICAL PLATE 83: Experimental results of free convective heat transfer on a round plate with additional elements on the surface at ambient air temperatures are presented. The tests were performed at horizontal and vertical positions of the plate. The influence of an annular non-heated barrier and partial upper insulation was studied. Experimental data were obtained at steady-state and transient modes over the Rayleigh number range from 1 x 10(7)to 2 x 10(8). Validity of the quasi-steady-state postulation for transient heat transfer was evaluated. Results were reduced to power-type relations Nu = f(Ra)and compared with the known steady-state data for free convection over smooth surfaces MFN: 10073 1: SID/SCD 2: 9149 3: INPE-9149 -PRE/4822 4: ETES 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Fonseca, IM 10: Bainum, PM 12: Large space structure integrated structural and control optimization, using analytical sensitivity analysis 14: 978-982 30: Journal of Guindance Control and Dynamics 31: 24 32: 5 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 64: Sep.-Oct. <2001> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: transfers 83: The analytical sensitivity analysis procedure to implement the integrated structural and control optimization of a large, low-Earth-orbit space structure is dealt with. The objective is to show that significant computation time can be saved when the analytical procedure is used instead of numerical calculation of the sensitivity. Despite that the numerical approach is attractive because it does not require the hard algebraic task to develop the sensitivity derivative expressions, the approach is often responsible for the major computational cost of an optimization process. The analytical approach represents an attractive option when the computational effort becomes prohibitive under cost consideration MFN: 10075 1: SID/SCD 2: 9151 3: INPE-9151-PRE/4824 4: ETES 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Schulz, W. 10: Prado, A.F.B.A. 10: Kuga, H.K. 10: Moraes, R.V. de 12: Optimal space manoeuvres in a non-Keplerian force field 14: 345-350 30: Advances in Space Research 31: 30 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 83: In this work the problem of a spacecraft bi-impulsive transfer between two given non coplanar elliptical orbits, with minimum fuel consumption, is solved considering a non-Keplerian force field (the perturbing forces include Earth gravity harmonics and atmospheric drag). The problem is transformed in the Two Point Boundary Value Problem. It is developed and implemented a new algorithm, that uses the analytical expressions developed here. A dynamics that considered a Keplerian force field was used to produce an initial guess to solve the Two Point Boundary Value Problem. Several simulations were performed to observe the spacecraft orbital behaviour by different kind of perturbations and constraints, on a fuel consumption optimization point of view 91: FDB-20020912 MFN: 10076 1: SID/SCD 2: 9129 3: INPE-9129-PRE/4802 4: COMP 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Ramos, Fernando Manuel 10: Wuensche, Carlos Alexandre 10: Ribeiro, A.L.B. 10: Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto 12: Multiscaling and nonextensivity of large-scale structures in the Universe 14: 404-409 30: Physica D 31: 168 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAC 58: DAS 61: 64: Aug. <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 87: cosmologia 87: estruturas do espa‡o grandes 87: fractais 87: universo 87: turbulˆncia 88: cosmology 88: large space structures 88: fractals 88: universe 88: turbulence 83: There has been a trend in the past decade to describe the large-scale structures in the Universe as a (multi)fractal set. However, one of the main objections raised by the opponents of this approach deals with the transition to homogeneity. Moreover, they claim there is not enough sampling space to determine a scaling index which characterizes a (multi)fractal set. In this work we propose an alternative solution to this problem, using the generalized thermostatistics formalism. We show that applying the idea of nonextensivity, intrinsic to this approach, it is possible to derive an expression for the correlation function, describing the scaling properties of large-scale structures in the Universe and the transition to homogeneity, which is in good agreement with observational data 91: FDB-20020930 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10077 1: SID/SCD 2: 9100 3: INPE-9100-PRE/4775 4: MET 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao 10: Santo, C.E. 10: Franchito, Sergio Henrique 10: Santo, C.E. 12: A diagnosis of rainfall over South America during the 1997/98 El Nino event. Part I: Validation of NCEP-NCAR reanalysis rainfall data 14: 502-511 30: Journal of Climate 31: 15 32: 5 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LMO 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDO DO CLIMA E DO TEMPO 88: climate assessment 88: oscilation 88: South Atlantic convergence zone 88: El Nino event 82: 83: A comparison between the National Centers for Environmental Predictions-National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP-NCAR)reanalysis rainfall data and the Agencia Nacional de Energia Eletrica (ANEEL)rain gauge data over Brazil is made. It is found that over northeast Brazil, NCEP-NCAR rainfall is overestimated. But over south and southeast Brazil, the correlation between the two datasets is highly significant showing the utility of NCEP-NCAR rainfall data. Over other parts of Brazil the validity of NCEP-NCAR rainfall data is questionable. A detailed comparison between NCEP-NCAR rainfall data over northwest South America and rain gauge data showed that NCEP-NCAR rainfall data are useful despite important differences between the characteristics in the two data sources. NCEP-NCAR reanalysis data seem to have difficulty in correctly reproducing the strength and orientation of the South Atlantic convergence zone 91: FDB-20020612 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10078 1: SID/SCD 2: 9104 3: INPE-9104-PRE/4779 4: MET 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao 10: Chapa, Srinivasa Rao 10: Fernandez, Julio Pablo Reyes 10: Franchito, Sergio Henrique 12: A diagnosis of rainfall over South America during the 1997/98 El Nino event. Part II: Roles of water vapor transport and stationary waves 14: 512-521 30: Journal of Climate 31: 15 32: 5 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LMO 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 88: oscillation 88: propagation 88: blocking 88: variability 88: climate 88: summer 88: GCM 88: El Nino 82: 83: A diagnosis of rainfall over South America (SA)during the 1997/ 98 El Nino year is made examining the roles of water vapor transport and stationary waves. It is found that the low-level jet (LLJ)on the eastern side of the central Andes is stronger during the El Nino event and transports more moisture. This seems to be the source for higher rainfall over southeast SA noted during the El Nino years. A calculation of three-dimensional stationary wave activity (F-s)for 1997 and 1998 showed that in the summer of 1996/97 stationary waves propagate poleward and eastward from midlatitudes into the higher latitudes to the west of south SA and then propagate equatorward to the east of SA. During the autumn of 1997, the vertical component of F-s is consistent with a blocking high over the southeast Pacific. To the east of this high cold air advection from Antarctica occurs, and to the west warm air advection occurs. This is consistent with negative and positive centers seen in the vertical component of F-s to the east and west of south SA. The rainfall anomalies during a particular season seem to be due to multiple causes and this complicates a direct connection between them. Although over the southeast of SA, the higher rainfall during 1997 and 1998 can be attributed to some specific causes such as higher water vapor transport by LLJ in summer of 1997/ 98, in other parts such an association was not possible 91: FDB-20020612 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10086 1: SID/SCD 2: 9176 3: INPE-9176-4849 4: ETES 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Moraes, Rodolpho Vilhena de 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 10: Campos, Daniela Yara 12: Orbital propagation for Brazilian satellites using NORAD models 14: 331-335 30: Advances in Space Research: New Trends in Space Geodesy 31: 30 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 53: COSPAR Scientific Assembly 54: 16-23 July <2000> 56: Vars¢via 57: Pol“nia 58: DMC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: SCD 1 87: SDC 2 88: NORAD models 88: two line elements 88: orbit propagation 83: The performance of the NORAD models for near Earth satellites (SGP, SGP4, SGP8)using two Brazilian flying satellites, SCD-1 and SCD-2, and the Chinese-Brazilian satellite CBERS-1 is compared. The achievable accuracy of such models is compared against the predicted 2-lines elements set for the satellites. Every week an updated fresh set of 2-lines elements for these satellites is made available through the Internet. About ten years of observations of the SCD-1 satellite are available and therefore solar activity influences on the orbit can be analyzed. Data are selected considering also orbital (for CBERS-1)and attitude (for SCD-2)maneuvers 92: FDB-20011002 100: FDB-MLR MFN: 10117 1: SID/SCD 2: 9199 3: INPE-9199-PRE/4872 4: ETES 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Felipe, G. 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Manobras de Rendezvous entre ¢rbitas keplerianas com controle impulsivo 14: 156-162 30: Sba: Controle Automa‡Æo Sociedade Brasileira de Automatica 31: 12 32: 2 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DMC 61: 64: maio-jun. <2001> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: astrodinƒmica 87: manobras orbitais 87: rendezvous 87: sat‚lites artificiais 88: astrodynamics 88: orbital maneuvers 88: rendezvous 88: artificial satellite 83: Efetuar uma manobra de rendez-vous com um sat‚lite significa exercer um controle para alterar a sua ¢rbita de forma a coloc -lo em uma posi‡Æo espec¡fica de uma ¢rbita final, onde ele encontrar  um segundo ve¡culo espacial. O objetivo do trabalho ‚ implementar, comparar e testar m‚todos que executem essa manobra, de maneira a fornecer informa‡äes que auxiliem na tomada de decisäes do m‚todo a ser empregado em uma manobra real. A metodologia empregada para estudar esse problema ser  a de implementar trˆs m‚todos anal¡ticos: M‚todo Direto Interno, M‚todo Direto Externo, M‚todo Indireto e um num‚rico, todos dispon¡veis na literatura, para an lise dos resultados e compara‡äes atrav‚s do mapeamento de diferentes condi‡äes impostas ao problema. A importƒncia dos resultados vem da sua imediata aplicabilidade em missäes reais, incluindo problemas de manobras de constela‡äes de sat‚lites e da esta‡Æo espacial internacional. Abstract: To perform a rendezvous maneuver with a satellite means to use a control to change its orbit to put it in a specific position of a final orbit, where it will meet a second space vehicle. The objective of this paper is to implement, to compare and to test methods to execute that maneuver, with the goal of obtaining information to help in the decision of which method to use in a real mission. The methodology used to study this problem is the one of implementing three analytical methods: Internal Direct Method, External Direct Method, Indirect Method and a numeric method, all of them available in the literature, for analysis of the results and comparisons by drawing maps for different conditions imposed to the problem. The importance of the results comes from its immediate applicability in real missions, including problems of maneuvers involving constellations of satellites MFN: 10130 1: SID/SCD 2: 9216 3: INPE-9216-PRE/4887 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Tredinnik, Patr¡cia Trindade de Ara£jo 10: Souza, Marcelo Lopes de Oliveira e 12: Digital simulation, with sensors in the loop, of attitude control systems of artificial satellites 14: 169-174 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed. 18: Advances in Space Dynamics 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: attitude control 88: artificial satellites 83: The measure of time intervals with relatively high accuracy (of 1 milisecond, at least)in PC computers is a relatively hard task to solve. But this is essential for the digital simulation, sensors in the loop, of attitude control systems of artificial satellites. This work allows the read the programmable internal timer 8253 present in a typical PC, reaching 1 ms resolution, at through a C high level language routine. The determination of the angular velocity of a 53M2-30H Contraves 3-axis dynamic simulator used in that simulation was improved by the use of this work, allowing the acquisition of consecutive measures of angles and angular velocities with a time in smaller than 10 ms in some cases.. Using this routine and other simulator control and monii softwares we estimated the angular velocity faster (100 X 210 ms)and better than the simulatol Readout Module 91: FDB-20021004 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10131 1: SID/SCD 2: 9217 3: INPE-9217-PRE/4888 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Prasad, Polamraju Rajendra 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 12: Study of a homotopy continuation method for station keeping maneuvers 14: 204-212 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed 18: Advances in Space Dynamics 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 64: <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: station keeping 88: maneuvers 83: The station acquisition and subsequently c for satellites carrying applicat payloads for communications or remote sensing are of great importance. For remote sensing missions with precise applications, the immediate post launch maneuver design task is to achieve operational orbit with specified reference ground track pattern. The maneuvers are to be designed to ensure ground track pattern phasing with minimum number of maneuvers. The station acquisition of geo-stationary satellite consists of bringing it from the initial geo-stationary transfer orbit into station on the geo-stationary orbit. There are several existing operational methods to solve problem concerning the optimal space maneuvers. Typically these methods are solved by one of following two methods. In the so-called indirect method necessary conditions of optimality derived using the calculus of variations and generally result in a two-point boundary value problem. Most of these approaches are difficult to solve and are subject to numerical sensitivity problems. The other hand, direct methods like optimization problems are frequently used for operation purposes. Here an attempt has been made to explore the feasibility of applying the homot continuation method for optimal space maneuvers 91: FDB-20021004 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10132 1: SID/SCD 2: 9620 3: INPE-9620-PRE/5238 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Campos, Daniela Yara 10: Moraes, Rodolpho Vilhena 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 12: Orbital propagation for the SCD1Brazilian satellite using NORAD models 14: 195-202 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed 18: Advances in Space Dynamics 40: En 41: En 42: 53: New Trends in Space Geodesy:COSPAR 2000 58: DMC 64: <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: NORAD 88: models 88: orbital propagation 88: Earth satellites 88: SCD-1O 88: rbital Motion 83: This paper presents the performance of three NORAD models for orbital propagation of low Earth satellites, particularly for the Brazilian SCD-1 satellite. Those models are the most widely used ones when reasonable accuracy of ephemeris predictions is required. The achievable in Internet. A simple user-friendly interface was developed to use interactively the orbit propagator based on the NORAD models 91: FDB-20021004 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10133 1: SID/SCD 2: 9219 3: INPE-9218-PRE/4890 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Sousa, Cristina Tobler de 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 10: Setzer, Alberto Waingort 12: Investigation of location techniques through satellites 14: 220-24 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed 18: Advances in Space Dynamics 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 64: <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: geographical location 88: doppler shift 88: transmitters 83: The geographical location of transmitters in near-time through satellites is useful to monitor and rescue people in remote areas, and to track animals and oceanographic buoys in scientific research. In this era we discuss an application of the system known as Argos on-board of the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ) satellites series. This system provides locations with a time delay since processing is operationally done only in France and in USA. A method was developed based on Doppler shift for use in small receiving station and micro-computers that allows the location of the transmitters in near real-time at low cost, even in field work. This location system can perform the same functions with the Brazilian satellites SCD-1 and 2 (Data collection Satellites)and for CBERS (China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellites) 91: FDB-20021004 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10134 1: SID/SCD 2: 9219 3: INPE-9219-PRE/4891 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Neri, Jose Angelo da Costa Ferreira 10: Fonseca, Ijar Milagre 12: The first Brazilian Application Scientific Satellite SACI-1 14: 226-234 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed 18: Advances in Space Dynamics 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 58: DMC 64: <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: SACI-1 88: small-scale space program 88: microsatellite 88: Brazilian Application Scientific Satellite 83: The advantages of a small-scale space program over its bulky and complex space counterparts have been extensively documented in the technical literature. These systems are carrying on affordable solutions to telecommunications, earth observation, small-scale space science besides their direct effects in improving general education and training. Cost-effectiveness with reciprocity of mission needs is the utmost driving factor brought up in the process design. Hence the emphasis of this paper is on the key technical solutions adopted in the SACI microsatellite program currently under development by INPE, in Brazil.. c, which stands for Scientific Applications Satellite, is a 60 kg Low Earth Orbit microsatellite spin-stabilized on a modular architecture carrying four scientific payloads. SACI- I is scheduled to be launched in October 1999 using a Long March 4 as a piggyback of CBERS (China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite) 91: FDB-20021004 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10135 1: SID/SCD 2: 9220 3: INPE-9220-PRE/4892 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Zanardi, Maria Cec¡lia 10: Lopes, Roberto Vieira da Fonseca 12: Spacecraft attitude representation, propagation and determination: theory and some application onthe Brazilian Space Program 14: 235-240 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed. 18: Advances in Space Dynamics 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 64: <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: artificial satellite 88: attitude matrix 88: Euler's formula 83: An overview about developed projects in Brazil related to representation, propagation and determination of the spacecraft attitudes presented here. Some types of attitude representation will be discussed: attitude matrix, Euler's formula , Euler angles, quaternions , Andoyer's variables. The attitude propagation of the artificial satellite is discussed using canonical variables (Andoyer's variables)to describer the rotational motion and considering the influence of external torques. So as to attitude determination, here it is described the different attitude sensors and the main procedures utilized in function of the stabilization type of the satellite and other characteristics 91: FDB-20021004 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10136 1: SID/SCD 2: 9221 3: INPE-9221-PRE/4893 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Brum, Antonio Gil Vicente 12: Stellar guidance and navigation: a brief historical review and the state of art 14: 242-252 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed. 18: Advances in Space Dynamics 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 64: <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: stellar 88: celestial naviagtion 88: guidance attitude 83: Navigation is the art and science of conducing a ship, airplane, or spacecraft safely and expeditiously to a specific destination. In the broadest sense anyone faced with the problem of "finding the way" is a navigator, whether he or she travels on land, at sea , in the air , or in the space. In this paper we briefly summarize the history of stellar aided guidance and navigation. In the first part we tell something about the glorious past, in the middle we enumerate some important missions that make use of stellar aided equipment and techniques, including a basic description of some recent achievements; at the end, we discuss what we expect for the future of this science. We considered here the part concerning attitude orientation as belonging to the guidance problem. On his way to the future, modern man shall feel a growing necessity for the kind of orientation the stars provide 91: FDB-20021004 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10137 1: SID/SCD 2: 9222 3: INPE-9222-PRE/4893 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Carrara, Valdemir 10: Rios Neto, Atair 12: Satellite attitude acquisition using a neural network controller 14: 272-282 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed 18: Advances in Space Dynamics 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: attitude control 83: Neural networks are non-linear functional approximators, and natural candidates to be used in nor linear systems control. Satellite nominal attitude control dynamics is an example of non-linear systet where conventional control has been applied sucessfully since the early space age. Howevei conventional control like the PD (proportional and derivative of the error)can only guarante robustness to work in a small region around the reference or nominal attitude. This certaninly is no the case of an attitude acquisition, where large maneuvers are commanded autonomously in order V point the satellite close to a nominal attitude. Searching for a solution that overcomes this limitation in this work it is investigated the possibility of performing satellite attitude acquisition control b, means of an artificial neural net. It is employed the feedback error learning method in order to traii the network with the inverse dynamics. A simulated example of an attitude acquisition of a satellite with deploying solar arrays is presented 91: FDB-20021004 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10138 1: SID/SCD 2: 9223 3: INPE-9223-PRE/4895 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ricci, M rio 10: Varotto, SebastiÆo E.C 12: Development of a bearing and power transfer assembly mechanism for small satellites 14: 283-292 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed 18: Advances in Space Dynamics 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 64: <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: BAPTA 88: small satellite 88: modeling 88: Bearing and Power Transfer Assembly 83: This work intends to show some aspects about the mechanical layout and modeling of a BAPTA (Bearing and Power Transfer Assembly)mechanism in development involving a government institution (INPE)and private companies. The design here described is being evolvedfor application in small satellites (0.5 kW with a rigid solar panel of 1.0 kgm 2). The selected concept uses a conventional 1.8§ stepper motor and a 100:1 harmonic drive reduction gearing to achieve a theoretical output step size of 0.018§. Simulations in computer are showing that significant interaction between the solar array and spacecraft can be avoided (spacecraft pitch disturbing velocity is lower than 10-3 deg/sec)with power consumption as low as 3 to 5 W. The adequate determination of the power consumption is possible due to an adequate representation of the magnetic non-linearity in the motor, including its effect on the electromagnetic torque production. The reliable prediction of the important dynamic characteristics of the motor and general system necessitates a precise representation of the flux-linkage data. A good example is the single-step damping, which can be predicted satisfactorily only if the current disturbance and associated power loss in each stator circuit are calculated correctly. This requires that the rate of change of fluxlinkage be defined accuratelyfor any combination of the system variables 91: FDB-20011004 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10139 1: SID/SCD 2: 9224 3: INPE-9224-PRE/4896 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ricci, M rio Cesar 10: Souza, Petr“nio Noronha 12: Radial long journal bearing: numerical determination of hopf birfurcation points and branching of periodic orbits 14: 293-302 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed 18: Advances in Space Dynamics 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 64: <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 83: In the mechanical engineering moving system's field the radial journal bearing is one of the great interest. It consists of a circular inner cylinder (the rotor)that turns inside a hollow cylinder of slightly larger radius (the stator). The cavity between the cylinders is filled with a lubricant and any load carried by the rotor must be supported by the fluid forces exerted by the lubricant on the rotor. The system can be described by a set of four first order's nonlinear ordinary differential equations which the fluid forces are approximate solution of partial differential equations and shows a great richness of behavior same at the simplest case of cavitation model, auton- aforced and balanced-mass rotor system. Rigorous geometrical constraints ,are imposed on the movement of the rotor's center about the stator's center to avoid the contact between them. Otherwise, the contact could well result in bearing failure. Starting from the Reynolds approximation for the long bearing the paper uses of numerical methods for bifurcation problems to calculate Kopf bifurcation points and to obtain branching of periodic orbits that emanate from stationary solutions. The paper also shows the amplitude and frequency of periodic solutions as a function of rotor's angular velocity for the low, medium and high loads 91: FDB-20011004 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10140 1: SID/SCD 2: 9225 3: INPE-9225-PRE/4897 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Souza, Marcelo Lopes de Oliveira e 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 10: Rodrigues, Deniel Levy de Figueiredo 10: Paulo, Maria Madilde Neto dos santos 10: Jesus, Antonio Delson Concei‡Æo 10: Rocco, Evandro M 12: A discussion on the effects of thrust misalignments on orbit transfer 14: 322-330 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed. 18: Advances in Space Dynamics 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 83: This paper presents a discussion on the effects of thrust misalignments on orbit transfers based on the open literature and on our researches. Despite being a topic of theoretical and practical importance, the open literature is poor of works that explicitly deal with it and its related ones. Among them, we will discuss the works of: Porcelli and Vogel, Adams and Melton, Rao, Howell and Gordon, Junkins et al., Junkins, Carlton-Wippern, and Alfriend. To add to or to clarify them, we will also discuss our researches presented in the works of Rodrigues, Santos-Paulo, Jesus, Rocco, and others, under the supervision of the two first authors of this paper. Finally, we will suggest some research directions 91: FDB-20021004 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10141 1: SID/SCD 2: 9226 3: INPE-9226-PRE/4898 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Orlando, Valcir 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 12: Operational control of in-orbit satellites at INPE 14: 331-336 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed 18: Advances in Space Dynamics 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 64: <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: SCD1 88: SCD2 88: ground-tracking predictions 88: maneuvers. 88: ground-tracking predictions 88: maneuvers. 83: SCDI, the first environmental data collecting Brazilian satellite, has pleased the user community with several years of outstanding in-flight performance. Afterwards, the follow-up second and improved satellite SCD2 was launched on October 22, 1998, by the North-American Pegasus launcher. This paper describes a general overview of operational control activities of such satellites atINPE. Special emphasis is put on flight dynamics of the control center, which is responsible for mission analysis, orbit and attitude determination, ground-tracking predictions, and maneuvers. The differences between SCD I and SCD2 satellites are focused as well as the impacts on the activities of the control center 91: FDB-20021004 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10142 1: SID/SCD 2: 9227 3: INPE-9227-4899 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Orlando, Valcir 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 12: Investigation on autonomous orbit control using diode and GPS navigation systems 14: 338-348 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed. 18: Advances in Space Dynamics 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: theoretical baselines 88: autonomous orbit 83: This work presents the theoretical baselines, results, and the trends on the feasibility of an autonomous orbit control concept for recurrent satellites. Within a cooperation frame between INPE and CNES (French Space Agency)a study of a method for autonomous orbit longitude phase drift control has been performed in CNES. This study considered the use of a French navigator called DIODE, nowadays at the end of the qualification phase, to provide, in real time, the required on-board orbit estimates to the autonomous control systern. The DIODE navigator autonomously compute estimates of the satellite osculating orbit by processing Doppler measurements generated on-board of the satellite by a DORIS system (CNES ground based global tracking system)receiver. The accuracy of the estimates issued by DIODE shows, currently, standard deviations of the order of centimeters in position and of the order of millitmeters/second in velocity. Data of the French Earth remote sensing satellite SPOT has been considered to the simulation performed to test the autonomous control conceept under study. Although the obtained results were very promising, a firther study performed in INPE improved the method by reducing the geopotencial tesseral harmonics effects on the computed observations of the longitude phase drift. The present study, however, investigates the use of the GPS (Global Positioning System)in the controller feedback loop. The first results, which consider only the coarse GPS navigation solution (standard deviation of the orbit estimates around 100m and 1m/s for the position and velocity components, respectively)are very encouraging. The baselines and the results of the overall investigation are analyzed,discussed, highlighting the trends for other researches 91: FDB-20021004 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10143 1: SID/SCD 2: 9228 3: INPE-9228-PRE/4900 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Fonseca, Ijar Milagre 12: Integrated structural/control optimization of a large space structure with articulation 14: 380-392 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed 18: Advances in Space Dynamics 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: structural control optimization 88: Large Space Structure (LSS) 88: robot 83: This paper focuses on the integrated structural/control optimization of a Large Space Structure (LSS)with a robot arm and tip payloads subject to the gravity-gradient torque. Constraints from the structure and control disciplines are imposed on the optimum control performance. The result demonstrates the feasibility to solve the problem by taking into account combined constraints from the separate disciplines, structures and control 91: FDB-20021004 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10144 1: SID/SCD 2: 9229 3: INPE-9229-PRE/4901 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Souza, Luiz Carlos Gadelha de 10: Silva, Silmara Alexandra 12: Vibration control of flexible space structure 14: 409-416 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed 18: Advances in Space Dynamics 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: structural vibration control 88: flexible satellite performed 88: proof-mass actuator (PMA) 88: attitude rotation maneuver 83: The paper presents the results of an active structural vibration control of a flexible satellite performed by a proof-mass actuator (PMA)during an attitude rotation maneuver. The satellite investig composed of a rigid hub plus a cantilevered flexible beam with the PMA located at the beam free end.As the satellite maneuvers from rest to a pre-defined position, the rigid body motion can ex flexible part of the satellite. The PMA task is to damp-out efficiently any residual vibration caused by this maneuver. The rigid/flexible satellite is modeled , using a relatively simple structural dynamics approach. Lagrange's equation is then applied to obtain the satellite equations of motion. The PMA gain selection is based on an analytical approach, which shows that the pole and zero fundamental mode is dominant. The efficiency of the PMA using velocity feedback with a PI law was examined by numerical simulations for different control strategies. It was shown controller has damped the residual flexible vibration successfully. However, it was also shown control system efficiency is function of the maneuver strategy 91: FDB-20021004 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10145 1: SID/SCD 2: 9230 3: INPE-9230-PRE/4902 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Barbosa, Domingos S vio 10: Souza, Marcelo Lopes de Oliveira e 12: Real time simulation and implementation of the autonomous attitude control by magnetic coils of spin stabilized satellites 14: 417-422 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed 18: Advances in Space Dynamics 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: Scientific Applications Satellite 88: SACI-1 88: China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite 88: CBERS-1 88: onboard autonomous 88: attitude control 83: Brazil, through INPE, is on its way to launch the first Scientific Applications Satellite, SACI-1 together with the China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite, CBERS-1. The SACI-1 intends utilization of one onboard autonomous attitude control made by magnetic coils put on the directions the principal axes of inertia, and using as sensors: a 3 axes magnetorricter and a 2 axes sun sensor. The simulation, implementation and validation of an autonomous control software into an onboard digital computer are innovations for Brazil and for INPE, and our anterior experience doesn't include them. This work, even general, takes for base the SACI-I characteristics and may contribute to development. It shows how to do the simulation and implementation of the digital control laws operating in real time that controls the spin axis direction as well as the satellite spin taking into account aspects of great importance, like: sampling periods; quantization size; duration of inputs, outputs and processing of the data, etc.; and their effects, like: attitude effors (angles and angular velocities); the limitations on the reference bandwidth to be tracked; etc. This work presents possibilities to do the simulation and implementation emphasizing the one that is being utilized. also shows the aspects related with data communication utilizing as interface the MEGAOUT SERIAL III board that contains 8 RS-232/C serial gates, and how to do its programming 91: FDB-20021004 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10146 1: SID/SCD 2: 9331 3: INPE-9231-PRE/4903 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 16: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti, ed. 18: Fundamentos de tecnologia espacial 20: 220 38: ISBN 85-1700004-8 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: LIV 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: mecƒnica celeste 87: astrodinƒmica 91: FDB-20011004 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10151 1: SID/SCD 2: 9110 3: INPE-9110-PRE/4784 4: COMB 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Carvalho Jr., JoÆo Andrade 10: Costa, Fernando S. 10: Veras, Carlos Alberto Gurgel 10: Sandberg, David V. 10: Alvarado, Ernesto C. 10: Gielow, Ralf 10: Serra Jr., Aguinaldo M. 10: Santos, Jos‚ Carlos 12: Biomass fire consumption and carbon release rates of rainforest-clearing experiments conducted in northern Mato Grosso, Brazil 14: 17877-17887 30: Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres 31: 106 32: D 16 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LCP 58: LMO 61: 64: ago.<2001> 68: PRE 76: combustÆo por biomassa 76: florestas 87: combustion efficiency 87: smoldering combustion 87: savana ecosystems 87: trace gases 87: land use 87: emissions 87: vegetation 87: forest 82: 83: Biomass consumption and carbon release rates during the process of forest clearing by fire in five test plots are presented and discussed. The experiments were conducted at the Caiabi Farm, near the town of Alta Floresta, state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, in five square plots of 1 ha each, designated A, B, C, D, and E, with different locations and timing of fire. Plot A was located in the interface with a pasture, with three edges bordering on the forest, and was cut and burned in 1997. Plots B,C, D, and E were located inside the forest. Plot B was cut and burned in 1997. Plot C was inside a deforested 9-ha area, which was cut and burned in 1998. Plot D was inside a deforested 4-ha area, which was cut in 1998 and burned in 1999. Plot E was inside a deforested 4-ha area, which was cut and burned in 1999. Biomass consumption was 22.7, 19.5, 47.5, 61.5, and 41.8, for A, B, C, D, and E, respectively. The effects of an extended curing period and of increasing the deforested area surrounding the plots could be clearly observed. The consumption, for areas cut and burned during the same year, tended toward a value of nearly 50 83: when presented as a function of the total area burned. The aboveground biomass of the test site and the amount of carbon before the fire were 496 Mg ha(-1)and 138 Mg ha(-1), respectively. Considering that the biomass that remains unburned keeps about the same average carbon content of fresh biomass, which is supported by the fact that the unburned material consists mainly of large logs, and considering the value of 50 83: for consumption, the amount of carbon released to the atmosphere as gases was 69 Mg ha(-1). The amounts of CO2 and CO released to the atmosphere by the burning process were then estimated as 228 Mg ha(-1)and 15.9 Mg ha(-1), respectively. Observations on fire propagation and general features of the slash burnings in the test areas complete the paper 83: 91: FDB-20021007 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10152 1: SID/SCD 2: 9037 3: INPE-9037-PRP/233 4: FISPLASMA 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Barbosa, Luis Filipe de Faria Pereira Wiltgen 16: Ludwig, Gerson Otto 18: Redes neurais no modelamento e controle de Tokamaks: aplica‡Æo ao ETE (Experimento Tokamak Esf‚rico) 38: Quinto Relat¢rio 41: Pt 42: Pt 58: LAP 61: FAPESP-Processo98/06050-8 62: INPE 64: <2002> 68: PRP 76: FISICA DE PLASMA 87: levita‡Æo magn‚tica 87: redes neurais artificiais 87: controladores neurais 87: Tokamak 87: fusÆo 83: Este projeto de pesquisa compreende a utiliza‡Æo e a aplica‡Æo de Redes Neurais Artificiais(RNA)no controle de sistemas nÆo-lineares, visando a aplica‡Æo desta t‚cnica em sistemas de controle por reconstru‡Æo magn‚tica do equil¡brio do plasma de tokamaks. Como forma de estudar e testar os conceitos envolvidos na aplica‡Æo de RNA no controle da posi‡Æo do plasma em tokamaks foi projetado e constru¡do um sistema de Levita‡Æo Magn‚tica (MagLev)permite estudar o comportamento nÆo-linear deste problema que, em muitos aspectos, ‚ similar ao que ocorre em tokamaks.Aplicando um controlador neural e utilizando t‚cnicas de inteligˆncia artificial, ‚ poss¡vel montar uni paralelo entre a t‚cnica de controle cl ssico (PI, PD e PID)e a de controle inteligente.Com base nos resultados obtidos com o controle do MagLev, por meio de neuroprocessadores, ser  poss¡vel aplicar o mesmo princ¡pio para projetar e encontrar a melhor topologia, de RNA para o sistema de controle neuroprocessado de tokamaks, mais especificamente para o caso do Experimento Tokamaks Esf‚rico (ETE), em opera‡Æo desde novembro de 2000 no Laborat¢rio Associado de Plasma (LAP)do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)em SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos, SÆo Paulo.Este trabalho de doutorado em engenharia compreendeu, no seu primeiro e segundo ano, o estudo da necessidade de se controlar o campo magn‚tico vertical em tokamaks, para obter o equil¡brio da posi‡Æo da coluna de plasma. Foi idealizada uma proposta para utilizar RNA no controle do equil¡brio do plasma em tokamaks. Atrav‚s de simula‡Æo computacional foi poss¡vel a forma‡Æo de uma base de dados para treinamento, valida‡Æo e teste de RNA para casos de disparos do tokamak ETE, alem das simula‡äes estimarem as melhores posi‡äes para as bobinas Sensoras de campo magn‚tico vertical. Foram utilizados os diagn¢sticos de medidas de campo magn‚tico vertical e de imagem CCD no tokamak ETE, para verificar o comportamento do plasma no in¡cio de sua opera‡Æo, com a finalidade de tomar as simula‡äes computacionais mais realistas. Foi realizado tamb‚m um levantamento detalhado dos hardwares neurais existentes, a fim de especificar o mais adequado para este estudo. No terceiro e quarto anos, foi realizado o estudo detalhado do comportamento do sistema de levita‡Æo magn‚tica (MagLev), o qual possibilitou projetar e construir um MagLev para servir como experimento para testes comparativos de controles cl ssico e inteligente. Foram realizadas v rias simula‡äes computacionais de RNA utilizando algumas das variantes do algoritmo de treinamento do tipo Back-Propagation, a fim de escolher qual seria a mais adequada para o controle em tokamaks. No final do trabalho, pretende-se mostrado um paralelo entre controle cl ssico e inteligente, operando com controladores dedicados ao processo. SerÆo mostrados os resultados de equil¡brio para modo estacion rio, para perturba‡äes propositais inseridas no sistema e tamb‚m o comportamento do sistema para diferentes pontos de equil¡brio. Isto possibilitar  adquirir experiˆncia suficiente para projetar o sistema de controle neural do ETE e outras m quinas similares. Esta experiˆncia tamb‚m possibilitar  a aplica‡Æo de controladores neurais em outros sistemas que possuam comportamento nÆo-linear, tais como, sistemas rob¢ticos e processos industriais 91: FDB-20020912 MFN: 10154 1: SID/SCD 2: 8535 3: INPE-8535-PUD/107 4: ETES 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Sukhanov, Alexander Alexandrovich 18: Lectures on astrodynamics 20: 158 21: 3.ed. 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 3. edi‡Æo 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo jos‚ dos Campos 68: PUD 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: Astrodynamics 88: two-body problem 88: Keplerian motion 88: perturbed theory 88: impulse maneuvers 88: orbital maneuvers 88: Lambert theory 88: Autonomous navigation 88: least square method 88: 83: The lectures give a basic knowledge in different areas of Astrodynamics. These class notes contain an essence of the lectures and consist of thirteen chapters. First chapter briefly describes necessary mathematics, which is used in the lectures. Second chapter introduces in the two-body problem (Keplerian motion)and considers its main properties. Third chapter studies the Keplerian motion deeper for different orbit types; equations for the calculation of different orbital parameters and the flight time are obtained in the third chapter. Fourth chapter presents another approach to the orbital parameters and flight time calculation using a universal variable. This approach makes - the equations unified for different orbit types. Fifth chapter introduces in the theory of the perturbed motion and analyzes influence of the main perturbations, both gravitational and non-gravitational ones, on the motion. The spacecraft impulsive maneuvers changing different orbital parameters are analyzed in the sixth chapter; one, two, and three-impulse maneuvers are considered there. Seventh chapter gives an advanced solution of the Lambert problem: determination of the transfer orbit between two given positions in a given time. This solution is universal, i.e. unified with respect to the orbit types and number of complete revolutions. Interplanetary transfers including the gravity assist maneuvers are considered in eighth chapter. This consideration is based on the patched-conic approach, which is described in the chapter. Ninth chapter introduces in the space navigation, i.e. orbit determination and orbital correction maneuvers. The least square method is described in the chapter. Autonomous navigation is also briefly considered in chapter 9. Tenth chapter describes an advanced method of the state transition matrix calculation. The method is based on the matrix decomposition, which allows unifying the matrix calculation with respect to the different orbit types. The state transition matrim: is widely used in Mixes areas of Astrodynamics. Eleventh chapter considers an optimization of the orbital maneuvers. The Pontryagin's maximum principle and its applications to the optimization of the spacecraft maneuvering are described in the chapter. The electric propulsion (low thrust)and some aspects of its optimization are considered in twelfth chapter. Thirteenth chapter considers a special case of the low-thrust transfer, namely a spiral transfer by means of a transversal thrust Simple formadae for the calculation of the transfer parameters are obtained in the chapter. Note that chapters 2-5 can be applied both to the natural and artificial celestial bodies, chapters 6-13 consider mostly the spacecraft motion, navigation, and maneuvering MFN: 10155 1: SID/SCD 2: 9233 3: INPE-9233-PRE/4905 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Felipe, Gislaine 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Gravitational control of a spacecraft passing by a planet in the three-dimensional space 14: Cap. 12, 159-168 16: Balthazar, Jos‚ Manoel; Gon‡alves, Paulo Batista; Brasil, Reyolando M.F.L.R.F., ed. 18: Nonlinear dynamics, chaos, control and their applications to engineering sciences 21: v.3: New trends in dynamics and control 38: ISBN:85-900351-3-1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 62: ABCM;SBMAC 64: <2002> 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: swing-by 88: maneuvers 88: three-body problem 83: In the present paper the swing-by maneuvers are studied under the model given by the threedimensional circular restricted three-body problem. This maneuver can be identified by five independent parameters: Vp, the magnitude of the velocity of the spacecraft at periapsis; y, the angle between the velocity vector at periapsis and the intersection between the horizontal plane that passes by the periapsis and the plane perpendicular to the periapsis that holds Vp;rp; r, the distance between the spacecraft and the celestial body during the closest approach; a, the angle between the projection of the periapsis line in the x-y plane and the line that connects the two primaries; á, the angle between the periapsis line and the x-y plane. A numerical algorithm to study this problem was build and used to generate several results. Based in those results, it is possible to control the orbit of the spacecraft with the use of the gravitational forces 91: FDB-20020511 MFN: 10156 1: SID/SCD 2: 9234 3: INPE-9234-PRE/4906 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 10: Lopes, Roberto Vieira da Fonseca 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 10: Nascimento, Jorge Martins 10: Chiaradia, Ana Paula 12: Orbit determination and navigation using GPS 14: cap. 7, 93-108 16: Balthazar, Jos‚ Manoel; Gon‡alves, Paulo Batista; Brasil, Reyolando M.F.L.R.F., ed. 18: Nonlinear dynamics, chaos, control and their applications to engineering sciences 21: v.3: New trends in dynamics and control 38: ISBN:85-900351-3-1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 62: ABCM;SBMAC 64: <2002> 68: CAPL 88: GPS 88: Global Positioning System 88: orbit determination 88: navigation 83: This paper addresses researches carried out at INPE (Brazilian Institute for Space, Research)using the GPS (Global Positioning System). Boarding a GPS receiver on a satellite allows the position fiixing of its receiver and consequently the determination of the orbit through proper modeling of the orbital dynamics and computational algorithms for signal processing. The GPS signal has different measurement types which can be used, being the most important ones the pseudo-range and phase measurement . Several approaches can be foreseen depending on the level of accuracy required. At INPE, so far the following areas were distinctly researched: i)development of the ORBEST algorithm for obtaining the implementation of na orbit determination system based on sequences of navigation solution via processing of the measured pseudo-range raw data; ii)implementation of an orbit determination system based ou sequences of navigation solutions; iii)preliminary investigation on usage of GPS to real time orbit determination through the Kalman filter. At present we developed algorithms for position fixes and orbit determination using pseudo-range GPS measurements. In addition the methods: and mathematical background necessary to the, computational processing of such measurements were outlined, using mostly modest PC platforms. Such outcomes allow ones to make feasible the wide use of GPS for orbit determination and even autonomous navigation of artificial satellites. As future prospects, the memory requirements, processing speed, jointly with the attainable accuracy of the proposed algorithms will assess and prove the feasibility of the concept for orbit determination, either real time or not, for the future Brazilian space missions under INPE's responsibility. As a consequence, INPE has now the scientific and technological skill for developing and orbit determination system capable of processing signals collected by GPS receivers 91: FDB-20020511 MFN: 10157 1: SID/SCD 2: 9235 3: INPE-9235-PRE/4907 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Lifetime of spacecrafts around natural satellites the solar system 14: cap. 14, 181-190 16: Balthazar, Jos‚ Manoel; Gon‡alves, Paulo Batista; Brasil, Reyolando M.F.L.R.F., ed. 18: Nonlinear dynamics, chaos, control and their applications to engineering sciences 27: v.3: New trends in dynamics and control 38: ISBN:85-900351-3-1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 62: ABCM;SBMAC 64: <2002> 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: perturbation 88: spacecraft 88: third body 83: This paper has the goal of developing an analytical and a numerical study of the perturbation caused in a spacecraft by a third body involved, in the dynamics. There are several important applications of the present research, such as to calculate the effect of Lunar and Solar perturbations on high-altitude Earth satellites. In the present research the goal is to study the evolution of orbits around some important natural satellites of the Solar System, such as the Moon, the Galilean satellites of Jupiter, Titan, Titania, Triton and Charon. The assumptions of our model are similar to the ones made in the restricted three-body problem: a)There are only three bodies involved in the system: one body with mass mo fixed in the origin of the reference system; a massless spacecraft in a generic orbit around this body and a third body in a circular orbit around this same central body in the plane x-y; b)The motion of the spacecraft is supposed to be a three-dimensional Keplerian orbit with its orbital elements disturbed by the third body. The motion of the spacecraft is studied under the doubleaveraged analytical model with the disturbing function expanded in Legendre polynomials up to the fourth-order. The fact that modern computers can easily integrate numerical trajectories using complex models for the dynamics does not invalidate the use of models based in analytical approximations. There are many reasons for that. The most important one, is that a double-averaged model, like the one shown here, can eliminate short-period periodic perturbations that appear in the trajectories. Analytical models can also give some general results, like the fact that the semi-major axis remain constant, that are not possible to - obtain from numerical results only. It was also noted that the truncated equations of motion can be numerically integrated much faster than the full equations of the restricted three-body problem. The double-averaged model makes the average over the short period of the spacecraft and the long period of the distant third-body. Then, the equations derived here are used to estimate the lifetime, of elliptical orbits around those natural satellites 91: FDB-20020511 MFN: 10158 1: SID/SCD 2: 9236 3: INPE-9236-PRE/4908 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Prado, Antonio fernando Bertachini de Almeida 10: Vieira, Ernesto 12: Orbital maneuvers using gravitational capture 14: cap. 8, 109-128 16: Balthazar, Jos‚ Manoel; Gon‡alves, Paulo Batista; Brasil, Reyolando M.F.L.R.F., ed. 18: Nonlinear dynamics, chaos, control and their applications to engineering sciences 27: v.3: New trends in dynamics and control 38: ISBN:85-900351-3-1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 62: ABCM;SBMAC 64: <2002> 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: gravitational 88: capture 88: three-body problem 83: The objective of this paper is to study the problem of gravitational capture in the regularized restricted three-body problem. A gravitational capture occurs when a massless particle changes its two-body energy around one celestial body from positive to negative without the use of non-gravitational forces. We studied the importance of several of the parameters involved for a capture in the Earth -Moon system, including the time required for the capture and the effects of the periapse distance. Then, we generalize those results for other binary systems, like the Sun-Earth, Sun-Mars and Sun-Jupiter systems. Next, we cover the whole interval of the mass parameter micro (the mass ratio of the two primaries)and we study the gravitational capture in the interval 0.0 < micro< 0.5. The elliptical restricted problem is also considered as an option for the model 91: FDB-20020511 MFN: 10159 1: SID/SCD 2: 9237 3: INPE-9237-PRE/4909 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ricci, Mario cesar 10: Varotto, SebastiÆo E.C. 12: A bearing and power transfer assembly mechanism for small satellite 14: cap. 11, 149-158 16: Balthazar, Jos‚ Manoel; Gon‡alves, Paulo Batista; Brasil, Reyolando M.F.L.R.F., ed. 18: Nonlinear dynamics, chaos, control and their applications to engineering sciences 27: v.3: New trends in dynamics and control 38: ISBN:85-900351-3-1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 62: ABCM;SBMAC 64: <2002> 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: BAPTA 88: Bearing and Power Transfer Assembly 83: This work intends to show some aspects about the mechanical layout and modeling of a BAPTA (Bearing and Power Transfer Assembly)mechanism in development involving a government institution (INPE)and private companies. The design here described is being evolved for application in small satellites (-0.5 kW with a rigid solar panel of -1.0 kgM2). The selected concept uses a conventional 1.8' stepper motor and a 100:1 harmonic drive reduction gearing to achieve a theoretical output step size of 0.018O. Simulations in computer are showing that significant interaction with the solar array and spacecraft can be avoided (spacecraft pitch disturbing velocity is lower than 10-3 deg/sec)with power consumption as low as 3 to 5 W. The adequate determination of the power consumption is possible due to a adequate representation of magnetic non-linearity in the motor, including its effect on electromagnetic torque production. The reliable prediction of the important dynamic characteristics of the motor and general system necessitates a precise representation of the flux-linkage data. A good example is the single-step damping, which can be predicted satisfactorily only if the current disturbance and associated power loss in each stator circuit are calculated correctly. This requires that the rate of change of flux-linkage be defined accurately for any combination of the system variables 91: FDB-20021011 MFN: 10160 1: SID/SCD 2: 9238 3: INPE-9238-PRE/4910 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ricci, M rio Cesar 10: Souza, Petr“nio Noronha de 12: Behavior of the infinitely long radial journal bearing under-film cavitation model 14: cap. 10, 137-148 16: Balthazar, Jos‚ Manoel; Gon‡alves, Paulo Batista; Brasil, Reyolando M.F.L.R.F., ed. 18: Nonlinear dynamics, chaos, control and their applications to engineering sciences 27: v.3: New trends in dynamics and control 38: ISBN:85-900351-3-1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 62: ABCM;SBMAC 64: <2002> 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 83: In the mechanical engineering moving system's field the radial journal bearing is one of the great interest. lt consists of a circular inner cylinder (the rotor)that turns inside a hollow cylinder of sfightly larger radius (the stator). The cavity between the cylinders is filled with a lubricant and any load carried by the rotor must be supported by the fluid forces exerted by the lubricant on the-rotor. The system can be described by a set of four first order's nonlinear ordinary differential equations which the fluid. forces are approximate solution of partial differential equations and shows a great richness of behavior same at the simplest case of cavitation model, autonomous, unforced and balanced-mass rotor system. Rigorous geometrical constraints are imposed on the movement of the rotor's center about the stator's center to avoid the contact between them. Otherwise, the contact could well result in bearing failure. Starting from the Reynolds approximation for the long bearing the paper uses of numerical methods for bifurcation problems to calculate Hopf bifurcation points and to obtain branching of periodic orbits that emanate from stationary solutions. The paper also shows the amplitude and frequency of periodic solutions as a function of rotor's angular velocity for the low, medium and high loads 91: FDB-20021011 MFN: 10161 1: SID/SCD 2: 9239 3: INPE-9239-PRE/4911 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rocco, Evandro Marconi 10: Souza, Marcelo Lopes de Oliveira e 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Station keeping of Satellite Constellations using optimum impulsive maneuvers with time constraint 14: cap. 13, 169-180 16: Balthazar, Jos‚ Manoel; Gon‡alves, Paulo Batista; Brasil, Reyolando M.F.L.R.F., ed. 18: Nonlinear dynamics, chaos, control and their applications to engineering sciences 27: v.3: New trends in dynamics and control 38: ISBN:85-900351-3-1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 62: ABCM;SBMAC 64: <2002> 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: orbital maintenance 88: symmetrical constellations of satellites 88: fuel consumption 83: In this work we study the problem of orbital maintenance (transfers and corrections)of symmetrical constellations of satellites with minimum fuel consumption using impulsive maneuvers with time constraint. This time constraint imposes a new characteristic to the problem, that rules out the majority of the transfer methods available in the literature. Therefore, the transfer methods must be adapted to this new constraint. In the case of satellite constellations we still have the problem of simultaneously optimizing the maneuvers for all satellites using scarce resources. As an example, we can mention the situation which the Satellite Control Center of INPE will face soon with the launch of the next Brazilian satellites. INPE has only one Satellite Control Center; however, it will have to control several satellites simultaneously, an intermediate situation, with the case of constellations. In this way an appropriate strategy should be adopted to control the satellites, seeking to minimize the fuel consumption and the time spent by the Control Center for each satellite. Thus, the goal of this work is to formulate and to study maneuver strategies that, in some way, even sub-optimal, makes possible to obtain solutions with small fuel consumption considering all the satellites in the constellation 91: FDB-20020511 MFN: 10162 1: SID/SCD 2: 9240 3: INPE-9240-PRE/4912 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Souza, Marcelo Lopes de Oliveira e 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 10: Rodrigues, Daniel levey de Figueiredo 10: Paulo, Matilde Neto dos Santos 10: Jesus, Antonio Delson Concei‡Æo de 10: Rocco, Evandro 12: A discussion on the effects of thrust misalignments on orbit transfers 14: cap. 6, 79-92 16: Balthazar, Jos‚ Manoel; Gon‡alves, Paulo Batista; Brasil, Reyolando M.F.L.R.F., ed. 18: Nonlinear dynamics, chaos, control and their applications to engineering sciences 27: v.3: New trends in dynamics and control 38: ISBN:85-900351-3-1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 62: ABCM;SBMAC 64: <2002> 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: thrust misalignments 88: orbit transfers 83: This paper presents a discussion on the effects of thrust misalignments on orbit transfers based on the open literature and on our researches. Despite being a topic of theoretical and practical importance, the open literature is poor of works that explicitly deal with it and its related ones. Among thent, we will discuss the works of Porcelli and Vogel, Adams and Melton, Rao, Howell and Gordon, Junkins et al., Junkins, Carlton-Wippern, and Alfriend. To add to or to clarify them, we will also discuss our researches presented in the works of Rodrigues, Santos-Paulo, Jesus, Rocco, and others, under the supervision of the two first authors of this paper. Finally, we will suggest some research directions 91: FDB-20020511 MFN: 10163 1: SID/SCD 2: 9242 3: INPE-9242-PRE/4914 4: MET 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao 10: Carmo, A.M.C. 10: Franchito, Sergio Henrique 12: Seasonal variations in the Southern Hemisphere storm tracks and associated wave propagation 14: 1029-1040 30: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 31: 59 32: 6 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LMO 61: 64: mar.<2002> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDO DO TEMPO E DO CLIMA 88: 500-mb height fluctuations 88: short-time scales, northern-hemisphere 88: baroclinic waves 88: upper troposphere 88: eddy statistics, life-cycles 88: wintertime circulation 88: upstream development 88: packets 82: 83: Seasonal variations in the Southern Hemisphere (SH)storm track characteristics and associated wave propagation are studied using 19 years of NCEP-NCAR grided data. It is found that the SH storm track is strongest in the austral autumn season and weakest in sping. The characteristics of wave packets are studied by computing 1-point lag correlation maps with unfiltered meridional wind at 300 hPa. It is found that the eastward grupo velocities of waves are much higher than the phase velocities in the transition seasons. This shows that the downstream development occurs throughout the year and is a basic feature of upper-tropospheric waves in the midlatitudes os the SH. This extends previous studies made for winter and summer seasons. Based on the indices that show wave coherence and correlations maps, it is found that the pathways in the transition seasons split into two branches east of Australia in a way similar to what happens in the zonal wind distribution 91: FDB-20020612 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10164 1: SID/SCD 2: 9241 3: INPE-9241-PRE/4913 4: MET 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kurgansky, M.V. 10: Pisnichenko, I.A. 12: Modified Ertelïs potential vorticity as a climate variable 14: 822-835 30: Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 31: 57 32: 6 40: En 41: En 42: 58: CPT 61: 64: mar.<2000> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDO DO TEMPO E DO CLIMA 88: electrostatics analogy 88: formulation 83: Fundamental freedom existing in Ertel's general definition of potential vorticity (PV)is used to construct an essential invariant measure in (q, chi)space, where q is an "optimal" modified PV and chi is a monotonic increasing function of potential temperature, which enters q. This novel measure is preserved in idealized climate processes, when external diabatic hearing and frictional forcing, bring applied to zonally oriented infinitely thin (q, chi)tubes (formed at the expense of intersection between isoscalar surfaces q = constant and chi = constant), annihilate each other. A reference stationary airmass distribution on (q, chi)values is introduced for both hemispheres, separately, which corresponds to a hypothetical atmospheric climate equilibrium state. This reference distribution, with no dependence on chi, is characterized by exponentially decaying function of the absolute value of q and has the same total amount of "PV substance" (atmospheric vorticity charge)as the actual atmospheric state. Comparison of the actual monthly mean airmass distribution on q (calculated on the basis of 1980-89 European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts data)with this reference stationary distribution by their informational entropy values enables one to quantify a degree of nonequilibrium of real atmospheric climate processes, with respect to the introduced invariant measure 91: FDB-20011008 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10165 1: SID/SCD 2: 9105 3: INPE-9105-PRE/4780 4: MET 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Cavalcanti, Iracema Fonseca de Albuquerque 10: Folland, C.K. 10: Colman, A.W. 12: Note on "Predictability of northeast Brazil rainfall and real-time forecast skill, 1987-98" 14: 1993-1996 30: Journal of Climate 31: 15 32: 14 40: En 41: En 42: 58: CPT 61: 64: July <2002> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDO DO CLIMA E DO TEMPO 88: precipitation 88: scale cmon features 88: variability 88: baiu frontal zone 82: 83: We comment on speculations in Folland et al. (2001, hereafter FCRD)about atmospheric and oceanic influences on northeast Brazil (NEB)rainfall in the austral winter dry season. FCRD was mainly concerned with the NEB wet season and its predictability. However, the paper also touched upon the dry season, particularly June and July, when there is sometimes appreciable rainfall. Figure 3d of FCRD showed correlations of the worldwide Global Sea Ice and Sea Surface Temperature version 3 (GISST3)dataset with NEB rainfall, showing areas of fairly strong correlation with Atlantic SST, particularly in the tropical South Atlantic on the South American side of that ocean. FCRD speculated that the high correlation of NEB rainfall with SST in the tropical Atlantic Ocean in June-July might be associated with a displacement of the South Atlantic convergence zone (SACZ)northward. We want to correct this hypothesis, and indicate possible links between June-July NEB rainfall and tropical South Atlantic SST. Analyses of the tropical and subtropical precipitation zones in the Southern Hemisphere have been performed by Kodama (1992, 1993), including the SACZ. Other studies that show influences of the SACZ were reported in Kousky (1988), Liebmann et al. (1999), and Nogues- Paegle and Mo (1997). The SACZ is a band of cloudiness and convective activity oriented northwest-southeast (NW-SE)over eastern South America extending into the tropical to subtropical South Atlantic. It is seen from the end of austral spring (November)up to the beginning of austral autumn (March), being more frequent in the summer months. The SACZ can be detected in both monthly mean precipitation and outgoing longwave radiation (OLR)fields. From about April to October the higher values of precipitation and low values of OLR are displaced northwestward. The SACZ ceases to exist in the austral winter half year. At the same time, there is another band of precipitation over southern Brazil, associated with frequent passages of frontal systems. The SACZ can influence NEB rainfall, but only in the austral summer when it can be displaced northward and affects southern NEB (Chaves and Cavalcanti 2001). 91: FDB-20020612 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10170 1: SID/SCD 2: 9247 3: INPE-9247-PRE/4917 4: ETES 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Teracine, Edson Baptista 16: Pereira, Sergio de Paula 16: Yamaguti, Wilson 16: Rodrigues, Mauro Silvio 18: Os benef¡cios s¢cio-econ“micos dos sat‚lites brasileiros de coleta de dados 21: 75 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: CPT 58: DSS 62: INPE 64: <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: RPQ 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: SCD-1 88: MissÆo Espacial Completa Brasileira 88: MECB 88: SCD-2 88: CBERS 88: aquisi‡Æo de dado 88: benec¡fios 88: s¢cio-econ“micos 83: Os sat‚lites SCD, inclu¡dos na MissÆo Espacial Completa Brasileira - MECB, foram concebidos no final dos anos 70, com o prop¢sito de propiciar ao Pa¡s a implanta‡Æo de capacidade para desenvolver seus pr¢prios sistemas espaciais. O lan‡amento com sucesso, por um ve¡culo lan‡ador Pegasus, em 09 de fevereiro de 1993, do primeiro sat‚lite brasileiro, o SCD-1, desenvolvido pelo INPE, bem como, a sua opera‡Æo por mais do que 7 anos, excedendo de muito sua vida projetada de 1 ano, ratificaram a capacidade brasileira de concep‡Æo, fabrica‡Æo, lan‡amento e opera‡Æo, desse tipo de artefato espacial. A experiˆncia adquirida pelo INPE, durante as £ltimas d‚cadas, foi consolidada com o sat‚lite SCD-2, lan‡ado em 22 de outubro de 1998, tamb‚m por um lan‡ador Pegasus, e pelo CBERS-1, lan‡ado em 14 de novembro de 1999. O desenvolvimento e lan‡amento dos demais sat‚lites da fam¡lia CBERS e os futuros desenvolvimentos do SCD-3 e dos pr¢ximos sat‚lites da MECB, permitirÆo ao INPE o aprimoramento de suas aquisi‡äes em tecnologia espacial.Para um Pa¡s como o Brasil, o qual se estende por uma grande  rea, muitas vezes com dificuldade de acesso terrestre, o uso de tal tipo de tecnologia espacial, ‚ essencial. Tais sistemas permitem o monitoramento de fen“menos naturais e de atividades humanas, com importantes benef¡cios para a pesquisa e o estabelecimento de pol¡ticas p£blicas. A opera‡Æo simultƒnea do SCD-1, SCD-2 e CBERS-1, est  permitindo um significativo crescimento na taxa de aquisi‡Æo de dados ambientais, colhidos pelas PCDs espalhadas pelo Pa¡s, especialmente aquelas localizadas na RegiÆo Amaz“nica e no Nordeste. Durante as passagens dos sat‚lites por sobre o Brasil, os dados coletados pelas PCDs, sÆo transmitidos para as esta‡äes terrestres do INPE e quase imediatamente colocados … disposi‡Æo dos usu rios, via Internet.Apenas para mencionar alguns exemplos, as PCDs hidrol¢gicas do INPE e Agˆncia Nacional de Energia El‚trica - ANEEL, estÆo ajudando o monitoramento de 8 bacias hidrogr ficas brasileiras, otimizando o uso de seu potencial hidroel‚trico. Em adi‡Æo, as informa‡äes colhidas pelas PCDs hidrol¢gicas da ANEEL e pelas meteorol¢gicas do INPE e dos Estados brasileiros, estÆo sendo usadas para melhorar a qualidade da previsÆo do tempo e do clima. As melhorias na capacidade de predi‡Æo do tempo tˆm resultado em importantes benef¡cios para sociedade brasileira e para v rios setores da economia do Pa¡s.O presente trabalho pretende analisar as necessidades e a importƒncia do uso dos dados fornecidos pelas plataformas acima mencionadas (PCDs), bem como, apresentar um apanhado sobre os benef¡cios s¢cio-econ“micos decorrentes desse uso, nos campos da gera‡Æo de energia el‚trica, agricultura, monitoramento e preven‡Æo de incˆndios e de outros desastres naturais, transporte , controle da qualidade da  gua, etc. Muito embora, se tenha uma id‚ia sobre tais benef¡cios, as preocupa‡äes se fixam, freqentemente, mais nos meios, do que nos fins, relegando-se, muitas vezes, a segundo plano, os reais interesses e necessidades da sociedade. Pretende-se, ainda, que a abordagem adotada no desenvolvimento deste relat¢rio, possa permitir um conhecimento maior dos assuntos enfocados, ressaltando os problemas e necessidades das v rias  reas de atividades humanas no Pa¡s que, por carecerem de medidas nÆo-convencionais e inovadoras para seu atendimento e solu‡Æo, devem se valer de aplica‡äes como aquelas proporcionadas pelos sat‚lites nacionais de coleta de dados e pelas PCDs MFN: 10171 1: SID/SCD 2: 9248 3: INPE-9248-PRE/4919 4: MET 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Rodrigues Neto, Camilo 10: Zanandrea, Ademilson 10: Ramos, Fernando Manuel 10: Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto 10: Bolzan, Mauricio Jose Alves 10: Sa, Leonardo Deane de Abreu 12: Multiscale analysis from turbulent time series with wavelet transform 14: 215-218 30: Physica A 31: 295 32: 1-2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LMO 58: LAC 61: 64: jun.<2001> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDO DO SINAL GEOFÖSICO 88: turbulence 88: non-extensive statistics 88: wavelets 88: multifractal formalism 88: signal 83: We present a multiscale signal analysis based on the multifractal spectrum obtained by the Wavelet Transform Modulus Maxima technique. We analyze time series from turbulent data: the first step is to obtain the PDF of the flutuations for velocities records and then to fit them by means of the Tsallis generalized thermodynamics (Tsallis, J. Stat. Phys. 52 (1998)479)the second step is to obtain the multifractal spectra of the time series by the wavelet transform (Muzy et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 67 (1991)3515). The aim of this approach was to investigate a possible phenomenological connection between the entropic parameter (q)and the multifractal spectrum fur turbulence 91: FDB-20011009 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10172 1: SID/SCD 2: 9249 3: INPE-9249-PRE/4920 4: COMP 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Ramos, Fernando Manuel 10: Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto 10: Rodrigues Neto, Camilo 10: Bolzan, Mauricio Jose Alves 10: S , Leonardo Deane de Abreu 12: Generalized thermostatics description of probability densities of turbulent temperature fluctuations 14: 556-558 30: Computer Physics Communications 31: 147 32: 1-2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAC 58: LMO 61: 64: Aug. <2002> 68: PRE 76: COMPUTACAO APLICADA 88: turbulence 88: intermittency 88: nonextensivity 88: generalized thermostatistics 88: Tsallis' entropy 83: In this paper, we present evidence, based on data from the Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA), that the generalized thermostatistics provides a simple and accurate framework for modeling the statistical behavior of turbulent temperature fluctuations 91: FDB-20021009 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10173 1: SID/SCD 2: 9250 3: INPE-9250-PRE/4921 4: COMP 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Ramos, Fernando Manuel 10: Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto 10: Rodrigues Neto, Camilo 10: Zanandrea, Ademilson 12: Generalized complex entropic form for gradient pattern analysis of spatio-temporal dynamics 14: 171-174 30: Physica A 31: 283 32: 1-2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAC 61: 64: Aug.<2000> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 88: complex entropic form 88: nonlinear coupled map lattices 88: gradient dynamics 88: phase disorder 88: pattern characterization 83: In this paper we describe a new computational operator, called generalized complex entropic form (GEF), for pattern characterization of spatially extended systems. Besides of being a measure of regularity, this operator permits to quantify the degree of phase disorder associated with a given gradient field. An application of GEF to the analysis of the gradient pattern dynamics of a logistic Coupled Map Lattice is presented. Stimulations using a Gaussian and random initial condition, provide interesting insights on the system gradual transition from order/symmetry to disorder/randomness 91: FDB-20011009 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10175 1: SID/SCD 2: 9252 3: INPE-9252-PRE/4923 4: MET 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: De Oliveira, S.M.B. 10: Melfi, Adolpho J. 10: Fostier, A.H. 10: Forti, Maria Cristina 10: F varo, D.I. 10: Boulet, R. 12: Soils as an important sink for mercury in the Amazon 14: 321-337 30: Water air and soil pollution 31: 126 32: 3-4 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LMO 61: 64: mar.<2001> 68: PRE 88: soils 88: latosoils 88: mercury 88: fish contamintion 88: screening approach 88: risk assessment 88: human explore 88: river basin 88: pollution 88: gold 88: consumption 82: 83: This work focuses on the behaviour of mercury in lateritic soil profiles found in the Serra do Navio and Tartarugalzinho areas of the State of Amapa in Northern Brazil. The Hg contents are high in the upper horizons of the soil profiles (100-300 mug kg(-1)), and decrease to less than 100 mug kg(-1)at depths of 200 or 300 cm. The higher levels of Hg are associated with higher Fe concentrations, particularly in the ferruginous accumulations as mottles and nodules. For each horizon of the soil profile, balance calculations were used to distinguish the amount of mercury naturally accumulated from rocks through lateritic pedogenesis (lithogenic mercury)from the anthropogenic mercury introduced in the profile through atmospheric contamination. The results show that the anthropogenic contribution is significant in the upper horizons (up to 95 of the total Hg), and decreases downward in the soil profile. Mercury burdens were calculated for soil profiles in both upslope (272 880 and 217 440 mug m(-2)for the first 70 cm)and downslope positions (118 800 and 182 160 mug m(-2)for the first 70 cm). The loss of Hg in downslope profiles seems to be related to the natural evolution of iron duricrust into latossols, which has been brought about by climatic changes toward increasing humidity in the Amazon since the Tertiary 83: 91: FDB-20011009 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10176 1: SID/SCD 2: 9253 3: INPE-9253-PRE/4924 4: MET 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Forti, Maria Cristina 10: Boulet, R. 10: Melfi, A.J. 10: Neal, C. 12: Hydrogeochemistry of a small catchment in Northeastern Amazonia: A comparison between natural with deforested parts of the catchment (Serra do Navio, Amapa State, Brazil) 14: 263-279 30: Water air and soil pollution 31: 118 32: 3-4 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LMO 61: 64: mar.<2000> 68: PRE 88: deflorestion 88: hyrochemistry 88: rainforest 88: water quality 88: throughaff chemistry 88: basin 82: 83: To undertake a comprehensive study of the disturbance effects due to mining activities (manganese ore exploitation)on the chemical composition of drainage waters, a 164 ha catchment in North-eastern Amazonia tropical forest was sampled weekly for a year period (June 1993 to June 1994)to determine the contrasts in rainwater, throughfall and stream water chemistry between the upper undisturbed area and the lower part affected by deforestation and mining works. During the 3 dry months season only about 15 83: of the total annual inp0ut-output of chemical species to and from the catchment occurs. In the three wettes months, about 30 83: of the flux occurs, except 60 83: of the potassium and nitrate release from the catchment occurs these three months. The rain waters are slightly acidid (pH appoximate to 5.2)with low alkalinity, while the stream water is nearly neutral (pH approximate to 6.9): alkalinity is generated within the soil and soil water system. The rainfall-throughfall relationship of the chemical species in the natural areas exhibits strong internal recycling and little export from the catchment. In the area changed by deforestation and mining works almost all chemical species show a net export in surface waters: these are mainly derived from the deforested area of the basin, where most probably due to enhanced weathering processes because the vegetation cover has to re-establish itself 83: MFN: 10177 1: SID/SCD 2: 9256 3: INPE-9256-PRE/4925 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Neves, E.S. 10: Lacava, J.C.S. 10: Cividanes, Lucio Baptista Trannin 12: A dual-band rectangular patch antenna with two pairs of parallel slits 14: 1604-1607 18: Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 53: IEEE AP-S International Symposium 54: July <2002> 56: Salt Lake City 57: USA 58: DEA 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20020511 MFN: 10178 1: SID/SCD 2: 9257 3: INPE-9257-PRE/4926 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Edom, A. 10: Vlassov, Valeri Vladimirovich 12: Periodic interaction of operating temperature and pressure in a gas-loaded heat pipe under controlled external conditions 14: 1-5 18: Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Heat Pipe Conference, 12 (IHPC) 54: 19-24 May <2002> 56: Moscow 58: DMC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20020511 MFN: 10179 1: SID/SCD 2: 9258 3: INPE-9258-PRE/4927 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Muraoka, Issamu 10: Vlassov, Valeri Vladimirovich 12: Numerical model of CPL for micro gravity experimnet 14: 105-112 18: Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Heat Pipe Symposium, 6 (IHPC) 54: 5-9 Nov. <2002> 56: Ching Mai 57: Thailand 58: DMC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20020511 MFN: 10180 1: SID/SCD 2: 9259 3: INPE-9259-PRE/4928 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Edom, A. 10: Vlassov, Valeri Vladimirovich 12: Experimental study on periodic fluctuations of the diffuse vapor/gas front during operation of a gas-loaded heat pipe 14: 1-9 18: Proceedings 38: Peper2001-01-2234 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on Environmental Systems, 31 54: 9-12 July <2001> 56: Orland 57: USA 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 10181 1: SID/SCD 2: 9260 3: INPE-9260-PRE/4929 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Orlando, Valcir 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 12: Effect analysis of the maximal allowable maneuver application rate for an autonomous orbit control procesure using GPS 18: Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 52: CNES 53: International Symposium Space Dynamics 54: 26-30 June <2000> 56: Bearritz 57: FR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: GPS 88: maneuver 83: Informer studies the performance of a procedure for autonomous control of the Equator longitude phase drift of low-Earth phased orbits, considering the use of the GPS to provide the needed autonomous orbit estimates was analyzed The GPS system is wide-world spread and its use is increasingly being considered for many future Earth missions as an on-hoard navigation system. The preliminary results, obtained when the direct feeding of the coarse GPS navigation solution (standard deviations of the order of 100m and I m/s for the position and velocity components, respectively)is considered in the autonomous control system, where very promising. This investigation, however, considered a very high sampling rate of the orbit estimates via GPS: one estimate set every 10 seconds. As far as the maximal allowable maneuver application rate to correct the evolution of is concerned, a rate of a single semi-major axis correction per orbit period has been adopted The current work presents an analysis of the influence, on the autonomous control procedure performance, of the maximal allowable maneuver application rate MFN: 10182 1: SID/SCD 2: 9261 3: INPE-9261-PRE/4930 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Silva, Jaime Augusto da Silva 10: Rios Neto, Atair 12: Neural predictive satellite attitude control based on Kalman filtering algorithms 18: Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 52: CNES 53: International Symposium Space Dynamics 54: 26-30 June <2000> 56: Bearritz 57: FR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: attitude control 88: Kalman filtering 83: An artificial neural network predictive control scheme considered for satellite attitude control. Kalman filtering algorithms are used only to train the associated feedforward neural network modeling the dynamics the plant but to also estimate the control actions. It is shown that the optimization of a predictive quadratic performance functional, used to determine the discrete control actions, can be viewed and treated, in a typical iteration, as a stochasti optimal linear parameter estimation problem. The algorithms obtained are shown to be the result of application of Newton's method to appropriate control optimization functionals that provide solutions that converge to smooth and reference tracking controls. The proposed scheme is then applied to a three-axes satellite attitude control with a double-gimbaled momentum wheel. Results on simulations and tests for the situation of fine pointing torques and errors in the initial satellite attitude show excellent performance of the proposed scheme MFN: 10183 1: SID/SCD 2: 9262 3: INPE-9262-PRE/4931 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Prasad, Polamraju Rajendra 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 12: CBERS orbit acquisition and perturbation analysis 18: Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 52: CNES 53: International Symposium Space Dynamics 54: 26-30 June <2000> 56: Bearritz 57: FR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: CBERS 88: China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite 88: orbit acquisition 88: methodology 88: maneuvers 88: perturbation analysis 83: CBERS (China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite)was injected into the near polar, near circular, Sun-synchronous orbit at a mean altitude of 735 km on 14 of October 1999 at 3: 28:32 UTC. The satellite carries a CCD camera, IR Multi Spectral Scanner (MSS)along with Wide Field Imager (WFI)as primary payloads. The location accuracy of the processed imagery is expected to be better than 500 meters. The satellite crosses the equator on a descending orbital node at approximately 10:30 a.m. on each pass. The spacecraft completes just over 14 orbits per day covering the entire Earth every 26 days. To achieve the maximum benefit from the payload data, mission requirements dictate the orbit to be frozen and an exact repeat mission, this in turn requires the orbit to be computed precisely. The immediate post launch maneuver design is to fulfil the primary objective of removing injection dispersions and realize the operational orbit with specified reference ground track pattern with minimum acquisition time. The initial dispersions of the launch vehicle are corrected and the satellite is maneuvered into its station-keeping window after a series of planned maneuvers. The paper briefly describes orbit acquisition methodology, essentially to correct the size, shape and orientation of orbit due to injection errors. In this paper emphasis is more on the execution of in-plane maneuvers to satisfy operational constraints with optimumfuel consumption. The Maneuver strategy for local time maintenance and if desired to correct the node and inclination is also addressed. The mission requirement is to accomplish near circular, near polar and frozen orbit with desired path locking. The paper presents briefly the perturbation analysis carried out along with some sample set of results using both live satellite and simulated data MFN: 10184 1: SID/SCD 2: 9263 3: INPE-9263-PRE/4932 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rocco, Evandro Marconi 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 10: Souza,Marcelo Lopes de Oliveira e 12: Bi-impulsive orbital transfer between non-coplanar orbits with minium time for a prescribed fuel consumption 18: Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 52: CNES 53: International Symposium Space Dynamics 54: 26-30 June <2000> 56: Bearritz 57: FR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 10185 1: SID/SCD 2: 9264 3: INPE-9264-PRE/4933 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vieira Neto, Ernesto 10: Prado, Antonio Fernenado Bertachini de Almeida 10: Winter, O.C 12: Time and energy analysis for the gravitational capture 14: 791 18: Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 52: CNES 53: International Symposium Space Dynamics 54: 26-30 June <2000> 56: Bearritz 57: FR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 10186 1: SID/SCD 2: 9265 3: INPE-9265-PRE/4934 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Proano de la Torre, A.V. 10: Lacava, J.C.S. 10: Cividanes, Lucio Baptista Trannin 12: Analysis of a rectangular slot in the ground plane of a stripline with uniaxial substrates 14: 1604-1607 18: Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 53: IEEE AP-S International Symposium 54: July <2000> 56: Salt Lack City 57: USA 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 10187 1: SID/SCD 2: 9093 3: INPE-9093-PRE/4768 4: COMB 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Carvalho, E.R. 10: Veras, Carlos Alberto Gurgel 10: Carvalho, J.A. 12: Experimental investigation of smouldering in biomass 14: 283-294 30: Biomass and Bioenergy 31: 22 32: 4 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LCP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: COMBUSTAO 87: combustÆo lenta 87: biomassa 87: combustÆo 87: transferˆncia de calor 88: smoldering 88: biomass 88: combustion 88: heat transfer 83: The smouldering process of wood logs was studied experimentally in a laboratory facility and in prescribed forest bums. The main goal was to check the parameters that initiate and control the stability of the smouldering process. To do so, sample temperatures at five different locations and concentrations of CO, CO2 and O-2 were measured and discussed. By varying the temperature and air supply of the flow tunnel apparatus, different rates of smoulder propagation were identified. In prescribed bums, the main characteristics of the self-sustained smouldering combustion front in logs of different sizes and species are reported. The average smouldering speed in the field is about one order of magnitude lower than that reported for different materials in laboratory experiments 91: FDB-20020614 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10190 1: SID/SCD 2: 9268 3: INPE-9268-PRE/4937 4: MET 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Tomasella, Javier 10: Hodnett, Martin G. 10: Rossato, Luciano 12: Pedotransfer functions for the estimation of soil water retention in Brazilian soils 14: 327-338 30: Soil Science Society of America Journal 31: 64 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: CES 61: 64: Jan./Feb. <2000> 68: PRE 88: particle-size distribution 88: bulk-density 88: hydraulic-properties 88: model 88: texture 88: carbon 83: Various studies have shown that micro-aggregated, strongly weathered tropical soils have different water retention properties than temperate-region soils because of differences in mineralogy and weathering history. Hence, pedotransfer functions (PTFs), derived from data from temperate-region soils (temperate PTFs)have limitations when applied to tropical soils. In the absence of PTFs specifically for tropical soils, temperate PTFs are being applied worldwide in global climate modeling exercises, regardless of their textural validity. We derived a PTF to predict the water retention parameters of the van Genuchten (1980)equation using data from more than 500 Brazilian soil horizons. A modified approach was adopted: Multiple regression was used to derive coefficients that relate the van Genuchten parameters to basic soil data, followed by re-optimization of those coefficients by fitting the individual water content estimations to the measured data simultaneously. Pedotransfer functions were developed for four levels of vailability of basic soils data and validated using independent data from 113 Brazilian soil horizons. Water retention curves were better predicted by the new PTFs than by two temperate PTFs tested: The root mean square deviation (RMSD)ranged from 3.78 to 5.84, compared with 9.08 and 10.44, respectively. The new PTFs performed better even when the comparison was restricted to the range of textural validity of the temperate PTFs. For the proposed PTF, RMSDs increased with increasing silt content, but decreased for the temperate PTFs, This reflects the differences in silt content between temperate and strongly weathered tropical soils 91: FDB-20021014 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10194 1: SID/SCD 2: 9272 3: INPE-9272-PRE/4941 4: MET 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Fostier, A.H. 10: Forti, Maria Cristina 10: GuimarÆes, J.R.D. 10: Melfi, A.J. 10: Boulet, R. 10: Espirito Santo, C.M. 10: Krug, F.J. 12: Mercury fluxes in a natural forested Amazonian catchment (Serra do Navio, Amapa State, Brazil) 14: 201-211 30: Science of the total Environment 31: 260 32: 1-3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LMO 61: 64: out.<2000> 68: PRE 76: CIÒNCIAS METEOROLàGICAS 88: mercury fluxes 88: rainwater 88: throughfall 88: stream water 88: deforestation 88: atmospheric mercury 88: deposition 88: pollution 88: gold 88: methylmercury 88: geochemistry 88: exchange 83: Mercury (I-Ig total)fluxes were calculated for rainwater, throughfall and stream water in a small catchment located in the northeastern region of the Brazilian Amazon (Serra do Navio, Amapa State), whose upper part is covered by a natural rainforest and lower part was altered due to deforestation and activities related to manganese mining. The catchment area is 200 km from the nearest gold mining (garimpo). Minimum and maximum Hg concentrations were measured monthly from October 1996 to September 1997 and were 3.5-23.4 ng l(-1)for rainwater, 16.5-82.7 ng l(-1)for throughfall March-August 1997)and 1.2-6.1 and 4.2-18.8 ng l(-1)for stream water, in natural and disturbed areas, respectively. In the natural area, the inputs were 18.2 mu g m(-2)year(-1)in rainwater and 72 mu g m(-2)year(-1)in throughfall. This enrichment was attributed to dry deposition. The stream output of 2.9 mu g m(-2)year(-1)indicates that Hg is being recycled within the forest as other chemical species or is being retained by the soil system, as confirmed by the cumulative Hg burden in the 0-10 cm surface layer, which was 36 480 mu g m When the disturbed area of the catchment was included, the stream output was 9.3 mu g m(-2), clearly indicating the impact of the deforestation of the lower part of the basin on the release of mercury. The Hg burden in the disturbed area was 7560 mu g m(-2)for the 0-10 cm surface layer 91: FDB-20011015 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10200 1: SID/SCD 4: MET 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Bolzan, Maur¡cio Jos‚ Alves 18: Um estudo sobre caracter¡sticas estat¡sticas do subdom¡nio inercial da turbulˆncia desenvolvida em escoamentos acima e dentro da copa da Floresta Amaz“nica de terra forme e acima do Pantanal Matogrossense 20: 141 38: Em processo de publica‡Æo 40: Pt 40: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Doutor 58: Banca:Ralf Gielow; Leonardo Deane de Abreu S  (orientador); Fernando Manuel Ramos; Carlos Afonso Nobre; Gerv sio Annes Degrazia; Constantino Tsallis 58: SPG 59: MET 62: INPE 64: jun. