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>   The document type (see page ad 5) can be recognized from the citation key.

The year in the citation key is omitted whenever the document consists of a work-in-progress (see page ad 5). When the document is frozen (see fr command in [1] to freeze a repository), the current year is automatically added. For example, freezing this document in 1997 would result in the new citation key: Banon:1997:URD.

For compatibility reason with Windows95, when the citation key is used as a file name, the equal sign (=) is used in place of the colon (:).

For example, the host directory name of the a.bib reference file for this document is Banon==URD.

In turns, the host directory is stored under a directory called bib and placed at the same level as the doc directory.

For example, let R2 be the repository for this document, then the directory tree under R2 looks like:

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