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: TDI 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10203 1: SID/SCD 2: 9278 3: INPE-9278-PRE/4947 4: MET 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Chaves, R.R. 10: Cavalcanti, Iracema Fonseca de Albuquerque 12: Atmospheric circulation features associated with rainfall variability over southern Northeast Brazil 14: 2614-2626 30: Montly Weather Review 31: 129 32: 10 40: En 41: En 42: 58: CPT 61: 64: Oct. <2001> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDO DO TEMPO E DO CLIMA 87: scale common 87: features 87: baiu frontal zone 87: interannual variation 87: South America 87: patterns 87: Atlantic 87: model 87: precipitation 87: oscillation 87: hemisphere 87: SACZ 83: The atmospheric circulation features associated with rainfall variability during the main rainy period of the region of southern Northeast Brazil (sNEB)are determined through principal components analysis and cluster analysis. Daily rainfall, NCEP reanalysis, and OLR data are used from 1979 to 1997. The analyses are performed considering a large area including South America and the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans and also considering a regional area over tropical South America. The influence of synoptic systems. as well as the phenomena associated with their variability, such as El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO)and baroclinic waves over the Pacific Ocean and South America are discussed. Positive (negative)rainfall anomalies over sNEB are related to cold (warm)episodes in the tropical Pacific. On the intraseasonal timescale there are interrelationships among the South Atlantic convergence zone (SACZ), Bolivian high, and the northeast upper-cyclonic vortex. It is noted that rainy periods in sNEB are associated with a northward displacement of the SACZ. an upper-level cyclonic vortex situated over the Atlantic Ocean, intense convection over the eastern Amazon, and an eastward shift in the position of the Bolivian high. At low levels the flow is directed front the Amazon toward the sNEB and there is a shift of the South Atlantic subtropical anticyclone eastward with a weakening of the Southeast trade winds over the northeast coast. The dry pattern is associated with a southward displacement of the SACZ. an upper-level cyclonic vortex either close to or over the continent, and a westward displacement of the Bolivian high. In this case, the low-level flow is directed from the Amazon it)the south and there is a strengthening and/or westward shift of the South Atlantic anticyclone with an intensification of the southeast trade winds along the northeast coast 91: FDB-20021017 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10204 1: SID/SCD 2: 9279 3: INPE-9279-PRE/4948 4: MET 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Weigang, Li 10: Valverde Ramirez, Maria Cleofe 10: Ferreira, Nelson de Jesus 10: Lihua, Shi 10: Sa, Leonardo Deane de Abreu 12: Rainfall estimation from meteorological satellite and radar data using multiresolution wavelet transform and neural networks methods 14: 277-282 30: Journal of Nanjing Institute of Meteorology 31: 23 32: 2 40: jap 41: En 42: 58: DCM 61: 64: jun. <2000> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Rainfall estimation from satellite data have many applications in climatology and meteorology but calculation associated requires a rapid processing to large amount of data in order to achieve significant result. The neural networks (NN)method is one of the several techniques employed to extract meteorologically-useful information from remotely sensed data. However this method is hardly used independently to yield quasi-real time rainfall estimates since a large amount os satellite data are needed to generate the input/output data for the NN training. In order to overcome this shortage, multiresolution wavelet transform (WT)technique is proposed to decompose the images to obtain the key information for further analysis. As a result, the NN training becomes easier and faster. In the paper a case study to estimate rainfall over the central part of SÆo Paulo state, Brazil using both the NN and WT techniques is given. The analyses were performed using GOES-8 brightness temperature data and meteorological radar data from Bauru, SP. It is concluded that NN can be successfully used to estimate rainfall from remotely sensed imagery 91: FDB-20011018 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10205 1: SID/SCD 2: 9119 3: INPE-9119-PRE/4793 4: MET 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Forti, Maria Cristina 10: Melfi, Adolpjo J. 10: Astolfo, Rosana 10: Fostier, Anne-H‚lŠne 12: Rainfall chemistry composition in two ecosystems in the northeastern Brazilian Amazon (Amapa State) 14: 28895-28905 30: Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 31: 105 32: D 23 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DCM 61: 64: dez. <2000> 68: PRE 76: CIÒNCIAS METEOROLàGICAS 88: precipitation chemestry, throughall chemistry, trace elements, forest, deposition, rainwater, basin, aerosols, solutes, season 83: The rainfall chemical composition in two Amazonian ecosystems, a "terra firme" forest (dense tropical rain forest)and the "cerrado" (savanna)are presented. Both areas are located in the northeast Brazilian Amazon (Amapa State). This study evaluated the statistical differences in the rainfall chemistry, as well as the deposition through rainfall, for each ecosystem. The chemical species evaluated in the rainwater were Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, NH4+, Cl-, NO3-, SO42-, Fe3+, Al3+, Zn2+, and Mn2+ for both Ecosystems. Factor analysis for the terra fume ecosystem indicated that there is a significant difference between the dry and wet periods in the rainfall chemical Composition, indicating a biomass-burning signature (K+ in association with Zn2+. High deposition of solutes, except for Mn2+ and Cl+, was also observed during the dry period. Comparison between the terra fume and cerrado rainfall chemistry showed statistical differences in concentration for the marine species (Nac and CU and for the soil dust species (Al3+, Fe3+, and Mn2+. The sea-salt and biogenic sources of chemical species in terra fume forest rainwater are equally important. The site nearer to the sea (cerrado)has rainfall chemistry dominated by species having marine origins. The terra firme forest also has rainfall chemistry dominated by marine origin species, although the biogenic and soil dust origin species are highly significant at this site. Also in the terra firme a biomass-burning signature was observed. The amount of sea salt deposited was more than 50 percent larger in the cerrado owing to its proximity to the shore 91: FDB-20011018 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10206 1: SID/SCD 2: 9280 3: INPE-9280-PRE/4949 4: MET 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Tarasova, Tatiana Alekandrovna 10: Nobre, Carlos Afonso 10: Eck, Thomas F. 10: Holben, Brent N. 12: Modeling of gaseous, aerosol, and cloudiness effects on surface solar irradiance measured in Brazil's Amazonia 1992-1995 14: 26961-26969 30: Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 31: 105 32: D 22 40: En 41: En 42: 58: CPT 61: 64: Nov. <2000> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDO DO TEMPO E DO CLIMA 88: delta eddington approximation 88: radiation 83: The effects of water vapor, aerosol, and cloudiness on the incident surface solar irradiance continuously measured in Brazil's Amazonia at six observational sites from 1992 to 1995 are examined by means of a clear-sky broadband radiative transfer model. The aerosol optical depth and precipitable water, both retrieved from Sun photometer measurements, serve as inputs to the model. Computed monthly mean values of clear-sky surface irradiance are analyzed in conjunction with the monthly mean values of all-sky surface irradiance measured on the ground. To assess the effect of loudiness, we present the cloud radiative forcing and cloud radiative forcing ratio at the surface, both widely employed in cloud radiation budget studies, By its definition the monthly mean cloud radiative forcing (cloud radiative forcing; ratio)is the difference (ratio)between surface solar irradiances under all-sky an clear-sky conditions. The analysis of the irradiances, as computed and as measured, shows that during the wet season the gaseous and cloudiness effects on the! solar radiation attenuation in the a tmosphere are comparable, while the aerosol influence is much smaller. The aerosol effect increases and cloudiness effect decreases in the second half of the dry season. Thus during the biomass burning period ill southern Amazonia, the water vapor and aerosol effects become comparable, while the cloudiness impact is 2-3 times smaller. oth cloudiness and aerosol effects have strong seasonal variations, while the gaseous effect changes slightly throughout the year 91: FDB-20011018 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10207 1: SID/SCD 2: 9281 3: INPE-9281-PRE/4950 4: MET 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Chou, Sin Chan 10: Nunes, Ana Maria Bueno 10: Cavalcanti, Iracema Fonseca da Albuquerque 12: Extended range forecasts over South America using the regional eta model 14: 10147-10160 30: Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 31: 105 32: D 8 40: En 41: En 42: 58: CPT 61: 64: Apr. <2001> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDO DO TEMPO E DO CLIMA 87: step mountain eta 87: climate model 87: biosphere model 87: coordinate 87: simulation 87: parametrization 87: convection 87: radiation 87: schemes 82: MSouth America> 83: An 80-km National Centers for Environmental Prediction eta model was configured to run over the South America continent. This limited area model has 38 layers in the atmosphere, and its domain includes part of the adjacent Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. The model was setup to perform 1 month forecasts. The version used in these preliminary experiments uses a bucket model to describe water in the ground and a modified Betts-Miller scheme for producing convective precipitation. The experiments used constant sea surface temperature held and initial soil moisture from climatology. Results obtained from a dry season month and a rainy season month over South America in 1997 show that the reinitialization of model at short range forecasts is not necessary as was done with the previous version of the model. These results show no obvious drying of the atmosphere or tendency with time of the domain average surface pressure. In both cases (dry and wet)the model seems to have reproduced the climatological signal of the forecast months. The monthly accumulated total p recipitation agrees well with the observations. These runs showed that the current configuration of the eta model is stable and capable of producing continuous extended range runs over South America 91: FDB-20021018 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10216 1: SID/SCD 2: 9296 3: INPE-9296-PRE/4961 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Sestini, Marcelo Francisco 10: Alvala, Regina Celia dos Santos 10: Mello, Eliana Maria Kalil 10: Valeriano, Dalton de Morisson 10: Reimer, Erica da Silva 10: Chan, Chou Sin 10: Nobre, Carlos Afonso 12: Integration and update of cartographic information of Legal Amazon land cover 21: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: BR 58: CPT 58: DPI 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 87: RegiÆo Amaz“nica 87: mapeamento cadastral 87: cobertura da terra 87: mapas 87: desflorestamento 88: Amazon region (South America) 88: cadastral mapping 88: land cover 88: maps 88: deforestation 82: Amaz“nia Legal 83: Accurate estimation of continental surface biophysical properties is fundamental for climate studies and weather forecast through numerical models. An increasing effort is being dedicated to the production of land cover maps to be applied to climate models in order to improve the understanding of the complex interactions that occur between land surface and the atmosphere. The objective of this work is improve and update land cover cartography to be applied to climate models. The study area is the Brazilian Legal Amazon, with approximately 5,000,000 kmý. The first task was the improvement of the available 1:5,000,000 cartography of the vegetation cover for the area (IBGE, 1993). In this map ecotone areas are not resolved and are described as a combination of two or more vegetation classes. Georreferenced TM-Landsat data of these ecotone areas for the year 2000 were stratified into spectrally homogeneous fields by image segmentation. The fields were then classified into spectral classes with an unsupervised region based image classifier. The spectral classes were mapped onto a land cover classification system and the results were edited to correct minor misclassifications. Next it was added to this product the deforested area in Legal Amazon which is being regularly surveyed by INPE since 1978. The deforested area included in this map is the accumulated registered deforestation up to the year 1997. Following tasks in this project will be the discrimination of secondary vegetation within the deforested areas and TM-Landsat derived map of Savanna areas that were converted into agricultural land use, which are not assessed in the mentioned deforestation survey 91: FDB-20020604 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10217 1: SID/SCD 2: 9297 3: INPE-9297-PRE/4962 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Hurtt, George 10: Xiao, X. 10: Keller, M. 10: Palace, M. 10: Fearon, M. 10: Braswell, R. 10: Hagen, S. 10: Cardoso, M. 10: Schloss, A. 10: Moore, B. 10: Nobre, Carlos Afonso 12: IKONOS imagery for Large-scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia 21: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 87: imageamento 87: sensoriamento remoto 87: dados 88: imagery 88: remote sensing 88: data 82: RegiÆo Amaz“nica 83: Scaling issues are of central importance to addressing LBA science questions. In addressing issues of spatial scaling, two key science questions arise: How important is fine-scale heterogeneity to large-scale questions? How should one interpret relatively coarse-resolution remote sensing data in light of known fine-scale heterogeneity on the land surface? To help bridge the gap between currently available remote-sensing data and the fine-scale spatial heterogeneity on the ground, high resolution (1-4m)IKONOS imagery are being collected at several LBA field and eddy-flux tower sites. All data are available to all LBA investigators free of charge via the NASA Earth Science information Partner EOS-WEBSTER ( 91: FDB-20021104 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10218 1: SID/SCD 2: 9298 3: INPE-9298-PRE/4963 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Saatchi, Sassan 10: Rodriguez, Ernesto 10: Denning, Scott 10: Lu, Lixin 10: Alvala, Regina Celia dos Santos 10: Dubayah, Ralph 12: Measuring Vegetation Aerodynamic Roughness Over the Amazon Basin 21: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: LMO 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 87: Aspereza da superf¡cie 87: vegeta‡Æo 87: medi‡äes 87: RegiÆo Amaz“nica (Am‚rica do Sul) 88: Surface roughness 88: vegetation 88: measurement 88: Amazon region (South America) 82: 83: The aerodynamic roughness length (Z0)is an important parameter to determine the vertical gradients of mean wind speed and the conditions for momentum transfer over a vegetated or bare rough surface. Over vegetated surfaces, the aerodynamic roughness length has a simple one-to-one relationship with the rms height of the vegetation at the top of the canopy. Once this roughness length is determined for a surface, it does not change with wind speed, stability or stress. During the LBA experiment the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS)with flexible horizontal and vertical resolution will be used in conjunction with other models to simulate the atmospheric circulation and trace gas concentration and transport at various scales. This model is suitable to determine the effect of surface roughness parameter at trace gas transport both at local level for LBA study areas and on at the regional level for the entire Amazon basin. In this paper, we present the estimation of this parameter from two sources: 1)From a sample SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission)data over one of the LBA study areas. The cross correlation between two interferometric SRTM images will be used to estimate the rms height of the vegetation at 90 m resolution and relate that to aerodynamic roughness. This methodology will be applied to the entire SRTM data (when it becomes available)to estimate the roughness length over the basin. 2)Various statistical moments of the JERS-1 image mosaic in fusion with other regional data sets will be used in a semi-empirical model to estimate the vegetation roughness length over the entire basin at 1 km resolution. Both parameters will be integrated into the RAMS model to demonstrate the effect of spatially explicit roughness length on trace gas transport simulations and to test the impact of errors associated with the estimation process. 91: FDB-20021104 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10219 1: SID/SCD 2: 9299 3: INPE-9299-PRE/4964 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Manzi, Antonio Ocimar 10: Kruijt, B. 10: Randow, Celso von 10: Elbers, J. 10: Oliveira, P.J. 10: Nogueira, Jorge L. M. 10: Zanchi, F. B. 10: Silva, R. L. 10: Cardoso, F. L. 10: Aguiar, R. G. 10: Waterloo, M. 10: Kabat, P. 10: Gomes, B. M. 12: The long term measurements of energy and COý fluxes over LBA pasture and forest sites in Rond“nia 21: SessÆo Oral 38: SessÆo Oral 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 87: medi‡Æo 87: varia‡äes anuais 87: energia 87: oxigˆnio 87: fluxos 87: florestas 88: measurement 88: annual variations 88: energy 88: oxygen 88: fluxes 88: forests 82: 83: On the scope of BR/EU LBA Flux Tower Consortium, the turbulent fluxes of sensible and latent heat, CO2 fluxes and general meteorological variables have been measured continuously in a forest site (Rebio Jaru, 10.08o S, 61.93o W)and in a pasture site (Fazenda Nossa Senhora, 10.75§ S; 62.37§ W)in state of Rondonia, since February 1999. The technique used to measure the fluxes is the eddy covariance technique. On this work, results from these three-year measurements are presented. Seasonal variations of energy and CO2 fluxes are analyzed at both sites. Due to the higher reflectivity and net long wave loss at pasture than at the forest, the net radiation is 16 - 22 lower in the pasture, with the larger differences occurring during dry seasons. The partition of this energy in sensible and latent heat is also different in the two vegetation covers and sensitive to the season. Three-month averaged Bowen ratios (ratio between sensible and latent heat fluxes)ranged from 0.21 during wet seasons to 0.28 during dry seasons at forest and from 0.33 (wet season)to 0.81 (dry season)at the pasture. The major differences between CO2 fluxes at the two sites also occur during dry seasons, when the humidity of the top layers of soil is severely reduced. Both the daytime-averaged Net Ecosystem Exchange (NEE), which is mainly influenced by photosynthesis activity, and nighttimeaveraged NEE, which is dominated by respiration, show clear variations between the seasons, especially at the pasture site, being higher (more negative in the case of daytime)at the wet seasons. The daily NEE values, which represent the difference between photosynthesis and respiration, are negative throughout the year, leading to a high annual uptake at both sites. At the forest, the annual uptake ranges from 4 to 6 ton C / ha / year. In the pasture, the preliminary values are similar, however, a recent analysis indicate that fluxes might be underestimated in calm nights at this site. After applying an appropriate filter for underestimation at low turbulence conditions, final values for the pasture site will be presented. At the forest, apparently there is no underestimation of nighttime fluxes in calm nights 91: FDB-20021104 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10220 1: SID/SCD 2: 9300 3: INPE-9300-PRE/4965 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Araujo, Alejandro C. de 10: Nobre, A. D. 10: Kruijt, B. 10: Dallarosa, R. G. 10: Randow, C. von 10: Manzi, Antonio O. 10: Xavier, H. B. 10: Dolman, A. J. 10: Waterloo, M. J. 10: Evans, J. G. 10: Gash, J. H. C. 10: Hodnett, M. G. 10: Pacheco, V. B. 10: Kabat, P. 12: Long term measurements of carbon dioxide, water and energy combined with the fetch analysis in central Amazonia 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Studies by Grace et al. (1996)and Malhi et al. (1998)show high rates of net CO2 uptake by Amazon rain forest, suggesting that such forests may represent the "missing" carbon sink that is required to close the Earth's carbon budget. In contrast, atmospheric inversion models and analyses of satellite images suggest that important terrestrial sinks are located in the northern hemisphere (Schulze Schimel, 2001). Therefore, much uncertainty exists about the real location of the missing carbon sink. Ara£jo et al. (2002)and Aubinet et al. (2001)revealed variation in carbon uptake rates, distributed over different areas in the same ecosystem. Such differences could be related to the topography, associated with variation in soil water content and the depth to which water is available to plants, leading to contrasting edaphic conditions for the functioning of the vegetation (Chauvel et al., 1987 e Hodnett et al., 1997). Fluxes of CO2, water and energy have been measured by the eddy correlation technique for several years near Manaus. An investigation of the location of sources responsible for the measured fluxes was performed using footprint models in the context of such landscape. Analysis of fetch related to availability of energy has shown that when the wind blows from the northwest and southwest quadrants less radiation is available than in the others, with consequently lower net carbon uptake rates. Also, the respiration rates are higher suggesting that the CO2 respired from the valleys or drained from the plateaus is being captured by the eddy covariance system 91: FDB-20021104 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10221 1: SID/SCD 2: 9301 3: INPE-9301-PRE/4966 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Kruijt, B. 10: Araujo, A. 10: Elber, J. A. 10: Nobre, A. D. 10: Randow, C. von 10: Oliveira, P. J. 12: Estimation of Amazon night-time COý fluxes and flux losses and effects on inferring ecosystem physiology 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Several years of CO2 flux data now exist for four flux towers in the Brazilian Amazon, collected within the scope of the international LBA project. These data sets show many similarities in the diurnal and seasonal behaviour of fluxes, as well as in the physiological responses of NEE to radiation, VPD and CO2 concentration. Clear differences exist, however, in seasonality. One overriding aspect of the results is the very high rates of carbon uptake on an annual scale, and these rates are subject to such skepticism. Nevertheless, despite rigorous sensitivity tests we cannot identify the reason for this discrepancy in eddy correlation methodology. It is often found in eddy correlation studies that the system seems to underestimate CO2 emission fluxes during the night, if turbulent mixing is reduced. Even if properly corrected for storage of CO2 inside the canopy, ecosystem exchange in these conditions appears lower than expected from values measured during windy nights. If we apply such analysis to the data collected in some of the Amazon sites, this effect is present to such a large extent, that it could take away the full annual carbon uptake if it were corrected for. For another Amazon forest site, with equally high uptake, the effect is completely absent. We here subject the data to some alternative analysis, shedding a rather different light on Amazon night-time flux losses. For example, if we consider 24-hour totals of NEE, there is only little dependence of these totals on night-time turbulence. Also, there often is a consistent high emission peak during early morning which is NOT compensated for by storage fluxes. We analyse these morning fluxes in more detail by comparing them with the expected light response during these hours, and find that light response is significantly 'stalled' at low light. Also we attempt to interpret respiration, photosynthesis and night-time leakage from a simple combined mass balance-turbulence model. This observation may be used to construct a more realistic method to assess the real total night-time losses. Also, this may be used to correct day-time values to determine real canopy photosynthesis. We will explore this approach and investigate how this affects analysis of canopy physiology through, for example, canopy-scale light response and A-Ci curves 91: FDB-20021105 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10222 1: SID/SCD 2: 9302 3: INPE-9302-PRE/4967 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Prasad, Gannabathula Sri Sesha Durga 10: Manzi, Antonio Ocimar 10: S , Leonardo Deane de Abreu 10: Randow, C. von 10: Araujo, A. C. 10: Nobre, A. D. 10: 12: Comparison of the fast response instruments at C14 and K34 sites in the Amazon rain forest 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: LMO 58: CPT 61: 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Wavelet and Fourier analysis was performed to study and compare the spectral characterstics, the fluxes of the wind velocity (u,v,w components), temperature and humidity concentrations using two different instruments and on two different towers in the Amazon rain forest at Manaus in 2000. The comparison was made of the spectra and fluxes estimated from the Gill (Solent A1012R)and Campbell sonic anemometers, H2O measurements of the LiCor and Krypton instruments for the days, 216 to 248 at the C14 site (02ø35'21''S , 60ø06'53'' W)and for days 252 to 267 at site K34(02ø36'33''S ,60ø12'34'' W). The sampling frequency for Gill is 10.42 Hz while for the Campbell it is 16Hz. In the first stage of the analysis no attempt has been made to reduce to a common sampling frequency. Since the sampling frequencies are not the same the data sets were aligned using the minimum of the temperature. After adjusting for calibrations it was found that there is good agreement in only the w component and the w spectra in both the instruments at both the sites. The temperature measured by the Campell instrument is always higher and the fluctuations smaller than those measured by Gill. The actual differences vary with the time of the day. There are also differences between the water vapour measurements. The Krypton appears to be much more sensitive to small changes in humidity compared to LiCor. At the K34 site, at low wind speeds, there are significant differences in u and v between the Gill and Campbell. We are now examining the differences between the two sites and the instruments after reducing to a common sampling frequency of 2Hz 91: FDB-20021105 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10223 1: SID/SCD 2: 9303 3: INPE-9303-PRE/4968 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vega, Oscar 10: Sassine, Andre 10: Moura, Sergio 10: Greenberg, Jim 10: Tota, Julio 10: Artaxo, Paulo 10: Guenther, Alex 12: Ozone and aerosols concentrations measured from a tethered baloon at diferents heights in Balbina - Amazon Region 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 82: RegiÆo Amaz“nica 83: The biogenetic VOCs emittions and its photochemistry in the Amazon region are responsible for the ozone produced in this region. The budged of the ozone production is important to atmospheric chemistry study. This data is important also to feed computer-modeling systems aiming atmospheric chemistry studies. The measurement of the ozone and particulate aerosols concentrations relative to with height is one of the aims of the atmospheric chemistry study. The scope of this work is to describe the experience done in Balbina, Amazon region, in a wet season, with a tethered balloon carrying on a set of instruments that measure the ozone concentration and the aerosols, fine and gross particulated matter. An electronic device collects the pressure, humidity and temperature data of each flight. The meteorology airborne, such as wind direction and speed, clouds interference and sun incidence, was monitored during each flight to observe the correlation with the data colleted. The data shows a correlation between the aerosols and the heights, aerosols and the cloud interference, ozone concentration and heights, ozone concentrations and cloud interference. The ozone concentration range from 5 to 18 ppb was measured at maximum height.The experiment was done with a Helium tethered balloon driven by a winch. The maximum flight height was 1000 meters. Details of the experiment and analytical procedures are presented in this work as well 91: FDB-20021105 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10224 1: SID/SCD 2: 9304 3: INPE-9304-PRE/4969 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Burke, Eleanor J. 10: Harris, Phil 10: Nobre, Antonio D. 10: Shuttleworth, W. James 10: Bastidas, Luis A. 10: Randow, Celso von 10: Gon‡alves, L. Gustavo Gon‡alves de 12: Calibrating the carbon and energy-water exchange processes represented in the BATS2 model for a set of natural forest ecosystems within the Amazon 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Over the last decade, carbon exchange processes have been introduced into some of the more realistic and important land-surface models used in General Circulation Models (GCMs). In particular, carbon exchange is now calculated (albeit in an appropriately simple way)in the second-generation Biosphere Atmosphere Transfer Scheme (BATS2). This paper discusses automatic calibration of the description of the carbon and energy-water exchange processes represented in BATS2 using state-ofthe- art multi-parameter estimation techniques and long-term measurements of fluxes over several undisturbed Amazon forest sites. Optimization of the parameters in BATS2 was made by simultaneously minimizing the Root Mean Square Error (RMSE)between time series of observed and modeled latent- and sensible-heat fluxes and CO2 exchange. This procedure provides values of preferred sets of the many model parameters used in BATS2 in the different conditions for which extended time series of undisturbed forest data are available through the LBA Experiment. In most cases the optimization algorithm defines preferred parameters that lie comfortably within the predefined range of plausible values, but in some cases the preferred values are close to the edge of this range. The RMSE between modeled and measured fluxes was significantly reduced when the optimized parameters were used over the "default" values of parameters that would otherwise be assigned in BATS for the tropical forest biome. Investigations were carried out as to how preferred sets of model parameters change with site and season. It should be noted that model calibration also (implicitly)provides an extra level of quality control on the LBA data by flagging times when individual data points are inconsistent with the remainder of the data 91: FDB-20021105 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10225 1: SID/SCD 2: 9305 3: INPE-9305-PRE/4970 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Tota, Julio 10: Gu, Lianhong 10: Fuentes, Jose D. 10: Fisch, Gilberto F. 10: Moura, Rildo G. 12: A multi-layer biophysical model calibration to Amazonia: test of an integrated model 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: An integrated model of canopy micrometeorology and exchanges of mass and energy was tested for an Amazonian rain forest. In this model, plant canopies are divided vertically into multiple layers. After obtaining profiles of air temperature, water vapor and CO2 partial pressures inside plant canopies using the Localized Near-Field (LNF)theory, canopy-scale fluxes were obtained by integrating these exchanges over the canopy depth. The model was tested against of diurnal measurements of canopy net radiation, sensible heat flux, water vapor flux, CO2 flux, friction velocity, and profiles of air temperature, water vapor partial pressure and CO2 concentration. The NEEs output was decomposed into contributions from different ecosystem elements and analyzed. The results showed that daytime exchanges of energy and mass in this tropical forest were largely controlled by its LAI. However, the degree of dominance varied for sensible heat, water vapor and CO2 from daytime to nighttime. Relative contributions of different ecosystem elements to NEEs of sensible heat and water vapor remained largely unchanged from day to day during the testing period. In contrast, relative contributions of different ecosystem elements to NEE of CO2 fluctuated significantly from day to day in responses to changes in environmental conditions. The role of the understory was most significant for the CO2 exchange and least significant for the sensible heat exchange with the water vapor exchange being intermediate. The soil and stem respiration balanced much of the foliage CO2 absorptio during the daytime while during the nighttime they dominated the CO2 exchange. 91: FDB-20021105 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10226 1: SID/SCD 2: 9306 3: INPE-9306-PRE/4971 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Kubota, Paulo Y. 10: Manzi, Antonio O. 10: Randow, Celso von 10: Kruijt, B. 10: Elbers, J. 12: The use of a footprint model to analise the influence of the surface's heterogeneity upon observed flux 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Around the globe punctual measurements of momentum, energy, water vapor, and CO2 fluxes made by micrometeorological towers have become very common. Since the quantities measured are punctual, they are influenced by the air advection, atmospheric instability and the distribution of their sources and sinks that are related to the surface characteristics as relief, and vegetal cover, which depends on the wind direction. It was used for this study a footprint model parameterized with three-year flux measurements (1999, 2000 and 2001)made at the Biological Reserve of Jaru, in Ji-Parana, Rondonia, on the scope of the Brazil / European Union Tower Consortium of the Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere in Amazonia (LBA)experiment. The footprint model shows that, for stable conditions, around 78 percent of the measured fluxes are mostly related to an area around the tower with up to 10 km radius, but with a maximum contribution from about 600 m. For unstable conditions, more than 95 percent of measurements are related to the same area, and the maximum contribution radius is around 300 m. The variation in flow direction shows little influence on CO2 fluxes and net radiation. However, the intensity of sensible and latent heat fluxes vary with wind direction, possibly associated with the presence of deforestation areas at the neighborhood of the site and of Machado River, that is less than 1 km west from the tower 91: FDB-20021105 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10227 1: SID/SCD 2: 9308 3: INPE-9308-PRE/4972 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Alvala, Plinio 10: Randow, Celso von 10: Manzi, Antonio Ocimar 10: Souza, Amaury de 10: Randow, Celso von 10: Manzi, Antonio Ocimar 10: Souza, Amaury de 12: COý fluxes over pantanal region undeeer dry and flood conditions 38: SessÆo Oral 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: DGE 58: CPT 61: 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: The Pantanal area, covering a large part of the center-western region of Brazil, is characterized by a strong seasonality throughout the year, with quite dry periods in the dry season and frequently flooded areas at the wet season. In May and June 2001, and in the period from late November 2001 to April 2002, turbulent fluxes of carbon dioxide (CO2)were measured at the micrometeorological tower of IPE project, using the eddy covariance technique. During the transition period from wet to dry season, the daily average net ecosystem exchange (NEE)rate ranged from a sink of -1.0 ñ 0.5 g C/m2/day in May to a situation close to the balance in June, with NEE of 0.1 ñ 0.9 g C/m2/day. In the wet season, just before the flooding of the area around the tower, which happened on December 17, 2001, the daily NEE rate observed was -0.6 ñ 1.1 g C/m2/day (carbon fixation). With a water layer of about 0.5 m height, the surface turned into a source of carbon, presenting a NEE average rate of +1.1 ñ 0.5 g C/m2/day. This condition lasted about 30 days, resulting on a carbon release of about 300 kg C / m2. After this period of large emission of carbon dioxide, the daily NEE rates were close to zero (daily uptake offset by nighttime losses)after some cold front passages when emissions were lower and the water layer started to reduce. However, still there were days with large emissions, leading to a release of about 50 kg C / m2 on the next 30 days. The daily NEE rates turn to negative values after that and the surface turns back to a sink CO2, as the water layer dries out 91: FDB-20021106 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10228 1: SID/SCD 2: 9309 3: INPE-9309-PRE/4973 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Moura, Rildo G. 10: Tota, Julio 10: Manzi, Antonio Ocimar 10: Gu, Lianhong 12: Modeling intercepted solar radiation for two different types of vegetation (rain forest of Rebio-Jaru-RO and mangrove forest-PA 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Measurements of solar radiation were made over a terra firme forest, at the Biological Reserve of Jaru-RO, as part of the LBA and over a mangrove area in the City of Bragan‡a- PA, as part of the MADAM project. Data of short wave radiation flux were collected with Kipp Zonen pyranometers, and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR)flux, with LICOR quantum sensor, in the top of the towers installed at each site, and in the ground of the forests. In the first site, information regarding the leaf area index (LAI)was also collected, using a digital photographic camera, model CID-110, with fish-eye lens of 8mm. The results show that, on average, the fraction of short wave radiation and PAR fluxes that reach the ground are smaller at the rain forest than at the mangrove. In this work the observations of short wave radiation and PAR at the top of the forests of terra firme and mangrove are used to evaluate the performance of the radiative transfer model proposed initially by Sellers (1985)and modified by Gu (1998). The results of the model showed that he is capable to reproduce the radiation fluxes that reach the ground at both sites reasonably well, when forced with the average values of the incident short wave radiation and PAR observed at the top of the towers. 91: FDB-20021106 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10229 1: SID/SCD 2: 9310 3: INPE-9310-PRE/4974 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Saleska, Scott R. 10: Munger, William 10: Matross, Daniel M. 10: Dauber, Bruce C. 10: Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich 10: Camargo, Plinio B. de 10: Wofsy, Steven C. 12: Carbon balance and seasonal patterns via eddy covariance measurements in an old-growth Amazon forest 38: SessÆo Oral 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: DGE 61: 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA 83: To assess the role of Amazon forests as a source or a sink for atmospheric CO2, we used groundbased biometry measurements together with whole-system CO2 fluxes (via eddy covariance)to explore the ecological and climatic controls on the carbon balance at an old-growth Amazon forest (Tapajos National Forest, Santarem, Para, Brazil). The initial year (April 2001 - April 2002)of eddy covariance measurements suggest that the forest was a modest source to the atmosphere during this period (net ecosystem exchange, NEE = +0.9 Mg C ha-1 yr-1 to the atmosphere, after correcting for "lost flux" during periods of weak mixing when friction velocity was <0.2 m/sec). The magnitude of this correction was significant (+ 1.6 Mg C ha-1 yr-1)but not as large as at many sites, and even without it the forest would be close to carbon balance, with an NEE of -0.7 Mg C ha-1 yr-1. The corrected NEE estimate was consistent with the biometry-based estimate of fluxes from aboveground biomass (0.3 to 4.0 Mg C ha-1 yr-1)during an overlapping two-year period (July 1999 - July 2001). There was marked seasonal variation in NEE that was opposite in phase to what would have been predicted from tree growth rates alone: net ecosystem loss to the atmosphere was observed during the rainy season (January-May), even though wood increment was high during this period; and conversely, net ecosystem uptake was observed in the dry season (August-November)when wood increment was generally low. These patterns appear to be explained by variations in ecosystem respiration losses, which were strongly reduced during the dry season, presumably due to drier soil and litter layer. These results are in contrast to the large uptake and lack of seasonality reported for a site near Manaus, and to the nearly opposite seasonal pattern observed in a southeastern Amazon transitional tropical forest (cerradÆo)in Mato Grosso, which gained carbon in the rainy season and became carbon-neutral in the dry season 91: FDB-20021106 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10230 1: SID/SCD 2: 9311 3: INPE-9311-PRE/4975 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Pacheco, Vanusa Bezerra 10: Marques Filho, Ari 10: Nobre, Antonio Donato 10: Araujo, Alessandro Donado de 10: Kruijt, Bart 10: Dallarosa, Ricardo G. 10: Randow, Celso von 10: Manzi, antonio Ocimar 10: Xavier, Hermes Braga 10: Dolman, Albertos Johannes 10: Waterloo, Maarten Johannes 10: Elbers, Jan Albert 10: Gash, John Handescombe C. 10: Hodnett, Martin George 10: Moors, Johannes Eddy 10: Kabat, Pavel 12: Study of the mean wind speed profile above and within the canopy of the forest reserve Cuieiras in Central Amazonia 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: The vertical mean wind speed profile was studied utilizing data measured from a 50 m micrometeorological tower in forest reserve Cuieiras - ZF2, km 34 (2o36'32, 7"S, 60o12'33,48"W)some 60 km north of Manaus, in Central Amazonia. The measurements of wind speed were made at four heights (two above the canopy and two within the canopy)using cup anemometers logged at 30 seconds intervals. The data represent the period from June to November 2001. To perform the vertical mean wind speed profile analysis of 30 min averages were used. The mean wind speed profile data obtained during early morning (00:00 to 06:30 local time (LT)), day (07:00 to 17:30 LT)and night (18:00 to 23:30 LT)were compared with the vertical temperature and CO2 concentration profiles. A least squares fitting technique was used to fit polynomial curves to the vertical mean wind speed profile using Matlab-5 computer code. For the mean wind speed profile data the best fit was obtained using third degree polynomial functions. The highest wind speeds occur between 10:00 and 16:00 LT, which corresponds well with the maximum air temperatures, usually between 12:00 and 15:00 LT. CO2 concentrations begin to decrease soon after 08:00 LT and increase soon after 17:30 LT. The period from 10:00 to 16:00 HL, when the maximum values of mean wind speed occur is also the period of major convective activity, caused by atmospheric instability associated with the diurnal solar cycle. The rate of decrease in mean wind below the canopy was shown to be related to the density profile of the foliage 91: FDB-20021106 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10232 1: SID/SCD 2: 9313 3: INPE-9313-PRE/4977 4: COMB 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Carvalho Jr., JoÆo Andrade 10: Veras, Carlos Alberto Gurgel 10: Gielow, Ralf 10: Alvarado, E. C. 10: Sandberg, D. V. 10: Carvalho, E. R. 10: Santos, J. C. 12: A forest experiment conducted in the Amazonian arc of deforestation 38: SessÆo Oral 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: LCP 58: DCM 61: 68: PRE 76: COMBUSTAO 87: combustao de biomassa 87: florestas 82: 83: This paper describes the characteristics of fire spread around a forest clearing site located in the Amazonian arc of deforestation. The experiment was carried out in 2001 at the Caiabi Farm, near the town of Alta Floresta, state of Mato Grosso, Brazil, as part of a set of tests that have been performed in the same area since 1997. So far, six test plots were burned. The main goal in the experiments of the first five plots was to determine biomass fire consumption and carbon release rates under different conditions of size of burned area and period of curing. The results regarding these tests were already published (Carvalho et al., 2001). Special care had to be taken to prevent fire from escaping the clearing site into the adjacent forest in all five experiments. This procedure had not been necessary in previous experiments conducted by the group in Manaus, state of Amazonas (Carvalho et al., 1995, 1998), and in Tom‚ A‡u, state of Par  (Ara£jo et al., 1999). Therefore, during 2001 a site was prepared and burned to investigate under-story fire generated by the forest clearing process, and results of this work are presented here. The experiments reported by Carvalho et al. (2001)were conducted in five plots, denominated A, B, C, D, and E. Biomass fire consumption and carbon release rates were determined in the central 1-hectare area of each In 2001, plot F was felled in May and burned on August 20 91: FDB-20021106 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10233 1: SID/SCD 2: 9314 3: INPE-9314-PRE/4978 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Cardoso, Manoel 10: Hurtt, George 10: Moore, Berrien 10: Nobre, Carlos Afonso 10: Setzer, Alberto Waingort 12: Fieldwork and Statistical Analyses for Enhanced Interpretation on Satellite Fire Interannual variability of Soil moiture and Vegetation Biomass in Amazonian Cerrado 38: SessÆo Oral 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 58: LMO 61: 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Fieldwork and Statistical Analyses for Enhanced Interpretation of Satellite Fire Data Data from satellites are very important for providing information on vegetation fires worldwide. Despite of the broad spatial and temporal coverage, there are several factors that complicate the interpretation of these data. Examples of these factors include fires occurring at times different than the satellite overpasses, the presence of clouds, fires occurring under plant canopies, small fires, and very reflective surfaces. In order to enhance the interpretation of satellite fire data, we are in the process of collecting groundbased data on fires, and relating these data to corresponding information from satellite fire products. Ground-based data are collected using a simple and passive method that allows for a large sample size. One method for data analysis is the construction of error matrixes, which can provide statistics on inclusion (commission)and exclusion (omission)errors in satellite fire data. In this work we present results from fieldwork in areas close to Marab , Brazil, where about 90 fires were observed during November 3 to 5, 2001. These results include fires position, time, size, type of vegetation burned, cloudcover, and statistics on inclusion and exclusion errors in related remote-sensing fire data. Preliminary analyses suggest that errors of omission are larger than errors of commission, and are dominated by satellite overpass times, cloud-coverage and fire size. Potential strategies to correct for these errors are discussed 91: FDB-20021106 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10234 1: SID/SCD 2: 9315 3: INPE-9315-PRE/4979 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Lefebvre, Paul 10: Nepstad, Daniel 10: Solorzano, Luis 10: Tomasella, Javier 10: Silva, Urbano 10: Schlesinger, Peter 12: An improved soil water budget model for predicting drought stress-related forest flammability in the Amazon Basin 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: The RisQue (Risco de Queimadas)spatial model of flammability based on soil moisture stocks, under development since 1998, continues to evolve. The soil map of maximum Plant Available Water (PAW), based on soil texture information from over 1,500 field samples, has been expanded from the Brazilian Legal Amazon region to cover the entire Amazon hydrographic basin. Enhanced meteorological data provided by CPTEC now cover this same region, and Penman-Monteith estimated Potential Evapotranspiration has superseded previous estimates calculated after Thornthwaite, using GOES-derived radiation fields. All spatial interpolation is now done via Kriging. The vegetation mask, used to constrain deep soil water estimations for forests only, has been updated to reflect recent deforestation, and the spatial resolution has improved. Sensitivity of the model to Penman-Monteith Evapotranspiration estimates were analyzed by running the model with ET at -15 percent, -5 percent and + 15 percent of actual estimates. A 5 percent reduction in ET resulted in a 60 percent decrease in the area of depleted soil moisture stocks, and a 38 percent decrease in the area of stocks diminished to less than 250mm of water in a 10m column of soil. 5 percent increase in ET resulted in a two-fold increase in area of depleted soil moisture stocks, and a 38 percent increase in the are suffering depletion to less than 250mm. We find fair agreement between model output and field measurements of plant-available soil water to 10 m depth, with actual soil moisture measured using TDR at our field stations in the FLONA Tapaj¢s and in Paragominas; average model estimates of soil water stocks averaged19 percent lower than field measurements for the FLONA Tapaj¢s, and 8 percent lower for Paragominas 91: FDB-20021106 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10235 1: SID/SCD 2: 9316 3: INPE-9316-PRE/4980 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Alvala, Regina C. S. 10: Gielow, Ralf 10: Cohen, Julia C. P. 10: Souza, Jos‚ Ricardo S. 12: Soil thermal properties under forest, pasture and mangrove in eastern Amazonia 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: LMO 58: CPT 61: 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: The deforestation and the subsequent land use change may result in significant alterations in the energy and water balances in the soilvegetation- atmosphere continuum. The soil thermal properties, that is, the diffusivity, the conductivity and the volumetric heat capacity, specially as a function of the water content, are currently not readily available. Notwithstanding, the demand for these data is increasing due to requirements in, e. g., coupled models of heat and moisture transport in the soil near its surface, which are part of numerical weather and climate models. Thus, measured soil moisture content at the 30cm depth and temperature profiles at the 5, 20 and 50 cm depths were used to obtain thermal soil properties at four different sites in the state of Par , Eastern Amazonia, during the wet season of 2002: (i)forest (CaxiunÆ Reserve, Melga‡o - 01ø42'30''S; 51ø31'45'' W); (ii)pasture (Soure, Maraj¢ Island - 00ø43'25''S; 48ø30'29'' W); (iii)natural mangrove (Tracuateua, Bragan‡a - 00ø50'31''S; 6ø38'56''W); and (iv)degraded mangrove (Tracuateua, Bragan‡a - 00ø55'31''S; 46ø42'13''W ). The thermal diffusivity is obtained through the numerical method described by Alval  et al. (1996).The impact of changing moisture conditions on the thermal soil properties is also investigated. Reference: Alval , R.C.S.; Gielow, R.; Wright, I.R.; Hodnett, M.G. Thermal diffusivity of Amazonian soils. In Gash, J.H.C; Nobre, C.A.; Roberts, J.M.; Victoria R.L. (eds.)Amazonian Deforestation and Climate. Chichester, Wiley, 1996. pp. 139-150 91: FDB-20021106 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10236 1: SID/SCD 2: 9317 3: INPE-9317-PRE/4981 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Tanajura, Clemente A. S. 10: Chou, Sin Chan 10: Xue, Yong Khang 10: Nobre, Carlos Afonso 12: An experiment with the ETA/SSiB model to simulate the impact of the Amazon deforestation on the South American climate 38: SessÆo Oral 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: An experiment to investigate the impact of the Amazon deforestation on the South American climate was performed with the regional Eta model coupled to the simplified version of Simple Biosphere model (SSiB). The model domain covered all South America up to 50 oS. The initial and lateral boundary conditions were provided by NCEP analyses. Three one-month integrations during November 1997 were done. The first integration had realistic vegetation mask. The others had the vegetation type over the Amazon changed from rain forest to savannah and grassland. All other variables, including initial soil moisture and boundary conditions, were kept the same as in the control run. Changing rainforest to savannah produced large decrease of precipitation in central and eastern Amazon. It also increased the canopy air temperature by more than 1 oC in the whole Amazon basin, with values of more than 5 oC in eastern Amazon. The differences also show increase of precipitation over the Rio de Janeiro area around 22 oS. This region is located to the south of the area with decreased precipitation. The stationary and transient moisture transports were affected by the vegetation change, not only over the continent but also over the Southwestern Atlantic. This affected the simulated South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ), which depends on the Amazon precipitation and is responsible for the precipitation maximum over southeast Brazil during the austral summer. The upper level circulation was influenced by the reduction of precipitation and the Bolivian High was not formed. Changing vegetation type from rainforest to grassland lead to patterns similar to those found previously, but the precipitation decrease in most of the Amazon region was smaller. This is due to the higher bare soil moisture flux provided by the grassland in relation to the savannah. The experiment shows that modifications in the climate of the Amazon and other areas over South American may occur in Amazon deforestation scenarios 91: FDB-20021106 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10237 1: SID/SCD 2: 9318 3: INPE-9318-PRE/4982 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Marengo, Jose A. 10: Nobre, Carlos Afonso 12: Regional aspects of the IPCC Third Assessment Report. Assessment of climate change scenarios due to increase greenhouse gases in the Amazon Basin 38: SessÆo Oral 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: The release of the IPCC Third Assessment Report has brought to attention the possible impacts of the increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in climate change in the Amazon basin, beside the possible effect of regional deforestation on climate. New models and new developments have allowed some new insight on climate change scenarios in the Amazon region, as compared to the Second Assessment report of IPCC released in 1996. The four emissions scenarios were combined with low, medium and high levels of "climate sensitivity" for all climate model projections from the PCCDDC. The combination of 'low emissions + low climate sensitivity' (B1)through to 'high emissions + high climate sensitivity' (A2)produce a range of future global warming and sea-level rise curves that span perhaps 90 per cent of likely future climates. Projected regional changes include for A2 increases in temperature between 3 to 4C while B1 suggest changes in 1-3 C, with the warming being more pronounced during winter than in summer. Changes in precipitation are inconsistent for A2, s howing increases of 5-10 percent during summer, while all year long the changes vary from 0+10 percent whole for B1 changes in projected rainfall varies from 0+5 percent . It is expected than rainfall reductions forecasted by the IPCC would be in addition to those expected possible due to deforestation, as proposed by numerical experiments of deforestation. For the Amazon basin, changes in temperature, precipitation and sea-level rise for Century XXI, would affect the hydrological cycle (especially evaporation)in the region, affecting biodiversity and natural ecosystems, and agricultural activities, as well as extreme weather events in the region, such as the passage of cold fronts and the presence of dry spells and rainy days. These projections exhibit a degree of uncertainty due the differences between models, since some of them exhibit problems in representing the summer-autumn rainfall maximum in northern-central Amazonia, and the fact that these projections are at regional scale, with some regional details missing since there is not an availability of downscaled climate change scenarios valid for the different sections of the basin 91: FDB-20021106 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10238 1: SID/SCD 2: 9319 3: INPE-9319-PRE/4983 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Xue, Yongkang 10: Sales, Fernando 10: Li, Weiping 10: Chan, Chou Sin 12: Simulations of South American hydrometeorology and effects of land surface processes 38: SessÆo Oral 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: This paper presents our studies using the NCEP GCM and the Eta regional. In both atmospheric models, SSiB has been used to simulate the surface conditions. In the Eta/SSiB study, a climate version has been used for three-months continuous simulations through a dry season. This version includes updating surface boundary conditions, e.g., sea surface temperature, the distance between sun and earth, and other conditions. A vegetation map developed at the CPTEC has also been introduced. The observational data of precipitation and surface temperature from CPTEC have been used to verify the model output. The results show realistic simulations in the temporal and spatial variations of precipitation. The influence of land surface processes to the precipitation is through the atmospheric circulation and moisture flow. A coupled NCEP GCM/SSiB has also been used to investigate the interactions between land surface processes and hydrometeorology, in particular the interactions between land and monsoon system. Several sets of experiments are designed to investigate the role of the land surface process. Impacts of different surface models, initial soil moisture, and leaf area index are tested. In one experiment initial soil moisture is provided by the global soil moisture project. In another experiment, the leaf area index is from the satellite observation. In the third one, no explicit vegetation scheme but only soil model is used. These experiments show that the importance of the land surface parameterization and vegetation and soil condition in the simulations of hydrometeorological variability. In addition to the impact on the continent, the effect also extends to the East Pacific Ocean through the circulation. The impact on the Atlantic Ocean is relatively small. 91: FDB-20021106 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10239 1: SID/SCD 2: 9320 3: INPE-9320-PRE/4984 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Huntingford, C. 10: Harris, P. P. 10: Gash, J. H. C. 10: Cox, P. M. 10: Betts, R. A. 10: Marengo, Jos‚ Antonio 12: The use of a GCM analogue model to assess the impact of uncertainty in Amazonian land surface parameterisation on future atmospheric COý concentrations 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Based on Hadley Centre GCM simulations, propagating patterns exist in the way that surface climatology is predicted to vary within a changing climate. Such patterns are observed for surface temperature, humidity, solar forcing and rainfall, which all influence land-surface response. The derived spatial patterns are indexed by the global mean land temperature, which, within the resultant "GCM analogue model", depends upon modelled atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases. The analogue model has been extended to incorporate an interactive global carbon cycle. The model generates a surface climate, consistent with atmospheric CO2 concentration, which is used to drive a land-surface scheme (MOSES)coupled to a dynamic terrestrial carbon cycle model (TRIFFID). Changes in terrestrial carbon are allowed to feedback onto atmospheric CO2 concentration, and a "single point" sub-model represents global atmosphere-ocean CO2 fluxes. Such inclusion of land and ocean carbon dioxide feedbacks means that a model is available that may be driven by a range of carbon emissions scenarios, is based upon the latest GCM simulations and places high physical representation within the land surface component. Using this computationally quick methodology, the sensitivity of the global carbon cycle to uncertainty in the land-surface parameterisation for Amaz“nia is investigated. Such uncertainty is directly related to the trajectory in atmospheric CO2 concentration for a "business as usual" emissions scenario. As such, some measure of "error bars" on predictions of future climate change can be related directly to uncertainty in Amaz“nian land-surface response. 91: FDB-20021106 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10240 1: SID/SCD 2: 9321 3: INPE-9321-PRE/4985 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Veiga, Jos‚ Augusto 10: Marengo, Jos‚ Antonio 10: Oliveira, J. F. 12: Contrasting conditions of atmospheric water balance and moisture transport in summertime in the Amazon basin during El Ni€o 1997-98 and La Ni€a 1998-99 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: LMO 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: In this study we study and assess the components of the atmospheric water balance and the moisture transport in the Amazon basin, using the NCEP-NCAR reanalyses and focusing on the 1997-98 and 1998-99 extremes of the Southern Oscillation. The summer of 1998 was characterized as rainfall deficient, with large negative rainfall departures in southern Amazonia, which persisted during the autumn peak of the rainy season in northern Amazonia. On the other hand, the summer of 1999 was considered between normal and moderately rainy in northern and central Amazonia. Moisture fluxes indicate the weak moisture input from the tropical Atlantic into the Amazon region during the 1998 El Ni€o summer, generating large rainfall departures in most of the region. In fact, the vertical cross sections tend to show a weak moisture input into the Amazon, while the exportation of moisture outside the Amazon by the Low Level Jet east of the Andes (LLJ)during 1998 was very intense, showing that besides the Amazon basin receiving less moisture from the tropical North Atlantic, this little amount was exported outside the region. Situation in 1999 was not much different from the normal, showing that rainfall and moisture transport into and outside the Amazon basin is more sensitive to El Nino and its related circulation anomalies that to La Nina. Previous studies using upper air observations and modeling have shown that the summer of 1998 exhibited more frequent and intense LLJ than the summer of 1999, consistent with the circulation and rainfall l composites 1998-1999 presented in here. 91: FDB-20021107 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10241 1: SID/SCD 2: 9322 3: INPE-9322-PRE/4986 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: D' Almeida, Cassiano 10: V”r”smarty, J. Charles 10: Balazs, Fekete 10: Marengo, Jos‚ Antonio 10: Guenni, Lelys B. 10: Willmott, Cort 12: Effects of Deforestation in Amazonia on the Local Hydrological Cycle: The Scale-Dependence Issue 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Despite all the concern from the scientific community on major impacts of Amazonian deforestation, its effects on the regional hydrological cycle are still uncertain. While many modeling studies have observed that large-scale conversion of the Amazonian rainforest into pastures, or croplands tend to induce an overall reduction in precipitation, there are also meso-scale experiments that predicted the establishment of enhanced rainfall over deforested areas. These contrasting results suggest that the net effect of deforestation on precipitation might depend on the size of the clearing area. However, precipitation in Amazonia follows more closely the fluctuations in the general circulation of the atmosphere, which seems to be still offsetting the effects of deforestation. Since runoff is not directly dependent on such remote forcings, it may, unlike precipitation, carry the signal of deforestation and permit a better assessment on the scale-dependence of its effects. The present work applies different methods of tend Analysis to historical discharge records in the Amazon Basin, to detect significant trends potentially associated with deforestation. Spectral Analysis is also applied to identify significant oscillations present in the data, which are then removed after the application of suitable frequency filters. Based on current and predicted deforestation scenarios, a numerical model representing the Water Budget Closure (WBC)system in Amazonia is also applied, providing high-resolution gridded runoff and discharge outputs. Preliminary results indicate the existence of organized spatial patterns in the trends of non-filtered discharge records, indicating a potential association with deforested areas. After removing significant oscillations from these records - determined from power spectrum calculations -, these patterns might get intensified. The application of WBC as proposed, will assess the coherence of deforestation and trend patterns. 91: FDB-20021107 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10242 1: SID/SCD 2: 9323 3: INPE-9323-PRE/4987 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Hodnett, Martin G. 10: Nobre, A. D. 10: Waterloo, M. J. 10: Jans, W. W. 10: Pineda, Cuartas A. 10: Heijmenberg, J. M. 10: Gomes Neto, W. 10: Nascimento, A. 10: Tomasella, J. 12: Processes of streamflow generation in a headwater catchment in central Amazonia 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: A 5 km2 headwater catchment in terra firme forest close to the Manaus k34 eddyflux tower has been instrumented to measure the components of the water, carbon and nutrient balances. This paper concentrates on the hydrological aspects: the processes by which streamflow is generated, and the routes taken by the water arriving in the stream. The variables being measured are: rainfall (4 locations), evaporation flux, throughfall, soil moisture storage (to 4.8m)and groundwater level along a toposequence, and streamflow. Data collection began in December 2001. The response of streamflow to rainfall is very rapid, indicating that stormflow peaks are generated from the valley floor areas, where the water table is close to the surface. Peaks in DOC concentrations confirm the valley floor as the source of the stormflow - DOC concentrations in the groundwater beneath the hillslope are very low. The groundwater level response to rainfall at different positions in the toposequence changes as the season progresses because the arrival of recharge from the plateau and slope areas is delayed by the travel time through the deep unsaturated zone. Late in the wet season, the discharge of groundwater from beneath the plateau and slope areas begins to dominate the water table behaviour in the valley floor. The water balance is being calculated on a daily basis to attempt to quantify storage in the deep unsaturated zone and groundwater. Data collection is still at an early stage, but important results are emerging. These are important in understanding the carbon balance. 91: FDB-20021107 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10244 1: SID/SCD 2: 9325 3: INPE-9325-PRE/4989 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Randow, Celso von 10: S , Leonardo Deane de Abreu 10: Manzi, Antonio Ocimar 12: Boundary-layer moisture regimes during wet and dry season above Rondonia Forest 38: SessÆo Oral 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 58: LMO 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Two distinct boundary-layer moisture regimes are observed over Rond“nia Amazonian forest during diurnal periods of a few days in wet and dry seasons. To identify these two regimes, the scale dependence of skewness of moisture and temperature was investigated. Turbulent signals of temperature and specific humidity measured with an eddy covariance system installed at 62 m height, over a 30-35 m tall forest, were scale projected using Daubechies-8 orthogonal wavelet, and the skewness factor at each scale was calculated for these signals. The data were measured in March- April (late wet-season)and in August-September, year of 1999, as a part of the Brazil/European Union LBA Tower Consortium. Measurements are made at micrometeorological tower located in the Biological Reserve of Jaru (10o 04ï S, 61o 56ïW), Ji-Paran , Rondonia state. The fast response temperature and specific humidity measurements, sampled at 10.42 Hz rate, were made using a three-dimensional sonic anemometer (Solent A1012R, Gill Instruments)and a closed-path infrared gas analyzer (LI 6262, LI-COR). During dry season, the boundary-layer is characterized by relatively weak surface evaporation (comparatively to the wet season)and the entrainment of dry air from the top of boundary-layer occasionally reaches the surface, leading to negative moisture skewness in spite of positive temperature skewness associated with warm moist updrafts. This is observed specially during late morning, when the boundary layer rapidly grows into the residual layer from the previous day. In contrast, during wet season, associated with greater surface evaporation and a 'disturbed' state caused by frequent strong convection activities, the boundary-layer is characterized by positive moisture skewness and negative temperature skewness 91: FDB-20021108 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10245 1: SID/SCD 2: 9326 3: INPE-9326-PRE/4990 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Lima, Alexandra Amaro 10: Machado, Luiz Augusto Toledo 10: Laurent, Henri 12: The upper level wind divergence the its relationship with the cloud cover and precipitation, during WETAMC/LBA 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: This workïs objetive is to analyze the upper level wind divergence obtained by three different methods to evaluate the diurnal cycle and which of them has the more effetive response to the cloud fraction and the precipition. It was used cloud fraction data (calculated from images of the GOES-8), rain fraction (calculated from the refletividade supplied by the radar TOGA), and upper level wind divergence (starting from the water apor channel, radiossondas and NCEP), obtained during the WETAMC/LBA campaign, n January and February of 1999. The diurnal cycle of the divergence was marked by a aximum 11:00 LST, and it showed good correlation with the precipitation. Related to cloud cover it was possible to verify that the divergence didnït show any relationship ith clouds with low and hot tops (threshold of 284 K), but on the other hand, it behaved s a predictor of the convective cover 91: FDB-20011108 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10246 1: SID/SCD 2: 9327 3: INPE-9327-PRE/4991 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Mendes, David 10: Marengo, Jos‚ Antonio 12: Variability of the ones of extreme rain events in the estuary of the river Amazon 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: The study of physical factors that act on the forest it is of vital importance in the knowledge of the caused climatic impacts in such a way in the regional scale as in the global one. The region of the estuary of the river Amazon has a climatic behavior of different rains of the too much areas of the Amazon region. The main meteorological system that acts on this e region the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). The rainy period in this region goes of December the April. This work has the intention to show a possible change in the variability of rains, using given of stations located in the band of 51øW 48øW and 02øS 0ø. These data had been gotten through the National Agency of Energy from Brazil (ANEEL). The variability of rains in the February months the May (rainier period)since of 1979 up to 2000, sample that mainly had a bigger variability of the anomalies, in the period of 1979 up to 1988, from 1989 this variability diminished, being the year of 1983 what it presented the biggest rain anomaly, this due to presence of the phenomenon El Ni€o that was acting. This region has a possible influence of the El Ni€o. In this period of study, it was verified that extreme rains (superior 60 mm)will diminish in the reason of y = -0,1228x + 5,6491. In the years of the 1982-83 and 1991-92 occurrence of extreme events she was very low, in the 1991-92 case was not registered superior rain occurrence 60 mm. The number of days without rains, also had a reduction in the reason of y = -0,8793x. 103,81. In the years of 1979-80, the 1980-81 and 1982-83 number of days without rains had been bigger, this associate the presence of the El Ni€o, mainly in the years of 1979-80 and 1982-83. 91: FDB-20021108 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10247 1: SID/SCD 2: 9328 3: INPE-9328-PRE/4992 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Herdies, Dirceu L. 10: Aravequia, Jose A. 10: Cintra, Rosangela 10: Tota, Julio 10: Bonatti, Jos‚ P. 10: Silva, Arlindo 12: Development of a High-resolution assimilated Dataset for South America 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: This work is concentrated on the period from January to February 1999, when the combined TRMM-LBA and WETAMC-LBA experiments took place in southeast Amazonia. The experiment measured temperature, moisture and wind profiles from rawinsondes, surface fluxes, soil parameters, precipitation, etc. The Regional hysical-space Statistical Analysis System (ETA/RPSAS), implemented at CPTEC since 1999, was used to produce a high-resolution reanalysis (40 km)for this pilot period. Results for whole South America circulation obtained with this reanalysis get a better agreement with the observation and a more detailed structure. On a longer time scale, this regional system will be the engine for a regional South American Project, which will serve the purpose of refining the data products available with recent reanalysis from NCEP, ECMWF and DAO. These regional data assimilation datasets represent an advancing in our undestanding of the South American climate and synoptic climatology, given its high resolution and utilization of observational data not yet available to the global reanalysis aforementioned. This work will also serve as a "proof of concept" for a long-term reanalysis project for the South America. 91: FDB-20021108 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10248 1: SID/SCD 2: 9329 3: INPE-9329-PRE/4993 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Andrade, Eliana Soares 10: S , Leonardo Deane de Abreu 10: Jorge, Maria Paulete P. M. 10: Souza, Amaury 12: Some characteristics of the temporal evolution of the atmospheric boudary layer above pantanal wetland 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Pantanal is one of the biggest wetland regions of the world, with an area of approximately 150,000 km2. It is located in central part of the South America (19o S, 57o W)and presents a climatology which is characterized by a very dry season and a wet period in which strong floods are often observed. The Interdisciplinary Pantanal Experiment (IPE)aims to investigate the micrometeorological aspects and the differences between these two seasons. An important goal of IPE researches is to characterize the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL)structure above Pantanal wetland, particularly the nocturnal boundary layer (NBL). For this purpose, it is important to take into account the meteorological processes which drive the early evening transition (EET)and define classes of the NBL. In Pantanal some cases studies have shown two distinct classes of EET: a)one with the generation of a strong low level jet (LLJ), below 600 m height; b)one without a well defined LLJ. LLJ is more frequent during the dry season and seems to be generated as a response to the strong stability created by next surface intense radiative cooling process after the sunset. Besides the LLJ, other aspects of the dry and wet CLA structure are presented and some possible physical explanations of the results are discussed. 91: FDB-20021108 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10249 1: SID/SCD 2: 9330 3: INPE-9330-PRE/4994 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ramos, Fernando M. 10: S , Leonardo Deane de Abreu 10: Bolzan, Mauricio Jose Alves 10: Rodrigues Neto, Camilo 10: Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto 12: Modeling the fine-scale turbulence within and above an amazon forest using Tsallis' generalized thermostatistics. II. Temperature 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: In this paper, we show that Tsallis generalized thermostatistics provides a simple and accurate framework for modeling the statistical behavior of turbulent temperature fluctuations. For this, we compared our theoretical framework to data measured during the Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA)wet-season campaign, in the southwestern part of Amazonia region. Measurements were made simultaneously with Campbell sonic thermometers at different heights in a 60 meters micrometeorological tower located in the Biological Reserve of Jaru (10o 04ï S, 61o 56ï W), Brazil. The theoretical results were found to be in good agreement with experiment through spatial scales spanning at least three orders of magnitude and for a range of up to 10 standard deviations, including the rare fluctuations in the tails of the distribution. For scales larger than approximately 10 m, a gradual transition to Gaussianity becomes evident in the experimental histograms which is not captured by the present model. A generalization of this model is proposed to take this effect into account, assuring thus a smooth transition to Gaussianity as the scale increases. 91: FDB-20021108 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10250 1: SID/SCD 2: 9331 3: INPE-9331-PRE/4995 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Prasad, Gannabathula Sri Sesha Durga 10: S , Leonardo Deane de Abreu 12: Sensible heat flux height variation above the Rebio Jaru Amazonian rain forest canopy during diurnal periods 38: SessÆo Oral 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: LMO 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: In this work we verify if the vertical sensible heat fluxes change with height above the Amazonian rain forest canopy, under diurnal conditions. The data were measured in March 1999, during the wet-season of the Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA), in southwestern part of Amazonia region. Measurements were made at three different heights in a 60 meters micrometeorological tower located in the Biological Reserve of Jaru (10o 04ï S, 61o 56ï W), Brazil. We used the fast response sonic data of wind velocity and temperature measured simultaneously at heights of 64m and 42m, during the 11 Hrs to 15 Hrs time interval (local time). The wind velocity components and temperature data were decomposed into various frequency bands using biorthogonal wavelets and the vertical heat fluxes were computed in each of the bands. Non-parametric statistical tests were then performed to examine the hypothesis that the fluxes in each of the bands are different at the two heights. Results show that the sensible heat fluxes measured at the 64m and 42m heights are statistically different during diurnal period. 91: fdb-20021111 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10251 1: SID/SCD 2: 9332 3: INPE-9332-PRE/4996 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Prasaad, Gannabathula S. S. D. 10: Domingues, Margarete O. 10: S , Leonardo Deane de Abreu 10: Randow, Celso von 10: Manzi, antonio Ocimar 10: Kuijt, Bart 12: Evidence of non-existence of a "spectral-gap" in turbulent data measured above Rondonia, Brazil. Part II: Amazonian Pasture 38: SessÆo oral 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Wavelet and Fourier analyses are used to identify the spectral characteristics of wind velocity (u, v, w components), temperature, humudity and CO2 concentration data sets, obtained during dry and wet seasons in a pasture in a deforested area in Amazonian. The data were measured in August (dry-season)and in December (wet-season), year of 2000, as a part of the Brazil/European Union LBA Tower Consortium, in southwestern part of Amazonian region. Measurements are made at micrometeorological tower located in the Nossa Senhora Farm (10o 045.7ï S, 62o 21.4ï W)county of Ouro Preto D'Oeste. The fast response wind speed and temperature measurements, sampled at 10.42 Hz rate, were made using a three-dimensional sonic anemometer (Solent A1012R, Gill Instruments), at a height of 4 m. Analyses are performed over a wide frequency range, from the inertia subrange domain up to one day time-scale. Data are studied for a five day only spectrum and for one day mean spectra and cospectra. Results showed that is not possible to identify spectra gap in any of the investigated variables. This has important consequence in that separating the turbulence flow into mean and fluctuation components may not be valid. This also makes it difficult to determine a cutoff frequency for filtering the data. This absence of a spectral gap is probably due to the non-stationary characteristics of turbulent fields above deforested area. A comparison is made with the turbulent spectra computed above the Amazon rain forest in Rebio Jaru. Possible physical phenomena in tropical meteorology are proposed to explain the findings. 91: FDB-20021111 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10252 1: SID/SCD 2: 9333 3: INPE-9333-PRE/4997 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Fisch, Gilberto 10: Tota, Julio 10: Machado, L. A. T. 10: Dias, M. A. F. Silva 10: Lyra, R. F. da F. 10: Nobre, Carlos Afonso 10: Dolman, A. J. 10: Culf, A. D. 12: The convective boundary layer over pasture and forest in Amazonia 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: The Amazon region is suffering from a high rate of deforestation, with the tropical forest initially being replaced by pasture and agricultural crops. The coupling between different types of surface (tropical forest or grass)and the Convective Boundary Layer (CBL)has been investigated using observational (rawinsoundings)data collected over Rond“nia in the southwest Amazonia. The data reported here support the notion that deforestation may modify the dynamics of the boundary layer, in particular during the dry season. In this period the sensible heat fluxes are very high over pasture, creating a CBL around 550 m deeper compared to that over the forest. The height of the fully developed CBL for pasture has been computed to be 1650m compared to around 1100 m for forest. During the wet season the height of CBL is lower than during the dry season and it has the same height (around 1000 m)for forest and pasture sites. The CBL over pasture is hotter and drier than over forest during the dry season, but during the wet season the air temperatures and humidities fields are similar. Comparing the CBL growth during the dry and wet season, there is evidence that the CBL properties over the forest are not dependent on the surface characteristics, but the pasture CBL are. 91: FDB-20021111 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10253 1: SID/SCD 2: 9334 3: INPE-9334-PRE/4998 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Trosnnikov, Igor 10: Gielow, Ralf 10: Carvalho Jr., JoÆo Andrade 10: Veras, Carlos Alberto Gurgel 10: Alvarado, Ernesto 10: Sandberg, David Victor 10: Santos, Jos‚ Carlos 12: Modelling of the atmospheric transport of species emitted by controlled burnings in Amazonia 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 58: LMO 58: LCP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: A coupled numerical Transport-Eta Mesoscale model was used for the determination of the transport of CO2 from a slashed Terra Firme Amazonian forest controlled burning with an area of 9 ha, effected on August 31, 1998 in the region of Alta Floresta, MT, with an emission of 2052 Mg CO 2 during 144 min. The path of the resulting CO2 plume was computed for 78 hours, and reached the coast of Santa Catarina as a compact mass. Its concentration, following the wind, was modified by mesoscale diffusion, with values that agreed well with the ones obtained through Taylor's similarity theory. The results of the same numerical experiments for others dates will be presented 91: FDB-20021111 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10254 1: SID/SCD 2: 9335 3: INPE-9335-PRE/4999 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Oliveira Junior, Jos‚ Francisco 10: Kubota, Paulo Yoshio 10: Veiga, Jos‚ Augusto PaixÆo 12: The deep cpnvection through the cape in comparison with radar dopler band-L in the region of Serpong - Indonesia 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: LMO 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Deep convective activity in the region of Serpong-Indonesia (6ø 24'S - 106ø 42'E)identified with the help of the radar reflectivity and CAPE (Convection Avaliable potential Energy)shows strong diurnal variation with different chacarteristics in the dry and wet seasons. Maximum convective activity in the dry season occurs around the early afternoon. Whereas in the wet season it is in the morning and early evening hours. During the dry season the CAPE is stable to moderately unstable agreeing with the Stutevant (1994)scale except at 1500 LT (Local Time). Sometimes CAPE obtained values of over 3000 J/Kg at this time. During the wet season CAPE was unstable to very unstable, values reaching 3500 J/kg, especially around 1800-2100 LT. High values of CAPE is only a necessary condition for convection. In future the characteristics of convection over Indonesia and Amazonia will be compared. 91: FDB-20021111 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10255 1: SID/SCD 2: 9336 3: INPE-9336-PRE/5000 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Tota, Julio 10: Herdies, Dirceu Luiz 10: Cintra, Rosƒngela 10: Arav‚quia, Jos‚ Ant“nio 10: Bonatti, Jos‚ Paulo 10: Tanajura, Clemente A. S. 12: Evaluation of simulation of Eta Regional model during WETAMC/LBA 1999: application of CPTEC's RPSAS 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: The objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of the seasonal simulation of two versions of CPTECïs Eta model using data from the WET-AMC/LBA campaign in 1999 assimilated by CPTEC RPSAS (Regional Physical-space Statitical Analysis System). As part of the investigations of the LBA experiment, upper air and surface data were measured continually during the WET-AMC/LBA campaign from January to February 1999 over part of Amazon region. Those data were used to evaluate and validate variables simulated by two versions of the CPTEC regional Eta model at a seasonal time scale. Two versions of the CPTEC regional Eta model were used. One version of the Eta Model was coupled to the OSU (Oregon State University)surface scheme, and another version was coupled with the SSiB (Simplified Simple Biosphere Model)surface scheme. The models were configured with a horizontal resolution of 40 km and 38 vertical levels over South America. A control simulation was accomplished using analyses and forecasts of the CPTEC global model. Another experimental simulation was accomplished using initial conditions and analyses generated by CPTECïs RPSAS, which assimilated the data from the WET-AMC/LBA campaign during 1999 and the Global Telecomunication data (GTS). The spatial distribution and daily variability of meteorological variables, for both simulations, were assessed against observed data. The performance and the peculiarities of the surface schemes, as well as its limitations over Amazon region were evaluated. The initialization of the model and its respective characteristics are discussed. Heterogeneity of the surface and its influence in the precipitation regimes were assessed. The data generated by the LBA Project has been extremely important in the validation and improvement of several models in Amaz“nia. This work mainly evaluates the use of the data available from LBA campaigns in Amaz“nia to improve CPTECïs regional Eta model at seasonal time scale 91: FDB-20021111 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10256 1: SID/SCD 2: 9337 3: INPE-9337-PRE/5001 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Gon‡alves, L. Gustavo Gon‡alves 10: Shuttleworth, W. James 10: Nijssen, Bart 10: Marengo, Jos‚ Antonio 10: Gochis, David 10: Chan, Chou Sin 10: Hsu, Kuolin 12: Towards a South American Land Data Assimilation System (SALDAS): Investigating potential precipitation forcing data 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: The overall goal of this research is to provide better understanding and documentation of soil moisture and surface-atmosphere processes and to improve the initialization of the land-surface variables in the CPTEC SSiB-ETA coupled model across South America in general, and the Amazon Region in particular. This will be done by creating and using a South American Land Data Assimilation System (SALDAS)consisting of a two-dimensional array of uncoupled SSiB models, calibrated using appropriate field data from LBA and earlier studies. This array of land surface models will be forced by near-surface variables derived from the assimilation fields of the ETA model supplemented by real surface-based and remotely sensed observations of precipitation and radiation to the extent possible. In due course, observations gathered under the LBA program will be used for validation of the SALDAS modeled fields, where available. An initial priority in this study is to evaluate alternative sources of precipitation forcing data. This paper reports our early studies that are concerned with investigating the relative value of three alternative sets of precipitation forcing data, specifically, the precipitation fields used as initial condition in the CPTEC/ETA model (derived from the NCEP global model), the precipitation fields derived using the PERSIANN system (Precipitation Estimation from Remotely Sensed Information using Artificial Neural Networks)at the University of Arizona, and experimental NOAA/NESDIS precipitation estimates. These data are evaluated relative to daily rain gauge data from South America provided by several Brazilian agencies (CMCD/INPE, INMET, FUNCEME, LMRS/PB, ARN, DMRH/PE, SRHBA, CEPES and NMRH/AL)and compiled by CPTEC/INPE. Comparative statistics are reported for the three sets of potential forcing data relative to the rain gauge observations for the calendar year 2000 91: FDB-20021111 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10257 1: SID/SCD 2: 9338 3: INPE-9338-PRE/5002 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: S , Leonardo Deane de Abreu 10: Bolzan, Mauricio Jose Alves 10: Ramos, Fernando Manuel 10: Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto 12: Coherent structures observed immediately above Amazonian forest canopy in Rebio Jaru Reserve, Rondonia, Brazil 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: We used Morlet wavelet transform to detect coherent structures in wind velocity turbulent field above and within Amazon forest canopy. The data were measured in March 1999, during the wet-season of the Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA), in southwestern part of Amazonia region. Measurements were made simultaneously at three different heights in a 60 meters micrometeorological tower located in the Biological Reserve of Jaru (10o 04ï S, 61o 56ï W), Brazil. The fast response wind speed measurements, sampled at 60 Hz rate, were made using Campbell three-dimensional sonic anemometers at the heights of 66 and 42 m (above the canopy), and 21 m (below the canopy). The results show that coherent structures are allways present at the 42m level, irrespectively of the time of the day. On the other hand, coherent structures are not ubiquous in the wind velocity turbulent signal measured at 66 and 21 m. During the day, the time-scale associated with the coherent structures detected at 42 m is of the order of 30 to 40 s. During the night, this time-scale grows up to values between 90 and 100 s. We congecture that these coherent structures are "role-type" structures asociated with inflexion point instability. They have a time-scale of the same of order of magnitude, and defined as t = 1 / (d u / dz)|h, where du / dz |h is the mean horizontal wind velocity vertical gradient at h = 32 m, the mean height of the forest canopy. 91: FDB-20021111 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10258 1: SID/SCD 2: 9339 3: INPE-9339-PRE/5003 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Zeri, Lu¡s Marcelo Mattos 10: Prasad, Gannabathula Sri Sesha Durga 10: S , Leonardo Deane de Abreu 10: Andrade, Eliana S. 10: Souza, Amaury 12: Some characteristics if the turbulence structure evolution in the atmospheric surface layer above Pantanal wetland 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: LMO 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Pantanal is one of the biggest wetland regions of the world, with an area of approximately 150,000 km2. It is located in central part of the South America (19o S, 57o W)and presents a climatology which is characterized by a very dry season and a wet period in which strong floods are often observed. We compare some mean characteristics of the atmospheric surface layer (ASL)structure during wet and dry seasons over Pantanal Wetland. Momentum and sensible heat fluxes and its associated correlation coefficients were calculated for some periods during IPE-1 wet season campaign and IPE-2 dry season campaign. Turbulence scale characteristics, stability parameters and coherent structures behavior were also investigated. It seems that turbulence structure characteristics are similar during wet and dry seasons, except during early evening transition periods. This is probably due to peculiar energy budget conditions associated to the existence of a 15cm shallow water layer during wet season in Pantanal. Other aspects of the dry and wet ASL characteristics are presented and some possible physical explanations for the results are discussed 91: FDB-20021111 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10259 1: SID/SCD 2: 9340 3: INPE-9340-PRE/5004 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Machado, Luiz A. T. 10: Laurent, Henri 10: Lima, Alexandra A. 12: The diurnal march of the convection observed during TRMM-WETAMC/LBA 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Radiosonde, satellite data, TOGA radar 2 km CAPPI and rainfall collected from the TRMM-WETAMC/LBA experiment have been used to investigate the diurnal cycle of the tropical convection. GOES satellite images were used to describe the diurnal modulation of the total/high/convective cloud fraction and the diurnal evolution of the size spectrum and initiation/dissipation of the convective systems. Radar 2km CAPPI were used to describe the diurnal cycle of the rain fraction for different thresholds and the diurnal evolution of the size spectrum and initiation/dissipation of the rain cells. An average over the four rain gauge networks was applied to describe the average hourly rainfall. The upper air network dataset was used to compute the thermodynamic variables: equivalent potential temperature (Še), convective available potential energy (CAPE), thickness of positive buoyancy, instability and convective inhibition. High and convective cloud areas fractions reach their maximum some hours after the maximum rainfall detected by rain gauge and radar 2 km - CAPPI. The minimum cloud cover occurs only a few hours before the maximum precipitation and the maximum cloud cover occurs during the night. The maximum rainfall takes place at the time of the maximum initiation of the convective systems observed by satellite and rain cells. At the time of maximum precipitation the majority of the convective systems and rain cells are small sized and present the maximum increasing area fraction rate. The diurnal evolution of Še also presents a very clear diurnal variation with maximum occurring in the beginning of the afternoon. The CAPE is well related to Še; when Še is high CAPE is high, the atmosphere is unstable and has a deep layer of positive buoyancy and small convective inhibition. These results suggest the following mechanism controlling the diurnal of convection: in the morning, cloud cover decreases as the solar flux reaching the surface increases and consequently Še. In the beginning of the afternoon convection rapidly develops, high and convective clouds fractions increase rapidly and the maximum precipitation and initiation is observed. After convection is developed the atmosphere profile is modified reaching a nearly saturated state; the water vapor flux decreases in the boundary layer which becomes very stable, which inhibits surface fluxes and consequently extinguishes the convection 91: FDB-20021111 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10260 1: SID/SCD 2: 9341 3: INPE-9341-PRE/5005 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Bottino, Marcus Jorge 10: Carneiro, Glaucia Meira 12: The distribution of convective systems detected by satellite in the Tropics of South America and some relationships with the precipitation and the general circulation 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: The distribution of convective systems (CS)identified in images of the satellite GOES 8 it was implemented by a simple method of classification of high top and deep clouds based on the information of the water vapor and thermal infrared channels. Images of the period from 1998 to 2000 were processed on the tropical strip of South America. In this work it is presented: the)the classification methodology and identification of SC; b)some aspects of the annual and seasonal average distribution of the frequency and dimensions of these systems and its relationship with the vertical movement and the precipitation; c)the monthly evolution of SC in the area of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ)and relationships with the circulation and the vertical movement. In a general way that areas of intense annual and seasonal precipitation are associated to a larger covering of convective clouds. The annual march of ITCZ and the continental convection present phase differences that exercise it influences in the vertical movement of the atmosphere of the coast north of Brazil 91: FDB-20021111 92: FDB-msms[ MFN: 10261 1: SID/SCD 2: 9342 3: INPE-9342-PRE/5006 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Domingues, Margarete O. 10: Prasad, Gannabathula Sri Sesha Durga 10: S , Leonardo Deane de Abreu 10: Randow, Celso, von 10: Manzi, Antonio ocimar 10: Kruijt, Bart 12: Evidence of non-existence of a "spectral-gap" in turbulence data measured above Rondonia, Brazil. Part I: Amazonian Forest 38: SessÆo Oral 40: EDn 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: LMO 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Wavelet and Fourier analyses are used to identify the spectral characteristics of wind velocity (u, v, w components), temperature, humudity and CO2 concentration data sets, obtained during dry and wet seasons above Amazonian forest. The data were measured in August-September (dry-season)and in December (wet-season), year of 2000, as a part of the Brazil/European Union LBA Tower Consortium, in southwestern part of Amazonian region. Measurements are made at micrometeorological tower located in the Biological Reserve of Jaru (10o 04ï S, 61o 56ï W)above a 32 m height forest canopy. The fast response wind speed and temperature measurements, sampled at 10.42 Hz rate, were made using a three-dimensional sonic anemometer (Solent A1012R, Gill Instruments), at a height of 62.7 m. Analyses are performed over a wide frequency range, from the inertial subrange domain up to one day time-scale. Data are studied for a five day only spectrum and for one day mean spectra and cospectra. Results showed that is not possible to identify spectra gap in any of the investigated variables. This has important consequence in that separating the turbulence flow into mean and fluctuation components may not be valid. This also makes it difficult to determine a cutoff frequency for filtering the data. This absence of a spectral gap is probably due to the non-stationary characteristics of turbulent fields above Amazonian forest. Some physical phenomena in tropical meteorology are proposed to explain the findings 91: FDB-20021111 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10262 1: SID/SCD 2: 9343 3: INPE-9343-PRE/5007 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Mota, Maria Aurora Santos 12: Relationship between CAPE and Bolivian High during Wet-AMC-LBA 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Radiosonde date from the Wet Season Atmospheric Mesoscale Campaign of the Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amaz“nia (January and February 1999)held in Rond“nia-Brazil, rainfall date sets as well as the global analysis from CPTEC were used in this study. Analysis of the transient variability of convective available potential energy (CAPE)and any possible relationship with Bolivian high and convective activity was carried out. Results show that there is a direct relationship between CAPE and vorticity field in 250 hPa, in the studied period. When CAPE increases, anticyclonic vorticity also increases, if CAPE decreases cyclonic vorticity appears in the region. This means that when CAPE is released for formation of the deep convection event, it will occur convergence in the low levels with rising motion and divergence in the upper troposphere favoring thus the formation of the Bolivian high 91: FDB-20021111 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10263 1: SID/SCD 2: 9344 3: INPE-9344-PRE/5008 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Bolzan, Mauricio Jose Alves 10: Ramos, Fernando Manuel 10: S , Leonardo Deane de Abreu 10: Rodrigues Neto, Camilo 10: Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto 12: Modeling the fine-scale turbulence within and above an amazon forest using Tsalli's generalized thermostatics. I. Wind velocity 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: LMO 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Modelling of the fine-scale for vertical wind velocity component above and within Amazonian forest has been performed using Tsallis' generalized thermostatistics theory (GTS). We show that such a theory provides an accurate framework for modeling the statistical behavior of the inertial subrange above and below the canopy. For this, we compared the experimental probability density functions (PDFs)with the theoretically predicted ones. The data were measured in March 1999, during the wet-season of the Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA), in southwestern part of Amazonia region. Measurements were made simultaneously at different heights in a 60 meters micrometeorological tower located in the Biological Reserve of Jaru (10o 04ï S, 61o 56ï W), Brazil. The fast response wind speed measurements, sampled at 60 Hz rate, were made using Campbell three-dimensional sonic anemometers at the heights of 66 m (above the canopy)and 21 m (below the canopy). Above the canopy forest, results showed good agreement between experimental data and the Tsallisï generalized thermostatistics theory. For below canopy data, the agreement between the experimental and theoretical PDFs was fairly good, but some distortion was observed. This is probably due to some peculiar characteristics of turbulent momentum transfer process inside the forest crown. Discussion is presented to explain these results; conclusions regarding the absence of "universal scaling" in the inertial subrange are also presented in the context of the entropic parameter of Tsallis' theory 91: FDB-20021111 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10264 1: SID/SCD 2: 9345 3: INPE-9345-PRE/5009 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Oliveira, Paulo Jorge 10: Rocha, Edson Jos‚ Paulino 10: Fisch, Gilberto 10: Tota, Julio 10: Kruijt, Bart 10: Manzi, Ant“nio Manzi 10: Randow, Celso von 12: Environmmental conditions during a Friagem Event over Amazonia: a study of case 38: SessÆo poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: An observation of the Friagem phenomena influence at Meteorological variables and both energy and CO2 fluxes were made, in forest site near Ji-Paran  area, Rondonia), during June of 2001. Data used in this study belong to the LBA project and they were carried out from an automatic weather station (AWS)which gave mean information at each 30 min and surface fluxes were measured by LICOR/SONICO system (Moncrieff et al., 1997). Not only mean air temperature but also maximum and minimum air temperature showed a decreasing of 35 percent during Friagem days. We have noticed a decreasing of 75W.m-2, from normal days (200W.m-2)to cold days (125W.m-2)at daily mean incoming solar radiation. During Friagem days, both Sensible (H)and Latent Heat fluxes (LE), showed a decreasing in their mean maximum daily value. The CO2 concentration stayed almost constant, without increasing during the night, due to the windiness condition at Friagem days. During normal days the mean diurnal CO2 flux (-2.44æmol m-2 s-1)was lesser than that one at friagem days (-5.78æmol m-2 s-1), while the mean nocturnal fluxes were 1.77æmol m-2 s-1 e 2.83æmol m-2 s-1 during normal and cold days, respectively 91: FDB-20021111 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10265 1: SID/SCD 2: 9346 3: INPE-9346-PRE/5010 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Moura, Rildo G. 10: Correia, F. W. S. 10: Mendes, D. 12: Comparison among two simple models in the classification of days as respect to cloudiness 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: The Amazon Area, with its gigantic dimensions, a lot of times is studied by means of simulations using models. However, it is not easy, for example, to assess the amount of short wave radiation that reaches a certain surface, once this radiation depends mainly n the cloudiness cover, which is difficult to estimate. This work consists of verifying the performance of simple mathematic formulations to estimate the cloudiness, with the objective of evaluating the convenience of using those formulations in the classification of days as respect to cloudiness. The results showed that in both formulations used in this work, it was verified that a large percentage of days was classified as cloudy days, and most was classified as partially cloudy, reminding that these results refer to the rainy periods of the first LBA campaign. However the largest differences found among the formulations is in the classification of days of clear sky, as one of them classifies, like this, approximately half of the studied days. Possibly this is related with the different ranges established by each one of the different formulations 91: FDB-20021111 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10266 1: SID/SCD 2: 9347 3: INPE-9347-PRE/5011 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Santos, Rosa Maria N. 10: Fisch, G. 10: Dolman, A. J. 12: The nocturnal boundary layer: observational aspects in Rondonia 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: LMO 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: The dynamics and the structure of the Nocturnal Boundary Layer (NBL)are still not very understood especially in tropical forest areas, despite of its importance for the weather and climate control mechanisms. Data set from RBLE and WETAMC-LBA field experiments (dry and wet season respectively)in Ji-Paran , Rond“nia - Brazil were analysed and consist of tethered balloon profiles, surface fluxes (sensitive heat flux, H, latent heat flux, LE, soil heat flux, G, and net radiation, Rn), and surface meteorological data. These data were collected in 2 sites: one representative of the pasture (Fazenda Nossa Senhora Aparecida/ABRACOS - 10o45'S, 62o21'W, 290 m), and another representative for tropical forest (Rebio Jar£-10o05'S, 61o55'W, 120 m). During the dry season on the forest the NBL was deeper than on the pasture. Otherwise, during the wet season the NBL was deeper on the pasture. The maximum development has occurred at around 5 am for dry season (420 m and 320 m, on forest and pasture, respectively). During the wet season the maximum development accured at 10 pm on the forest (270 m)and 04 am on the pasture (450 m). Pasture was warmer and drier than forest for the dry season. The stable stratification on the pasture was larger in both of seasons. The CLN erosion occurred between 7-8 am, in both seasons (for the dry and wet periods). On the pasture it seems to exist a contribution of a horizontal flux to broken of nocturnal capping inversion, which is more effective during the dry season. This advection can be created by the juxtaposition of remanescent of tropical forest inside a larger deforested pasture. This situation is not so clear on the forest yet, where more detailed analysis are still needed 91: FDB-20021112 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10267 1: SID/SCD 2: 9348 3: INPE-9348-PRE/5012 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Cintra, Rosƒngela 10: Arav‚quia, Jos‚ A. 10: Tota, Julio 10: Herdies, Dirceu 10: Bonatti, Jose P. 12: Statistical Evaluation of the Wet Season Atmospheric Mesoscale Campaign - LBA and GTS Observations used in RPSAS with CPTEC Eta Model 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: To improve the skill of the CPTEC regional model was developed and implemented a analysis system, called Regional Physical-space Statistical Analysis System (RPSAS), that make use of the core system PSAS from Data Assimilation Office (DAO)on the GSFC/NASA. The RPSAS has ben designed as an improvement over the current optimal Interpolation (OI)based on the Data Assimilation System (DAS). From January to February 1999, during AMC-WET/LBA campaign, comparisons of the Observation Data Stream (ODS)and the RPSAS analysis fields were made using the Eta six hour forecast fields (first guess). The Eta model was integrated daily for 00, 06, 12 and 18 GMT using initial conditions from RPSAS analyses. The statistical indexes were calculated with the purpose of evaluating the quality of the analysis. The observations minus analysis and the observations minus first guess for geopotential height and humidity at the levels 850, 500 and 300 hPa levels were used to generate mean bias score and standard deviation (RMS)for each region to produce a statistical evaluaton of the observing system for South America. The first results show mean bias score for geopotential height amplitude on 500 hPa of approximately 16 mgp at 00Z , 28 mgp at 06Z, 8 mgp at 12Z, and 14 mgp at 18Z 91: FDB-20021112 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10268 1: SID/SCD 2: 9349 3: INPE-9349-PRE/5013 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Gielow, Ralf 10: Forti, Maria Cristina 10: Carvalho Jr., JoÆo Andrade 10: Veras, Carlos Alberto Gurgel 10: Alvarado, Ernesto 10: Sandberg, David Victor 10: Santos, Jos‚ Carlos 12: Chemical composition of the soilwater in the subsurface after the slashing and burning of two "Terra Firme" forest parcels in northern Mato Grosso 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: LMO 58: LCT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Changes in the chemical composition, with depth and time, of the soil water solution that results from rainfall and that percolates through the unsaturated zone, are studied after the slashing and burning of two "Terra Firme" Amazonian forest parcels located (9o57'42.20"S, 56o20'52.05"W)near Alta Floresta, MT. The samples were collected with zero tension lisymeters installed in the following parcels: (i)pristine forest, (ii)forest with the litter accidentally burned, (iii)and (iv)slashed and burned forest, in 1999 and 2001, respectively. The concentrations of Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, NH4 +, Cl-, NO3 -, SO4 2-, Fe2+, Mn2+, Cu2+, Zn2+ and Al3+ in the soil solution were determined. The major cations and anions presented a concentration decrease with time, after initial peaks caused by the burning, while for most metals a mobilization was observed. Also, unbalances which decrease with time were evidenced by the electronegativities determined. The pulses introduced in the soil solution composition lasted about two months for each major ion, and react with the soil system 91: FDB-20021112 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10269 1: SID/SCD 2: 9350 3: INPE-9350-PRE/5014 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Waterloo, Maarten Johannes 10: Nobre, Antonio Donato 10: Jans, W. W. P. 10: Pineda, A. Cuartas 10: Drucker, D. P. 10: Heijmenberg, J. M. 10: Hodnett, Martin George 10: Gomes Neto, W. 10: Nascimento, A. 10: Tomasella, Javier 12: Water balance and carbon leaching of a rainforest catchment in Central Amazonia 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Since 1999, CO2 flux measurements have been made in the Cuieiras Reserve near Manaus. Recently, the research has been extended to include and hydrological studies. One of the aims of these studies is to assess the losses of carbon released from the forest by decomposition and transported out of the area as dissolved or particulate matter in surface and ground water. Due to delays in instrumentation a single year of data will be available at the end of the Carbonsink-LBA project in 2002. To simulate losses over longer periods, the TOPOG model ( be used to simulate discharge and carbon leaching. TOPOG is a terrain analysis-based hydrological model, which can be used to describe the topographic attributes of three-dimensional landscapes and simulate the hydrologic behaviour of catchments, and how this is affected by changes in land cover. The model uses micrometeorological, soil and vegetation data as input and will be calibrated on measured discharge and groundwater levels. Relations between discharge and concentrations of total organic carbon (TOC)and particulate carbon will then be used to obtain estimates of carbon leaching from 1999 onwards, when the micrometeorological measurements started. The poster shows field data and preliminary model results such as a digital terrain model, aspect and slope maps and a preliminary map showing the distribution of the groundwater level in the catchment. In addition, an estimate of the total rainfall, discharge and associated outflow of carbon over a six-month period will be presented 91: FDB-20021112 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10270 1: SID/SCD 2: 9351 3: INPE-9351-PRE/5015 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Alves, Di¢genes S. 10: Escada, Maria Isabel S. 10: Scherer-Warren, Morris 10: Silveira Jr.,Jos‚ C. 12: Assessing the evolution of land use in Brazilian Amazonia 38: SessÆo oral 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: DPI 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Human occupation in Brazilian Amaz“nia has been accompanied by persistent changes in Amazonian landscapes, ecosystems, and in demographic and socioeconomic conditions of people settling in the newly established frontiers. In this paper, we use 1985 and 1996 Census data to investigate how cattle ranching, annual and permanent crops have evolved in Amaz“nia. Our goal is to review some of the available data and discuss some characteristics of agriculture and cattle ranching that may have different impacts on land degradation and on sustainable land use. Census data show important regional differences in the relative importance of cattle and crops, frequently associated with Federal Government colonization programs but also depending on the evolution of the agrarian structure in different regions. Pastures do constitute the prevailing land use, at the same time as the total number of heads frequently increased faster then the total area of pasture. The relative area of crops decreased in some areas of agrarian reform and family agriculture colonization, while pastures increased their relative importance in such regions. At the same time, grain production and productivity have significantly increased in few areas where connections to the nation-wide grain networks were set up. In general, the data suggest a scenario of land use intensification in regions of more important settlement and agricultural production, where deforestation has also been concentrated. The analysis suggests that systematic research should be carried out on the carrying capacity of different regions and on the relationships between land use intensification, land degradation and sustainable land use 91: FDB-20021112 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10271 1: SID/SCD 2: 9352 3: INPE-9352-PRE/5016 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Silva, Abel A. 10: Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich 12: Comparison of aerosol optical thickness in the UV-B band in biomass burning and seashore regions in Brazil 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 83: The Aerosol optical thickness (AOT)in the UV-B band (280-320 nm)has been measured in the atmosphere at two different sites in Brazil. One of the sites, Campo Grande (19.2o S, 54.3o W), is an agriculture and pasture site in the savanna of Central Brazil which experiences large biomass burning activities in the dry season, becoming highly polluted. The other site is Natal (5.8o S, 35.2o W), located next to the seashore of the Atlantic Ocean with a characteristic clean atmospheric environment in the Brazilian Northeast region. Sites are about 2500 km (1554 miles)apart. Field campaigns were conducted in the July-August period during the 1999 winter (dry season). The AOT is retrieved from ozone, sulfur dioxide, and Rayleigh optical thicknesses out of the measured atmospheric optical thickness which is obtained using the Langley method applied to 5 UV-B wavelengths of direct sun measurements of a Brewer spectrophotometer. This instrument obtains ozone and sulfur dioxide columns which are used to calculate corresponding optical thicknesses. The AOT average values for the campaign in Campo Grande are 0.57 ñ 0.52 in the morning and 0.90 ñ 1.04 in the afternoon at 306.3 nm, while for Natal they are 0.04 ñ 0.02 in the morning and 0.07 ñ 0.05 in the afternoon at the same wavelength. The majority of the AOT results show increasing values with wavelength 91: FDB-20021112 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10272 1: SID/SCD 2: 9353 3: INPE-9353-PRE/5017 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Aires, Claudia Boian 10: Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich 10: Wofsy, S. C. 12: An experiment to estimate CO concentrations from biomass burning and comparison with aircraft measurements 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 83: Fire pixels detected by satellite are a useful tool to study biomass burning. We have used this information to feed a simple model, which calculates the regional carbon monoxide (CO)mixing ratio resulting from a given distribution of fire pixels. The model assumes that the observed concentration is the result of a background concentration, a regional component, and a transport term. A field experiment was designed to check the model. Several flights were made aboard an instrumented Bandeirante aircraft in the biomassburning region of central Brazil to measure atmospheric CO in several specific situations. The fixed Maxaranguape, RN, observation station near Natal is used to obtain background concentrations of trace gases, including CO. In regions where the transport term is small, the model calculates CO concentrations that compare well with the measurements. One exception occurs in regions of strong horizontal transport, when the transport term reaches values of the order of the regional component. In the atmospheric well mixed source region, CO concentrations are of the order of 300-400 parts per billion by volume, ppbv, whereas the background values are of the order of 80 ppbv 91: FDB-20021112 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10273 1: SID/SCD 2: 9354 3: INPE-9354-PRE/5018 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Correia, Francis Wagner Silva 10: Fisch, Gilberto 10: Nobre, Antonio Donato 10: Dallarosa, Ricardo L. G. 12: The meteorological conditions during the LBA CLAIRE - 2001 Mission 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: The Claire mission was held in Manaus area in July 2001. This mission had the objectives to collect atmospheric chemistry data in order to characterize the convective processes in Amazonia. This work deals with the meteorological condition during this experiment. The solar radiation show pulses of low and high values associated with the presence of mesoscale systems. The Bowen ration was tipically around 0.30. On days July 8, 16, 22-23 e 28-29 the solar radiation were low, with high rate of precipitation: 16.8, 14.2, 13.8, 34.2mm respectively. The CAPE (Convective Available Potential Energy)was typically around 1600, with the exception for the rainy days. The liquid water content was around 4.5 for the whole experiment. During the period from July 3 - 13 the windflow was from east at 1000hPa. On days July 15 - 18, a squall line crossed Manaus changed the wind direction to the North. The wind at 500hPa is from east for the whole Amazonia. The squall line conditions will be full described 91: FDB-20021112 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10274 1: SID/SCD 2: 9355 3: INPE-9355-PRE/5019 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Munger, J. William 10: Matross, Daniel M. 10: Dauber, Bruce C. 10: Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich 10: Artaxo, Paulo 10: Gatti, Luciana Vanni 10: Wofsy, Steven C. 12: Variations in carbon monoxide concentrations at a Central Amazonian site 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 83: Carbon Monoxide (CO)plays a major role in controlling the global levels of OH in the atmosphere, and is a tracer of combustion sources. CO measurements are being made at a forested site near Santarem, Para, Brazil (km67 tower site)in order to determine background CO levels in the clean continental tropical atmosphere, to identify factors that control CO levels, and to serve as a tracer for emissions from local and distant biomass burning. A CO measurement system consisting of a Thermo Environmental Instruments model 48CTL analyzer, cold-trap at 2.5C to eliminate variations in water vapor interference, zeroing catalyst, and automated calibration with 100 and 500 nmol mol-1 standards was installed in April, 2001. Sample is drawn from an inlet above the forest canopy. CO concentrations were less than 100 nmol mol-1 on average, with no ignificant diel variation during the rainy season, April to June. The wet season data indicate a low regional background CO concentration and suggest that the local forest is neither a significant source nor sink for CO. In mid July, after local rain ended, there was a modest increase in CO concentration that was not accompanied by a large increase variance. This increase we attribute to increased transport from distant CO sources or to increased production by photochemistry of biogenic hydrocarbons contributing to regional enhancement in CO. In late August, the variability of CO concentrations begins to increase dramatically. Individual half-hour concentrations exceed 1000 nmol mol-1. By November, the frequency and magnitude of high CO events has increased. Maximum concentrations up to 5000 nmol mol-1 are observed and the minimum concentrations have increased to about 200 nmol mol-1. The high CO levels and large variability are due to nearby fires. The diel variation during the late dry season when local fires are present shows a strong enhancement during the night as smoke is trapped in the nocturnal boundary layer. CO concentrations drop sharply after January 1, 2002 when heavy rains put an end to local burning. CO during the burning season will be used as a tracer to quantify the contribution by fires to CO2 variability and to determine emission factors for aerosol components 91: FDB-20021112 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10275 1: SID/SCD 2: 9356 3: INPE-9356-PRE/5020 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Hurtt, George 10: Pacala S. 10: Shavliakova, E. 10: Braswell, B. 10: Boles, S. 10: Cardoso, M. 10: Fearon, M. 10: |Frolking, S. 10: Hagen, S. 10: Moorcroft, P. 10: Moore, B. 10: Nobre, Carlos Afonso 10: Palace, M. 10: Xiao, X. 12: Effects of land-use and environmental variability on the carbon balance of the Amazon Basin 38: SessÆo Oral 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 83: To better understand the effects of land use and environmental variability on the carbon balance of the Amazon basin, we are developing an integrated combination of new remote sensing products, data syntheses, and ecosystem models. The new remote sensing products are based on MODIS/MISR and supplemented with Landsat and IKONOS and provide much needed spatio-temporal information on basin wide land-cover and land-use characteristics. New data syntheses combine this information with additional remote sensing products, census statistics, and other information on land-use change to produce essential land-use history products needed for models. Data on climate variability across the basin are also being studied and formatted for model input. Collectively, this information is being fed into new state-of-the-art biosphere models based on the Ecosystem Demography (ED)model. These models are being developed to serve as quantitative synthesis tools capable of helping to disentangle the mechanisms behind observed variability in the regional carbon balance, and for helping to evaluate the likely consequences of alternative scenarios of future development and environmental change in the region. In this presentation, results from this synthesis activity will be presented focusing on key advances in modeling and remote sensing that facilitate the estimation of the large-scale consequences of fine-scale heterogeneity. Fine-scale heterogeneity is shown to have important consequences for large-scale ecosystem dynamics including carbon sequestration 91: FDB-20021112 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10276 1: SID/SCD 2: 9357 3: INPE-9357-PRE/5021 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Shevliakova, E. 10: Hurtt, George C. 10: Pacala, S. W. 10: Fearon, M. 10: Malyshev, S. 10: Moore, B. 10: Nobre, Carlos Afonso 12: Causes and mechanisms of interannual COý-flux variability in South American Tropics 38: SessÆo Poster 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International LBA Scientific Conference, 2 54: 7-10 July <2002> 56: Manaus 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 62: [ 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Interannual variability in Amazonian terrestrial ecosystems functioning during the past two decades is examined in order to estimate the range of variations in biogenic sources and sinks of CO2 as well as the changes in the biophysical conditions affecting regional climate. The primary tools used in this analysis are the Ecosystem Demography (ED)family of models. These models simulate both the fast (hours)and long (centuries)timescales of carbon and water fluxes and ecosystem dynamics and provide important biophysical parameters for climate studies of the region. Run off-line, the models can be driven by climate data from the ECMWF and NCEP reanalysis products. In this presentation, we begin by exploring sensitivities of tropical ecosystem photosynthetic production and respiration to variation in temperature, precipitation, atmospheric humidity, available radiation and wind conditions in the 80s and 90s. The interannual variability in carbon fluxes due to these effects will be compared to other available estimates. Future studies with these models are being designed to sequentially add additional effects needed such as land use change and fire that are needed for comprehensive carbon flux estimates 91: FDB-20021112 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10277 1: SID/SCD 2: 9358 3: INPE-9358-PRE/5022 4: MET 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Nobre, Carlos Afonso 10: Nobre, Antonio Donato 12: O balan‡o de carbono da Amaz“nia brasileira 14: 81-90 30: Estudos Avan‡ados 31: 16 32: 45 38: Revista do Instituto de Estudos Avan‡ados (IAE/USP) 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: CPT 61: 64: maio-ago <2002> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDO DO TEMPO E DO CLIMA 87: atmosfera terrestre 87: concentra‡Æo de di¢xido de carbono 87: efeito estufa 88: earth atmosphere 88: carbon dioxide concentration 88: greenhouse effect 82: 83: No balan‡o global de carbono na atmosfera de nosso planeta, das cerca de 8 bilhäes de toneladas de carbono emitidas anualmente na forma de di¢xido de carbono (COý)pela queima de combust¡veis f¢sseis e mudan‡as dos usos da terra, somente 3,2 bilhäes permanecem na atmosfera, provocando o aumento do efeito estufa (aumento do aquecimento da superf¡cie e da troposfera devido 'a absor‡Æo de radia‡Æo infravermelha termal por v rios gases minorit rios da atmosfera, principalmente o di¢xido de carbono). O restante ‚ absorvido pelos oceanos e pela biota terrestre 91: FDB-20021112 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10281 1: SID/SCD 2: 9366 3: INPE-9366-PRE/5026 4: MET 5: Mc 6: am 7: [07] 10: Cavalcanti, Alessandro Sarmento 10: Lemes, Marco Ant“nio Maringolo 10: Molion, Luiz Carlos Baldicero 10: Chagas, Erika Voss 10: Silva, Aparecida Mendes 10: Oliveira Junior, Jos‚ Francisco 10: Miranda, Edel Guilherme Pontes 10: Oliveira, Jos‚ Gino 10: Medeiros, Fabiana Carnauba 12: An lise dos fen“menos meteorol¢gicos interventores na produ‡Æo sucroalcooleira do estado de Alagoas 14: 34-36 38: Comitˆ Tem tico 1- Climatologia Geral 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Como fonte mais importante na gera‡Æo de emprego e renda para o estado de Alagoas, fez-se necess rio, manter um estudo constante sobre a influˆncia das caracter¡sticas e intemp‚ries clim ticas, tanto locais quanto globais, que do ponto de vista meteorol¢gico, que podem influenciar, ou interferir, de forma significativa nas iniciativas locais de desenvolvimento para o setor sucroalcooleiro. Muitos estudos vˆm sendo feitos para determinar como os processos termodinƒmicos associados ao El Ni€o e La Ni€a, interferem no comportamento atmosf‚rico de pequena e grande escala, assim como, a an lise da Zona de Convergˆncia Intertropical (ITCZ), na propaga‡Æo de sistemas oceƒnicos provenientes das regiäes Norte e Sul do Continente africano, como a alta do Atlƒntico (Santa Helena)e as altera‡äes na c‚lula de Hadley interferem no regime de chuvas das regiäes clim ticas na regiÆo Nordeste do Brasil (NEB), estudos mais recentes estÆo demonstrando que a variabilidade anual, leia-se ciclo solar, ‚ uma forte componente neste sentido, pois o aquecimento diferenciado dos hemisf‚rios introduz uma forte tendˆncia, ou gradiente do fluxo de calor na atmosfera, produzindo a forma‡Æo de grandes complexos convectivos, cumulus nimbus, arrastados pelas correntes troposf‚ricas, com energia suficiente compar vel a milhares de usinas Itaipu, conseguindo atingir as regiäes leste e norte do Nordeste Brasileiro produzindo atrasos nas colheitas e redu‡Æo na qualidade na safra subseqente como foi o caso de Alagoas em Janeiro 2002 91: FDB-20021122 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10282 1: SID/SCD 2: 9367 3: INPE-9367-PRE/5027 4: MET 5: Mc 6: am 7: [07] 10: G¢is, Givanildo 10: Oliveira Jr.,Jos‚ Francisco 10: Souza, Jos‚ Leonaldo 10: Silva, Alexandre Soares 10: Santos Filho, Manuel Augusto 10: Silva, Paulo Ricardo Teixeira 12: Estimativa da Temperatura M xima e M¡nima de algumas localidades do estado de Alagoas 14: 554-560 38: Comitˆ Tem tico 1 - Climatologia Geral 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: With the use of the multiple linear regression method we have got compare and estimate the maximum and minimum temperatures to many Alagoas place during the 2001. Through the tables we saw r varying between 0.6 up to 0.8 on Zona da Mata-Litoral, while on the Sertao-Agreste r showed the value 0.9. We have use the tudent "t" test significance, the most contibution was in the latitude of . . This agree with (Lima and Ribeiro, 1997). In a outline, the results show that the Tmax and Tmim estimates are influenced by annual seasonal and the Zona da Mata-Litoral has last performance than the Sertao-Agreste for the mutiple regression model 91: FDB-20021122 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10283 1: SID/SCD 2: 9368 3: INPE-9368-PRE/5028 4: MET 5: Mc 6: am 7: [07] 10: Melo, Anna B rbara Coutinho 10: Nobre, Paulo 10: Mendes, David 10: Bottino, Marcus Jorge 12: A zona de Convergˆncia Intertropical sobre o Oceano Atlƒntico: Climatologia 14: 682-686 38: Comitˆ Tem tico 1 - Climatologia Geral 40: Pt 41: En 42: 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: In this work, the annual cycle of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)along the tlantic Equatorial belt is analysed using meteorological parameters, which according to previous works define the region influenced by the ITCZ, such as: meridional wind, vertical motion, outgoing long wave radiation and wind divergence. All the used parameters represented quite well the ITCZ position in the central portion of the studied region. Significant differences were found in the trade winds confluence to the west of 30§W and to the e ast of 20§W. RESUMO Neste trabalho, analisou-se o comportamento climatol¢gico da Zona de Convergˆncia Intertropical (ZCIT)ao longo da faixa equatorial do Oceano Atlƒntico, considerando os principais parƒmetros meteorol¢gicos que, segundo a literatura, definem a regiÆo de atua‡Æo da ZCIT: a componente meridional do vento, o movimento vertical, a radia‡Æo de onda longa e a divergˆncia do vento. Dentre os principais resultados, destacou-se o comportamento diferenciado da regiÆo de confluˆncia dos al¡sios em rela‡Æo …s demais vari veis, a oeste de 30§W e a leste de 20§W, devido … proximidade com o continente. Apenas na regiÆo central do Oceano Atlƒntico, a posi‡Æo da ZCIT pode ser bem representada por qualquer um destes parƒmetros 91: FDB-20021122 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10285 1: SID/SCD 2: 9370 3: INPE-9370-PRE/5030 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rocha, Sergio C. 10: Tota, Julio 10: Calbete, Nuti O. 10: Silva, Ant“nio Sergio P. 12: Padräes de circula‡Æo de grande escala sobre a regiÆo sudeste: v¢rtices cicl“nicos de ar superior durante o verÆo 2000/2001 e 2001/2002 38: Comitˆ Tem tico 1 - Climatologia Geral 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: A regiÆo Sudeste, devido a sua localiza‡Æo latitudinal, caracteriza-se por ser uma  rea territorial de transi‡Æo entre os climas quentes e £midos dos tr¢picos e o clima mesot‚rmico do tipo temperado de latitudes m‚dias. A regiÆo sudeste apresenta uma topografia bastante acidentada, com eleva‡äes da serra da mantiqueira e serra do mar chegando acima de 2000 metros. Essas caracter¡sticas geomorfol¢gicas (Figura 1)tˆm um papel importante na intera‡Æo com o escoamento atmosf‚rico nas diversas esta‡äes do ano. Os meses de verÆo caracterizam-se pela elevada atividade convectiva, devido a fen“menos atmosf‚ricos importantes, tais como: A circula‡Æo de altos n¡veis (Alta da Bol¡via e V¢rtice Cicl“nico)e os sistemas frontais, al‚m de convec‡Æo gerada por for‡ante topogr fica. Durante esse per¡odo, os sistemas frontais, ao se deslocarem para a regiÆo, muitas vezes formam uma banda de nebulosidade semi-estacion ria, organizando chuvas que persistem por 5 a 7 dias ausando danos econ“micos e humanos na regiÆo. Esse padrÆo de convec‡Æo, com extensÆo sin¢tica, denominado de Zona de Convergˆncia do Atlƒntico Sul (ZCAS)‚ um dos principais fen“menos que influenciam o regime de chuvas da regiÆo Sudeste. Entretanto, os V¢rtices Cicl“nico de Ar Superior (VCAS)tem recebido pouca aten‡Æo, apesar de ser importante modulador do regime de precipita‡Æo. Os VCAS podem causar efeitos moduladores no regime de precipita‡Æo sobre a regiÆo Sudeste, como por exemplo, o verÆo de 2000/2001. O objetivo deste trabalho ‚ mostrar o comportamento das chuvas durante o verÆo 2000/2001 e os sistemas que atuaram neste per¡odo na regiÆo Sudeste 91: FDB-20021122 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10286 1: SID/SCD 2: 9371 3: INPE-9371-PRE/5031 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Oyama, Marcos Daisuke 10: Nobre, Carlos Afonso 12: Um modelo de vegeta‡Æo potencial para estudos clim ticos 14: 377-392 38: Comitˆ Tem tico 1 - Climatologia Geral 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: A simple potential vegetation model (i.e. a model which diagnoses the biome in equilibrium with a given climate)has been developed. Given a set of environmental variables - namely, growing degree days, temperature of the coldest month and two moisture indexes (one to distinguish between wet and dry climates and other to represent the soil moisture seasonality)- the model outputs a biome which belongs to SSiB's vegetation classification. In order to calculate the two moisture indexes, a water balance model - which includes the possibility of soil water freezing and evalutates the actual evapotranspiration using the Penman-Monteith formulation - is developed. The water balance model produces a consistent global distribution of soil moisture. The potential vegetation model is able to represent the global biome patterns. The global k (kappastatistics)is 0.58, which means a good agreement between the potential and the naturalbiomes map. Analysing for each biome, it is found that there is a very good agreement for tropical forests and deserts; good for conifer forests, savannas , semi-deserts and tundra; regular for temperate forest, extratropical prairies and "caatinga-like" vegetation; and bad for mixed forest. In general, the model skill is comparable to (and even slightly better than)other potential vegetation models currently in use for climate studies. The good skill showed by the vegetation model developed in this work motivates its coupling to the CPTEC climate model 91: FDB-20021122 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10287 1: SID/SCD 2: 9372 3: INPE-9372-PRE/5032 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Braga, C‚lia Campos 10: Brito, Jos‚ Ivaldo Barbosa 10: Sansigolo, Clovis Angeli 12: Correla‡äes cruzadas entre IVDN e precipita‡Æo para o per¡odo de 1981-1990 no nordeste do Brasil 14: 371-376 38: Comitˆ Tem tico 1 - Climatologia Geral 40: Pt 41: En 42: 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: LMO 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Results of a study of interannual correlations between NDVI ( Normalized Difference Vegetation Index)and rainfall in Northeast of Brazil during the period 1981-91 are presented in this paper. The NDVI data was obtained from high resolution sensors of the satellites (NOAA). Factorial Analysis in Principal Components Technique was used .to identify common spatial factors of NDVI e rainfall. The results indicate a strong correlation between the NDVI and rainfall in the Northeast of Brazil 91: FDB-20021122 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10288 1: SID/SCD 2: 9373 3: INPE-9373-PRE/5033 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Sansigolo, Clovis Angeli 12: Caracter¡sticas espectrais dos ¡ndices de seca de Palmer (PDSI)e da precipita‡Æo normalizada (SPI)em Piracicaba, SP 14: 618-624 38: Comitˆ Tem tico 1 - Climatologia Geral 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: LMO 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: This study compares historical series (1917-2001)of the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI)in Piracicaba, SÆo Paulo, with time series of corresponding Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI)through spectral analysis . The PDSI presented 8 significant periodicities explaining 57 percent of the total variance, while the various SPIs (1-60 months)didn't presented any significant periodicity. The PDSI and the SPIs are linearly related (coherencies 2 >0.8), but systematically lagged by -1 radian. The PDSI has a complex structure with a very long memory (>20 years), while the SPI is an easily interpreted, simple average process 91: FDB-2001122 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10289 1: SID/SCD 2: 9374 3: INPE-9374-PRE/5034 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Espir¡to Santo, Clovis Monteiro do 10: Prakki, Satyamurty, 12: Eventos extremos de precipita‡Æo na regiÆo sudeste do Brasil e redondezas no per¡odo de 1997-2001 14: 397-402 38: Comitˆ Tem tico 1 - Climatologia Geral 40: Pt 41: En 42: 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Statistics of extreme precipitation events in southeastern Brazil and surroundings in the 5-years period 1997-2001 are obtained from the meteorological data bank of Center for Weather Forecasts and Climate Studies (CPTEC). 90 percent of the well confirmed events of rainfall in excess of 100 mm in 24 hours happened in November through March season. Such precipitation events have a preference for the coastal stations Paranagu  and Caravelas. However continental stations like Londrina, Montes Claros and Buritis also reported two confirmed cases each. SÆo Paulo station never reported rainfall in excess of 100 mm in 24 hours. Most events are associated to the South Atlantic Convergence Zone. The convergence of humidity flux during the Jan 1-5, 2000 heavy rainfall event was more than 10 -6 g/kg/s and the K-index was greater than 40. RESUMO Estat¡sticas de eventos de precipita‡Æo intensa sobre o Sudeste do Brasil e redondezas durante o per¡odo de 1997 a 2001 foram obtidas atrav‚s do Banco de Dados Meteorol¢gicos do Centro de PrevisÆo de Tempo e Estudos Clim ticos (CPTEC). 90 por cento dos eventos de precipita‡Æo excedendo 100 mm em 24 horas ocorreram no per¡odo de novembro a mar‡o. Estes eventos mostraram uma preferˆncia de ocorrˆncia nas esta‡äes costeiras Paranagu  e Caravelas. Todavia as esta‡äes continentais Londrina, Montes Claros e Buritis reportaram dois casos cada. A Esta‡Æo localizada na cidade SÆo Paulo nÆo registrou chuvas com mais do que 100 mm em 24 horas nesse per¡odo de 5 anos. A grande maioria dos eventos estava associada … Zona de Convergˆncia do Atlƒntico Sul. A convergˆncia de umidade em 850 hPa no caso de chuvas fortes do per¡odo de 1 a 5 de janeiro de 2000 atingiu valores 10 -6 g/kg/s e o ¡ndice K superou o valor de 40 91: FDB 20021122 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10290 1: SID/SCD 2: 9376 3: INPE-9376-PRE/5036 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Calbete, Nuri O. 10: Quintanilha, M rio 10: Mendes, David 12: Comportamiento de la precipitaci¢n en primavera y verano (periodo de 1984-2001)ciudades de Santa Cruz de la Sierra y Trompillo en Bolivia 14: 687-693 38: Comitˆ Tem tico 1 - Climatologia Geral 40: Esp 41: Esp 42: 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz de Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: La precipitaci¢n es uno de lo elementos meteorol¢gicos mas importantes para el medio ambiente. Las lluvias, cuando no son bien distribuidas, pueden acarretar da€os de grandes dimensiones en  reas de enge€eria, turismo, educaci¢n, energia, transporte y en la actividad agr¡cola donde afecta el desempe€o de la produtividad dificultando deste modo, la vida y la sociedad. Por esa raz¢n se hace necesario monitorar, conocer y caracterizar el r‚gimen de lluvias en determinada regi¢n. El objetivo deste trabajo es verificar los per¡odos lluviosos y secos en las estaciones de primavera y verano, ocurridos en el per¡odo de 1984 … 2001 en las ciudades de Trompillo y del Aeropuerto e ViruViru en Santa Cruz de la Sierra en Bolivia. En el periodo de estudio se pudo observar que no siempre en los per¡odos de sequia o lluvioso en estas estaciones hubo influencia de los fenomeno El Ni€o o la Ni€a. En la ciudad de Trompillo la primavera es m s lluviosa que en ViruViru, principalmente en los meses de octubre y noviembre y en el verano en el comportamiento de las lluvias es similar en ambas ciudades 91: FDB-20021125 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10291 1: SID/SCD 2: 9377 3: INPE-9377-PRE/5037 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vitorino, Maria Isabel 10: Ferreira, Nelson Jesus 10: Prasad, Gannabathula Sri Sesha Durga 12: Oscila‡äes intrasazonais sobre o sudeste brasileiro utilizando-se a an lise da transformada wavelet 14: 645-653 38: Comitˆ Tem tico 1 - Climatologia Geral 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia , 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: LMO 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDO DO CLIMA 87: transformada em ondeletas 87: zona de convergˆncia 88: South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ) 88: El Ni€o 88: La Ni€a 88: wavelet transform 83: The objective of this study is evaluate the intraseasonal atmospheric variability over southeastern Brazil, specifically along the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (SACZ). The analyses were done using outgoing longwave radiation data and relative vorticity at 850 and 250 hPa levels through the NCEP/NCAR (National Centers for Environmental Predictions/ National Center for Atmospheric Research)data for the January1979-December1996 period. The analyses were done using morlet wavelet transform. The spectral wavelet analysis shows that the SACZ can be modulated by oscillations of 45, 25, 15 and 7 days scales. Also, during El Ni€o and La Ni€a years it was not observed any significative relationship involving that convergence zone and the mentioned oscillations 91: FDB-20021125 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10292 1: SID/SCD 2: 9378 3: INPE-9378-PRE/5038 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Valverde Ramirez, Maria Cleofe 10: Ferreira, Nelson Jesus 10: Campos Velho, Haroldo Fraga de 12: Estudo da Quantifica‡Æo da Precipita‡Æo sobre a RegiÆo Leste do Estado de SÆo Paulo: Sistemas Sin¢ticos Associados e Compara‡äes com a PrevisÆo do Modelo ETA 14: 522-530 38: Comitˆ Tem tico 1 - Climatologia Geral 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: LMO 58: DSR 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDO DO CLIMA 87: Modelo ETA 87: previsÆo 87: zona de convergˆncia 87: precipita‡Æo (meteorologia) 88: rainfall variability 88: cyclonic vortex 88: mesoscale 88: South Atlantic Convergence Zone (ZCAS) 82: 83: This study analyzed rainfall and its variability over mid eastern SÆo Paulo State during the periods of Dec97- Jan98, Dec98-Jan99, Dec99-Jan00 and Dec00-Jan01. The analysis were done using raingauge data from three meteorological stations located respectively in the cities of SÆo Paulo, Guarulhos and Campinas. ETA/CPTEC analysis and GOES-8 meteorological satellite images were used to diagnostic the prevailing synoptic scale system in the studied region. The obtained results show that the observed rainfall over the stations varies considerably even when they are affected by the same weather pattern. The synoptic scale systems which more significantly have influenced rainfall distribution in the mentioned stations were cold fronts, which in some cases interacted which upper level cyclonic vortex and mesoscale convective system. Although during the studied period eight events of the South Atlantic Convergence Zone (ZCAS)we observed in Brazil, six of them have located over southern Bahia and Minas Gerais State, thus not influencing rainfall over the meteorological stations. Also, rainfall data were compared with ETA's rain forecast. In general the model was able to depict rainy events associated which long duration synoptic system such as ZCAS or stationary frontal system. As expected the observed rain data differs quantitatively from the forecasted rain, once the model rain forecasts data which is a function of its spatial resolution 91: FDB-20021125 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10293 1: SID/SCD 2: 9379 3: INPE-9379-PRE/5039 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Bustamente, Josiane F. 10: Gomes, Jorge Lu¡s 10: Chou, Sin Chan 12: Influˆncia da temperatura da superf¡cie do mar sobre as previsäes clim ticas sazonais do modelo regional ETA 14: 2145-2152 38: Comitˆ Tem tico 3 - Hidrometeorologia, Polui‡Æo, Intera‡Æo Oceano-Atmosfera e Qu¡mica da Atmosfera 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12; Semin rio Brasileiro de Hidrometeorologia, 3; Encontro Brasileiro de Intera‡Æo Oceano-Atmosfera, 3; Semin rio Brasileiro de Qu¡mica e Polui‡Æo do Ar 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 66: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 67: Br 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Regional climate modeling using high resolution regional models can provide detailed climatologies for selected regions. At CPTEC the regional Eta model have been integrated for extended forecast since May 2001. The first integration were up to 45 days and the sea surface temperature (SST)was kept constant. To obtain seasonal forecast is necessary that the SST will be actualized. In this work a new subroutine was added in the model to run the model up to 4 month. Two experiments were made to verify the SST's impact over the forecasts, the first one with SST kept constant, and in the second one the SST was actualized daily 91: FDB-2001129 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10294 1: SID/SCD 2: 9380 3: INPE-9380-PRE/5040 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Quadro, Mario Franscisco Leal 10: Louren‡o, Maria Cristina Maciel 12: Estudo da estiagem no Oeste Catarinense em 2001/2002. Avalia‡Æo do desempenho da previsÆo clim tica do CPTEC 14: 1259-1264 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 2 Variabilidade e Mudan‡as do Clima 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: This work has for objective to present a study of the climatic conditions associates the occurrence of drought in the region west of the State of Santa Catarina in as the 2001 semester of and beginning of 2002. This period was characterized by irregular distribution of rains. The precipitation maximums had been associates the extreme and isolated events, while that periods of up to 30 days without precipitation in determined localities was observed. The forecasts of the climatic model of the CPTEC/COLA of minus precipitation anomalies in the sector west of the South Region of Brazil had been confirmed. Moreover, the period of drought was extended for the beginning of 2002, leaving the critical situation still more in the region west of Santa Catarina 91: FDB-20021128 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10295 1: SID/SCD 2: 9382 3: INPE-9382-PRE/5042 4: MET 5: Mc 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ferreira, Sergio Henrique S. 10: Calbete, Nuri O. 12: Estudo de casos de jatos de baixos n¡veis na Am‚rica do Sul ocorridos em 1999 14: 1483-1487 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 2 Variabilidade e Mudan‡as do Clima 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: The analysis of the static vertical stability in the atmosphere and other thermodynamics parameters, can be estimated in function of the temperature and humidity profile, using the data obtained from radiossonda. In practice winds can change the stability in these profiles. Therefor the aim of this study is to show how South America Low-Level-Jet air currents (SALLJ)effected the stability. This study was carried out from January to April 1999 and uses data provide from Pan American Climate Studies(PACS)and the Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment (LBA). This data was compared with the usual radiossonda data, satellite images and NCEP reanalysis data. It help us to better understand the thermodynamic structures of the SALLJ and may be used to improve weather forecasting capability 91: FDB-2001129 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10296 1: SID/SCD 2: 9383 3: INPE-9383-PRE/5043 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Grimm, Alice M. 10: Cavalcanti, Iracema F. A. 10: Castro, Cristopher A. C. 12: Importƒncia relativa das anomalias de temperatura da superf¡cie do mar na produ‡Æo das anomalias de circula‡Æo e precipita‡Æo no Brasil num evento El Ni€o 14: 1183-1191 38: Comitˆ Tem tico 2 - Variabilidade e Mudan‡as do Clima 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: November is the month of strongest impact of El Ni€o and La Ni€a events on rainfall over Southern Brazil. The role of sea surface temperature anomalies (SST)in the Pacific and the Atlantic oceans in producing rainfall and circulation anomalies during November of these events is investigated through simulations with the CPTEC/COLAatmospheric general circulation model. Three sets of integrations were performed for 1982. The first set used the observed SST over all oceans, the second one used observed SST only in Tropical East Pacific and climatological SST elsewhere, and the third one used observed SST only in South Atlantic. The results show that forcing by tropical East Pacific SST leads to circulation and rainfall patterns more similar to the observed ones for the El Ni€o event of 1982 than those obtained by the inclusion of the South Atlantic observed SST 91: FDB-20021129 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10297 1: SID/SCD 2: 9386 3: INPE-9386-PRE/5046 4: MET 5: Mc 6: am 7: [07] 10: Arav‚quia, Jos‚ Antonio 10: Silva Dias, Pedro Leite 12: As anomalias clim ticas de janeiro de 2001: Uma An lise por fun‡äes de Green de um Modelo Barotr¢pico Divergente 38: Comitˆ Tem tico -2 Variabilidade e Mudan‡as do Clima 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: O efeito de fontes de calor sobre a circula‡Æo na atmosfera pode ser identificado atrav‚s dos resultados das fun‡äes de influˆncia (FI)de um modelo espectral barotr¢pico divergente o qual permite a especifica‡Æo de uma fonte de massa. Uma abordagem do uso das FI, muito mais econ“mica do ponto de vista computacional, ‚ apresentada para a obten‡Æo da resposta do modelo a um campo for‡ante pois nÆo ‚ necess rio integrar o modelo at‚ obter a resposta estacion ria. Os resultados da integra‡Æo da resposta atrav‚s da integral das FI com um campo for‡ante para o mˆs de janeiro de 2001 demonstram a robustez do m‚todo e confirma a importƒncia da fonte de calor sobre a Indon‚sia e sobre o Oceano Öndico para a obten‡Æo da resposta observada. ABSTRACT The effect of heat sources on the atmospheric circulation is identified through the results of the influence function (IF)of a divergent barotropic spectral model that allows the specification of a mass source. A much more economic use of the IF, from the point of view of the computational effort, is presented in this paper in order to achieve the response of model to a specified heat source. In this methodology it is not necessary to integrate the initial value model up to the steady state. The results of the integration of the response through the integral of the IF with a heat source characteristic of January of 2001 demonstrate the robustness of the method and confirm the importance of the heat source on Indonesia and Indian Ocean region for the achievement of the observed atmospheric response 91: FDB-20021202 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10298 1: SID/SCD 2: 9388 3: INPE-9388-PRE/5047 4: MET 5: Mc 6: am 7: [07] 10: Sismanoglu, Raffi A. 10: Setzer, Alberto 10: Justino, Fl vio B. 10: Lima, Wagner F. Araujo 12: Avalia‡Æo inicial do desempenho do risco de fogo gerado no CPTEC 14: 1991-1999 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 3 Hidrometeorologia, Polui‡Æo, Intera‡Æo Oceano-Atmosfera e Qu¡mica da Atmosfera 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12; Semin rio Brasileiro de Hidrometeorologia, 3; Encontro Brasileiro de Intera‡Æo Oceano-Atmosfera; Semin rio Brasileiro de Qu¡mica e Polui‡Æo do Ar, 3 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Estimativas e previsäes de at‚ trˆs dias de risco de fogo para a vegeta‡Æo do pa¡s sÆo geradas desde 1998 em base di ria operacional pelo CPTEC/INPE, em trabalho conjunto com o PROARCO/IBAMA. Este trabalho apresenta avalia‡Æo preliminar dos acertos das cinco classes de risco calculadas em rela‡Æo aos focos detectados pelo AVHRR ("Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer")do sat‚lite NOAA-12. Os valores de risco sÆo gerados para c‚lulas de grade com 0,5 graus de latitude e longitude, empregando: interpola‡Æo de dados observacionais de temperatura m xima, umidade relativa m¡nima, precipita‡Æo e n£mero de dias consecutivos sem chuvas; cinco classes principais de vegeta‡Æo e; focos de queimadas detectados por sat‚lites. O modelo incorpora tamb‚m o hist¢rico da precipita‡Æo nos £ltimos 90 dias at‚ a data de c lculo. Foram analisados os resultados de junho a dezembro de 2001, totalizando cerca de 130.000 focos mapeados pelo NOAA-12. Neste per¡odo, que ‚ o mais cr¡tico para o Brasil central quanto … ocorrˆncia de fogo, 90 porcento dos focos ocorreu nas faixas do risco "cr¡tica", "alta" e "m‚dia". Para meses de maior incidˆncia, como agosto (29.000 focos)e setembro (37.500 focos), este valor foi acima de 95 por cento; nos meses com menos queimadas, como julho (6.200 focos)e dezembro (5.500 focos), este acerto foi acima de 65 por cento Como primeiro modelo nacional de risco de fogo os resultados sÆo considerados satisfat¢rios; versÆo futura em elabora‡Æo dever  melhorar o desempenho presente. Abstract: Estimates and three-day forecasts of fire risk for the vegetation of the country have been produced since 1998 by CPTEC/INPE on a daily operational basis in a joint effort with PROARCO/IBAMA. This paper preents a preliminry evaluation for the success rate of the five classes of risk in relation to the fires detectec by the AVHRR ("Advanced Very Hgh Resolution Radiometer")onboard the NOA-12 satellite. The estimates are made for grid cells with 0.5 by 0.5 degrees of latitude and longitude, using: interpolation of observational data of maximum air temperature, minimum relative humidity, precipitation, and number of consecutive dry days; five main classes of vegetation; and fire spots detected by satellites. Data fom June to December of 2001 were analyzed, when about 130,000 fires were detected by the NOAA-12. In this period, the most critical to central Brasil regarding the occurrence of fires, 90 per cent of the fires corresponded to the risk classes "critical", "high", and "average". For the months with higher occurences, as August (29,000 fires)and September (37,500 fires), this value was over 95 per cent ; for the months with less occurences, as July (6,200 fires)and December (5,500 fires)the score was over 65 per cent . As a first modeling atempt on a national scale the results seem satisfactory; a future version currently under development should further improve the current performance 91: FDB-20021204 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10299 1: SID/SCD 2: 9389 3: INPE-9389-PRE/5048 4: MET 5: Mc 6: am 7: [07] 10: Gouveia, Ana Paula 10: Alval , Regina C‚lia dos Santos 10: Tomasella, Javier 12: Balan‡o H¡drico na RegiÆo Nordeste Durante Epis¢dio ENSO 1982-1983 14: 1916-1921 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 3 Hidrometeorologia, Polui‡Æo, Intera‡Æo Oceano-Atmosfera e Qu¡mica da Atmosfera 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12; Semin rio Brasileiro de Hidrometeorologia, 3; Encontro Brasileiro de Intera‡Æo Oceano-Atmosfera; Semin rio Brasileiro de Qu¡mica e Polui‡Æo do Ar, 3 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: In this work, a soil water balance for northeast region was developed, evaluating standards of temporal and space distribution during the episode El Ni€o 1982-1983, whose region is distinguished for presenting strong precipitation anomalies. The water balance is a function of the water availability, rainfall and potential evapotranspiration. The maximum soil water storage was derived from the field capacity and the wilting point using a pedo-transfer function (PTF). And the evapotranspiration was estimated using the Penman-Monteith method. The results had indicated that the ENSO impacts affect the soil moisture in the Northeast region 83: 91: FDB-20021204 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10307 1: SID/SCD 2: 9390 3: INPE-9390-TDI/822 4: ETES 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Goto, S‚rgio Tsuyoshi 18: Um elemento triancular plano para placas e casca laminadas 19: A flat triangular laminated plate and shell element 20: 78 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: Banca: Mario C‚sar Ricci; Eliceu Lucena Neto (orientador); M rio Kataoka Filho (orientador); SebastiÆo Eduardo Corsatto Varotto; Ariovaldo Felix Palm‚rio 58: SPG 59: CMC 64: set. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: TDI 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: m‚todos de elementos finitos 87: travamento 87: placas 87: cascas 87: teoria de Reissner 87: laminados 88: finite element method 88: locking 88: plates 88: shels 88: Reissner theory 88: laminates 83: O elemento triangular plano de seis n¢s, aqui apresentado para a an lise de placas e cascas laminadas, ‚ baseado na teoria de Reissner-Mindlin. Os componentes u, v, w do deslocamento da superf¡cie m‚dia e os componentes betaî x , betaî y da rota‡Æo da normal a essa superf¡cie sÆo aproximados por polin“mios quadr ticos. O elemento utiliza-se de uma modica‡Æo criteriosa na varia‡Æo quadr tica das deforma‡äes de cisalhamento transversal, decorrente da aproxima‡Æo polinominal adotada, para se ajustar a uma varia‡Æo linear que elimina o travamento associado a essas deforma‡äes(shear locking). A possibilidade de travamento devido ao acoplamento das rigidezes de membrana e de +exÆo nas interfaces de elementos nÆo coplanares (membrane locking)‚ discutida e exempli.cada. A implementa‡Æo computacional do elemento ‚ simples pois todas as parcelas da matriz de rigidez sÆo explicitamente obtidas e, com exce‡Æo da parcela proveniente do cisalhamento transversal, apresentam o mesmo padrÆo alg‚brico. As aplica‡äes num‚ricas mostram um bom desempenho do elemento. ABSTRACT:The six-node +at triangular element, herein presented for laminated plate and shell analysis, is based on Reissner-Mindlin theory. The mid-surface displacement com-ponents u, v, w and the rotation components beta î x , beta î y of the normal to the mid-surface are approximated by quadratic polinomials. The quadratic variation of the trans-verse shear strain, as a result of the adopted approximation, is modified to a linear variation that avoids shear locking. The membrane locking possibility due to the joining of the membrane and bending rigidities in the interfaces of non-coplanar elements is discussed and exempli.ed. The membrane, bending, membrane-bending coupling and the transverse shear parts of the stiÏeness matrix are explicitly ob-tained and, with exception of the transverse shear part, have all the same algebraic pattern, what makes simple the element for computational implementation. Numer-ical results show the element good performance 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10324 1: SID/SCD 2: 9403 3: INPE-9403-PRE/5059 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Tateyama, C.E. 10: Kingham, K.A. 10: Kaufmann, Pierre 10: Lucena, A.M.P. de 12: Observations of BL Lacertae object 1803+784 from the geodetic VLBI archive of the Washington Correlator 14: 496-504 30: Astrophysical Journal 31: 573 32: 2 Part 1 40: En 41: En 41: En 42: 58: CRAAE 64: July <2002> 68: PRE 76: RADIOASTRONOMIA 87: extragalaxias 88: extragalactic 88: active galactic nuclei 88: flux density 88: variations 88: quasars 88: jets 83: We present 11 maps of BL Lacertae object 1803+784 derived from geodetic VLBI observations archived at the Washington Correlator. The observations were obtained during the years 1988-1999. In this period three superluminal components with an expansion rate of 0.084 mas yr(-1)were identified. A remarkable feature of the VLBI images is that the superluminal components only become visible on the jet at a radius of 1 mas from the core, which was interpreted as a result of a helically curved jet. This feature and further evidence of helical patterns found in published high dynamic range VLBI maps at parsec scale and kiloparsec scale enabled us to obtain a well-constrained helical jet. The overall radio morphology of 1803+784 could be described by two dominant components given by a narrow helical jet extending east-west about 6 kpc from the core (deprojected size of 30 kpc)and a much larger north-south component perpendicular to the helical jet (cone axis)with a linear size of about 270 kpc 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10329 1: SID/SCD 2: 9405 3: INPE-9405-PRE/5061 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rodriguez, Daniel A. 10: Cavalcanti, Iracema F. A. 12: Balan‡o h¡drico e ciclo anual das vari veis m‚dias espaciais relacionadas sobre a regiÆo Sul Sudeste da Am‚rica do Sul simulado pelo MCGA CPTEC/COLA 38: Comitˆ Tem tico -3 Hidrometeorologia, Polui‡Æo, Intera‡Æo Oceano-Atmosfera e Qu¡mica da Atmosfera 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: No presente trabalho foi estudado o balan‡o h¡drico da regiÆo Sul Sudeste da Am‚rica do Sul, nas suas componentes atmosf‚rica e terrestre, de acordo com o estabelecido por Peixoto e Oort (1992), assim como o ciclo anual das vari veis m‚dias espaciais relacionadas, para investigar o comportamento do MCGA CPTEC/COLA. O estudo das vari veis envolvidas mostrou a necessidade de dividir a  rea toda em dois setores, Norte e Sul, devido aos comportamentos diferenciados dos mesmos. O setor Norte apresenta um ciclo anual melhor definido que o setor Sul, com uma condi‡Æo £mida bem marcada no verÆo, quando h  o estabelecimento da ZCAS. No setor Sul o ciclo hidrol¢gico possui menos energia envolvida, e as vari veis apresentam um ciclo anual menos distinto. Identifica-se, neste setor Sul, um per¡odo de m ximas precipita‡äes no final da primavera, associado com o ingresso de umidade. Nota-se o aporte de umidade desde as regiäes tropicais, num fluxo para o sul, que alimenta ambos setores. Este fluxo converge sobre o Sudeste brasileiro durante o verÆo, e para o Norte da Argentina na primavera. Desta forma existe uma varia‡Æo sazonal na importƒncia relativa entre as fontes internas e externas de umidade em ambos setores 91: FDB-20021211 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10330 1: SID/SCD 2: 9406 3: INPE-9406-PRE/5062 4: MET 5: Mc 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vicente, Emanuella de C ssia 10: Sansigolo, Cl¢vis Angeli 10: Pereira Filho, Augusto Jos‚ 12: Caracter¡sticas das precipita‡äes convectivas intensas na  rea do Radar Meteorol¢gico de Sƒo Paulo 14: 2061-2066 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 3 Hidrometeorologia, Polui‡Æo, Intera‡Æo Oceano-Atmosfera e Qu¡mica da Atmosfera 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12; Semin rio Brasileiro de Hidrometeorologia, 3;Encontro Brasileiro de Intera‡Æo Oceano-Atmosfera, 3;Semin rio Brasileiro de Qu¡mica e Polui‡Æo do ar, 3 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: LMO 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: The main characteristics of convective rainfall events in SÆo Paulo were studied using meteorological radar CAPPIs. Most of the 30 events selected between 1990 and 1995 started between 13 and 15h at Serra da Mantiqueira, and reached its maximum evolution, between 16 and 17h, over the Great SÆo Paulo and Paraiba Valley. The convective rainfall is predominantly forced by topography and enhanced by the urban heat island and sea breeze 91: FDB-20021211 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10331 1: SID/SCD 2: 9407 3: INPE-9407-PRE/5063 4: MET 5: Mc 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rossato, Luciana 10: Alval , Regina C‚lia dos Santos 10: Tomasella, Javier 12: Climatologia da umidade do solo no Brasil 14: 1910-1915 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 3 Hidrometeorologia, Polui‡Æo, Intera‡Æo Oceano-Atmosfera e Qu¡mica da Atmosfera 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12; Semin rio Brasileiro de Hidrometeorologia, 3;Encontro Brasileiro de Intera‡Æo Oceano-Atmosfera, 3;Semin rio Brasileiro de Qu¡mica e Polui‡Æo do ar, 3 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: In this work, a soil water balance for Brazil was developed, which is a function of the water availability, rainfall and potential evapotranspiration. The maximum soil water storage was derived from the field capacity and the wilting point using a pedo-transfer function (PTF). The evapotranspiration was estimated using the Penman-Monteithmethod. Based on the vegetation parameters provided by the SiB model, the potential evapotranspiration was calculated for the main Brazilian biomes, as defined in SiB. The mean soil moisture for the period 1971-1990 was derived combining historical rainfall data and evapotranspiration estimates 91: FDB-20021211 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10332 1: SID/SCD 2: 9408 3: INPE-9408-PRE/5064 4: MET 5: Mc 6: am 7: [07] 10: Sansigolo, Cl¢vis Angeli 10: Santos, Jesus Marden 12: Evapora‡Æo do lago de Porto Primavera 14: 2055-2060 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 3 Hidrometeorologia, Polui‡Æo, Intera‡Æo Oceano-Atmosfera e Qu¡mica da Atmosfera 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12; Semin rio Brasileiro de Hidrometeorologia, 3;Encontro Brasileiro de Intera‡Æo Oceano-Atmosfera, 3;Semin rio Brasileiro de Qu¡mica e Polui‡Æo do ar, 3 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: LMO 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Evaporation estimates from Porto Primavera lake, in the west region of SÆo Paulo State, was done by Morton's complementary relationships model, using daily records from 10 automatic weather stations around the lake, in 2001. Monthly averages ranging from 179mm in January (7 83: below potentials)and 67mm in June (40 83: below potentials)were obtained. Results on Monthly totals, interpolated by Kriging over the lake surface of 2250 Km 2, and daily rates in January and July for 4 selected sites, were shown. It is concluded that Morton's model provided more realistic and consistent estimates of Porto Primavera lake evaporation obtained from their effects on routine climatological observations needed to calculate potential evaporation 91: FDB-20021211 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10333 1: SID/SCD 2: 9409 3: INPE-9409-PRE/5065 4: MET 5: Mc 6: am 7: [07] 10: Dereczynski, Claudine Pereira 10: Nobre, Carlos Afonso 12: Avalia‡Æo das Previsäes Clim ticas do Modelo Global do CPTEC para o Trimestre Chuvoso de 1997 na RegiÆo Nordeste do Brasil 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 2 Variabilidade e Mudan‡as do Clima 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Analyses of the seasonal ensemble predictions for the Northeast of Brazil generated by a T62L28 version of the CPTEC/COLA atmospheric general circulation model are presented. The ensemble comprised 25 members initiated from consecutive analyses one day apart (from 4 to 28 December 1996). The ensemble and each individual daily member were analyzed over the last 90 days of integration period (from March toMay 1997). In general the skill of the ensemble in predicting precipitation rate was high. The results suggest that low level transients determined the limit of predictability during that period. Another important result is the observation of frequent spurious cyclones produced by the model, traveling from north to south, counterclockwise near the Brazilian coast 91: FDB-20021211 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10334 1: SID/SCD 2: 9410 3: INPE-9410-PRE/5066 4: MET 5: Mc 6: am 7: [07] 10: Trosnikov, Igor 10: Gielow, Ralf 10: Carvalho Jr., JoÆo Andrade 10: Veras, Carlos Alberto Gurgel 10: Alvarado, Ernesto 10: Sandberg, David Victor 10: Santos, Jos‚ Carlos 12: Modelagem do transporte atmosf‚rico de COý resultante da queima de biomassa de fonte isolada no norte de Mato Grosso 14: 2094-2098 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 3 Hidrometeorologia, Polui‡Æo, Intera‡Æo Oceano-Atmosfera e Qu¡mica da Atmosfera 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12; Semin rio Brasileiro de Hidrometeorologia, 3; Encontro Brasileiro de Intera‡Æo Oceano-Atmosfera, 3; Semin rio Brasileiro de Qu¡mica e Polui‡Æo do Ar 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 58: LMO 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: A coupled numerical Transport-Eta Mesoscale model was used for the determination of the transport of CO2 from a slashed Terra Firme Amazonian forest controlled burning with an area of 9 ha, effected on August 31, 1998 in the region of Alta Floresta, MT, with an emission of 2052 Mg CO 2 during 144 min. The path of the resulting CO2 plume was computed for 78 hours, and reached the coast of Santa Catarina as a compact mass. Its concentration, following the wind, was modified by mesoscale diffusion, with values that agreed well with the ones obtained through Taylor's similarity theory 91: FDB-20021211 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10335 1: SID/SCD 2: 9411 3: INPE-9411-PRE/5067 4: CTE 5: Mc 6: as 7: [07] 10: Roberti, D‚bora Regina 10: Campos Velho, Haroldo Fraga de 10: Degrazia, Gerv sio Annes 12: New formulation for the counter-gradient term and numerical procedure for its identification 14: 1519-1527 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 3 Hidrometeorologia, Polui‡Æo, Intera‡Æo Oceano-Atmosfera e Qu¡mica da Atmosfera 40: En 41: En 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12; Semin rio Brasileiro de Hidrometeorologia, 3; Encontro Brasileiro de Intera‡Æo Oceano-Atmosfera, 3; Semin rio Brasileiro de Qu¡mica e Polui‡Æo do Ar 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Uma nova formula‡Æo para o termo de contra-gradiente ‚ apresentado, onde a escala convectiva de um parƒmetro ‚ calculada como sendo a m‚dia desta quantidade na camada limite convectiva. Uma an lise inversa ‚ tamb‚m realizada no sentido de identificar o termo de contra gradiente. A solu‡Æo inversa ‚ avaliada minimizando uma fun‡Æo objetiva, onde a diferen‡a quadr tica entre dados experimentais e aqueles do modelo, sÆo adicionados a uma fun‡Æo de regulariza‡Æo. Duas fun‡äes de regulariza‡Æo sÆo usadas, m xima entropia de segunda ordem e regulariza‡Æo de Tikhonov de segunda ordem. A metodologia inversa ‚ testada com dados sint‚ticos perturbados por um ru¡do Gaussiano, que simulam dados experimentais. ABSTRACT A new formulation for the counter-gradient is presented, where the scale of the mean quantity is taken as the average on the entire convective boundary layer of this quantity. An inverse analysis is also used to identify the counter-gradient term. The inverse solution is performed minimizing an objective function: the square difference between experimental and model data added to a regularization function. Two regularization functions are used, second-order maximum entropy, and Tikhonov regularization of second-order. The inverse methodology is tested with synthetic data corruped with Gaussin noise 91: FDB-20021211 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10336 1: SID/SCD 2: 9412 3: INPE-9412-PRE/5068 4: MET 5: Mc 6: am 7: [07] 10: Lima, Marilene 10: Ramos, M rio Ivo Berni 10: Schmitz, Vanderl‚ia 10: Quadro, M rio F. Leal 12: PrevisÆo meteorol¢gica para seguran‡a de obras hidr ulicas em calhas de rios 14: 2131-2134 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 3 Hidrometeorologia, Polui‡Æo, Intera‡Æo Oceano-Atmosfera e Qu¡mica da Atmosfera 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12; Semin rio Brasileiro de Hidrometeorologia, 3; Encontro Brasileiro de Intera‡Æo Oceano-Atmosfera, 3; Semin rio Brasileiro de Qu¡mica e Polui‡Æo do Ar 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: In this work the effect of occured rains between days 3 and 5 of May of 2001 are analyzed, during the stage of shunting line of the river Pelotas, for the construction of the Machadinho hydroelectric power station in West region of Santa Catarina State. In this date the pass of a cold front associate to a cyclonic vortex in 500hPa, followed by cyclogenesis, had provoked intenses rains in the basin of the Uruguay river (rivers Canoas, Pelotas and Inhandava). The hydrological models of forecast had well simulated the precipitation and the flow in the rivers, but defects of communication and the provisory structures of the shunting line had led to the loss of machines of high value 91: FDB-20021211 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10337 1: SID/SCD 2: 9413 3: INPE-9413-PRE/5069 4: MET 5: Mc 6: am 7: [07] 10: Justino, Flavio Barbosa 10: Souza, Solange Silva 10: Setzer, Alberto 12: Rela‡Æo entre "focos de calor" e condi‡äes meteorol¢gicas no Brasil 14: 2086-2093 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 3 Hidrometeorologia, Polui‡Æo, Intera‡Æo Oceano-Atmosfera e Qu¡mica da Atmosfera 40: Pt 41: En 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12; Semin rio Brasileiro de Hidrometeorologia, 3; Encontro Brasileiro de Intera‡Æo Oceano-Atmosfera, 3; Semin rio Brasileiro de Qu¡mica e Polui‡Æo do Ar 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Este trabalho compara o n£mero de focos de calor detectados pelo sensor AVHRR ("Advanded very High Resolution Radiometer")do sat‚lite NOAA-12, ou seja, das "queimadas", em rela‡Æo a condi‡äes meteorol¢gicasno Pa¡s, nos anos de 1997 a 1999. Maior incidˆncia de queimadas foi verificada em 1999, e menor, em 1997. Em 1997, a precipita‡Æo observada de junho a dezembro na regiÆo central do Brasil, quando ocorrem a maioria das queimadas, foi acima da m‚dia, enquanto que em 1998 as anomalias de chuva foram negativas. Em 1999, os valores de precipita‡Æo, temperatura m xima do ar e umidade relativa foram pr¢ximos da m‚dia climatol¢gica; esta situa‡Æo foi interpretada como indica‡Æo que a ocorrˆncia de focos depende adicionalmente de aspectos antr¢picos associados a padräes locais de uso do solo, de conversÆo da vegeta‡Æo e de tecnologias agr¡colas. ABSTRACTThis work compares the number of hot (fire)pixels detected by AVHRR (Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer)on-board the NOAA-12 satellite in relation to meteorological conditions in Brazil for the years 1997-1999. The highest occurence of vegetation fires was in 1999 nd the smallest in 1997. In 1997 the precipitation observed from June to December in the central part of the country, when most of the fires take place, was above the average, while in 1998 the rain anomalies were negative. In 1999, the values of recipitation, maximum air temperature and relative humidity were close to the climatological average; this situation was interpreted as indicating that vegetation fires also depend on anthropic factors associated to local patterns of soil use, vegetation conversionand agricultural technoloy 91: FDB-20021211 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10338 1: SID/SCD 2: 9414 3: INPE-9414-PRE/5070 4: MET 5: Mc 6: am 7: [07] 10: Degrazia, Gerv sio Annes 10: Carvalho, Jonas da Costa 10: Moreira, Davidson Martins 10: Campos Velho, Haroldo Fraga de 12: Uma escala de tempo de descorrela‡Æo Lagrangeana fun‡Æo da distƒncia de viagem da fonte 14: 1577-1579 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 3 Hidrometeorologia, Polui‡Æo, Intera‡Æo Oceano-Atmosfera e Qu¡mica da Atmosfera 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12; Semin rio Brasileiro de Hidrometeorologia, 3; Encontro Brasileiro de Intera‡Æo Oceano-Atmosfera, 3; Semin rio Brasileiro de Qu¡mica e Polui‡Æo do Ar 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Accounting for the classical statistical diffusion therory, a new formulation for the Lagrangian decorrelation time scale to be used in Lagrangian stochastic diffusion models has been derived. That is, expressions for the Lagrangian decorrelation time scales, depending on source distance, for inhomogeneous turbulence are proposed. The observed spectral properties and observed characteristics of energy-containing eddies are used to estimate these parameters. This decorrelation time scale is compared with their asymptotic limit and differences between them are discussed and analysed The major advanced shown in this paper is the necessity of including the downwind distance-dependent decorrelation time scale in air quality modeling. limite planet ria (CLP). processo de Markov cont¡nuo no tempo. velocidade aleat¢ria ‚ da forma 91: FDB-20021211 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10339 1: SID/SCD 2: 9415 3: INPE-9415-PRE/5071 4: MET 5: Mc 6: am 7: [07] 10: Giarolla, Emanuel 10: Nobre, Paulo 10: Chaves, Rosane R. 10: Malagutti, Marta 12: Variabilidade interanual do Modelo Acoplado Oceano-Atmosfera do CPTEC 14: 1783-1789 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 3 Hidrometeorologia, Polui‡Æo, Intera‡Æo Oceano-Atmosfera e Qu¡mica da Atmosfera 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12; Semin rio Brasileiro de Hidrometeorologia, 3; Encontro Brasileiro de Intera‡Æo Oceano-Atmosfera, 3; Semin rio Brasileiro de Qu¡mica e Polui‡Æo do Ar 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: In this paper, 384 monthly means of sea surface temperature (SST)from a global coupled ocean-atmosphere model have been analyzed, and compared with observational monthly means SST values. The comparison has been performed with the aid of EOF analysis, applied to both model and observational normalized sea surface temperature anomalies. The EOF analysis shown the predominance of ENSO phenomena on the global variability, and the model presented more regular succession of El Ni€o and La Ni€a events. The model also shown a good agreement with observations when only Pacific and Atlantic were taken into account for the EOF analysis 91: FDB-20021211 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10340 1: SID/SCD 2: 9416 3: INPE-9416-PRE/5072 4: CEA 5: Mc 6: as 7: [07] 10: Alval , Plinio Carlos 10: Marinho, Edith V. A. 10: Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich 12: Varia‡Æo Latitudinal de Gases Tra‡o na RegiÆo do Atlƒntico Sul 14: 2121-2125 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 3 Hidrometeorologia, Polui‡Æo, Intera‡Æo Oceano-Atmosfera e Qu¡mica da Atmosfera 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12; Semin rio Brasileiro de Hidrometeorologia, 3; Encontro Brasileiro de Intera‡Æo Oceano-Atmosfera, 3; Semin rio Brasileiro de Qu¡mica e Polui‡Æo do Ar 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 83: This work presents preliminary results for methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O)and thriclorofluormethane (CFCl3), or CFC11, concentrations in the South Atlantic region. The experiment was performed with the support the Ary Rongel Oceanographic and Supply Ship (NApOC Ary Rongel)during two campaigns when the ship went from Rio de Janeiro (22 øS, 43 øW)to Comandante Ferraz Antarctic Station (62 øS, 58 øW)and back to Rio. The samples were taken in duplicates and analyzed by gas chromatography. The first cruise took place in October/November, 1999 with the return in March, 2000. Averages were: for methane 1695,4 ñ16,4 ppbv (parts per billion by volume), for nitrous oxide 314 ñ2 ppbv and for CFC11 267,4 ñ 7,1 pptv (pats per trillion by volume). Although methane and CFC11 concentrations showed small variations, the averages represent values compatible with a remote atmosphere. Nitrous oxide showed almost no latitudinal variations as expected. superf¡cie e a atmosfera. suas poss¡veis implica‡äes no clima. gases em estudo (Alval  and Kirchhoff, 1998) 91: FDB-20021211 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10362 1: SID/SCD 2: 9436 3: INPE-9436-PRE/5092 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Oliveira, Gilvan Sampaio 10: Prakki, Satyamurty, 12: Avalia‡Æo das previsäes sazonais de anomalias de precipita‡Æo para o Brasil entre dezembro de 1995 e maio de 1999 realizadas com o MCGA/CPTEC/COLA 14: 915-923 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 2 Variabilidade e Mudan‡as do Clima 40: Pt 41: En 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 88: atmospheric general circulation models (AGCMs) 83: The objective of this study is to evaluate the CPTEC model ensemble seasonal forecasts for the period 1996-99 during which ENSO showed large variability. The atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM)CPTEC/COLA was used with persisted and predicted sea surface temperatures and 25 initial conditions. The seasonal forecasts of the rainfall anomalies were evaluated to determine the skill of the forecasts in relation to the observed data in Brazil obtained from the National Institute of Meteorology (INMET). The model captured the well-known signatures of rainfall anomalies of El Ni€o 1997-98 in the north of Northeast Brazil and South Brazil, though the magnitude of the anomaly, in general, was not well predicted. The members of the ensemble with correct sign of the rainfall anomaly for the whole period were 69 percent for the north of Northeast Brazil, 47 percent for Southeast Brazil and 61 percent for South Brazil. As is expected, the model showed some predictability in Northeast Brazil and South Brazil, mainly for the periods El Ni€o or La Ni€a conditions. The results supply the meteorological community with additional information on the nature and limitations of the ensemble long-range forecasts with the CPTEC global model. RESUMO O objetivo deste trabalho ‚ avaliar as previsäes sazonais de anomalias de precipita‡Æo do modelo do CPTEC para o Brasil para o per¡odo 1996-99 durante o qual o ENOS mostrou grande variabilidade. O modelo de circula‡Æo geral da atmosfera CPTEC/COLA foi usado com anomalias de temperaturas da superf¡cie do mar (TSM)persistidas e previstas e com 25 condi‡äes iniciais. As anomalias de precipita‡Æo foram avaliadas para determinar o grau de acerto das previsäes em rela‡Æo aos dados observados sobre o Brasil, provenientes do Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia (INMET). Durante o El Ni€o de 1997/98 o sinal da anomalia de precipita‡Æo foi bem previsto nas Regiäes Nordeste e Sul do Brasil. Todavia a magnitude das anomalias, em geral, nÆo foi bem prevista. As porcentagens m‚dias de membros do "ensemble" com o sinal da anomalia de precipita‡Æo prevista corretamente de todo o per¡odo sÆo de 69 por cento para o norte da RegiÆo Nordeste, 47 por cento para a RegiÆo Sudeste e 61 por cento para a RegiÆo Sul. Como era de se esperar, nas Regiäes Nordeste e Sul o modelo possui alguma previsibilidade, principalmente para os per¡odos de El Ni€o e de La Ni€a. A avalia‡Æo dos resultados poder  auxiliar a comunidade meteorol¢gica com informa‡äes adicionais sobre a natureza e limita‡äes das previsäes de longo prazo por conjuntos 91: FDB-20021212 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10363 1: SID/SCD 2: 9437 3: INPE-9437-PRE/5093 4: MET 5: Mc 6: am 7: [07] 10: Cavalcanti, Iracema F. A. 10: Souza, Cleber A. 10: Kousky, Vernon E. 12: Caracter¡sticas atmosf‚ricas associadas ao jato em baixos n¡veis a leste dos Andes em uma simula‡Æo com o MCGA CPTEC/COLA e em dados da rean lise NCEP/NCAR 14: 934-939 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 2 Variabilidade e Mudan‡as do Clima 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: LLJ cases are identified in daily reanalysis data (1979-2000)and in daily results of a climate simulation using the CPTEC/COLA AGCM (1982-1991). The seasonal variability is analysed in the two sets and the atmospheric characteristics are analysed to investigate the model ability to simulate them. The frequency of occurrence is shown for each season and the cases found in each season were averaged to obtain composites of atmospheric variables, in the two data set. The main atmospheric characteristics were well represented by the model, although there were less number of summer cases in the model results than in the reanalysis data 91: FDB-20021212 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10365 1: SID/SCD 2: 9439 3: INPE-9439-PRE/5095 4: MET 5: Mc 6: am 7: [07] 10: Alves, Maria Aparecida Senaubar 10: Machado, Luiz Augusto Toledo 10: Prasad, Gannabathula Sri Sesha Durga 12: Diferen‡a na variabilidade da cobertura de nuvens altas entre os anos secos e chuvosos da Amaz“nia Central 14: 954-960 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 2 Variabilidade e Mudan‡as do Clima 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: LMO 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Este trabalho estuda os fen“menos meteorol¢gicos que ocorrem na Amaz“nia Central utilizando-se um conjunto de imagens de sat‚lites, afim de identificar as flutua‡äes que mais contribuem para variabilidade da cobertura de nuvens e verificar o efeito destas flutua‡äes em anos de El Nino e La Nina. O ciclo anual e o ciclo semi-anual sÆo os principais respons veis pela variabilidade da cobertura de nuvens altas na regiÆo. As flutua‡äes interanuais associadas aos fen“menos EL Nino/La Ni€a tamb‚m contribuem fortemente na variabilidade total da cobertura de nuvens altas. As flutua‡äes intrazasonais e interdiurnas apresentam, uma variabilidade bem menor, contudo sÆo essas flutua‡äes que influenciam diretamente a previsibilidade de curto e m‚dio prazo. Os anos chuvosos apresentam m ximos secund rios de energia para os per¡odos de 64, 32, 8 e 4 dias e os anos secos apresentam m ximos secund rios de energia nos per¡odos de 64, 32, 20 e 6 dias. Para os anos chuvosos o per¡odo dominante parece ser de 32 dias. Neste trabalho sÆo apresentadas algumas hip¢teses f¡sicas que explicam as diferen‡as encontradas entre os anos secos e chuvosos, contudo, somente um estudo detalhado sobre a penetra‡Æo de sistemas frontais na Amaz“nia Central poder  confirmar essas hip¢teses. ABSTRACTThis work uses satellite images to investigate the flutuations that contribute to the variability of the cloud cover as well as the influence of El Nino and La Nina on these flutuations over Central Amazon rain forest. The annual and semiannual cycle are the predominant components for the cloud cover changes over the region under study. The interannual fluctuations associated with El Nino and La Nina have a strong contribution to the high cloud cover variability. The interseasonal and inter diurnal flucutations, though small influence directly the short and medium range forecasts. During the rainy years, there are secondary maxima with periods of 64, 32, 8 and 4 days, while the dry years has secondary maxima of 64, 32 20 and 6 days. For the rainy years the dominant periods seems to be 32 days. In this work we also propose some hypothesis that could explain the difference in the cloud cover variability for the rainy and dry years and could be a prelude to a more intensive and detailed study of the penetration of the fronts over central Amazonia 91: FDB-20021212 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10366 1: SID/SCD 2: 9440 3: INPE-9440-PRE/5096 4: MET 5: Mc 6: am 7: [07] 10: Marengo, Jos‚ Antonio 10: Cavalcanti, Iracema F. A. 10: Prakki, Satyamurty, 10: Trosnikov, Igor 10: Nobre, Carlos Afonso 10: Bonatti, Jos‚ Paulo 10: Camargo, Helio 10: Sampaio, Gilvan 10: Sanches, Marcos Barbosa 10: Manzi, Antonio Ocimar 10: Cunningham, C. Alexander Castro 12: Regional aspects of climate as produced by the CPTEC/COLA atmospheric GCM. Skill and Predictability assessment and applications to climate predictions 14: 904-913 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 2 Variabilidade e Mudan‡as do Clima 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: The annual and interannual variability of regional rainfall produced by the CPTEC/COLA Atmospheric global climate model are studied here. The evaluation is made for a 9-member ensemble run of the model forced by observed global sea surface temperature (SST)anomalies for the 10-year period 1982-1991. The Brier skill score, Relative Operational Characteristic (ROC)and tercile categories are used to assess the predictability of rainfall and to validate rainfall simulations, in several regions around the planet. In general, the annual cycle of precipitation is well simulated by the model for several continental and oceanic regions in the tropics and mid latitudes. Interannual variability of rainfall during the peak rainy season is realistically simulated in Northeast Brazil, Amazonia, central Chile, and southern Argentina-Uruguay, Eastern Africa, and tropical Pacific regions, where it shows good skill. Some regions, such as Northwest Peru-Ecuador, and southern Brazil exhibit a realistic simulation of rainfall anomalies associated with extreme El Ni€o warming conditions, while in years with neutral or La Nina conditions, the agreement between observed and simulated rainfall anomalies is not always present 91: FDB-20021212 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10368 1: SID/SCD 2: 9442 3: INPE-9442-PRE/5098 4: MET 5: Mc 6: am 7: [07] 10: Marengo, Jos‚ Antonio 10: Soares, Wagner R. 12: Epis¢dios de jatos de baixos n¡veis ao Leste dos andes durante 13-19 de abril de 1999 14: 892-902 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 2 Variabilidade e Mudan‡as do Clima 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Uma caracter¡stica da circula‡Æo de mesoescala na Am‚rica do sul ‚ o Jato de Baixo N¡vel (Low Level Jet - LLJ)ao leste dos Andes. Este sistema de circula‡Æo ‚ mais freqente durante a esta‡Æo de verÆo, e as rean lises globais de centros operacionais, assim como poucas observa‡äes de ar superior, sugerem sua existˆncia como sendo uma "esteira de umidade" que se estende desde a Bacia Amaz“nica at‚ o sul do Brasil e plan¡cies Argentinas. Este fluxo ‚ semelhante ao LLJ que ocorre durante a esta‡Æo de verÆo nas Grandes Plan¡cies na Am‚rica do Norte. Na Am‚rica do Sul as observa‡äes ainda sÆo poucas, devido a escassas de sondagens nesta regiÆo, causando muita incerteza para validar as rean lises e descrever o ciclo diurno e a umidade transportada associada a este LLJ. O presente estudo analisa um epis¢dio de LLJ durante o outono de 1999 que foi seguido por uma onda forte de massa de ar mais fria e seca. Esta massa de ar fria (Southerly Jet ou SJ)teve seu m ximo perto dos Andes, a uma altitude de aproximadamente 1200 metros sobre o n¡vel do solo. Alguns dias antes foram observados o fluxo de ar £mido e quente do LLJ, a uma altitude de 1600 metros sobre o n¡vel de solo. Este evento de LLJ-SJ ‚ representativo da variabilidade sin¢tica da regiÆo. O ciclo diurno obtido de rean lises mostrou que a m xima intensidade do LLJ ocorreu entre 0000 e 1200 Z enquanto que o SJ tem um m ximo entre 0000 e 0600 Z. A falta de sondagens da atmosfera com alta resolu‡Æo temporal nÆo permitem verificar a variabilidade produzida pelas rean lises para o LLJ e SJ. ABSTRACT A feature of the South American mesoescale circulation is the so-called Low Level Jet (LLJ)east of the east of the Andes. This circulation system is more relevant during the warm season, and the global reanalyses and few isolated upper-air observations suggest its existence as a "moisture corridor, extending from the Amazon Basin to southern Brazil and Argentine plains. This flow is similar to the much more extensively studied LLJ in the Great Plains in North America during the warm season. In-situ observations have been scarce, due to the sparse sounding network in this region, causing a great deal of uncertainty the ability of the reanalysis to describe the diurnal cycle and the moisture transport associated to this LLJ. The present study analyses a case study episode on LLJ during the fall season of 1999, which was followed by a strong surge of colder and drier air mass. The maximum intensity of this cold surge is shown as a stream (Southerly Jet or SJ)with maximum nearby the Andes, at an altitude of approximately 1200 meters above the ground level, while few days before the northerly stream of moist and warm air of the LLJ was reported, at an altitude of 1600 meters above the ground level. This LLJ-SJ event is representative of the synoptic variability of the region. The mean diurnal cycle from the reanalysis shows that LLJ maximum intense occurs between 0000 and 1200 Z (early morning), wile the SJ shows a maximum between 000 and 0600 Z. The lack of radiosonde observations with high temporal resolution does not allow the validation of the diurnal cycle of LLJ and SJ produced by the reanalises 91: FDB-20021212 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10369 1: SID/SCD 2: 9443 3: INPE-9443-PRE/5099 4: MET 5: Mc 6: am 7: [07] 10: Alves, Lincoln Muniz 10: Marengo, Jos‚ Antonio 10: Castro, Christopher A. C. 12: In¡cio das chuvas na RegiÆo Sudeste do Brasil: An lise Climatol¢gica 14: 1403-1410 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 2 Variabilidade e Mudan‡as do Clima 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: In order to explain to the most diverse activities of the society on the onset of the rainy season in Southeastern, Center-West and south northeastern Brazil, the purpose of this work is to analyze the results of researches concerning on the onset of the rainy season in a pentad scale and its possible flutuations. A pentad climatology was obtained using outgoing longwave radiation (OLR)thresholds of 240, 230 and 220 W/mý, for the period of 1979 the 2000. A similar analysis with pentad precipitation to verify the previous methodology is also presented. For precipitation 2, 3, 4 and 5 mm were used as thresholds. The used precipitation base period was from 1968 to 1997. Both OLR and precipitation agree on the onset pentad (between pentad 54 to 56) 91: FDB-20021212 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10370 1: SID/SCD 2: 9444 3: INPE-9444-PRE/5100 4: MET 5: Mc 6: am 7: [07] 10: Cardoso, Andr‚a de Oliveira 10: Ferraz, Simone Erotildes Teleginski 10: Silva Dias, Pedro Leite 10: Arav‚quia, Jos‚ Antonio 12: Intera‡Æo Tr¢picos Extratr¢picos - Um Estudo Utilizando Modelo de µgua Rasa 14: 1087-1093 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 2 Variabilidade e Mudan‡as do Clima 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Numerical and observational studies suggest a interaction between tropical and extra-tropical areas in intraseasonal time scale. In this work this interaction is studied with a shallow water equation model in the sphere. Linear and non-linear integrations with an idealized heat source on the Zone of Convergence of the Atlantic and climatologic basic state of January show the interactions of ZCAS heat source with extra-tropical regions and with PNA and Eurasia patterns 91: FDB-20021212 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10378 1: SID/SCD 3: INPE-10457-PRE/5944 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Souza, Clerio Lemos 10: Casteleti , Carlos Henrique Casteleti 12: Multitemporal analysis of land use on area susceptible to desertification in the brazilian semi-arid: Cedro-PE 53: International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE), 29 54: 8-12 Apr. <2002> 56: Buenos Aires 57: AR 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 88: Desertification 88: semi arid 88: multitemporal analysis 88: gis 83: Desertification is defined for UNEP (1991), as the degradation of lands in arid, semi-arid and sub-humid dry areas. In brazilian semi-arid region has demonstrated the pressure of human occupation changes, which are developed in non-sustainable form. This phenomenon is a climatic threat for biodiversity and its associated with climatic change and the lost of soil productivity and mainly for bad landscape use and human occupation. To monitor these transformation its become indispensable the use of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS). Thus, in this work suggested a multitemporal analysis to monitoring susceptible areas for desertification in brazilian semi-arid in Cedro-PE. The selected area for this study is situated in the central-Southern Semi-Arid part of the Pernambuco State of Northeastern Brazil, it covers about 172 km2 and lies between 7§ 48` and 7§ 39` S latitude; 30§ 18` and 39§ 05` W longitude respectively. TM/Landsat-5, (bands 3, 4, 5)images were acquired in two extremes dates (25/09/1986 and 01/08/2001)and analyzed in a Georreferenced Information Processing System (SPRING), available at INPE`s Image Threatment Laboratory (LTID). It's permitted estimate, compare and quantify the occupation areas like water, boreland, agricultural area, urban area and natural vegetation for supervisioned classification and subtraction of images. As result was obtained a thematic map with detection and analysis of the modifications promoted by antropic action that subsidized for planning and supportable development for municipal district MFN: 10390 1: SID/SCD 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Valverde Ramirez, Maria Cleofe 10: Campos Velho, Haroldo Fraga de 10: Fereira, Nelson Jesus 12: Artificial neural network precipitation forecasts applied to the SÆo Paulo region 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 52: WMO's World Weater Research Programme (WWRP) 52: Royal Meteorological Society 53: International Conference on Quantitative Precipitation Forecast 54: 2-6 Set. <2002> 56: Reading 57: UK 58: CPT 58: LAC 58: DSR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10391 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Coelho, Jos‚ Raimundo Braga 12: The China-Brazil Earth resources satellite - CBERS 40: En 41: En 41: En 42: 53: Mid-Term Symposium. ISPRS Comission I 54: 10-15 Nov. <2002> 56: Denver 57: USA MFN: 10415 1: SID/SCD 2: 9482 3: INPE-9482-PRE/5136 4: MET 5: Mc 6: am 7: [07] 10: Correia, Francis Wagner Silva 10: Alval , Regina C‚lia dos Santos 10: Gielow, Ralf 10: Manzi, Antonio Ocimar 10: Souza, Amaury 12: Albedo do Pantanal Sul Matogrossense Durante o Per¡odo de Transi‡Æo Seco-émido de 2001-2002 14: 2794-2800 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 4 Processos de troca entre solo-planta-atmosfera 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12; Simp¢sio Nacional de Micrometeorologia, 3; Semin rio Brasileiro de Agrometeorologia, 3 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz de Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: The albedos for the short-wave (SW), the photosynthetically active (PAR)and the near infrared (IR)radiations were measured from a 21 m tower (19 ø33'48"S; 57 ø00'53"W)in the Southern Mato Grosso Pantanal, during the dry - humid transition period of 2001-2002. Their daily average values were higher during the dry period (SW: 0.010; PAR: 0.069 ñ 0.010; IR: 0.235 ñ 0.015 for 47 days), than during the wet one with the occurrence of a flood layer (SW: 0.114 ñ 0.025; PAR: 0.050 ñ 0.010; IR: 0.161 ñ 0.041 for 119 days). Also, the flood layer caused asymmetries along the day, causing a non uniformity of the vegetation cover. These non uniformity changed between 1998 and 2001, due to the effects of an accidental fire in 1999. clim ticos Dickinson, 1992b) zenital solar (Gielow et al., 1999) 91: FDB-20021218 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10416 1: SID/SCD 2: 9484 3: INPE-9484-PRE/5138 4: MET 5: Mc 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vitorino, Maria Isabel 10: Correia, Adelmo Antonio 12: Estudo das oscila‡äes intrasazonais na regiÆo tropical utilizando-se a estimativa de precipita‡Æo da TRMM 14: 2808-2816 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 4 Processos de troca entre solo-planta-atmosfera 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12; Simp¢sio Nacional de Micrometeorologia, 3; Semin rio Brasileiro de Agrometeorologia, 3 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz de Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Meteorologics study to show that the intraseasonals oscillations of 30-60 days are atmospheric fluctuations to influence in tropical region. This is study is oscillation were avaliated by from precipitation estimative obtained of TRMM (Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission)for the period of 1998 to 2001. The results to show that the intraseasonal oscillation of 30-60 days to insert in precipitation of variability spacial and temporal are more frequent during the fall and summer. Observe that the of El Ni€o year these oscillation were less intenses, compared with La Ni€a the year 91: FDB-20021218 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10417 1: SID/SCD 2: 9485 3: INPE-9485-PRE/5139 4: MET 5: Mc 6: am 7: [07] 10: Oliveira, Maria Betƒnia Leal 10: Randow, Celso von 10: Manzi, Antonio Ocimar 10: Alval , Regina C‚lia dos Santos 10: Souza, Amaury 12: Medi‡äes de longo termo dos fluxos turbulentos de energia sobre o Pantanal Sul Matogrossense 14: 2755-2763 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 4 Processos de troca entre solo-planta-atmosfera 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12; Simp¢sio Nacional de Micrometeorologia, 3; Semin rio Braaasileiro de Agrometeorologia, 3 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz de Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Long-term measurements of turbulent fluxes of sensible and latent heat, net radiation and soil heat flux, have been made continuously on the region of Pantanal Sul Mato-grossense, since September 2000, with the eddy covariance technique. Analyses of the first 15 months of measurements are presented. The net radiation, partitioned mainly between sensible and latent heat fluxes, is slightly higher in the wet season. The energy balance, however, is hardly closed. The sum of the fluxes reaches, on average, 80 pere cent of available energy. An analysis of time scales of flux calculations gives numbers slightly higher, close to the ones presented in general literature. The biggest seasonal differences are observed on turbulent fluxes. The latent heat flux is higher than the ensible heat flux during wet season. On dry season the situation is inverted, and the sensible heat fluxes dominate during the day. This is reflected on Bowen ration, which presents values from very low (0.2 to 0.7)on wet season, to quite high (1 to 3)during dry season 83: 91: FDB-20021218 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10418 1: SID/SCD 2: 9486 3: INPE-9486-PRE/5140 4: MET 5: Mc 6: am 7: [07] 10: Alval , Regina C‚lia dos Santos 10: Arlino, Paulo Rog‚rio de Aquino 10: Gielow, Ralf 10: Manzi, Antonio Ocimar 10: Souza, Amaury 12: Medidas das propriedades t‚rmicas do solo no Pantanal Sul Matogrossense durante o pre¡odo de transi‡Æo seco-£mido de 2001-2002 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 4 Processos de troca entre solo-planta-atmosfera 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12; Simp¢sio Nacional de Micrometeorologia, 3; Semin rio Brasileiro de Agrometeorologia, 3 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz de Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: The soil thermal condutivity (‰ ), the thermal diffusivity (_†)and the volumetric heat capacity (C)were obtained for a Southern Mato Grosso Pantanal site (19 ø33'48"S; 57 ø00'53"W)during the dry - humid transition period of 2001- 2002. Their daily average values were higher during the dry period (‰ : 1.644 ñ 0.103 W m -1 K -1 ; _†: 0.474 ñ 0.053 m 2 s -1 ; C: 3.516 ñ 0.485 MJ m -3 K -1 for 47 days), than during the wet one with the occurrence of a flood layer (‰ : 1.710 ñ 0.025 W m -1 K -1 ; _†: 0.450 ñ 0.027 m 2 s -1 ; C: 3.810 ñ 0.209 MJ m -3 K -1 for 75 days). However, the values of _†and C should be used with caution due to the absolute accuracy of their measurements 91: FDB-20021218 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10419 1: SID/SCD 2: 9487 3: INPE-9487-PRE/5141 4: MET 5: Mc 6: am 7: [07] 10: Kubota, Paulo Y. 10: Manzi, Antonio Ocimar 10: Dias, M. A. F. Silva 10: Souza, Amaury 12: Simula‡Æo Num‚rica da Camada Limite do Pantanal Matogrossense 14: 2764-2772 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 4 Processos de troca entre solo-planta-atmosfera 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12; Simp¢sio Nacional de Micrometeorologia, 3; Semin rio Brasileiro de agrometeorologia, 3 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz de Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: O objetivo deste estudo ‚ averiguar, atrav‚s da simula‡Æo num‚rica a forma‡Æo de circula‡äes locais induzidas pela heterogeneidade da superf¡cie do Pantanal Sul Mato-grossense. Das an lises das simula‡äes realizadas com o modelo RAMS (Regional Atmospheric Modelling System), com as grades centradas nas coordenadas 19 o 34"S e 57 o 01"W, observou-se a ocorrˆncia de circula‡äes locais devidas … heterogeneidade das caracter¡sticas da superf¡cie, como a distribui‡Æo de vegeta‡Æo e de corpos de  gua, que geram fluxos de calor sens¡vel e latente diferentes e provocam a gera‡Æo de circula‡äes locais. A contribui‡Æo do escoamento sin¢tico tem grande influˆncia na intensidade destas circula‡äes. As simula‡äes num‚ricas foram feitas para os dias 18, 19 e 20 de setembro de 1999, no per¡odo da segunda campanha intensiva de coleta de dados do Projeto Integrado do Pantanal, IPE-2, realizada entre 7 e 30 de setembro de 1999 na Base de Estudos do Pantanal (BEP)da Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), Passo do Lontra, munic¡pio de Corumb , MS 91: FDB-20021218 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10420 1: SID/SCD 2: 9488 3: INPE-9488-PRE/5142 4: MET 5: Mc 6: am 7: [07] 10: Gielow, Ralf 10: Alval , Regina C‚lia dos Santos 10: Manzi, Antonio Ocimar 10: Souza Amaury 10: Arlino, Paulo Rog‚rio de aquino 12: Temperaturas no solo, com e sem cobertura de lƒmina d' gua, no Pantanal Sul Matogrossense em 2001 e 2002 14: 2801-2807 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 4 Processos de troca entre solo-planta-atmosfera 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12; Simp¢sio Nacional de Micrometeorologia, 3; Semin rio Brasileiro de agrometeorologia, 3 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz de Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: LMO 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: For a site in the Southern Mato Grosso Pantanal (19 o 33'48,2"S; 57 o 00'53,8"W), for periods without and with a water layer covering the soil during 2001 and 2002, a preliminary analysis of the temperature series measured in the soil and up to 2 m above is presented. It shows that there are marked differences between the periods, and that cold fronts show a clear signature 91: FDB-20021218 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10421 1: SID/SCD 2: 9490 3: INPE-9490-PRE/5143 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Jesus, Ant“nio Delson Cancei‡Æ 10: Souza, Marcelo Lopes Oliveira e 10: Prado, Ant“nio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Monte-Carlos analysis of nonimpulsive orbital transfer under thrust errors, 2 14: cap. 10, 379-389 16: Balthazar, Jos‚ Manoel 16: Gon‡alves, Paulo Batista 16: Brasil, Reyolando M.F.L.R.F. 16: Caldas, Iberˆ 16: Rizatto, Felipe B, ed. 18: Nonlinear dynamics, chaos, control and their applications to engineering sciences 27: v.4: Recente developments in nonlinear phenomena 38: ISBN:85-900351-4-X 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 62: ABCM/AAM/SBMAC/SIMAC 64: <2002> 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: orbital maneuvers 88: thrust errors 88: Monte-Carlo Analysis 88: orbital transfer 83: In this paper we studied statically orbital maneuvers with finite propulsion under thrust errors. We studied two transfer maneuvers: a)a high orbit low thrust coplanar transfer; and b)a middle orbit high thrust noncoplanar transfer (the 1§ transfer of the satellite EUTELSAT II-F2). These transfers were done with magnitude and direction ("pitch" and "yaw")errors in the thrust applied to the satellite. This errors were modeled as random-bias or white noise stochastic processes, with zero mean and unit variance gaussian probability density functions. We studied many cause-effects relations. Among them The general results, suggest the thrust magnitude errors do not cause appreciable mean final deviations, but that the standard deviation of each thrust direction error holds a nonlinear (almost parabolic)relation with the mean deviation in the final semi-major axis and with the final eccentricity. They suggest and partially characterizes the progressive deformation of the trajectory distribution along the propulsive are , turning 3sigma ellipsoids into banana shaped volumes curved to the center of attraction (we call them "bananoids")due to the nominal (no errors)trajectory. A Similar deformation but due to initial condition gaussian errors was shown by Junkins. As his plots also suggest, such deformations can not be anticipated by covariance analysis on linearized models with zero mean errors wich propagate ellipsoids into ellipsoids always centered in the nominal (no errors)trajectory. Our results also characterize how close or how far are Monte-Carlo Analysis and covariance analysis for those examples 91: FDB-20021011 MFN: 10422 1: SID/SCD 2: 9491 3: INPE-9491-PRE/5144 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Macau, Elbert Einstein Neher 10: Grebogi, C. 12: Control of chaos and targeting 14: cap. 6, 137-169 16: Balthazar, Jos‚ Manoel 16: Gon‡alves, Paulo Batista 16: Brasil, Reyolando M.F.L.R.F. 16: Caldas, Iberˆ L. 16: Rizatto, Felipe, ed. 18: Nonlinear dynamics, chaos, control and their applications to engineering sciences 27: v.4: Recente developments in nonlinear phenomena 38: ISBN:85-900351-4-X 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaos, Control and Their Applications in Engineering Sciences, 3 (31 July - 4 Aug. 2000, Campos do JordÆo) 58: LIT 61: 62: ABCM;SBMAC 64: <2002> 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: chaotic systems 88: stabilizing 88: chaotic orbits 83: This work reviews thw main ideas and the fundamental procedures for guiding trajectories on chaotic systems and for stabilizing, chaotic orbits, all with the use of small perturbations. We consider an extension of the Ott-Grebogi-Yorke method of controlling chaos and an associated procedure for guiding trajectories on chaotic sets.We present an example in wich we modify and alter system's evolution at will using only small perturbations to some accessible parameter 91: FDB-20021011 MFN: 10423 1: SID/SCD 2: 9492 3: INPE-9492-PRE/5145 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: The ellliptic -bi-parabolic panar transfer for artificial satellites 14: cap. 10, 390-391 16: Balthazar, Jos‚ Manoel 16: Gon‡alves, Paulo Batista 16: Brasil, Reyolando M.F.L.R.F 16: Caldas, Iberˆ L. 16: Rizatto, Filipe.B., ed. 18: Nonlinear dynamics, chaos, control and their applications to engineering sciences 27: v.4: Recente developments in nonlinear phenomena 38: ISBN:85-900351-4-X 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 62: ABCM/SBMAC 64: <2002> 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: elliptic-bi-parabolic transfer 88: artificial satellites 88: Swing-By 88: panar transfer 83: The "elliptic-bi-parabolic transfer" orbit for artificial satellites is an extension of the bi-parabolic transfer that uses it Swing-By with a natural satellite of the main body to reduce the amount of fuel required by the maneuver. The objective is to find the minimum cost trajectory in terms of fuel consumed, to transfer it spacecraft from a parking orbit around a planet to an orbit around a natural satellite of this planet (in a first version of this maneuver)or to a higher orbit around the planet ( in a second version of this maneuver). The steps involved in this maneuver are: the application of an impulse to make the spacecraft to escape from the parking orbit around the planet using an -elliptic transfer that crosses the orbit of the natural satellite; a Swing-By with the natural satellite with the periapsis distance controlled to make the spacecraft to reach a first parabolic transfer orbit; a zero cost impulse applied at infinity to change the orbit to a second parabolic transfer orbit that makes the spacecraft to return close to the natural satellite or around the planet (depending on the version considered)at an altitude equal to the radius of the final orbit desired; a third impulse to circularize the final orbit. The derivation of analytic equations that calculate the fuel saved in this maneuver when compared to the standard Hohmann transfer is made for both versions and it is used to generate numerical examples. Graphics are built to show in more details the potential savings given by this technique. After that, the idea of using a natural satellite in the maneuver is applied to the problem of making a spacecraft to escape from the main planet to the interplanetary space with maximum velocity at infinity. Numerical examples to leave Earth in a trip to all the planets of the Solar System and the to interstellar space are shown and the savings are quantified. 91: FDB-20021011 MFN: 10424 1: SID/SCD 2: 9493 3: INPE-9493-PRE/5146 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Schafer, Bernd 10: Silva, Adenilson 12: Joint modeling and parameter identification for elastic space manipulators in micro-gravity long-term missions 14: cap. 8, 281-295 16: Balthazar, Jos‚ Manoel 16: Gon‡alves, Paulo Batista 16: Brasil, Reyolando M.F.L.R.F 16: Gon‡alves, Paulo Batista 16: Brasil, Reyolando M.F.L.R.F 16: Caldas, Iberˆ L. 16: Rizatto, Felipe B. 16: , ed. 18: Nonlinear dynamics, chaos, control and their applications to engineering sciences 27: v.4: Recente developments in nonlinear phenomena 38: ISBN:85-900351-4-X 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 62: ABCM;SBMAC 64: <2002> 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: Long-term mission 83: Long-term mission identification and model validation of in-flight dynamic behaviour of manipulator systems in almost zero gravity and outer, i.e. hostile space environment is getting increasing value in technology demonstration missions based upon robotic applications. In micro-gravity environment the dynamic behavior of robotic manipulators is quite different from their on-ground behavior, and onground simulated reduced gravity environment is, if at all, very cumbersome to realize. In-flight dynamic data therefore are most desirable to obtain with the main goal to update and validate mathematical models and hence to gain increased confidence in the modeling process also for more advanced tobotized missions. To increase confidence in the dynamic modeling process based on multi-body systems and in ground-based simulations, the proper knowledge of system parameters, especially in the non-linear joints, is very important. DLR therefore is preparing Space Station based robotic experiments to verify dynamic models and to identify on-line critical joint parameter variances under microgravity and hostile environment that severely affect dynamic properties towards performance degradation. A modified identification procedure is presented, where the dynarnic model adopted makes a balance between complexity and fidelity in tracking the measured data. Non-linearities in both elastic gears and damping are considered. For time-dependent behavior of the physical parameters, an on-line algorithm is applied, and a modified Recursive Least Squares algorithm with variable gain has been derived. The results show that the underlying algorithms and the adopted strategy exhibit remarkable features, allowing to the identification ofthe desired parameters with sufficient accuracy. it is expected that the proposed strategy will predominantly increase modeling fidelity, not only for platform-bascit systems in low earth and geostationary orbits, but even for planetary rovers equipped with manipulator systems and servomechanisms 91: FDB-20021011 MFN: 10425 1: SID/SCD 2: 9494 3: INPE-9494-PRE/5147 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Nowosad, Alexandre Guirland 10: Rios Neto, Atais 10: Campos Velho, Haroldo Fraga de 12: Data assimilation in chaotic dynamics using neural neteworks 14: cap. 1, 17-20 16: Balthazar, Jos‚ Manoel 16: Gon‡alves, Paulo Batista 16: Brasil, Reyolando M.F.L.R.F 16: Caldas, Iberˆ L 16: Rizatto, Felipe B., ed. 18: Nonlinear dynamics, chaos, control and their applications to engineering sciences 27: v.5: Aplplication of nonlinear phenomena 38: ISBN:85-900351-6-6 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 58: LAC 61: 62: ABCM/ABCM 64: <2002> 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: data assimilation 88: neural networks 88: chaotics dynamics 83: Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks are used for data assimilation in two nonlinear dynamic systems: the H‚non and Lorenz systems in chaotic state. The approach "emulates" the Kalman Filter data assimilation method avoiding recalculation of the gain matrix at each instant of assimilation. In the case of H‚non system an Adaptive Extended Kalman Filter was used to provide examples for network training. In the case of Lorenz System the Extended Kalman Filter was used for network training. Preliminary test results obtained are shown 91: FDB-20021011 MFN: 10426 1: SID/SCD 2: 9495 3: INPE-9495-PRE/5148 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto 10: Pontes, J. 10: Christov, C.I. 10: Rempel, Erico Luiz 10: Ramos, Fenando Manuel 10: Rodrigues Neto, Camilo 12: Symmetric pattern analysis of swift-hohenberg dynamics 14: cap.1, 17-20 16: Balthazar, Jos‚ Manoel 16: Gon‡alves, Paulo Batista 16: Brasil, Reyolando M.F.L.R.F 16: Caldas, Iberˆ L. 16: Rizatto, Felipe B., ed. 18: Nonlinear dynamics, chaos, control and their applications to engineering sciences 27: v.6: Application of nonlinear phenomena 38: ISBN:85-900351-6-6 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAC 61: 62: ABCM;SBMAC 64: <2002> 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 83: In this paper we analyze the onset of phase dominant dynamics in a uniformly forced system. The study is based on the numerical integration of the Swift-Hohenberg and addresses the characterization of symmetric amplitude fragmentation detected from gradient pattern analysis. The transition from amplitude to phase dynamics is well characterized by means of behavior of the fragmentation mean derivative MFN: 10427 1: SID/SCD 2: 9496 3: INPE-9496-PRE/5149 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Prasad, Polamraju Rajendra 10: Kuga, Helio Koiti 12: Orbit acquisition and maintenance of CBERS satellite 14: cap. 5, 417-428 16: Balthazar, Jos‚ Manoel 16: Gon‡alves, Paulo Batista 16: Brasil, Reynaldo M.F.L.R.F. 16: Caldas, Iberˆ 16: Rizatto, Felipe B. ed. 18: Nonlinear dynamics, chaos, control and their applications to engineering sciences 27: v.6: Application of nonlinear phenomena 38: ISBN:85-900351-6-6 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 62: ABCM;SBMAC 64: <2002> 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: CBERS 88: China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite 88: orbit acquisition 83: CBERS (China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite), the premiere operational remote sensing Brazilian satellite was launched on 14th of October 1999 at 03:28:32am UTC. The immediate post launch maneuver design is to fulfil the primary objective of removing injection dispersions and realize the operational orbit with specified reference ground track pattern. The orbit acquisition is to correct the size, shape and orientation of orbit and the satellite is maneuvered into its station-keeping window. The maneuver strategy for local time maintenance and if desired to correct the node and inclination is the prerequisite. During the orbit acquisition phase, near circular, near polar, exact repeat mission and frozen orbit with desired path locking has to be accomplished. However the satellite does not remain in its longitude window box because of various perturbations. Major deviations that reflect the mission requirements are the local time variation and the drift of the ground track. These variations are mainly due to Luni-Solar forces, aerodynamic drag and Earth's gravitational perturbations. The accurate computation ofthe mean semi-major axis or equivalently "mean' mean motion is an essential requirement in this scenario. The paper describes the methodology employed in the software for orbit acquisition and ground track maintenance for CBERS. Some ofthe test results are presented 91: FDB-20021011 MFN: 10428 1: SID/SCD 2: 9497 3: INPE-9497-PRE/5150 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Silva, Atair Rios 10: Silva, Jaime da 12: Neural predictive contrl based on Kalman filtering algorithms 14: cap. 5, 366-375 16: Balthazar, Jos‚ Manoel 16: Gon‡alves, Paulo Batista 16: Brasil, Reyolando M.F.L.R.F. 16: Caldas, Iberˆ l. 16: Rizatto, Felipe B.ed. 18: Nonlinear dynamics, chaos, control and their applications to engineering sciences 27: v.6: Application of nonlinear phenomena 38: ISBN:85-900351-6-6 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 62: ABCM;SBMAC 64: <2002> 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: neural predictive 88: control scheme 88: Kalman filtering 83: A neural predictive control scheme is considered where Kalman filtering is used not only to train the associated feedforward neural network modeling the dynamics but to also estimate the control. An approach is proposed in which the optimization of the predictive quadratic performance functional used to determine the discrete control actions is viewed in a typical iteration as a stochastic optimal linear parameter estimation problem. Direct analogy with Kalman filtering algorithms already developed for feedforward neural networks training allows the derivation of full non parallel as well as approximated parallel processing versions of Kalman filtering control algorithms. These algorithms are shown to be the result of applying Newton's Method to appropriate control optimization functionals and to provide solutions which converge to smooth and reference tracking controls 91: FDB-20021011 MFN: 10430 1: SID/SCD 2: 9517 3: INPE-9517-PRE/5170 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Sousa, Cristina Tobler de 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 10: Setzer, Alberto Waingort 12: Accuracy of transmitters geo-location algorith using real data from satellites 14: 1-11 16: Winter, Othon Cabo 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed. 18: Advances in space dynamics 3: applications in astronautics 38: ISBN 85-17-00006-4 40: En 41: En 42: 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: transmitters 88: Doppler shifts 88: geographical location 83: The main goal of this work is to show the accuracy achieved by an algorithm for geographic location of transmitters, within a near real-time environment.The results and analysis were obtained using real data from three different transmitters in two different areas and three kinds of satellites. The geographical location answers several needs, as search and rescue of people in remote areas, tracking of ocean buoys, movement of animals, ships, people, equipment, either for scientific or security purposes. The location procedure uses measurements of Doppler shifts of transmissions, satellites ephemeris, and batch estimation based on least squares statistical techniques. Results using such real database were satisfactory, with accuracy ranging from 0.5 to 6.5 km MFN: 10431 1: SID/SCD 2: 9518 3: INPE-9518-PRE/5171 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Silva, Adenilson R da 10: Sch„fer, Bernd 10: Souza, Luiz Carlos Gadelha de 10: Fonseca, Raphael A. 12: Identification for increasing dynamic modeling fidelity in space robotics 14: 28-39 16: Winter, Othon Cabo 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed 18: Advances in space dynamics 3: applications in astronautics 38: ISBN 85-17-00006-4 40: En 41: En 42: 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: ROBOTICS 88: LEAST SQUARES METHOD 88: ALGORITHMS 83: In the micro-gravity and hostile space environment the dynamic behaviour of robotic manipulators is quite different from their on-ground behaviour. Simulating reduced gravity environment in a ground-based testbed is, if at all, very cumbersome to realize. In-flight dynamic data therefore are required, with the primary goals to update and validate mathematical models and to gain increased confidence in the modelling process, also for more advanced robotized future missions, To increase confidence in the dynamic modelling process and in ground-based simulations, the proper knowledge of system parameters, especially in the non-linear joints, is very important. DLR therefore is preparing Space Station based robotic experiments to verify dynamic models and to on-line identify critical joint parameter variances under micro-gravity and hostile environment That severely affect dynamic properties down to performance degradation. A modified time-efficient, on-line identification procedure based upon Recursive Least Squares algorithm has been developed, where the dynamically non-linear model adopted makes a balance between complexity and fidelity in tracking the measured data. The results show that the underlying algorithms and the adopted strategy exhibit remarkable features, allowing to the identification of the time-varying parameters with sufficient accuracy. The proposed strategy will predominantly increase modelling fidelity, both, for platform-based systems in low earth and geostationary orbits, and even for planetary rovers equipped with robotics and servomechanisms 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10432 1: SID/SCD 2: 9519 3: INPE-9519-PRE/5172 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Lopes, Roberto Vieira da Fonseca 12: Optimal metric for star pattern identification algorithm 14: 40-50 16: Winter, Othon Cabo 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed 18: Advances in space dynamics 3: application in astronautics 38: ISBN 85-17-00006-4 40: En 41: En 42: 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 83: The subject of autonomous star identification for on board spacecraft attitude determination is addressed. A batch algorithm based on parallel architecture is revisited. The special question of finding the best rotation invariant metric to form the star patterns is analytically solved from an optimization approach using the concept of a discriminating power function. It is shown that the quadratic metric is an approximation of a general optimal solution. A tuning condition to the number of bins for the pattern digitalization is also derived. The performance of the star identification process under ideal conditions is predicted based on the Poison model for the star distribution on the sky. The predictions are compared with numerical results from digital simulation using the SKY2000 star catalog. Directions are finally outlined to improve the algorithm in face of a more realistic scenario. 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10433 1: SID/SCD 2: 9520 3: INPE-9520-PRE/5173 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Lopes, Roberto Vieira da Fonseca 12: Attitude dynamics in N-dimensional spaces 14: 51-68 16: Winter, Othon Cabo 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed. 18: Advances in space dynamics 3: applications in astronautics 38: ISBN 85-17-00006-4 40: En 41: En 42: 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: attitude control 88: Euler equation of motion 83: The Euler's equation describing the attitude dynamics of a rigid body in the the dimensional space is extended to N-dimensional spaces, for any integer N>1.The development is a natural sequence of previous works where the concepts of rotation matrix and angular velocity in higher dimensions were addressed in terms of a dyadic in the RN . Here the same idea is applied to the concepts of angular momentum an torque. Conservation laws to the torque-free motion are then stated and the extended Euler's equation is derived. An analytical solution is found to the torque-free motion o bodies with a special mass distribution property defined as anfi-symmetry. Numerical results are presented. The work intends to add new insights to an old problem 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10434 1: SID/SCD 2: 9521 3: INPE-9521-PRE/5174 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Polamraju, Rajendra Prasad 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 12: Mean orbital elements analysis for orbit keeping 14: 69-79 16: Winter, Othon Cabo 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed. 18: Advances in space dynamics 3: applications in astronautics 38: ISBN 85-17-00006-4 40: En 41: En 42: 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite 88: CBERS 88: orbit keeping 88: orbit inclination 83: The first China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite (CBERS)was launched on 14th Oct. 1999, to explore Earth's natural resources. The orbit of CBERS is a Sun-synchronous polar orbit, highly beneath its orbits. The orbit inclination is such that the precession of the orbit, caused by the non-spherical harmonics of the Earth's gravity field, exactly opposes the annual revolution of the Earth around the Sun. Consequently, the orbital plane will always maintain its position relative to the Sun, the so-called Sun angle, when the satellite crosses the equator. This feature provides constant illumination conditions needed for the imaging payloads. On the other hand, the mission requirements demand precise orbit determination, ephemeris generation and ground track maintenance. In this context, the accurate computation of the "mean" semi-major axis or equivalently "mean" mean motion is an essential requirement in the present mission scenario and consequently can be accomplished with a set of "mean" orbital elements. Classical theory of mean elements does not provide precise solutions for long -term predictions . The impetus of such requirements makes it mandatory to analyze and assess the appropriate set of mean elements for orbit maintenance purposes. In this work, orbit-keeping analysis is carried out through numerical averaging to obtain the set of mean elements. The applicability and operational utility of the resulting, mean elements for precise orbit keeping is demonstrated using both live satellite and simulated data and has been put into operational setup 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10435 1: SID/SCD 2: 9522 3: INPE-9522-PRE/5175 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 10: Furlan, Benedito Marcio P 12: Error analysis for routine orbit determination of the French-Brazilian Micro-Satellite 14: 80-87 16: Winter, Othon Cabo 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed 18: Advances in space dynamics 3: applications in astronautics 38: ISBN 85-17-00006-4 40: En 41: En 42: 53: C¢loquio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 10 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: French Brazilian Micro satellite mission (FBM) 88: Doppler measuremen 88: oscillator stability 88: error analysis 88: routine orbit determination 83: The work presents de error analyses for the routine orbit determination of the, French Brazilian Micro satellite mission. The basic space and ground segment requirements impose usage of single tracking station collecting one-way Doppler measurements, with on-board oscillator stability of medium level for a nearly circular low Earth orbit. The measurement error, and errors steaming from the dynamical modeling were considered. The analysis results depict the achievable, accuracy with such a system as designed to the French Brazilian micro-satellite mission 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10436 1: SID/SCD 2: 9523 3: INPE-9523-PRE/5176 4: ETES 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Chiaradia, Ana Paula Marins 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Single frequency GPS measurements for real time determination of artificial satellite orbit 14: 88-99 16: Winter, Othon Cabo 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed. 18: Advances in space dynamics 3: applications in astronautics 30: Acta Astronautics 31: avaible online Oct. 2002 38: ISBN 85-17-00006-4 40: En 41: En 42: 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: GPS 88: Kalman filtering 88: pseudoranges 88: artificial satellite 88: Topex 88: Poseidon satellite 88: Topex 88: Poseidon satellite 83: A simple procedure to determine the orbit of an artificial satellite in real time, using single frequency GPS measurements, is considered. The estimation method is the extended Kalman filter, which is used to estimate in real, time the spacecraft's orbit on board. The goal of this work is to have relatively standard accuracy (around tens of meters)along with minimum computational cost. The modeled forces are due to the geopotential taking into account the spherical harmonic coefficients up to 50th order and degree of the JGM-2 model. To propagate: the state covariance matrix, it is considered a more simplified model than the one used in the force model. For computing the state transition matrix, the effect J2 is considered. In the measurement model, the single frequency GPS pseudorange is used considering the effects of the ionospheric delay, clock offsets of the GPS and user satellites, and relativist effects. A dual frequency ionosphere model is still used to remove them. Several comparisons are made to assess the effects that should be taken into account, as well as to have a trade-off to weigh amongst accuracy, computer load, fastness, and real time constraints. To validate this model real data are used from Topex/Poseidon satellite, which has a dual frequency GPS receiver on board and the results are compared with the Topex/Poseidon Precision Orbit Ephemeris (POE)generated by NASA/JPL 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10437 1: SID/SCD 2: 9524 3: INPE-9524-PRE/5177 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Carvalho, Gustavo B. 10: Lopes, Roberto Vieira da Fonseca 12: Simulation and test environment for star identification techniques on space applications 14: 100-111 16: Winter, Othon Cabo 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed. 18: Advances in space dynamics 3: applications in astronautics 38: ISBN 85-17-00006-4 40: En 41: En 42: 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: Star Identification Algorithm Test Software (SIATS) 88: star sensor 88: algorithms 88: tool 83: The intent of this work is to show a simulation and test software environment, Star Identification Algorithm Test Software (SIATS). It's used as a tool on star identification techniques research to ease the choice of the best technique for a specific space, application. It supports the research on star sensors utilization for three axis stabilized spacecraft attitude determination systems design. In addition, some already known and used star identification techniques were classified, implemented and generally evaluated. Some variations were introduced in the original techniques algorithms in order to study the performance improvement for specify features on each technique. There, are four possibilities for a star identification: correct identification, misidentification, ambiguous identification and no identification. Some of the tasks of the algorithms are to maximize the probability of a correct identification and to minimize the probability of a misidentification. The execution time and the required memory are also relevant performance parameters. Some of the analyzed star identification techniques require a priori attitude information availability, while others do not, using an auxiliary sky catalogue search technique 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10438 1: SID/SCD 2: 9525 3: INPE-9525-PRE/5178 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Silva, Aurea Aparecida da 10: Moraes, Rodolpho Vilhena de 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 12: Orbit determination with GPS using recursive least squares method with givens rotations 14: 122-131 16: Winter, Othon Cabo 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed. 18: Advances in space dynamics 3: applications in astronautics 38: ISBN 85-17-00006-4 40: En 41: En 42: 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: orbit determination 88: Global Positioning System 88: GPS 88: Pseudoranges 88: recursive 88: least squares method 83: In this paper, we discuss a method of orbit determination for an artificial satellite based on the signals of the GPS constellation. The Global Positioning System is a powerful and low cost process to compute orbits for some artificial Earth satellites. This work presents a method of orbit determination for satellites with an onboard GPS receiver. Pseudoranges are used in the measurement equations for the, orbit estimator. The estimator considered is the recursive least squares method, numerically improved with orthogonal Givens rotations and dos avoiding problems; concerning inversion of matrices. Up to high order geopotential perturbations are taken into account. Preliminary results indicate that precision better than 10m is easily obtained using batches of one orbital period for the, TOPEX satellite (two hours of orbital period). Standard deviation of about 5m resulted for the residuals of pseudo-range measurements 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10439 1: SID/SCD 2: 9901 3: INPE-9901-PRE/5470 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Andreoli, Rita Val‚ria 10: Kayano, Mary Toshie 12: Previsäes de temperatura da superf¡cie do mar no Atlƒntico tropical usando an lises de correla‡äes can“nicas 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 2 Variabilidade e Mudan‡as do Clima 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Statistical models to forecast the sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA)in the Tropical Atlantic (TA)have been constructed using Canonical Correlation Analysis and the SSTA in the TA and/or Equatorial Pacific (EP)as predictors. The models with the predictors in the TA and EP have better skill in the Tropical North Atlantic (TNA)than in the Tropical South Atlantic (TSA)and Equatorial Atlantic (EA). The best 0-5 month forecasts for the TNA occurred from March to June. For the TSA and EA, only for the 0-month forecasts are good. Ours results suggested that monthly models are more appropriated to forecast the SSTA in the TA. The EP and TA as the predictor region should be for November to March months, and the TA for the others months 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10440 1: SID/SCD 2: 9499 3: INPE-9499-PRE/5152 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Oliveira, Gilvan Sampaio 10: Prakki, Satyamurty, 12: Procedimentos para a escolha de um subconjunto com melhor aproveitamento para as previsäes clim ticas 14: 924-933 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 2 Variabilidade e Mudan‡as do Clima 40: Pt 41: En 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: This paper addresses important questions about ensemble climate forecasting system. Given an atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM)ensemble run with a large number of independent integrations, is there a subensemble whose mean, in principle, improves the forecast performance? Is there a way to identify a priori (before running the forecast integrations)a subensemble whose mean can possibly give a performance better or equal to the performance of the whole ensemble? The model is essentially run in forecast mode with fixed SST anomalies and predicted SST anomalies using 25 members. To answer the first question a simple method for successive reduction of ensemble size is developed based on the anomaly correlation coefficient (CCA)between the forecast and the observed fields of precipitation. This method basically eliminates the member of the ensemble which decreases the spatial correlation (over Brazil, in the present study)obtained between the subensemble mean and the observations in relation to the complete ensemble. For all the seasonal forecast runs we found subensembles of 4 to 5 members whose mean performed better than the mean of the complete ensemble or any other subset of members. In cases where the spatial CCA of the complete enesemble is around 0,25 the CCAs of the subensemble had a substantial improvement. This tells us that theoretically a small set of members are sufficient to obtain forecasts as good or better than can be obtained from a 25- member ensemble. To answer the second question, a subgroup of members with the CCA equal to or greater than CCA of the complete ensemble during the spin up period are chosen. The mean of the forecasts based on this subset is found to have a spatial correlation with the observed precipitation of the same order of the complete ensemble. The size of this subset is found to be around 9 members. This method can be employed as a useful tool for economizing the computer time and to obtain early seasonal forecasts. The methods employed in this study can be extended to other regions of the globe, because the best subset and its size can differ from region to region, from season to season and from year to year. RESUMO Este trabalho tenta encontrar respostas para importantes questäes sobre o sistema de previsäes clim ticas por conjuntos. Dada uma rodada de um modelo de circula‡Æo geral da atmosfera (MCGA)com um grande n£mero de integra‡äes independentes, h  um subconjunto no qual a m‚dia, em princ¡pio, aumenta a performance da previsÆo ? H  um m‚todo para identificar "a priori" (antes de submeter as integra‡äes das previsäes)um subconjunto cuja m‚dia pode ter uma performance melhor ou igual … performance daquele conjunto ? O modelo ‚ essencialmente rodado em modo de previsÆo com anomalias de TSM persistidas e previstas usando 25 membros. Para responder a primeira questÆo, foi desenvolvido um m‚todo simples de redu‡Æo sucessiva do tamanho do conjunto baseado no coeficiente de correla‡Æo de anomalias (CCA)entre os campos de previsÆo e observa‡Æo da precipita‡Æo. Este m‚todo basicamente elimina o membro do conjunto que diminui a correla‡Æo espacial (sobre o Brasil, no presente estudo)obtido entre a m‚dia do subconjunto e as observa‡äes em rela‡Æo ao conjunto completo. Para todas as previsäes sazonais foram encontrados subconjuntos de 4 a 5 membros, que tˆm correla‡Æo espacial melhor do que a m‚dia do conjunto completo ou qualquer outro subconjunto de membros. Nos casos onde a CCA espacial de todo o conjunto era em torno de 0,25, as CCAs dos subconjuntos tiveram um substancial aumento. Isto mostra que teoricamente um pequeno n£mero de membros sÆo suficientes para obter previsäes tÆo boas ou melhores do que pode ser obtido de um conjunto de 25 membros. Para responder a segunda questÆo, um sub-grupo de membros com CCA igual ou maior do que a CCA de todo o conjunto durante o per¡odo de "spin up" foi escolhido para a regiÆo sul-americana. A m‚dia das previsäes baseada neste subconjunto foi encontrada e tem correla‡Æo espacial com a precipita‡Æo observada de mesma ordem que o conjunto completo. O tamanho deste subconjunto ‚ em torno de 9 membros. Este m‚todo pode ser implementado como uma ferramenta poderosa para economizar tempo de computador e obter previsäes sazonais com mais antecedˆncia. Os m‚todos implementados neste estudo podem ser estendidos para outras regiäes do globo, porque o melhor subconjunto e seu tamanho pode diferir de regiÆo para regiÆo, de esta‡Æo para esta‡Æo e de ano para ano 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10441 1: SID/SCD 2: 9500 3: INPE-9500-PRE/5153 4: MET 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Chaves, Rosane Rodrigues 10: Nobre, Paulo 12: Avalia‡Æo da influˆncia dos Oceanos na precipita‡Æo do Brasil no verÆo de 2001/2002 atrav‚s do MCG CPTEC-COLA 40: Pt 41: En 42: 58: DSR 58: LMO 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDO DO TEMPO E DO CLIMA 83: The role of SST anomalous over South Atlantic, Indian Ocean and South Pacific in forcing Brazil convection anomalies during summer 2001/2002 has been investigated by means of experiments with the CGM CPTEC/COLA. It is shown that the precipitation anomalies thet led the to end of restriction consumption of energy electric, can be related to the ocean SST anomalies. The results show that the position and intensity of SACZ in this period were influenced significantly by SST anomalies of South Atlantic through of change flow patterns in low and specific humidity field. The others oceans areas also influenced the convection over the Brazil by transient Rossby wave train 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10442 1: SID/SCD 2: 9501 3: INPE-9501-PRE/5154 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Silva, Iuri Rojahn 10: Sansigolo, Cl¢vis angeli 10: Pereira, Cl¢vis Solano 10: Nery, Jonas Teixeira 12: Rela‡äes entre as categorias de precipita‡Æo em regiäes homogˆneas no sul do Brasil e eventos de TSM no Atlƒntico 14: 1429-1436 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 2 Variabilidade e Mudan‡as do Clima 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: LMO 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: The relationships between monthly rainfall categories (below, near and above normal)in South Brazil and the Southwest Atlantic SST were studied. Three rainfall homogeneous groups (Southern, Continental an Coastal)were obtained in the region by cluster analysis, using Ward's method. The relative operating characteristics (ROC)score was used to assess the significant relationships in 3 x 3 contingency tables. Below normal SSTs in the Southwest Atlantic were associated with below normal rainfall in the region, mainly in the Austral Spring and Summer. Above normal SSTs were associated with above normal rainfall in the Coastal group, with Summer rainfall in the Southern group, and with Autumm rainfall in the Continental group 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10443 1: SID/SCD 2: 9502 3: INPE-9502-PRE/5155 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Veiga, Jos‚ Augusto PaixÆo 10: Oliveira Jr., Jos‚ Francisco 10: Kubota, Paulo Yoshio 12: Resposta atmosf‚rica  s anomalias de temperatura da superf¡cie do mar sobre o Oceano Pac¡fico Tropical durante 1998 e 1999: uma an lise observacional 14: 1344-1352 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 2 Variabilidade e Mudan‡as do Clima 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: LMO 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Atmospheric and oceanographic response associated with the El Ni€o and La Ni€a events are described and examined using the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis field and from a climatology of January 1990 to December 2000. The warm phase of ENSO was accompanied by negative anomaly precipitation on the Amazon, northern Australia, and over Indonesia. This anomalies were seen to be relation with the negative anomalous in convection, umidit, and anomaly subsidence over these areas. In a strong and reverse way, positive anomalies in rainfal over the same areas were observed during the La Ni€a case. In this case was show negative SST anomalies in the equatorial central Pacific and equatorial Indian Ocean. Associated with this SST anomaly was found a reverse patter on relation to El Ni€o event 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10444 1: SID/SCD 2: 9503 3: INPE-9503-PRE/5156 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Silva, Maria Elisa Siqueira 10: Franchito, S‚rgio H. 10: Vadlamudi, Brahmananda Rao 12: Simula‡Æo do clima regional da amaz“nia com um modelo estat¡stico-dinƒmico 14: 1411-1420 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 2 Variabilidade e Mudan‡as do Clima 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: LMO 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: A coupled biosphere-atmosphere statistical-dynamical model (SDM)is used for studying the effects of the Amazonian deforestation on regional climate and testing its ability in reproducing the Amazonian climate. A soil moisture model based on BATS has been incoporated in the SDM in order to study the biogeophysical feedback of change in surface characteristics to regional climate due to the deforestation. Comparison with the observations (LBA data)showed that the model is able to simulate the overall behaviour of climate of tropical land region associated with forest and pasture covered areas. The changes in temperature and energy fluxes are in good agreement with earlier GCMs experiments, showing the usefulness of this kind of simple mechanistic model 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10446 1: SID/SCD 2: 9505 3: INPE-9505-PRE/5158 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Moncunil, David Ferran 10: Silva, Emerson Mariano 10: Silva Filho, Vicente de Paula 10: Melciades, Wagner Lu¡s Barbosa 10: Costa, Alexandre Araujo 10: Sun, Liqiang 10: Moura, Antonio Divino 10: Nobre, Paulo 12: Uma breve descri‡Æo do sistema de previsÆo clim tica regionalizada (Downscaling Dinƒmico)implantado na FUNCEME 14: 1291-1296 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 2 Variabilidade e Mudan‡as do Clima 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: FUNCEME (Funda‡Æo Cearense de Meteorologia e Recursos H¡dricos)and IRI (International Research Institute for Climate Prediction)developed a dynamical climate downscaling prediction system over Northeast Brazil, having the NCEP regional spectral model (RSM)and ECHAM atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM)as its core. Sea surface temperature forecasts are produced first, and then used as lower boundary condition forcing for the RSM - ECHAM4.5 AGCM nested system. A number of imulations were performed to obtain the best combination of horizontal resolution and domain size for the RSM. Then, an ensemble of ten runs of the RSM - ECHAM4.5 AGCM nested system was carried out for the period of 1971-2000, using observed SSTs as boundary forcing. Skill estimates obtained from this sort of hindcasting are considered as upper limit of forecast skills. A number of statistical tools were used to correct for systematic and conditional biases in the post-processing of model forecasts. Results of seasonal climate forecasts for February-May 2002 are presented 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10447 1: SID/SCD 2: 9506 3: INPE-9506-PRE/5159 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Veissid, Nelson 12: Variabilidade clim tica caracterizada pelo desvio padrÆo do albedo planet rio 14: 757-771 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 2 Variabilidade e Mudan‡as do Clima 40: Pt 41: En 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: MATERIAIS 83: Albedo is the fraction of the incident solar radiation that is reflected back by a body. The Earth's albedo is the fraction between the radiation reflected outside and the incident solar radiation. Its value depends on the surface and weather conditions. The largest values are found in the sky situation covered by clouds. The variability of the climate has been studied, through the centuries, basically for the variations of the insolation level, temperature, humidity and precipitation of water. All these elements are directly related with the variation of the albedo. In this work an additional alternative is proposed for the representation of the climate variability, by the study of the planetary albedo's standard deviation. Using the experimental data of the Solar Cell Experiment of the satellite SCD2-INPE is calculated the value of this parameter as a function of time for different latitude and longitude values. Monthly geographical images to year of 2000 show the places where the largest deviations standard of the planetary albedo happened and, probably, had the largest perturbations in the climate. RESUMO Albedo ‚ a fra‡Æo da radia‡Æo solar incidente que ‚ refletida de volta por um corpo. O albedo do planeta Terra ‚ a fra‡Æo entre a radia‡Æo refletida para o espa‡o exterior e a radia‡Æo solar incidente. O seu valor depende das condi‡äes de superf¡cie e atmosf‚rica. Os maiores valores sÆo encontrados na situa‡Æo de c‚u coberto por nuvens. A variabilidade do clima vem sendo estudada, atrav‚s dos s‚culos, basicamente pelas varia‡äes do n¡vel de insola‡Æo, temperatura, umidade e precipita‡Æo de  gua. Todos estes elementos estÆo relacionados diretamente com a varia‡Æo do albedo. Neste trabalho ‚ proposta uma alternativa complementar para a representa‡Æo da variabilidade clim tica pelo estudo do desvio padrÆo do albedo planet rio. Usando os dados experimentais do Experimento C‚lula Solar do sat‚lite SCD2 do INPE calcula-se o valor deste parƒmetro em fun‡Æo do tempo para diferentes valores de latitude e longitude. Imagens geogr ficas mensais do ano de 2000 mostram os locais onde aconteceram os maiores desvios padrÆo do albedo planet rio e, provavelmente, teve as maiores perturba‡äes no clima 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10448 1: SID/SCD 2: 9507 3: INPE-9507-PRE/5160 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Mota, Maria Aurora Santos 10: Nobre, Carlos Afonso 12: Varia‡Æo da energia potencial convectiva dispon¡vel (CAPE)e sua rela‡Æo com precipita‡Æo observada durante o Wet-AMC/LBA 14: 1094-1101 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 2 Variabilidade e Mudan‡as do Clima 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: Radiosonde date from the Wet Season Atmospheric Mesoscale Campaign of the Large Scale Biosphere Atmosphere Experiment in Amaz“nia (Wet-AMC/LBA), was held in January-February 1999 in Rond“nia-Brazil and rainfall date were used in this study. Analysis of the transient variability of convective available potential energy (CAPE)and any possible relationship between precipitation and parcel energy was carried out. Results show that heavy rainfall is not all the time related to the great values of the CAPE, or vice versa. This means that the rainfall was not due only to local thermodynamics effects, associated with surface warning that allows the formation of convective cells, but dynamic factors also contributed for the precipitations occurrence in the region 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10449 1: SID/SCD 2: 9508 3: INPE-9508-PRE/5161 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Reis, Ruibran Janu rio 10: Pinto Junior, Osmar 12: Verifica‡Æo da influˆncia dos fen“menos El Ni€o e La Ni€a na distribui‡Æo espacial das descargas atmosf‚ricas em Minas Gerais 14: 821-831 38: Comitˆ Tem tico - 2 Variabilidade e Mudan‡as do Clima 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 83: The goal of this work is investigate the relationship between the cloud-to-ground lightning incidence in the state of Minas Gerais and the phenomena of El Ni€o e La Ni€a, for the period from 1989 and 2000. In general, in the El Ni€o years the lightning density decreases with respect the average value in the period, whereas in the La Ni€a years the opposite occurs. In spite of the short period investigated, it was found that the lightning incidence in the state of Minas Gerais shows significant variations in the years of El Ni€o e La Ni€a 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10451 1: SUD/SCD 2: 9510 3: INPE-9510-PRE/5163 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kane, Rajaram Purushottam 12: Mismatch between variations of solar indices, stratospheric ozone and UV-B observed at ground 14: 2063-2074 30: Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics 31: 64 32: 18 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: Dec. <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: Varia‡äes solares 87: ozonio 87: UV-B 87: ciclo solar 88: solar variations 88: ozone 88: UV-B 88: solar cycle 83: In solar cycles 22-23, all solar indices showed maxima near 1990 and 2000 and minima in 1996. The maximum to minimum variation was only similar to1-2 percent in the UV range 240-350 nm. Dobson ozone intensities did not show any clear relationship with solar cycle and ozone variations were less than 10 percent. The UV-B (295-325 nm)observed at ground by Brewer spectrophotometers at some locations had variations of similar to 50-100 percent for 295-300 nm, and similar to20-50 percent for 305-325 run. The maxima were in different years at different locations (even with separations of only similar to300 km), did not match with the solar cycle, and were far too large to be explained on the basis of ozone changes (1 decrease of ozone is expected to cause similar to 2 percent increase of UV-B). Thus, if the data are not bad, the UV-B changes do not match with solar activity or ozone changes and must be mostly due to other local effects (clouds, etc.?). When data are averaged over wide geographical regions, UV-B variation ranges are smaller (similar to10-20 percent, , probably because localised, highly varying cloud effects get filtered out), and are roughly as expected from ozone variations 83: 83: 91: FDB-20021223 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10454 1: SID/SCD 2: 9526 3: INPE-9526-PRE/5179 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Fonseca, Ijar Milagre 10: Santos, Marcelo C 12: SACI-2 attitude control subsystem 14: 197-209 16: Winter, Othon Cabo 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed. 18: Advances in space dynamics 3: applications in astronautics 38: ISBN 85-17-00006-4 40: En 41: En 42: 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: attitude control 88: low Earth orbit (LEO) 88: Brazilian Scientific Satellite 88: SACI 2 88: computer simulations 88: spin stabilization 83: This work deals with the attitude dynamics and control of the second Brazilian Scientific Satellite SACI-2. It is a low Earth orbit (LEO)micro satellite with scientific and collecting data purposes. The work- presented in this paper involves mathematical modeling and computer simulations. In a first phase the satellite mathematical model has been derived taking into account only a partially filled ring nutation damper in order to analyze the damper performance in keeping the spin axis aligned to the angular momentum vector. In a second phase the mathematical models of the Earth magnetic field, torque coils, sensors, and control laws have been included in the satellite mathematical model to analyze the attitude control efficacy 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10455 1: SID/SCD 2: 9527 3: INPE-9527-PRE/5180 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Freitas, Wantuir Aparecido 10: Ricci, M rio Cesar 12: Reduction of structural vibrations induced by solar array drive mechanisms, in artificial satellites, using input shaping control techniques: a preliminary approach 14: 210-225 16: Winter, Othon Cabo 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed 18: Advances in space dynamics 3: applications in astronautics 38: ISBN 85-17-00006-4 40: En 41: En 42: 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: artificial satellites 88: solar array 88: structural vibrations 88: Solar Array Drive Assembley (SADA) 83: This paper introduces a preliminary insight into the field of the control of the structural vibrations induced by actuators in artificial satellites. Actually, the subject is in development at DMC/INPE as a master's dissertation proposition and the main aspects concerned with the theme will be described here. Structural vibrations induced by actuators can be minimized through the effective use of feedforward input shaping. Actuators commands are convoluted with an input shaping function to yield an equivalent shaped set of actuator commands. The shaped commands are designed to achieve the desired maneuver and minimize the residual structural vibrations. In this research input shaping is being extended for stepper motor actuators. An input shaping technique based on pole-zero cancellation is to be used to modify the the Solar Array Drive Assembley (SADA)stepper motor commands for a hypothetical satellite. A series of impulses shall be calculate as the ideal SADA output for vibration control and shall be discretized for use by de SADA actuator. Simulations of the SADA's torques shall be used to calculate the linear structural response and we intent to maintain residual vibrations below the magnitude of baseline cases. This work shows an introduction, a review of the literature, the pole-zero cancellation theory for discrete time systems evolving robustness and multiple-mode considerations and the shaper's time domain implementation. The extension of theory for stepper motors and error criteria for ranking of the many possible input shaper solutions also are shown 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10456 1: SID/SCD 2: 9528 3: INPE-9529-PRE/5182 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Felipe, Gislene de 10: Orado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 10: Beaug‚, Vristian 12: Orbital transfer between halo orbits and the primaries in the Earth-Moon system 14: 226-237 16: Winter, Othon Cabo 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed 18: Advances in space dynamics 3: applications in astronautics 38: ISBN 85-17-00006-4 40: En 41: En 42: 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: orbital transfers 88: Earth-Moon system 88: Halo orbits 88: three-body problem 88: Lagrangian equilibrium points 88: Lambert method 88: orbis maneuvers 83: This paper has the goal of studying the problem of orbital transfers between Halo orbits and the primaries in the Earth-Moon system. Halo orbits are special three-dimensional trajectories that exist around the Lagrangian points of the restricted three-body problem. These orbits are studied in several papers, since they have important applications in astronautics. The first step involved in this research is to perform the determination of the Halo orbits. To do that, an analytic calculation is performed using the Linstedt-Poincar‚ method. The present paper considers that a maneuver will be performed to transfer the spacecraft from an initial orbit around the Earth to insert the spacecraft in a Halo orbit, and then from the Halo, to the Moon. Transfers between two Halo orbits are also considered. After that, the return trajectories from the Moon to the Earth passing by the Halo are also studied. The control that will be used to achieve that goal is constituted by a series of instantaneous change in the velocity of the spacecraft. A numerical algorithm based in the Lambert Problem is built to calculate the transfer orbits. This maneuver is required Men it is desired to use the Halo as a parking orbit to transfer a spacecraft between the Earth and the Moon 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10457 1: SID/SCD 2: 9528 3: INPE-9528-PRE/5181 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rocco, Evandro Marconi 10: Souza, Marcelo Lopes de Oliveira e 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Station Keeping of Satellite Constellation with time contraint using optimal bi-impulsive maneuvers 14: 238-256 16: Winter, Othon Cabo 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed 18: Advances in space dynamics 3: applications in astronautics 38: ISBN 85-17-00006-4 40: En 41: En 42: 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: orbital maneuvers 88: constellations of satellites 88: fuel consumption 88: impulsive maneuvers 88: time constraint 88: stationkeeping 83: In this work we study the problem of orbital station keeping maneuvers of symmetrical constellations of satellites with minimum fuel consumption using impulsive maneuvers with time constraint. This time constraint imposes a new characteristic to the problem, that rules out the majority of the transfer methods available in the literature. Due to the satellites constraints, we have the problem of simultaneously optimizing the maneuver for n satellites. Thus, the goal of this work is to formulate and to study maneuver strategies that, in some way, make it possible to obtain solutions with small fuel consumption and time constraint considering all the satellites in the constellation, thus we have a multi-objective problem 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10458 1: SID/SCD 2: 9530 3: INPE-9530-PRE/5183 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vieira Neto, Enersto 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Minimum energy gravitational capture considering the eccentricity of the primaries 14: 257-271 16: Winter, Othon Cabo 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed 18: Advances in space dynamics 3: applications in astronautics 38: ISBN 85-17-00006-4 40: En 41: En 42: 53: C¢loquio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 10 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: fuel consumption 88: transfer orbits 88: gravitational effects 83: The gravitational capture can be used to minimize fuel consumption in transfer orbits missions. The main studies of the gravitational capture uses only the circular model, that is, with zero eccentricity. In this work, the effects of the eccentricity and the pericenter position are studied. The results show that when the minor primary is at the periapsis (y = 0 degree)the savings are best. Also, as the eccentricity is enhanced, this effect is amplified. With these results is possible to set some problems to take advantages of the mechanism. Two examples are shown 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10459 1: SID/SCD 2: 9531 3: INPE-9531-PRE/5184 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Impulsive transfer to/from the lagrangian point in the Earth -sun system 14: 272-286 16: Winter, Othon Cabo 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed. 18: Advances in space dynamics 3: applications in astronautics 38: ISBN 85-17-00006-4 40: En 41: En 42: 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: three-body problem 88: transfer orbits 88: lagrange points 88: Lambert method 83: This paper is concerned with trajectories to transfer a spacecraft between the Lagrange points of the Sun-Earth system and the Sun. The Lagrange points have important applications in astronautics, since they are equilibrium points of the equation of motion and very good candidates to locate a satellite or a space station. The planar circular restricted three-body problem in two dimensions is used as the model for the Sun-Earth system, and Lemaitre regularization is used to avoid singularities during the numerical integration required to solve the Lambert's three-body problem. The results show families of transfer orbits, parameterized by the transfer time 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10460 1: SID/SCD 2: 9532 3: INPE-9532-PRE/5185 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Chiaradia, Ana Paula Marins 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 12: Autonomous coplanar orbital maneuver using GPS systems 14: 286-279 16: Winter, Othon Cabo 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed 18: Advances in space dynamics 3: applications in astronautics 38: ISBN 85-17-00006-4 40: En 41: En 42: 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: orbital maneuvers 88: autonomou 88: Lambert method 88: artificial satellite 88: real time 88: Kalaman Filtering 88: artificial satellite 83: Three algorithms are tested to calculate and perform autonomous orbital maneuvers in satellite. One of them is implemented and tested numerically. Some of in this algorithm are performed for use in real-time onboard applications. First of all, a simplified and compact algorithm is used to estimate in real-time and on board the artificial satellite orbit, using the GPS measurements. By using the, estimated orbit as the initial one and the information of the final orbit, a coplanar bi-impulsive maneuver is calculated. This maneuver searches for the minimum fuel consumption. To solve this problem, the "Minimum Delta-V Lambert Problem" is used. Two kinds of maneuvers are performed, one varying the semimajor axis and the other varying the semimajor axis and the eccentricity, simultaneously. The obtained results are always according to the expected results. The possibilities of restrictions in the locations to apply the impulses are included, as well as the possibility to control the relation between the processing time and the solution accuracy. They are the two main reasons to recommend this method for use in the proposed application 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10461 1: SID/SCD 2: 9533 3: INPE-9533-PRE/5186 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Correa, Annelise Aiex 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 10: Stuchi, Teresinha de Jesus 12: Impulsive transfers from halo orbits in the Earth-Moon system 14: 298-316 16: Winter, Othon Cabo 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed 18: Advances in space dynamics 3: applications in astronautics 38: ISBN 85-17-00006-4 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Coloquio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 10 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: three-body problem 88: Halo orbits 88: Earth and the Moon 88: Lambert Method 88: hahmann maneuver 88: fuel consumption 83: The motivation of this work is the periodic solutions in the restricted three-body problem, in particular, the tridimensional periodic orbits around de collinear equilibrium points known as Halo orbits. The system studied here is formed by the Earth and the Moon, which are assumed to move in circular orbits around their center of mass, and the third body, with negligible mass which, moves under their gravitational field. In this context are also interested in finding optimal transfer orbits to put a space vehicle in one of the Halo orbits around the interior point L1. Firstly, we have applied Lambert's method for orbits transfer, in the context of the restricted three-body problem. Secondly, we analyzed the natural instability of the Halo orbits as a way of getting more economical tranfer orbits than de Lambert's method provides. Finally, we compare the total fuel consumption of these methods and discuss the advantages and limitations of each method 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10462 1: SID/SCD 2: 9534 3: INPE-9534-PRE/5187 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Felipe, Gislene de 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: A comparison between maneuvers with two and three impulses for artificial satellites 14: 324-335 16: Winter, Othon Cabo 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed 18: Advances in space dynamics 3: applications in astronautics 38: ISBN 85-17-00006-4 40: En 41: En 42: 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: coplanar impulsive orbital 88: Lambert metho 88: bi-impulsive transfer 88: artificial satellites 88: controle optimal 83: The objective of this paper is to compare a method available in the literature for planar three-impulsive transfers of artificial satellites with an optimum bi-impulsive maneuver. To perform this task, both methods are implemented and used to generate results that quantify that comparison. The three-impulsive maneuver considered is not optimum, in terms of the fuel consumption point of view, however an optimum three-impulsive maneuver contains a passage by the infinite. So, the three-impulsive maneuver considered here is a more practical maneuver, because the time required is finite. The main goal is to evaluate quantitatively the differences in terms of fuel consumption between the two maneuvers 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10463 1: SID/SCD 2: 9535 3: INPE-9535-PRE/5188 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Schulz, Walkiria 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 10: Moraes, Rodolpho Vilhena de 12: Trajectory optimization using atmospheric maneuvers 14: 336-347 16: Winter, Othon Cabo 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed. 18: Advances in space dynamics 3: applications in astronautics 38: ISBN 85-17-00006-4 40: En 41: En 42: 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: consumo de combust¡vel 87: transferˆncia de orbita 88: atmospheric maneuvers 88: fuel consumption 88: orbit transfer 83: To take more advantage of the gains due to atmospheric maneuvers, we need to develop an optimal control law to maneuver the satellite. This control law should minimize the fuel consumption required by the velocity variation due to engines on board the satellite. With this in mind, the aim of the present work is to establish what is the performance gam that can be achieved using aerodynamic forces combined with propulsive ones, with the objective of changing a satellite orbital plane around the Earth. Results of several simulations are presented. Analytical solutions are compared with numerical ones to find the cases where its convenient to perform an atmospheric maneuver. A new analytical solution is founding that reproduces; the previous numerical results MFN: 10464 1: SID/SCD 2: 9536 3: INPE-9536-PRE/5189 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Jesus, Antonio Delson Concei‡Æo de 10: Souza, Marcelo LOpes de Oliveira e 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: A comparison of direct and hybrid solutions to the problem of orbital maneuvers of an artificial satellite 14: 348-362 16: Winter, Othon Cabo 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed 18: Advances in space dynamics 3: applications in astronautics 38: ISBN 85-17-00006-4 40: En 41: En 42: 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: sat‚lite artificial 87: transferˆncia de orbita 87: manobra orbital 88: hybrid solutions 88: artificial satellite 88: orbital maneuvers 88: orbital transfer 83: In this paper we compare direct and hybrid solutions to the problem of orbital maneuvers of an artificial satellite under different conditions without errors and/or perturbations. We used the direct and the hybrid control methods to obtain our results. The maneuvers were simulated with different constraints (in the semi-major axis, in the eccentricity, in the inclination, etc.)with different numbers of propulsion ares. In both we used the gradient method using several values for the numerical quantities, such as: constraint tolerance (TVIN), tolerance for the search of the optimal solution (TOL), initial range angle (So), final range angle (Sf ) and thrust vector magnitude (TAL). For the first example studied we present the results in Figure 1. There, the transfer is between two high orbits (from 99.000 km to 104.000 km), the eccentricity is 0,714 and the inclination is 10,00. The transfer is planar with a propulsion are of 23§ . We obtained the value 10-7 for the constraint in the semi-major axis. Our results show excellent agreement with the previous works (Biggs, Prado) 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10465 1: SID/SCD 2: 9537 3: INPE-9537-PRE/5190 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Jesus, Antonio Delson Concei‡Æo de 10: Souza, Marcelo Lopes de Oliveira e 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertchani de Almeida 12: A survey on the problem of orbital maneuvers for an artificial satellite 14: 363-396 16: Winter, Othon Cabo 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed 18: Advances in space dynamics 3: applications in astronautics 38: ISBN 85-17-00006-4 40: En 41: En 42: 53: C¢loquio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 10 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: manobra orbital 87: sat‚lite artificial 88: orbital maneuvers 88: artificial satellite 83: In this paper we present a survey on the problem of orbital maneuvers for an artificial satellite under different conditions, covering papers starting from 1919. These papers considered several types of orbital maneuvers, including coplanar, non-coplanar, rendezvous, etc. Special orbits are included such as: transfers to the asteroids, aerocaptures, swing-bys, aeroatissisted, etc. Orbits under natural perturbations and transfers under thrust errors are also analyzed. We also considered direct and hybrid solutions to the problem, of orbital maneuvers for an artificial satellite under different conditions without and with errors and/or perturbations. The maneuvers are considered with different constraints (in the semi-major axis, eccentricity, inclination, etc.)with different numbers of propulsion ares. The few papers that study maneuvers with errors are of special interest 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10466 1: SID/SCD 2: 9538 3: INPE-9538-PRE/5191 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Jesus, Antonio Delson Concei‡Æo de 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 10: Souza, Marcelo Lopes de Oliveira e 12: Monte-carlo analysis of nonimpulsive orbital transfer under thrust errors, 3 14: 397-408 16: Winter, Othon Cabo 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed 18: Advances in space dynamics 3: application in astronautics 38: ISBN 85-17-00006-4 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Col¢quio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 10 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 83: In this paper we studied statistically orbital maneuvers with finite propulsion under thrust errors. We studied two transfer maneuvers: a)a high orbit low thrust coplanar theoretical transfer; and b)a middle orbit high thrust noncoplanar practical transfer (1st transfer of the satellite EUTELSAT II-F2).These transfers were realized with magnitude and direction ("pitch" and "yaw")errors in the thrust applied to the satellite. This errors were modeled as stochastic processes: random-bias and white or pink noise, with zero mean and adjustable variance gaussian probability functions. We also studied the 1st moment (mathematical expectation)of the standard deviation of each thrust error. The general results suggest simple nonlinear relations between the causes (in the initial instant)and effects (in the final instant), and a progressive deformation of the trajectory distribution along the propulsive arc. Finally, we compared and related both results, the gaussian and the uniform results 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10467 1: SID/SCD 2: 9539 3: INPE-9539-PRE/5192 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: A fourth-order method for the third-body perturbation: application to retrograde orbits 14: 94-111 16: Winter, Othon Cabo 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed. 18: Advances in space dynamics 2: applications in astronomy 38: ISBN 85-17-00005-6 40: En 41: En 42: 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: perturbation 88: third body 88: orbit pertubation 83: This paper develops a semi-analytical study of the perturbation caused to a spacecraft by a third body involved in the dynamics. There are several important applications for this research, such calculate the effect of lunar and solar perturbations on high-altitude Earth satellites. In this present research the goal is to study the evolution of retrograde orbits around the Earth. There is a special interest to see under which conditions a near-circular orbit remains near-circular. The existence of circular, equatorial and frozen orbits are also considered. The results are valid for any system primaries by making a time transformation that depends on the masses of the bodies involved. Several plots will show the time-histories of the Keplerian elements of the orbits involved 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10468 1: SID/SCD 2: 9540 3: INPE-9540-PRE/5193 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Celestino, Cl udia Celeste 10: Wintyer, Othon Cabo 12: A comparasion between the phase space structures of the three-body problem for different mass ratio 14: 56-62 16: Winter, Othon Cabo 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed. 18: Advances in space dynamics 2: applications in astronomy 38: ISBN 85-17-00005-6 40: En 41: En 42: 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: three-body problem 88: chaos 88: resonances 88: phase space 83: Considering the planar, circular, restricted three-body problem we show the structure of the phase space of the exterior physical region for the mass ratios u = 10-3 (Sun-Jupiter)and nn =5.168 x 10-5;(Sun-Neptune). The, structure is presented in the space a (semi-major axis)versus e (eccentricity)in terms of chaotic and regular regions associated to mean motion resonances. The regular regions defined as being those due to the maximum amplitude of libration around periodic orbits and those due to quasi-periodic orbits of circulation. The remaining regions are chaotics. The structure are derived from Poincar‚ surfaces of section. The results show remarkable differences depending on the mass ratio. As expected, the width of libration regions due to resonances is wider for u, than for un., However , there are more resonances evident in the structure for uN than for u. The results reveal that resonances of order higher than one play an important role in the structure of the phase space for un 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10469 1: SID/SCD 2: 9541 3: INPE-9541-PRE/5194 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Domingos, Rita de C ssia 10: Winter, Othon 12: The cross-section of the Earth and of the Moon 14: 25-31 16: Winter, Othon Cabo 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed. 18: Advances in space dynamics 2: applications in astronomy 38: ISBN 85-17-00005-6 40: En 41: En 42: 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: cross-section 88: three-body problem 83: The extension of the gravity fields of the Earth and of the Moon affect the impact probabilities of celestial bodies with them. The gravitational attraction can imply on a cross-section larger than the a of the maximum geometrical circle formed by the earth (or Moon). However, this effect depends on the velocity of the body relative to the Earth (or Moon). Following the work of Tatum (1997)we present an analytical model based on the definition of gravity assisted trajectories. The results of this analytical study were compared to fall numerical integration of the planar circular restricted three-body problem. The cross- section from the analytical model are in good agreement with the numerical results,, but always overestimating its radius. From the numerical results we found that for low relative velocities , V, the effective cross-section radius is a few times the geometric cross-section radius. For V=3 km/s the effective radius of Earth's cross-section increases by a factor of 4. In the case of the Moon, for V=1 km/s, the factor is about 2.5 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10470 1: SID/SCD 2: 9542 3: INPE-9542-PRE/5195 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Macau, Elbert Einstein Neher 12: Using control of chaos to control orbita motion in a hill problem 14: 251-262 16: Winter, Othon Cabo 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed. 18: Advances in space dynamics 2: applications in astronomy 38: ISBN 85-17-00005-6 40: En 41: En 42: 57: BR 58: LIT 61: 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: CAPL 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: chaos 88: control orbits 88: hill method 83: The sensitive dependence on initial condition, which is the hallmark of chaos, has been exploited both theoretically and experimentally in the guidance of spacecraft. In general, chaos in a physical system implies accessibility to a wide range of system behaviors without requiring large perturbation. Thus, a chaotic trajectory can be used to accomplish interplanetary transfer operations expending very small amount of fuel. Besides the property of "sensitive dependence on initial condition, a chaotic invariant set has a dense set of unstable periodic orbits embedded in it. The well-known chaos control techniques use these orbits to stabilize chaotic trajectories. The purpose of this work is to show that the chaos control techniques can be used to efficiently keep a spacecraft around another body performing elaborate orbits. We consider a satellite and spacecraft moving initially in coplanar and circular orbits, with slightly different radii, around heavy central planet. The spacecraft, which is the inner body, has a slightly larger angular velocity than the satellite so that, after some time, they eventually go to a situation in which the distance between them becomes sufficiently small, so that they start to interact with one another. Considering this situation, we show that chaos control technique based on the OGY method can be used to keep the spacecraft in a desired orbit about a satellite. We also analyze the results and make considerations regarding a realistic scenario of space exploration 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10471 1: SID/SCD 2: 9293 3: INPE-9293-PRP/234 4: ETES 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: DurÆo, Otavio Santos Cupertino 16: Schad, Valter Ricardo 16: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 16: Lopes, Roberto Vieira da Fonseca 16: Carvalho, Himilcon de Castro 16: Esper, Maury 18: Plataforma integrada sensores inerciais/GPS 38: Relat¢rio Final - Fase II 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DMC 59: Programa PIPE/FAPESP 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: PRP 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 83: Este projeto de pesquisa integra em uma mesma plataforma sensores inerciais e receptores GPS de baixo custo, com o objetivo de determina‡Æo de trajet¢rias e atitude. Al‚m da integra‡Æo mecƒnica, tamb‚m sÆo implementados os algoritmos, processamento e tratamento de sinais necess rios. Como resultado tem-se em uma plataforma de pequeno porte e massa uma unidade prot¢tipo capaz de oferecer resultados melhores do que seus componentes (GPS e sensores inerciais)quando atuam isoladamente com o mesmo fim.A plataforma integrada compensa restri‡äes que estes componentes possuem quando atuam isoladamente. Por exemplo, o uso do receptor GPS isoladamente pode nÆo ser poss¡vel continuamente, devido a restri‡äes geom‚tricas tempor rias de posicionamento que impe‡am a visibilidade dos sat‚lites do sistema GPS em quantidade necess ria para a determina‡Æo de trajet¢ria e atitude. Outras causas tempor rias de perda de sinal GPS ocorrem devido …s falhas na transmissÆo do sinal. Tamb‚m a freqˆncia de leitura do receptor GPS pode nÆo ser suficiente em certos casos, e esta freqˆncia ser  substancialmente aumentada com sua integra‡Æo com os sensores inerciais. A determina‡Æo de trajet¢ria e atitude com o uso de um receptor GPS possui bons resultados a longo prazo; em contrapartida os sensores inerciais fornecem bons resultados no curto prazo. A integra‡Æo destes dois tipos de equipamentos (receptor GPS e sensores inerciais)elimina estas deficiˆncias.A Fase I do projeto analisou a viabilidade desta integra‡Æo para uma gama variada de aplica‡äes. Como resultado, na Fase II, de desenvolvimento, construiu-se um modelo pr‚-industrial do sistema com caracter¡sticas modulares, ao qual foi dada a sigla SMAN - Sistema Modular de Atitude e Navega‡Æo. O seu uso permite o atendimento a diferentes aplica‡äes e especifica‡äes de precisÆo, atrav‚s da substitui‡Æo modular de alguns componentes do sistema, notadamente da plataforma de sensores inerciais, e do reconfigura‡Æo do software. Deste modo aplica‡äes de baixa precisÆo poderÆo ser atendidas com sensores de baixo custo, sem que isto impe‡a a utiliza‡Æo do sistema em outras aplica‡äes de melhor precisÆo, desde que utilizando-se outros sensores de melhor qualidade 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10472 1: SID/SCD 2: 9842 3: INPE-9842-PRE/5426 4: MET 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Cavalcanti, Iracema Fonseca Albuquerque 10: Marengo, Jose Antonio 10: Prakki, Satyamurty 10: Nobre, Carlos Afonso 10: Trosnikov, I 10: Bonatti, Jos‚ Paulo 10: Manzi, Antonio Ocimar 10: Tarasova, Tatiana Alekandrovna 10: Pezzi, Luciano Ponzi 10: D' Almeida, C. 10: Sampaio, Gilvan 10: Castro, C.C. 10: Sanches, M.B. 10: Camargo, L 12: Global climatological features in a simulation using the CPTEC-COLA AGCM 14: 2965-2988 30: Journal of Climate 31: 15 32: 21 40: En 41: En 42: 58: CPT 61: 64: Nov. <2002> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDO DO TEMPO E DO CLIMA 88: general-circulation model 88: community-climate-model 88: sea 88: surface temperature 88: atmospheric model 88: intercomparison project 88: gcm simulations 88: biosphere model 88: energy budget 88: variability 88: parameterization 83: The Center for Weather Forecasting and Climate Studies-Center for ocean-Land-Atmosphere Studies (CPTEC-COLA)atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM)is integrated with nine initial conditions for 10 yr to obtain the model climate in an ensemble mode. The global climatological characteristics simulated by the model are compared with observational data, and emphasis is given to the Southern Hemisphere and South America. Evaluation of the model's performance is presented by showing systematic errors of several variables, and anomaly correlation and reproducibility are applied to precipitation. The model is able to simulate the main features of the global climate, and the results are consistent with analyses of other AGCMs. The seasonal cycle is reproduced well in all analyzed variables, and systematic errors occur at the same regions in different seasons. The Southern Hemisphere convergence zones are simulated reasonably well, although the model overestimates precipitation in the southern portions and underestimates it in the northern portions of these systems. The high-and low-level main circulation features such as the subtropical highs, subtropical jet streams, and storm tracks are depicted well by the model, albeit with different intensities from the reanalysis. The stationary waves of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres are weaker in the model; however, the dominant wavenumbers are similar to the observations. The energy budget analysis shows values of some radiative fluxes that are close to observations, but the unbalanced fluxes in the atmosphere and at the surface indicate that the radiation and cloud scheme parameterizations need to be improved. Besides these improvements, changes in the convection scheme and higher horizontal resolution to represent orographic effects better are being planned to improve the model's performance 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10473 1: SID/SCD 2: 9949 3: INPE-9949-PRE/5509 4: MET 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Chagas, J.C.S. 10: Newnham, D.A. 10: Smith, K.M. 10: Shine, K.P 12: Impact of new measurements of oxygen collision-induced absorption on estimates of short-wave atmospheric absorption 14: 2377-2396 30: Quarterly Journal of The Royal Meteorological Society 31: 128 32: 585 Part A 40: En 41: En 42: 58: CPT 61: 64: Oct. <2002> 68: PRE 87: CLIMATOLOGY 88: solar radiation 88: water vapor 88: cross sections 88: intensites 88: modelscattering 88: irradiance 88: molecules 83: A new set of laboratory measurements of the 1.06 mum and 1.27 mum collision-induced bands of gaseous oxygen is presented. Absorption by pure oxygen and mixtures of oxygen with nitrogen and argon was observed using a Fourier transform spectrometer for temperatures between 230 and 295 K and pressures between 1 and 5 bar. Binary cross-sections derived from the measurements were used to estimate the impacts on estimates of clear-sky climatological absorption of solar irradiance. Monthly climatological atmospheric profiles averaged over 10degrees latitude belts were used to study the temporal and annual variation of the impacts. The global- and annual-mean clear-sky extra-absorption was 0.58 W m(-2)(about 1percent of the absorption by water vapour and ozone), 0.42 W m(-2)due to the 1.27 mum band and 0.16 W m(-2)due to the 1.06 mum band. If estimates for other oxygen collision-induced bands taken from previous studies are added, an overall impact of about 1 W m(-2)results 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10474 1: SID/SCD 2: 9712 3: INPE-9712-PRE/5307 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de 10: Kantor, Ivan Jelinek 10: Sobral, Jos‚ Humberto Andrade 10: Takahashi, Hisao 10: Santana, Daniela Cristina 10: Gobbi, Delano 10: Medeiros, Amauri Fragoso de 10: Limiro, L.A.T. 10: Kil, H. 10: Taylor, Michael J. 10: Kintner, P.M. 12: Ionospheric irregularity zonal velocities over Cachoeira Paulista 14: 1511-1616 30: Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 31: 64 32: 12-14 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: Aug.-Sep. <2002> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 88: GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM 88: EQUATORIAL SPREAD-F 88: RADAR OBSERVATIONS 88: DRIFTS 88: SCINTILLATION 88: BRAZIL 88: DISTURBANCES 83: We have studied the zonal drift velocity of nighttime ionospheric irregularities from Cachoeira Paulista (22.41degreesS, 45degreesW, dip latitude - 17.43degrees), a station under the Equatorial Anomaly, from December 1998 to February 1999 using LI band GPS receivers and OI 630 nm all-sky images. The average decimetric solar flux index for this period of increasing solar activity was about 145 and magnetically quiet days with SigmaKp < 24 were selected. The GPS technique used receivers spaced 55 in in the magnetic east-west direction and probed small scale plasma structures (scale size about 400 m)at altitudes near 350 kill. The zonal irregularity drift velocities measured by this technique were eastward with values of about 160 m/s at 20 LT, about 140 m/s around midnight, and decreased further in the post-midnight sector. The variability of these drifts decreased significantly after midnight. The zonal velocities of large scale plasma structure were obtained using 01630 nm all-sky images from a region located about 24.1degreesS and 45degreesW at a nominal height of 250 kin which corresponds to the bubble projection along the magnetic field lines to 350 km over Cachoeira Paulista. These all-sky imager derived zonal drifts are also eastward, but have magnitudes smaller than the spaced GPS eastward drifts, particularly in the pre-midnight sector. We will discuss these two drift measurement techniques and the interpretation of our results 91: FDB-20020917 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10475 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Caproni, A. 10: Abrahan, Zulema 10: Vilas Boas, Jos‚ Williams dos Santos 12: Physical conditions in the NGC 6334 molecular cloud derived from non-LTE NH3 (,1)transition 14: 234-237 18: Proceedings 38: (IAU Symposium 206)ISBN 1-58381-112-5 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Cosmic MASERs: from protostar to blackoles 54: 5-10 Mar. <2002> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFISICA 91: FDB-20021213 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10476 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Lopes, A.L. 10: Abrahan, Zulema 10: Caproni, A. 10: L‚pine, J.R.D. 10: Vilas Boas, Jos‚ Williams dos Santos 12: Non-LTH NH3 (1,1)observed toward Southern Hemisphere compact regions 14: 238-241 18: Proceedings 38: (IAU Symposium 206)ISBN 1-58381-112-5 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Cosmic MASERs: from protostar to blackoles 54: 5-10 Mar. <2002> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTRPFISICA 91: FDB-20021213 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10477 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Kintner, P.M. 10: Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de 10: Ledvina, B.N. 12: Na experiment to measure GPSA L1 amplitude scintillation shapes and time scales at equatorial anomaly 18: Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Ionospheric Effects Symposium (IES 2002) 54: 7-9 May <2002> 56: Alexandria 57: USA 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTRPFISICA 91: FDB-20021213 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10478 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Klobuchar, J. 10: Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de 10: Doherth, R. 10: Elarini, M.B. 10: Lejune, R. 10: Dehel, T. 10: Rodrigues, F.S 12: Ionopheric issues for a SBAS in the equatorial region 18: Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Ionospheric Effects Symposium (IES 2002) 54: 7-9 May <2002> 56: Alexandria 57: USA 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFISICA 91: FDB-20021213 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10479 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rodrigues, F.S. 10: Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de 10: Iyer, N.B. 10: Kintner, P.M. 10: Hysell, D.L. 10: Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali 12: ESF irregularity characteristics over SÆo Lu¡s (Brasil)using VHF radar and GPS scintillation techniques 18: Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Ionospheric Effects Symposium (IES 2002) 54: 7-9 May <2002> 56: Alexandria 57: USA 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFISICA 91: FDB-20021213 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10480 1: Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de 10: Rodrigues, F.S 12: GPS scintillations: equatorial anomaly and solar cycle effects 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Semin rio sobre Ionosfera 54: 4 mar. <2002> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 91: FDB-20021213 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10481 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Batista, Inez Staciarini 12: Spread F accurrence in Brazil 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Semin rio sobre Ionosfera 54: 4 Mar. <2002> 56: Alexandria 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 91: FDB-20021213 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10482 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali 12: Spread F and bubble statistics over Brazil 18: Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Ionospheric Effects Symposium (IES 2002) 54: 7-9 May <2002> 56: Alexandria 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTRPFISICA 91: FDB-20021213 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10483 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Tsurutani, B.T. 10: Zhou, X. 10: Gonzalez-Alercon, Walter Demetrio 10: Parks, G.K 12: Magnetic cloud induced magnetic storms: a lack of classic substorm expansion phase 18: Substorm expansion phases 30: (AGU Monograph) 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61:
  • 64: <2002> 68: CAPL 76: GEOFISICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021213 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10484 1: SID/SCD 2: 9715 3: INPE-9715-PRE/5310 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kaufmann, Pierre 10: Piazza, L.R. 10: Fernandez, J.H. 10: Silva, M.R. da 12: Solar flares not producing sudden phase advances 14: art. no. 1219 30: Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics 31: 107 32: A8 40: En 41: En 42: 58: CRAAE 61: 64: Aug. <2002> 68: PRE 76: RADIOASTRONOMIA 88: solar flare effects 88: sudden ionospheric disturbances 88: SID 88: SPA 88: VLF anomalies 88: flare soft X rays 83: We present a study of solar flares that do not produce disturbances in the low terrestrial ionosphere, detectable in very low frequency (VLF)low ionosphere propagation as sudden phase advances (SPA). We selected only flares with larger optical H-alpha importance (equal or larger than 1), occurred near the cycle 22 solar maximum (19871989), at times when VLF data were available for long-distance propagation paths entirely illuminated by the Sun. For the 463 optical solar flares selected, we found that 18.8 had no measurable effects on the lower ionosphere. Inversely, all measured SPAs did have a solar counterpart, optical (such a subflare)and/or X-ray fluxes. Among the H-alpha flares that do not produce measurable disturbances in the low terrestrial ionosphere, there is a surprising selection for events occurred at the solar limbs. On the other hand, the X-ray flux for the H-alpha flares selected, obtained from GOES for the bands 0.5-4 Angstrom and 1-8 Angstrom exhibited a rather scattered correlation with the SPAs amplitudes. GOES X-rays fluxes for H-alpha flares not producing SPAs extend over 2-3 orders of magnitude. These results may suggest real physical distinctions between events. Possible explanations suggest the existence of a directional trend for the soft X-ray produced in flares possibly combined with the blockage of ionizing X rays behind the solar limbs 91: FDB-20021124 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10485 1: SID/SCD 2: 9718 3: INPE-9718-PRE/5313 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Braga, JoÆo 10: D'amico, Fl vio 10: Villela Neto, Thyrso 10: Mej¡a Cabeza, Jorge 10: Fonseca, R.A. 10: Santos, Elisete Rinke dos 12: Development of the imaging system of the balloon-borne gamma-ray telescope Mascara Codificada (MASCO) 14: 3619-3628 30: Review of Scientific Innstruments 31: 73 32: 10 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: Oct. <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 88: X-RAY 88: GALACTIC-CENTER 88: CALIBRATION 88: ASTRONOMY 88: ARRAYS 83: We report laboratory imaging results of a balloon-borne gamma-ray imaging telescope, Mascara Codificada (Portuguese for "coded mask,")designed to obtain high angular resolution (similar to14 arcmin)images of the sky in the 50 keV-1.8 MeV energy range. The instrument incorporat uniformly redundant array (MURA). This pattern belongs to a subclass of MURAs that are almost completely antisymmetrical for 90degrees rotations with respect to the lower-right corner of the central element, which allows the implementation of an antimask by a single rotation of the whole mask by 90degrees. The symmetry properties of the MURAs are discussed. The algorithm for determining the position of the gamma-ray interactions on the instrument's main detector is described and the results of laboratory tests of the imaging system are presented. The mask-antimask subtraction, applied after a flat-fielding procedure, produced a 60 percent increase in the signal-to-noise ratio of a strong (similar to100sigma)point source (662 keV photons coming from a Cs-137 radioactive source)image by eliminating systematic distortions in the instrumental background measured over the detector plane 83: i 83: 91: FDB-20021105 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10487 1: SID/SCD 2: 8977 3: INPE-8977-PUD/116 4: CEA 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Krishan, Vinod 18: Fundamentals of astrophysical plasmas 20: 156 40: En 41: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 59: BDA-Brazilian Solar 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: PUD 76: ASTROFISICA 88: astropysical plasma 88: particle motion 88: kinetic theory 88: magnetohydrodynamics 88: plasma waves 83: Life was simple when the dynamic, the spectral. and the resolving powers of our instruments were small. One observed whole objects - planets, stars, sunspots, galaxies, often in rainbow colors. Then the revolution occurred: we acquired. the centimetric eyes, the millimetric eyes, the infrared eyes, the ultraviolet eyes, the X-ray eyes and the y-ray eyes. With these we see mottles on the surface of stars, streams in sunspots, and spirals in nuclei of galaxies. We see regions of multiple mass densities and temperatures in a precarious balance, losing it occasionally, exhaling flares. The universe is timed, cosmic phenomena are clocked; eternity is lost and variability is bought. Microarcsecond resolutions revealed stirring and sizzling interiors undemeath serene surfaces. Short durations and small scales demanded employing a discipline with similar attributes - the discipline of Plasmas and Fluids - known more, for its complexity than for its felicity. These lecture notes are based on a course on Fundamentals of Astrophysical Plasmas designed for graduate students of astrophysics and astronomy, geophysics, and plasma physics; at the INPE. The background of the students varied from a faint familiarity with the subject to a working know ledge of some aspects. However, the will to learn and understand more of it was writ large on every countenance. Each session of lectures lasted for more than two hours with a very brief coffee break and continued discussions. I was guided, in my choice of material, by the desire to present a systematized and logical development of this complex field without apologizing for the rigour. The students, as my perception goes, lapped it up and responded enthusiastically to the suggestion of preparing these lecture notes 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10488 1: SID/SCD 2: 9387 3: INPE-9387-PUD/118 4: CEA 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Naccarato, Kleber Pinheiro 18: T¢picos em eletricidade atmosf‚rica 20: 155 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 58: DGE 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: PUD 76: GEOFISICA ESPACIAL 87: relƒmpagos 87: tempestades 87: sensores 87: f¡sica de nuvens 87: nuvens 87: termodinƒmica 87: detecc‡Æo 87: eletricidade atmosf‚rica 87: polui‡Æo do ar 83: 0 presente trabalho, resultado de um Exame de Qualifica‡Æo, aborda quatro temas relacionados com o estudo da Eletricidade Atmosf‚rica: (1)Termodinƒmica das nuvens de tempestade; (2)Processos de eletrifica‡Æo de nuvens; (3)Sistema de detec‡Æo de relƒmpagos de larga escala e ;(4)Influˆncia dos centros urbanos na atividade de relƒmpagos. Por serem temas muito abrangentes, obviamente nÆo poderiam ser tratados com grande profundidade em um £nico trabalho e, assim, procurou-se fazer uma revisÆo bibliogr fica geral dos principais aspectos de cada assunto, deixando para o leitor interessado em mais detalhes, a consulta das respectivas referˆncias. Os temas foram organizados de tal forma que permitisse ao leitor inicialmente acompanhar a forma‡Æo das nuvens de tempestade na atmosfera atrav‚s da an lise de suas condi‡äes termodinƒmicas espec¡ficas. Em seguida, ap¢s o est gio inicial de desenvolvimento dessas nuvens, sÆo discutidos os v rios processos microf¡sicos respons veis pela eletrifica‡Æo (separa‡Æo das cargas el‚tricas)no interior da nuvem, com a conseqente produ‡Æo das descargas atmosf‚ricas ou relƒmpagos (tanto no c‚u e quanto pata o solo). A partir da¡, com a ocorrˆncia de relƒmpagos que atingem a superf¡cie da Terra, diante de seus efeitos destruidores, surge a necessidade de se detectar desses eventos com o objetivo de estudar suas caracter¡sticas f¡sicas, sazonais e geogr ficas visando assim desenvolver procedimentos mais eficientes de prote‡Æo tanto de estruturas quanto de vidas humanas. Neste caso, sÆo usados os sistemas de detec‡Æo de relƒmpagos, os quais permitem determinar com precisÆo o ponto de impacto dos relƒmpagos na superf¡cie bem como determinar suas principais caracter¡sticas f¡sicas como intensidade da corrente de pico, multiplicidade, tempo de subida e largura de pulso da forma de onda da radia‡Æo eletromagn‚tica, entre outras. Por fim, de posse de todas as informa‡äes mencionadas anteriormente e com base nos dados fornecidos- por sistemas de _detec‡Æo de relƒmpagos, procurou-se avaliar como a atividade humana, representada pela atmosfera espec¡fica dos centros urbanos, poderia estar afetando as caracter¡sticas das nuvens de tempestade, que por sua vez, refletem na ocorrˆncia e caracter¡sticas dos relƒmpagos. Embora poucos trabalhos tratando diretamente desse assunto tenham sido publicados na literatura, algumas hip¢teses e teorias j  vˆm sendo propostas na tentativa de explicar aumentos na freqˆncia dos relƒmpagos observados sobre as  reas habitadas. In this work, we discuss four subjects related to Atmospheric Electricity: (1)The thermodynamics of thunderstorms; (2)Thunderstorm electrification processes; (3)Largescale lightning detection networks; and (4)Influence of urban areas on lightning activity. Due to the complexity of these themes, we intended only to make a general review of the main aspects of each theme. The reader interested on more details could refer to die specific bibliography. The text was organized to first provide an overview of the thunderstorm development processes based on the analysis of the atmosphere thermodynamics conditions. Then, after the initial stage of the thunderstorm development, the several electrification processes proposed on the literature are discussed. These processes are responsible to charge separation within the thunderstorm cells in the cloud, thus producing lightning discharges, which may strike the ground or remain in the sky. The cloud-to-groung lightning are highly destructive affecting both the man-made structures and the human life itself. Thus, it becomes necessary to record those events in order to study their seasonal, physical and geographical characteristics, which leads to more efficient protection methods. In this case, the lightning data generated by the lightning detection networks play an important role. This complex measurement system can compute not only the precise location of the strike point of a lightning discharge but also some of its physical parameters, i.e., the peak current of the first return stroke, the flash multiplicity, the electromagnetic radiation waveform rise time nd peak to zero time, etc. Finally, using all the information mentioned above and the lightning data provided by the lightning detection networks, we tried to estimate the anthropogenic influence on the lightning activity, studying how the modified atmosphere over the polluted urban areas can affect die thunderstorm development and, consequently, the lightning physical characteristics. Although there were a few published papers that deal with this subject, some hypothesis and theories have been proposed in the literature to explain the observed enhancement of the lightning density over the urban areas 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10489 1: SID/SCD 2: 9255 3: INPE-9255-TDI/817 4: ETES 5: T 6: m 7: [07]629.7.062.2 16: Bustamante, Renato Corrˆa Ribeiro 18: Otimiza‡Æo de pain‚is sandu¡che utilizando o m‚todo de recozimento simulado 19: Optimization of a sandwich panels by using the simulated annealing method 20: 101 40: Pt 40: En 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Ijar Milagre da Fonseca; Mario Kataoka Filho (orientador); Alexandre Souto Martinez; Luiz Carlos Gadelha de Souza; Luiz Eloy Vaz 58: SPG 59: CMC 62: INPE 64: set. <2000> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: pain‚is 87: otimiza‡Æo 87: estruturas sandu¡che 87: recomento 87: painel solar 87: panels 87: otimiza‡Æo 87: sabdwich structures 87: simulation annealing 87: solar panel 82: A redu‡Æo da massa de estruturas espaciais ‚ importante, pois possibilita o aumento da carga £til e/ou vida £til dos ve¡culos espaciais. Como conseqˆncia disso, a utiliza‡Æo dos pain‚is sandu¡che devido a sua configura‡Æo vem crescendo nos £ltimos anos, pois estes pain‚is possuem uma rela‡Æo rigidez/peso elevada. O problema abordado neste trabalho ‚ a minimiza‡Æo da massa das faces de um painel sandu¡che. As faces desses pain‚is sÆo constitu¡das por uma tela de fibra de material composto. A massa dessas faces ‚ reduzida atrav‚s da defini‡Æo de uma distribui‡Æo nÆo uniforme de material, considerando a primeira freqˆncia natural como restri‡Æo. Este problema foi anteriormente resolvido utilizando-se m‚todos determin¡sticos de otimiza‡Æo. Entretanto, como os problemas de otimiza‡Æo estrutural possuem muitos m¡nimos locais, os m‚todos determin¡sticos tˆm dificuldade em encontrar os projetos ¢timos globais. Para contornar este problema, neste trabalho foi utilizado um algoritmo estoc stico, baseado no m‚todo do Recozimento Simulado (RS), que possui mecanismos de busca direcionada e aleat¢ria, capazes de atingir o m¡nimo global. O objetivo deste trabalho ‚ estudar a viabilidade da utiliza‡Æo do RS em problemas de otimiza‡Æo estrutural. Os projetos sÆo gerados aleatoriamente e o custo das mudan‡as (varia‡Æo da fun‡Æo objetivo)‚ calculado. Os resultados obtidos sÆo comparados com outros calculados usando um m‚todo de otimiza‡Æo determin¡stico .ABSTRACT:The mass reduction of space structures is of great importance, since it allows the payload and/or space vehicles lifetime increase. As a consequence, the use of sandwich panels has been growing in the last years, since these panels have a high stiffness/weight ratio. The problem presented in this work is about mass minimization of sandwich panels facesheets. The panel facesheets are composed of a net of composite material fiber strips. Defining a nonuniform material distribution, taking into account a lower boundary for the first natural frequency as constraint reduces the mass of these facesheets. This problem was previously solved by using deterministic methods of optimization. However, as the structural optimization problems have many local minima, the deterministic methods present difficulty to find the global optimum design. To outline this problem, a stochastic algorithm has been used in this work, based on the Simulated Annealing method (SA), which allows directional and random search and it is able to reach the global minimum. The goal of this work is to study the behavior of the SA algorithm when it's used to solve structural optimization problems. The designs are generated randomly and the change costs (variation of the objective function)is evaluated. The outputs obtained with this method are compared with results from some deterministic optimization methods 91: FDB-20010916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10491 1: SID/SCD 2: 9717 3: INPE-9717-PRE/5312 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Chian, Abrahan Chian Long 10: Rempel, Erico Luiz 10: Borotto Ch vez, F‚lix Aldo 12: Chaos in magnetospheric radio emissions 14: 435-441 30: Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 31: 9 32: 5-6 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: Sep.-Nov. <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 88: MODE RADIATION 88: AURORAL HISS 88: ALFVEN WAVES 88: INTERMITTENCY 83: A three-wave model of auroral radio emissions near the electron plasma frequency was proposed by Chian et al. (1994)involving resonant interactions of Langmuir, whistler and Alfven waves. Chaos can occur in the nonlinear evolution of this three-wave process in the magnetosphere. In particular, two types of intermittency, due to either local or global bifurcations, can be observed. We analyze the type-I Pomeau-Manneville intermittency, arising from a saddle-node bifurcation, and the crisis-induced intermittency, arising from an interior crisis associated with a global bifurcation. Examples of time series, power spectrum, phase-space trajectory for both types of intermittency are presented through computer simulations. The degree of chaoticity of this three-wave process is characterized by calculating the maximum Lyapunov exponent. We suggest that the intermittent phenomena discussed in this paper may be observed in the temporal signal of magnetospheric radio emissions 91: FDB-20021012 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10493 1: SID/SCD 2: 9287 3: INPE-9287-MAN/30 4: COMB 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Soares Neto, Tur¡bio Gomes 16: Jofre, Jorge Benedito Freire 18: An lise de pureza, teor de agua livre,  cido n¡trico e  gua total em tetr¢xido de nitrogˆnio segundo a norma MIL-P-26539C 19: Purity and percentage of free water, nitric acid and total water anlysis in nitrogen tetroxide in nagreement with the Mil-P-26539C norm 20: 35 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: LCP 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: MAN 90: b 76: COMBUSTÇO 87: tetr¢xido de nitrogˆnio 87: pureza 87: propelente 87: an lise 88: analyzing 88: purity 88: propellants 83: Este documento tem como principal objetivo estabelecer um procedimento padrÆo para an lise de pureza,  gua livre,  cido n¡trico e  gua total no propelente tetr¢xido de nitrogˆnio (N204)utilizado nos propulsores a bipropelentes desenvolvidos e/ou testados no Laborat¢rio Associado de CombustÆo e PropulsÆo (LCP/CES/INPE), a fim de se verificar sua conformidade com as especifica‡äes expressas na Norma MIL - P - 26539C editada em 30/03/1970 ABSTRACT The main objective of this document is to establish a standard procedure for purity and percentage of free water, nitric acid and total water analysis in nitrogen tetroxide propellant used in the bipropellant thrusters developed and/or tested in the Combustion and Propulsion Associated Laboratory (LCP/CES/INPE), in order to verify its accordance with the specifications of the MIL-P-26539C Norm that was published in March 1970 91: FDB-20020829 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10494 1: SID/SCD 2: 9395 3: INPE- 9395-PRE/5052 4: FISPLASMA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ludwig, Gerson Otto 12: The ETE sperical Tokamak Project - IAEA: report 38: IAEA Coordinated Research Project/Research Contract BRA-10528 40: En 41: En 41: En 42: 52: International Atomic Energy Angecy (IAEA) 53: Research Coordination Meeting (RCM)on Comparison of Copact Toroid Configurations 54: 28 Oct. - 1 Nov. <2002> 56: Vienna 57: AU 58: LAP 59: FUSÇO 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: FÖSICA DE PLASMA 87: tokomaque 83: This paper describes the general characteristics of spherical tokamaks, or spherical tokamaks , with a brief overview of work in this area already performed or in progress at several institutions worldwide. The paper presents also the historical development of the ETE (Experimento Tokamak Esf‚rico)project, its research program, technical characteristics and operating conditions as of October, 2002 at the Associated Plasma Laboratory (LAP)of the National Space Research Institute (INPE)in Brazil 91: FDB-200201129 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10497 1: SID/SCD 2: 9498 3: INPE-9498-PRP/236 4: FISPLASMA 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Dias, Fabio Garcia 16: Ueda, Mario 18: Melhoramento de propriedades de superf¡cie de materiais atrav‚s da t‚cnica de implanta‡Æo i“nica por imersÆo em plasma 20: 56 38: Relat¢rio final de Projeto de Incia‡Æo Cient¡fic PIBIC/CNP/INPE 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: LAP 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: Sao Jose dos Campos 68: PRP 90: b 76: FISICA DE PLASMA 87: implanta‡Æo i“nica 87: imersÆo em plasma 87: ligas de alum¡nio 83: 0 alum¡nio ‚ um dos materiais mais importantes na  rea aeroespacial. Uma de suas qualidades altamente importantes para aquela  rea ‚ a sua densidade relativamente baixa em rela‡Æo a outros metais, tanto que ‚ amplamente utilizado tamb‚m na constru‡Æo de barcos e navios, al‚m de ser aplicado tamb‚m em partes estruturais de caminhäes, trens e em equipamentos como tanques e vias de ¢leo e combust¡vel. Para essas utilidades o alum¡nio, al‚m de baixa densidade, necessitaria de outra caracter¡stica importante que ‚ a baixa taxa de corrosÆo nos ambientes utilizados e uma dureza maior que o alum¡nio comum. Para isso sÆo utilizadas ligas de alum¡nio como por exemplo as ligas A12024, A15052, A16061 e A17475, todas elas compostas por diferentes elementos de liga ( cromo, magn‚sio, manganˆs, zinco, cobre, entre outros)que fornecem caracter¡sticas espec¡ficas para cada uma delas, todas elas utilizadas no presente experimento. As caracter¡sticas de cada liga assim como sua nomenclatura, composi‡Æo, utiliza‡Æo e dados t‚cnicos serÆo mostrados mais adiante. Mas mesmo com a utiliza‡Æo dessas ligas, a corrosÆo e outras propriedades do alum¡nio nÆo sÆo suficientemente aumentadas. Sabendo que se existir nitreto de alum¡nio (AIN)na superf¡cie do alum¡nio as propriedades dessa superf¡cie vÆo se alterar significativamente, o objetivo principal do experimento aqui apresentado ‚ aplicar a t‚cnica de IIIP (Implanta‡Æo I“nica por ImersÆo em Plasma), para que sejam implantados ¡ons de nitrogˆnio na superficie da liga de alum¡nio em quantidade suficiente para que seja formado o nitreto de alum¡nio e a seguir determinar atrav‚s de an lises espec¡ficas como foram alteradas as propriedades da superf¡cie da liga de alum¡nio. Outro material importante tamb‚m na ind£stria aeroespacial ‚ o titƒnio, tamb‚m usado em ligas como, por exemplo, Ti6A14V, tamb‚m pesquisada neste experimento. Al‚m disso tamb‚m sÆo descritos resultados sobre o sil¡cio, muito utilizado em c‚lulas solares e muito importante como monitor do processo IIIP como veremos mais tarde. 91: FDB-20021215 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10498 1: 5SID/SCD 2: 9569 3: INPE-9569-PRE/5200 4: ETES 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Macau, Elbert Einstein Neher 10: Caldas, I.L. 12: Driving trajectories in chaotic scattering 14: art. no. 026215 30: Physical Review E 31: 65 32: 2 Part 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LIT 61: 64: Feb. <2002> 68: PRE 88: REACTIVE COLLISIONS 88: FRACTAL BOUNDARIES 88: DYNAMICAL-SYSTEMS 88: BIFURCATION 88: PARTICLES 88: SADDLES 88: ORBITS 88: RINGS 88: FLOWS 88: DISK 83: this work we introduce a general approach for targeting in chaotic scattering that can be used to find a transfer trajectory between any two points located inside the scattering region. We show that this method can be used in association with a control of chaos strategy to drive around and keep a particle inside the scattering region. As an illustration of how powerful this approach is, we use it in a case of practical interest in celestial mechanics in which it is desired to control the evolution of two satellites that evolve around a large central body 91: FDB-20020412 MFN: 10499 1: 5SID/SCD 2: 9570 3: INPE-9570-PRE/5201 4: ETES 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Macau, Elbert Einstein Neher 10: Grebogi, C. 10: Lai, Y.C 12: Active synchronization in nonhyperbolic hyperchaotic systems 14: art. no. 027202 30: Physical Review E 31: 65 32: 3 Part 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LIT 61: 64: Feb. <2002> 68: PRE 88: CHAOTIC SYSTEMS 88: TRAJECTORIES 83: We propose a methodology to address the outstanding problem of synchronization in nonhyperbolic hyperchaotic physical systems. Our approach makes use of a controlling-chaos strategy that accomplishes the task by transmitting only one scalar signal even in the presence of noise 91: FDB-20020412 MFN: 10500 1: SID/SCD 2: 9703 3: INPE-9703-PRE/5298 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Correa, R. 10: Santos, Elisete Rinke dos 10: Fernandes, J.O. 10: Villela Neto, Thyrso 12: Scientific ballooning in Brazil 14: 1111-1115 30: Advances in Space Research 31: 30 32: 5 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 88: scientific ballooning 83: We present an overview of the scientific ballooning activities that took place in Brazil over the past 30 years as well as the current ongoing efforts in the area. We also briefly describe the balloon launching facility that exists at the Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (National Institute for Space Research)- INPE. Up to now, over 100 scientific balloon experiments, related to Astrophysics, Aeronomy, and Geophysics were launched from Brazil taking advantage of the country's continental dimensions, a well-defined rain season, and a low population density, which offer excellent conditions for scientific ballooning activities. Balloons with volumes up to 500,000 cubic meters can be launched from INPE's balloon launching base (latitude S 22degrees 4' 2"; longitude W 044degrees 58' 4"). The availability of good roads and several inland airports in Brazil provides the necessary structure for safe payload retrieval and its rapid return to the balloon base. There are several airports throughout Brazil that can also be used as balloon launching bases, mainly in the country's Eastern region. Overflights of more than 1,000 kilometers are possible and easily attained. Balloon flights ranging from a few hours to long duration flights can be safely verified. The constant climate monitoring through the use of weather satellites information received at INPE provides the necessary data to determine the necessary conditions for a long duration flight. INPE's Center for Weather Forecast and Climate Studies (CPTEC)provides the necessary weather forecast support for launch and payload retrieval 91: FDB-20021105 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10501 1: SID/SCD 4: COMB 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Santos, J.B.O. 10: Valenca, G.P. 10: Rodrigues, Jos‚ Augusto Jorge 12: Catalytic decomposition of hydrazine on tungsten carbide: the influence of adsorbed oxygen 14: 1-6 30: Journal of Catalysis 31: 210 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LCP 61: 64: Aug. <2002> 68: PRE 76: COMBUSTÇO 87: CATµLISE 87: PREPARA€ÇO DE CATALISADORES 87: DECOMPOSI€ÇO DA HIDRAZINA 87: IRIDIO 88: TEMPERATURE-PROGRAMMED REACTION, 88: SURFACE-AREA 88: CHEMISORBED OXYGEN 88: REACTION PATHWAYS 88: MOLYBDENUM 88: IRIDIUM 88: NEOPENTANE 88: ALKANES 83: Passivated and nonpassivated tungsten carbide (WC)powders were prepared by a temperature-programmed reaction and used as catalysts in the hydrazine decomposition reaction. All catalysts were active at 313 K. The only products of reaction were nitrogen and ammonia, suggesting that the reaction route and the rate-determining step were not modified by adsorbed oxygen. Surface oxygen atoms reacted with hydrazine, resulting in a larger decrease in the rate of reaction for the passivated solids. Excess carbon on the surface of the carbide inhibited the decomposition of hydrazine and resulted in a Decrease of ca. 48 percent in the specific surface area of the tungsten carbide. The excess carbon may be removed in flowing hydrogen at 1000 K. When compared to commercial Ir catalyst (Shell 405), WC is less active in the hydrazine decomposition reaction 83: 91: FDB-20021014 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10502 1: SID/SCD 4: COMB 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Caldeira-Pires, A 10: Correia, D.P. 10: Maia, P. 10: Lacava, P. 10: Heitor, M.V 12: Influence of burner-port geometry in hydrocarbon oxidation and NOx formation mechanisms in methane/air flames 14: 771-783 30: Fuel 31: 81 32: 6 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LCP 61: 64: Abr. <2002> 68: PRE 76: COMBUSTAO 87: combustÆo pulsante 87: ¢xido de nitrogˆnio 87: forma‡Æo de NOx 87: nitrogen oxides 87: pulsating combustion 87: low fuel jet 83: The influence of burner-port geometry in the mechanisms of hydrocarbon oxidation and NOx formation from a 50 kW industrial-type methane-fired burner was investigated experimentally. Imaging and temographic reconstruction techniques were used to assess the effects of port geometry upon flame visible length and C-2 chemiluminescence distribution in the recirculation zone, C-2 emission of methane flames depicts that low fuel jet velocities allow very rich conditions at recirculation zone and lead methane oxidation through O-2-scarcity mechanism. Higher velocities imply that methane oxidises via a path including dissociation into free radicals. In-furnace measurements were performed from a refractory-lined vertical furnace. NOx concentration results revealed that NO formation is closely connected with the dissociation process, suggesting that prompt-NOx mechanism is more important than hitherto supposed 91: FDB-20021014 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10503 1: SID/SCD 4: COMB 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Veras, Carlos Alberto Gurgel 10: Carvalho Jr., JoÆo Andrade 10: Ferreira, Marco Aur‚lio 12: The chemical percolation devolatilization model applied to the devolatilization of coal in high intensity acoustic fields 14: 358-367 30: Journal of the Brazilian Chemical 31: 13 32: 3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LCP 61: 64: May-July <2002> 68: PRE 76: COMBUSTAO 87: combustÆo pulsante 87: RIJKE-TUBE 87: COMBUSTION CHARACTERISTICS 87: PULSATING COMBUSTION 87: SPRAY FLAME 87: PYROLYSIS 87: PARTICLES 87: BEHAVIOR 83: The chemical percolation devolatilization model (CPD)was extended for the prediction of drying and devolatilization of coal particles in high intensity acoustic fields found in Rijke tube reactors. The acoustic oscillations enhance the heat and mass transfer processes in the fuel bed as well as in the freeboard, above the grate. The results from simulations in a Rijke tube combustor have shown an increase in the rate of water evaporation and thermal degradation of the particles. The devolatilization model, based on chemical percolation, applied in pulsating regime allowed the dynamic prediction on the yields of CO, CO2, CH4, H2O, other light gases as well as tar which are important on ignition and stabilization of flames. The model predicted the quantity and form of nitrogen containing species generated during devolatilization, for which knowledge is strategically indispensable for reducing pollutant emissions (NOx)in flames under acoustic excitation 91: FDB-20021014 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10504 1: SID/SCD 4: COMB 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Lacava, P 10: Martins, Cristiane Aparecida 10: Carvalho Jr., JoÆo Andrade 10: Ferreira, Marco Aur‚lio 12: Controle da emissÆo de poluentes utilizando combustÆo pulsante 14: 42-54 30: Revista do Frio 32: 142 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: LCP 61: 64: mar. <2002> 68: PRE 76: COMBUSTAO 87: combustÆo pulsante 87: poluentes 91: FDB-20021014 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10505 1: SID/SCD 4: COMB 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Santos, Wilson F.N. 10: Lewis, Mark J 12: Power law shaped leading edges in rarefield hypersonic flow 30: Journal of Specraft and Rockets 31: 39 32: 6 38: (AIAA 2002-0645) 40: En 41: En 41: En 42: 52: AIAA 53: AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 40 54: 14-17 Jan. <2002> 56: Reno 57: USA 58: LCP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: COMBUSTAO 83: A numerical study is reported on power law shaped leading edges situated in a rarefied hypersonic flow. The work is motivated by interest in investigating the flowfield properties of power-law shaped leading edges as possible candidates for blunting geometries of hypersonic leading edges. The sensitivity of both the flowfield structure and surface quantities to shape variations of such leading edges is calculated by using a Direct Simulation Monte Carlo method. Particular attention is focused on the pressure gradient along the body surface and on the heat transfer to the body. Calculations show that the pressure coefficient for the flow conditions considered is in surpising agreement with that obtained by simple Newtonian theory, which predicts that a class of power law shapes exhibits aerodynamic behavior different from that expected for classical blunt shape. Simulations also show that the stagnation point heating on power law leading edges with finite radius of curvature follow the same relation as that for classical blunt body. However, for those leading edges with zero radii of curvature the heat transfer behavior followed another pattern in the vicinity of the stagnation point, reaching a finite value exactly at the nose 91: FDB-200211129 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10506 1: SID/SCD 4: COMB 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Couto, H.S. 10: Pimenta, A.P. 10: Bastos Neto, Dem‚trio 12: Low pressure injection system for small liquid propellant rocket engines 14: 374-378 40: En 41: En 41: En 42: 53: Asia Pacific International Symposium on Combustion and Energy Utilization, 6 54: 20-22 May 2002 56: Kuala Lumpur 58: LCP 61: CI> 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: COMBUSTAO 83: In this paper a numerical study is reported on sharp/blunt leading edges in a rarefied hypersonic flow. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the sensitivity of both the flowfield structure and surface quantities to leading edge thickness variations. DSMC results indicate that even though for a slightly blunt leading edge, thickness of one hundredth of the mean free path, the flow structure was affected far from the nose of the leading edge. Also, substantial increase in the surface quantities is observed as the leading edge thickness increases 91: FDB-200201129 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10507 1: SID/SCD 2: 9830 3: INPE-9830-PRE/5414 4: COMP 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Retamoso, M.R. 10: Vilhena, M.T. 10: Campos Velho, Haroldo Fraga de 10: Ramos, Fernando Manuel 12: Estimation of boundary condition in hydrologic optics 14: 87-100 30: Applied Numerical Mathematics 31: 40 32: 1-2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAC 61: 64: Jan. <2002> 68: PRE 76: COMPUTACAO APLICADA 88: inverse problems 88: radiative transfer equation 88: boundary conditions 88: LTSN method 88: 83: A reconstruction technique for estimating boundary conditions in natural waters from in situ radiance data is presented. The inverse problem is formulated as a nonlinear constrained optimization problem. The objective function is defined as the square Euclidean norm of the difference vector between experimental and computed data. The associated direct problem is solved by LTSN method 91: FDB-20020609 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10508 1: SID/SCD 2: 9831 3: INPE-9831-PRE/5415 4: COMP 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Linhares, Alexandre 10: Yanasse, Horacio Hideki 12: Connections between cutting-pattern sequencing, VLSI desig, and flexible machines 14: 1759-1772 30: Computer and Operations Research 31: 29 32: 12 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAC 61: 64: Oct. <2002> 68: PRE 76: COMPUTACAO APLICADA 88: pattern sequencing 88: flexible 88: VLSI layout 88: computational complexity 83: he minimization of open stacks problem (MOSP)arises on the sequencing of a set of cutting patterns in order to minimize the maximum number of open stacks around the cutting saw. A previous study formulated the problem mathematically and raised a number of theoretical conjectures. In this work we deal with those conjectures. It is shown that the MOSP is NP-hard. A connection to the field of VLS1 design, joining practitioners from both computer science and operations research, is established. Additional conjectures concerning the existence of simultaneous optimal solutions to related pattern-sequencing problems are also clarified 91: FDB-20021009 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10509 1: SID/SCD 2: 9837 3: INPE-9837-PRE/5421 4: COMP 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Sanches, Carlos Alberto Alonso 10: Soma, Nei Yoshihiro 10: Yanasse, Horacio Hideki 12: Comments on parallel algorithms for the knapsack problem 14: 1501-1505 30: Parallel Computing 31: 28 32: 101-2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAC 61: 64: Oct. <2002> 68: PRE 76: COMPUTACAO APLICADA 88: knapsack problem 88: parallel algorithm 88: shared memory multiprocessor 88: SIMD machine 83: Chang et al. [Parallel Comput. (1994)233)introduced a parallel algorithm based on a shared memory SIMD architecture for the generation phase of the classic Horowitz and Sahni [J. ACM 21(2)(1974)277]two-list serial algorithm for the knapsack problem. They claimed that their parallel generation phase could be accomplished in time O((n/8)(2)) and in space O(2(n/4)) with O(2(n/8)) processors. We prove that their results are not correct, i.e., that the suggested scheme time and space complexity should be bounded, instead, by O(n2(n/2)) and O(2(n/2)), respectively. These results also invalidate the performance analysis of the more recent Lou and Chang [Parallel Comput. (1997)1985]algorithm 91: FDB-20021009 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10510 1: SID/SCD 2: 9832 3: INPE-9832-PRE/5416 4: COMP 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Lorena, Luiz Antonio Nogueira 10: Narciso, M.G. 12: Using logical surrogate information in Lagrangean relaxation: An application to symmetric traveling salesman problems 14: 473-483 30: European Journal of Operational Research 31: 138 32: 312 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAC 61: 64: May. <2002> 68: PRE 76: COMPUTACAO APICADA 88: Lagrangean/surrogate relaxation 88: traveling salesman problem 88: subgradient method 88: subgradient optimization 88: convergence 88: algorithms 88: constraints 88: duality 88: step 83: The traveling salesman problem (TSP)is a classical combinatorial optimization problem, which has been intensively studied. The Lagrangean relaxation was first applied to the TSP in 1970. The Lagrangean relaxation limit approximates what is known today as Held and Karp (HK)bound, a very good bound (less than 1 percent from optimal)for a large class of symmetric instances. It became a reference bound for new heuristics, mainly for the very large scale instances. where the use of exact methods is prohibitive. A known problem for the Lagrangean relaxation application is the definition of a convenient step size control in subgradient like methods. Even preserving theoretical convergence properties, a wrong defined control can affect the performance and increase computational times. We show in this work how to accelerate a classical subgradient method while conserving good approximations to the HK bounds. The surrogate and Lagrangean relaxations are combined using the local information of the relaxed constraints. It results in a one-dimensional search that corrects the possibly wrong step size and is independent of the used step size control. Comparing with the ordinary subgradient method, and beginning with the same initial multiplier, the computational times are almost twice as fast for medium instances and greatly improved for some large scale TSPLIB instances 91: FDB-2002609 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10511 1: SID/SCD 2: 9834 3: INPE-9834-PRE/5418 4: COMP 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Lorena, Luiz Antonio Nogueira 10: Pereira, M.A 12: A Lagrangean/surrogate heuristic for the Maximal Coverin 14: 57-67 30: International Journal of Industrial Engineering Theory Application and Practice 31: 9 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAC 61: 64: Mar. <2002> 68: PRE 76: COMPUTACAO APLICADA 88: shortest-path 88: constraints 88: maximal covering location problems 88: p-median problems 88: Hillsman's edition 88: Lagrangean and surrogate relaxation 88: heuristic solution 88: Geographic Information Systems 83: The Maximal Covering Location Problem (MCLP)deals with the location of facilities in order to attend the largest subset of a population within a service distance. Many successful heuristic approaches have been developed to solve this problem. In this work we use the Unified Linear Model developed by Hillsman to adapt the distance coefficients of a p-median problem to reflect the demand information of a population. This transformation permits the application of a Lagrangean/surrogate heuristic developed for solving p-median problems to solve the MCLP. In previous works this heuristic proved to be very affordable, providing good quality solutions in reduced computational times. Computational tests for random generated scenarios ranging from 100 to 900 vertices and GIS-referenced instances of Sao Jose dos Campos city (Brazil)were conducted, showing the effectiveness of the combined approach 91: FDB-20020609 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10512 1: SID/SCD 2: 9833 3: INPE-9833-PRE/5417 4: COMP 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Oliveira, A.C.M. 10: Lorena, Luiz Antonio Nogueira 12: A constructive genetic algorithm for gate matrix layout problems 14: 969-974 30: IEEE Transaction on Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits an Systems 31: 21 32: 18 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAC 61: 64: Aug. <2002> 68: PRE 76: COMPUTACAO APICADA 88: constructive genetic algorithms 88: gate matrix layout 88: VLSI layout design 83: The GMLP happens in very large scale integration design and can be described as a problem of assigning a set of circuit nodes (gates)in an optimal sequence, such that the layout area is minimized, as a consequence of optimizing the number of tracks necessary to cover the gates interconnection. The CGA has a number of new features compared to a traditional genetic algorithm. These include a population of dynamic size composed of schemata and structures and the possibility of using heuristics in structure representation and in the fitness function definitions. The application of CGA to GMLP uses a 2-Opt-like heuristic to define the fitness functions and the mutation operator. Computational tests are presented using available instances taken from the literature 91: FDB-20021009 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10513 1: SID/SCD 2: 9835 3: INPE-9835-PRE/5419 4: COMP 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Campos Velho, Haroldo Fraga de 10: Retamoso, M.R. 10: Vilhena, M.T.M.B. 12: Inverse problems for estimating bottom boundary conditions of naturVelho HFD, Retamoso MR, Vilhena MTMB 14: 1357-1368 30: International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engeneering 31: 54 32: 9 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAC 61: 64: July <2002> 68: PRE 76: COMPUTACAO APICADA 88: inverse problems 88: radiative transfer equation 88: boundary conditions 88: LTSN method 88: convergence 83: Unknown boundary conditions for natural waters are estimated using an inverse problem methodology. In the formulation of the inverse problem, expressed as a non-linear constrained optimization problem, its objective function is given by a square difference term, between experimental and computed data, added to a regularization operator. The computed data are obtained by solving the radiative transfer direct problem using the LTSN method. A key aspect to get a good reconstruction is played by observed data quality. The reconstruction strategy is examined for in situ radiance and irradiance data for many arrangements of the experimental grid of the measurement devices, in order to plan good designs for experimental works 91: FDB-20020609 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10514 1: SID/SCD 2: 9838 3: INPE-9838-PRE/5422 4: COMP 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Chalhoub, E.S. 10: Campos Velho, Haroldo Fraga de 12: Estimation of the properties of sea water from measurements of exit radiance 14: 551-565 30: Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 31: 72 32: 5 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: COMPUTACAO APLICADA 88: inverse problems 88: hydrologic optics 88: optical properties 88: analytical discrete-ordinates method 88: inverse radiation problem 88: discrete-ordinates method 88: scattering media 88: phase function 83: An inverse analysis for simultaneous estimation of the radiation phase function, single scattering albedo and optical thickness in natural waters, from the knowledge of the exit radiance measurements, is presented. A forward and an inverse model are utilized in our analysis. The forward model uses an analytical discrete-ordinates method for solving the radiative transfer equation and the inverse model contains an algorithm for least-squares estimation that is iteratively solved for retrieving the desired optical properties. The experimental data are simulated with synthetic data corrupted with noise. The results show that the optical properties, with the exception of the optical thickness, can be recovered with high accuracy, even for data with up to 10 83: noise 91: FDB-20020609 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10515 1: SID/SCD 2: 9840 3: INPE-9840-PRE/5424 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Ramos, Fernando Manuel 10: Rodrigues Neto, Camilo 10: Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto 10: Bolzan, Mauricio Jose Alves 10: S , Leonardo Deane de Abreu 12: Nonextensive thermostatistics of intermittency in turbulence and financial markets 14: 3521-3530 30: Nonlinear Analusis Theory Methods and Applications 31: 47 32: 5 Part 5 Sp Iss 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAC 58: LMO 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: COMPURACAO APLICADA 88: Turbulence 88: financial markets 88: intermittency, entropy 88: non-extensive thermostatistics 88: ractal dimensions 88: statistics 88: multifractality 88: cascades 88: dynamics, flows 83: We present a new framework for modeling the statistical behavior of both fully developed turbulence and short-term dynamics of financial markets based on the generalized non-extensive thermostatistics formalism. We also show that intermittency - strong bursts in the energy dissipation or clusters of high price volatility and non-extensivity - anomalous scaling of usually extensive properties like entropy - are naturally linked by a single parameter q, from the non-extensive thermostatistics 91: FDB-20011009 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10516 1: SID/SCD 2: 9839 3: INPE-9839-PRE/5423 4: COMP 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Koliver,C. 10: Nahrstedt, K. 10: Farines, J.M. 10: Fraga, J.D. 10: Sandri, Sandra Aparecida 12: Specification, mapping and control for QoS adaptation 14: 143-174 30: Real Time Systems 31: 23 32: 1-2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAC 58: LMO 61: 64: July-Sep. <2002> 68: PRE 76: COMPUTACAO APLICADA 88: Multimedia 88: quality of service 88: quality degree 88: adaptation 88: fuzzy controller 88: networks 88: video 83: In this paper we describe a fuzzy-control approach for quality of service (QoS)adaptation, needed in distributed multimedia applications. QoS adaptation is necessary (a)due to sudden variations in network resource availability, especially in the case of Internet, and (b)due to multiple applications requiring shared resource such as bandwidth. To solve the problem of QoS adaptation, several sub-problems need to be considered: (1)mapping of user perception and different combinations of application QoS values onto a uniform quality metric, (2)estimation, control and adjustment of application QoS parameters in case of network and other resource congestion, and (3)enforcement algorithm which reacts according to adapted QoS parameters. Our approach is to solve the QoS adaptation using the integration of (a)quality degree function, which maps the application QoS parameters into a metric, called quality degree, (b)fuzzy controller, which controls, estimates and adjusts the application QoS parameters according to resource availability, and (c)filter algorithms, which are the services to enforce the adapted QoS parameters. The quality degree function associates quality degree as the quality measure with different combinations of application QoS values. This function is influenced by the user's perception of quality. The fuzzy control takes the results of the quality degree function, estimates the new quality degree and its corresponding quality level, predicts the new application QoS parameters, and adjusts them. The results of the adapted QoS parameters are then used by the filter algorithms to enforce the changes, proposed by the fuzzy controller, by allocating bandwidth to the application according to its QoS parameter values. We have implemented and applied the quality degree function, the fuzzy controller, and the filter algorithms to the video distribution system (VDS). The results of VDS over the local area network show that (1)the target system improves user perceived QoS at the receivers, and (2)the bandwidth utilization increases significantly when using our fuzzy-control approach for QoS adaptation. 91: FDB-20021009 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10517 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Vijaykumar, Nandamudi Lankalapalli 10: Carvalho, Solon Venƒncio 10: Abdurahaiman, V 12: On proposing statecharts to specify performance models 14: 231-336 30: International Transaction in Operational Research 31: 9 32: 3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAC 61: 64: May<2002> 68: PRE 76: COMPUTA€AO APLICADA 91: FDB-20021009 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10518 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Trava Airoldi, Vladimir Jesus 10: Corat, Evaldo Jos‚ 10: Santos, L.V. 10: Diniz, A.V. 10: Moro, J.R. 10: Leite, Nelia Ferreira 12: Very adherent CVD diamond film on modified molybdenum surface 14: 532-535 30: Diamond and Related Materials 31: 11 32: 3-6 38: Sp. Iss. 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAS 61: 64: Mar.-July <2002> 68: PRE 76: FISICA E TECNOLOGIA DE MATERIAIS 88: CVD 88: diamond films 88: surface 88: carbon 83: In this work, studies have been carried out on surface modification on a pure molybdenum surface to enhance CVD diamond adherence. Pure molybdenum exhibits a phase transformation temperature close to that of diamond growth, but it is possible to obtain a surface modification by ion sub-implantation at an appropriate lower temperature without phase transformation. In this study, it was possible to create an appropriate interface by using appropriate ion compounds and impact energy on the substrate surface at a very narrow window of working temperature. This interface efficiently avoided carbon diffusion during diamond growth and also improved the chemical bond density between atoms from the interface and carbon from the onset of diamond nucleation. Diamond films from a few micrometers up to millimeters have been obtained with very good adherence. Characterization by XPS and small angle X-ray diffraction of this interface prior to diamond growth and after diamond nucleation reveals different compound contributions to the chemical bonds. Indentation and SEM analyses were also carried ou 91: FDB-20020612 MFN: 10519 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Santos, L.V. 10: Trava Airoldi, Vladimir Jesus 10: Corat, Evaldo Jos‚ 10: Iha, K. 10: Massi, M. 10: Prioli, R. 10: Landers, R. 12: Friction coefficient measurements By LFM on DLC films as function of sputtering deposition parameters 14: 1135-1138 30: Diamond and Related Materials 31: 11 32: 3-6 38: Sp. Iss 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAS 61: 64: Mar.-July <2002> 68: PRE 76: FISICA E TECNOLOGIA DE MATERIAIS 88: DIAMOND-LIKE-CARBON 88: SCALE FRICTION 88: ENVIRONMENTS 88: COATINGS 88: MICA 88: WEAR 83: Diamond-like carbon (DLC)coatings are widely used as protective overcoats on space junctions, magnetic media and Diamond-like carbon (DLC)coatings are widely used as protective overcoats on space junctions, magnetic media and magnetic head sliders in hard disk-drive systems, etc. In the present work, the friction coefficient of DLC films was investigated by lateral force microscopy (LFM)as a function of sputtering deposition parameters. The lateral force acts on the pyramidal tip attached to the end of the cantilever, due to friction or viscous forces, resulting in cantilever measurable torsion and deflection, related to the friction's magnitude. The relationship among data from friction coefficient distribution on DLC films surface with flow of precursor gases, surface composition, morphology structure, hardness and elastic module parameters was evaluated. Characterization techniques such as Raman scattering spectroscopy (RSS), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)and nanoindentation were used. The results have showed good agreement with the literature for DLC tribological parameters magnetic head sliders in hard disk-drive systems, etc. In the present work, the friction coefficient of DLC films was investigated by lateral force microscopy (LFM)as a function of sputtering deposition parameters. The lateral force acts on the pyramidal tip attached to the end of the cantilever, due to friction or viscous forces, resulting in cantilever measurable torsion and deflection, related to the friction's magnitude. The relationship among data from friction coefficient distribution on DLC films surface with flow of precursor gases, surface composition, morphology structure, hardness and elastic module parameters was evaluated. Characterization techniques such as Raman scattering spectroscopy (RSS), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)and nanoindentation wer tribological parameters 91: FDB-20020612 MFN: 10520 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Silva, Leide.L.G. 10: Franco, Margareth K. 10: Yokaichiya, Fabiano 10: Ferreira, Neidenei G. 10: Corat, Evaldo Jos‚ 12: Synchrotron radiation X-ray analysis of boron-doped diamond films grown by hot-filament assisted chemical vapor deposition 14: 153-159 30: Diamond and Related Materials 31: 11 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAS 61: 64: Feb. <2002> 68: PRE 76: FISICA E TECNOLOGIA DE MATERIAIS 88: CVD-DIAMOND 88: ELECTRODES 88: ELECTROCHEMISTRY 88: PARAMETER 83: This paper presents a synchrotron X-ray radiation analysis of boron-doped diamond films grown by hot-filament assisted chemical vapor deposition (HFCVD). The diamond films were grown at different doping levels with the introduction of boron to the gas mixture by bubbling hydrogen in a B2O3 solution in methanol. The B/C ratio in methanol varied from 2000 to 20 000 ppm and the gas flow rates were controlled so that boron incorporation to the film varied in the range from 10(18)to 10(21)boron/ cm(3). All other process parameters were kept unchanged to allow comparison only of the influence of the doping level. The film. analyses were performed at the X-ray diffraction beamline of the Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Sincrotron - LNLS, Brazil. The Debye-Scherrer configuration was used in this study. A high intensity monochromatic beam at lambda = 1.46 A was used and an excellent signal to noise ratio was obtained for 2theta varying from 20degrees to 150degrees. The difractogram for the undoped diamond film show intense peaks from the (111), (220), (311), (400)and (331)crystallographic planes. For the boron-doped films a set of new diffraction lines appear and their intensities increase considerably with the doping level. The set of diffraction peaks of similar intensities are related to a hexagonal structure and were assigned with hi-h confidence to tungsten carbide. This reveals that the boron-doping process in HFCVD facilitates the incorporation of tungsten carbide from the filament in the diamond film. The FWHM analysis of the diamond diffraction peaks shows a dependence of film crystallinity with doping level with a definite maximum at approximately 2.3 X 10(19)boron/cm(3) 91: FDB-20020612 MFN: 10521 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Azevedo, Adriana F. 10: Corata, Evaldo Jos‚ 10: Leite, N‚lia Ferreira 10: Trava Airoldi, Vladimir Jesus 12: Chemical vapor deposition diamond thin films growth on Ti6AL4V using the Surfatron system 14: 550-554 30: Diamond and Related Materials 31: 11 32: 3-6 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAS 61: 64: Mar.-July <2002> 68: PRE 76: FISICA E TECNOLOGIA DE MATERIAIS 88: Diamond films 88: Nucleation 88: Plasma 88: Titanium carbide 83: Diamond films with small grain size, good quality and high grain density were deposited on Ti6Al4V substrates using a technique assisted by surface wave-guide microwave discharge, the Surfatron system. The grain density was studied as a function of the film growth time in order to compare two different substrate preparation techniques: conventional ultrasonic bath in hexane and diamond powder only, and carbon ion sub-implantation with the same ultrasonic bath. The titanium carbide (TiC)interface formation as a function of the grain density was evaluated using X-ray diffraction (XRD)and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Diamond quality was also analyzed by Raman scattering spectroscopy 91: FDB-20020612 MFN: 10522 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Ferreira, N.G. 10: Silva, L.L.G. 10: Corat, Evaldo Jos‚ 12: Electrochemical activity of boron-doped diamond electrodes grown on carbon fiber cloths 14: 657-661 30: Diamond and Related Materials 31: 11 32: 3-6 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAS 61: 64: Mar.-July <2002> 68: PRE 76: FISICA E TECNOLOGIA DE MATERIAIS 83: Electrochemical activity of doped CVD-diamond electrodes was investigated as a function of boron content connected with the films surface characteristics and morphology. A textured cloth of carbon fibers was used as a substrate with a discontinuous surface. It was treated using 0.25-m diamond powder by ultrasound dispersion in hexane. The nucleation and coalescence of the diamond film around the fibers was evident. Boron-doped diamond electrodes have been analyzed in the range of acceptor concentrations of 1018 and 1021 cm-3. Their electrochemical behavior was studied by cyclic voltammetry measurements in neutral (KCl, Na2SO4 and NaNO3)and acidic (HCl, H2SO4 and HNO3)solutions. The anodic and cathodic currents increase with the doping level and present a maximum when the electrodes reach a metallic behavior. For comparison, films grown on silicon substrate in similar conditions were also studied as standard diamond electrodes. Surface morphology and film quality was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM)and Raman scattering spectroscopy 91: FDB-20020612 MFN: 10523 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Oliveira,R.M. 10: Barbosa, LFW 10: Ferreira, J.G. 10: Shibata, C.S 10: Barbosa, LFW 10: Ferreira, J.G. 12: Conceptual project and present status of the ETE control and data acquisition systems 14: 403-407 30: Fusion Engineering and Design 31: 60 32: 3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAS 61: 64: June <2002> 68: PRE 76: FISICA E TECNOLOGIA DE MATERIAIS 80: Tokamak 80: Computer control system 80: Data acquisition 80: Safety pneumatic system 83: The control and data acquisition systems of the recently built Experimento Tokamak Esf‚rico (ETE)(Spherical Tokamak Experiment)were conceived in a distributed, integrated and user-friendly approach (Fus. Eng. Design. 36 (1997)167). The computerized control of the tokamak operation is based on CAMAC standard electronics to interface the tokamak subsystems and the control software, written in C language, to run under Windows NT. A requirement put on the system was to provide complete electrical isolation between the control and the machine rooms. Therefore, a shot is remotely started from the control room in which terminals are connected to the control computer through a fiber optics LAN and employing web-style or Windows network software, providing a total-isolation solution. Human and equipment safety is guaranteed by a safety pneumatic system, basically composed of a set of interlocks, made with pneumatic and electro-pneumatic elements. Data acquisition of plasma diagnostics is being implemented with co-operation of the ISTTOK group and it will be based on VME bus and OS-9 operating system. In our system, control and data signals will have separate buses and the acquisition of experimental data will begin with a trigger pulse coming from a CAMAC timing module. The Interactive Data Language commercial software will be used to run programs that will display the stored experimental data 91: FDB-20020612 MFN: 10524 1: SID/SCD 4: FISPLASMA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Ueda, Mario 10: Berni, Luiz Angelo 10: Castro, R.M. 10: Beloto, Antonio Fernando 10: Abramof, Eduardo 10: Rossi, J.O. 10: Barroso, J.J. 10: Lepienski, C.M. 12: Surface improvements of industrial components treated by plasma immersion ion implantation WHO: results and prospects 14: 71-76 30: Surface and Coatings Technology 31: 15635 32: 1-2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAP 61: 64: July <2002> 68: PRE 76: FISICA E TECNOLOGIA DE MATERIAIS 88: plasma immersion ion implantation 88: surface analysis 88: nano-indentation, titanium alloy 88: fast steel 88: high resolution X-ray 83: The major drive for PIII research in recent years has been the widespread use of plasma-based ion implantation in industries aiming at attaining high value-added components, After achieving the domain of the complete basic PIII cycle, we started topursue the implementation of this process in various types of industrial components. A DC glow discharge source with a controlled plasma floating potential was used in a 100-1 PIII system driven by a 30-k-V peak voltage. 50 mus duration, up to 1.1 kHz pulse power source, in order to process the components which were provided by regional companies, spanning from machinery tools to prosthesis. The industrial components were set-up in the PIII chamber as received from the companies, after a simple cleaning procedure. In this phase, only nitrogen implantation was performed. The required processing times were typically from 60 to 120 min and the components were treated either individually or in batches. Fast steel drill bits, knife blades for wood cutting, tools for odontological applications, molds made of fast steel, a prosthesis made of Ti alloy, etc., have been three-dimensionally implanted successfully. Next, improvements in the PIII ongoing system included: a 10-kW pulser with up to 60 kV capability, turbo-pump, refrigerated walls, auxiliary heating of the components, a larger chamber and a magnetron sputtering source for hybrid treatments 91: FDB-20020612 MFN: 10525 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Morelhao, SL 10: Britto, G.E.S. 10: Abramof, Eduardo 12: Nanostructure of sol-gel films by x-ray specular reflectivity 14: 407-409 30: Applied Physics Letters 31: 80 32: 3Part 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAS 61: 64: Jan. <2002> 68: PRE 76: FISICA E TECNOLOGIA DE MATERIAIS 88: WAVE-GUIDES 88: RESOLUTION 88: COATINGS 88: GLASSES 83: Recently, several studies have been carried out on sol-gel films for optical applications, mostly motivated by the quickness and low cost of the film preparation process. In order to preserve the coherence properties of the light, improvements in the current quality of such films are necessary as well as appropriated techniques for structural characterization and quality control. X-ray specular reflectivity could be one of such techniques, but it is limited by the complexity of the internal nanostructure of the films. In this work, we have developed a procedure to extract the exact density profile of sol-gel films, and applied it to analyze a sol-gel derived Er2O3 film 91: FDB-20020612 MFN: 10526 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Ferreira, N.G. 10: Abramof, Eduardo 10: Leite, Nelia Ferreira 10: Corat, Evaldo Jos‚ 10: Trava Airoldi, Vladimir Jesus 12: Analysis of residual stress in diamond films by x-ray diffraction and micro-Raman spectroscopy 14: 2466-2472 30: Journal of Applied Physics 31: 91 32: 4Part 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAS 61: 64: Feb. <2002> 68: PRE 76: FISICA E TECNOLOGIA DE MATERIAIS 88: CHEMICAL-VAPOR-DEPOSITION 88: THIN-FILMS 88: CRYSTALLINE QUALITY 88: INTRINSIC STRESS 88: CVD 88: STRAIN 88: PLASMA 83: We investigate the residual stress in diamond films grown on (001)silicon substrates as a function of film thickness. The diamond films were deposited at 1070 K by the conventional hot filament technique using a gas mixture of methane (1.0 pecent vol)and hydrogen (99.0 pecent vol). The film thickness, obtained from cross section scanning electron micrographs, varied from 3.0 to 42 mum as the growth time increased from 1 to 10 h. These images evidenced that the columnar growth is already established for films thicker than 10 mum. Top view micrographs revealed predominantly faceted pyramidal grains for the films at all growth stages. The grain size, obtained from these images, was found to vary linearly with film thickness. Using a high resolution x-ray diffractometer, the residual stress was determined by measuring, for each sample, the (331)diamond Bragg diffraction peak for Psi values ranging from -60degrees to +60degrees, and applying the sin(2)psi method. For the micro-Raman spectroscopy, we used the summation method, which consists in recording and adding a large number of spectra in different places of a selected area of the sample. All Raman spectra were fitted with Lorentzian lines to separate the contribution of the pure diamond and the other nondiamond (graphite)phases. This spectral analysis performed in each sample allowed the determination of the residual stress, from the diamond Raman peak shifts, and also the diamond purity, which increases from 70 percent to 9 percent as the thickness goes from 3 to 42 mum. The type and magnitude of the residual stress obtained from x-ray and micro-Raman measurements agreed well for films thicker than 10 mum. For films thinner than this value, an opposite behavior between both results was observed. We attributed this discrepancy to the domain size characteristic of each technique 91: FDB-20020612 MFN: 10529 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Beloto, Antonio Fernando 10: Ueda, Mario 10: Abramof, Eduardo 10: Senna, Jos‚ Roberto 10: Silva, M.D. 10: Kuranaga, C. 10: Reuther, H. 10: Silva, A.F. 10: Pepe, I. 12: Sponge-like and columnar porous silicon implanted with nitrogen by plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII) 14: 267-271 30: Surface and Coatings Technology 31: 156 32: 1-3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAS 58: LAP 61: 64: July <2002> 68: PRE 76: FISICA E TECNOLOGIA DE MATERIAIS 88: OLAR-CELLS 88: EMITTER 83: ponge-like and columnar porous silicon (PS)were prepared from p- and n-type (100)monocrystalline silicon wafers using different anodization conditions (hydrofluoric acid concentration, current density and anodization time)and then implanted with nitrogen by plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII). The effect of the implantation and of the compounds formed was analyzed by measuring the reflectance of the implanted samples for wavelengths between 220 and 800 nm. A reduction in reflectance in the ultraviolet (UV)region of the spectrum was observed for polished Si samples and for all kinds of PS samples. Increased UV-induced photoluminescence in these samples caused by the increase in absorption in the UV region is expected 91: FDB-20020612 MFN: 10530 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Zasavitskii, B. 10: Bushuev, E.V. 10: Andrada e Silva, Erasmo A. 10: Abramof, Eduardo 12: Energy spectrum of quantum wells in PbTe/PbEuTe-based structures from Photoluminescence data 14: 559-562 30: JETP Letters 31: 75 32: 11 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: FISICA E TECNOLOGIA DE MATERIAIS 88: SIZE 88: GAP 83: It is shown that the energies of radiative transitions between the ground states of electrons and holes for high-quality deep PbTe quantum wells at low temperatures are described well within the framework of the two-band model with regard to the nonparabolicity, strong anisotropy, and multivalley character of the band structure and also uniaxial deformation, that is present in the heterostructure. For a two-dimensional system, the temperature coefficient of the variation of the forbidden band gap decreases with decreasing well width, which is explained by a weakening of the electron-phonon interaction. (C)2002 MAIK "Nauka/Interperiodica" 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10531 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Tan, I.H. 10: Ueda, Mario 10: Dallaqua, Renato Sergio 10: Rossi, J.O. 10: Beloto, Antonio Fernando 10: Abramof, Eduardo 10: Inoue, Y. 10: Takai, O. 12: Magnesium plasma immersion ion implantation in a large straight magnetic duct 14: 317-323 30: Plasma Sources Science and Technology 31: 11 32: 3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAP 58: LAS 61: 64: Aug. <2002> 68: PRE 76: FISICA E TECNOLOGIA DE MATERIAIS 88: SURFACE MODIFICATION 88: CENTRIFUGE 83: Magnesium ions were implanted on silicon wafers using a vacuum arc plasma system with a straight 1m long magnetic duct, 0.22 m in diameter. Good macroparticle filtering was obtained in samples positioned facing the plasma stream and complete filtering was achieved in samples with surfaces parallel to the plasma stream and magnetic field. Deposition is also minimized by placing sample surfaces parallel to the plasma stream. High resolution x-ray diffraction rocking curves of impianted samples show that the changes in lattice constant are due to compressive strain. and the distortion is larger for higher voltages. Without magnetic field the implantation was a few hundred angstroms deep, as expected, but with magnetic field the depth profile was surprisingly extended to over 0.1 mum, a fact for which we do not yet have a convincing explanation, but could be related to radiation enhanced segregation. The presence of a magnetic field increases substantially the retained implantation dose due to the increase in plasma density by two orders of magnitude 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10533 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Morelhao, S.L. 10: Brito, G.E.S. 10: Abramof, Eduardo 12: Characterization of erbium oxide sol-gel films and devices by grazing incidence X-ray reflectivity 14: 207-211 30: Journal of Alloys and Compunds 31: 344 32: 1-2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAS 61: 64: Oct. <2002> 68: PRE 76: FISICA E TECNOLOGIA DE MATERIAIS 88: BOROSILICATE GLASSES 88: WAVE-GUIDES 88: COATINGS 88: RESOLUTION 83: Recently, a significant amount of studies have been carried out on sol-gel films for optical applications, mostly motivated by the quickness and low cost of the film preparation process. Overcoating films of different density and thickness can produce waveguides for visible light as well as for X-rays. In order to preserve the coherence properties of the guided light, improvements in the current quality of the films are necessary as well as an appropriated technique for structural characterization and quality control. X-ray specular reflectivity can be such a technique, but it is limited by the complexity of the internal nanostrutucture of the films. In this work, we have developed a procedure to fit the specular reflectivity and extract the exact density profile of sol-gel films. It is applied to analyze a single compound film produced from a sol-gel of Er2O3 nanoparticles. It correlates the density variations and roughness with the steps of the preparation process. Moreover, we have also characterized an X-ray waveguide of Er2O3/TiO2/Er2O3 and theoretically optimized its structure to demonstrate the effects of density floating and roughness on the waveguidance efficienc 91: FDB-20021112 MFN: 10536 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Ferreira, N.G. 10: Silva, L.L.G 10: Corat, Evaldo Jos‚ 10: Trava Airoldi, Vladimir Jesus 12: Kinetics study of diamond electrodes at different levels of boron doping as quasi-reversible system 14: 1523-1531 30: Diamond and Related Materials 31: 11 32: 8 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAS 61: 64: Aug. <2002> 68: PRE 76: FISICA E TECNOLOGIA DE MATERIAIS 88: Boron doping 88: CVD diamond 88: Electrode arrangement 88: Electrochemical reversibility 83: Electrochemical reversibility was investigated for diamond electrodes with different boron concentrations for two redox couple. Diamond electrodes presented quasi-reversible electrochemical behavior for both electrolytes. In the range of scan rate and doping level analyzed diamond electrodes presented heterogeneous electron-transfer rate constant k0 values of approximately 10-4-10-3 cm/s for ferri/ferrocyanide and of approximately 10-6-10-5 for quinone/hydroquinone. It was observed a maximum k0 value when the electrode reaches a semi metallic behavior, associated to its higher crystalline quality and lower impurity incorporation. The acceptor concentrations were evaluated in the range of 1018-1021 cm-3 from the Mott-Schottky plot curve slope. The results were compared with platinum and glassy carbon electrodes. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)has also shown diamond crystallites decreasing with boron doping increasing. Raman spectroscopy has evidenced a drastic decrease of 1332 cm-1 peak, characteristic of boron-doped diamond. Atomic force microscopy (AFM)measurements have also demonstrated the electrode 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10541 1: SID/SCD 4: FISPLASMA 5: S 6: as 10: Kostov, K.G. 10: Barroso, Joaquim Jos‚ 12: Space-charge-limited current in cylindrical diodes with finite-length emitter 14: 1039-1042 30: Physics of Plasmas 31: 9 32: 3 42: 58: LAP 61: 64: Mar. <2002> 68: PRE 76: FÖSICA DE PLASMA 83: In the present paper we extend to two dimensions the classical Langmuir-Blodgett law, which determines the maximum current ILB that can be accelerated by a given voltage across two infinitely long coaxial cylinders. Generalization of the ILB law is established by performing two-dimensional 2D particle-in-cell numerical experiments on a variety of cylindrical diode configurations with a finite-length emitter. It is found that the limiting current in two dimensions I2D follows a monotonically decreasing function of the emitter length-to-outer electrode radius ratio L/R as expressed by the fitting function I2D/ILB = 1 + 0.1536/(L/R)+ 0.0183/(L/R)2 within 2.5 83: accuracy for simulation data in which the ratio of the outer to inner radii exceeds 3. ž2002 American Institute of Physics. 91: FDB-20020612 MFN: 10542 1: SID/SCD 4: FISPLASMA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Ueda, Mario 10: Lepienski, C.M. 10: Rangel, E.C. 10: Cruz, NC 10: Dias, F.G. 12: Nanohardness and contact angle of Si wafers implanted with N and C and Al alloy with N by plasma ion implantation 14: 190-194 30: Surface and Coatings Technology 31: 156 32: 1-3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAP 61: 64: July <2002> 68: PRE 76: FISICA DE PLASMA 88: NITROGEN 88: ALUMINUM 88: LAYERS 83: Surfaces of silicon wafers implanted with N and C, respectively, and aluminum 5052 implanted with N alone by plasma immersion ion implantation WHO were probed by a nanoindentor and analyzed by the contact-angle method to provide information on surface nanohardness and wettability. Silicon nitride and silicon carbide are important ceramic materials for microelectronics, especially for high-temperature applications. These compounds can be synthesized by high-dose ion implantation. The nanohardness of a silicon sample implanted with 12-keV nitrogen PIII (with 3 X 10(17)cm(-2)dose)increased by 10 percent compared to the unimplanted sample, in layers deeper than the regions where the formation of the Si,N, compound occurred. A factor of 2.5 increase in hardness was obtained for C-implanted Si wafer at 35 keV (with 6 X 10(17)cm(-2)dose), again deeper than the SiC-rich layer, Both compounds are in the amorphous state and their hardness is much lower than that of the crystalline compounds, which require an annealing process after ion implantation. In the same targets, the contact angle increased by 65 pecent and 35 percent for N- and C-implanted samples, respectively. Compared to the Si target, the nitrogen PIII-irradiated Al 5052 (wish 15 keV)showed negligible change in its hydrophobic character after ion implantation. Its near-surface nanohardness measurement showed a slight increase for doses of 1 X 10(17)cm(-2). We have been searching for an AlN layer of the order of 1000 A thick, using such a low-energy PIII process, but oxide formation during processing has precluded its synthesis 83: for N- and C-implanted samples, respectively. Compared to the Si target, the nitrogen PIII-irradiated Al 5052 (wish 15 keV)showed negligible change in its hydrophobic character after ion implantation. Its near-surface nanohardness measurement showed a slight increase for doses of 1 X 10(17)cm(-2). We have been searching for an AlN layer of the order of 1000 A thick, using such a low-energy PIII process, but oxide formation during processing has precluded its synthesis 91: FDB-20020612 MFN: 10545 1: SID/SCD 4: FISPLASMA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Monteiro, M.J.R. 10: Machida, M. 10: Daltrini, A.M. 10: Berni, L.A. 12: Multichannel photomultiplier for multipass Thomson scattering diagnostics 14: 54-56 30: Brazilian Journal of Physics 31: 32 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAP 61: 64: Mar. <2002> 68: PRE 76: FISICA DE PLASMA 88: LASER 83: The application of a new multichannel 64 parallel amplification 10 stage photomultiplier arranged in 8 x 8 matrix of 20.32 mm x 20.32 mm, detector XP1752 from Philips, for laser light scattering diagnostics is now under development. Signal intensity calibration curve for eight parallel and individual channels, as well as cross talk between channels was measured. Also, Rayleigh scattering on nitrogen gas, normally used as optical calibration method for electron density measurements in Thomson scattering was realized, and the intensity of both detectors was compared making measurements with a tungsten lamp 91: FDB-20020612 MFN: 10546 1: SID/SCD 4: FISPLASMA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Oliveira R.M. 10: Ueda, Mario 10: Vilela, w.a. 12: Fast Neutral Lithium Beam for density and its fluctuation measurements at the boundary regions of ETE tokamak 14: 76-80 30: Brazilian Journal of Physics 31: 32 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAP 61: 64: Mar. <2002> 68: PRE 76: FISICA DE PLASMA 88: PLASMA DENSITY 83: A Fast Neutral Lithium Beam Probe (FNLBP)is being developed, in order, to perform measurement of the boundary plasma density in discharges of the Spherical Tokamak ETE, recently built at LAP/INPE. This plasma diagnostic method is adequate for use in fusion devices because it does not perturb the plasma and it provides data with high space and time resolution for the entire discharge lifetime. To obtain reliable measurements, however, FNLB probing depends on high signal-to-noise ratio (SIN)during beam emission spectroscopy of the Li beam injected into the plasma, specially if density fluctuation measurements are sought. Hence, our effort is been focused in the achievement of high intensity Li-0 output. Recently, probing of a low temperature (T similar to 5eV)and low density target plasma (n similar to 10(10)cm(-3)) produced in a plasma immersion ion implantation experiment (PIIIE)was performed by a 2-5keV FNLBP. The method used for the density determination of this glow discharge plasma was based on the comparison of the fluxes of 6708 Angstrom photons emitted from Li-0 beam injected into nitrogen gas that filled the PIIIE chamber and from the same beam injected into the plasma discharge. For this case, the attenuation of the beam was neglected. The plasma density measured was n(e)= 8.5 x 10(10)cm(-3)for pressure of operation of p = 7.0 x 10(-4)mbar and n(e)= 7.2 x 10(10)cm(-3)for p = 4.6 x 10(-4)mbar. These results are in good agreement with Langmuir probe data. The success of this measurement was only possible after a tenfold increase in the Li+ output and the increase of the lifetime of Li source by vitrification of the beta-eucryptite source, besides the optimization of the optical detection system and the neutralization of the beam. Presently, a new 10keV FNLBP is been developed to probe ETE plasma. For this case, where the Li beam will be strongly attenuated by the high density plasma (n(e)similar to 10(13)cm(-3)), the method of density reconstruction from the whole photon flux profile will be used. All the improvements performed during the operation of the old FNLBP device, will be implemented on this new FNLBP 91: FDB-20020612 MFN: 10547 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Hanamoto, L.K. 10: Henriques, A.B. 10: Tribuzy, C.V.B. 10: Souza, P.L. 10: Yavich, B. 10: Abramof, Eduardo 12: Interfacial layers and impurity segregation in InP/In0.53Ga0.47As superlattices 14: 334-337 30: Brazilian Journal of Physics 31: 32 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAS 61: 64: jun. <2002> 68: PRE 76: FISICA DE PLASMA 88: QUANTUM WELLS 88: PHOTOLUMINESCENCE 88: GROWTH 88: MOVPE 88: INP 83: The interfaces in InP/In0.53Ga0.47As superlattices modulation doped with Si were investigated using magneto-transport, capacitance-voltage, and high resolution X-ray diffraction measurements. Results indicate that a thick interfacial layer is formed when InP is grown on top of InxGa1-xAs, and that Si atoms that fall in the interfacial layer have a high probability of not forming a shallow donor center. Using a simple theoretical model the width of the interfacial layer which was estimated to be 7 +/- 1 monolayers 91: FDB-20020912 MFN: 10548 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Trushin, O 10: Granato, Enso 10: Ying, SC 10: Kosterlitz, JM 10: Ala-Nissila, T 10: Salo, P 12: Surface instability and dislocation nucleation in strained epitaxial layers 14: 369-371 30: Brazilian Journal of Physics 31: 32 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAS 61: 64: jun. <2002> 68: PRE 76: FISICA DE PLASMA 88: MOLECULAR-DYNAMICS SIMULATION 88: MISFIT DISLOCATIONS 88: HETEROSTRUCTURES 88: RELAXATION 88: SILICON 88: GROWTH 88: FILMS 83: We have studied numerically the stability and defect nucleation in epitaxial layers on a substrate with lattice mismatch. Stress relaxation and energy barriers for misfit dislocation nucleation are estimated using modern methods for saddle point search based on a combination of activation with local repulsive potential and the Nudged Elastic Band method. Stress relaxation processes correspond to different transition paths from coherent to incoherent states of the epitaxial layer. Using a two-dimensional atomistic model with Lennard-Jones interacting potential, we find different equilibrium critical thickness and activation energy behavior for dislocation nucleation of epitaxial films under tensile and compressive strain. For tensile strain, the energy barrier decreases with thickness while it reaches a constant value for compressive strain 91: FDB-20020612 MFN: 10550 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Robles, M. 10: Perondi, L. 10: Kaski, K. 12: Dynamics of a dislocation set in motion by an external stress 14: 97-105 30: International Journal of Modern Physics C 31: 13 32: 11 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAP 61: 64: Jan. <2002> 68: PRE 76: FISICA E TECNOLOGIA DE MATERIAIS 88: PLASTICITY 88: CRYSTALS 83: The relation between dislocation velocity and resolved shear stress is studied computationally at the atomic scale using Molecular Dynamics simulations in a two-dimensional Lennard-Jones system. Mimicking a well known experimental technique, we apply a calibrated stress pulse to a system with a single dislocation and follow with a run-time graphics tool and displacement-field based tracking method, the dislocation motion caused by momentum transfer from an externally generated stress pulse. The empirically suggested power law relation between dislocation velocity and resolved shear stress seems to hold also in the atomic scale 91: FDB-20020612 MFN: 10554 1: SID/SCD 2: 9564 3: INPE-9564-TDI/836 4: COMP 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Sousa, Fabiano Luis de 18: Otimiza‡Æo extrema generalizada: um novo algoritmo estoc stico para o projeto ¢timo 20: 142 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Doutor 58: Banca: Jos‚ Demisio Simäes da Silva; Fernando Manuel Ramos (orientador); Reinaldo Roberto Rosa; Luiz Ant“nio Nogueira Lorena; Paulo Tadeu de Mello Louren‡Æo; H‚lio Jos‚ Corrˆa Barbosa; Antonio Jos‚ da Silva Neto 58: SPG 59: CAP 62: INPE 64: set. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: COMPUTACAO APLICADA 87: otimiza‡Æo 87: otimiza‡Æo de projeto multidisciplinar 87: programa‡Æo nÆo linear 87: projeto 87: criticalidade auto-organizada 88: optimization 88: multidisciplinary design optimization 88: nonlinear programming 88: design 88: self-organized criticaly 83: Neste trabalho uma nova ferramenta num‚rica para uso na otimiza‡Æo de projetos ‚ apresentada. Baseada na teoria da Criticalidade Auto-Organizada (Self-Organized Criticality - SOC), ela destina-se a ser utilizada em problemas de otimiza‡Æo que apresentem caracter¡sticas complexas, como a presen‡a de um espa‡o de projeto nÆo convexo ou mesmo disjunto, a existˆncia no mesmo de m£ltiplas solu‡äes sub-¢timas, severas nÆo linearidades na fun‡Æo objetivo ou nas restri‡äes e a utiliza‡Æo conjunta de vari veis cont¡nuas, inteiras ou discretas. Denominada algoritmo da Otimiza‡Æo Extrema Generalizada (Generalized Extremal Optimization - GEO), ela extende o m‚todo da Otimiza‡Æo Extrema (Extremal Optimization - EO)de forma que possa ser aplicada a uma vasta classe de problemas. Embora seja um algoritmo estoc stico, ele apresenta apenas um parƒmetro livre a ser ajustado, diferentemente de outros algoritmos populares, como o Algoritmo Gen‚tico (Genetic Algorithm - GA)e o Recozimento Simulado (Simulated Annealing - SA), que apresentam pelo menos trˆs. Esta ‚ uma vantagem "a priori" do GEO sobre o GA e o SA, j  que o processo de ajuste dos parƒmetros livres para uma dada aplica‡Æo ‚ muito menos custosa computacionalmente no GEO do que nestes. O algoritmo da otimiza‡Æo extrema generalizado ‚ aqui apresentado na sua forma can“nica e em uma implementa‡Æo alternativa denominada GEOvar. O desempenho de ambas implementa‡äes foi avaliado para um conjunto de fun‡äes teste e comparado com versäes do GA e do SA, mostrando-se competitivos … estes algoritmos. Utilizado para atacar dois problemas reais de projeto ¢timo em engenharia aeroespacial, o algoritmo da otimiza‡Æo extrema generalizado mostrou-se capaz de encontrar solu‡äes de alta qualidade (em alguns casos provavelmente a solu‡Æo ¢tima), mesmo partindo de projetos invi veis. Al‚m disso, ele identificou caracter¡sticas destes problemas que nÆo eram intuitivamente ¢bvias. Do ponto de vista da teoria que inspirou o algoritmo, uma an lise preliminar da dinƒmica da busca pela solu‡Æo ¢tima com o uso do mesmo, mostrou que esta pode apresentar caracter¡sticas de SOC. Finalmente, pode-se afirmar que o algoritmo da otimiza‡Æo extrema generalizada mostrou ser um algoritmo com grande potencial … ser incorporado … "caixa de ferramentas" num‚ricas do engenheiro e do cientista. ABSTRACT: In this work a new numerical tool for application on optimal design is presented. Based on the theory of Self-Organized Criticality (SOC), it is intended to be used in problems that present complex characteristics such as a non-convex or even disjoint design space, the presence of multiple sub-optimal solutions on it, severe non-linearities on the objective function or on the constraints and the use of a combination of continuos, discrete and integer variables. Called the Generalized Extremal Optimization algorithm (GEO), it extends the Extremal Optimization (EO)method in a way that it can be readly applied to a broad class of optimal design problems. Altought being a stochastic algorithm, it has only one free parameter to be set, diferently to other popular algorithms, such as the Genetic Algorithm (GA)or the Simulated Annealing (SA), that each have at least three of them. This is an "a priori" advantage of the GEO over the GA and the SA, since the setting process of the free parameter would present a lesser computional cost for the GEO than for the others. The generalized extremal optimization algorithm is presented here in its canonical form and in an alternative implementation called GEOvar. The performance of both implementations was assessed for a set of test functions and compared to versions of the GA and SA, showing to be competitive to both algorithms. Used to tackle optimal design problems in aerospace engineering, the generalized extremal optimization algorithm showed to be capable to find high quality solutions (in some cases probably the optimal), even starting from infeasible designs. Moreover, it identified characteristics of these problems that were not intuitively obvious at first sight. From the point of view of the theory that inspired the algorithm, a preliminar analisys of the search dynamics to find the optimal, showed that it can present characteristics of SOC. Finaly, it can be said that the generalized extremal optimization algorithm showed to be a highly potential candidate to be incorporated to the optimization numerical tool box of the engineer and of the scientist 91: FDB-20021219 92: FDB-MLR 102: MFN: 10557 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Carbajal, Migue Enrique Dulanto 18: Aplica‡äes do GPS (sistem de posicionamento global)nas radiocomunica‡äes 38: Em processo de publica‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: H‚lio Koiti Kuga; Ivan Jelinek Kantor (orientador); Eurico Rodrigues de Paula; Paulo de Oliveira Camargo 58: SPG 59: CMC 62: INPE 64: jun. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 83: O Sistema de Posicionamento Global por sat‚lites, tem-se tornado uma tecnologia £til e inovadora para diferentes atividades do conhecimento humano. Entre outras aplica‡äes ‚ uma poderosa ferramenta para fazer estudos da ionosfera, pela facilidade de acesso … informa‡Æo, opera em forma cont¡nua e em qualquer ponto da Terra ou perto dela. O trabalho usou a informa‡Æo de mapas ionosf‚ricos globais (GIM)elaborados a partir de observaveis GPS, previamente processados pelos diferentes centros. Para fazer a predi‡Æo do Conte£do Total de El‚trons (TEC)a n¡vel global, usamos os coeficientes de expansÆo harm“nica gerados pelo Centro de Determina‡Æo de àrbitas Europeu na Universidade de Berna (Sui‡a), os quais permitem fazer uma representa‡Æo global do TEC durante um per¡odo de tempo espec¡fico e para cada duas horas. O m‚todo que implementamos foi o M‚todo de M xima Entropia (MEM), com uma base de dados de 30 dias consecutivos, para poder calcular o TEC para os pr¢ximos seis dias. Com esta estimativa se conseguiu determinar alguns fatores primordiais para as radiocomunica‡äes, especialmente para as bandas de HF, VHF, UHF e SHF. Os resultados de nosso programa mostram a n¡vel global e para hor rios espec¡ficos o conte£do total de el‚trons, o excesso de atraso de tempo para uma freqˆncia determinada, a freqˆncia cr¡tica da camada F2 e um exemplo de predi‡Æo da freqˆncia ¢tima de trabalho. ABSTRACT: The Global Position System (GPS)is a powerful tool to study the ionosphere, is easy to access, works all the time and all around the world. We worked with GPS global ionosphere maps, that were previously processed by the Center for Orbit Determination in Europe, in the University of Bern (Switzerland)in IONEX format and coefficients (spherical harmonic expansion)every two hours to do a prediction of the global Total Electron Content. It was used the Maximum Entropy Method (MEM)with 30 days data base to compute the TEC for the next 6 days. With this prediction it was possible to determinate some important parameters for radiocommunications, specially in the range of HF, VHF, UHF e SHF. With our program it is possible to obtain the total electron content for all the world for specific time, the excess delay time for one frequency, and the critical frequency for the F2 layer. It is presented one example of prediction for optimum working frequency 91: FDB-20020819 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10559 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kaufmann, Pierre 10: Raulin, J. P. 10: Correia, Emilia 10: Costa, Joaquim Eduardo Rezende 10: Castro, C. G. G. 10: Silva, A.V.R. 10: Levato, H. 10: Rovira, M. 10: Mandrini, C. 10: Fernandez-Borda, R. 10: Bauer, O . H. 12: Solar flare observations at submm-waves 14: 1059-1065 30: IAU SYMPOSIA: RECENT INSIGHTS INTO THE PHYSICS OF THE SUN AND HELIOSPHERE: HIGHLIGHTS FROM SOHO AND OTHER SPACE MISSIONS 31: 203 40: En 41: En 42: 58: CRAAE 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: RADIOASTRONOMIA 83: First 405 GHz and 212 GHz solar flare observations were obtained during short campaigns while the new solar submillimeter-wave telescope (SST)was still undergoing adjustments at the CASLEO El Leoncito observatory in the Argentina Andes. We show here preliminary results for a large X1.1 class X-ray event occurred on 2000 March 22, which exhibited a small submm-w continuum response to the slow (minutes)bulk flare emission, and numerous subsecond spikes (100-300 ms), the brightest spikes reaching about 180 and 50 s.f.u. at 405 and 212 GHz, respectively 91: FDB-20010926 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10563 1: SID/SCD 2: 9375 3: INPE-9375-PRE/5035 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Linhares, Alexandre 10: Yanasse, Horacio Hideki 12: Industrial pattern-sequencing problems: some complexity results and new local search models 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computa‡Æo, 22 54: 15-19 jul. <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: CPMPUTA€ÇO APLICADA 91: FDB-20021217 92: FDB-MD 101: D MFN: 10564 1: SID/SCD 4: MET 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Silva, Adma Raia 18: Ondas orogr ficas sobre a Cordilheira dos Andes em latitudes subtropical: estudos de caso 38: Em processo de publica‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Prakki Satyamurty; Chou Sin Chan (orientadora); Jos‚ Antonio Marengo Orsini; Adilson Wagner Gabdu; Rosa de F tima Cruz Marques 58: SPG 59: MET 62: INPE 64: ago. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 91: FDB-20021219 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10565 1: SID/SCD 4: MET 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Carvalho, JoÆo Carlos 18: Modelagem e an lise de sondagens remota sobre o Brasil utilizando-se o sistema ICI 38: Em processo de publica‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Doutor 58: Banca: Luiz Augusto Toledo Machado; Nelson Jesus Ferreira (orientador); Fernando Manuel Ramos; Bonatti, Jos‚ Paulo; Adilson Wagner Gabdu; Carvalho, Leila Maria Vaspoli 58: SPG 59: MET 62: INPE 64: set. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 91: FDB-20021219 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10566 1: SID/SCD 4: MET 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Souza, M rcio Augusto 18: Intercompara‡Æo de m‚todos de estimativa da temperatura da superf¡cie continental: um estudo de casos 38: Em processo de publica‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 51: Mestre 58: Banca: 58: SPG 59: MET 62: INPE 64: set. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 91: FDB-20021219 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10569 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Arai, Egidio 18: Uma ferramenta para extrai e processar dados do sensor SEAWIFS 38: Em processo de publica‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Nandamudi Lankalapalli Vijaykumar; Carlos Ho Shih Ninh; Yosio Edemir Shimabukuro; Nelson Jesus Ferreira; Eduardo Jorge de Brito Bastos 58: SPG 59: CAP 62: INPE 64: set. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 91: FDB-20021219 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10572 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Souza, Primavera Botelho de 18: Melhoria do siftware embarcado em sat‚lites do INPE: proposta para um passo a mais 38: Em processo de publica‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Solon Venƒncio de Carvalho; Tatuo Nakaniski (orientador); JoÆo Bosco Schumann Cunha; Maur¡cio Gon‡alves Vieira Ferreira; Selma Shin Shimizu Melnikoff 58: SPG 59: CAP 62: INPE 64: out. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 91: FDB-20021219 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10574 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Prestes, Alan 18: Estudo estat¡stico da variabilidade dos ¡ndices geomagn‚ticos e sua rela‡Æo com o ciclo solar 38: Em processo de publica‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Maria Virg¡nia Alves; Walter Demetrio Gonzalez Alarcon (orientador); Alicia Luiza Clua de Gonzalez Alarcon; Severino Luiz GuimarÆes Dutra; Nivaor Rodolfo Rigozo 58: SPG 59: GES 62: INPE 64: set. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021019 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10576 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Talavera, Kenny Choque 18: C lculo da resposta do telesc¢pio do experimento Apex e estimativa te¢rica do fluxo de antipr¢tons na magnetosfera interior 38: Em processo de publica‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Daniel Jean Roger Nordemann; Udaya Bhaskaram Jayanthi (orientador); Anatoli Alexandrovitch Goussev (orientador); Thyrso Vilela Neto; Tobias Frederico 58: SPG 59: AST 62: INPE 64: out. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: ATROFÖSICA 91: FDB-20021019 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10577 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Furtado, S‚rgio Ricardo 18: Estudo de t‚cnicas de resfriamento r pido de antenas esferoidais utilizandas em detectores de ondas gravitacionais 38: Em processo de publica‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestrado 58: Banca: Carlos Alexandre Wuensche de souza; Adylio Denys de Aguiar (orientador); Jos‚ Carlos Neves de Araujo; Francisco Jos‚ Jablonski; Nei Fernandes de Oliveira Jr.; Ôzio Castejon Garcia 58: SPG 59: AST 62: INPE 64: out. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: ASTROFISICA 91: FDB-20021019 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10578 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Vieira, Lu¡s Eduardo Antunes 18: Estruturas geoefetivas e a previsÆo de tempestades magn‚ticas intensas 38: Em processo de publica‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Doutor 58: Banca: Maria Virg¡nia Alves; Walter Demetrio Gonzalez Alarcon (orientador); Alicia Luiza Clua de Gonzalez Alarcan; Jonas Rodrigues de Souza. Fausto T. Gratton; Jos‚ Leonardo Ferreira; Adriana Valio Roque da Silva 58: SPG 59: GES 62: INPE 64: nov. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021019 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10585 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Porro, Jos‚ Ricardo Soria 18: Estudo da dinƒmica de um sat‚lite artificial considerando abertura do painel solar 38: Em processo de publica‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Luiz Carlos Gadelha de Souza; Andr‚ Fenili (orientador); M rio C‚sar Ricci; Alessandro Teixeira Neto 58: SPG 59: CMC 62: INPE 64: ago. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20020819 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10587 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Freitas, Wantuir Aparecido 18: Estudo do desempenho do sistema de controle de atitude de um sat‚lite r¡gido flexivel 20: 187 38: Em processo de publica‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Luiz Carlos Gadelha de Souza (orientador); M rio C‚sar Ricci; Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Prado; JoÆo Carlos Menezes 58: SPG 59: CMC 62: INPE 64: set. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021119 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10589 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Lorena, Luiz Antonio Nogueira 10: Pereira, M.A. 10: SalomÆo, S.N.A. 12: Lagrangean/surrogate relaxation and columm generation: new bounds and new columns 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization 54: 8-14 Apr. <2002> 56: Paris 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10590 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Carvalho, J.C. 10: Ferreira, Nelson Jesus 10: Ramos, Fernando Manuel 12: Retrieval of temperature and moisture profiles over using satellite data 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering Theory and Pratice, 4 (ICIPE-2002) 54: 26-31 May <2002> 56: Angra dos Reis 57: BR 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10591 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Arakaki, Reinaldo Gen Ichiro 10: Lorena, Luiz Antonio Nogueira 12: A construtive generic algorith for the maximal covering location problem 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Metaheuristics International Conference, 4 54: 14-22 June <2002> 56: Porto 57: Portugal 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10592 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Chalhoub, E.S. 10: Campos Velho, Haraldo Fraga 12: Estimation of internal sources in natural water remote sensing data 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering Theory and Pratice, 4(ICIPE-2002) 54: 26-31 May <2002> 56: Angra dos Reis 57: BR 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10593 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Roberti, D.R. 10: Campos Velho, Haraldo Fraga 10: Degrazia, G.A. 12: Identifing countergradient term in atmospheric convective boundary layer 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering Theory and Pratice, 4 (ICIPE-2002) 54: 26-31 May <2002> 56: Angra dos Reis 57: BR 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10594 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Shiguemori, Elcio Hideiti 10: Campos Velho, Haraldo Fraga 10: Silva, J.D.S. 12: Estimation of initial condition in heat conduction by neural network 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering Theory and Pratice, 4 (ICIPE-2002) 54: 26-31 May <2002> 56: Angra dos Reis 57: BR 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10595 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Shiguemori, Elcio Hideiti 10: Ferreira, Nelson Jesus 10: Ramos, Fernando Manuel 10: Silva, J.D.S. 12: A parametric study of a new regularization operator: non-extensive entropy 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering Theory and Pratice , 4 (ICIPE-2002) 54: 26-31 May <2002> 56: Angra dos Reis 57: BR 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10596 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Souza, F.L. 10: Ramos, Fernando Manuel 12: Function optimization using extremal dynamics 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on Inverse Problems in Engineering Theory and Pratice, 4 (ICIPE-2002) 54: 26-31 May <2002> 56: Angra dos Reis 57: BR 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10597 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Shiguemori, Elcio Hideiti 10: Silva, J.D.S. 10: Campos Velho, Haroldo Fraga 12: Neural network systems for estimating the initial condition in a heat conduction problem 40: En 41: En 42: 53: IJCN/WCCI 54: May <2002> 56: Honolulu 57: Havai 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10598 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Lorena, Luiz Antonio Nogueira 10: Senne, E.L.F. 12: A columm generation approach to capacitated P-median problems 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Triennial International Symposium on Location Decision, 12; ISOLDE, 9 54: 12-19 June <2002> 56: New Brunswick 57: Canada 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10599 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Narciso, M.G. 10: Lorena, Luiz Antonio Nogueira 12: Uso de algoritmos gen‚ricos em sistemas de apoio a decisÆo para aloca‡Æo de recursos no campo e na cidade 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro da SBI-AGRO, 3 54: 13-14 abr. <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u 57: BR 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10601 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Sant'Anna, Nilson 10: Cereja Jr., M.G. 10: Borrego Filho, L.F. 10: Luque, L. 10: Casillo, B.H. 12: e-WebProject: um ambiente integrado para apoio ao desenvolvimento e gestÆo de projetos de softare 14: 163-175 18: Anais 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Conferˆncia Internacional de Tecnologia de Software: Qualidade e Produtividade no Gerenciamento de Projetos, 13 54: <2002> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10602 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Chiwiacowsky, L.D. 10: Campos Velho, Haroldo Fraga 10: Preto, Airam Jonatas 10: Stephany, Stephan 12: Um algoritmo gen‚rico parelelo aplicado a um problema inverso em condu‡Æo de calor 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Encontro Regional de Matematica Aplicada e Computacional, 3 (ERMAC) 54: 12-14 junho <2002> 56: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 57: BR 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10603 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Falconi, A.P. 10: Medeiros, F.L.L. 10: GuimarÆes, L.N.F. 10: Preto, Airam Jonatas 10: Stephany, Stephan 12: Paraleliza‡Æo de algoritmo h¡brido aplicado ao problema de determina‡Æo de estados estacion rios de medelos dinƒmicos lineares e nÆo lineares 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Encontro Regional de Matematica Aplicada e Computacional, 3 (ERMAC) 54: 12-14 junho <2002> 56: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 57: BR 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10604 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Martinon, A.R.F. 10: Dobrowolski, M. 10: Preto, Airam Jonatas 10: Stephany, Stephan 12: Otimiza‡Æo de rotinas do software BSSData utilizando MMX 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Encontro Regional de Matematica Aplicada e Computacional, 3 (ERMAC) 54: 12-14 junho <2002> 56: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 57: BR 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10605 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Nakara, A.S. 10: Ribeiro, J.A.J. 10: Preto, Airam Jonatas 10: Stephany, Stephan 10: Vijaykumar, Nandamudi Lanlalapalli 10: Granato, E. 10: Perondi, Leonel Fernando 12: Paraleliza‡Æo de aplica‡äes em f¡sica dos materiais 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Encontro Regional de Matematica Aplicada e Computacional, 3 (ERMAC) 54: 12-14 junho <2002> 56: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 57: BR 58: LAC 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10607 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Retamoso, M.R. 10: Campos Velho, Haraldo Fraga 10: Vilhena, M.T.M.B. 12: Estimation of boundary conditions from different experimental data using LTSn method and Tikhonov regularization 14: cap. 33, 209-214 16: Constanda, C. 16: Schiavone, P. 16: Mioduchowski, A. 18: Integral Methods in Science and Engineering 38: ISBN 0-8176-4213-7 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAC 61:
  • 62: Birkhauser 64: <2002> 66: Boston 68: CAPL 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10608 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Doescher, E. 10: Campos Velho, Haraldo Fraga 10: Ramos, Fernando Manuel 12: Different grid strategies in fluid dynamics 14: Section 9, 587-598 16: Rahman, M. 16: Verhoeven, C.A. 16: Brebia, C.A., ed. 18: Advances in fluid Mechanics 27: v. 6 38: ISBN 1-85312-910-0 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAC 61:
  • 62: WIT Press 64: <2002> 66: Southampton 68: CAPL 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10609 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Siqueira, µlisson S vio Silva 18: Corre‡Æo de multicaminho na portadora de um sinal GPS utilizando redes neurais artificiais para determina‡Æo de atitude de sat‚lites 20: 187 38: Em processo de publica‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: H‚lio Koiti Kuga; Roberto Vieira da Fonseca Lopes (orientador); Valdemir Carrara; Paulo Giacomo Milani; Luiz Danilo Damasceno Ferreira 58: SPG 59: CMC 62: INPE 64: out. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021119 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10610 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Rocco, Evandro Marconi 18: Manuten‡Æo orbital de constela‡äes sim‚tricas de sat‚lites utilizando manobras impulsivas ¢timas com v¡nculo de tempo 38: Em processo de publica‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Doutor 58: Banca: Atair Rios Neto; Marcelo Lopes de Oliveira e Souza (orientador); Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Prado (orientador); Valcir Orlando; Ana Paula Marins Chiradia; Luiz Danilo Damasceno Ferreira 58: SPG 59: CMC 62: INPE 64: out. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021119 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10613 1: SID/SCD 4: MET 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Kubota, Paulo Yoshio 18: Camada limite do Pantanal Mato-grossense: an lise observacional e simula‡Æo num‚rica 38: Em processo de publica‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Leonmardo Deane de Abreu S ; Antonio Ocimar Manzi (orientador); Maria Assun‡Æo Faus da Silva Dias; Gilberto Fernando Fisch; Humberto Ribeiro da Rocha 58: SPG 59: MET 62: INPE 64: jul. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 91: FDB-20021219 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10616 1: SID/SCD 4: FISPLASMA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Araujo, C.M. 10: Silva, A.F. de 10: Andrade e Silva, E.A. 12: Resonant tunneling of polarized electrons through nonmagnetic III-V semiconductor multiple barriers 14: 321-323 30: Brazilian Journal of Physics 31: 32 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAP 61: 64: June <2002> 68: PRE 76: FISICA DE PLASMA 83: The quantum transport of spin-polarized electrons across nonmagnetic III-V semiconductor multiple barriers is considered theoretically. We have calculated the spin dependent transmission coefficient, for conducting electrons transversing lattice-matched In0.53Ga0.47As/GaAs0.5Sb0.5/In0.53Ga0.47As/InP/In0.53Ga0.07As nanostructures with different numbers of asymmetric double barriers, as a function of electron energy and angle of incidence. Spin-orbit split resonances, due to the Rashba term, are observed. The envelope function approximation and the Kane k(.)p model for the bulk are used. For an unpolarized incident beam of electrons, we also obtain the spin polarization of the transmitted beam. The formation of spin dependent minibands of energy with nonzero transmission is observed 91: FDB-20020612 MFN: 10646 1: SID/SCD 2: 9704 3: INPE-9704-PRE/5299 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Villela Neto, Thyrso 10: Braga, JoÆo 10: Fonseca, R 10: Mej¡a, J 10: Santos, Elisete Rinke dos 10: D'Amico, Fl vio 12: An overview of the MASCO balloon-borne gamma-ray experiment 14: 1333-1342 30: Advances in Space Research 31: 30 32: 5 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFISICA 88: MASCO 88: balloon-borne 88: gamma-ray experiment 83: We present a detailed description of the technical characteristics of the MASCO balloon-borne gamma-ray experiment, which is an instrument designed to obtain images of cosmic sources with a 14-arcminute resolution over an 14-degree circular field of view. It operates between 50 keV and 1.8 MeV. The MASCO experiment employs a Modified Uniformly Redundant Array coded mask and a NaI(Tl)position sensitive detector. The attitude control system was designed to provide a few arcminutes pointing and stabilization for a similar 2,000 kg, 7-m high, 2-m wide, 2-m deep gondola that encompasses the telescope and its associated electronics. We describe the imaging system, the attitude control system, and the gondola where the telescope is mounted on. We also show some results of new tests performed with the instrument: the 1- detector spatial resolution in the X-axis is 1.04 cm and 1.14 cm in the Y-axis for an Am241 source; for a Na22 source, the spatial resolution in the X-axis is 1.67 cm and 1.39 cm in the Y-axis; the attitude control system tests showed that the instrument is able to maintain a target locked with at least 5-arcminute accuracy 91: FDB-20020926 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10647 1: SID/SCD 2: 9707 3: INPE-9707-PRE/5302 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Sawant, Hanumant Shankar 10: Karlicky, M. 10: Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha 10: Cecatto, Jos‚ Roberto 12: Observation of harmonically related solar radio zebra patterns in the 1-4 GHz frequency range 14: 1015-1018 30: Astronomy and Astrophysics 31: 396 32: 3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: Dec. <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFISICA 88: plasma 88: Sun 88: flares 88: radio 88: radiation 83: A unique case of two zebra patterns related harmonically with ratio of similar to1:2 was observed by distant radio telescopes at Sao Jose dos Campos and Ondrejov Observatories. Accompanied zebras show that the ratio of frequencies of the eighboring zebra lines is in the range of 1.009-1.037. There is a tendency of a decrease of this ratio with decreasing frequency within the specific zebra pattern. Both facts speak in favour of plasma emission models for the zebra pattern fine structure in radio burst continua. 91: FDB-20021226 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10648 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Ldke, Everton 10: Sawant, Hanumant Shankar 12: Solar imaging capabilities of the brazilian decimetric array 14: 147-152 30: Geof. International 31: 3929 32: : 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020926 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10649 1: SID/SCD 2: 9709 3: INPE-9709-PRE/5304 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 10: Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Joahann Heinrich 10: Silva, A.A. 12: Wavelength dependence of aerosol optical thickness in the UV-B band 14: art. no. 1620 30: Geophysical Research Letters 31: 29 32: 12 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 59: QUIAT 61: 64: June <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFISICA ESPACIAL 88: ABSORPTION CROSS-SECTIONS 88: SOLAR IRRADIANCE 88: SCAR-B 88: OZONE 88: RADIATION 88: FORMALDEHYDE 88: ATMOSPHERE 88: CLOUDS 88: SMOKE 83: The optical thickness of the atmosphere, tau(at), was deduced from measurements of narrowband direct solar UV-B (280-320 nm)radiation. This is the radiation that is strongly absorbed in the stratosphere by ozone, especially near the lower limit wavelength of these measurements, 306.3 nm. Measurement campaigns were organized to obtain radiation data at different sites, for different kinds of aerosol, using the same methods and instruments, in order to deduce the atmospheric optical thickness for different atmospheric conditions. The measurements were made with a Brewer spectrophotometer at each site. This instrument measures also the atmospheric ozone and sulphur dioxide columns, and therefore it is possible to deduce the aerosol optical thickness, tau(ae). The possibility of additional absorptions in the UV-B band, especially formaldehydes, is investigated. Two data sets are examined: C. Grande and S. Paulo. A large percentage of the data show that the wavelength dependence of the aerosol optical thickness is one that appears to increase with wavelength. In other words, the difference between the absolute values at 320.1 and 306.3 nm, is positive for the majority of cases. However, this difference is not always larger than the uncertainty/error of the measurement. This intriguing result opposes the Angstrom law, applicable to a much larger dynamic range in wavelength. For the C. Grande data (with generally larger values of optical thickness), the difference is positive in 16 out of 19 cases, but there are only 4 cases when the difference is larger than the error. For the S. Paulo morning data, however, the opposite is true. The difference is positive with only one exception, and there are 13 cases out of 17 where the difference is larger than the error 91: FDB-20021012 MFN: 10650 1: SID/SCD 2: 9710 3: INPE-9710-PRE/5305 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Chian, Abrahan Chian Long 10: Borotto Ch vez, F‚lix Aldo 10: Rempel, Erico Luiz 12: Alfven boundary crisis 14: 1653-1658 30: International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 31: 12 32: 7 40: En 41: En 42: C 58: DGE 61: 64: June <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 88: PARAMETRIC-INSTABILITIES DRIVEN 88: CHAOTIC ATTRACTORS 88: WAVES 88: TURBULENCE 88: PLASMAS 83: A new transition mechanism to Alfven chaos via boundary crisis is reported. This crisis appears in a complex plasma region in the presence of a large number of coexisting attractors. We characterize an example of double boundary crises using the unstable periodic orbit determined from the numerical solution of the driven-dissipative derivative nonlinear Schrodinger equation, and demonstrate how the same unstable periodic orbit causes the appearance/disappearance of two chaotic attractors due to two successive homoclinic tangencies 91: FDB-20021012 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10651 1: SID/SCD 2: 9711 3: INPE-9711-PRE/5306 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Sobral, Jos‚ Humberto Andrade 10: Abdu, Mangalathayil Ali 10: Takahashi, Hisao 10: Taylor, Michael J. 10: Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de 10: Zamlutti, Carlos Jos‚ 10: Aquino, Maria Goreti dos Santos 10: Borba, G. L. 12: ionospheric plasma bubble climatology over Brazil based on 22 years (1977-1998)of 630 nm airglow observations 14: 1517-1524 30: Journal of Atmospheric and Solar Terrestrial Physics 31: 64 32: 12-14 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 61: 64: Aug.-Sep. <2002> 68: PRE 76: AERONOMIA 88: ionospheric bubbles 88: ionospheric dynamics 88: F-region dynamics 88: O1 6300 A nocturnal airglow 88: equatorial ionosphere 88: thermospheric dynamics 83: The frequency of occurrence of the large-scale ionospheric plasma depletions, or plasma bubbles, over Cachoeira Paulista-CP (45degreesW, 33degreesS, 28degreesS dip), with solar activity, season, and geomagnetic activity, during the period of 1977-1998, is studied here based on 934 days of scanning photometers and imagers data of the atomic oxygen 630 nm nocturnal airglow. The bubble occurrence for the entire period of study shows maximum rate of 86 percent in January and 11 pecent in May. The seasonal pattern of the bubble occurrence shows up as broad a maximum and a minimum centered around summer and winter months, respectively. While during the high-solar activity the maximum extends from September to April, for the low-activity period it extends from October to March. The average sunspot number for the solar maximum (minimum)for the data of this work is 129.9 (33.1). Significant increase of bubble occurrence (by similar to 80 percent ) from low to high solar activity levels is found to occur in the present analysis only during the equinoctial months of March-April and September-October. The post-sunset plasma bubble occurrence over Cachoeira Paulista is found to decrease with increase of K-p that precedes the sunset by > 4 h, suggesting the role of disturbance dynamo electric field to inhibit its development. Increase of K-p during sunset hours can increase the bubble occurrence as a possible effect of prompt penetration electric field. These results are presented and discussed in this paper 91: FDB-20020912 MFN: 10652 1: SID/SCD 2: 9714 3: INPE-9714-PRE/5309 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Saka, O. 10: Kitamura, T. 10: Tachihara, H. 10: Shinohara, M. 10: Trivedi, Nalin Babulal 10: Sato, N. 10: Ruohoniemi,J.M. 10: Greenwald, R.A. 10: 12: A substorm onset signature at the auroral zone as observed with SuperDARN and equatorial magnetometers 14: 29037-29050 30: Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics 31: 106 32: A12 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: Dec. <2001> 68: PRE 76: RADIOASTRONOMIA 88: SUBAURORAL ION DRIFTS 88: PULSATIONS 88: MAGNETOSPHERE 88: SURGES 88: FIELDS 88: MODEL 88: ORBIT 83: Ionospheric convection enhancement with high westward velocities exceeding 1500 In s(-1)was observed in association with the particle injection event by SuperDARN in the dusk sector of the auroral zone. Such a convection enhancement could be attributable to the enhanced sunward plasma flows in the dusk sector of the magnetosphere. At the dip equator a ground Pi2 onset was found to occur in association with these convection transients. The onset of the Pi2 lagged behind the convection enhancement by 4-11 min. It is argued that the convection transient could be the earliest indicator of the substorm onset among energetic particle injection, low-latitude Pi2 onset, and, perhaps, the auroral breakup 91: FDB-20011124 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10653 1: SID/SCD 2: 9720 3: INPE-9720-PRE/5315 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Vats, H.O. 10: Sawant, Hanumant Shankar 12: Interplanetary scintillation observation for the solar wind disappearance events of May 1999 14: 25121-25124 30: Journal of Geophysical Research 31: 106 32: A11 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ATROFISICA 88: SOLAR 88: DISTURBANCES 88: DENSITY 83: In this article we report interplanetary scintillation observations at 103 and 327 MHz of an Earth-directed coronal mass ejection (CME)which occurred near the center of the solar disk at 0435 UT on May 12, 1997. The disturbance was found to have plasma density similar to 4 times more than that of the ambient plasma at a distance of similar to 0.5 AU from the Sun. The most peculiar aspect of this CME is that it appears that the disturbance moved slightly slower than the ambient medium. Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)and interplanetary scintillation (IPS)estimates of solar wind are quite different; it appears that the difference could be due to the projection effect of the SOHO image. Though the disturbance was not very severe, its impact on Earth's environment produced a geomagnetic storm. This event was associated with a two-ribbon flare. The ionospheric effects of soft X rays from this solar flare were observed by a digital ionosonde at Ahmedabad in the form of excess ionization (similar to1200 el cm(-3)) in the D region of the ionosphere 91: FDB-20021001 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10655 1: SID/SCD 2: 9719 3: INPE-9719-PRE/5314 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kane, Rajaram Purushottam 12: Variability in the periodicity of 27 days in solar indices 14: 207-216 30: Solar Physics 31: 209 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: Set. <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFISICA ESPACIAL 88: rotation 88: flux 88: EUV 88: UV 83: The short-term variation of solar indices, though typically near the solar rotation period of 27 days, can often deviate considerably from 27 days, in a wide range similar to 19-33 days. The peak locations are within a day or two for all solar indices, indicating that the whole of the solar atmosphere is affected in a similar way. There are no systematic differences between the peaks of the chromosphere and the corona as such, but F10, X-rays, and coronal green line, which have uncertainties about their solar altitudes of origin, do show some differences (earlier peaks)as compared to other indices (chromospheric as well as coronal) 91: FDB-20021023 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10656 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Saba, Marcelo Magalhaes Fares 10: Roversi, R.R. 12: Fotografando o que nÆo se vˆ 14: 12-14 30: Revista Brasileira de Ensino de F¡sica na Escola 31: 3 32: 1 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 92: FDB20020915 100: FDB-MLR MFN: 10657 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Pinto Junior, Osmar 12: Sistemas de prote‡Æo 14: 34-35 30: Instala‡äes El‚tricas 31: 2 32: 20 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOFISICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20020904 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10658 1: SID/SCD 2: 9713 3: INPE-9713-PRE/5308 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Kane, Rajaram Prurushotam 12: Prediction of solar activity: Role of long-term variations 14: art. no. 1113 30: Journal of Geophysical Research - Space 31: 107 32: A7 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 61: 64: July <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: GEOFISICA ESPACIAL 88: 3-CYCLE QUASI-PERIODICITY 88: MAXIMUM SUNSPOT NUMBER 88: ACTIVITY RECONSTRUCTION 88: SOLAR-CYCLE-23 88: CYCLE 88: FIELD 88: SIZE 83: From the near-zero values during the Maunder Minimum (1645-1715), the maxima Rz(max)of smoothed sunspot numbers reached values of similar to140 by cycle 0-1 (similar to1750)and then had long-term fluctuations (high values for 3-5 cycles, followed by low values for 3-5 cycles, differing by as much as 50 units), on which random fluctuations were superposed. There is some indication of a similar to100-year oscillation that might have peaked near cycle 20 at Rz( max)values near similar to150. If this oscillation persists, the cycles in the next 50 years or so may have lower and lower R(max), perhaps dropping below 100, and recovering thereafter. The aa(min)values, and to a lesser degree, the Rz(min)values, are also expected to follow the same pattern 91: FDB-20021001 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10659 1: SID/SCD 2: 10000 3: INPE-10000-PRE/5559 4: MET 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Bolzan, Mauricio Jose Alves 10: Ramos, Fernando Manuel 10: S , Leonardo Deane de Abreu 10: Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto 10: Rodrigues Neto, Camilo 12: Analysis of fine-scale canopy turbulence within and above an Amazon Forest using Tsallis' Generalized thermostatistics 14: art. no. 8063 30: Journal of Geophysical Research 31: 107 32: D20 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LMO 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDO DO TEMPO E DO CLIMA 88: Turbulence 88: Amazonian forest 88: intermittency 88: Tsallis' entropy 88: atmospheric surface-layer 88: fully-developed turbulence 88: probability density 88: deciduous forest 88: taylors hypothesis 88: coherent eddies 88: reynolds-stress 88: local 88: isotropy 88: boundary-layer 88: rain-forest 83: We analyzed the probability density function (PDF)of velocity and temperature differences in the canopy sublayer of Amazonia based on Tsallis' generalized thermostatistics theory. We show that such a theory provides an accurate framework for modeling the statistical behavior of the inertial subrange above and below the canopy. For this, we compared the experimental PDFs with the theoretically predicted ones. The data were measured during the wet season of the Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA), which was carried out during the months of January-March 1999 in the southwestern part of Amazonia region. Measurements were made simultaneously at different heights in a 60 m micrometeorological tower located in the Biological Reserve of Jaru (10degrees04'S, 61degrees56'W), Brazil. The fast response wind speed measurements, sampled at 60 Hz rate, were made using three-dimensional sonic anemometers at the heights of 66 m (above the canopy)and 21 m (below the canopy). The results showed good agreement between experimental data measured above the canopy forest and Tsallis' generalized thermostatistics theory. For below canopy data, the agreement between experimental and theoretical PDFs was fairly good, but some distortion was observed. This is probably due to some peculiar characteristics of turbulent momentum transfer process inside the forest crown. Discussion is presented to explain these results. Conclusions regarding the absence of "universal scaling" in the inertial subrange are also presented in the context of the entropic parameter of Tsallis' theory 91: FDB-20021009 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10660 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Goncalves, J.A.N. 10: Sandonato, G.M. 10: Iha, K. 12: haracterization of boron doped CVD diamond films by Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffractometry 14: 1578-1583 30: Diamond and Related Materials 31: 11 32: 8 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAS 61: 64: Aug. <2002> 68: PRE 76: FISICA E TECNOLOGIA DE MATERIAIS 83: Boron doped diamond films grown by chemical vapor deposition on silicon (1 1 1)were measured by Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffractometry to investigate the rystallographic direction and the lattice parameters of both the betaSiC and diamond films with different levels of dopant. It was observed that the level of dopant has a significant influence on the lattice parameters for a boron/carbon ratio of 20 000 ppm, and also that the expansion of the lattice parameters was due to compressive thermal stress of diamond films 91: FDB-20020912 MFN: 10661 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Granato, Enzo 12: Zero-temperature superconducting transition in frustrated Josephson-junction array 14: 699-704 30: Brazilian Journal of Physics 31: 32 32: 3 42: 58: LAS 61: 64: set. <2002> 68: PRE 76: FISICA E TECNOLOGIA DE MATERIAIS 83: The critical behavior of zero-temperature superconducting transitions which can occur in disordered two-dimensional Josephson-junction arrays are investigated by Monte Carlo calculation of ground-state excitation energies and dynamical simulation of the current-voltage characteristics at nonzero temperatures. Two models of arrays in an applied magnetic field are considered: random dilution of junctions and random couplings with half-ux quantum per plaquette f = 1/2. Abovea critical value of disorder, finite-size scaling of the excitation energies indicates a zero-temperature transition and allows an estimate of the critical disorder and the thermal correlation length exponent characterizing the transition. Current-voltage scaling is consistent with the zero-temperature transition. The linear resistance is nonzero at finite temperatures but nonlinear behavior sets in at a characteristic current density determined by the thermal critical exponent. The o-temperature transition provides an explanation of the washing out of structure for increasing disorder at f = 1/2 while it remains for f = 0, observed experimentally in supercondoucting wire networks 91: FDB-20020612 MFN: 10662 1: SID/SCD 4: FISPLASMA 5: S 6: as 10: Barroso, J.J. 10: Kostov, K.G. 12: Triple-beam Monotron 14: 520-527 30: IEEE Transaction and Plasma Science 31: 30 32: 3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAP 59: PQUI 61: 64: June <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: FISICA DE PLASMA 91: FDB-20021010 92: FDB-MDF 101: D 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Secretaria 111: Jose L.Ferreira 111: NASA 111: CNEN 111: IPP 112: SCD 112: SID 112: LAP 112: LAP 112: USA 112: RJ 112: China 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 04-06-92 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10663 1: SID/SCD 2: 9836 3: INPE-9836-PRE/5420 4: COMP 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Chalhoub, E.S. 10: Discrete-ordinates solution for radiative-transfer problems 12: 14: 193-206 30: Journal of Quantitative and Radiative Transfer 31: 76 32: 2 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAC 61: 64: Jan. <2003> 68: PRE 76: COMPUTACAO APLICADA 88: radiative transfer problems 88: analytical discrete-ordinates method 88: reflecting boundaries 88: internal sources 88: atmospheres 88: scattering 83: The discrete-ordinates method is used to solve radiative-transfer problems, in plane-parallel media. We present a generalized analytical. discrete-ordinates formulation for solving single- and multi-region problems. Included in our model are internal sources, reflecting and emitting boundaries, incident distribution of radiation on each surface and a beam incident on one surface. Numerical results for three test problems are reported. 91: FDB-20020609 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10665 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Freitas, D. 10: Nono, Maria do carmo A. 12: Microstructure quantitative analysis of cubic polycrystalline zirconia stabilized with yttrium an rare earth oxides mixtures 14: 133-1334 30: Acta Microscopica 31: 1 32: Supplement A 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020409 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10666 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: S 6: as 10: Nono, Maria do Carmo A 12: SEM and EDS analyses of alumina-copper-titanium interfaces 14: 313-314 30: Acta Microscopica 31: 1 32: Supplement A 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020908 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10667 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: S 6: as 10: Vieira, R.A. 10: Nono, Maria do carmo A. 12: Nucleation study of CVD diamond films by microwave plasma sources on titanium fil-304 SS substrat 14: 311-312 30: Acta Microscopica 31: 1 32: Supplement A 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020908 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10669 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Campos Velho, Haraldo Fraga 10: Vijaykumar, Nandamudi Lanlalapalli 10: Stephany, Stephan 10: Preto, Airam Jonatas 10: Nowosad, Alexandre Guirland 12: A neural network implementation for data assimilation using MPI, application of high performace computing in engineering 14: Section 5, 211-220 16: Brebia, C.A. 16: Melli, P. 16: Zanasi, A., ed. 18: Application of high performace computing in engineering 38: ISBN 1-85312-924-0 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAC 61:
  • 62: WIT Press 64: <2002> 66: Southampton 68: CAPL 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10670 1: SID/SCD 2: 9565 3: INPE-9565-PRE/5196 4: ETES 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Loureiro, Geison 10: Leaney, Paul Gerard 12: A systems and concurrent engineering framework for the integrated development of space products 14: 1-17 30: Acta Astronautica 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LIT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 83: This paper proposes a framework for the integrated development of space products. The framework is called `total view framework' because it provides the total set of product, process and organisation elements and their interactions from the outset in the development process. It uses systems engineering (SE)and concurrent engineering (CE)in an integrated manner, as part of the same framework. The framework extends the application of the SE process to life cycle processes and their performing organisations and applies CE at all levels of the hierarchical product breakdown structure. The `total view framework' is supported by a method, called `concurrent structured analysis method', that consists of the three analysis processes: requirements, functional and physical. These processes mirror the bulk of the SE process and are applied concurrently to product, process and organisations. The outputs of the method are requirements, functional attributes, physical attributes and the interactions among them. These outputs are then analysed using a clustering algorithm and a complexity metric based on cohesion and coupling shows the clustering effects 91: FDB-20021009 MFN: 10671 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Macau, Elbert Einstein Neher 12: Understading the complexity in Low dimensional systems 14: 322-326 30: Revista Brasileira de Ciˆncias Mecƒnicas/Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Science 31: 23 32: : 40: En 40: En 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: LIT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021009 MFN: 10672 1: 5SID/SCD 2: 9705 3: INPE-9705-PRE/5300 4: ETES 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Chian, Abraham Chian Long 10: Rempel, Erico Luiz 10: Macau, Elbert Einstein Neher 10: Rosa, Roberto Reinaldo 10: Christiansen, F. 12: High-dimensional interior crisis in the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation 14: art. no. 035203 30: Physical Review E 31: 65 32: 3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DGE 58: LIT 58: LAC 61: 64: Mar. <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFISICA ESPACIAL 88: TRAPPED-ION MODE 88: SPATIOTEMPORAL CHAOS 88: INDUCED INTERMITTENCY 88: NONLINEAR SATURATION 88: FAUCET EXPERIMENT 88: STRANGE SETS 88: LIMIT-CYCLE, ATTRACTORS 88: INSTABILITY, TRANSITION 83: An investigation of interior crisis of high dimensions in an extended spatiotemporal system exemplified by the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation is reported. It is shown that unstable periodic orbits and their associated invariant manifolds in the Poincare' hyperplane can effectively characterize the global bifurcation dynamics of high-dimensional systems. 91: FDB-20020912 MFN: 10673 1: 5SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Viotti, M.R. 10: Sut‚rio, R. 10: Gon‡alves Jr., A.A. 10: Kauffman, G.H. 12: Residual stress measurement using a radial in-plane speckle interferometer and laser annealing: preliminary results 30: Optical Engineering 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LIT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020912 MFN: 10676 1: SID/SCD 4: COMB 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Vieira, R. 10: Pham-Huu, C. 10: Keller, N. 10: Ledoux, M.J. 12: New carbon nanofiber/graphite felt composite for use as a catalyst support for hydrazine catalytic decomposition 14: 954-955 30: Chemical Communications 31: 9 32: : 41: En 42: 58: LCP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: COMBUSTAO 87: cat lise 87: forma‡Æo de catalisadores 87: decomposi‡Æo da hidrazina 83: Graphite felt supporting 40 nm diameter carbon nanofibers was synthezised and uccessfully used as a support for a high loaded iridium catalyst (30 wt percent ) in the decomposition of hydrazine; a strong mechanical resistance and a high thermal conductivity led to a very efficient and stable catalyst as compared to that used industrially, iridium supported on a high surface area alumina 91: FDB-20021014 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10677 1: SID/SCD 4: COMB 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Nhut, J.M. 10: Vieira, R. 10: Keller, N. 10: Pham-Huu, C. 10: Boll, W. 10: Ledoux, M.J. 12: Carbon composite-based catalysts: new perspectives for low-temperature H2S removal 14: 983-991 30: Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 31: 143 32: : 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LCP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: COMBUSTAO 87: cat lise 88: HYDROGEN-SULFIDE 88: NATURAL-GAS 88: OXIDATION 88: SUPPORT 88: SULFUR 88: NANOTUBES 83: Graphite felt supporting 40nm diameter carbon nanofibers, was prepared and successfully used as support for a nickel-based catalyst for the low temperature (60degreesC)selective oxidation of H2S into elemental sulfur. The carbon nanofiber synthesis was performed by I the catalytic decomposition of an ethane-hydrogen mixture at 700degreesC on a graphite felt supported nickel catalyst. The use of this new composite as NiS2 support led to a significant increase in performance, both in terms of activity and resistance to the solid sulfur deposition onto the material, as compared to a very efficient SiC supported analogue. The macroscopic design of such a carbon composite-based catalyst avoids the drawbacks of handling the very powdery nanofibers for industrial fixed-bed reaction 91: FDB-20021014 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10678 1: SID/SCD 4: COMB 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Nhut, J.M. 10: Vieira, R. 10: Pesant, L. 10: Tessonnier. J.P. 10: Keller, N. 10: Ehret, G. 10: Pham-Huu, C. 10: Ledoux, M.J. 12: Synthesis and catalytic uses of carbon and silicon carbide nanostructures 14: 11-32 30: Catalysis Today 31: 76 32: 1 41: En 42: 58: LCP 61: 64: Nov. <2002> 68: PRE 76: COMBUSTAO 87: CATµLISE 88: NANOFIBER SUPPORTED NICKEL 88: SELECTIVE OXIDATION 88: SURFACE-AREA 88: HETEROGENEOUS CATALYSIS 88: ELEMENTAL SULFUR 88: PARTICLE-SIZE 88: NANOTUBES 88: HYDROGENATION 88: CINNAMALDEHYDE 88: H2S 83: Carbon nanofibers and nanotubes with controlled diameters were synthesized by catalytic decomposition of an ethane/ hydrogen mixture over nickel and iron supported catalysts. The synthesis of the first silicon carbide (SiC)nanotubes was performed according to the shape memory synthesis (SMS)method. The benefit of using carbon and SiC nanotubes as catalyst supports was evidenced, respectively in the case of the selective C=C bond hydrogenation in the alpha,beta-unsaturated cinnamaldehyde and the low temperature selective oxidation of H2S into elemental sulfur (60degreesC). Carbon nanotubes as support allowed to increase both cinnamaldehyde conversion and selectivity toward C=C bond hydrogenation. Supporting a nickel-based catalyst on SiC nanotubes allowed to increase both desulfurization activity of the catalyst and its solid sulfur storage capacity. The inner partial pressure concept, or confinement effect, was developed to explain the high performances of this new SiC-based catalyst. The last section is devoted to further objectives for developing such highly performing new support materials Elsevier Science B.V. All rights rese 91: FDB-20021014 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10679 1: SID/SCD 4: COMB 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Pesant, L. 10: Win‚, G. 10: Vieira, R. 10: Leroi, P. 10: Keller, N. 10: Phan-Huu, C. 10: Ledoux, M.J. 12: Large scale synthesis of carbon nanofibers by catalytic decomposition of hydrocarbon 14: 193-200 30: Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis 31: 143 32: : 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LCP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: COMBUSTAO 87: cat lise 87: prepara‡Æo de catalisadores 87: decomposi‡Æo da hidrazina 91: FDB-20021014 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10680 1: SID/SCD 2: 9154 3: INPE-9154-PRE/4827 4: ETES 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Rozenfeld, P 12: cost-effective LEO satellite 14: 1469-1949 30: Industry Development 32: 3 40: En 41: En 42: 58: CRC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE MFN: 10681 1: SID/SCD 2: 9577 3: INPE-9577-PRE/5207 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Orlando, Valcir 12: Controle de sat‚lite no INPE 18: Anais 53: Escola de VerÆo em Dinƒmica Orbital e Planetologia, 6 54: <2002> 56: Guaratinguet  58: CRC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: sat‚lite artificiais 87: SCD 1 87: SCD 2 87: CBERS 1 87: esta‡ao de rastreio 87: controle de sat‚lite 83:  apresentada uma visÆo geral das atividades de rastreio e controle em ¢rbita de sat‚lites artificiais no Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE. Inicia-se com uma breve descri‡Æo da infra-estrutura de solo desenvolvida para dar suporte a estas atividades. Em seguida ‚ apresentada uma descri‡Æo mais detalhada do Sistema de Dinƒmica Orbital do Centro de Controle de Sat‚lites respons vel pelas fun‡äes de an lise de missÆo, determina‡Æo e propaga‡Æo de ¢rbita e atitude e previsÆo e c lculo de manobras. A seguir aborda-se o sat‚lite SCDI (lan‡ado em 9 de fevereiro de 1993)sua missÆo de coleta de dados ambientais, seu desempenho e as principais atividades relacionadas ao seu controle em ¢rbita. Novos sat‚lites do INPE foram lan‡ados recentemente. 0 primeiro deles, o SCD2 foi lan‡ado com sucesso, em 22 de outubro de 1998, pelo lan‡ador americano P‚gasus, assegurando a continuidade da MissÆo de Coleta de Dados Ambientais. Iniciada com o SCDI, esta missÆo conta hoje com uma vasta rede de plataformas autom ticas de coleta de dados espalhadas pelo territ¢rio nacional que integram, juntamente com o Centro de Controle de MissÆo, o chamado Sistema de Coleta de Dados Ambientais. Dados sobre, o funcionamento e opera‡Æo deste sistema sÆo apresentados, ressaltando-se sua grande expansÆo, desde o lan‡amento do SCDI at‚ os dias atuais. tanto em termos de diversidade de aplica‡äes (usu rios), quanto em termos de quantidade de plataformas instaladas e em fase de instala‡Æo ou de aquisi‡Æo. Os principais eventos da fase inicial de opera‡Æo do SCD2 e suas principais caracter¡sticas de desempenho sÆo discutidos no trabalho. As principais diferen‡as existentes entre o SCD2 e o SCDI sÆo comentadas, enfatizando-se seus reflexos nas atividades de controle do SCD2. Em 14 de outubro de 1999 foi lan‡ado pelo lan‡ador chinˆs Longa Marcha o sat‚lite Sino-Brasileiro de observa‡Æo da Terra CBERS-1, (estabiliza‡Æo aut“nomas de atitude em trˆs eixos e ¢rbita helios¡ncrona)com aproximadamente 1.540 kg de massa, desenvolvido em acordo de coopera‡Æo entre o Brasil e a China. Ap¢s uma fase inicial de aquisi‡Æo de atitude e ¢rbita e de realiza‡Æo de testes de aceita‡Æo em ¢rbita este sat‚lite encontra-se atualmente em fase operacional de rotina 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10682 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Rozenfeld, P. 10: Orlando Valcir 12: An improved data collecting system 53: International Astronautical Congress, 53 54: Out. <2002> 58: CRC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10683 1: SID/SCD 2: 9616 3: INPE-9616-PRE/5235 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Rozenfeld, P. 10: Orlando, Valcir 10: Ferreira, M.G.V 12: Applying the 21 st century technology to the 20 th century mission control 53: Space Ops 2002 - Bringing Space Operations into the 21st Century 54: 9-12 Out. <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: CRC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: INPE's Satellite Tracking and Control center 88: Ground Station equipment 88: jeopardizing the satellite in-orbit control 83: Bringing the space operations into the 21 st century, sometimes, means to bring a long lasting 20 th century mission into the 21 st century. Some of the missions conceived in the mid 80's have endured up to the present days. Certainly, the corresponding ground control system have been based on the technology available at that time. However, the technology has changed a great deal in the past decade and the ground system maintenance cost has became a major issue. At the present time INPE's Satellite Tracking and Control center (CRC)is facing this problem. It is operating in orbit three satellites and readying itself to operate a fourth one, to be launched this year, technologically similar to the ones already in orbit. It is out of question to wait for the brief termination of all these missions. CRC is, therefore, facing a complete reformulation of its ground system architecture caused by the departure from ALPHA(DEC)platform to embrace the PC platform. The architecture reformulation is not a simple software migration from one computer platform to a new one. It means to use new Ground Station equipment based on PCs, new communication protocol between the Satellite Control Center computers and the Ground Station equipment and an intensive use of the new operating system services which come with it. Besides, it means also, of course, the development of a practically new version of the entire real-time application software of the INPE's Satellite Control Center, under more user-friendly graphical interfaces. The flight dynamical application software, which operates off-line, was basically adopted to run on PC's through development of graphical user-friendly interfaces. This paper describe the way it is being implemented at CRC during this process without jeopardizing the satellite in-orbit control 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10684 1: SID/SCD 2: 9615 3: INPE-9615-PRE/5234 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Burgareli, L. 10: Ferreira, M.G.V. 10: Nakanishi, T. 12: An approach for distributed objectsapplied to satellite simulator 53: Space Ops 2002 - Bringing Space Operations into the 21st Century 54: 9-12Out. <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: CRC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: satellites Simulator 88: software 88: satellites system control 83: The purpose of this paper is to present a study of a distributed object application to the satellites Simulator, present in the National Institute for Space Research - (INPE), Control Center of Satellites, in an attempt of adjusting it, to the trends of technological evolution. With the intention of improving this application, techniques for a better modeling of the distribution of these objects are also studied. The Satellites Simulator is a software with the purpose to train operators in its control and tracing , and to provide a real environment to perform the tests of acceptance of the software of satellites system control. Since it operates in a centered system, the Satellites Simulator presents some limitations, related to availability, fault tolerance, interoperability, flexibility in taking care of the different situations of control, that turn out to be obstacles to the performance of the simulation process. It is observed that many of this limitations can be solved or minimized through the existing features in the distributed object paradigm. Distributed object represents the evolution of the conventional object. It has an environment controlled by middleware, providing advantageous properties as distribution, transparency, fault tolerance, availability, concurrency, and better performance. To conserve these same features, in a client/ server environment, without distribution of objects, significant efforts would be demanded to implement and control the many necessary interfaces for the interconnection of these systems. In the last years, companies of software are offering in the market, some new standards to be applied to the distributed object systems. These standards become, each year, more enclosing and efficient. However it is observed a deficiency in the aspect of how to model correctly this distribution, in other words, how to distribute the objects according to the application features and the user necessities, exploring more actively this technology advantages in order to reach a better quality. Besides exploring the features of the objects distribution applied to the Satellites Simulator, it is intended to construct an analysis, through the modeling of distribution of objects, observing the necessities and aspects presented by the application. Then , some techniques are proposed, for example: models based in Use Cases , fault Tolerance and random form, that establish criteria and different forms of how to distribute better involved objects in the Satellites Simulator. The initiative does not have as an objective to point what is the best technique to be used. The efforts will be concentrate in raising the advantages and disadvantages of each technique, exploring qualitative and quantitative factors involving performance, availability, data traffic, etc. So , the foreseeing of the behavior of the objects in the application, examining important individual factors or when related to the other objects and in different aspects, can bring a contribution for a better organization of them in the Satellite Simulator. It is expected that this analysis points to the necessity of modeling correctly the objects distributed, so that it gets important profits regarding the efficiency of the application 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10685 1: SID/SCD 4: COMB 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Cunha, Davis dos Santos 10: Cruz, Gilberto Marques de 12: Hyrogenation of benzene and toluene over Ir particles supported on y-AL2O3 14: 55-66 30: Applied Catalysis 31: 236 41: En 42: 58: LCP 61: 64: Nov. <2002> 68: PRE 76: COMBUSTAO 87: cat lise 87: prepara‡Æo de catalisadores Ir/AL2o3 87: ir¡dio 91: FDB-20021014 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10686 1: SID/SCD 2: 5027 3: INPE-5027 4: FISPLASMA 5: S 6: as 10: Grishanov, N.J. 10: Ludwig, G.O. 10: Azevedo, C.A. 10: Leite Neto, J.P. 12: Wave dissipation by electron landau damping in low aspect ratio tokamaks with eliptic magnetic surface 14: 4089-4092 30: Physics of Plasma 31: 911 32: 92 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LAP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10688 1: SID/SCD 3: COMP 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Souza, F.L. 10: Ramos, Fernando Manuel 12: Otimiza‡Æo externa: uma aplica‡Æo em um projeto de um radiador espacial 30: Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matematica Aplicada e Computacional 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020409 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10689 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Souza, M.P. de 10: Pereira, E.B. 12: Sistema de mapeamento autom tico da fra‡Æo de cobertura de nuvens em superf¡cie 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10690 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Mantelli, S.L. 10: Wangenhein, A.V 12: Desenvolvimento de uma nova metodologia para estimativa de cobertura de nuvens 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10691 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Zamorano, F.B. 10: Pereira, Enio Bueno 12: Determina‡Æo de uma correla‡Æo para o c lculo da irradiƒncia espectral difusa incidente na faia do UV-B, a partir da irradiƒncia espectral global em condi‡äes de c‚u limpo 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10692 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Martins, F.R. 10: Pereira, Enio Bueno 12: Implementa‡Æo e avalia‡Æo de uma parametriza‡Æo de aeross¢is de queimada no modelo f¡sico de transferˆncia radiativa Brasil-SR 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u (PR) 57: Br 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10693 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Sawant, Hanumant Shankar 10: Karlicky, M. 12: The 1.0-4.5 GHZ zebras in the June 6, 2000 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: COSPAR Colloquia Series: Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structures and Dynamics 54: <2002> 57: BR 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10694 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Cecatto, Jos‚ Roberto 10: Sawant, Hanumant Shankar 12: Decimetric reverse drift and u-type bursts in the April, 9 2001 flare 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: COSPAR Colloquia Series: Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structures and Dynamics 54: <2002> 57: BR 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10695 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Karlick, M. 10: Sawant, Hanumant Shankar. 12: Drifting pulsation, 3 GHz oscillations and loop interactions in the June 6, 2000 flare 40: En 41: En 42: 53: COSPAR Colloquia Series: Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structures and Dynamics 54: <2002> 57: BR 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10696 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Krishan, V. 10: Fernandes, F.C.R. 12: Frequency drift rate measurements of coronal temperatures 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: COSPAR Colloquia Series: Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structures and Dynamics 54: <2002> 57: BR 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10697 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Vats, H.O. 10: Jadhav, R.M. 12: Coronal mass ejections and interplanetary scintilation 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: COSPAR Colloquia Series: Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structures and Dynamics 54: <2002> 57: BR 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10698 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Takahashi, Hisao 10: Carvalho, H. 10: Tsuda, T. 12: Equatorial atmosphere research satellite: Quars 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium on Equatorial Processes Including Coupling (EPIC) 54: <2002> 56: Kyoto 57: JP 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10699 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Medeiros, Amauri Fragoso de 10: Takahashi, Hisao 10: Taylor, M.J. 12: Observational evidence of the gravity wave activity related to tropospheric cloud convection and directionality in the South American Tropical Region 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium on Equatorial Processes Including Coupling (EPIC) 54: <2002> 56: Kyoto 57: JP 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10700 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Gobbi, Delano 10: Takahashi, Hisao 10: Medeiros, Amauri Frangoso de 10: Batista, Paulo Prado 10: Taylor, M.J. 12: Events of gravity wave breaking signature in all-sky nightglow images at Cachoeira Paulista (22.7 S) 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium on Equatorial Processes Including Coupling (EPIC) 54: <2002> 56: Kyoto 57: JP 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10701 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali 12: Equatorial spread F variability and asiciated processes equatoriais incluindo acoplaamento 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium on Equatorial Processes Including Coupling (EPIC) 54: <2002> 56: Kyoto 57: JP 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10702 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Buriti, R.A. 10: Takahashi, Hisao 10: Gobbi, Delano 10: Medeiros, Amauri Fragoso de 10: Nepomuceno, A.A. 12: Tidal influence on the OI5577 and 02 (0,1)airglow observed at 7.5 from 1998 to 2001 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium on Dynamics and Chemistry of the MLT Region 54: <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u 57: BR 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10703 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Batista, Paulo Prado 10: Clemesha, B.R. 10: Tokumoto, A.S. 10: Lima, L.M. 12: Meteor radar measurements of the winds in the upper mesosphere-lower thermosphere region over Cachoeira Pauliosta, Brazil (22.7 degree S, 45 degree W) 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium on Dynamics and Chemistry of the MLT Region 54: <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u 57: BR 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10704 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Clemesha, B.R 12: The contribution of the lidar technique to PSMOS studies 40: En 41: En 42: 53: PSMOS, 3; International Symposium on Dynamics and Chemistry of the MLT Region 54: <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u 57: BR 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10705 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Gobbi, Delano 10: Amauri Fragoso de Medeiros 10: Takahashi, Hisao 12: Photometric observations of mesospheric bornes over North-Eartern of Brazil 40: En 41: En 42: 53: PSMOS, 3; International Symposium on Dynamics and Chemistry of the MLT Region 54: <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u 57: BR 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10706 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Lima, L.M. 10: Batista, Paulo Prado 10: Takahashi, Hisao 10: Clemesha, B.R 12: Vertical structure of the quasi-two-day wave observed with a meteor radar at 23 degree S 40: En 41: En 42: 53: PSMOS, 3; International Symposium on Dynamics and Chemistry of the MLT Region 54: <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u 57: BR 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10707 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Medeiros, Amauri Fragoso de 10: Takahashi, Hisao 10: Buriti, H. 10: Taylor, M.J. 10: Batista, Paulo Prado 10: Gobbi, Delano 10: Machado, E.A. 10: Silva, L.A. 12: Study of short-period gravity waves in airglow images at two different sites in Brazil 40: En 41: En 42: 53: PSMOS, 3; International Symposium on Dynamics and Chemistry of the MLT Region 54: <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u 57: BR 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10708 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Monteiro, S.O. 10: Rodrigues, F.S. 10: Gobbi, Delano 10: Takahashi, Hisao 10: Paulo, Eurico Rodrigues de 10: Makita, K. 10: Schuch, Nelson Jorge 10: Silva, M.R.Wrasse, G.R. 10: Bageston, J.V. 10: Landerdaahl, M. 10: Contreira, D.B. 12: Airglow depletion and GPS scintillation over the southern space observation - SSO (29 degreeS, 53 degree W, 20 degree dip latitude) 40: En 41: En 42: 53: PSMOS, 3; International Symposium on Dynamics and Chemistry of the MLT Region 54: <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u 57: BR 58: DAE 58: RSU 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10709 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Pimenta, A.A. 10: Batista, Paulo Prado 10: Clemesha, B.R.Simonich, D.M 12: Morphology of the sodium layer: a study using laser and meteor radar 40: En 41: En 42: 53: PSMOS, 3; International Symposium on Dynamics and Chemistry of the MLT Region 54: <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u 57: BR 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10710 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Simonich, D.M. 10: Clemesha, B.R. 10: Batista, Paulo Prado 12: Spradic layer and the vertical distribution of atmospheric sodium 40: En 41: En 42: 53: PSMOS, 3; International Symposium on Dynamics and Chemistry of the MLT Region 54: <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u 57: BR 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10711 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Vargas, Fabio Augusto 10: Gobbi, Delano 10: Takahashi, Hisao 10: Taylor, M.J. 12: Study of horizontal wavenumber spectrum of gravity waves over Cachoeira Paulista (23 degree S) 40: En 41: En 42: 53: PSMOS, 3; International Symposium on Dynamics and Chemistry of the MLT Region 54: <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u 57: BR 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10712 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Takahashi, Hisao 10: Shiokawa, K. 10: Tsuda, T. 10: Lima, Lourivaldo Mota 10: Gobbi, Delano 12: Atmospheric density and pressure inferred from the meteor diffusion and airglow )2b rotational temperature region 40: En 41: En 42: 53: PSMOS, 3; International Symposium on Dynamics and Chemistry of the MLT Region 54: <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u 57: BR 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10713 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Rodrigues, F.S. 10: Paula, E.R. de 10: Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali 10: Iyer, K.N. 10: Kintner, P.M. 10: Hysell, D.L. 12: L band scintillation and VHF coherent radar observations at SÆo Luis, Brazil 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Anniversary Workshop, Radio Observat¢rio de Jicamarca, 40 54: <2002> 56: Lima 57: Peru 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10714 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Pinto, I.R.C.A. 10: Pinto Jr., Osmar 12: Evidence of fire and urban effects on cloud-to-ground lightning flashes in Brazil 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Ligthing Detection Conference 54: <2002> 56: Ticson 57: USA 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10715 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de 10: Hysell, D.L. 10: Rodrigues, F.S. 12: The SÆo luis VHL coherent backscatter ionospheric radar results during solar maximum 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Anniversary Workshop, Radio Observat¢rio de Jicamarca, 40 54: <2002> 56: Lima 57: Peru 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10716 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Abdu, Mangalathyil Ali 10: Batista, I.S. 10: Sobral, Jos‚ Humberto Andrade 10: Paula, Eurico Rodrigues 10: Muralokrishna, P. 10: Souza, J.R. 12: Equatorial spread F variability and for casting studies in Brazil 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Anniversary Workshop, Radio Observat¢rio de Jicamarca, 40 54: <2002> 56: Lima 57: Peru 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10717 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Pinto Jr., Osmar 10: Pinto, I.R 12: Lightining distribution and characteristics in Brazil 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Ligthing Detection Conference 54: <2002> 56: Ticson 57: USA 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10718 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Pinto Jr., Osmar 10: Saba, Marcelo M.F. 12: About the characteristics of triggered and natural flashes in Brazil 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Ligthing Detection Conference 54: <2002> 56: Ticson 57: USA 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10719 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Pinto Jr., Osmar 12: Considerations about the lighting physics of positive cloud-to-ground flashes 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on Grounding and Earthing 54: <2002> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10720 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Pinto, I.R.C.A. 10: Pinto Jr., Osmar 12: Lightning distribution in Brazil from 1998 to 2001 based on LIS data 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on Grounding and Earthing 54: <2002> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10721 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Naccarato, K. 10: Pinto Jr., Osmar 12: A study of the lightning characteristics in Southerstern Brazil based on ann analysis of the performance of the lightning location system 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on Grounding and Earthing 54: <2002> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10722 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Miranda, F.J. 10: Pinto Jr., Osmar 12: Electric field and luminosity measurements of loghtning in Brazil 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on Grounding and Earthing 54: <2002> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10723 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Guedes, D.G. 10: Pinto Jr., Osmar 12: A theoretical estimation of the ligtning current on the bottom of an instrumented towert from measured values on the top 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on Grounding and Earthing 54: <2002> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10724 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Ferro, M.A.S. 10: Pinto Jr., Osmar 12: Monitoring the electrica environment in the launching center of Alcantara 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on Grounding and Earthing 54: <2002> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10725 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Ferraz, E. C. 10: Pinto Jr., Osmar 12: A new ligtning warning system 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on Grounding and Earthing 54: <2002> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10726 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: fernandes, W.A. 10: Pinto, I.R.C.A 12: Influence of fires on the percentage of positive cloud-to-ground lightning i Rondonia and the southeast Brazil 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on Grounding and Earthing 54: <2002> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10727 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Solorzano, N.M. 10: Saba, Marcelo M.F. 12: Natural and triggered lightning data obtained during the 2002 triggered lightning brazilian campaign 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on Grounding and Earthing 54: <2002> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10728 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Saba, Marcelo M.F. 10: Solorzano, N.N. 12: Preliminary studies on the relationship betwen light and cirrent intensity of triggered lightning 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on Grounding and Earthing 54: <2002> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10729 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Pinto Jr., Osmar 10: Faria, H.H. 12: A comparative analysis of intracloud and cloud-to-ground lightning inthe north and southeast of Brazil 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on Grounding and Earthing 54: <2002> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10730 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Reis, R.J. 10: Pinto Jr., Osmar 12: Influence of the orography on the space distribution of CG flashes in Minas Gerais 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on Grounding and Earthing 54: <2002> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10731 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Destro Filho, J.B. 10: Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de 10: Rodrigues, F.S. 10: Matolak, D.W. 10: Soares, A.P. 12: Space weather and satellite communications: na useful synergy between geophysicists and engineers 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Triennial General Assembly of The International Union of Radio Science, 27 (URSI) 54: <2002> 56: Maastricht 57: Netherlands 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10732 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de 10: Iyer, K.N. 10: Rodrigues, F.S. 10: Monteiro, S. 12: VHF radar and GPS based studies of equatorial spread-F irregularities over Brazil 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Triennial General Assembly of The International Union of Radio Science, 27 (URSI) 54: <2002> 56: Maastricht 57: Netherlands 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10733 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de 10: Rezende, L.F.C. 10: Rodrigues, F.S. 10: Kantor, I.J. 12: Preliminar statistical studies of the GPS signal scintillation an loss of lock during ionospheric irregularities in the SBAS-IONO 6 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Triennial General Assembly of The International Union of Radio Science, 27 (URSI) 54: <2002> 56: Maastricht 57: Netherlands 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10734 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de 10: Rodrigues, F.S. 10: Iyer, N.B. 10: Groves, K. 10: Pedersent, T. 10: Kintner, P.M. 10: Hysell, D.L. 12: Ionospheric irregularity behavior in Brazil, during the Corumba campaign ionosphere effects 18: Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Ionospheric Effects Symposium (IES 2002) 54: 7-9 May <2002> 56: Alexandria 57: USA 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFISICA 91: FDB-20021213 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10735 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Wofsy, S.C. 10: Saleska, S.R. 12: Carbon balance and response to seasonal and long-term forcing at Tapaj¢s Forest old-growth Km 67 side 18: Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 53: AGU Fall Meeting 54: <2002> 56: San Francisco 57: USA 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFISICA 91: FDB-20021213 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10736 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Kirchhoff, V.W.J.H. 10: Aires, C.B. 12: Analyses of air sample air before they stream into the Amazon region and comparison with a Santar‚m site 18: Proceedings 40: En 41: En 42: 53: AGU Fall Meeting 54: <2002> 56: San Francisco 57: USA 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFISICA 91: FDB-20021213 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10737 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 10: Mendes Jr., O. 10: Domingues, M.O. 12: Identifica‡Æo de parƒmetros de relƒmpagos para an lise por t‚cnica fratal 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Encontro Regional de Matematica Aplicada e Computacional, 3 (ERMAC) 54: 12-14 junho <2002> 57: BR 58: DGE 58: LMO 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10738 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 10: Domingues, M.O. 10: Mendes Jr., O 12: Introdu‡Æo a programas cient¡ficos de distribui‡Æo gratuita: GNU/Octave, GNU/Maxima, LATEX e GNU/RCS 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Encontro Regional de Matematica Aplicada e Computacional, 3 (ERMAC) 54: 12-14 junho <2002> 57: BR 58: LMO 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10739 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 10: Wuensche, Carlos A. 10: Ramos, Fernando Manuel 12: Non-extensivity and galaxy clusterng in the universe 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Texas Symposium on Relative Astrophysics, 21 54: <2002> 56: Floren‡a 57: IT 58: DAS 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10741 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 10: Bologna, M.S. 10: P dua, M.B. 12: Magnetotelluric in the Alto Para¡ba igneous province of Central Brazil 40: En 41: En 42: 53: EM Induction Worlhop, 16 54: <2002> 56: Santa F‚ 57: USA 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10742 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 10: Chian, Abraham Chian Long 10: Rempel, Erico Luiz 12: Alfv‚n turbulence driven by high-dimensional interior crisis in the solar wind 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Solar Wind, 10 54: <2002> 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10743 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 10: Doherty, P.H. 10: Dehel, T. 10: Klobuchar, J.A. 10: Delay, S.H. 10: Datta-Barna, S. 10: Paula, Eurico Rodrigues de 10: Rodrigues, F.S. 12: Ionospheric effects on low-lattitude space based augmentation systems 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ION GPS Meeting 54: <2002> 56: USA 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10744 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 10: Pinheiro, D.K. 10: Kirchhoff, V.W.J.H. 12: Ozone, nitrogen dioxide and aerosol optical depth measurements made in South America using brewer spectrometers 40: En 41: En 42: 53: European Research Course on the Atmosphere (ERCA) 54: <2002> 56: Grenoble 57: FR 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10745 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Cecatto, Jos‚ Roberto 10: Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha 12: Fast pulsations obseved in a decimetric wavelenghth solar flare 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Anual da Sociedade Astr“nomica Brasileira (SAB), 28 54: <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10746 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Aguiar, O.D. 10: Andrade, L.A. 12: The status of the Mario Schenberg gravitational wave detector 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Anual da Sociedade Astr“nomica Brasileira (SAB), 28 54: <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10747 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Andrade, A.P.A. 10: Ribeiro, A.L.B. 12: The correlation function between high density peaks in a mixed distribution fluctuation field 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Anual da Sociedade Astr“nomica Brasileira (SAB), 28 54: <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10748 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Batista, R.B. 10: Borges, B.W 12: Orbital period changes in three short-period SU ursae majoris 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Anual da Sociedade Astr“nomica Brasileira (SAB), 28 54: <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10749 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Braga, J. 10: Ricker, G. 12: Localization and observation of GRB010921 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Anual da Sociedade Astr“nomica Brasileira (SAB), 28 54: <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10750 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Castro, C.S. 10: Araujo, J.C.N. 12: Possible gravitational wave sources for the brazilian antenna Schenberg 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Anual da Sociedade Astr“nomica Brasileira (SAB), 28 54: <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10751 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Choque, K. 10: Yayanthi, U.B. 12: Estimates of anti proton fluxes in the near earth's environment 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Anual da Sociedade Astr“nomica Brasileira (SAB), 28 54: <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10752 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Corrˆa, J.A.S. 10: Vilas Boas, J.W.S. 12: Study of strong meteor shower 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Anual da Sociedade Astr“nomica Brasileira (SAB), 28 54: <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10753 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Costa, C.A. 10: Aguiar, O.D. 12: A mathematical model for the mechanical behavor of Mario Schenberg gravitational wave detector 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Anual da Sociedade Astr“nomica Brasileira (SAB), 28 54: <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10754 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Costa, C. 10: Jablonski, F.J. 12: Gamma-ray burst demography from the sample with know redsifts 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Anual da Sociedade Astr“nomica Brasileira (SAB), 28 54: <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10755 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Silva, R.O. 10: Mello, G.F.P. 12: Multi-elemental chemical compositron of solar-type stars 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Anual da Sociedade Astr“nomica Brasileira (SAB), 28 54: <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10756 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: D'Amico, F. 10: Si Sllvo, T. 12: Simultaneous radio/X-ray observations of SCO X-1 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Anual da Sociedade Astr“nomica Brasileira (SAB), 28 54: <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10757 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Dantas, C.C. 10: Lima Neto, G.B.L. 12: FP-like relaitons from collisinless stellar dynamics 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Anual da Sociedade Astr“nomica Brasileira (SAB), 28 54: <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10758 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Dantas, C.C. 10: Lima Neto, G.B.L. 12: Numerical simulations of galxies with a central massive black-hole 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Anual da Sociedade Astr“nomica Brasileira (SAB), 28 54: <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10759 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha 10: Cecatto, Jos‚ Roberto 12: Fine structures in solar decimetric radio bursts coronal inhomogenities 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Anual da Sociedade Astr“nomica Brasileira (SAB), 28 54: <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10760 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha 10: Cecatto, Jos‚ Roberto 12: Analysis of decimetric type-III bursts observed with high temporal resolution 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Anual da Sociedade Astr“nomica Brasileira (SAB), 28 54: <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10761 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Yayanthi, U.B. 10: Gusev, A.A. 12: Excess of positions over eletrons in the Eath's environment 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Anual da Sociedade Astr“nomica Brasileira (SAB), 28 54: <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10762 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Jablonski, F.J 10: Pereira, M. 12: Flickering characteristics of V2116 Ophiuchi 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Anual da Sociedade Astr“nomica Brasileira (SAB), 28 54: <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10763 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Leonardi, R. 10: Wuensche, C.A. 12: Producing cosmic microwave background radiation anisotropy maps using a genetic algorithm: performance and results 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Anual da Sociedade Astr“nomica Brasileira (SAB), 28 54: <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10764 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Lima Neto, G.C.B. 10: Sodr‚ Jr., L. 12: Dynamics evolution on the cluster of galaxies A970 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Anual da Sociedade Astr“nomica Brasileira (SAB), 28 54: <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10765 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Melo, J.L. 10: Velloso Jr., W.F. 12: The numerical mechanical test-facility for the Schenberg dector 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Anual da Sociedade Astr“nomica Brasileira (SAB), 28 54: <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10766 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Milone, A 12: How is astrinomy presented in ntwo brazilian geography textbook? 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Anual da Sociedade Astr“nomica Brasileira (SAB), 28 54: <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10767 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Milone, A. 10: Capelato, H.V. 12: The velocity dispersion-metallicity raltion in nearby early-type galaxies 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Anual da Sociedade Astr“nomica Brasileira (SAB), 28 54: <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10768 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ramos, Fenando Manoel 10: Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto 12: Multiscaling and nonadditivy of large-scale structures in the Universe 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Anual da Sociedade Astr“nomica Brasileira (SAB), 28 54: <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10769 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Roberto Jr., A.J.F. 10: Jablonskki, F.J. 12: Multiwavelength observation of V1082 13: Sagitarii 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Anual da Sociedade Astr“nomica Brasileira (SAB), 28 54: <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10770 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto 10: Karlick, M. 12: The radio signature of multi-scaling flare loop interactions 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Anual da Sociedade Astr“nomica Brasileira (SAB), 28 54: <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10771 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Sawant, Hanumant Shankar 10: Neri, Jose Angelo da Costa Ferreira 12: Infrared poramimetry at LNA 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Anual da Sociedade Astr“nomica Brasileira (SAB), 28 54: <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ASTROFÖSICA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10772 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Sawant, Hanumant Shankar 10: Neri, Jose Angelo da Costa Ferreira 12: Stauts of the development of the prototype of brazilian decimetric array 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Anual da Sociedade Astr“nomica Brasileira (SAB), 28 54: <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10773 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Velloso Jr., W.F. 10: Melo, J.L. 12: On the mechanical coupling between transducers and resonant mass for Schenberg detector: structural and dynamical analysis 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ReuniÆo Anual da Sociedade Astr“nomica Brasileira (SAB), 28 54: <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: DAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10777 1: SID/SCD 4: MET 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Marengo, Jos‚ Antonio 12: Episodio de jatos de baixo n¡veis durante 13 a 19 de abril de 1999 14: 35-54 30: Revista Brasileira de meteorologia 31: 17 32: 1 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ESTUDOS DO TEMPO E DO CLIMA 91: FDB-20021212 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10780 1: SID/SC 2: 9841 3: INPE-9841-PRE/5425 4: MET 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Tarasova, Tatiana Alekandrovna 10: Calvalcanti, Iracema F.A. 12: Monthly mean solar radiative fluxes and cloud forcing over South America in the period of 1986-88 GCM results and satellite-derived data 14: 863-871 30: Journal of Applied Meteorology 31: 41 32: 8 40: En 41: En 42: 58: CPT 61: 64: Aug. <2002> 68: PRE 76: ESTUDO DO CLIMA E DO TEMPO 88: biosphere model 88: surface 88: absorption 88: irradiance 88: climate, aerosol, atmosphere 88: parameterization 88: scale 83: The incident solar radiative fluxes, simulated by an atmospheric general circulation model over South America for the period 1986-88, are compared with the satellite-derived surface fluxes provided by the Surface Radiation Budget (SRB)datasets. The comparison shows that the model systematically overestimates both all-sky and clear-sky SRB fluxes while representing well their latitudinal variations. In order to analyze the reasons for the bias, the shortwave radiation code employed in the model is tested with more comprehensive techniques in a stand-alone mode. The results of testing demonstrate that the code underestimates solar radiation due to trace gases and aerosols. The underestimation of the absorption due to aerosols contributes noticeably to the surface flux bias. The impact of clouds on the surface fluxes is estimated by calculating cloud radiative forcing, defined as the difference between the net surface fluxes in all-sky and clear-sky conditions. The comparison of model-simulated and satellite-derived values of cloud radiative forcing over South America demonstrates that the model simulates fairly well its latitudinal variations and annual cycles as compared with SRB data. However, the model overestimates the SRB surface cloud radiative forcing over the tropical region of South America and underestimates it over the extratropical region in both January and July. The comparisons of the incident surface fluxes simulated by the model at the grid points with those measured at three Amazonian observational sites show good agreement at one site and large discrepancies at the other two sites 91: FDB-20021212 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10781 1: SID/SCD 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Marengo, Jos‚ Antonio 10: Soares, W. 10: Saulo, C. 12: Climatology of low-lewel jet east of the Andes as derived from the NCEP reanalyses: temporal and spatia variability 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Meeting Lai Crn-o55 (Prosur)Co PI's 54: 14-18 Oct. <2002> 56: Mar del Plata 57: AR 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: 91: FDB-20021106 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10782 1: SID/SCD 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Tomasella, J. 10: Marengo, Jos‚ Antonio 10: Doyle, M. 10: Coronel, G. 10: Soares, W. 10: Saulo, C. 12: An application of a soil water budget model, in the Mercosur region 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Meeting Lai Crn-o55 (Prosur)Co PI's 54: 14-18 Oct. <2002> 56: Mar del Plata 57: AR 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: 91: FDB-20021106 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10783 1: SID/SCD 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Nunes, Ana Maria Bueno 10: Bonatti, Jos‚ Paulo 12: Improving the short-term precipitation prediction using GPS data and a physical initialization procedure 40: En 41: En 41: En 42: 53: Radio Occultation Science Workshop< NCAR Foothills Laboratory 54: 21-13 Aug. <2002> 56: Boulder 57: USA 58: CPT 59: MET 61: 64: <2002> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020612 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10784 1: SID/SCD 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Silvestre, E.E. 10: Bonatti, Jos‚ Paulo 12: camparison of error analysis in 3D-Var for assimilation of radianaces and retrievals using NOAA-14 40: En 41: En 41: En 42: 53: Internaional TOVS Study Conference, 12 54: 27 Fev.-5 Mar. <2002> 56: Australia 58: CPT 59: MET 61: 64: <2002> 67: BR 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020612 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10785 1: SID/SCD 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Marengo, Jos‚ Antonio 10: cavalcanti, Iracema F.A. 10: Satyamurti, P 10: Nobre, Carlos Afonso 10: Samapio, Gilvan 12: Seasonal climate predition at CPTEC-INPE: ensemble simulation of global and regional climate features, and assessments of model skill and climate predictability in South America 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium on Physico-Mathematical Problems Related to Climate Modelling and Prediction, 2 54: <2002> 56: Shanagi 57: China 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: 91: FDB-20021106 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10786 1: SID/SCD 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Cavalcanti, Iracema Fonseca Albuquerque 12: The low level jet east of Andes in the NCEP/NCAR reanalyses and CPTEC/COLA AGCM simulations 40: En 41: En 42: 53: VAMOS/CLIVAR WCRP Conference on South American Low Level Jet 54: Feb. <2002> 56: Santa Cruz de la Sierra 57: Bolivia 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: METEOROLOGIA 91: FDB-20021012 92: MFB-MLR 101: D MFN: 10787 1: SID/SCD 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Cavalcanti, Iracema Fonseca Albuquerque 12: Fontal systems climatology over southeastern South America and associeted atmosspheric circulation 40: En 41: En 42: 53: PROSUL Co-Pi Meeting 54: out. <2002> 56: Mar del Plata 57: AR 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: METEOROLOGIA 91: FDB-20021012 92: MFB-MLR 101: D MFN: 10788 1: SID/SCD 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Nobre, carlos Afonso 12: Mudan‡as clim ticas, efeitos e responsabilidades nacionais 16: Philipi Jr., A. 16: Alves, A.C. 16: Romero, M. A. 16: Bruna, G.C. ed. 18: Meio ambiente, direito e cidadania 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: CAPL 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: 91: FDB-20021107 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10789 1: SID/SCD 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: CPT 12: Impacto da modifica‡Æo clim tica-sintese do relat¢rio do IPCC 14: cap. 6 16: Braga, Benedito, ed. 18: Camara tem tica sobre recursos hidricos forum brasileiro de mudan‡as clim ticas 21: v.1 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: CAPL 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: 91: FDB-20021107 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10790 1: SID/SCD 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: CPT 12: Condi‡äes clim ticas e os recursos hidr¡cos no norte brasileiro 14: cap. 4 16: Braga, Benedito, ed. 18: Camara tem tica sobre recursos hidricos forum brasileiro de mudan‡as clim ticas 21: v.1 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: CAPL 76: METEOROLOGIA 83: 91: FDB-20021107 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10791 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Echer, E. 10: Gonzalez, Walter Dem‚trio 12: Interplanetary shocks and geomagnetic activity in solar maximum (2002)and solar minimum (1995-1996) 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: COSPAR Scientific Assembly, the World Space Congress,35 54: <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10792 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Clemesha, B.R. 10: Batista, Paulo Prado 10: Simonich, D.M. 12: Leonids meteeor rates, 1999-2001 Committe on Space Research 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: COSPAR Scientific Assembly, the World Space Congress, 34 54: <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10793 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Wrasse, C.M. 10: Nakamura, T. 10: Tsuda, T. 10: Takahashi, Hisao 10: Taylor, M.J. 10: Gobbi, Delano 12: Atmospheric wind effects on the gravity wave propagation observed at 6 degrees S (Indon‚sia)and 23 degrees (Brazil) 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: COSPAR Scientific Assembly, the World Space Congress, 34 54: <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10794 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Vieira, L.E.A. 10: Gonzalez, Walter Demetrio 12: A study of time and space variation of the mid-latitude geomagnetic records during intense geomagnetic storm and interplanetary origins 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: COSPAR Scientific Assembly, the World Space Congress, 34 54: <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10795 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Vieira, L.E.A. 10: Gonzalez, Walter Demetrio 12: A study of magnetospheric energy injection associeted with different interplanetary structures 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: COSPAR Scientific Assembly, the World Space Congress,34 54: <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10796 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Vargas, F.A. 10: Gobbi, Delano 10: Takahaashi, Hisao 10: Wrasse, C.M. 10: Taylor, M>J. 12: Determination of gravity wave spectrum characteristics over Cachoeira Paulista (23 degrees S) 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: COSPAR Scientific Assembly, the World Space Congress, 34 54: <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10797 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Takahashi, Hisao 10: Tsuda, T. 10: Nakamura, T. 10: Isoada, F. 10: Gobbi, Delano 12: The lowest mesopause temperature in 1996 and 1997 at (23 S, 45 W) 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: COSPAR Scientific Assembly, the World Space Congress, 34 54: <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10798 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Sobral, Jos‚ Humberto Andrade 10: Abdu, Mangalatyhil Ali 10: Terra, L.M. 10: Takahashi, Hisao 10: Zamlutti, Carlos Jos‚ 12: Ionospheric bubbles zonal drifts over South America: long -term/satatistical variability 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: COSPAR Scientific Assembly, the World Space Congress, 34 54: <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10799 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Soares, A.P. 12: Some effects of space weather in a 4 GHz communication satellite link over the brazilian region 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: COSPAR Scientific Assembly, the World Space Congress, 34 54: <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10800 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Santos, J.C.S. 10: Dutra, S.L.G. 12: A study of the equatorial signatures of long period transient events (600-7200 s) 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: COSPAR Scientific Assembly, the World Space Congress, 34 54: <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10802 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Prestes, A. 10: Gonzalez, W.D. 12: Multiple linear regression of the a geomagnetic index as function of sunspot number RZ and annual of hight-speed streams Fpk (V>500km/s) 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: COSPAR Scientific Assembly, the World Space Congress, 34 54: <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10803 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Rigozo, N.R. 10: Nordemann, D.J.R. 12: A study of solar-Enso correlation with southern Brazil ring index (1995-1991) 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: COSPAR Scientific Assembly, the World Space Congress, 34 54: <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10804 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Prestes, A.W. 10: Gonzalez, W.D. 12: Spectral analysis of sunspot number and a geomagnetic index (1868-2000) 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: COSPAR Scientific Assembly, the World Space Congress, 34 54: <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10805 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Pimenta, Alexandre Alvares 10: Bittencourt, Jos‚ Augusto 10: Fagundes, P.R. 10: Buriti, R.A. 10: Takahashi, Hisao 10: Taylor, M.J. 10: Bittencourt, J.A. 10: Fagundes, P.R. 10: Buriti, R.A. 10: Takahashi, H. 10: Taylor, M.J. 12: Ionospheric plasma bubble zonal drift over the tropical region: a study using OI 630 nm emission all-sky images 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: COSPAR Scientific Assembly, the World Space Congress, 34 54: <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10806 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Pimenta, Alexandre Alves 10: Bittencourt, Jose Augusto 10: Fagundes, P.R. 10: Buriti, R.A. 10: Takahashi, Hisao 10: Taylor, M.J. 12: Ionospheric condition affecting the morphologyu of the plasma bubble in the tropical region 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: COSPAR Scientific Assembly, the World Space Congress, 34 54: <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10807 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Pimenta, A.A. 10: Bittencourt, Jos‚ Augusto 10: Fagundes, P.R. 10: Buriti, R.A. 10: Takahashi, Hisao 10: Taylor, M.J. 12: Equatorial F-region plasma depletion drifts: latitudinal seasonal variations 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: COSPAR Scientific Assembly, the World Space Congress, 34 54: <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10808 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Martins, F.R. 10: Souza, M.P. 12: Comparative study of satellite and ground techniques for cloud cover determination 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: COSPAR Scientific Assembly, the World Space Congress, 34 54: <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10817 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Balcao Filho, A.F. 10: Amaral, A.S.M.S. 10: Montes Filho, A 12: Honeynet BR: desenvolvimento e implanta‡Æo de um sistema para avalia‡Æo de atividades hostis na internet brasileira 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simposio sobre Seguran‡a em Inform tica, 4 54: <2002> 56: Campinas 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: CPMPUTA€ÇO APLICADA 91: FDB-20021217 92: FDB-MD 101: D MFN: 10818 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ning, C.H.S. 10: Vijaykumar, Nandamudi Lankalapalli 12: An approach to robotic behavioural control 40: En 41: En 42: 53: SCI2002; World Multiconference on Systemic Cybernetics and Informatics, 6 54: 14-18 July <2002> 56: Orlando 57: USA 58: DPI 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: COMPUTA€AO APLICADA 91: FDB-20021009 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10819 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Nono, Maria do carmo de Andrade 10: Barroso, J.J. 12: Mechanical behavior and microstructurak analysis of alumina-titanium brazed interfaces 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia e Ciˆncia dos Materiais (CBECIMAT), 15 54: 9-13 nov. <2002> 56: Natal 58: LAS 58: LAP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10820 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Olivo, A.A. 10: Milioni, A.Z. 12: Modelos matematicos para a previsÆo de cheias fluviais 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Simp¢sio de Recursos H¡dricos (SIMPORH) 54: <2002> 56: Campo Grande 57: BR 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10821 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: S 6: as 10: Sandri, Sandra Aparecida 10: Godo, L. 10: Drummond, I. 12: restoring inconsistentency in systems of fuzzy gradual rules using similarity relations 14: 386-396 30: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. Proceedingd Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 31: 2507 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Brazilian International on Artificial Intelligence, 16 54: <2002> 56: Recife 57: BR 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: COMPUTACAO APLICADA 88: uzzy rule-based systems 88: gradual rules 88: inconsistency 88: similarity 88: knowledge bases 83: We present here a method that uses similarity relations to restore consistency in fuzzy gradual rules systems: we propose to transform potentially inconsistent rules by making their consequents more imprecise. Using a suitable similarity relation we obtain consistent rules with a minimum of extra imprecision. We also present an application to illustrate the approach. 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10822 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Shiguemori, Elcio Hideiti 10: arter, F.P. 10: Campos Velho, Haraldo Fraha 10: Silva, J.D.S. 12: Estimation of boundary condition in heat transfer by neural network 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: tendencias em Matematica Aplicada 54: <2002> 57: BR 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10823 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vijaykumar, Nandamudi Lankalapalli 10: Carvalho, Solon Venƒncio 10: Abdurahaiman, V 12: On embedding memory in Markov models specific in statecharts 14: 1394-1405 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Workshop em Desenvolvimento de Sistemas Computacionais e de Comunica‡Æo, 1; Congresso da SBC, 22 54: 15-19 jun. <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: COMPUTA€AO APLICADA 91: FDB-20021009 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10824 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 10: Diniz, A.V. 10: Ferreira, N.G. 10: Corat, Evaldo Jos‚ 10: Sumodjo, P.T.A. 12: Produ‡Æo de eletrodos de diamante sobre ti6a14v para uso na eletroxida‡Æo de fenol 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Eletroqu¡mica e Eletroanal¡tica, 13 54: 1-5 dez. <2002> 56: Araraquara 57: BR 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10825 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 10: Silva, L.L.G. 10: Corat, Evaldo Jos‚ 10: Sumodjo, P.T.A. 12: Filme de diamante co-depositados com b e n: uma extensÆo da faixa de potencial de trabalho 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Eletroqu¡mica e Eletroanal¡tica, 13 54: 1-5 dez. <2002> 56: Araraquara 57: BR 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10826 1: SID/SCD 4: FISPLASMA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Castro, P.J. 10: Barroso, J.J. 10: Leite, J.P. 12: Determina‡Æo do Fator Q âhmico de ressoadores com corruga‡Æo transversa de perfil senoidal 14: 561-565 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Microondas e Optoeletronica, 10 54: 12-16 ago. <2002> 56: Recife 57: BR 58: LAP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020801 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10827 1: SID/SCD 4: FISPLASMA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Barroso, J.J. 10: Kostov, K.G. 12: The monotron as a high-power microwave tybe 14: 241-244 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Microondas e Optoeletronica, 10 54: 12-16 ago. <2002> 56: Recife 57: BR 58: LAP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020801 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10828 1: SID/SCD 4: FISPLASMA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Barroso, J.J. 10: Castro, P.J. 10: Leite Neto, J.P. 12: Medida da condutividade el‚trica de materiais met licos atrav‚s do fator Q de uma cavidade ressonante 14: 66-68 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Microondas e Optoeletronica, 10 54: 12-16 ago. <2002> 56: Recife 57: BR 58: LAP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020801 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10829 1: SID/SCD 4: FISPLASMA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Barroso, J.J. 10: Leite Neto, J.P. 10: Kostov, K.G. 12: Filtering properties of the cylindrical waveguide with axially rippled wall 14: 245-249 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Microondas e Optoeletronica, 10 54: 12-16 ago. <2002> 56: Recife 57: BR 58: LAP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020801 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10830 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Yanasse, Horacio Hideki 10: Pinto, M.J. 12: The minization of tool switches problem as a network flow problem with side constraints 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Simp¢sio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, 34 54: 8-11 out. <2002> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020908 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10831 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Yanasse, Horacio Hideki 10: Becceneri, Jos‚ Carlos 10: Soma, Nei Yoshihiro 12: Ordenamento parcial para reduzir o espa‡o de busca de uma solu‡Æo ¢tima para um problema de sequenciamento de padräes 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Simp¢sio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, 34 54: 8-11 out. <2002> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020908 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10832 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Linhares, Alexandre 10: Yanasse, Horacio Hideki 12: Local search intensity versus local search diversity: a false tradeoff 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Simp¢sio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional, 34 54: 8-11 out. <2002> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020908 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10833 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Vijaykumar, Nandamudi Lanlalapalli 10: Stephany, Stephan 10: Campos Velho, Haroldo Fraga 10: Preto, Airam Jonatas 10: Nowosad, Alexandre Guirland 12: Optimized neural network code for data assimilation 14: 3841-3849 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago. <2002> 56: Foz do Igua‡u 57: BR 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020908 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10834 1: SID/SCD 2: 9606 3: INPE-9606-PRE/5230 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Harter, F.P. 10: Campos Velho, Haroldo Graga 12: Different topologies of neural networks for data assimilation 14: 3642-3652 18: Anais 21: v.1 40: Pt 41: En 42: 52: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago. <1996> 56: Foz do Igua‡u 57: BR 58: DCM 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020903 92: FDB-DCAGC MFN: 10835 1: SID/SCD 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Almeida, G.P. 10: Costa, A.A. 10: Campos Velho, Haroldo Fraga 10: Oliveira, C.P. 12: A new turbulence parametrization for turbulent transport coefficient in a Marine Boudary Layer with stratocumulus 14: 3975-3984 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Meteorologia, 12 54: 4-9 ago. <2002> 56: Campos do Jordao 57: BR 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020803 92: FDB-DCAGC MFN: 10836 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 10: Diniz, A.V. 10: Ferreira, N.G. 10: Corat, Evaldo Jos‚ 10: Trava Airoldi, Vladimir Jesus 12: Efficiency study of perforated dimond electrodes for organic compounds oxidation process 40: En 41: EnPt 42: 53: European Conference on Diamond, Diomond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, Nitrades and Silicon Carbide 54: set. <2002> 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020908 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10837 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 10: Ferreira, N.G. 10: Mendon‡a, L.L. 10: Trava Airoldi, Vladimir Jesus 10: Rosolen, J.M. 12: Electrochemical intercalation of lithum into boron doped cvd diamond electrodes grown on carbon fiber cloths 40: En 41: EnPt 42: 53: European Conference on Diamond, Diomond-Like Materials, Carbon Nanotubes, Nitrades and Silicon Carbide 54: set. <2002> 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020908 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10838 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Costa, A.A. 10: Almeida, G.P. 10: Campos Velho, Haraldo Fraha 12: A novel parameterization of turbulent transport in the stratoculus-topped boudary layer 40: En 41: En 42: 53: AMS Conference on Cloud Physics, 11 54: 2-7 June <2002> 56: Ogde 57: USA 58: LAC 61: 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10839 1: SID/SCD 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ribeiro Filho, G. 10: Lorena, L.A.N. 12: Population training algorithm for clustering on trees 40: En 41: En 41: En 42: 53: Informs Annual Meeting 54: 17-20 Nov. <2002> 56: San Jose 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20021211 MFN: 10840 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Souza, F.L. 10: Fernando Manuel Ramosl 10: Paglione, P. 10: Girardi, R.M. 12: Laminar profile design extremal dynamics 40: En 41: En 42: 53: WCCM, 5 54: 7-12 July <2002> 56: Vienna 57: Austria 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10841 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Beloto, A.F. 10: Silva, M.D. 10: Senna, J.R. 10: Kuranaga, C. 10: Leite, N.F. 10: Ueda, Mario 10: Gomes, G.F. 12: Photoluminescence and reflectance measurements on annealed poroous silicon implanted with nitrogen by plasma immersion ion implantation 40: En 41: En 42: 54: <2002> 58: LAS 58: LAP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: FISICA DE PLASMA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10842 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Conrado, L.A. 10: Frois, I. 10: Zangaro, V.A. 10: OLiveira Jr., 10: Munin, E.Kuranaga, C. 10: Silva, M.D. 10: Nono, Maria do carmo de Andrade 10: Rezende, M.C. 10: Castro, Pedro Jos‚ de 12: Obtura‡Æo de canais radiculares com cimentos de base resinoso fotopolomeriz veis e autopolimeriz veis 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 53: Congresso Intrnacional de Laser e Novos Recursos em Odontologia, 2 54: 29 jun. <2002> 56: SÆo Paulo 58: LAS 61: 62: INPE 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10843 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Doescher, E. 10: Campos Velho, Haraldo Fraga 10: Ramos, Fernando Manuel 12: Isothermal fluid flow in fractal domains 40: En 41: En 42: 53: PanAmerican Workshop on Applied and Computational Mathematics, 4 54: 1-5 July 56: Cordoba 57: AR 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020808 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10844 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Doescher, E. 10: Campos Velho, Haraldo Fraga 12: Multispectral reconstruction of biominescence term in natural waters 40: En 41: En 42: 53: PanAmerican Workshop on Applied and Computational Mathematics, 4 54: 1-5 July 56: Cordoba 57: AR 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020808 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10845 1: SID/SCD 2: 7240 3: INPE-7240-PRE/3144 4: FISPLASMA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ueda, Mario 10: Gomes, G.F. 10: Abramof, Eduardo 12: In-line nitrogen PIII/ion nitriding processing of metallic materials 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on Lon Beam Modification of Material 54: 1-6 Set. <2002> 56: Kobe 57: Japan 58: LAP 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: FISICA DE PLASMA 91: FDB-20021012 MFN: 10846 1: SID/SCD 2: 7240 3: INPE-7240-PRE/3144 4: FISPLASMA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ueda, Mario 10: Tan, I.H. 10: Dallaqua, R.S. 10: Rossi, J.O. 10: Barroso, J;J. 10: Tabaccniks, M.H. 12: Aluminum plsma immersion ion implantation in polymeters for space applications 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on Lon Beam Modification of Material 54: 1-6 Set. <2002> 56: Kobe 57: Japan 58: LAP 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: FISICA DE PLASMA 91: FDB-20021012 MFN: 10847 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Oliveira, R.M 10: Nono, Maria do Carmo de Andrade 10: Kuranga, C. 10: Mineiro, S.L. 12: Zr02-Ti02 ceramic as soil humidity sensor 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 53: Congresso de Microscopia e Microan lise no Mercosul (MICROMAT) 54: 20-22 nov. <2002> 56: Curitiba 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10848 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vieira, R.A 10: Nono, Maria do carmo de Andrade 12: An investigation by eds the thin fil-substrate interface 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 53: Congresso de Microscopia e Microan lise no Mercosul (MICROMAT) 54: 20-22 nov. <2002> 56: Curitiba 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10849 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Nono, Maria do carmo de Andrade 12: Interfaces analysis of CVD diamond film-braze alloy-stainless stell substrate 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 53: Congresso de Microscopia e Microan lise no Mercosul (MICROMAT) 54: 20-22 nov. <2002> 56: Curitiba 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10850 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Mineiro, S.L. 10: Kuranaga, C. 10: Paiva, S.Nono, Maria do carmo de Andrade 10: Silva, M.D. 12: Relationship between the sintering temperature and the pore distribution in Zn)-Ti)2)5 ceramic by SEM analyses 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 53: Congresso de Microscopia e Microan lise no Mercosul (MICROMAT) 54: 20-22 nov. <2002> 56: Curitiba 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10851 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Kuranaga, C. 10: Nono, Maria do carmo de Andrade 10: Silva, M.D. 10: Mineiro, S.L. 12: Influence of microstructure on humidity sensing properties of Zr02-Ti02 ceramics 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 53: Congresso de Microscopia e Microan lise no Mercosul (MICROMAT) 54: 20-22 nov. <2002> 56: Curitiba 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10852 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Fonseca, S.T. 10: Nono, Maria do Carmo de Andrade 10: Castro, P.J. 12: Microstructure study of barium nanotitanate ceramics doped with strontium for microwave application 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 53: Congresso de Microscopia e Microan lise no Mercosul (MICROMAT) 54: 20-22 nov. <2002> 56: Curitiba 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10853 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Vieira, R.A. 10: Nono, Maria do Carmo de Andrade 10: Mattos, M.L.B. 12: Nucleation and growth microstructural study of ti tilms on 304 ss substrates 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 53: Encontro da Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa em Materiais, 1 (SBPMat); Brazil-MRS, 1 54: 7-10 jul. <2002> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10854 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Trava Airoldi, Vladimir Jesus 10: Corat, Evaldo Jos‚ 10: Leite, N.F. 12: Studies of molibdunum substrate for growth of adherent diamond film 14: 59 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 53: Encontro da Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa em Materiais, 1 (SBPMat); Brazil-MRS, 1 54: 7-10 jul. <2002> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10855 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: oliveira, R.M. 10: Nono, Maria do Carmo de Andrade 10: Kuranaga, C. 10: Silva, M.D. 12: Zr02-Ti02 ceramic as soil humidity sensor 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 53: Encontro da Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa em Materiais, 1 (SBPMat); Brazil-MRS, 1 54: 7-10 jul. <2002> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10856 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Nono, Maria do carmo de Andrade 10: Conrad, J.R. 12: Nucleation and growth of CDV diamond on 304 ss surface by implanted carbon ions 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 53: Encontro da Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa em Materiais, 1 (SBPMat); Brazil-MRS, 1 54: 7-10 jul. <2002> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10857 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Mineiro, S.L. 10: Nono, Maria do carmo de Andrade 10: Silva, M.D. 10: Kuranaga, C. 12: Behavior of Zn)2-Ti02-Nb205 ceramic as humidity sensor 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 53: Encontro da Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa em Materiais, 1 (SBPMat); Brazil-MRS, 1 54: 7-10 jul. <2002> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10858 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Kuranaga, C. 10: Nono, Maria do Carmo de Andrade 10: Silva, M.D. 10: Mineiro, S.L> 12: Humidity sensing properties of Zr02-Ti02 ceramic 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 53: Encontro da Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa em Materiais, 1 (SBPMat); Brazil-MRS, 1 54: 7-10 jul. <2002> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10859 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Fonseca, S.T. 10: Nono, Maria do carmo de Andrade 10: Castro, P.J. 10: Kuranaga, C. 12: Sr02-Ba2Ti9020 ceramics as microwave dieletric resonators for telecommunication applications 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 53: Encontro da Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa em Materiais, 1 (SBPMat); Brazil-MRS, 1 54: 7-10 jul. <2002> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10860 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Hanamoto, L.K. 10: Henriques, A.B. 10: Oliveira Jr., N.F. 10: Rappl, P.H.O. 10: Ueta, A.Y 10: Abramof, Eduardo 12: Magneto-optical studies of EuTe heterostructures 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 53: Encontro da Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa em Materiais, 1 (SBPMat); Brazil-MRS, 1 54: 7-10 jul. <2002> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10862 1: SID/SCD 4: FISPLASMA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Monteiro, M.J.R. 10: Berni, L.A. 10: Daltrine, A,M. 10: Machida, M. 12: Multichannel photomultiplier for multipass scattering diagnostics 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Congress on Plasma Physics 54: <2002> 58: LAP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: FISICA DE PLASMA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10863 1: SID/SCD 4: FISPLASMA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ludwig, G.O. 12: Calculation of eddy cirrent the ETE spherical tours 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Congress on Plasma Physics 54: <2002> 58: LAP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: FISICA DE PLASMA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10864 1: SID/SCD 4: FISPLASMA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Del Bosco, Edson 10: Berni, L.A. 10: Ferreira, J.G. 10: Ludwig, G.). 10: Oliveira, R.M. 10: Gomes, G.F. 12: Plasma formation in the ETE speherical tours 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Congress on Plasma Physics 54: <2002> 58: LAP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: FISICA DE PLASMA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10865 1: SID/SCD 4: FISPLASMA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Andrade, M.C.R. 10: Ferreira, J.G. 10: Ludwig, G.O. 12: Selft-consistent of the electron temperature profile required to produce a given plasma current density profile in Tokamaks 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Congress on Plasma Physics 54: <2002> 58: LAP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: FISICA DE PLASMA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10866 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Azevedo, A.F. 10: Trava Airoldi, Vladimir Jesus 10: Corat, Evaldo Jos‚ 10: Ferreira, N.G. 12: Efeitos da aplica‡Æo de uma diferen‡a de potencial entre o plasma e o substrato na densidade de nuclea‡Æo do diamante usando o sistema surfatron 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 53: Encontro Nacional de F¡sica da Mat‚ria Condensada, 25 54: 7-11 maio <2002> 56: Caxambu 57: BR 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10867 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Barreto, P.R.P. 10: Corat, Evaldo Jos‚ 12: Kinetic modeling of the activated Ar/B/F/H/N gaseus system 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 53: Encontro Nacional de F¡sica da Mat‚ria Condensada, 25 54: 7-11 maio <2002> 56: Caxambu 57: BR 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10868 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Barquete, D.M. 10: Corat, Evaldo Jos‚ 10: Trava Airoldi, Vladimir Jesus 10: Moura Neto, C. 12: Interface de caberto de van dio termodifundido para crescimento de diamante sobre WC-Co 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Aplica‡äes de V cuo na Ind£stria e na Ciˆncia 54: 10-12 jul <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 57: BR 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10869 1: SID/SCD 4: FISPLASMA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Barroso, J.J. 10: Castro, P.J. 10: Leite Neto, J.P. 12: Um m‚todo para medir a condutividade el‚trica de metais em frequˆncia de microondas 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Aplica‡äes de V cuo na Ind£stria e na Ciˆncia 54: 10-12 jul <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 57: BR 58: LAP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10870 1: SID/SCD 4: FISPALMA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Berni, L.A. 10: Del Bosco, E. 12: Calibra‡Æo por espalhamento Raman com g s nitrogˆnio do diagn¢stico de espalhamento Thomson no Tokamak ETE 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Aplica‡äes de V cuo na Ind£stria e na Ciˆncia 54: 10-12 jul <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 57: BR 58: LAP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10871 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Barbieri, F.C. 10: Corat, Evaldo Jos‚ 10: Trava Airoldi, Vladimir Jesus 10: Leite, N.F. 12: TermodifusÆo em filmes intermedi rios de carbeto de molibdenio crescidos sobre a‡os 14: 76 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Aplica‡äes de V cuo na Ind£stria e na Ciˆncia 54: 10-12 jul <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 57: BR 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10872 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Azevedo, A.F. 10: Trava Airoldi, Vladimir Jesus 10: Corat, Evaldo Jos‚ 10: Ferreira, N.G. 12: Diamond growrh on Ti6I4V alloy by bias enhanced nucleation 21: v.1 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Aplica‡äes de V cuo na Ind£stria e na Ciˆncia 54: 10-12 jul <2002> 56: Florian¢polis 57: BR 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10873 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Santos, Marcio Bueno dos 10: Garcia, Ezio Castejon 10: Panissi, Dˆnio Lemos 12: Radi“metros para medidas e controle da radia‡Æo t‚rmica absorvida na simula‡Æo espacial de sat‚lites 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia e Ciˆncias T‚rmicas, 9 54: <2002> 57: BR 58: LIT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10874 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Garcia, Ezio Castejon 10: Almeida, Jos‚ S‚rgio 10: Santos, Marcio Bueno dos 12: Space simulation of the China-Brazil Earth resources satellite performed at LIT-INPE 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia e Ciˆncias T‚rmicas, 9 54: <2002> 57: BR 58: LIT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10875 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Strobino, Marco A. 12: A spacecraft magnetic dipole moment determination method 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Astronautical Congress, 53 (IAF) 54: 10-19 Oct. <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: LIT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10876 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Lino, Carlos de Oliveira 10: Loureiro, Geilson 10: Vertamatii, Bernardo 12: CBERS: disclosing a successful internaional space cooperation 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Astronautical Congress, 53 (IAF) 54: 10-19 Oct. <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: LIT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10877 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Almeida, Jos‚ Sergio de 10: Garcia, Ezio Castejon 10: Santos, Marcio Bueno dos 12: Results from the thermal vacuum tests of the Chinese-Brazilian Earth Resources Satellite: CBERS-FM2 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Astronautical Congress, 53 (IAF) 54: 10-19 Oct. <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: LIT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10878 1: SID/SCD 4: COMB 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Santos, W.F.N. 12: Truncated leading edge effects on flowfield of a wedge low density hypersonic flight speed 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Brazilian Congress of Thermal Engineering and Sciences, 9 (ENCIT) 54: Oct. <2000> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: LCP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10879 1: SID/SCD 4: COMB 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rabelo, E.R.C. 10: Carvalho Jr., JoÆo Andrade 10: Veras, Carlos Alberto Gurgel 10: Ferreira, Marco Aur‚lio 10: Sandberg, D.V. 12: Estudo param‚trico sobre incandescˆncia em biomassa 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Brazilian Congress of Thermal Engineering and Sciences, 9 (ENCIT) 54: Oct. <2000> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: LCP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 68: PRE 90: b 76: COMBUSTAO 87: combustÆo de biomassa 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10880 1: SID/SCD 4: COMB 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Lacava, P.T. 10: Pimenta, A.P. 10: Ferreira, Marco Aur‚lio 10: Carvalho Jr., JoÆo Andrade 12: Controle da emissÆo de NOx atrav‚s de combustÆo estagiada durante a incinera‡Æo de res¡duo quasos com chama enriquecida com oxigˆnio 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Brazilian Congress of Thermal Engineering and Sciences, 9 (ENCIT) 54: Oct. <2000> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: LCP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 68: PRE 90: b 76: COMBUSTAO 87: combustÆo pulsante 87: forma‡Æo de NOx 87: ¢xido de nitrogˆnio 87: poluente 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10881 1: SID/SCD 4: COMB 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Bastos, V.O.H. 10: Lacava, P.T. 10: Ferreira, Marco Aur‚lio 10: Carvalho Jr., JoÆo Andrade 12: Caracter¡sticas de chamas pulsantes difusivas livres 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Brazilian Congress of Thermal Engineering and Sciences, 9 (ENCIT) 54: Oct. <2000> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: LCP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: COMBUSTAO 87: combustÆo com aplica‡äes em propulsao 87: chamas turbulentas difusivas 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10882 1: SID/SCD 4: COMB 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ferreira, D.S. 10: Carvalho Jr., JoÆo Andrade 10: Lacava, P.T. 10: Ferreira, Marco Aur‚lio 12: Estudo experimental sobre a atua‡Æo ac£stica em chamas parcialmente pr‚-misturadas 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Brazilian Congress of Thermal Engineering and Sciences, 9 (ENCIT) 54: Oct. <2000> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: LCP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 68: PRE 90: b 76: COMBUSTAO 87: chamas turbulentas difusivas 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10883 1: SID/SCD 4: COMB 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Botura, C.A. 10: Carvalho Jr., JoÆo Andrade 10: Botura, G. 10: Ferreira, Marco Aur‚lio 12: Projeto e testes a frio de incinerador de res¡duos s¢lidos industriais utilizando combustor pulsante com controle ativo 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Brazilian Congress of Thermal Engineering and Sciences, 9 (ENCIT) 54: Oct. <2000> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: LCP 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 68: PRE 90: b 76: COMBUSTAO 87: combustÆo pulsante 87: incinera‡Æo 87: res¡duos solidos industriais 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10884 1: SID/SCD 4: COMB 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Costa, F.S. 12: Smoldering of cigarretes 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Brazilian Congress of Thermal Engineering and Sciences, 9 (ENCIT) 54: Oct. <2000> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: LCP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10885 1: SID/SCD 4: COMB 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Couto, H.S. 10: Ribeiro, G.L.S. 10: Bastos Netto, Demetrio 12: Note on rotating cup atomizer theoru 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Brazilian Congress of Thermal Engineering and Sciences, 9 (ENCIT) 54: Oct. <2000> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: LCP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 68: PRE 90: b 76: COMBUSTAO 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10886 1: SID/SCD 4: COMB 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Fachini Filho, Fernando 12: Inner structure of bicomponente fuel difusion flames: extinction condition 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Brazilian Congress of Thermal Engineering and Sciences, 9 (ENCIT) 54: Oct. <2000> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: LCP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10887 1: SID/SCD 4: COMB 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Brazilian Congress of Thermal Engineering and Sciences, 9 (ENCIT) 54: Oct. <2000> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: LCP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10892 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Gonzalez, W.D. 10: Del Lago, A. 12: CME speed observation for magnetic clouds and peak magnetic storm intensities: the super magnetic storm of September 1-2 1958 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: COSPAR Scientific Assembly, the World Space Congress, 34 54: <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10893 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Gonzalez, W.D. 12: Solar terrestrial research Brazil 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: COSPAR Scientific Assembly, the World Space Congress, 34 54: <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10894 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Denardi, C.M.A. 10: Sobral, J.H.A. 12: East-west asymmetry in the backscatter power signal from 3-m irregularities of the EEJ in the Brazilian sector detected through EE parameterization 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: COSPAR Scientific Assembly, the World Space Congress, 34 54: <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10895 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Dal Lago, A. 10: Schwenn, R. Comparison between halo CME expansion speeds observed on the sun, their average propagation speeds to earth and their corresponding conterparts near earth 10: Gonzalez, W.D. 12: Spectral analysis of magnetic field fluctions during a HILDCAA event on November 1998 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: COSPAR Scientific Assembly, the World Space Congress, 34 54: <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: DGE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10896 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Clemesha, B.R. 10: Batista, Paulo Prado 10: Simonich, D.M. 12: Long-term variations in the centroid height of the atmospheric sodium layer 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: COSPAR Scientific Assembly, the World Space Congress, 34 54: <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10897 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: MC 6: as 7: [07] 10: Abade, J.R. 10: Pimenta, A.A. 10: Fagundes, P.R. 10: Sahai, Y. 10: Bittencourt, J.A. 12: Characteristics of nocturnal ionospheric zonal plasma drift velocities determinationed from OI 630.0 nm and 777.4 nm all-sky imaging observations 40: Pt 41: En 42: 53: COSPAR Scientific Assembly, the World Space Congress, 34 54: <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: DAE 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021220 92: FDB-msms MFN: 10898 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Becceneri, Jos‚ Carlos 10: Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto 10: Marchi, Monica M. 10: Ramos, Fernando Manuel 10: Vijaykumar, Nandamudi Lankalapalli 10: Campos, Haroldo Fraga 10: Camilo, C.P. 10: Mattedi, A.P. 12: Padroes de competi‡Æo e sinergia em col“nias de formigas heterogˆneas 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Nacional de Matem tica Aplicada e Computacional (CNMAC) 54: 11-15 set. <2002> 56: Nova Friburgo 57: BR 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020908 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10899 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Arai, N.M. 10: Souto, R.P. 10: Preto, Airam Jonatas 10: Campos Velho, Haroldo Fraga 10: Becceneri, Jos‚ Carlos 10: Fabbri, Mauricio 10: Stephany, Stephan. 12: An inverse formulation for diffusive bridgman growth using ant colony optimization in a high performance enviroment 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Nacional de Matematica Aplicada e Computacional (CNMAC) 54: 11-15 set. <2002> 56: Nova Friburgo 57: BR 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020908 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10900 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Sandri, Sandra Aparecida 10: Godo, L. 12: A similarity based approach to deal with inconsistency in systems of fuzzy gradual rules 14: 1655-1662 21: v.3 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge Based Systems 54: <2002> 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10901 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Sandri, Sandra Aparecida 10: Godo, L. 12: Dealing with covering problems in fuzzy rule systms by similarity bsed extrapolation 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International IEEE Conference on Fuzz System, 11 54: <2002> 56: Honolulu 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10902 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Sandri, Sandra Aparecida 10: Godo, L. 10: Alsinet, T. 12: Two formalism of extended possibilistic logic programing with context-dependent fuzzy unification a comparative descrition 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Workshop of Unification in Non-Classical Logics; International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, 29 54: <2002> 56: Malaga 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10903 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: S 6: as 10: Silva, J.D.S. 10: Simoni, P.O. 12: The correspondence problem under an uncertainty reasoning approach 30: Advances in artificial intelligence. Proceedings Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 31: 2507 32: 355-365 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference Artificial Intelligence and Application 54: May <2002> 56: M laga 57: ES 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: COMPUTACAO APLICADA 88: images 83: In this paper, the Dempster-Shafer Theory for uncertainty reasoning is presented as a computation tool in designing a model to approach the correspondence problem in Computer Vision. In previous works (Silva and Simoni, 2001a; Silva and Simoni, 2001b)the proposed methodology showed its effectiveness in establishing the correspondence of a pair of images with similar brightness and contrast. In this paper, the efficiency of the uncertainty reasoning methodology is evaluated by applying the method to pairs of real world images with different brightness and contrast. Contextual and structural features of a point are treated as corresponding evidences. The Dempster's rule of combination is used to combine the existing evidences leading to an evidential interval for each candidate point. A search process maximizes the Belief on the combined evidences. The conducted experiments showed the robustness of the approach in establishing the correspondence in situations for which there is illumination and/or focus changes from one real world image to the other 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10904 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Yanasse, Horacio Hideki 10: Becceneri, Jos‚ Carlos 10: Soma, Nei Yoshihiro 12: A heuristic to solve a pattern sequencing problem based on partial ordering 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Encontro Nacional de Engenharia de Produ‡Æo ENEGEP, 22; International Conference on Industrial Engeneering and Operations Management 54: 23-25 out. <2202> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020908 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10905 1: SID/SCD 4: FISPLASMA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rossi, J.O. 10: Ueda, Mario 10: Barroso, J.J. 12: Design and construction of a 150KV/300A/1us blumleim pulser 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on System Science Applied Matehamtics and Computer Scienc, and Power Engineering Systems 54: 21-23 Oct. <2002> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: LAP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: FISICA DE PLASMA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10906 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Rosa, Reinaldo Roberto 10: Ramos, Fernando Manuel 10: Sawant, Hanumant Shankar 10: Fernandes, Francisco Carlos Rocha 10: Vijaykumar, Nandamudi Lankalapalli 10: Zanandrea, Ademilson 10: Karlick, M 12: Radio signature of multiscaling flare loop interactions 14: 281-284 21: Conference Series, v.26E 40: En 41: En 42: 53: European Solar Physics Meeting, 10 54: 9-14 Set. <2002> 56: Praga 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020808 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10907 1: SID/SCD 2: 8861 3: INPE-8861-NTC/348 4: MET 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Domingues, Margarete Oliveira 16: Mendes Jr., Odim 16: S , Leonardo Deane de Abreu 16: Chan, Chou Sin 16: Manzi, Ant“nio Ocimar 16: Ra€a, Ivens Brder 16: Menconi, Varlei Everton 16: Bastos, Camila Correia 18: Estado do c‚u -IPE 2 38: FAPESP-Processo: 98/00105-5/98/03860-9; Coopera‡äes: Projeto IPE, Projeto Via Lux 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: LMO 58: DGE 58: CPT 59: Projeto IPE, Projeto Via Lux 62: INPE 64: <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: NTC 90: b 76: ESTUDOS DO SINAL GEOFÖSICO 87: micrometeorologia 87: climatologia 87: monitoramento 87: medidadas de turbulencia 87: perfis verticias 87: velocidade do vento 87: temperatura 87: umidade 87: climatologia 82: 83: Este projeto micrometeorol¢gico, realizado pelo INPE e pela Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul (UFMS), constitui parte inicial de um amplo programa experimental de estudo das caracter¡sticas do tempo e do clima na regiÆo central do Brasil. Nele foram realizadas duas campanhas intensivas de coleta de dados no Pantanal Sul Matogrossense: A primeira, em per¡odo de transi‡Æo entre as esta‡äes de inunda‡Æo e seca (maio de 1998)e a segunda, na esta‡Æo seca (setembro de 1999). Ademais, dados de algumas vari veis micrometeorol¢gicas estÆo sendo coletados continuamente, o que constitui embriÆo de ampla atividade de monitoramento que se pretende implantar na regiÆo. A base experimental situa-se na Fazenda SÆo Bento (19 graus33'48,2"S; 57 graus00'53,8"W ), s¡tio representativo da regiÆo, pr¢ximo 1,5 km da Base de Estudos do Pantanal da UFMS, em Passo do Lontra, munic¡pio de Miranda, MS. Neste local foi instalada, no final de 1997, uma torre micrometeorol¢gica, com 21 m de altura, que serviu de suporte tanto para a instala‡Æo de sensores de resposta r pida (para medidas de turbulˆncia, em quatro alturas diferentes), quanto de instrumentos meteorol¢gicos convencionais, com o objetivo de determinar os perfis verticais de velocidade do vento, temperatura, umidade espec¡fica, assim como o balan‡o de radia‡Æo. Tamb‚m foram coletadas amostras de ar para avalia‡Æo do potencial de emissÆo de metano durante as campanhas intensivas, assim como continuamente, como parte do esfor‡o de monitorar os fluxos mensais de metano no Pantanal. Foram realizadas tamb‚m pesquisas sobre eletricidade atmosf‚rica, relativas as descargas el‚tricas, acima do Pantanal (no per¡odo de solo seco). Associadas … investiga‡Æo da natureza el‚trica da atmosfera, realizaram-se filmagens do estado do c‚u para documenta‡Æo visual do tempo local, possibilitando uma an lise aprimorada das medidas efetuadas. De posse dos dados micrometeorol¢gicos, iniciaram-se os estudos para caracterizar a estrutura da camada limite superficial acima do Pantanal, bem como para compreender a influˆncia de fen“menos meteorol¢gicos de escalas maiores, tais como incidˆncia de frentes frias, circula‡äes locais e varia‡Æo da altura da camada de mistura na evolu‡Æo desta. Al‚m disso, deu-se continuidade a investiga‡äes te¢ricas sobre as caracter¡sticas dos processos turbulentos acima do Pantanal, utilizando-se t‚cnicas de an lise do sinal em tempo-escala, com a finalidade de melhor compreender e separar fen“menos turbulentos daqueles associados a escalas maiores do escoamento atmosf‚rico. Ònfase especial foi dada … pesquisa sobre a validade da Teoria da Similaridade de Monin-Obukhov acima de superf¡cies extremamente rugosas e prosseguiram tamb‚m investiga‡äes sobre a variabilidade do n¡vel do Rio Paraguai no Pantanal, incluindo estudo sobre a influˆncia do El Ni€o-Oscila‡Æo Sul sobre a mesma MFN: 10909 1: SID/SCD 4: FISPLASMA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Silva, D. 10: Tan, I.H. 10: Nascimento, A.R. 10: Galazzo, E. 10: Jesus, D.P. 12: Use of plasma polymerized highly hydrophobic hexamethyldissilazane films for sensor development 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Meeting on Chemical Sensors, 9 54: July <2002> 56: Boston 57: USA 58: LAP 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: FISICA DE PLASMA 91: FDB-20021012 MFN: 10910 1: SID/SCD 2: 7240 3: INPE-7240-PRE/3144 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Araujo, M.C. 10: Ferreira da Silva, A. 10: Andrada e Silva, Erasmo A. 12: Tranmission through spin split conduction minibands in nonmagnetic semiconductor superlattices 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference of Semiconductor Physics, 26 54: <2002> 56: Edinburgh 58: LAP 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: FISICA DE PLASMA 91: FDB-20021012 MFN: 10911 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Barreto, P.R.P. 10: Kull, A.F. 10: Cappelli, M.A. 12: Kinetic and surface mechanism to describe the growth of boron nitride films 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 53: Materils Research Society: Fall Meeting 54: 2-6 Dec. <2002> 56: Boston 57: USA 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10912 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ahuja, R. 10: Ferreira da Silva, A. 10: Pepe, I. 10: Persson, C. 10: Souza, A. 10: Johansson, B. 10: An, C.Y. 10: Kull, A.F. 10: Cappelli, M.A. 12: Optical obsorption of large gasp SbBil3 alloys 40: En 41: EnPt 41: En 53: Materils Research Society: Fall Meeting 54: 2-6 Dec. <2002> 56: Boston 57: USA 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10913 1: SID/SCD 4: FISPLASMA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Berni, L.A. 10: Ferreira, J.G. 10: Ludwig, G.). 10: Oliveira, R.M. 10: Shibata, C.S. 10: Barbosa, L.F.P.W. 10: Vilela, W.A. 10: . 12: Overview and initial results of the ETE spherical Tokamak 40: En 41: En 42: 53: IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, 19 54: 14-19 Oct. <2002> 56: Lyon 57: FR 58: LAP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: FISICA DE PLASMA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10914 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Yanasse, Horacio Hideki 10: Becceneri, Jos‚ Carlos 10: Soma, Nei Yoshihiro 12: Method for solving the minimization of the maximum number of open stacks problem 40: En 41: En 42: 53: CLAIO, 11 54: 27-31 out. <2002> 56: Concepcion 57: Chile 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020908 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10915 1: SID/SCD 4: FISPLASMA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Ueda, Mario 10: Gomes, G.F. 10: Berni, L.A. 10: Abramof, E. 10: Beloto, A.F. 12: Three dimensional ion implantition hybrid processing for the improvement of surface properties of metals 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Asian Symposium on Ion and Plasma Surface Finishing 54: 29-30 Aug. <2002> 56: Nagasaki 57: Japan 58: LAP 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: FISICA DE PLASMA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10916 1: SID/SCD 4: FISPLASMA 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Nakamura, K. 10: Iguchi, H. 10: Ueda, Mario 10: Okamura, S. 10: Matsuoka, K 12: Two-dimensional diagnostics of edge divertor region of toroidal helical plasma using a lithium beam probing 14: 28 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Conference on Plasma Surface Interaction in Controlles Fusion Devices 54: 27-31 May <2002> 56: Gifu 57: Japan 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: FISICA DE PLASMA 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 10917 1: SID/SCD 4: COMP 5: MC 6: am 10: Baecelos, F.B. 10: Lorena, Luiz Antonio Nogueira 10: Pizzolato, N.D. 12: Avalia‡Æo da localiza‡Æo de escolas com modelos capacitado e nÆo capcitado e uso de uma ferramenta GIS: estudo de caso de Vitoria/ES 40: En 41: En 42: 53: SBPO, 34 54: <2002> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: LAC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10918 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Barreto, P.R.P. 10: Alessandra, F.A. 10: Gargano, E.R. 12: Theoretical study of the reaction XF3+Y XF2+YF, where X =B or N and Y = H, N, F or B 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 53: Escola Brasileira de Estrutura Eletr“nica, 8 54: 14-18 jun. <2002> 56: Juiz de Fora 57: BR 58: LAS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10919 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Figueiroa, JoÆo Guilherme Stroesser 10: Sakita, Mauro Tadao 10: Santana, Marcio Antonio Aparecida 12: Cƒmara ac£stica reverberante para ensaio vibro-acusticos de alta intensidade em sat‚lites e sistemas para aplica‡äes aerospaciais 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Simposio Brasileiro de Metrologia em Ac£stica e Vibra‡äes, 2 (SIBRAMA); Encontro da Sociedade Brasileira de Ac£stica 54: <2002> 58: LIT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10920 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Garcia, Ezio Castejon 10: Santos, Marcio Bueno dos 10: Demori, Rosemary doPrado 12: Detec‡Æo de fuga do sistema de propulsÆo do sat‚lite CBERS 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Encontro de Inicia‡Æo Cient¡fica e P¢s-Gradua‡Æo do ITA, 8 (ENCITA) 54: <2002> 56: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 57: R 58: LIT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10921 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Hilgert, E. 10: Cavalcanti, B.N. 10: Suterio, R. 10: Barros, E.A. 10: Takahashi, F.E. 10: Neisser, M.P. 12: Curvas t‚rmicas de resinas acr¡licas durante polimeriza‡Æo por energia de microondas 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Internacional de Odontologia, 2 54: 28-31 jan. <2002> 56: SÆo Paulo 57: R 58: LIT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10922 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Hbscher, P.I. 10: Bermudez, J.C. 12: A model of the behaivior of the last mean kurtosis (LMK)adaptive algorithm with Gaussian inputs 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Telecommunication Symposium 54: <2002> 56: Natal 57: R 58: LIT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10923 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Hbscher, P.I. 10: Bermudez, J.C. 12: An improved stochastic model for the least mean fourth (LMF)adaptive algorithm 40: En 41: En 42: 53: IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 54: <2002> 56: Scottsdale 57: USA 58: LIT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 10924 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Macau, Elbert Einstein Neher 12: Sistemas ca¢ticos 14: 65-81 16: Balthazar, Jos‚ Manoel 16: Oliveira, Vilma Alves 16: Siolv, Geraldo Nunes da 16: Ros rio, JoÆo Mauricio, org. 18: Aplica‡äes em dinƒmica e controle 21: v.1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: LIT 61: 64: <2002> 66: SÆo carlos 68: CAPL 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021011 MFN: 10925 1: SID/SCD 2: 9619 3: INPE-9619-PRE/5237 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Macau, Elbert Einstein Neher 12: Sistemas complexos e complexidade 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Tem tico de Dinƒmica, Controle e Aplica‡äes, 1 54: <2002> 56: SÆo Jos‚ dos Rio Preto 58: LIT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021011 MFN: 10926 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Macau, Elbert Einstein Neher 10: Marinho, Cleverson MaranhÆo Porto 12: Communication with chaos over band-limited channels 40: En 41: En 42: 53: The World Space Congress; IAC, 53 54: <2002> 56: Houston 58: LIT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021011 MFN: 10930 1: SID/SCD 2: 9681 3: INPE-9681-PRE/5280 4: ETES 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Orlando, Valcir 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 12: Flight dynamics operations of INPE's satellite Control Center 14: 3-14 30: Boletim de Ciˆncias Geod‚sias 31: 7 32: 1 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: Dinƒmica de v“o 87: controle de sat‚lites 88: SCDI 88: SCD2 88: CBERS 88: flight dynarnies activities 83: An overview on the flight dynarnies activities of satellite tracking and in-orbit control of INPE (National Institute of Space Research)is presented. First of all, a brief description of the INPE's Satellite Tracking and Control Center is presented with emphasis on the Flight Dynamics System. Next, the involvernent in the satellite operation activitics through the launching of satellites SCDI, SCD2, and CBERS 1 is described. FinaIly, future satellites planned to be developed by INPE, alone or in cooperation with other space agencies, and their main characteristics are presented and commented. Apresenta-se uma visÆo geral das atividades de Dinƒmica de V“o para monitoramento e controle de sat‚lites do INPE. Inicialmente, descreve-se o Centro de Rastreio e Controle de Sat‚lites com ˆnfase no sistema de Dinƒmica de V“o. Em seguida descreve-se o envolvimento em atividades de opera‡Æo de sat‚lites com o lan‡amento dos sat‚lites SCD I, SCD2, e CBERS I. Por fim, comenta-se e apresenta-se os futuros sat‚lites, e suas principais caracter¡sticas, a serem desenvolvidos pelo INPE individualmente ou em coopera‡Æo com outras agˆncias espaciais MFN: 10932 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Silva, Aurea Aparecida da 10: Moraes, Rodolpho Vilhena de 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 12: Campara‡Æo da determina‡Æo de ¢rbita do sat‚lite Topex/Poseidon via GPS com o arquivo POE/JPL 14: 81-82 30: Boletim da Sociedade Astron“mica Brasileira 31: 21 32: : 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10933 1: SID/SCD 2: 9679 3: INPE-9679-PRE/5278 4: ETES 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Proano de la Torre, A.V. 10: Lacava, J.C.S. 10: Cividanes, Lucio Baptista Trannin 12: An lise de estruturas multicamadas uniaxiais 14: 50-58 30: Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Telecomunica‡äes 31: 15 32: 1 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 54: Jun. <2000> 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: estruturas multicamadas 87: anisotropia uniaxial 87: dom¡nio espectral 87: m‚todo dos momentos, antenas de microfita, linhas de fita 83: Utilizando o formalismo de Fourier, este trabalho descreve um modelo para an lise de estruturas multicamadas uniaxiais. SÆo determinados os campos eletromagn‚ticos nas diversas camadas dessas estruturas, bem como as respectivas fun‡äes de Green espectrais. Resultados num‚ricos sÆo apresentados para a antena de microfita e para a linha de fita que alimenta uma fenda retangular. This paper presents a full-wave analysis method for uniaxial multilayered structures. Working in the Fourier domain, expressions for the transformed electromagnetic field components are derived. Consequently, spectral Green's functions in compact and closed forms are obtained. Numerical results for microstrip antennas and for stripline structures are presented MFN: 10936 1: SID/SCD 2: 9850 3: INPE-9850-PRE/5432 4: ETES 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Vidal, Creto A. 10: Kataoka Filho, M rio 10: Takahashi, Walter K. 10: Souza, Petr“nio Noronha 12: Application of sensitivity analysis for optimization of a satellite structure 14: 416-418 30: Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 31: 37 32: 3 40: En 41: En 42: 61: 64: May-June <2000> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 83: DESIGN sensitivity analysis has been used in the solution of small academic problems for over 30 years. Application to complex structural systems was prevented because of the high costs of the finite difference schemes, the only numerical technique used to perform structural design sensitivity analysis in the past. Also, precision issues are major concerns in the application of the finite difference method. Recently, very efficient direct differentiation and adjoint variable design sensitivity analysis formulations have been developed for a large class of structural problems. Several of these formulations, which add only a fraction of the structural analysis cost over the total computational cost, are now implemented in commercial software, making optimization of complex structural systems feasible. Here we apply sensitivity analysis in the optimum design of the Brazilian Scientific Satellite, SACM, whose structure is a 600 X400 X400 mm parallelepiped, weighing about 65 kg. The structure is divided into four parts : the main body (a pack of nine ribbed aluminum frames), the sensor bay (a box of six ribbed plates where most of the payload is assembled), the four deployable solar panels of 440 X 570 mm each, and the adapter cone (an interface between the satellite and the launcher) MFN: 10939 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Jesus, Antonio Delson Concei‡Æo de 10: Souza, Marcelo Lopes de Oliveira e 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Algebraic analysis of nonimpulsive orbital transfer under thrust erros 14: 66 38: (AAS 01 - 447) 42: 52: American Astronautical Society (AAS); American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) 53: AAS - AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 54: 30 July - 2 Aug. <2001> 56: Quebec 57: Canada 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 83: In this paper we present the first part of an algebraic analysis of nonimpulsive orbital transfers under thrust errors. This was done as part of an extensive study conducted in three phases. This paper emphasizes the first part of the third phase but mentions the other two phases. We found algebraic relations similar in shape but proportional in alues, confirming the Monte-Carlo simulations conducted in the second phase. The numerical and algebraic results of the study suggest and partially characterizes the progressive deformation of the trajectory distribution along the propulsive arc. Its main results also characterize how close/far are Monte-Carlo analysis and covariance analysis for those examples 91: FDB-20011020 MFN: 10940 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: A study of the close approach between a planet and a cloud of particles 14: 63 38: (Paper AAS-01-436) 42: 52: American Astronautical Society (AAS); American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) 53: AAS - AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 54: 30 July - 2 Aug. <2001> 56: Quebec 57: Canada 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 83: We study the close approach between a planet and a cloud of particles. It is assumed that the dynamical system is formed by two main bodies in circular orbits and a cloud of particles in planar motion. The goal is to study the change of the orbit of this cloud after the close approach with the planet. It is assumed that all the particles have semi- major axis a ñ Da and eccentricity e ñ De before the close approach with the planet. It is desired to known those values after the close approach 91: FDB-20011020 MFN: 10946 1: SID/SCD 2: 9658 3: INPE-9658-PRE/5266 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Trivelato, Gilberto da Cunha 10: Souza, Marcelo Lopes de Oliveira e 12: Comparing MATRIXx and MATLAB for modeling desinging and simulating flight control systems 42: 53: AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference Montreal Quebec Canada 54: 6 - 9 Aug. <2001> 56: Montreal Quebec 57: Canada 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: Modeling Environment 88: Simulation Environment 88: Aerospace Vehicles. 83: In this work we compare the MATRIXx and the MATLAB environments from the perspective of modeling and simulating aerospace vehicles, specially aircrafts and satellites. Some criteria are adopted, including ease to install and use, platform demanded, friendly interfaces, resources for modeling and simulation, stop and go, re-run, generation and presentation of results, code generation, code documentation, etc. We will discuss and show their respective capabilities and reasons to become the de facto standards in the aerospace industry 91: FDB-20011020 MFN: 10949 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Schulz, W. 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 10: Moraes, R.V. 12: Inclinations change using atmospheric drag 14: 57 18: Abstracts 42: 53: Us European Celestial Mechanics Workshop, 2 54: 3-7 jul. <2000> 56: Pozna 57: Polonia 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20011020 MFN: 10959 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Silva, A.R. 10: Sch„fer, B. 10: Souza, Luiz Carlos Gadelha 10: Fonseca, R.A. 12: On line identification for space manipulator dynamics paramewters 38: (Paper s81/1313 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Gesellschaft fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanic (GAMM) 54: 2-7 Apr. <2000> 56: Germany 57: FR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 10963 1: SID/SCD 2: 9581 3: INPE-9581-PRE/5211 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Mattiello-Francisco, Maria de F tima 10: Pereira Junior, Romualdo Alves 10: Carvalho, Jozeane Mafra de 12: Building a telecommand web system for scientific microsatellite control based on open source technology 53: Space Ops 2000 - Bringing Space Operations into the 21st Century 54: 19-21 June <2000> 56: Toulouse 57: FA 58: CRN 58: DSS 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: scientific microsatellite 88: SACI 88: Brazilian Scientific Application Satellite 88: flight plan 88: autonomous operational routine 88: clent-web-based system 83: The scientific microsatellite platforms are moving towards operational independence among their scientific payloads. This paper highlights how SACI (Brazilian Scientific Application Satellite)project took on this challenge in terms of ground operation system. A scientific investigator support in controlling hislher own experiment was provided using Internet facilities. During satellite lifetime, the users are allowed to edit, organize and schedule remotely their Telecommands via WEB pages based on predict passages 91: FDB-20001212 MFN: 10964 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Ambrosio, Ana Maria 10: Gon‡alves, Luciana S.C. 10: Cardoso, Paulo Eduardo 53: Space Ops 2000 - Bringing Space Operations into the 21st Century 54: 19-21 June <2002> 56: Toulouse 57: FA 58: DSS 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20001212 MFN: 10965 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Silva, A.R. 10: Sch„fer, B. 10: Souza, Luiz Carlos Gadelha de 10: Fonseca, R.A. 12: Space robotics jooint non-linear modeling and on-line parameters identification 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium on Robotics, 31 (IRS) 54: 14-17 May <2000> 56: Montreal 57: Canada 58: DMC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 10966 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Souza, Luiz Carlos Gadelha de 10: Silva, S.A. 12: Use of multiple actuators for flexible structure vibration control 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 22 54: 28 May - 28 June <2000> 56: Morioka 57: JP 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20010626 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 10967 1: SID/SCD 2: 9610 3: INPE-9610-PRE/5233 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Orlando Valcir 10: Rozenfeld, Pawel 10: Miguez, Rogerio R Bastos 12: Brazilian data collecting satellite simulator 14: 915-919 21: v. 1-2 38: (A95-82299) 53: International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 18 54: 17-22 May <1992> 56: Kagoshima A95-82299 57: JP 58: CRC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 83: The use of high fidelity satellite simulators in the planning and preparation of space missions became a very usual practice. It allows one to set up in advance a realistic reproduction of the future operational environment of all mission phases, to aid in tasks such as development and validation of satellite operational procedures, mission application software validation and operation teams training. This work presents an overview of the main points of the simulator modeling used for simulating the main dynamic variables involved in the process are discussed 91: FDB-19931212 MFN: 10969 1: SID/SCD 2: 9828 3: INPE-9828-PRE/5412 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Lopes, Roberto Vieira da Fonseca 10: Milani Paulo Giacomo 12: Consistent On-Board Multipath Calibration for GPS Based Spacecraft Attitude Determination 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ION GPS 2000, Salt Lake City, USA 54: 19-22 Sep. <2000> 56: Salt Lake City 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: on-board calibration 88: spacecraft 88: three-axis 88: attitude determination 88: GPS 83: Aspects of the on-board calibration of spacecraft three-axis attitude determination systems employing the GPS phase-observable signal are examined. More specifically, a new consistent on-board estimation algorithm is proposed that uses a special set of calibration coefficients for multipath mitigation. A two-dimensional Taylor series in a convenient planar-projection coordinate system is used to model the global distortion effect of the GPS line of sight due to multipath. This selected projection avoids distortion and singularities close to the antenna zenith. Based on a previous solution to the similar problem of on-board star-sensor calibration, the model is purged of all misalignment-like components to cope with the inherent lack of observability. The algorithm was tested in the presence of a strong multipath effect using an empirical model based on a ground experiment data set. The test considered an inertially-stabilized satellite in a low-Earth orbit with low inclination. The data span covered 24 hours of continuous simulation with no a priori attitude information. The results were compared with those obtained when exact a priori attitude knowledge was included using a ground calibration algorithm. Both algorithms present the same significant gain in accuracy. The simulation results show that this methodology should be employed in order to assure precise autonomous on-board attitude determination using the GPS MFN: 10970 1: SID/SCD 2: 9827 3: INPE-9827-PRE/5411 4: ETES 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Lopes, Roberto Vieira da Fonseca 10: Carrara, V. 10: Enderle, W. 10: Arbinger, C. 12: Mitigating Multipath by Neural Network." 14: 1639-1650 30: Advances in the Astronautical Sciences 31: 105 32: Part 3 38: (AAS 00-207) 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: neural network 88: calibration 88: GPS 88: spacecraft 88: attitude determination 88: Mitigating 83: This paper presents a neural network approach for calibration of multi-path delay in GPS-based spacecraft attitude determination. Mitigating the multi-path error represents an important step towards a precise and autonomous LEO spacecraft navigation and control. The INPE and DLR cooperation activities in this direction are overviewed. The algorithm validation by a ground experiment at DLR is specially addressed. Results are presented from digital simulation based on an empirical model using series of spherical harmonics 92: FDB-20011002 100: FDB-MLR MFN: 10978 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Enderle, W. 10: Arbinger, C. 10: Milani Paulo Giacomo 12: A simple and low cost two antennas concept for tracking of a sounding of a souding rocket trajectory using GPS 40: En 41: En 42: 53: ION GPS 2000 54: 19-22 Sep. <2000> 56: Salt Lake City 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 10979 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: DurÆo, Otavio S.C. 10: Sukhanov, Alexander Alexandrovich 12: Autonomous navigation and sample collection for the low-cost main-belt asteroid sample return mission 18: Proceedings 53: International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics, 16 54: 3-7 Dec. <2001> 56: Pasadena 57: USA 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 10980 1: SID/SCD 2: 9573 3: INPE-9573-PRE/5203 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Galski, Roberto Luiz 10: Orlando, Valcir 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 12: Autonomous orbit control procedure, using a simplified GPS navigator, applied to the CBERS satellite 18: Proceedings 53: International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics, 16 54: 3-7 Dec. <2001> 56: Pasadena 57: USA 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: CBERS 1 88: Autonomous Orbit Control 88: China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite 88: GPS 88: Autonomous Navigator 88: Kalman Filter. 83: This work presents the performance analysis of a proposed autonomous orbit control procedure, when applied to a simulation of CBERS-1, the first China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite. A simplified GPS navigator is used in the feedback control loop, in order to supply the needed autonomous orbit information. The simplified navigator consists of a Kalman filtering process, which incorporates a procedure for automatic treatment of observation biases. The results on a long-term computer simulation (one year), which indicate the feasibility of the proposed autonomous orbit control procedure, are presented, discussed, and compared with related previous works MFN: 10981 1: SID/SCD 2: 9574 3: INPE-9574-PRE/5204 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Chiaradia, A.P.M. 10: Kuga, H‚lio Kuga 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Autonomous artificial orbit determination in real-time using single frenquecy GPS measurements 18: Proceedings 53: International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics, 16 54: 3-7 Dec. <2001> 56: Pasadena 57: USA 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: CBERS 1 88: maneuver design 88: GPS 88: Kalman filtering 88: autonomous orbit determination 88: single frequency GPS measurements 88: real-time navigation. 88: Autonomous Navigation 83: The main goal of this work is to assess, through realistic computational simulations, the attainable real time accuracy provided by single frequency GPS receivers when determining orbits of artificial satellites. A simplified and compact algorithm with low computational burden aiming accuracies around tens of meters for orbit determination using the GPS is developed. To validate the procedure, real data of the Topex/Poseidon satellite were used. For several test cases, the real-time position and velocity errors were ranging between 15 to 20 m and 0.014 to 0.018 m/s along a day, respectively, either with or without Selective Availability (SA). The main goal of this work is to assess, through realistic computational simulations, the attainable real time accuracy provided by single frequency GPS receivers when determining orbits of artificial satellites. A simplified and compact algorithm with low computational burden aiming accuracies around tens of meters for orbit determination using the GPS is developed. To validate the procedure, real data of the Topex/Poseidon satellite were used. For several test cases, the real-time position and velocity errors were ranging between 15 to 20 m and 0.014 to 0.018 m/s along a day, respectively, either with or without Selective Availability (SA) MFN: 10982 1: SID/SCD 2: 9576 3: INPE-9576-PRE/5206 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Solorzano, C.R.H. 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 10: Kuga, H‚lio Kuga 12: Third-body perturbation using a single averaged model 18: Proceedings 53: International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics, 16 54: 3-7 Dec. <2001> 56: Pasadena 57: USA 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: Third-Body Perturbation 88: Averaged Models 88: Astrodynamics 83: papers studied the effect of the third body perturbation in a spacecraft, usually working with the Hamiltonian of the system or with the disturbing function expressed in an analytic manner. The present paper has the goal of developing a semi-analytical study of the perturbation caused in a spacecraft by a third body with a single averaged model to eliminate the terms due to the short time periodic motion of the spacecraft. Several plots will show the time histories of the Keplerian elements of the orbits involved. One of the most important applications is to calculate the effect of Lunar and Solar perturbations on high-altitude Earth MFN: 10987 1: SID/SCD 2: 9598 3: INPE-9598-PRE/5226 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Dubut, Jean Paul 10: Pereira Junior, Romualdo Alves 10: Carvalho, Manoel Jozeane Mafra de 10: Mattiello-Francisco, Maria de F tima 12: Station multi-mission de Natal - Br‚sil concept et architecture d'une station TTC bande s faible co–t 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium Small Satellites Systems and Service, 5 54: 19-23 June <2000> 56: La Baule 57: FR 58: CRN 58: DSS 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: ground station 88: architecture 88: Station multi-mission Natal 83: Cet article d‚crit le concept, l'architecture et les critŠres qui ont ‚t‚ adopt‚s pour sp‚cifier le cahier de charges de la station TTC en bande S faible co–t de Natal, ainsi que les solutions retenues pour l'nt‚gration de l'ensemble. D‚crit, ‚galement, les principales fonctionnalit‚s des divers sous-systŠmes, de la chaŒne informatique, et les modifications qui ont ‚t‚ introduites post‚rieurement par l'INPE/CRN pour la transformer en station multi-mission et l'adapter aux exigences des nouveaux programmes. Les r‚sultats obtenus dans la poursuite et la r‚ception des satellites br‚siliens sont aussi pr‚sent‚s et des am‚liorations sont propos‚es pour augmenter son actuelle performance. Abstract: This paper describes the concept, architecture and criteria adopted for a Natal low cost S-band TTC ground station specifications with the implemented solutions for integration system. Also describes the main subsystem functionalittes and modifications introduced by INPE/CRN for providing a mutimission station and adapting it to the new mission requirements. Some obtained brazilian satellite tracking results are presented. Finally, it is proposed an upgrade to improve the current TTC station performance 91: FDB-20000915 92: FDB-DCAGC MFN: 10988 1: SID/SCD 2: 9597 3: INPE-9597-PRE/5225 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Carvalho, Manoel Jozeane Mafra de 10: Pereira Junior, Romualdo Alves 10: Mattiello-Francisco, Maria de F tima 10: Dubut,, Jean Paul 12: Open sources to small satellites ground station 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium Small Satellites Systems and Service, 5 54: 19-23 June <2000> 56: La Baule 57: FR 58: DSS 58: CRN 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: Open Source 88: small satellites 88: Ground Station 88: user-friendly web application 83: After being treated for long time by non-academic institutions as vulnerable technology, in terms of reliability, Open Source has recently being pointed out by suppliers as a good alternative for software developers. This paper presents an example of using Open Source Software in INPE/CRN Ground Station in order to control small satellites. There is an emphasis on using Linux Operating System, a low cost environment to provide effectiveness and support efficient solutions for an user-friendly web application 91: FDB-19980915 92: FDB-DCAGC MFN: 10994 1: SID/SCD 2: 9852 3: INPE-9852-PRE/5434 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Bandeira, Iraja Newton 10: Souza, Petr“nio Noronha 10: Kataoka Filho, Mario 12: Brazilian participation in the International Space Station 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Astronautical Congress, 51 (IAF) 54: 2-6 Oct. <2000> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: LAS 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: International Space Station (ISS) 83: Brazilian participation in the International Space Station (ISS)started in October 1997 under the responsibility of the National Institute for Space Research (INPE)and the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB). In this paper, the Brazilian participation is presented together with its responsibilities and utilization rights. The construction of equipment in Brazil that will be delivered is described. The strategy for project implementation is discussed. Finally, the objectives of the scientific program created to manage the efforts for ISS utilization by the Brazilian scientific community will be presented, with special attention to materials science experiments. 91: FDB-20001213 MFN: 10995 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Prasad, P.R. 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 12: An avaluation of jacchia and MSIS 90 atmospheric models with CBERS data 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Astronautical Congress, 51 (IAF) 54: 2-6 Oct. <2000> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20001213 MFN: 10996 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Silva, Adenilson Roberto 10: Sc„fer, B. 10: Souza, Luiz Carlos Gadelha de 10: Fonseca, R.A. 12: Integrated linear and nonlinear parameter identification for space robot dynamics 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Astronautical Congress, 51 (IAF) 54: 2-6 Oct. <2000> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20001213 MFN: 10997 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Chiaradia, Ana Paula Marins 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: On board and real time artificial using GPS 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Astronautical Congress, 52 (IAF) 54: 1-5 Oct. <2001> 56: Tolouse 57: FR 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20001213 MFN: 10998 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Koslov, A.A. 10: Abasher, V.M. 10: Hinckel, Jose Nivaldo 12: Organization of the working process in the small thrust engine LRESTH MAI 2000 38: (IAF-01-S1.10) 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Astronautical Congress, 52 (IAF) 54: 1-5 Oct. <2000> 56: Tolouse 57: FR 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20001213 MFN: 10999 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Carvalho, Himilcon 10: Kono, Janio 10: Silva, M rio M. Quintino 12: The Argentina-Braszil Satellite for Information on Food, Water and Environment (SABIA) 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Astronautical Congress, 51 (IAF) 54: 2-6 Oct. <2000> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSS 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20001213 MFN: 11000 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Fonseca, Ijar Milagre 10: Bainum, Peter M. 12: Integrated structural and control optimization of a large space structure with a robot arm by using semi-analytical approach 38: (IAF-00-1.2.02) 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Astronautical Congress, 51 (IAF) 54: 2-6 Oct. <2000> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20001213 MFN: 11001 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Carvalho, Himilcon 10: Kono, Janio 10: Silva, M rio M. Quintino 12: SSR Amazon rainforest observation system 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Astronautical Congress, 51 (IAF) 54: 2-6 Oct. <2000> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DSS 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20001213 MFN: 11008 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rocco, E.M. 10: Souza, Marcelo Lopes de Oliveira e 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Multi-objective optimization approach applied to the station keeping of satellite constelations 14: 27 38: (AAS 01 - 346) 42: 52: American Astronautical Society (AAS); American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) 53: AAS - AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference 54: 30 July - 2 Aug. <2001> 56: Quebec 57: Canada 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 83: In this work we study the problem of orbital station keeping maneuvers of satellites constellations with minimum fuel consumption and time constraint. Due to their (geometrical, etc.)constraints, we have the problem of simultaneously optimizing the maneuvers for n satellites. In this way an appropriate strategy should be adopted to control the satellites. Therefore, we have a multi-objective problem. Thus, the goal of this work is to formulate and to study maneuver strategies that, in some way, makes it possible to obtain solutions with small fuel consumption considering all the satellites in the constellation 91: FDB-20011020 MFN: 11024 1: SID/SCD 2: 9575 3: INPE-9575-PRE/5205 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 10: Orlando, Valcir 12: Orbit Control of CBERS-1 Satellite at INPE 18: Proceedings 53: International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics, 16 54: 3-7 Dec. <2001> 56: Pasadena 57: USA 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: Orbit Control 88: Longitude Phasing Maneuvers 88: CBERS 1 88: China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite 88: Satellite 88: Flight Dynamics Operations 83: The CBERS-1 (China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite)was launched on 14 October 1999. The first orbit maneuver which was fully accomplished under INPE's responsibility was executed on 11 April 2001. The maneuver design was based on the mission requirements in terms of maximum longitude phase drift, minimum altitude variations and frozen perigee. The main aspects of the maneuver design, execution, and analysis, are covered in the paper. The results of a post maneuver analysis, which provides a clear confirmation of the fairness of pre-maneuver computations, are presented and discussed in details MFN: 11029 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Teracine, Edson Baptista 12: Remote sensing for sustainable development in Brazil 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Astronautical Congress, 51 (IAF) 54: 2-6 Oct. <2000> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20001213 MFN: 11030 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Teracine, Edson Baptista 10: Pereira, Sergio de Paula 10: Yamaguti, Wilson 10: Rodrigues, Mauro Silvio 12: The benefits of the brazilian data collection system 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Astronautical Congress, 51 (IAF) 54: 2-6 Oct. <2000> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20001213 MFN: 11045 1: SID/SCD 2: 9547 3: INPE-9547-PRP/237 4: MET 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Forti, Maria Cristina 18: Ciclo biogeoqu¡micos e transferˆncia de esp‚cie qu¡micas na interfaces de ecossistemas terrestres de Mata Atlƒntica: estudos de duas  rea contrastantes 20: 41 38: Relat¢rio cient¡fico final referente ao Projeto FAPESP n. 99/05204-4 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: LMO 62: INPE 64: <2003> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: PRP 90: b 83: O objetivo desta proposta foi estudar as transferˆncias nas interfaces tmosfera-solo- gua, de esp‚cies qu¡micas em solu‡Æo e relacion -los com o "status" da vegeta‡Æo local. Para atingir esse objetivo foi estabelecido um programa de monitoramento integrado em duas pequenas bacias hidrogr ficas localizadas na Mata Atlƒntica, sendo uma em  rea urbana (polu¡da - SÆo Paulo/PEFI)e outra em  rea natural (nÆo polu¡da - N£cleo Cunha Indai /CUNHA). Em ambas, o monitoramento ambiental foi efetuado atrav‚s do estudo f¡sico-qu¡mico, da precipita‡Æo, da transprecipita‡Æo, da  gua do solo, solo e curso d' gua. Nessas solu‡äes, foram monitorados: c tions e ƒnions maiores (s¢dio, pot ssio, magn‚sio, c lcio, am“nio, nitrato, sulfato, cloreto); metais (alum¡nio, manganˆs, ferro, cobre, zinco, n¡quel, cobalto e c dmio). As amostras foram coletadas durante 27 meses na  rea urbana e 17 meses na  rea natural. A partir dos resultados aqui apresentados conclu¡-se que na bacia natural os ciclos naturais das esp‚cies ainda estÆo preservados. As transferˆncias entre as interfaces sÆo distintas entre as duas  reas: na  rea urbana elas sÆo, em geral, maiores do que na  rea natural com dom¡nio de SO4 2- e NO3 - . As diferen‡as nos padräes de transferˆncia indicam que a vegeta‡Æo da  rea urbana est  com o estado nutricional alterado. A solu‡Æo do solo, nas duas  reas, ‚ pobre em esp‚cies qu¡micas indicando a baixa transferˆncia destes atrav‚s do sistema solo. Essa reten‡Æo pelas interfaces superiores ‚ conseqˆncia da reciclagem estreita de nutrientes pela vegeta‡Æo. O nitrato ‚ exce‡Æo, seu ciclo ‚ complexo e seus processos pouco conhecidos em regiäes tropicais. No riacho da bacia urbana as  guas apresentam sinais de acidifica‡Æo indicando que os solos podem estar perto ou j  ter atingido a significativas das diferentes esp‚cies qu¡micas para os cursos d' gua o que ‚ o padrÆo normal para florestas tropicais devido … reciclagem interna 92: FDB-20020424 100: FDB_MLR MFN: 11046 1: SID/SCD 2: 9550 3: INPE-9550-PUD/122 4: ETES 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Gomes, Vivian Martins 16: Chiaradia, Ana Paula Marins 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 18: An lise da mensagem de navega‡Æo transmitida e da geometria dos sat‚lites GPS 20: 53 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DMC 59: PIBIC/CNPq 62: INPE 64: <2003> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: PUD 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: orbita estimada 87: GPS 87: mensagem de navega‡Æo 87: efem‚rides dos sat‚lites 83: Entre as fontes de erros que podem afetar a precisÆo da orbita estimada a bordo de um ve¡culo espacial utilizando um receptor GPS, podemos citar as efem‚rides transmitidas dos sat‚lites GPS e a geometria dos sat‚lites GPS. Portanto, este trabalho tem corno objetivo verificar a contribui‡Æo do erro causada pelas efem‚rides transmitidas pela mensagem de navega‡Æo e analisar a geometria dos sat‚lites GPS usada na determina‡Æo de ¢rbita de sat‚lites artificiais utilizando um receptor GPS a bordo. Para calcular as efem‚rides dos sat‚lites GPS, foi utilizado um programa, desenvolvido em linguagem Fortran, pelo Dr. H‚lio Koiti Kuga do Departamento de Mecƒnica e Controle, do INPE. Este programa calcula a posi‡Æo dos sat‚lites GPS, no sistema WGS84, utilizando a mensagem de navega‡Æo que ‚ transmitida para o receptor GPS. A posi‡Æo gerada pelo programa ‚ comparada com as efem‚rides precisas (Precise Orbit Ephemeris)geradas pelo JPL/NASA cuja precisÆo est  em torno de 3 cm. Verificou-se que, o programa fornece boa precisÆo no calculo da posi‡Æo do GPS podendo ser utilizado na determina‡Æo de ¢rbita de sat‚lites artificiais com receptor GPS a bordo. Para analisar a melhor geometria dos sat‚lites GPS tamb‚m foi utilizado um programa desenvolvido em linguagem Fortran, que faz uma combina‡Æo dentre os sat‚lites vis¡veis e gera o conjunto de quatro sat‚lites corno melhor valor de GDOP que forneceriam a melhor precisÆo de ¢rbita 91: FDB-20030226 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 11047 1: SID/SCD 2: 9551 3: INPE-9551-PUD/123 4: ETES 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Gomes, Vivian Martins 16: Chiaradia, Ana Paula Marins 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 18: Otimiza‡Æo de manobras orbitais com dois e trˆs impulsos 20: 23 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DMC 59: PIBIC/CNPq 62: INPE 64: <2003> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: PUD 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: astrodinƒmica 87: manobra orbital 87: manobras impulsivas 83: O objetivo principal deste trabalho, al‚m de fazer um estudo sobre posicionamento e determina‡Æo de ¢rbitas e manobras de sat‚lites, ‚ desenvolver um conjunto de rotinas aplic veis em Mecƒnica Celeste. O primeiro programa oferece a op‡Æo de fazer a transforma‡Æo de coordenadas cartesianas de posi‡Æo e velocidade para elementos keplerianos e vice versa utilizando o algoritmo encontrado na Literatura. Esse programa foi desenvolvido em linguagem Fortran com entrada de dados e apresenta‡Æo em Visual Basic. O segundo representa um trabalho mais efetivo de pesquisa. Al‚m de desenvolvimento de software, foram implementados e comparados dois m‚todos de c lculo de manobras orbitais N-Impulsivas. Essa compara‡Æo levou em considera‡Æo tanto o consumo de combust¡vel como o tempo de dura‡Æo da manobra. O primeiro m‚todo ‚ baseado na aplica‡Æo de Lima s‚rie N de impulsos em um mesmo ponto da ¢rbita, em diferentes passagens do ve¡culo espacial por esse ponto. 0 segundo m‚todo utiliza uma s‚rie de trˆs impulsos, sendo o primeiro impulso aplicado na ¢rbita inicial e utilizado para colocar o ve¡culo espacial em uma ¢rbita de transferˆncia coplanar com a ¢rbita inicial e com o apogeu situado a uma certa distƒncia da Terra; o segundo impulso ‚ aplicado nesse ponto e ‚ utilizado para efetuar a mudan‡a de inclina‡Æo no plano orbital desejado para a manobra; e finalmente, o terceiro impulso ‚ aplicado quando o ve¡culo, que se encontra na ¢rbita de transferˆncia, passar pela ¢rbita final desejada e ‚ efetuado com o objetivo de finalizar a transferˆncia at‚ a ¢rbita final desejada. Os resultados mostram que a transferˆncia N- impulsiva ‚ vantajosa para transferˆncias envolvendo mudan‡as pequenas na inclina‡Æo entre os planos das ¢rbitas inicial e final. J  a manobra tri-impulsiva apresenta maior economia para manobras que envolvem varia‡Æo de plano orbital a partir de um certo limite 91: FDB-20030226 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 11048 1: SID/SCD 2: 9548 3: INPE-9548-PUD/120 4: ETES 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Gomes, Vivian Martins 16: Chiaradia, Ana Paula Marins 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 18: Solu‡äes de navega‡Æo via GPS 20: 23 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DMC 59: PIBIC/CNPq 62: INPE 64: <2003> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: PUD 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: determina‡Æo de orbita 87: astrodinƒmica 87: navega‡Æo 87: sat‚lite artificiais 83: Determinar a ¢rbita de um sat‚lite artificial significa determinar a posi‡Æo e a velocidade do sat‚lite, em rela‡Æo a um referencial inercial, utilizando um conjunto de medidas de observa‡Æo do sat‚lite. Estas observa‡äes podem ser obtidas atrav‚s de sistemas de rastreamento em solo ou de sensores a bordo do veiculo espacial. T‚cnicas modernas de observa‡äes sÆo atualmente capazes de medir a distƒncia entre o instrumento e o sat‚lite com a precisÆo de cent¡metros ou at‚ melhor. Ao longo dos anos, os requisitos das missäes ficaram mais rigorosos. Com isto, os m‚todos de determina‡Æo de ¢rbita tiveram que ser tornar mais precisos, sem a aumentar gastos computacionais e financeiros. V rios m‚todos foram desenvolvidos e aperfei‡oados com rela‡Æo ao modelo do sistema dinƒmico, …s medidas e …s t‚cnicas de estima‡Æo.0 INPE (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais)vem determinando ¢rbita de seus sat‚lites com muito sucesso utilizando esta‡äes de rastreamento terrestres localizadas em pontos estrat‚gicos pelo Brasil. Mas, a necessidade de desenvolver algoritmos com maior precisÆo e baixo custo computacional ‚ sempre um desafio constante. A cada dia, novas t‚cnicas vem sendo desenvolvidas, como a utiliza‡Æo do sistema GPS. Por‚m, este tipo de tecnologia ainda nÆo foi utilizada pelo INPE ou por qualquer instituto brasileiro. Assim, este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar, desenvolver, implementar e comparar solu‡äes de navega‡Æo poss¡veis atrav‚s do uso de medidas obtidas por receptores GPS, em ambiente espacial 91: FDB-20030226 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 11049 1: SID/SCD 2: 9549 3: INPE-9549-PUD/121 4: ETES 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 13: Corre‡Æo ionosf‚rica e detec‡Æo de cycle slips para as medidas GPS de dupla frequˆncia 16: Gomes, Vivian Martins 16: Chiaradia, Ana Paula Marins 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 20: 41 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DMC 59: PIBIC/CNPq 62: INPE 64: <2003> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: PUD 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: GPS 87: astrodinƒmica 87: corre‡Æo ionosf‚rica 83: Durante o mˆs de janeiro de 1999, foi feito um estudo para aprendizado da linguagem de programa‡Æo FORTRAN, visto que ser  necess rio o desenvolvimento de programas nesta linguagem. Como trabalho inicial para aprendizagem da linguagem, foi desenvolvido um programa de transforma‡Æo de sistema de coordenadas que ser  apresentado neste relat6rio. Corno o objetivo principal deste trabalho de inicia‡Æo cientifica ‚ desenvolver um programa em linguagem FORTRAN para corrigir os efeitos ionosf6ricos das medidas GPS utilizando dupla freqˆncia, inicialmente foi necess rio fazer um estudo detalhado sobre o sistema GPS durante o mˆs de fevereiro deste mesmo ano para introduzir o assunto. Em seguida foi feito um estudo de modelos de corre‡Æo ionosf6rica utilizando uma ou duas freqˆncias durante o mˆs de mar‡o. Nos meses de abril a junho, foi implementado o modelo escolhido para corrigir os efeitos ionosf6ricos. Durante esta implementa‡Æo, verificou-se que era necess rio fazer um pr‚-processamento das medidas antes de fazer a corre‡Æo. Este pr‚-processamento seria detec‡Æo e remo‡Æo de cycle slips 91: FDB-20030226 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 11050 1: SID/SCD 2: 9552 3: INPE-9552-TDI/828 4: CEA 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 16: Guarnieri, Fernando Lu¡s 18: Observa‡äes de oz“nio e radia‡Æo UV-B na Cordilheira dos Andes 19: Ozone and UV-B radiation observations at the Andes Moutains 20: 117 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestre 58: Banca: Maria Virg¡nia Alves; Volker Walter J. Heinrich Kirchhoff (orientador); Daniel Jean Roger Nordemann; Delano Gobbi; Artemio Plana Fattori 59: GES 62: INPE 64: fev. <2001> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: TDI 90: b 76: GEOFÖSICA ESPACIAL 87: oz“nio 87: radia‡Æo ultravioleta 87: altitude elevada 87: espectrofot“metro 87: espectr“metro de mapeamento de oz“nio total 87: TOMS 88: ozone 88: ultraviolet radiation 88: high altitude 88: spectrophotometer 88: total ozone mapping spectrometer 82: 83: A regiÆo de La Paz, na Bol¡via, (68,03øW, 16,52øS)situada a uma altitude de 3420 m, re£ne caracter¡sticas muito favor veis para o estudo do efeito da altitude sobre a coluna total de oz“nio e a radia‡Æo UV-B por ter montanhas com altitudes que variam de 2800 a 5200 m e contar com uma atmosfera relativamente limpa e est vel. Compara-se o comportamento da camada de oz“nio da regiÆo Andina da Bol¡via, com regiäes de menor altitude, como Cuiab  e Natal, no Brasil. SÆo usados dados de oz“nio obtidos com o Espectrofot“metro Brewer, Espectr“metro TOMS (a bordo de sat‚lites)e sondagens locais de oz“nio realizadas nas trˆs esta‡äes j  citadas. Determina-se o perfil vertical m‚dio de oz“nio para La Paz e Cuiab  e compara-se com o perfil m‚dio de Natal. Os resultados destas an lises mostram o efeito da altitude sobre a coluna de oz“nio observada pelo TOMS e comprovada pelas sondagens realizadas em La Paz, onde se observa, em m‚dia, uma redu‡Æo de 7,71 UD em rela‡Æo a Cuiab . An lises da radia‡Æo ultravioleta demonstram valores elevados da razÆo entre a radia‡Æo direta incidente entre La Paz e Natal, ficando em torno de 2,37 em 306nm e 1,94 em 320nm, mostrando que La Paz apresenta valores mais elevados de radia‡Æo direta do que Natal, mesmo nÆo estando em regiÆo equatorial. Verifica-se que uma parte significativa deste acr‚scimo de radia‡Æo UV-B na regiÆo de La Paz ‚ devido … redu‡Æo do espalhamento Rayleigh, pelo fato de termos uma atmosfera rarefeita. ABSTRACT: The region of La Paz, Bolivia (68,03øW, 16,52øS)located at an altitude of 3420m, has favorable features to study the altitude effects on total ozone and UV-B radiation. Ozone data from a Brewer Spectrophotometer, from the TOMS Spectrometer and ozone soundings at three locations (La Paz, Cuiab  and Natal)were used to compare the ozone layer at the Bolivian Andes region with results from Cuiab  and Natal, in Brazil. The average vertical ozone profile for La Paz and Cuiab  were determined and compared with the Natal ozone profile. The results from this analysis show the altitude effect on the ozone column observed by TOMS and confirmed by ozone soundings at La Paz, where a mean reduction of 7,7UD is observed, comparing with Cuiab . Analysis of direct ultraviolet radiation shows high values of the La Paz - Natal ratio, with 2,37 for 306nm and 1,94 for 320nm, showing that La Paz presents values of direct UV radiation higher than Natal. A significant part of this increase in UV-B radiation at La Paz results from Rayleigh scattering decrease, due to a thinner atmosphere 91: FDB-20010423 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 11052 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Proano de la Torre, A.V. 10: Lacava, J.C.S. 10: Cividanes, Lucio Baptista Trannin 12: An lise de guias de placas paralelas com substratos anisotr¢picos uniaxiais 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Eletromagnetismo (CBMAG) 54: nov. <2000> 56: Natal 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 11053 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Silva, µurea Aparecida 10: Moraes, Rodolpho Vilhena 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 12: Minimos quadrados recursivo aplicado a determina‡Æo de ¢rbita do sat‚lite Topex atrav‚s de GPS 14: 102-103 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Coloquio Brasileiro de Ciˆncias Geod‚sicas, 2 54: <2001> 56: Curitiba 57: BR 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20010430 92: FDB-MLR 102: MFN: 11055 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Carvalho, G.B. 10: Lopes, Roberto Vieira F. 12: T‚cnicas de identifica‡Æo de estrelas observadas por sensores estrelares 18: Resumos 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: C¢loquio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 10 54: nov. <2000> 56: Nazar‚ Paulista 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 11056 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Chiaradia, Ana Paula 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Comparison between two methods for calculating the transition matrix of alliptical orbits 14: 7.7 18: Resumos 40: En 41: En 41: En 42: 53: C¢loquio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 10 54: nov. <2000> 56: Nazar‚ Paulista 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 11057 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Chiaradia, Ana Paula 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini e Almeida 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 12: Manobras orbitais coplanares aut“nomas utilizando GPS 14: 8.808 18: Resumos 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: C¢loquio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 10 54: nov. <2000> 56: Nazar‚ Paulista 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 11058 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Orlando, Valcir 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 12: Analysis of the navigator orbits estimates rate influence for a autonomous orbit control procedure using GPS 14: 127 16: Winter, Othon Cabo 16: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida, ed. 18: Advances in space dynamics 3: applications in astronautics 38: ISBN 85-170006-5 40: En 41: En 42: 53: C¢loquio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 10 54: 20-24 nov. <2000> 56: Nazar‚ Paulista 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 11059 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Fonseca, Ijar Miolagre 10: Santos, M.C. 12: Saci-2 attitude control subsystem 18: Resumos 40: En 41: En 42: 53: C¢loquio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 10 54: 20-24 nov. <2000> 56: Nazar‚ Paulista 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 11060 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Lopes, Roberto Vieira da Fonseca 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 12: Determina‡Æo de atitude em 3 eixos por interferometria GPS 14: 103 18: Resumos 40: En 41: En 42: 53: C¢loquio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 10 54: 20-24 nov. <2000> 56: Nazar‚ Paulista 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 11061 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Porro, J.R.S. 10: Fonseca, Ijar Milagre 10: Ricci, M rio Cesar 12: Estudo do movimento de atitude de um sat‚lite durante a abertura de seu painel solar 14: 62 18: Resumos 40: En 41: En 42: 53: C¢loquio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 10 54: 20-24 nov. <2000> 56: Nazar‚ Paulista 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 11062 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Impulsive transfer to/from the lagrangian points in the earth-sun system 18: Resumos 40: En 41: En 42: 53: C¢loquio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 10 54: 20-24 nov. <2000> 56: Nazar‚ Paulista 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 11063 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertchani de Almeida 10: Celestino, C.C. 10: Winter, O.C. 12: Introdu‡Æo a dinÆmica de restos orbitais e meteor¢ides 18: Resumos 40: En 41: En 42: 53: C¢loquio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 10 54: 20-24 nov. <2000> 56: Nazar‚ Paulista 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 11064 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Betachini de Almeida 10: Felipe, G 12: Estudo comparativo de manobras orbitais impulsivas 14: 46 18: Resumos 40: En 41: En 42: 53: C¢loquio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 10 54: 20-24 nov. <2000> 56: Nazar‚ Paulista 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 11065 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 10: Felipe, G. 12: Transferˆncia orbital envolvendo ¢rbitas do tipo hao 14: 45 18: Resumos 40: En 41: En 42: 53: C¢loquio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 10 54: 20-24 nov. <2000> 56: Nazar‚ Paulista 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 11066 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 10: Nogueira, E. C. 10: Winter, O.C. 12: Um estudo sobre grandes aproxima‡äes entre os planetas interiores e aster¢ides da ressonƒncia 3:1 14: 33 18: Resumos 40: En 41: En 42: 53: C¢loquio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 10 54: 20-24 nov. <2000> 56: Nazar‚ Paulista 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 11067 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 10: Silva, A.A, 10: Winter, O.C. 12: An lise de precisÆo de integra‡Æo num‚ricas para sat‚lites artificiais 18: Resumos 40: En 41: En 42: 53: C¢loquio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 10 54: 20-24 nov. <2000> 56: Nazar‚ Paulista 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 11068 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Prasad, Polamraju Rajendra 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 12: Mean orbital elements analysis for orbital keeping 14: 93 18: Resumos 40: En 41: En 42: 53: C¢loquio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 10 54: 20-24 nov. <2000> 56: Nazar‚ Paulista 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 11069 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Quirelli, Isaura M.P. 10: Zanardi, Maria Cecilia F.P.S. 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 12: An lise preliminar de atitude de sat‚lite artificiais estabilozados por rota‡Æo 14: 55 18: Resumos 40: En 41: En 42: 53: C¢loquio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 10 54: 20-24 nov. <2000> 56: Nazar‚ Paulista 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 11070 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Silva, µurea Aparecida 10: Moraes, Rodolpho Vilhena 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 12: M‚todo de mïnimos quadrados recursivos aplicados … determina‡Æo de ¢rbita 18: Resumos 40: En 41: En 42: 53: C¢loquio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 10 54: 20-24 nov. <2000> 56: Nazar‚ Paulista 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 11071 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Sousa, Cristina Tobler de 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 10: Setzer, Alberto Waingort 12: Localiza‡Æo geogr fica de transmissores usando desvio Doppler e t‚cnicas estat¡sticas de m¡nimos quadrados 14: 25 18: Resumos 40: En 41: En 42: 53: C¢loquio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 10 54: 20-24 nov. <2000> 56: Nazar‚ Paulista 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 11072 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Souza, Luiz Carlos Gadelha de 10: Campos, C.F.S. 12: Dinƒmica e controle de um manipilador rob¢tico 14: 69 18: Resumos 40: En 41: En 42: 53: C¢loquio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 10 54: 20-24 nov. <2000> 56: Nazar‚ Paulista 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 11073 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Souza, Luiz Carlos Gadelha de 10: Fonseca, R.A. 10: Silva, A.R. e Schafer 12: Experimental identification for increasing dynamic modeling fidelity in space robotics 14: 1 18: Resumos 40: En 41: En 42: 53: C¢loquio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 10 54: 20-24 nov. <2000> 56: Nazar‚ Paulista 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 11074 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Souza, Luiz Carlos Gadelha de 10: Trigoso, A. 12: Estudo do desempenho do sistema de controle de atitude de um sat‚lite r¡gido-flexivel 14: 2 18: Resumos 40: En 41: En 42: 53: C¢loquio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 10 54: 20-24 nov. <2000> 56: Nazar‚ Paulista 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 11140 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Beaug‚, C. 10: Felipe, G. 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Semi-analytical determination of halo orbits via lindstedt-poincar‚ metho 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Mecƒnica, 16 (COBEM) 54: 26-30 nov. <2001> 56: Uberlƒndia 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20011208 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 11142 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Felipe, G. 10: Prado, Antonio fernando Bertachini de Almeida 10: Beaug‚, C. 12: Minimum fuel transfer betweem halo orbits 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Mecƒnica, 16 (COBEM) 54: 26-30 nov. <2001> 56: Uberlƒndia 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20011208 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 11143 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Orbital control of a satellite using the gravity of the Moon 40: en 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Mecƒnica, 16 (COBEM) 54: 26-30 nov. <2001> 56: Uberlƒndia 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20011208 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 11144 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Santoro, C.A. 10: Milani, Paulo G. 10: Souza, Marcelo Lopes de Oliveira e 12: Caracteriza‡Æo e testes de girosc¢pios para sat‚lites artificiais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Mecƒnica, 16 (COBEM) 54: 26-30 nov. <2001> 56: Uberlƒndia 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20011208 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 11145 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Silva, µurea Aparecida 10: Moraes, Rodolpho Vilhena 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 12: Orbit determination using GPS and improved recursive least squares method 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Mecƒnica, 16 (COBEM) 54: 26-30 nov. <2001> 56: Uberlƒndia 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20011208 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 11146 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Souza, Cristina Tobler 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 10: Setzer, A.W. 12: Localiza‡Æo de transmissores usando dados ideais, desvio Doppler e min¡mos quadrados 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Mecƒnica, 16 (COBEM) 54: 26-30 nov. <2001> 56: Uberlƒndia 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20011208 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 11147 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Souza, Marcelo Lopes Oliveira e 12: Forecasting space debris distribution: a measure theory approach, 4 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Mecƒnica, 16 (COBEM) 54: 26-30 nov. <2001> 56: Uberlƒndia 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20011208 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 11148 1: SID/SCD 2: 9659 3: INPE-9659-PRE/5267 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Trivelato, Gilberto da Cunha 10: Souza, Marcelo Lopes de Oliveira e 12: Comparando MATRIXx e MATLAB para modelagem e simula‡Æo de ve¡culos aerospaciais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Mecƒnica, 16 (COBEM) 54: 26-30 nov. <2001> 56: Uberlƒndia 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: ambientes de modelagem 88: ambientes de simula‡Æo 88: ve¡culosa aeroespaciais 83: Neste trabalho comparamos os ambientes MATRIXx e MATLAB sob a perspectiva de modelagem e simula‡Æo de ve¡culos aeroespaciais, especialmente aviäes e sat‚lites. SÆo adotados alguns crit‚rios, incluindo facilidades de instala‡Æo e uso, requisitos de plataforma, interfaces amig veis, recursos para modelagem e simula‡Æo, iniciar, parar e repetir a simula‡Æo, resultados gerados e apresentados, gera‡Æo de c¢digo, documenta‡Æo de c¢digo, etc. SerÆo discutidas e mostradas suas respectivas capacidades e razäes para eles se tornarem padräes de fato na ind£stria aeroespacial. 91: FDB-20011208 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 11149 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Vieira Neto, Ernesto 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: An error analysis of the gravitational capture trajectories 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Mecƒnica, 16 (COBEM) 54: 26-30 nov. <2001> 56: Uberlƒndia 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20011208 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 11150 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Vlassov, Valeri Vladimirovich 10: Muraoka, Issamu 12: Controle t‚rmico do bloco girom‚trico da plataforma sub-orbital 14: 1-6 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Mecƒnica, 16 (COBEM) 54: 26-30 nov. <2001> 56: Uberlƒndia 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20011208 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 11151 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Leite, Rosangela M.G. 12: Environmental thermal loads incident on the satellites of the Brazilian Space Program 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Mecƒnica, 15 (COBEM) 54: 7-11 ago. <2000> 56: Natal 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20011208 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 11189 1: SID/SCD 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Santana, M.A.A. 10: Sousa, V.C. 10: Chui, Q.S.H. 12: Rastreamento de tensÆo dc em ensiaos de varistores de TiO2-Ta2O5-MnO2 dopado com Cr203 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia e Ciˆncia dos Materiais (CBECIMAT), 15 54: 9-13 nov. <2002> 56: Natal 58: LAS 58: LAP 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 91: FDB-20020916 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 11193 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Macau, Elbert Einstein Neher 10: Roth, Bruno Alo¡s Forlin 10: Terra, Ma¡sa de Oliviera 12: Determina‡Æo de pontos fixos e peri¢dicos em mapas ca¢ticos 14: 721-727 21: v.1 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Congresso Tem tico de Dinƒmica, Controle e Aplica‡äes, 1(DINCOM) 54: <2002> 56: SÆo Jos‚ dos Rio Preto 58: LIT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021011 MFN: 11207 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Muraoka, Issamu 12: Thermal design of SACI-1 satellite l 18: Anais 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia e Ciˆncias T‚rmicas (ENCIT) 54: <2000> 56: Porto Alegre 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: 3-6 out. <2000> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-19950511 MFN: 11208 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Silva, A.R. 10: Sch„fer, B. 12: Harmonic drive modelling and physical parameter identification for robotic joints 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Symposium on Dynamic Problems of Mechanic, 9 54: mar. <2000> 56: Florian¢polis 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 11213 1: SID/SCD 2: 5261 3: INPE-5261-PRE/1685 4: FISMAT 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Leite, N. F. 10: Miranda, L. C. M. 12: On the use of photothermal detection techniques to the thermal diffusity measurements 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Brazilian Thermal Science Meeting, 3 54: 10-12 Dec. <1990> 56: Itapema 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 76: NONMETALLIC MATERIALS 88: DETECTION 88: PHOTOTHERMAL CONVERSION 88: POLYMERIC FILMS 88: POLYVINYL FLUORIDE 88: TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT 88: THERMAL DIFFUSIVITY 88: FREQUENCIES 88: HEAT TRANSMISSIO 88: MODULATION 88: PHOTOACOUSTIC SPECTROSCOPY 83: In this paper, we report on the photothermal measurements of the thermal diffusivity of two-layer systems and of polymer polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)films subjected to different poling fields. The thermal diffusivity was measured using the so-called open photoacoustic cell (OPC)method in which the photoacoustic (PA)signal is investigated as a function of the modulation frequency in a heat transmission configuration 91: FDB-19980722 92: FDB-DCAGC MFN: 11216 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Tredinnick, Marcelo Ricardo Alves da Costa 10: Souza, Marcelo Lopes de Oliveira e 10: Souza, Luiz Carlos Gadelha de 12: The presence of bifurcation in a closed-loop discret control of a flexible benchmark plant analysed by the jury stability criterion 30: (SAE 2001-01-3963) 40: En 41: En 42: 53: CONGRESSO SAE BRASIL 2001: A Engenharia no In¡cio do Milˆnio. Mobilidade e Conectividade 54: 19-22 nov. <2001> 56: SÆo Paulo 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 11217 1: SID/SCD 2: 9186 3: INPE-9186-PRE/4859 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Tredinnick, Marcelo Ricardo Alves da Costa 10: Souza, Marcelo Lopes de Oliveira e 10: Milani, Paulo G 12: Medida de tempo precisa em simula‡äes com PC de sistemas de controle com sensores na malha 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: CONGRESSO SAE BRASIL 2000: Tecnologia, Qualidade e Desenvolvimento na Ind£stria da Mobilidade 54: 3-5 OUT. <2000> 56: SÆo Paulo 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 83: This work discusses and simulates the discrete-time control of artificial satellites with flexible appendages, and its stability in function of growing sampling periods. Due to mission needs the dimensions of the appendages tend to increase becoming more flexible. As a result, it is important to investigate the effects of digital characteristics such as sampling period, delays (in inputs, processing and outputs)and amplitude quantization on it. In this work only the sampling period effects are investigated. The discrete-time PD controller design is done, considering aspects such as the aliasing and the hidden oscillations. It is tested with models of an harmonic oscillator and a of the CBERS I (China Brazil Earth Resources Satellite), comparing the analog PD with discrete-time PDs obtained by standard s-z mappings (Tustin and Schneider)and by a new mapping, using the same gains for them. Root-loci, transient and steady - state responses were used to analyze their performances. These suggest partial methods of stabilization; and that the new mapping has the best performance among the mappings tested MFN: 11218 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Tredinnick, Marcelo Ricardo Alves da Costa 10: Souza, Marcelo Lopes de Oliveira e 10: Souza, Luiz Carlos Gadelha de 12: Stabilizing and improving the active vibration damping by a new S-Z mapping for digital cosntrol 40: En 41: En 42: 53: CONGRESSO SAE BRASIL 2001: A Engenharia no In¡cio do Milˆnio. Mobilidade e Conectividade 54: 19-22 nov. <2001> 56: SÆo Paulo 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 11224 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Celestino, C.C. 10: Winter, O.C. 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertchani de Almeida 12: Um estudo do efeito de poynting-Robertson atuante numa particula ao redor da terra 18: Resumo 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Semin rio de Matem tica Aplicada e Computacional, 17 54: 27-28 set. 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 11226 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Suterio, Ricardo 10: Viotti, Matias R. 10: Gon‡alves Jr., ArmandoAlbertazzi 10: Kauffman, Guillermo H‚ctor 10: Barros, E.A. 10: Takahashi, F.E. 10: Neisser, M.P. 12: Avalia‡Æo preliminar de m‚todos alternativos de medi‡Æo de tensäes residuais por indenta‡Æo e por aquecimento localizado, combinados … holografia eletr“nica 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Simp¢sio de An lise Experimental de Tensäes, 7 54: 19-21 ago. <2002> 56: Salvador 57: R 58: LIT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 11227 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Proano de la Torre, A.V. 10: Lacava, J.C.S. 10: Cividanes, Lucio Baptista Trannin 12: Efeitos da anisotropia uniaxial sobre a impededƒncia de entrada de uma fenda retangular alimentada por uma linha de fita 14: 314-318 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Simp¢sio Brasileiro de Microondas e Optoeletr“nica, 9 54: ago. <2000> 56: JoÆo Pessoa 57: BR 58: DEA 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 11279 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: DurÆo, Ot vio 12: SMAN Sistema modular de atitude e navega‡Æo 53: Simp¢sio Nacional de Engenharia Inercial, 3 54: out. <2001> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 11280 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Guedes, U.T.V. 10: Kuga, H.K. 12: Simula‡Æo do modelo dinƒmico de atitude da PSO acoplamento entre o modelo dinƒmico e o software de bordo 53: Simp¢sio Nacional de Engenharia Inercial, 3 54: out. <2001> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 11281 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Milani, Paulo G. 10: Einwoegerer, W. 10: Canellas, M.A. 10: Santos, M.B.G. 12: A configura‡Æo do computador de bordo para uma plataforma estabilizada inercialmente, a plataforma subOrbital (PSO) 53: Simp¢sio Nacional de Engenharia Inercial, 3 54: 24-26 out. <2001> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 11283 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Santoro, C. A. 10: Milani, Paulo G. 10: Souza, Marcelo Lopes Oliveira e 12: Uma implementa‡Æo do teste de posi‡äes para caracteriza‡Æo de girosc¢pio tipo DTG 53: Simp¢sio Nacional de Engenharia Inercial, 3 54: 24-26 out. <2001> 56: Rio de Janeiro 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL MFN: 11286 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: Astrodinƒmica aplicada ao moviemnto de ve¡culos espaciais 18: Resumos 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Workshop de Mecƒnica Celeste 54: 8-9 nov. <2001> 56: Cuaratinguet  57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 91: FDB-20011208 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 11292 1: SID/SCD 2: 9558 3: INPE-9558-NTC/351 4: MET 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Blaz, Roberto 16: Domingues, Margarete Oliveira 16: Mendes Jr., Odim 18: Introdu‡Æo … entrada de dados no Opendix: formatos ".DX", "Gereral" e ."GRB" 20: 62 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: LMO 62: INPE 64: <2003> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: NTC 90: b 83: O OpenDX ‚ um programa de computador gratuito semelhante ao Data Explorer da IBM (maiores informa‡äes podem ser obtidas na p gina Ele consiste de um pacote de ferramentas para manipular, processar, transformar, visualizar e animar dados em diversas plataformas computacionais e pode ser utilizado tamb‚m para visualiza‡Æo de dados no paradigma da computa‡Æo de processamento paralelo. Esse programa de visualiza‡Æo possui uma forma padrÆo de entrada de dados, designado pela extensÆo ".dx" (lˆ-se ponto dx). Com isso, em muitos casos, como na Meteorologia, na Oceanografia e nas Ciˆncias Espaciais, torna-se necess rio utilizar da ferramenta gr fica de importa‡Æo de dados existentes no OPENDX, conhecida como DATA PROMPTER, para preparar e fazer a entrada dos dados no programa. Contudo, para tirar todo o proveito da estrutura de dados que o OPENDX permite, ‚ necess rio entender de uma forma mais detalhada os conceitos de campos, de grupos e de conectividade, a fim de criar os formatos nativos do OPENDX e, dessa forma, dispensar a entrada interativa DATA PROMPTER.O objetivo deste trabalho ‚ contribuir essencialmente na dissemina‡Æo da entrada de dados no formato ".dx" e ".general" do OPENDX, difundindo e facilitando a utiliza‡Æo desse programa multiplataforma pelos usu rios interessados. Em particular, todos os exemplos e testes apresentados neste relat¢rio foram realizados nos ambientes operacionais GNU/LINUX Red Hat 7.2 e Unix Solaris 7.Buscou-se estruturar o texto de uma forma pr tica. No Cap¡tulo 2, apresenta-se uma visÆo geral do OPENDX. No Cap¡tulo 3, introduz-se o DATA PROMPTER, que ‚ uma interface gr fica de importa‡Æo de dados. No Cap¡tulo 4, explica-se o formato de dados ".general" . No Cap¡tulo 5, explica-se o formato de dados".dx" . No Cap¡tulo 6, por meio de um caso espec¡fico para servir de exemplo, demonstra-se o potencial de uso do programa OPENDX na visualiza‡Æo de dados de modelos meteorol¢gicos de previsÆo de tempo. No cap¡tulo 7, fazem-se algumas considera‡äes gerais finais MFN: 11295 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Gomes, Vivian Martins 10: Chiaradia, Ana Paula Marins 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida Prado 12: Otimiza‡Æo de manobras orbitais com dois e trˆs impulsos 18: Anais 40: En 41: En 42: 53: Semin rio de Incia‡Æo Cient¡fica do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (SICINPE 2001) 54: 7-8 ago. <2001> 56: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 83: O objetivo deste trabalho ‚ comparar m‚todos de transferˆncia orbital tri-dimensional para ve¡culos espaciais e obter resultados que quantifiquem essa compara‡Æo. Para isso, foi desenvolvido um programa em linguagem Fortran que implementa e compara duas t‚cnicas para o c lculo de manobras orbitais N-impulsivas. Essa compara‡Æo ‚ feita tanto para o consumo de combust¡vel como para o tempo de dura‡Æo da manobra. 0 primeiro m‚todo ‚ baseado na aplica‡Æo de uma s‚rie N de impulsos em um mesmo ponto da ¢rbita, em diferentes passagens do ve¡culo espacial por esse ponto. 0 segundo m‚todo utiliza uma s‚rie de trˆs impulsos na manobra, sendo o primeiro impulso aplicado na ¢rbita inicial e utilizado para colocar o ve¡culo espacial em uma ¢rbita de transferˆncia coplanar com a ¢rbita inicial e com o apogeu situado a uma distƒncia ri da Terrra; o segundo impulso ‚ aplicado nesse ponto e ‚ utilizado para efetuar a mudan‡a de inclina‡Æo no plano orbital desejado para a manobra e, finalmente, o terceiro impulso ‚ aplicado quando o ve¡culo, que se encontra na ¢rbita de transferˆncia, passa pela ¢rbita final desejada e ‚ efetuado com o objetivo de finalizar a transferˆncia. Ap¢s o estudo das equa‡äes anal¡ticas que resolvem esse problema, essas equa‡äes sÆo implementadas computacionalmente. 0 consumo de combust¡vel, especificado atrav‚s da soma das magnitudes dos impulsos a serem aplicados no ve¡culo espacial e o tempo de dura‡Æo de cada manobra sÆo medidos para essa compara‡Æo e escolha do melhor m‚todo para cada situa‡Æo.Os resultados mostram que a transferˆncia N-impulsiva ‚ vantajosa para transferˆncias envolvendo mudan‡as pequenas na inclina‡Æo entre os planos das ¢rbitas inicial e final. J  a manobra tri-impulsiva apresenta maior economia para manobras que envolvem varia‡Æo de plano orbital a partir de um certo limite.Em geral, o tempo de dura‡Æo da manobras ‚ maior no caso N-impulsivo, devido a necessidade de esperar que o ve¡culo espacial complete v rias revolu‡äes em torno da Terra 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 11296 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Spinelli, Anna Oertel 10: Ricci, M rio C‚sar 12: An lise homocl¡nica e heterocl¡nica de Melnikov para sistemas consevativos 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Semin rio de Incia‡Æo Cient¡fica do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (SICINPE 2001) 54: 7-8 ago. <2001> 56: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 83: Os trabalhos cient¡ficos na  rea da dinƒmica estÆo exigindo um grau de conhecimento te¢rico jamais visto. Muitos m‚todos tem surgido na dinƒmica nÆo linear (anal¡ticos, computacionais e experimentais), o que impulsiona a aplica‡Æo dos mesmos em problemas pr ticos. Este trabalho introduz um pouco de conhecimento da teoria de Melnikov para sistemas conservativos. 0 m‚todo de Melnikov ‚ usado para determinar interse‡äes transversais em ¢rbitas homocl¡nicas e heterocl¡nicas. SÆo usados m‚todos anal¡ticos e num‚ricos com esse intento. Inicialmente ‚ dada uma introdu‡Æo abordando: espa‡o de fase, centros e pontos de sela, mapeamento de Po¡ncar‚, conjuntos invariantes, ¢rbitas homocl¡nicas e heterocl¡nicas e enrendamentos homocl¡nicos e heterocl¡nicos. A seguir, ‚ descrita sucintamente a abordagem num‚rica para obten‡Æo de ramos est veis e inst veis de pontos de sela e suas interse‡äes nas se‡äes de Poincar‚. Logo ap¢s, ‚ abordada uma t‚cnica anal¡tica desenvolvida por Melnikov que obt‚m uma condi‡Æo sobre a ocorrˆncia de uma bifurca‡Æo heterocl¡nica (homocl¡nica). Finalmente, alguns exemplos de aplica‡äes sÆo apresentados 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 11297 1: SID/SCD 2: 9684 3: INPE-9684-PRE/5283 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Dias, Alex Thaumaturgo 10: Ricci, M rio C‚sar 12: Estabilidade do movimento rotacional em sat‚lites dual-spin com um amortecedor de nuta‡Æo axial na plantaforma 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Semin rio de Incia‡Æo Cient¡fica do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (SICINPE 2001) 54: 7-8 ago. <2001> 56: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: estabilidade 87: movimento 87: sat‚lite dual-spin 87: amortecedor de nuta‡Æo axial 83: Esse trabalho tem como objetivo fazer uma investiga‡Æo sobre a estabilidade do movimento de um sat‚lite dual-spin com um amortecedor de nuta‡Æo axial. 0 estudo da dinƒmica do movimento de um sat‚lite dual-spin ‚ um caso especial de muito interesse na  rea de engenharia e tecnologia de sat‚lites. Alguns sat‚lites de sensoriamento remoto e de comunica‡Æo possuem partes rotativas que podem ser representadas pelo esquema dual-spin. Essa denomina‡Æo ‚ dada a sat‚lites que combinam as vantagens de uma plataforma orientada e de um rotor encarregado de manter a rigidez girosc¢pica. Para efeito de estabiliza‡Æo em torno do eixo de menor momento de in‚rcia um dispositivo dissipador de energia deve ser inclu¡do na parte orientada. As equa‡äes do movimento foram obtidas atrav‚s da energia cin‚tica total do sistema e utilizando as equa‡äes de Lagrange para coordenadas generalizadas e para quase coordenadas 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 11298 1: 9645SID/SCD 3: INPE-9645-PRE/5260 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Marinho, Cleverson MaranhÆo Porto 10: Macau, Elbert Einstein Neher 12: Sincroniza‡Æo em circuitos eltr“nicos ca¢ticos 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Semin rio de Incia‡Æo Cient¡fica do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (SICINPE 2001) 54: 7-8 ago. <2001> 56: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: sincroniza‡Æ 87: circuitos eltr“nicos ca¢tico 83: Este trabalho consiste em explorar o fen“meno da sincroniza‡Æo em circuitos eletr“nicos em regime ca¢tico. O Circuito de Chua ‚ considerado como paradigma de um sistema eletr“nico que apresenta evolu‡Æo ca¢tica. Este circuito ‚ inicialmente caracterizado em rela‡Æo … manifesta‡Æo do comportamento ca¢tico. Verificam-se os fen“menos nÆo lineares presentes, considerando-se as regiäes t¡picas de interesse. Usando-se determinado parƒmetro, no qual ocorre o comportamento ca¢tico de atrator de dupla volta, observam-se as condi‡äes de ocorrˆncia do fen“meno de sincroniza‡Æo envolvendo dois circuitos idˆnticos. Objetivando determinar a influˆncia de um meio de transmissÆo, determina-se como este fen“meno de sincroniza‡Æo ‚ afetado quando o acoplamento entre dois circuitos de Chua se d  atrav‚s de um filtro. Todo o trabalho foi desenvolvido a partir da explora‡Æo num‚rica do modelo 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 MFN: 11299 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Trci, L.F.R. 10: Terra, M.O. 12: Bifurca‡äes e rotas para o caos no Circuito de Matsumoto-Chua 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Semin rio de Incia‡Æo Cient¡fica do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (SICINPE 2001) 54: 7-8 ago. <2001> 56: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 57: BR 58: LIT 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 83: A Dinƒmica NÆo-Linear de um circuito eletr“nico usualmente denominado Circuito de Matsumoto-Chua foi explorada nesse trabalho, onde notadamente, seqˆncias e bifurca‡äes e rotas para o caos via duplica‡Æo de per¡odos foram identificadas. Tanto aspectos pr ticos de implementa‡Æo do circuito, quanto a caracteriza‡Æo dinƒmica do mesmo foram detalhadamente estudados. As equa‡äes diferenciais que regem tal sistema foram obtidas e o elemento respons vel pela nÆo-linearidade do circuito, o diodo de Chua, foi caracterizado. Conversores de resistˆncia negativa sÆo respons veis por sua curva caracter¡stica, linear por partes, com distintos coeficientes angulares mo e m1. Al‚m disso, devido as dificuldades e restri‡äes envolvidas na constru‡Æo de um indutor real com as caracter¡sticas espec¡ficas de interesse, investigamos o uso de um circuito simulador de indutƒncia em lugar do indutor do circuito, conveniente em muitos aspectos, dentre os quais podemos mencionar, tamanho e possibilidade de f cil varia‡Æo de valores. J  em rela‡Æo aos aspectos dinƒmicos do sistema, pontos fixos foram calculados e respectivas estabilidades em fun‡Æo dos valores de elementos de interesse do circuito foram analisadas. A investiga‡Æo num‚rica desse sistema em um espa‡o de fase de trˆs dimensäes, envolvendo a implementa‡Æo de algoritmos e t‚cnicas num‚ricas de integra‡Æo, no caso, o m‚todo de Runge-Kutta de quarta ordem, permitiu a observa‡Æo tanto de solu‡äes estacion rias, quanto oscila‡äes nÆo-lineares e rotas para o caos em fun‡Æo de pelo menos dois parƒmetros de controle do sistema. A reconstru‡Æo do atrator ca¢tico foi efetuada tamb‚m, via coordenadas de atraso e mapas de primeiro retorno foram empregados para caracteriza‡Æo da dinƒmica e de ¢rbitas peri¢dicas. Finalmente, uma caracteriza‡Æo quantitativa da dinƒmica foi realizada pelo c lculo do valor do maior expoente de Lyapunov para distintas trajet¢rias 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 11301 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Dias, Alex Thaumaturgo 10: Ricci, M rio C‚sar 12: Instabilidades em sat‚lites dual-spin com um amortecedor de nuta‡Æo axial 14: 10 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Semin rio de Incia‡Æo Cient¡fica do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (SICINPE 2000) 54: 5-6 jul. <2000> 56: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 83: Esse trabalho tem como objetivo fazer uma investiga‡Æo sobre a instabilidade no movimento de um sat‚lite dual-spin com um amortecedor de nuta‡Æo axial. 0 estudo da dinƒmica do movimento de um sat‚lite dual-spin ‚ um caso especial de muito interesse na  rea de engenharia e tecnologia de sat‚lites. Alguns sat‚lites de sensoriamento remoto e de comunica‡Æo possuem partes rotativas que podem ser representadas pelo esquema dual-spin. Essa denomina‡Æo ‚ dada a sat‚lites que combinam as vantagens de uma plataforma orientada e de um rotor encarregado de manter a rigidez girosc¢pica. Para efeito de estabiliza‡Æo em tomo do eixo de menor momento de in‚rcia uni dispositivo dissipador de energia deve ser inclu¡do na parte orientada.. As equa‡äes do movimento foram obtidas atrav‚s da energia cin‚tica total do sistema e utilizando as equa‡äes de Lagrange para coordenadas generalizadas e para quase-coordenadas 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 11302 1: SID/SCD 2: 9685 3: INPE-9685-PRE/5284 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Gomes, Vivian Martins 10: Chiaradia, Ana Paula M 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 12: An lise da mensagem de navega‡Æo e da geometria dos sat‚lites 14: 60-61 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Semin rio de Incia‡Æo Cient¡fica do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (SICINPE 2000) 54: 5-6 jul. <2000> 56: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: GPS 87: navega‡Æo 83: Entre as fontes de erros que podem afetar a precisÆo da ¢rbita estimada a bordo do ve¡culo espacial utilizando um receptor GPS, podemos citar as efem‚rides e a geometria dos sat‚lite GPS.As efem‚rides dos sat‚lites GPS sÆo enviadas atrav‚s da mensagem de navega‡Æo transmitir para o receptor. Elas sÆo calculadas pelo usu rio usando um algoritmo que pode ser encontrar facilmente na literatura. As efem‚rides transmitidas podem afetar a precisÆo da ¢rbita de 5 a 100m com a Disponibilidade Seletiva (SA)ativa ou de 5 a 10 m para SA inativa.Em geral, um receptor GPS recebe dados de mais de quatro de sat‚lites GPS vis¡veis. Como necess rio utilizar pelo menos quatro sat‚lites para obter a posi‡Æo, velocidade e o offset do rel¢gio do receptor, faz-se uma an lise da geometria dos sat‚lites GPS. Um conjunto de sat‚lite vis¡veis, que possuem uma m  geometria, escolhido inadequadamente pode afetar a precisÆo da ¢rbita. V rias medidas podem ser usadas para selecionar estes sat‚lites, por‚m, a dilui‡Æo geom‚trica (DOP)‚ uma das mais usadas. Algoritmos baseados na DOP sÆo usados para selecionar o melhor conjunto de sat‚lites entre o grupo de sat‚lites vis¡veis. A exatidÆo da posi‡Æo pode entÆo, ser estimada como a distƒncia exata multiplicada por um fator de dilui‡Æo da precisÆo. Esse fator, o DOP, depende exclusivamente da geometria do sat‚lite. 0 melhor valor DOP ‚ obtido quando sÆo utilizados trˆs sat‚lites igualmente espa‡ados no horizonte, a um ƒngulo de eleva‡Æo m¡nimo e um sat‚lite diretamente acima deles. Portanto, este trabalho tem como objetivo verificar a contribui‡Æo do erro causado pelos efem‚rides transmitidas pela mensagem de navega‡Æo e analisar a geometria dos sat‚lites GPS usada na determina‡Æo de ¢rbita de sat‚lites artificiais utilizando um receptor GPS abordo. SÆo utilizados os dados reais do sat‚lite TOPEX/Poseidon que possui um receptor GPS a bordo. Para calcular estas efem‚rides, utilizou-se um programa em linguagem Fortran que lˆ mensagem de navega‡Æo em formato Rinex e gera as posi‡äes do GPS no sistema de referˆncia WGS-84. Ele ‚ capaz de fornecer as posi‡äes de cada sat‚lite GPS na ‚poca transmitida pela mensagem de navega‡Æo e calcular a posi‡Æo para o intervalo de tempo desejado no tempo GPS. A posi‡Æo gerada pelo programa ‚ comparada com as efem‚rides precisas (POE), na mesma ‚poca. 0 arquivo POE, em formato SP3, fornece as posi‡äes do GPS p¢s-processadas e ‚ gerado pelo JPL/NASA com uma precisÆo em tomo de 3 cm. As posi‡äes do GPS transmitidas forem obtidas em um intervalo de 15 minutos no mesmo formato que sÆo fornecidas no arquivo POE 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 11303 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Spinelli, Anna Oertel 10: Ricci, M rio C‚sar 12: Exemplos de bifurca‡äes elementares 14: 15 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Semin rio de Incia‡Æo Cient¡fica do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (SICINPE 2000) 54: 5-6 jul. <2000> 56: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 83: Os conceitos b sicos da teoria de controle linear sÆo aplicados para a an lise do sistema controle de atitude de um sat‚lite artificial. O sistema de controle estudado utiliza como atuador uma roda de rea‡Æo, cujo vetor momento angular gerado tem liberdade de movimento de rota‡Æo em torno de dois eixos perpendiculares entre si, isto ‚, a roda tem dois graus de liberdade. Esse tipo de montagem, conhecida como "double-gimbaled wheel system" permite que sejam torques de controle em torno dos trˆs eixos do sat‚lite, embora, o controle da velocidade angular da roda seja feito somente em torno de dois eixos. Atrav‚s do dimensionamento da roda e correta sele‡Æo de sua velocidade angular, ‚ poss¡vel cancelar os torques perturbadores, por meio da troca de momento angular com o sat‚lite, restando realizar somente ajustes peri¢dicos momento angular para o controle dos torques perturbadores seculares. Um outro aspecto importante desta estrat‚gia de controle est  associada a necessidade de utiliza‡Æo de somente dois sensores de atitude, fato que muito simplifica o sistema de controle. A avalia‡Æo desempenho do sistema ‚ feita no modo de opera‡Æo nominal, onde,os efeitos dos torques perturbadores sÆo mais relevantes. Propriedades como massa, dimensäes do sat‚lite e se requisitos de opera‡Æo sÆo considerados para um sat‚lite do tipo geoestacion rio. O torque perturbador considerado ‚ devido a pressÆo de radia‡Æo solar. A condi‡Æo para a estabilidade do sistema foi verificada atrav‚s da fun‡Æo de transferˆncia do sistema. O desempenho sistema de controle foi analisado avaliando a resposta do sistema a torques perturbado impulsivos e as condi‡äes iniciais arbitr rias. Tais simula‡äes mostraram que a estrat‚gia controle empregada foi capaz de amortecer as oscila‡äes iniciais e controlar a atitude do sat‚lite num intervalo de tempo menor do que cinco minutos 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 11304 1: SID/SCD 2: 9742 3: INPE-9742-PRE/5337 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Nogueira, rica Cristina 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 10: Winter, Othon Cabo 12: Efeitos de uma grande aproxima‡Æo entre aster¢ides na ressonƒncia 3:1 e planetas interiores 14: 26-27 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Semin rio de Incia‡Æo Cient¡fica do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (SICINPE 2000) 54: 5-6 jul. <2000> 56: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: manobras 87: swing by 87: perturba‡Æo 87: close approach 87: ¢rbit 87: aster¢ides 83: Neste trabalho foi desenvolvido um estudo anal¡tico introdut¢rio, baseado em manobras "swing by" (Broucke, 1982 e Prado, 1998), sobre as condi‡äes em que a perturba‡Æo no "close approach' altera a ¢rbita desses aster¢ides 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 11305 1: SID/SCD 2: 9699 3: INPE-9699-PRE/5295 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Guedes, Ulisses Thadeu Vieira 12: An lise da manobra de inje‡Æo de reentrada comandada com aumento e redu‡aä da velocidade de inje‡Æo 14: 1-5 41: Pt 42: Pt 53: Col¢quio Brasileiro de Dinƒmica Orbital, 10 54: 20-24 nov. <2000> 56: Nazar‚ Paulista 61: 64: <2000> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: influˆncia do ƒngulo de propulsÆ 87: eixo horizontal loca 87: eixo longitudinal 87: ve¡culo 83: 0 objetivo deste estudo ‚ averiguar a influˆncia do ƒngulo de propulsÆo, ou seja, o ƒngulo entre o eixo horizontal local e o eixo longitudinal do ve¡culo quando o sistema propulsivo est  alinhado com este £ltimo eixo, na trajet¢ria do ve¡culo. 0 eixo horizontal local ‚ definido pela intersec‡Æo entre o plano horizontal local e o plano formado pelos vetores posi‡Æo e velocidade 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 MFN: 11306 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Kawaoku, Fl vio Mikio 12: Estudo de t‚cnicas de Soft computing na escolha de parƒmetros e geometria de redes neurais artificiais na identifica‡Æo de padräes 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Semin rio de Incia‡Æo Cient¡fica do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (SICINPE 2002) 54: 10-11 jul. <2002> 56: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 83: Uma metodologia de caracter¡sticas gerais para determina‡Æo da geometria e dos parƒmetros utilizados em Redes Neurais Artificiais (RNA's)aplicadas … identifica‡Æo de sugerida neste trabalho. A RNA ‚ uma t‚cnica largamente estudada em diversas aplica‡äes cujas solu‡äes sÆo nÆo lineares, por‚m a diversidade de camadas escondidas e elementos cada camada implicam em diferentes desempenhos de treinamento e eficiˆncia. Diante variedade de parƒmetros livres, faz-se necess rio o estudo e avalia‡Æo da rela‡Æo parƒmetros internos e da geometria, principalmente porque ainda nÆo existem regras genericamente aceitas para a escolha apropriada de uma RNA. 0 objetivo deste trabalho ‚ comparar t‚cnicas de soft computing, em especial m‚todos de otimiza‡Æo, com o m‚todo tentativa-e-erro para determina‡Æo de uma escolha adequada de RNA, e verificar possibilidade da indica‡Æo de regras gerais para treinamento. Afim de estudar este problema foi implementada uma RNA do tipo back-propagation para classifica‡Æo de imagens representadas por caracteres com e sem distor‡äes. Atrav‚s de simula‡äes por algoritmos implementados em C/C++ para o treinamento de RNA's empregando-se o m‚todo tentativa-e-erro e utilizando-se os resultados dispon¡veis dos trabalhos anteriores, foram analisadas as influˆncias dos parƒmetros internos e da geometria das RNA's. Embora existam na literatura diferentes propostas para a escolha dos parƒmetros livres, nÆo foram constatadas rela‡äes diretas com os exemplos implementados at‚ agora. Os resultados obtidos diversas condi‡äes de treinamento, mostraram que existe uma aparente rela‡Æo entre conjuntos de padräes treinados proporcionando um melhor desempenho de treinamento eficiˆncia da RNA; e a possibilidade de ser generalizada para outras aplica‡äes. Com objetivo de validar os resultados obtidos foi empregado o m‚todo de otimiza‡Æo baseado sistemas evolutivos encontrados na natureza. Algoritmo Gen‚tico (AG)‚ uma t‚cnica compäem a  rea de soft computing e tˆm se mostrado £til em problemas de otimiza‡Æo. Algoritmos implementados lidam inicialmente com alguns parƒmetros preliminares controle de forma que a quantidade de elementos nas camadas sÆo determinados via AG. an lise dos resultados iniciais com AG's mostra que eles convergiram para uma solu‡Æo esperada e que a metodologia de caracter¡stica geral proposta apresenta-se promissora. No simula‡äes considerando-se todos os parƒmetros de controle sÆo necess rias para garantir o m‚todo proposto seja aplicado automaticamente tanto na determina‡Æo dos parƒmetros internos quanto da geometria, visto que para uma classe de problemas a abordagem apresenta bons resultados 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 11307 1: SID/SCD 2: 9623 3: INPE-9623-PRE/5240 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Marinho, cleverson MaranhÆo 10: Macau, Elbert Einstein Neher 12: Sincroniza‡Æo em sistemas eletr“nicos ca¢ticos 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Semin rio de Incia‡Æo Cient¡fica do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (SICINPE 2002) 54: 10-11 jul. <2002> 56: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 57: BR 58: LIT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 83: A sincroniza‡Æo em circuitos eletr“nicos em regime ca¢tico pode ser explorada para a implementa‡Æo de sistemas de comunica‡Æo eficientes e simples. A comunica‡Æo empregando caos explora o sincronismo que ocorre entre osciladores ca¢ticos, quando condi‡äes gerais se aplicam, para transmitir informa‡äes adequadamente codificadas dentro do conjunto invariante ca¢tico. Este trabalho estuda a t‚cnica de comunica‡Æo que utiliza caos, aproveitando a evolu‡Æo ca¢tica do circuito de Chua em regime de opera‡Æo de "dupla volta" .A informa‡Æo a ser transmitida ‚ codificada na dinƒmica simb¢lica do sistema atrav‚s utiliza‡Æo de pequenas perturba‡äes. Transmite-se o sinal resultante atrav‚s de um meio f¡sico at‚ o destino, onde se recupera a informa‡Æo. Investiga-se a performance do sistema, bem como o seu comportamento diante do modelo de um canal real com limita‡äes na banda passante e presen‡a de ru¡do 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 11308 1: SID/SCD 2: 9646 3: INPE-9646-PRE/5261 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Domecildes Neto, Rubens 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 10: Moraes, Rodolpho Vilhena 12: Captura gravitacional de cometas envolvendo o problema restrito dos trˆs corpos 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Semin rio de Incia‡Æo Cient¡fica do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (SICINPE 2002) 54: 10-11 jul. <2002> 56: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 83: O objetivo deste trabalho ‚ analisar as poss¡veis altera‡äes da Energia e conseqentemente ¢rbita de um corpo, no caso um cometa, o qual sofreu perturba‡äes gravitacionais de J£piter do Sol. Geralmente os cometas estÆo inicialmente situados nos Cinturäes de Oort ou Kuiper, e devido a alguma perturba‡Æo eles sa¡ram desses cinturäes para dentro do Sistema Solar, vindo a sofrer perturba‡äes de J£piter e do Sol. As perturba‡äes de J£piter e do Sol podem fazer com que os cometas estabele‡am uma ¢rbita el¡ptica em tomo do Sol, o significa que eles foram capturados, ou simplesmente passem a ter uma nova ¢rbita ou mesmo tipo de ¢rbita com um ganho ou perda de Energia, as quais fazem com que eles sofram um escape do Sistema Solar. A fim de descrever as poss¡veis intera‡äes geradas entre os corpos foi utilizado como modelo matem tico o Problema Restrito dos Trˆs Corpos e, partir dele, foram descritas as equa‡äes de movimento de cada corpo e conseqentemente equa‡Æo da Energia para o cometa, visto que a massa do cometa ‚ desprez¡vel em rela‡Æo … J£piter e a do Sol. Para obter algumas simula‡äes, foi utilizado um programa desenvolvido em linguagem Fortran, o qual nos determina a Energia e o tipo de ¢rbita do corpo ap¢s intera‡Æo com o Sol e J£piter, desde que sejam fornecidos os valores da constante de Jacob do ponto de cruzamento dessa ¢rbita com o eixo horizontal e do ƒngulo com Os inicialmente o corpo cruza a reta imagin ria que une o Sol e J£piter (eixo horizontal Realizada a simula‡Æo foi poss¡vel construir gr ficos de Xc vs. onde Xc ‚ o ponto e q ƒngulo com qual o corpo cruza a reta Sol-J£piter para determinados valores da constante Jacobi. Para cada ponto do gr fico foi obtido o tipo de ¢rbita que o corpo passou a ter, conseqentemente para quais pontos houveram maiores ¡ndices de capturas e de escapes 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 11309 1: SID/SCD 2: 9647 3: INPE-9647-PRE/5262 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Raimundo, Ana Cristiane Pinto 10: Kuga, H‚lio Koiti 10: Moraes, Rodolpho Vilhena de 12: àrbita congeladas("frozen orbits") 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Semin rio de Incia‡Æo Cient¡fica do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (SICINPE 2002) 54: 10-11 jul. <2002> 56: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: perturba‡äes 88: ¢rbitas congeladas 83: O principal objetivo deste trabalho, ‚ desenvolver um modelo para obter de forma expl¡cita expressäes de longo per¡odo da teoria de Brouwer que fornecem as perturba‡äes devidas geopotencial at‚ o termo J5, atrav‚s de um trabalho suplementar, refazendo-se o c lculo incluindo tal perturba‡Æo. Os termos ¡mpares, que causam efeitos de longo per¡odo, da origem as chamadas ¢rbitas congeladas ("frozen orbits")cuja teoria est  sendo aplicada missäes espaciais, especialmente no sat‚lite CBERS-1 ("China Brazil. Earth Resource Satellite"). Tais ¢rbitas mantˆm (ou tentam manter)o perigeu e a excentricidade da ¢rbita constantes, de forma que para uma dada latitude do sat‚lite passa sempre com a mesma altitude, beneficiando os usu rios atrav‚s dessa regularidade. O desenvolvimento de modelo permitir  obter previsäes mais precisas para a evolu‡Æo da ¢rbita do CBERS-1 e dos sat‚lites similares (SPOT, Landsat, ERS e IRS). A solu‡Æo dada por Brouwer em 195 apresenta expressäes anal¡ticas expl¡citas, como fun‡Æo do tempo, para a varia‡Æo dos elementos orbitais cl ssicos . Isto permite efetuar com certa facilidade, para diversos tipos de ¢rbitas e condi‡äes iniciais, a an lise sobre o comportamento destes elementos keplerianos, bem como obter ordens de grandeza para as perturba‡äes devidas ao geopotencial. Tais elementos keplerianos nÆo sÆo constantes no tempo devido ao v rios efeitos perturbadores (distribui‡Æo nÆo uniforme de massa da Terra, atmosf‚rico, pressÆo de radia‡Æo solar, geopotencial, etc.). Para o desenvolvimento deste projeto foram desenvolvidas as seguintes an lises: Determina‡Æo de ¢rbitas (Problema D e Problema Inverso); Geopotencial; Introdu‡Æo ao Problema Restrito de Trˆs Corpos; M‚todo da Varia‡Æo das Constantes; Equa‡äes de Lagrange; Perturba‡äes Seculares, de longo e de curto per¡odo; e No‡äes sobre a Teoria de Brouwer. Neste trabalho, foram desenvolvido analiticamente os termos das perturba‡äes de longo per¡odo at‚ J5, atrav‚s da manipula‡Æo alg‚brica da teoria de Brouwer. Este modelo foi codificado em computador, em linguagem Fortran. O programa foi testado para varias situa‡äes sendo confrontado com os dado existentes, fazendo-se, entÆo, um teste da veracidade do desenvolvimento matem tico. Pretende-se, ap¢s testes extensivos, validar "operacionalmente" o modelo para o sat‚lite CBERS-1, visando tanto previsäes orbitais quanto previsÆo de manobras, no Centro de Controle do INPE 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 11310 1: SID/SCD 2: 9648 3: INPE-9648-PRE/5263 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Salles, Marcelo Furlan 10: Hinkel, Jos‚ Nivaldo 12: Modelamento de sistemas propulsivos espaciais 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Semin rio de Incia‡Æo Cient¡fica do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (SICINPE 2002) 54: 10-11 jul. <2002> 56: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: sistemas propulsivos 83: Este trabalho, iniciado em agosto de 2001, ao projeto de Inicia‡Æo Cient¡fica, tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um programa geral para modelamento, de sistemas propulsivos de uso espacial envolvendo pesquisadores do INPE, LAE e um pesquisador visitante do MAI. Na execu‡Æo do projeto, nos primeiros 6 meses, foram realizadas apenas atividades introdut¢rias sobre a linguagem de programa‡Æo em C ++. Outro programa inserido tamb‚m foi um programa de simula‡Æo utilizando os m‚todos e ferramentas de modelamento, (UML, Unified Modelling Language). O m‚todo e as ferramentas espec¡ficas permitem a cria‡Æo diferentes diagramas contendo a descri‡Æo dos diferentes componentes do sistema e intera‡äes entre estes componentes. Os diagramas gerados desta forma funcionam com "plantas" do programa em desenvolvimento e como tal facilitam a comunica‡Æo entre diferentes agentes envolvidos no projeto e a documenta‡Æo decisäes tomadas sob propriedades e funcionalidades, de cada subsistema e intera‡äes; entre eles. Os resultados parciais obtidos sÆo: o aperfei‡oamento da linguagem de programa‡Æo C ++, uma linguagem mundialmente utilizada em diversas  reas de programa‡Æo em geral. In¡cio do aprendizado de software de modelamento UML, na simula‡Æo de sistemas propulsivos espaciais, atrav‚s m‚todos e ferramentas de modelamento. Iniciou-se tamb‚m, a elabora‡Æo de um banco dados relativos a propriedades de propelentes l¡quidos usuais em propulsores de uso espacial dados moleculares para obten‡Æo de propriedades termodinƒmicas de esp‚cies gasosas presentes em produtos de combustÆo de propulsores a propelentes l¡quidos. Para dar continuidade a este projeto de Inicia‡Æo Cient¡fica estÆo programadas as atividades: Obten‡Æo dos dados dos propelentes e esp‚cies gasosas na literatura especializada, aperfei‡oamento do conhecimento da linguagem de programa‡Æo C ++ e do software UML, elabora‡Æo esbo‡os de interfaces para configura‡Æo dos componentes do sistema propulsivo implementa‡Æo das interfaces em um sistema gr fico 91: FDB-20020608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " MFN: 11322 1: SID/SCD 2: 9816 3: INPE-9816-PRE/5403 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Nogueira, rica Cristina 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 10: Winter, Othon Cabo 12: O efeito do "close approach" com marte sobre aster¢ides da ressonƒncia 3:1 14: 17-18 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Semin rio de Incia‡Æo Cient¡fica do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (SICINPE 2001) 54: 7-8 ago. <2001> 56: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 88: aster¢ides do cinturÆo 83: J  h  mais de um s‚culo ‚ sabido que a distribui‡Æo de aster¢ides do cinturÆo principal, localizado entre Marte e J£piter, nÆo ‚ uniforme. Fazendo-se um histograma da quantidade de aster¢ides em termos de semi-eixo maior orbital verifica-se lacunas em regiäes conhecidas como Falhas de Kirkwood. Estudando a Falha de Kirkwood associada … ressonƒncia 11, Wisdom (1982)mostrou que hipot‚ticos aster¢ides nesta ressonƒncia teriam movimento ca¢tico. Estas ¢rbitas atingiriam altas excentricidades, passando a cruzar a ¢rbita de Marte e, eventualmente, a ¢rbita da Terra. A partir disto, Wisdom sugeriu que o "close approach" entre Marte (ou entre a Terra)e os aster¢ides removeriam os mesmos desta ressonƒncia, resultando na falha observada 91: FDB-20010608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 MFN: 11343 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Macau, Elbert Einstein Neher 10: Roth, Bruno Alo¡s Forlin 12: Encontrando pontos fixos e orbitais peri¢dicas em sistemas ca¢ticos 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Workhop dos Cursos de Computa‡Æo Aplicada (WORCAP) 54: <2002> 56: SÆo Jos‚ dosCampos 58: LIT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 91: FDB-20021011 MFN: 11346 1: SID/SCD 2: 9578 3: INPE-9578-PRE/5208 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Gon‡alves, Luciana Seda Cardoso 10: Cardoso, Paulo Eduardo 10: Ambrosio, Ana Maria 12: Pilot project for the establishment of a development process for future space systems at INPE 53: International Symposium on Space Operational and Ground Data Systems, 7 (SpaceOps 2002)- Bringing Space Operations into the 21st Century 54: 9-12 Out. <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: DSS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: ground segment 88: ECSS standard 88: European Cooperation for Space Standardization 88: development process 88: FBM 88: French-Brazilian Micro-satellite 83: This work presents a customization of the European Cooperation for Space Standardization (ECSS)standards for defining a development process for the ground segment of the FBM project. The FBM project consists of a scientific/technological space mission developed in cooperation between Brazil and France. In this project, the development of the ground control system and the in-flight satellite operation are under INPE responsibility. For the in-house developed ground systems, a process that establishes project phases, milestones, activities, input and the output ocuments/products to be generated at each phase, was defined, taking into account the existing resources and background at INPE. This paper focuses on the aspects of requirements management, configuration management, verification and validation . Moreover, it points out the COTS tools adopted for assisting in the product quality assurance activities. The process, defined in the context of the FBM ground segment, is being considered as a pilot project . It is expected that, as a consequence of its good results, in the long term, it will be adopted in all future missions 91: FDB-20021212 MFN: 11352 1: SID/SCD 4: CEA 5: T 6: m 7: [07] 14: 109 16: Tellez, Maur¡cio Vinasco 18: Prospectivas de imageamento de sistemas DLA a partir de t‚cnicas de s¡ntese espectral de gal xias Prospectivas de imageamento de sistemas dla a partir de t‚cnicas de s¡ntese espectral de gal xias 19: Study of the spectra composed by qso's and DLA's 38: Em processo de publica‡Æo 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 50: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 51: Mestrado 58: Banca: Andr‚ de Castro Milone 58: Hugo Vicente Capelato (orientador); Francisco Jos‚ Jablonski; Amƒncio Cesar Santos Fran‡a 58: SPG 59: AST 62: INPE 64: Dez. <2002> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 67: BR 68: TDI 90: b 76: ASTROFISICA 88: Quasi Stellar Objects 88: QSO 88: Damped Lyman Alpha Systems 88: DLA's 88: galaxies 83: Hoje em dia, a forma‡Æo das gal xias nÆo est  totalmente compreendida. Acredita-se que foram formadas a partir de nuvens de alta densidade de hidrogˆnio neutro, com diferentes graus de metalicidade. Estas nuvens acham-se em maior n£mero em redshifts (z)altos (2 - 4.5). Devido a suas baixas luminosidades, ‚ dif¡cil descobr¡-las, de forma isolada. Na obten‡Æo de espectros de Quasares (Quasi Stellar Objects - QSO's), observou-se a influˆncia dessas nuvens na presen‡a de linhas largas de absor‡Æo Ly a. Este sistema de linhas ‚ denominado de "Sistemas Ly a Amortecidos" (Damped Lyman Alpha Systems ou DLA's). A importƒncia do estudo dos DLA's est  em entender melhor a forma‡Æo e evolu‡Æo das gal xias. Neste trabalho procurou-se estabelecer em quais regiäes do espectro a radia‡Æo do DLA pode ser dominante, com uma razÆo Sinal/Ru¡do (S/N)superior a 3. Para utilizamos o software IRAF. Com ele simulou-se a absor‡Æo devida a gal xias de diferentes tipos espectrais e idades em v rios espectros de QSO's, variando o redshift dos dois tipos de objetos. Encontramos quais devem ser os melhores filtros a serem usados nos telesc¢pios de alta resolu‡Æo Gemini e SOAR, dos quais participa o Brasil. ABSTRACT: Nowdays, the formation of galaxies it is not totally understood. It is believed that they were formed from huge clouds of neutral hydrogen, with different metallicity levels. These clouds are found in high redshifts (z > 2)and due to their low luminosity, it's difficult to discover them isolated. By obtaining spectra from QSO's (Quasi Stellar Objects), the influence of these clouds has been observed in the presence of broad Lyman alpha absortion lines. Because the systems responsible for these lines were not well known, they were called: "Damped Lyman Alpha Systems" (DLA's). By studying DLA's, we will learn how galaxies are formed and how they evolve. In this work we found which regions in a QSO - DLA spectrum, it may be possible to detect the DLA image at S/N levels greater than 3. To do this, simulations were made with IRAF using spectral templates of QSO's and of galaxies with different ages, spectral types and redshifts. We established then the photometric bands for extracting images of DLA's and some strategies to be used with the telescopes like GEMINI and SOAR, constructed in Cerro Pach¢n, in Chile, in which Brazil has a participation 91: FDB-20021219 92: FDB-MLR MFN: 11356 1: SID/SCD 2: 9580 3: INPE-9580-PRE/5210 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Cardoso, Paulo 10: Gon‡alves, Luciana 10: Ambrosio, Ana 10: Carvalho, Himilcon 12: FBM ground segment and operations concept 38: (IAF.11.4) 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Astronautical Congress, 53 (IAF); The World Space Congress 54: 10-19 Oct. <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: DSS 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 68: PRE 90: b 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: small satellite operations 88: The French-Brazilian Micro-satelliteFBM 88: Ground Segment architecture 88: process 88: Mission Operations Concept 83: This paper presents the FBM Ground Segment architecture and describes its development process, along with the Mission Operations Concept, adopted for the FBM joint program. The French-Brazilian Micro-satellite (FBM)Mission is a cooperative program between the CNES (France)and INPE (Brazil). This mission consists in developing, launching and controlling a scientific/technologic micro-satellite as well as the payload data dissemination. The Ground Segment is being developed under the directive of maximum re-use of existing systems in Brazil, such as CBERS (China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite), SACI (Scientific Applications Satellite). In addition, a maximum commonality between processes and elements of AIT and operations was sought for risk and costs reduction reasons. For example, the Satellite Model Data-Base, which gathers all system information is used by SCC, AIT, onboard S1W, and Satellite Simulator. The telecommand software of the Proteus (French Multi-mission Platform), will be used in both EGSE and SCC. So that both programs, French and Brazilian, could benefit from already developed and tested modules for their ground sub-systems. Scheduled to be launched by early 2004, FBM aims at being a valuable tool for the scientific and technological communities, and provides a rich framework of technical cooperation between both countries 91: FDB-20021213 MFN: 11357 1: SID/SCD 2: 9594 3: INPE-9594-PRE/5222 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Martins, Eliane 10: Mattiello-Francisco, Maria de F tima 10: Morais, Anderson Nunes Paiva 12: Uso da ferramenta de teste FSOFIST valida‡Æo de uma aplica‡Æo espacial 13: 9 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Jornada Ibero-Americana de Engenharia de Sotware e Engenharia de Conhecimento, 2 54: 30 out. - 1 nov. <2002> 56: Salvador 58: DSS 59: 353108 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: testes de conformidade de protocolos 87: inje‡Æo de falhas 87: arquitetura de testes 87: conceito de ferry clip 83: 0 artigo apresenta valida‡Æo de uma pequena aplica‡Æo da  rea espacial utilizando uma ferramenta de apoio aos testes de protocolos de comunica‡Æo, denominada FSOFIST. Esta ferramenta ‚ baseada na arquitetura ferry, proposta para apoiar os testes de conformidade de protocolos de comunica‡Æo. A FSOFIST estende essa arquitetura para permitir tamb‚m os testes por inje‡Æo de falhas. Neste texto apresentamos uma descri‡Æo da ferramenta e os resultados obtidos nos testes de conformidade de uma aplica‡Æo real. Os testes tamb‚m tiveram como objetivo avaliar o uso na pr tica de urna ferramenta desenvolvida em meio acadˆmico, como parte de um primeiro passo de um processo de transferˆncia de tecnologia 91: 8504 MFN: 11369 1: SID/SCD 2: 9605 3: INPE-9605-PUD/126 4: ETES 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 16: Souza, Petr“nio Noronha de org. 18: Curso introdut¢rio em tecnologia de sat‚lites 21: VersÆo 1.0 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 58: DMC 62: INPE 64: <2003> 66: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 68: PUD 76: ENGENHARIA ETECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: tecnologia de sat‚lites 87: sondas interplanet rias 87: ve¡culos espaciais 87: processo de especifica‡Æo 87: projeto 87: fabrica‡Æo 87: teste 87: opera‡Æo de sat‚lites artificiais 87: processo de gerenciamento de projetos de engenharia 87: hist¢rico 87: programas espaciais 87: programas espaciais tripulados 87: educa‡Æo 83: Oferecer material did tico auxiliar para um curso de n¡vel introdut¢rio aos conceitos fundamentais da tecnologia de sat‚lites. O material inclui: descri‡Æo de diversos tipos de sat‚lites, de sondas interplanet rias e de outros ve¡culos espaciais, assim como de suas missäes t¡picas; descri‡Æo dos subsistemas que constituem os sat‚lites ,dos fen“menos f¡sicos b sicos envolvidos em seu funcionamento, do ambiente espacial em que operam, assim como de solu‡äes de engenharia comumente adotadas; descri‡Æo do processo de especifica‡Æo, projeto, fabrica‡Æo, testes e opera‡Æo de sat‚lites artificiais; descri‡Æo do processo de gerenciamento de projetos de engenharia, particularmente os espaciais; informa‡äes adicionais de car ter variado relativas a sat‚lites,gerenciamento eapanhado hist¢rico de programas espaciais; programas espaciais tripulados 91: FDB-20030410 MFN: 11370 1: SID/SCD 2: 9673 3: INPE-9673-PRE/5273 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Santos, Alvaro Fabricio 12: Developing countries and the unidroit protocol on space property 14: 1-9 38: (IAC-02-IIS.1.04) 40: En 41: En 42: 53: International Colloquium on Law of Outer Space 54: 10-19 Oct. <2002> 56: Houston 57: USA 58: DIR 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 88: copuos 88: outer space treaty 83: Outer space has become a prosperous area for business. The commercialization of space activities would increase if countries or companies received more financial support. Space activities involve a high level of risk, however, which is why financial institutions are reticent to advance credit. The International Institute for the Unification of Private Law' (UNIDROIT)is interested in finding legal ways to satisfy commercial and financial needs by improving creditors' guarantees. A draft protocol on matters concerning space assets has been proposed to be considered at the Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment. The following paper explains why this UNIDROIT draft protocol has been included as an item on the agenda of the Legal Subcommittee of the United Nations Committee on Peaceful Use of Outer Space (COPUOS), showing why this subject has attracted the attention of both developing and developed countries 91: FDB-20021030 MFN: 11372 1: SID/SCD 2: 9637 3: INPE-9637-PRE/5253 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Nobre, Paulo 10: Zebiak, Stephen E. 12: A Hybrid Coupled Model of the Tropical Atlantic Ocean: local and remote sources of variability 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simp¢sio Brasileiro de Oceanografia, 1 54: 26-30 ago. <2002> 56: SÆo Paulo 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 83: A coupled hybrid coupled ocean atmosphere model is developed and used to study the dependence of sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA)internannual variability over the tropical Atlantic. The ocean component of the coupled model is a dynamical model for the tropical Atlantic, from GFDL/NOAA (MOM2). The atmospheric component of the coupled model is a statistical scheme based on cannonical correlation analyses (CCA), which uses SSTA over the tropical Atlantic and Pacific Oceans as the predictor field, and computes surface wind stress over the tropical Atlantic as the prognostic variable. The results show that while the coupled model over the Atlantic-only presents oscilations of the SSTA and wind stress fields that are dumped, thus reproducing previous results in the literature, the coupled model that includes the equatorial Pacific SSTA variability generates spatial and temporal modes of variability of SSTA over the tropical Atlantic which are similar to observations. It is concluded, thus, that an atmospheric bridge between the tropical Atlantic and equatorial Pacific Oceans is a likely mechanism to explain tropical Atlantic SSTA and wind stress interannual variability 91: FDB-20021019 MFN: 11374 1: SID/SCD 2: 9635 3: INPE-9635-PRE/5251 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rodrigues, Rosane 10: Nobre, Paulo 12: Avalia‡Æo da influˆncia da circula‡ao atmosf‚rica na TSM do Atlƒntico Sul atrav‚s do MCGA CPTEC/COLA e o MOM2 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simp¢sio Brasileiro de Oceanografia, 1 54: 26-30 ago. <2002> 56: SÆo Paulo 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 83: Atrav‚s de campos de vento e radia‡Æo de onda curta incidente na superf¡cie (ROCS), obtidos atrav‚s de simula‡äes num‚ricas com o MCGA do CPTEC/COLA com TSM prescrita sobre o Atlƒntico Sul (trabalho 1), for‡ou-se o modelo oceƒnico MOM2 com a finalidade de avaliar a influˆncia da circula‡Æo atmosf‚rica na TSM do oceano. Inicialmente o modelo oceƒnico foi rodado por 30 anos com a climatologia de vento do MCGA CPTEC/COLA e entÆo for‡ado com o campo de vento das simula‡äes acima. Um segundo experimento foi realizado utilizando-se o campo de vento e ROCS. Os resultados mostram que estabelecida a circula‡Æo associada … Zona de Convergˆncia do Atlƒntico Sul, as  reas oceƒnicas adjacentes a este sistemas tendem a resfriar, intensificando a circula‡Æo de mon‡Æo sobre a AS. SÆo feitas inferˆncias sobre as contribui‡äes relativas aos processos radiativos e dinƒmicos 91: FDB-20021019 MFN: 11375 1: SID/SCD 2: 9634 3: INPE-9634-PRE/5250 4: MET 5: MC 6: am 7: [07] 10: Rodrigues Chaves, Rosane 10: Nobre, Paulo 12: Avalia‡Æo da influˆncia do Atlƒntico Sul na circula‡Æo atmosf‚rica da Am‚rica do Sul atrav‚s do MCGA CPTEC/COLA e o modelo regional ETA 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 53: Simp¢sio Brasileiro de Oceanografia, 1 54: 26-30 ago. <2002> 56: SÆo Paulo 58: CPT 61: 64: <2002> 68: PRE 76: OCEANOGRAFIA 83: A influˆncia das anomalias de TSM do Atlƒntico Sul na circula‡Æo de verÆo da Am‚rica do Sul (AS)‚ avaliada atrav‚s de simula‡äes num‚ricas com o modelo de circula‡Æo geral do CPTEC/COLA e o modelo regional ETA, utilizando-se como condi‡Æo de contorno TSMs prescritas sobre o Atlƒntico Sul. Os resultados mostram que a posi‡Æo e a intensidade da ZCAS, que ‚ o principal sistema da circula‡Æo de verÆo da AS, sÆo significativamente influenciadas pelas anomalias de TSM utilizadas. SÆo feitas inferˆncias sobre os mecanismos de intera‡Æo oceano atmosfera respons veis pela modula‡Æo e intensidade da ZCAS 91: FDB-20021019 MFN: 11384 1: SID/SCD 2: 9641 3: INPE-9641-NTE/354 4: ETES 5: MP 6: m 7: [07] 17: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais 18: SCD-1: 10 anos (1993-2003) 38: [CD-ROM] 40: Pt 41: Pt 41: En 42: 58: DIR 62: INPE 64: <2003> 68: NTC 76: ENGENHARIA E TECNOLOGIA ESPACIAL 87: SCD-1 87: Programa Espacial Brasileiro 87: hist¢ria 83: No dia 9 de fevereiro pr¢ximo vindouro o SCD-1 estar  completando 10 anos de opera‡Æo em ¢rbita. Projetado para uma vida £til de 1 ano, o SCD-1, que foi totalmente projetado, fabricado e testado aqui no nosso pa¡s, representa um dos mais importantes marcos da hist¢ria do Programa Espacial Brasileiro. O in¡cio da opera‡Æo do SCD-1 em ¢rbita marcou, tamb‚m, o in¡cio da opera‡Æo do Sistema de Coleta de Dados nacional. Com mais de 500 plataformas de coleta de dados espalhadas pelo territ¢rio nacional, este sistema conta hoje com mais de 80 usu rios e presta servi‡os £nicos e fundamentais a diversas  reas, notadamente …s de meteorologia e monitoramento hidrol¢gico. O pioneirismo do programa SCD-1 foi igualmente importante no que se refere … transferˆncia de tecnologia e ao incentivo para o desenvolvimento de tecnologias avan‡adas junto ao setor industrial. Se no in¡cio da fabrica‡Æo do SCD-1 cont vamos com um reduzido n£mero de ind£strias com condi‡äes de atuar na  rea espacial, hoje, por for‡a de diversas a‡äes de pol¡tica industrial, como a qualifica‡Æo de fornecedores, j  contamos com mais de duas dezenas. Acima de tudo, estes dez anos de opera‡Æo com sucesso do SCD-1 constitui-se num tributo aos nossos t‚cnicos, engenheiros e pesquisadores que empenharam parte de suas vidas profissionais nestes empreendimento que muito orgulha a n¢s todos do Inpe e a na‡Æo Assim sendo, nÆo poder¡amos deixar de passar esta ocasiÆo sem refletir sobre o passado e pensar sobre o futuro. A reflexÆo sobre o passado nos remete necessariamente a prestar nossa homenagem aos nossos colegas que nÆo mediram esfor‡os para, com competˆncia e dedica‡Æo, escreverem esta p gina de sucesso da hist¢ria de nosso programa espacial. Esta homenagem ‚ estendida tamb‚m aos nossos parceiros comerciais e industriais que, com a coragem t¡pica dos pioneiros, apostaram na transferˆncia de tecnologia como forma de expansÆo e de inova‡Æo em suas atividades 91: FDB-20030319 MFN: 11387 1: SID/SCD 2: 9706 3: INPE-9706-PRE/5301 4: CEA 5: S 6: as 7: [07] 10: Sahai, Yogeshwar 10: Kirchhoff, Volker Walter Johann Heinrich 10: Leme, Neusa Maria Paes 10: Casiccia, C. 12: Observations of UV-B radiation during biomass burning at Cuiaba, Brazil 14: 1979-1982 30: Advances in Space Research 31: 26 32: 12 40: En 41: En 42: 58: DAE 58: DGE 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 76: GEOFISICA ESPACIAL 88: biomass burning 88: ozone 82: 83: During the last few years, a network (6 stations)of Brewer spectrophotometers has been established in different ecosystems in South America by the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE). A Brewer spectrophotometer permits simultaneous observations of total ozone and UV-B radiation and is operational on a routine basis at Cuiaba (16 degreesS, 56 degreesW), Brazil, since 1991. Surface ozone is also measured at Cuiaba using UV ozone monitor since 1987. In this paper we present and discuss the simultaneous observations from these two instruments obtained in 1995. This study permits comparison of the observations during the biomass burning period (dry season)with the wet season. Although surface ozone levels were considerably higher during the biomass burning season, no effect on the total ozone column could be observed. The UV-B radiation, however, was significantly reduced due to absorption by biomass burning aerosols MFN: 11395 1: SID/SCD 4: ETES 5: MC 6: am 10: Nogueira, rica Cristina 10: Prado, Antonio Fernando Bertachini de Almeida 10: Winter, Othon Cabo 12: Campara‡Æo entre as diferentes abordagens de conceitos de esfera de influˆncia 18: Anais 40: Pt 41: Pt 42: 53: Semin rio de Incia‡Æo Cient¡fica do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (SICINPE 2001) 54: 7-8 ago. <2001> 56: SÆo Jos‚ dos Campos 57: BR 58: DMC 61: 64: <2001> 68: PRE 90: b 83: O conceito de esfera de influˆncia est  relacionado … t‚cnica de manobra gravitacionalmente assistida (Broucke, 1988), isto ‚, a regiÆo onde a atra‡Æo gravitacional de um corpo sobre outro corpo ‚ predominante, em rela‡Æo … atra‡Æo gravitacional de outros corpos. Neste trabalho, estudamos as diferentes abordagens de conceitos de esfera de influˆncia. De acordo com Prussing Conway (1993), Roy (1988)e Kaplan (1976)o conceito de esfera de influˆncia est  relacionado a regiÆo onde um corpo, perturbado por outros corpos, tem seu movimento fortemente influenciado por um desses corpos. Conforme a defini‡Æo de Yamakawa (1992)a distƒncia cr¡tica (limite da esfera de influˆncia)marca a fronteira onde a energia do problema de dois corpos, no problema restrito de trˆs corpos, ainda ‚ negativa, o que ‚ uma das condi‡äes para a captura gravitacional. Para Huang Innanen (1983)‚ a regiÆo cujo limite ‚ estabelecido pela estabilidade das ¢rbitas retr¢gradas. Em nosso trabalho, desenvolvemos uma t‚cnica para caracterizar a esfera de influˆncia a ser utilizada em problemas do tipo "Swing-by", onde monitoramos numericamente a energia do problema de dois corpos durante um processo de passagem pr¢ximo de uma part¡cula por um determinado planeta. Assim sendo, a esfera de influˆncia tem dependˆncia na velocidade relativa entre os corpos. Desta maneira determinamos empiricamente valores de esferas de influˆncia. Numa compara‡Æo com as abordagens encontradas na literatura sÆo mostradas as condi‡äes em que os v rios modelos sÆo v lidos. Os resultados num‚ricos mostram que para o caso de ¢rbitas pr¢ximas que se interceptam nenhum modelo te¢rico de esfera de influˆncia pode ser adotado de maneira satisfat¢ria 91: FDB-20010608 92: FDB-MLR 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 110: 1 111: Arquivo 111: Aquisicao 111: Luiz A.N.Lorena 111: Fabio B. Lopes 111: Secretaria 111: NASA 111: BN 112: DED 112: SID 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: LAC 112: USA 112: RJ 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 120: D 113: 02/02/93 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: " 113: "